

 Okay, I am going to make my daily thoughts offline so I can wait enough to where it won't compromise my security if I post.

Yesterday was such a blessed day.  I feel as if I have made a friend.  I manifested a like-mind to listen to and share stuff with, EXCHANGE knowledge!   My new friend has given me great links and it's yet ANOTHER chance occurrence.  I am so addicted to putting things to chance.  Behold what I made happen that day, read our entire text life!


12:00am  I really need to tell you about the magical evolution that has transpirad recently.  See, due to my incessant joke telling on undernet IRC channels, I am banned from most every channel, even #incest and #fuck-your-mom.  Anyway, I explain everything in the following conversation I magically manifested the other day.  

     I had gotten banned from #all-nite-cafe because I dared them to kick me, I think.  Since I had been welcome in the channel at first and people were appreciating my humor, the stupid ops got jealous and power hungry and banned me. 

      Since I thought I might have notoriety, I hopped on IRC on my Android, which has a different IP and hopped back in #all-nite-cafe on a different nick, just so I could see the user list so I can try and fish out a good conversation that will result in blog views.  

     The other day I had done this and the random nick who answered back when I msged her with a lewd joke, "Did you know what pigeons die after having sex?" was this other nice friend I made.  It doesn't matter what channel she was in but her nick is Lovely Tina.  I'll be sure to include the conversation.  

      Actually, I just read through it again and after I ask her if she minds me including our conversation, she opted not.  So okay.

     Well, anyway.  I tried fishing like that again and in the #bullshit channel list the nick TekWiz jumps out at me.  I tell myself, "Hey, I need some tech support regarding my new blog and if I can trust the stats or not.  So hopefully I would get a reply to my question so I msged him if he could give me any support and luckily he replied and I serendipitously connected with a like mind all the way from the other side of the country!  He's had a site for decades,  

     Here are all the links he shared with me in our great conversation which I have below.

Let me show you our entire text-life:

Session Start: Tue Aug 08 09:51:36 2023

[09:51.36] <TekWiz> ?

[09:51.37] ->> TekWiz is (realname)

[09:51.37] ->> TekWiz is on: +#Gulag #Mp3Passion #undernet #Starbucks +#political #allnitecafe #bookz +#RebelYell 

[09:51.37] ->> TekWiz using * (The Undernet Underworld)

[09:51.37] ->> TekWiz is logged in as TekWiz

[09:51.37] ->> TekWiz 1 secs seconds idle, signon time 3:05 AM 7/22/2023

[09:51.37] ->> TekWiz :End of /WHOIS list.

[09:51.50] <TekWiz> What kind of tech support?

[11:06.39] <wptmj> hi ty for replying

[11:07.08] <wptmj> i've got a really special blog that I'm sure is flying, but i cant trust the stats

[11:07.35] <wptmj> and ive read i have reason to doubt google anal

[11:09.18] <wptmj> trying out love the visit-replays) but i've barely got any views that way so not sure what to do

[11:09.48] <wptmj> also im paranoid my guestbook is being blocked somehow.  maybe getting a premiun account?

[11:09.57] <wptmj> its okay if you cant help, thanks anyway

[11:11.58] <wptmj> 11:11

[11:14.13] <TekWiz> Well, why are you sure it's "flying"?

[11:14.40] <wptmj> because when i hit refresh on my blogspot stats it's a way higher number

[11:14.44] <wptmj> so here's hoping

[11:15.07] <wptmj> ive made sure its not counting my own views, of course

[11:15.49] <wptmj> would you care to check it out?

[11:17.03] <TekWiz> Those could also be bots... I've had a blogspot for many years... Sure I can check it out, maybe I'll get some idea

[11:17.23] <TekWiz> I also host some sites, often the hits are bots, there are so many bots

[11:17.27] <wptmj> awesome, it's my life's work

[11:17.41] <wptmj> +,

[11:19.00] <wptmj> i have been an avid opinion-collector since 2002.  i'd love any feedback, please

[11:20.32] <wptmj> when you get the chance, its a lot

[11:21.15] <wptmj> in fact, asking random people for help on undernet is how my blog was born, kinda :]

[11:22.28] <TekWiz> It's cute, it's a small personal blog... It's a nice thing to show your friends. Sure I'll read through it

[11:23.07] <TekWiz> But if you want the general public to see it, these days you can't really expect that... It's super hard to promote anything on the web

[11:23.11] <wptmj> small for now, ::crossing fingers::

[11:23.14] <TekWiz> So I'm not sure what you're hoping for

[11:23.25] <TekWiz> Like I have a site for decades,

[11:23.30] <wptmj> systemic-virality ultimately :P

[11:23.32] <TekWiz> I also have a site

[11:23.52] <wptmj> you gotta shoot for the stars if you even want to get off the ground

[11:23.53] <TekWiz> I even have a blog I started years ago on Google...

[11:24.24] <TekWiz> Well it's easier to get a following on Twitter or Facebook, or YouTube, or TikTok than to get people to visit your site

[11:24.39] <TekWiz> I have extensive experience in this type of stuff

[11:24.50] <wptmj> great, i LOVE links

[11:25.00] <TekWiz> You need to give people the link specifically and they need to want to see it

[11:25.05] <wptmj> awesome, i love denying accidents! :P

[11:25.35] <TekWiz> Back in the beginning, like in the 90's blogs were hot, there wasn't much to see online

[11:25.51] <TekWiz> But now, the big players have kidnapped everyone lol

[11:26.06] <TekWiz> You could start a Facebook page and get some people to join

[11:26.07] <wptmj> sometimes i troll in channels, wait for cues from the dialog, tell them i have those and better jokes, then link them

[11:26.13] <TekWiz> It all depends what your objective is

[11:26.25] <wptmj> relevant-to-chat jokes are always welcome

[11:26.29] <TekWiz> Well yeah you can get people like that, directly as I was saying

[11:26.42] <wptmj> or, i spam for peace in person too

[11:26.45] <wptmj> im a story teller

[11:27.15] <wptmj> i got little papers with my blog address i litter all over town

[11:27.25] <wptmj> i'm a bit obsessed :]

[11:27.27] <TekWiz> Well in fact my friend wrote a book about his life

[11:27.38] <TekWiz> I just saw him yesterday and wrote him a review

[11:27.44] <TekWiz> I need to post it, he did like my review

[11:27.44] <wptmj> link please

[11:28.24] <TekWiz> +,***8-10-23 12:52pm I have started reading this book, here's a great excerpt so far.

