

 <dammit-> dude? 

<dammit-> wats this 

<dammit> just an interesting convo 

<dammit> harmless text file dude 

<dammit-> ah right 

<dammit-> when 

<dammit> just right now 

<dammit-> lemme scan itr first 

<dammit> sheesh, ok man 

<dammit-> ah right 

<dammit-> i was in #metal anyway 

<dammit-> i saw everything 

<dammit> not our msg 

<dammit-> ah ok 

<dammit-> interesting 

<dammit-> august 8th? 

<dammit> can i send you an mp3? 

<dammit-> sure 

<dammit-> hey man nice 

<dammit-> Oddesey 

<dammit-> im reading the first one 

<dammit-> and its realy cool 

<dammit> take your time brother 

<dammit> i got tons more good, free reading 

<dammit-> :) thanx 

<dammit-> i like reading this kindda stuff 

<dammit-> ultra fun 

<dammit> gimme your email, ill send you the bulk of my stuff 


<dammit> cool 

<dammit-> :P 

* dammit- hits NOFX_-_August_8th 

* dammit- has quit IRC (Quit: Everything Sucks) 

* dammit- has joined #everythingsucks 

<dammit-> nofx is cool 

<dammit> the coolest 

<dammit-> is everything explain in this txt files? 

<dammit-> about augfust 8 

<dammit-> how can i help 

<dammit> forward my stuff out as much as you can 

<dammit-> sure 

<dammit-> i wish u big luck dude 

<dammit> thanks brother, do it for the cause 

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