[11:28.43] <wptmj> perfect, right up my alley

[11:28.55] <TekWiz> It's a collection of stories

[11:29.15] <TekWiz> Here is my review that I will post

[11:29.17] <TekWiz> If you're reading this review, you're probably trying to decide whether you should bother reading Jay's first book, and before I say anything else, I have to be honest and reveal that I know Jay, he's my friend, and I've known him for most of my life. I met him in my last year at Teaneck High School, and we've kept in touch ever since. In fact, I was actually a witness to several of the experiences Jay 

[11:29.17] <TekWiz> discusses in the book. In fact I actually read some of the stories before Jay was sure he was going to publish them.

[11:29.17] <TekWiz> So I now see that Jay spared no effort in threading all his remarkable stories together into a complete work, and after reading the book, I realized that he has managed to produce a remarkable, powerful, meaningful and fascinating testimonial which should speak to anybody who is thoughtful and inquisitive about the meaning of life, the joys, disappointments, difficulties, challenges, experiences, 

[11:29.21] <TekWiz> interactions, and everything that each of us experiences in the course of our lives. 

[11:29.23] <TekWiz> The words "mysterious" and "miracles" in the title are significant as they refer to what we might be familiar with as "Strange Coincidences" or "Synchronicity." I am always fascinated by these strange happenings, and Jay's stories include several. You might be amazed and they might provide yet another confirmation of a suspicion you may have that there is more going on behind the scenes.

[11:29.24] <wptmj> i hope he doesnt mind if i paste some on my blog.

[11:29.30] <TekWiz> Jay's stories let us see clearly how our lives are not our own, they are mostly a result of our interactions with everyone around us. Our lives are like waves which constantly interact and affect us and others in sometimes miraculous and mysterious ways.

[11:29.34] <wptmj> ill give credit

[11:29.34] <TekWiz> Jay tells his stories very honestly, in a manner which anyone can easily empathize and identify with. It's a quick and easy read but what you get from this work is invaluable, something you will never forget for the rest of your life. After you read this collection of touching and heartfelt stories, you might even have new realizations about your life, see things in a new way, be more hopeful, insightful, 

[11:29.39] <TekWiz> thoughtful, and maybe even get a new lease on life!

[11:29.41] <TekWiz> I also highly recommend this book to anybody who is on dialysis or knows someone who has or had to go through this unpleasant ordeal. You will learn what it's like to be on dialysis and even how to find a donor. Thanks for writing this book Jay, it was a true pleasure to read!

[11:29.45] <wptmj> lemme peruse

[11:29.45] <TekWiz> If you want to talk about it in your blog I'm sure he'll be thrilled

[11:29.56] <TekWiz> But he would love a good review of course

[11:30.08] <wptmj> as would i :]

[11:30.28] <wptmj> and i PROMISE i will

[11:30.35] <wptmj> ill let you see the page

[11:30.40] <TekWiz> Mu name's Jerry BTW

[11:30.53] <wptmj> great to meet you

[11:31.02] <TekWiz> Nice to meet you too!

[11:31.03] <wptmj> thank you for your support :]

[11:31.22] <TekWiz> So where are you from Victor?

[11:31.25] <TekWiz> You are welcome!

[11:31.27] <wptmj> you wouldnt happen to be a race car driver, by any chance?

[11:31.31] <wptmj> :P

[11:31.42] <TekWiz> Not at all lol... I don't even have a driving license

[11:31.48] <TekWiz> I'm from the USA, Teaneck NJ

[11:31.52] <wptmj> lol good cars are death machines

[11:32.00] <TekWiz> Yeah I hate cars lol

[11:32.13] <TekWiz> I'm lucky not to have to drive, I ride my bike to shop

[11:32.21] <TekWiz> Or walk

[11:32.23] <wptmj> cars are stunting human evolution

[11:32.31] <wptmj> we have two legs for a reason

[11:32.41] <TekWiz> Yeah they are a horror, death boxes

[11:32.52] <wptmj> i had to learn the hard way

[11:33.01] <TekWiz> No exercise, pollution and dangerous

[11:33.19] <wptmj> they've made everybody lazy,impatient

[11:33.22] <wptmj> and overweight

[11:33.38] <wptmj> why are we in such a hurry?

[11:33.44] <wptmj> good things come!

[11:34.07] <TekWiz> Yeah it's a horror, I'm so happy I don't need to drive

[11:34.07] <wptmj> ok lemme keep reading

[11:36.48] <wptmj> i am sincerly excited to read some of his stories.  it's going to suck if i have to buy the book tho

[11:37.04] <wptmj> do you have the pdf?

[11:37.42] <TekWiz> BTW, here is my old blog: +,

[11:38.01] <wptmj> +,

[11:38.09] <wptmj> theres my head injuries story

[11:39.10] <TekWiz> Thanks, I'll read it!

[11:39.26] <wptmj> ill look through all of your stuff thoroughly eventually.  Hell, i'm tempted to put this convo on my blog with it's wealth of signposts

[11:40.02] <TekWiz> That's a blog I started like over 20 years ago I believe...

[11:40.41] <wptmj> to answer you, i was born in puerto rico and grew up in San Antonio, TX

[11:40.53] <TekWiz> You can post anything you wish, but be sure to remove anything regarding book piracy lol

[11:40.57] <wptmj> have lived in cali since 2012

[11:41.03] <TekWiz> Ahhh! Thank you!

[11:41.06] <TekWiz> Cool!

[11:41.09] <wptmj> ok, i will heed

[11:41.12] <TekWiz> Where are you in Cali?

[11:41.23] <wptmj> the states toilet

[11:41.31] <wptmj> give you three guesses

[11:41.46] <TekWiz> Well it's a big state lol

[11:42.00] <wptmj> yeah, our reputation precedes us

[11:42.15] <TekWiz> I heard San Diego is great

[11:42.33] <wptmj> i live where all the meth comes from

[11:42.44] <wptmj> my older sis lives there

[11:42.47] <wptmj> sd

[11:43.04] <TekWiz> I know someone in the Ares chat was from rancho cucamonga

[11:43.07] <wptmj> i'm in methdesto

[11:43.08] <TekWiz> That's a funny name

[11:43.21] <wptmj> right, like tucumcari, NM

[11:43.43] <wptmj> where are you?  age?

[11:44.05] <TekWiz> Lol modesto Ca?

[11:44.07] <TekWiz> I'm in NJ

[11:44.10] <wptmj> yup

[11:44.20] <wptmj> oh yeah, you mentioned i think

[11:44.36] <TekWiz> I'm 56 but I think I'm like a child lol, I never grew up lol

[11:44.49] <TekWiz> My age reflects little about me

[11:44.49] <wptmj> thats right!  you can grow young too!

[11:45.05] <TekWiz> All I know is I lived with my mom and I lost her in 2014

[11:45.19] <TekWiz> I never had a full time job either

[11:45.29] <wptmj> kids have ALWAYS known better.  we have the simple advantage of learning from our parents mistakes without having to make them ourselves

[11:45.31] <TekWiz> I lived in the same apartment for 40+ years

[11:45.37] <wptmj> we have our own more modern mistakes to learn from

[11:46.03] <wptmj> I WILL KILL AND DIE FOR MY MOTHER

[11:46.08] <wptmj> :]

[11:46.10] <TekWiz> Children seem to be more intelligent and then as they grow older the lose everything

[11:46.14] <TekWiz> The become robots

[11:46.31] <TekWiz> I miss my mom greatly every single day

[11:46.43] <wptmj> there's genius in every single child before it's stolen from them by society

[11:46.47] <TekWiz> It's the worst thing that ever happened to me

[11:46.48] <wptmj> and "education"

[11:46.57] <TekWiz> Yeah society wants robots

[11:47.17] <wptmj> actually, let me show you the steps i am taking to avenge my mother

[11:47.19] <wptmj> teehee

[11:47.38] <wptmj> i am ratting out my "father" with my blog

[11:48.00] <wptmj> i even named his page aptly, hehe.

[11:48.05] <wptmj> +,

[11:48.42] <TekWiz> So Modesto is very far from San Diego, it's very far north

[11:48.55] <wptmj> i even found pictures of HIS mom online!  he's going to rue the day he named me Victor. :]

[11:49.07] <TekWiz> Hahaha, yeah my father is a horror

[11:49.13] <wptmj> yup, close to stockton another shithold

[11:49.58] <TekWiz> Jerry is a name I chose from Tom & Jerry

[11:50.09] <TekWiz> My father is a despicable man

[11:50.11] <TekWiz> A criminal

[11:50.24] <wptmj> +,

[11:50.37] <TekWiz> We had to escape from Israel to get rid of him

[11:50.46] <wptmj> haha yes! fuck him and what name he gave you

[11:50.59] <wptmj> i love it

[11:51.07] <TekWiz> He gave me a name "David" as my middle name, but I never ever used it

[11:51.08] <wptmj> i am changing my las name myself

[11:51.23] <TekWiz> I don't like it, my mom did not like it

[11:51.39] <TekWiz> My last name is another story, but I chose the name Diamond

[11:51.44] <TekWiz> From the phone book

[11:51.58] <TekWiz> I almost chose the name "Cherry" but my friend, I was about 11 then, said no

[11:52.01] <wptmj> ooh, i am addicted to randomness myself

[11:52.07] <TekWiz> Jerry Cherry... I think it would have been cute

[11:52.11] <TekWiz> But it's not my legal name

[11:52.12] <wptmj> thanks for having that nick

[11:53.10] <wptmj> How does Jesus make his coffee?  

[11:53.15] <wptmj> Hebrews it.

[11:53.18] <wptmj> :P

[11:53.23] <TekWiz> Like shoes lol

[11:53.29] <TekWiz> Lol that's funny

[11:53.33] <TekWiz> I've heard that one

[11:53.58] <wptmj> yeah, it's a free joke

[11:53.59] <TekWiz> yeah a lot of christians tend to forget Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi

[11:54.04] <wptmj> but you still loled :P

[11:54.12] <TekWiz> Sure it's a classic

[11:54.18] <wptmj> yup

[11:54.58] <TekWiz> My friend's father, Jay, also terrible father, he mentions him in the book

[11:55.04] <TekWiz> Tries not to be too rough

[11:55.17] <TekWiz> His mom, kinda crappy too

[11:55.18] <TekWiz> Poor guy

[11:55.55] <wptmj> things are going to get better for everyone soon, or i'll died trying :]

[11:55.59] <wptmj> -d

[11:56.12] <TekWiz> I'm looking forward to reading your blog articles

[11:56.21] <TekWiz> I mostly listen to WNYC all day

[11:56.24] <wptmj> i dont want to live in the concentration camps they have planned for us

[11:56.39] <wptmj> so this is worth it to me

[11:56.40] <TekWiz> We have a global warming problem

[11:56.54] <wptmj> not at all!  thats part of the deception too

[11:57.25] <wptmj> i am sure youve heard most fo george carlins bits

[11:57.36] <wptmj> but you reminded me of one in particular

[11:58.16] <wptmj> +

[12:00.11] <TekWiz> Lol I'll check it out, probably have

[12:42.04] <wptmj> it was refreshing chatting with you, i gotta split, please email me if you can or give me yours.

[12:44.11] <TekWiz> Sure same here! Pleasure! I will read your blog, I will email you! My email is

[13:59.57] *** Server disconnected on Capelle.NL.EU.Undernet.Org

[14:01.08] wptmj resolved to

[14:08.33] <wptmj> Hi, Jerry.  are you good at finding movies?

[14:09.05] <wptmj> i really want to see Pretty Bird 2008

[14:25.16] <wptmj> i hope jay doesn't mind my "spiritual" beliefs

[14:34.12] <wptmj> i just got done with the very foreward.  i cant wait to read this book

[14:34.25] <wptmj> foreword*

[14:34.56] <TekWiz> Oh yeah I'm very good at finding movies

[14:35.12] <TekWiz> The book is very spiritual, he's not a religious guy actually

[14:35.25] <wptmj> if you are in contact with jay, please show him my blog and ask him if he minds being associated with mine

[14:35.36] <wptmj> i feel that would only be respectful of his mission

[14:36.33] <TekWiz> Well I don't know if he'd be interested. Read his book first and see what you think, you'll also learn more about him

[14:36.38] <wptmj> i think god is the devil, demiurge, etc

[14:36.39] <TekWiz> So this movie: +

[14:37.04] <wptmj> i think god is the simple personification of LOVE

[14:37.18] <wptmj> and love aint an imperfect person

[14:38.11] <wptmj> the same god we are supposed to trust is really he devil, IMO

[14:38.12] <TekWiz> I saw a good movie the other day Patterson's Wager

[14:38.12] <TekWiz> +

[14:38.22] <wptmj> god pretends to be love

[14:38.33] <TekWiz> That's exactly what I decided after I lost my mom

[14:38.42] <TekWiz> I decided that love is the most powerful force in the world

[14:39.09] <TekWiz> But I also decided that "god" is everything, and us too

[14:39.23] <TekWiz> The whole universe and us, it's all "god"

[14:40.02] <TekWiz> You can watch Patterson's Wager here:

[14:40.02] <TekWiz> +,

[14:40.16] <wptmj> cool, i was digging around for it

[14:40.19] <TekWiz> Just realize while you watch that it discusses two points in time

[14:40.31] <wptmj> thought tokyvids might have it

[14:40.32] <TekWiz> WHen the girl is young and when she's grown up

[14:40.47] <TekWiz> They actresses look very different

[14:40.57] <TekWiz> So it's confusing for a long time till you realize this lol

[14:41.00] <wptmj> tokyvids got wargames :]

[14:41.34] <TekWiz> Amazon has FreeVee with ads but you can skip ads in advance lol

[14:41.39] <wptmj> hooray! movie night with the wife, ty

[14:41.58] <TekWiz> Yeah it's a small production but it was fun to watch, very good

[14:42.20] <wptmj> i dont even want to see a trailer or know what its about

[14:42.25] <wptmj> i love surprises

[14:42.31] <TekWiz> The ads on Tubi for this movie were only seconds

[14:42.39] <TekWiz> Yeah I don't like trailers

[14:42.42] <TekWiz> I like to just watch

[14:59.13] <wptmj> i'm sure you've read the note from the rich before, right?

[15:00.03] <wptmj> i memorized that fifteen minutes after i found it twenty years ago.  people LOVE IT.  it's one of my favorite pieces to orate

[15:00.19] <wptmj> +,

[15:00.20] <TekWiz> The note from the rich? Never heard of it.

[15:00.28] <wptmj> behold :]

[15:00.54] <TekWiz> Oh! lol! Have you ever heard of "Mark Perkel"???

[15:01.00] <TekWiz> Marc Perkel

[15:01.09] <wptmj> nope

[15:01.35] <TekWiz> Oh no, he has passed away but he called himself "the most dangerous mind on the internet"

[15:01.49] <wptmj> purrrrrrrfect :P

[15:01.49] <TekWiz> +,

[15:02.12] <wptmj> teehee

[15:02.17] <TekWiz> His creation:

[15:02.17] <TekWiz> +,


[15:02.19] <TekWiz> xAhGKABGArCAgYQABgeGA3CAggQABgIGB4YDcICChAAGAgYHhgNGA8&sclient=gws-wiz

[15:02.24] <TekWiz> Ooops

[15:02.24] <TekWiz> +,

[15:02.31] <TekWiz> Church of Reality!!!!!!

[15:03.00] <wptmj> what a goldmine you have become for me :]

[15:03.15] <wptmj> the truth is coming!

[15:03.55] <TekWiz> Lots of interesting stuff

[15:03.56] <TekWiz> +,

[15:04.02] <wptmj> yeehaw

[15:04.22] <TekWiz> Be sure to read this

[15:04.23] <TekWiz> +,

[15:04.31] <TekWiz> People are Herd Animals

[15:04.31] <TekWiz> Reason vs. Instinct

[15:04.47] <TekWiz> Listen to WNYC also like 1A this afternoon

[15:04.57] <TekWiz> About the nuclear bomb and New Mexico

[15:05.24] <TekWiz> +,

[15:05.36] <TekWiz> If you’ve seen “Oppenheimer,” you’re probably familiar with the historic Trinity test. That was the codename for the first detonation of the atomic bomb model that would later be used by the U.S. army in Japan

[15:06.56] <wptmj> yes, i am vaguely fam

[15:07.29] <wptmj> ill be back later, gonna go toke it ip with the wife, thanks for helping me educate!

[15:07.46] <TekWiz> Enjoy!

[15:07.50] <TekWiz> YVW!

[15:08.22] <TekWiz> Yeah be sure to not be "absent" on the PC lol

[15:09.10] <wptmj> ill try not, i cant afford another d-hall

[15:09.12] <wptmj> :P

[15:14.07] <TekWiz> d-hall?

[17:23.24] <wptmj> detention hall

[17:23.24] *** Server disconnected on Pipera.RO.EU.Undernet.Org

[17:24.16] <wptmj> detention hall, from being "absent" to "class"

[17:24.30] <wptmj> just punning around

[17:31.26] <wptmj> tomorrow i will dedicate hours if i need to to make a section with everything you've linked me to, so do share more if you've got more

[17:31.58] <wptmj> ill give you final approval before i post

[17:33.34] <wptmj> - give you + get your

[17:33.46] <TekWiz> Ohhh lol, detention hall rofl

[17:33.58] <TekWiz> I'm glad you like my links! :)

[17:34.22] <wptmj> there's nothing not to like when i live everything up to chance :]

[17:34.38] <wptmj> - live + leave

[18:07.57] <TekWiz> Hahaha, yeah live the chance! :)

[19:48.50] *** Server disconnected on Miami.FL.US.Undernet.Org

[19:50.01] wptmj resolved to

[21:07.09] *** Server disconnected on

[22:56.45] *** Server disconnected on Pipera.RO.EU.Undernet.Org

[22:57.56] wptmj resolved to

[23:06.17] <TekWiz> Hahaha, Note From the Rich, very good and short, makes the point very clearly. Obviously was written with 100% sarcasm to expose the way society is being run by the powerful. I wonder what year it was written but it is true today as it ever was.

[23:20.38] <TekWiz> Also very good story about your head injuries. You really write very well! It was engaging. Sorry you went through that but it's great you have such a positive attitude. Life can be tough, I know, I am a Leukemia survivor, I was 26, 1994, and I am very lucky to be alive. My chance was only around 35 to 40% to live.

[23:25.42] *** Server disconnected on

Session Start: Wed Aug 09 06:23:39 2023

[06:23.39] <TekWiz> Good day! :) Looking forward to read your piece about your father too!

[06:23.40] ->> TekWiz is (realname)

[06:23.40] ->> TekWiz is on: +#Gulag #Mp3Passion #undernet #Starbucks +#political #allnitecafe #bookz +#RebelYell 

[06:23.40] ->> TekWiz using * (The Undernet Underworld)

[06:23.40] ->> TekWiz is logged in as TekWiz

[06:23.40] ->> TekWiz 0 secs seconds idle, signon time 3:05 AM 7/22/2023

[06:23.40] ->> TekWiz :End of /WHOIS list.

[06:24.14] <TekWiz> I got up a bit earlier as I got to be a bit earlier and couldn't sleep more. Maybe I'll feel like resting a bit more later

[06:24.20] <wptmj> great!  it's what really makes my blog unique

[06:24.33] <TekWiz> So do you still feel you have any effect from those two accidents?

[06:25.26] <wptmj> last night i watched the first hour or pattersons,  but fell asleep.  we will finish it today  its so good so far!

[06:25.58] <wptmj> and regarding my head dings, just a random minor tremor in my right arm, THATS IT

[06:26.21] <wptmj> my accidents crashed me right into THE NOW!

[06:26.28] <wptmj> just like jay

[06:27.45] <wptmj> i'm six foot six, kia sephia.  i still, do this day, have never broken a bone in my body

[06:27.53] <wptmj> -d +t

[06:29.45] <TekWiz> I had heart surgery to repair my mitral valve in 2002, with a titanium ring. After the surgery, to this day, very rarely, often in the morning I get a "halo sparkling star" in my field of vision for about 20 minutes and the star grows bigger and disappears... It might be some neurological effect from being under during the surgery lol

[06:30.37] <TekWiz> I'm 5'11" and I weight always 120 lbs, I'm unusually skinny... People always tell me I need "more meat" on my bones but I'm naturally an "Ectomorph" just like my mom was

[06:31.24] <TekWiz> If you want to see what I look like you can see me standing near a fallen tree on my FB:

[06:31.34] <wptmj> yeah, im 6'6

[06:31.38] <wptmj> 175lbs

[06:31.41] <TekWiz> So I used up 2 lives out of 9 so far lol

[06:31.48] <wptmj> i'm not skinny, i'm streamlined!

[06:31.59] <TekWiz> Yeah you're pretty big compared to me lol

[06:32.12] <wptmj> if i'm skinny, then i'm bruce lee skinny :]

[06:32.25] <wptmj> hya!!

[06:32.26] <TekWiz> Yeah you are pretty lean I'd say

[06:32.28] <wptmj> :P

[06:32.53] <wptmj> how am i supposed to gain any weight when i walk so much? :]

[06:33.29] <TekWiz> Well I'm lazy I don't get much walking and I really should, for the health importance

[06:33.54] <TekWiz> Jay walks a lot every day these days, he told me he walks around the mall for like hours sometimes

[06:34.00] <TekWiz> Maybe that's too much

[06:34.35] <wptmj> and i just started Unorthodox Therapy, page 39

[06:35.05] <wptmj> do you know what a rebounder is?

[06:36.17] <TekWiz> No what is that?

[06:36.41] <wptmj> a small exercise trampoloine

[06:37.16] <TekWiz> Ahhhh yeah makes sense

[06:37.21] <wptmj> bouncing on one greatly stimulates your 

[06:37.29] <wptmj> shit whats the system again

[06:38.14] <TekWiz> Balance? lol

[06:38.23] <wptmj> lymphatic!

[06:38.40] <wptmj> your bodys garbage disposal

[06:38.45] <TekWiz> Ahhh wow

[06:39.05] <TekWiz> I listen to all day, it's my local NPR affiliate in NYC

[06:39.11] <wptmj> the only exercise thats lower impact is swimming

[06:39.28] <wptmj> just a little bounce can be beneficial

[06:39.47] <wptmj> shake up your body and it heals itself

[06:39.47] <TekWiz> They have an online stream... Now the BBC is on now for the hour, then Brian Lehrer is on at 10 AM daily, he's a really famous host, everybody (most) love him

[06:40.19] <TekWiz> I heard wall sits and planks are now discovered as the best way to maintain your blood pressure

[06:40.28] <TekWiz> This was in the news last week

[06:40.34] <wptmj> like i say on my blog.  the revolution wont be in the mainstream

[06:40.52] <wptmj> the internet is the next evil evolution of the mainstream

[06:41.06] <wptmj> and there are actors there paid to misinform us

[06:41.15] <wptmj> just like the media always has

[06:41.38] <wptmj> i figure

[06:41.50] <wptmj> do you know what a lancet fluke is?

[06:42.42] <wptmj> heres a short vid i went through the trouble of typing up the into to

[06:42.48] <wptmj> +,

[06:43.02] <wptmj> its a good read/listen

[06:44.23] <TekWiz> That's why I listen to NPR (and the BBC) because it's listener sponsored and is the most reliable

[06:44.42] <TekWiz> I don't like sound bites other, I like in-depth reporting

[06:44.50] <TekWiz> either*

[06:45.37] <wptmj> just always be cautious, their plan is millenia in the making

[06:45.42] <wptmj> they are damn crafty

[06:45.46] <TekWiz> Allison Steward (of MTV fame) has a show "All Of It" after Brian Lehrer, but now she's off for a few weeks as she donated her kidney to her sister!

[06:45.56] <TekWiz> Stewart*

[06:46.29] <TekWiz> Well NPR and BBC are very honest sources, they aren't biased

[06:46.51] <wptmj> remember, nothing is as it appears

[06:46.59] <TekWiz> The reporting and shows are all very solid and really give you a clear picture of what's going on

[06:47.30] <TekWiz> Well appearance isn't what you look for, you need to dig deeper of course

[06:47.44] <wptmj> very true dat

[06:48.36] <TekWiz> Like the show on NPR called "Reveal" as they say "Remember, there is always more to the story"

[06:48.38] <TekWiz> +

[06:48.52] <wptmj> ok, i'm gonna take some dabs and start your sect

[06:49.14] <TekWiz> Like this will blow your mind: +,

[06:49.31] <wptmj> ::cough-cough::

[06:49.34] <wptmj> :P

[06:50.16] <wptmj> ohhhhhhhh yeah, right up my alley

[06:50.31] <TekWiz> Or this report about how they don't teach kids to read

[06:50.31] <TekWiz> +,

[06:50.38] <TekWiz> What a scandal

[06:50.52] <TekWiz> I'm lucky I had no problems learning to read, very lucky

[06:51.07] <TekWiz> Follow the money and greed

[06:51.20] <TekWiz> I listened to all the segments

[06:51.45] <TekWiz> Where else do you find such extensive reporting

[06:52.31] <wptmj> that reminds me howard beale from Network(1978)

[06:52.43] <wptmj> i am sure youve seen it

[06:52.54] <TekWiz> Also "More Perfect" about the Supreme Court, season 4

[06:52.55] <TekWiz> +,

[06:53.14] <TekWiz> I am not sure if I saw it, I think I heard of it though

[06:53.48] <TekWiz> Oh I see new episodes on More Perfect

[06:54.05] <wptmj> +,illusions%20we're%20spinning%20here!,

[06:54.20] <TekWiz> It's related to On The Media every week

[06:54.45] <TekWiz> They discuss the media: +,

[06:54.48] <TekWiz> Great show

[06:55.09] <TekWiz> "WNYC’s weekly investigation into how the media shapes our worldview."

[06:55.15] <TekWiz> It's a NY station produced show

[06:55.28] <wptmj> if you havent seen network please look at that last link

[06:55.30] <wptmj> its great!

[06:55.31] <TekWiz> This is particularly good if you are critical of the media

[06:55.39] <wptmj> theyve been dropping hints forever!

[06:56.37] <TekWiz> Oh yeah I will listen to it, it's only 4 min

[06:56.40] <wptmj> "So, you listen to me. Listen to me!

[06:56.40] <wptmj> Television is not the truth. Television's a goddamn amusement park. Television is a circus, a carnival, a traveling troupe of acrobats, storytellers, dancers, singers, jugglers, sideshow freaks, lion tamers, and football players.

[06:56.41] <wptmj>  We're in the boredom-killing business."

[06:57.04] <TekWiz> Because less than 3 percent of you people read books.

[06:57.04] <TekWiz>  Because less than 15 percent of you read newspapers.

[06:57.47] <wptmj> lol i was about to copy and paste those exact lines!

[06:57.50] <TekWiz> I heard that ass referendum in Ohio to make it that you need a super majority to pass referendums FAILED!!! Hahahaha!

[06:58.12] <wptmj> the gubment is an act

[06:58.21] <TekWiz> The Pubees wanted to make it so you'd need 60% and signatures from all 88 counties, instead of 44 counties

[06:58.31] <TekWiz> The voters turned that down

[06:58.56] <TekWiz> They held a special election in August, they even have some rule about never holding such voting in August

[06:59.04] <TekWiz> So they even didn't follow their own rules

[06:59.28] <TekWiz> This is in anticipation of an abortion referendum coming up in November

[06:59.48] <TekWiz> So they were hoping to circumvent it, no go you little crooks and thieves

[07:00.19] <wptmj> check this song out, i make karaoke videos

[07:00.24] <wptmj> +,

[07:00.26] <TekWiz> Brian Lehrer just started with it now

[07:00.33] <TekWiz> He said it lost by 14 points

[07:00.50] <TekWiz> 43% wanted to do it and 57% said NO!

[07:01.05] <TekWiz> I will check it out later thanks

[07:01.25] <TekWiz> Try to listen to BL on +,, just click on the live stream

[07:01.35] <TekWiz> The FM stream

[07:01.58] <wptmj> WORLD PEACE THROUGH MUSIC  +,

[07:03.01] <wptmj> please dont take offense when i talk shit about the "white man" and "gringos" :P

[07:03.35] <wptmj> i do that for mere effect

[07:03.46] <wptmj> i'm a shock-value master :]

[07:04.00] <TekWiz> Lol, hahahaha, yeah white people have caused much mayhem on this planet

[07:04.12] <TekWiz> They think they are superior

[07:04.41] <wptmj> +,

[07:04.58] <wptmj> the white man call himself civilized

[07:05.02] <wptmj> cuz he know how to take ova

[07:05.07] <wptmj> :P

[07:07.35] <TekWiz> Yeah so civilized they burn up the planet! :D

[07:07.48] <wptmj> not if WE can help it

[07:07.49] <TekWiz> Poison everyone!

[07:08.02] <TekWiz> Commit mass murder!

[07:08.03] <wptmj> me and you!

[07:08.25] <TekWiz> Well yeah we are the idealists

[07:08.27] <wptmj> no!  all we have to do is have the kids stand up and be counted!

[07:08.31] <wptmj> THERE'S MORE OF US!

[07:08.56] <wptmj> all we wil be well for all

[07:09.05] <wptmj> all will be well for all*

[07:09.09] <TekWiz> Well yeah kids are doing a lot too they are smart

[07:09.31] <wptmj> its the education system that's keeping us stupid!

[07:09.36] <wptmj> the motherfucking irony!

[07:09.52] <TekWiz> Yeah they teach the wrong things in school

[07:09.57] <TekWiz> College is better

[07:10.06] <TekWiz> But still they don't teach life skills

[07:10.09] <TekWiz> Do you have kids?

[07:10.14] <wptmj> experience is the true teacher

[07:10.24] <wptmj> no

[07:10.27] <wptmj> purposely

[07:10.42] <wptmj> not until the world is worth growing up in

[07:10.59] <wptmj> i have chihuahuas

[07:11.02] <wptmj> :]

[07:11.11] <TekWiz> Yeah I also just don't see bringing kids into this crazy world

[07:11.35] <TekWiz> It's like punishment, why subject anyone to this?

[07:12.00] <TekWiz> I don't get why women get pregnant so much, what's wrong with them?

[07:12.15] <wptmj> right

[07:12.24] <TekWiz> Unwanted pregnancies too, it's crazy... really reckless

[07:12.27] <wptmj> look, i taught my son Yoda how to sing




[07:12.41] <wptmj> ok that didnt work

[07:13.07] <TekWiz> Well it can probably be decoded with a base64 decoder

[07:13.10] <TekWiz> Or a plugin lol

[07:13.12] <wptmj> ill email you the pics instead, its cute AG

[07:13.18] <wptmj> AF

[07:18.34] <wptmj> sent

[07:20.38] <TekWiz> Hahahaha! :)

[07:20.41] <TekWiz> Cute!

[07:21.14] <wptmj> yeah, my two puppies are sooo much more low maintenance than human kids

[07:21.20] <wptmj> :P

[07:21.36] <wptmj> and i WILL NEVER abandon them, like some human fathers

[07:22.02] <wptmj> i'm gonna weed all psycopaths out!

[07:22.12] <wptmj> and misinformants!

[07:23.07] <wptmj> yeah, i lucked out catching those pics while he was yawning :]

[07:23.36] <TekWiz> Yeah dogs are men's best friends! :D

[07:24.03] <TekWiz> I helped my friend find a new dog after her beloved ollie died at the end of last year

[07:24.08] <TekWiz> She has a new dog Nala

[07:24.17] <TekWiz> I'll have to show you the photo gallery

[07:24.25] <TekWiz> She still grieves over Ollie

[07:24.58] <wptmj> i accidentally ran over my wife's 14 year old shitzu :[

[07:25.11] <wptmj> but she was old and suffering anyway

[07:25.44] <wptmj> and lo and behold, i manifested my two siblings off of craigslist

[07:25.56] <wptmj> to fill the void left by the loss of cookie

[07:26.19] <wptmj> i even made her a memorial on my blog RIP COOKIE

[07:26.25] <wptmj> let me show you

[07:27.07] <TekWiz> :( Awwwwww

[07:27.30] <TekWiz> I found Nala by sheer luck after trying a lot on petfinder

[07:27.37] <TekWiz> My friend had to be approved

[07:27.47] <TekWiz> It wasn't easy

[07:28.06] <TekWiz> She paid like $800 adoption fees

[07:28.22] <wptmj> +,

[07:28.32] <TekWiz> But she was rejected by one organization stupidly

[07:28.46] <wptmj> we only paid $300 for them

[07:28.50] <wptmj> total score

[07:29.23] <TekWiz> I made a photo book for her a tribute to Ollie, I still haven't printed it

[07:29.31] <TekWiz> Nice!

[07:29.42] <TekWiz> He looks a lot like Ollie

[07:29.53] <wptmj> she looks like a little ewok

[07:30.04] <TekWiz> Ollie was a maltese

[07:31.01] <wptmj> the boy was the only shorthair in a litter of five

[07:31.10] <wptmj> the girls got flowing longer hair

[07:31.17] <wptmj> she looks just like a cat!

[07:31.28] <wptmj> so i named her Kitty!

[07:33.13] <wptmj> +,

[07:33.21] <TekWiz> Here is Nala: +,

[07:33.39] <TekWiz> Hahahaha so cute! :D

[07:33.54] <TekWiz> Looks like a person

[07:34.01] <wptmj> OMG HOW EFFIN' CUTE

[07:34.20] <wptmj> i LOVE her red LOVE shirt

[07:34.21] <TekWiz> Yeah like a therapist

[07:34.48] <wptmj> +,

[07:34.50] <wptmj> :]

[07:37.42] <wptmj> have you ever been arrested?

[07:38.15] <wptmj> are you a fan of any police auditors?

[07:39.33] <TekWiz> That was ollie

[07:39.34] <TekWiz> +,

[07:39.54] <wptmj> awww, he looks like kitty

[07:40.01] <TekWiz> No we have really nice police here in Teaneck

[07:40.25] <wptmj> my pups are chi/shitzhu/poodles

[07:40.31] <wptmj> they have Cookie in them!

[07:40.55] <wptmj> maybe ill visit someday

[07:40.56] <TekWiz> Yeah he was a lovely dog

[07:41.04] <TekWiz> +,

[07:41.07] <wptmj> and test them :p

[07:42.04] <wptmj> if youve never seen amagansett press, go check out their righteous purpose in life

[07:42.12] <wptmj> father and son

[07:42.22] <wptmj> youtube 

[07:43.20] <TekWiz> I've heard of "police auditors"

[07:43.21] <wptmj> place of good water

[07:43.21] <wptmj> The name Amagansett is reportedly a Montaukett Indian word meaning, “place of good water.” The location of the good water the Indians referred to was located near where what everyone today calls Indian Wells Beach. Founded officially in 1680, Amagansett has a different tale of its originality.

[07:43.44] <TekWiz> I talk to another guy "Jay" on IRC who watches this show on YT, the Michael Malloy show

[07:43.57] <TekWiz> He has this guest how prides himself on being an "auditor"

[07:44.34] <TekWiz> Luckily the police in my town are very good and I stay out of trouble lol

[07:44.45] <wptmj> auditors are CRUCIAL for this revolution

[07:44.55] <TekWiz> In my interactions with police in my life, always positive

[07:45.12] <wptmj> i have the BEST jail stories

[07:45.36] <TekWiz> yeah I don't know why people get in trouble with the law, it's not so hard to avoid problems

[07:45.46] <wptmj> +,

[07:46.20] <wptmj> i actually drop trowsers and expose myself in county jail :]

[07:46.27] <wptmj> i take the fun with me everywhere i go :P

[07:46.47] <wptmj> +,

[07:47.04] <TekWiz> Well I don't use drugs or smoke, or drink lol

[07:47.17] <TekWiz> I avoid anything illegal, I can't have any problems in my life

[07:47.44] <TekWiz> I'm not rich and famous like Turdee that I can play with the law ROFL

[07:48.02] <TekWiz> Looks like the more he breaks the law, the more his fans love him

[07:48.52] <wptmj> as interesting as i am, the media wont touch me with a ten foot pole

[07:49.02] <wptmj> i am their ANTITHESIS

[07:49.28] <TekWiz> I ignore "the media" lol

[07:49.36] <wptmj> as do i, its alll booshit

[07:49.45] <TekWiz> I don't listen to soundbytes

[07:49.58] <wptmj> but thanks to the permenance of the internet

[07:50.03] <wptmj> we dont need the media anymore

[07:50.17] <wptmj> you cant stop bytes!

[07:51.46] <wptmj> even if my blog viewership is low, just the fact that ive imprinted my revalations online, just that simple fact is going to quicken up the full disclusire we have all been dreaming of

[07:52.02] <wptmj> all hail the wayback machine! :

[07:52.04] <wptmj> P

[07:53.39] <wptmj> here's my old site,, which was online from 2006-09

[07:53.44] <wptmj> +,

[07:53.55] <wptmj> its a bookseller site now

[07:58.12] <wptmj> "There's nothing like a dream to create the future."   - Victor Hugo

[08:00.25] <wptmj> I used to spam for peace on undernet years ago, look at this guestbook entry:  

[08:00.31] <wptmj> Date:  2007-12-15 14:23:59

[08:00.31] <wptmj> Name:  Version

[08:00.31] <wptmj> Email:

[08:00.31] <wptmj> Number:  156

[08:00.31] <wptmj> You spammed my IRC network, but i like your site so i spammed it everywhere as hard as possible

[08:01.05] <wptmj> lol, look at this one:

[08:01.10] <wptmj> Date:  2007-12-02 12:59:22

[08:01.10] <wptmj> Name:  Your lord, lucifer

[08:01.10] <wptmj> Number:  143

[08:01.10] <wptmj> your 

[08:01.10] <wptmj> May you die from a disease of the blood and the bowels, may your children be plentiful and loud, may your chickens' eggs have yolks of shit. YOU ARE A SPAMMER!

[08:01.39] <wptmj> lol i'm such a good opinion-collector :]

[08:04.44] <wptmj> Date:  2006-10-22 21:32:40

[08:04.44] <wptmj> Name:  John Kimbell

[08:04.44] <wptmj> Number:  8

[08:04.44] <wptmj> Liberator my friend, I am so glad you could stop by #thrillspot on

[08:04.44] <wptmj> Your visit was rather short, and I would very much like it if you could join us again sometime.

[08:04.44] <wptmj>  

[08:05.41] <wptmj> Date:  2006-12-15 17:07:02

[08:05.41] <wptmj> Name:  Michael

[08:05.41] <wptmj> Email:

[08:05.41] <wptmj> Web:  +,

[08:05.41] <wptmj> Number:  24

[08:05.41] <wptmj> Hey, found you're website threw someone advertising it on a IRC network.

[08:05.41] <wptmj> I admire what you're doing, Thank you for doing what so many of us woulden't even dream of.

[08:06.29] <wptmj> so you see, i planted the seed twenty years ago

[08:06.35] <wptmj> all it needs is watering :]

[08:08.39] <wptmj> please dream this big dream with me :]

[08:09.13] <wptmj> i am greasing the evolution machine, it's stuck

[08:11.08] <TekWiz> Yeah I love the waybackmachine... lol

[08:11.29] <TekWiz> Well it's important to have good quality reporters who aren't driven by profits

[08:11.35] <wptmj> it's yet another CRUCIAL piece to the puzzle

[08:11.36] <TekWiz> The internet is full of garbage

[08:11.47] <TekWiz> Anybody can write fake news, it's a problem

[08:11.51] <wptmj> it verifies!

[08:12.43] <wptmj> i have personally walked and gotten rides to exactly the place i needed to, told my exact same story to thousands

[08:13.06] <wptmj> dont you think theyll be surprised when they hear about me again?

[08:13.31] <wptmj> and TELL ALL OF THEIR FRIENDS?

[08:14.59] <wptmj> back when i lost hope and stopped logging my life, i felt like a total failure with unrealistic goals

[08:15.05] <wptmj> i felt defeated

[08:15.28] <wptmj> but it was just another lesson in patience

[08:16.46] <wptmj> last march, i assembled all of the jokes and puns i had been dilligently collecting for many years, decided to share them and then jumped on undernet and started asking people about posting a simple text website

[08:16.56] <wptmj> and was blessed with the blogger suggestion

[08:17.01] <wptmj> duh, i thought

[08:18.10] <wptmj> then when i assembled my joke blog, it finally dawned on me, hey, i could throw up my old site too!  i had all my htmls backed up, but not pictures :[

[08:18.51] <wptmj> so i started dillently copying and pasting my old journal into blogspot, about 2500 htmls to my journal

[08:19.04] <wptmj> took me a while, but i finally did it

[08:19.17] <wptmj> and march 13 i finally posted

[08:20.19] <wptmj> at first it was strictly world peace through laughter

[08:20.22] <wptmj> +,

[08:20.54] <wptmj> and i am sure Jay can vouch for how loving Latinos are

[08:21.08] <wptmj> with my mariachi angle i'm going to harness that love :]edge

[08:21.44] <wptmj> and have the alamo reclaimed soon!

[08:21.47] <wptmj> :P

[08:23.19] <wptmj> i am sure you are familiar with that fabled positive internet "worm" theory, right?

[08:24.11] <wptmj> about an idea so big, profound and liberating, that it would spread by itself

[08:24.21] <wptmj> via "word of mouth"

[08:24.37] <wptmj> which with the web has morphed into word-of-keyboard

[08:27.34] <wptmj> please have Jay read our conversation

[08:27.46] <wptmj> i think he'd appreciate it :]

[08:28.13] <wptmj> i am going to read another chapter and then get to work on the wealth you've presented me with

[08:28.22] <wptmj> there's much work to be done still

[08:29.42] <wptmj> i am picking verbal fights left and right, i have really been testing my divine protection lately

[08:30.08] <wptmj> because with me there really is no such thing as bad publicity

[08:30.34] <wptmj> i will die and kill for what i believe in

[08:31.36] <wptmj> you know what they say freedom is another word for, right? :P

[08:33.51] <wptmj> and i one is sick the LAST place they should be is in a profiteerig hospital

[08:33.54] <wptmj> +f

[08:34.02] <wptmj> +n

[08:50.54] <wptmj> please forgive me if i'm being a kathy griffin motormouth.  i just have so much to share and be shown.  i am excited to learn 

[08:52.12] <TekWiz> No it's fine tell me what you wish, I'm just listening to Brian Lehrer, he is talking to a law professor

[08:56.27] <wptmj> do you take any medications?

[08:56.50] <TekWiz> Luckily nothing

[08:57.07] <wptmj> thats a great thing, me either

[08:57.26] <TekWiz> Great, good 4 U!!!

[08:57.37] <wptmj> do you have natural areas nearby?

[08:58.10] <wptmj> i wish i did :[

[08:58.32] <wptmj> i hate having to drive somewhere to find a trail

[09:01.37] <wptmj> i really should have started with this, my Oddysey story.  my flagship story

[09:01.41] <wptmj> +,

[09:03.57] <wptmj> 100% true

[09:05.09] <TekWiz> Well Teaneck has a lot of trees, and there is a real nice big park near me

[09:05.34] <wptmj> but can you get away from it all?

[09:05.46] <TekWiz> Thanks I will read your story

[09:05.51] <wptmj> meditation grade silence?

[09:06.01] <TekWiz> It's pretty empty here, where I am there is no noise

[09:06.08] <TekWiz> I'm not near any street

[09:06.17] <wptmj> that's really important

[09:06.22] <TekWiz> At night you can't hear a think, just crickets

[09:06.39] <wptmj> perfect

[09:06.41] <TekWiz> You go outside at night you don't see anybody

[09:06.48] <TekWiz> Safe at all hours

[09:06.56] <wptmj> here, night is the only time to think clearly

[09:07.46] <TekWiz> It's also quiet in the day pretty much

[09:08.23] <wptmj> lucky, i am in the thick of suburban living here

[09:08.38] <wptmj> i HATE being so comfortable :P

[09:08.59] <wptmj> but i DO have A LOT of typing to do

[09:09.04] <wptmj> so its an investment

[09:09.32] <TekWiz> Well yeah it's a suburb here... When I go visit my aunt in NYC, mid-town, it's a jungle

[09:09.49] <wptmj> good thing i'm still getting my monthly grand for my head dings, teehee :]

[09:12.05] <wptmj> "That's exactly why priveleged fucks like me should feel obliged to whine and kick and scream.  Yeah, until everyone has everything they need."  

[09:12.10] <wptmj> +,

[09:12.59] <wptmj> hail canadian punk rock!

[09:14.36] <TekWiz> What is that, says I need to request access

[09:14.39] <TekWiz> yeah you're lucky

[09:14.43] <wptmj> shit

[09:14.45] <wptmj> hold up

[09:14.46] <TekWiz> Me too, I'm lucky to get my rent paid

[09:14.51] <TekWiz> That's over $1K

[09:14.57] <wptmj> +,

[09:15.15] <wptmj> damnit, thats an issue if those links are asking for shit

[09:15.55] <wptmj> see if it works by clicking on 5. Resist­ing Tyran­ni­cal Government 

[09:16.14] <TekWiz> No it says I need access

[09:16.28] <TekWiz> Google drive

[09:16.37] <TekWiz> It's not open to the public

[09:16.43] <wptmj> fuck a duck

[09:16.57] <wptmj> what to do

[09:19.18] <TekWiz> This is your google account?

[09:19.31] <TekWiz> Or it's a Youtube video?

[09:19.49] <wptmj> ok, the karaoke songs might not work, but i include the yt link

[09:19.49] <TekWiz> Oh the Youtube video link works

[09:19.57] <wptmj> so its not all for naught

[09:20.10] <TekWiz> Well the problem is that there are 2 links

[09:20.23] <TekWiz> One is to a google drive and the "YT" is the youtube

[09:20.39] <wptmj> the first link is the youtube link with vocals removed/duced

[09:20.50] <TekWiz> 5. Resist­ing Tyran­ni­cal Government <Google drive [YT link] <Youtube

[09:21.05] <wptmj> so people can hear the original if they like

[09:21.08] <TekWiz> Yeah so if you're hosting it on google drive you need to share it properly

[09:21.14] <wptmj> turns out the original is all they get :]

[09:21.27] <wptmj> i'm in the process of correcting it

[09:22.26] <wptmj> small hurdle

[09:22.32] <TekWiz> Note that you can use VLC Media player and paste audio streams into it and then listen at a higher speed like 1.5X or more

[09:22.49] <wptmj> noted

[09:29.46] <wptmj> i think i got it

[09:29.52] <wptmj> please try again

[09:30.02] <wptmj> had to enable general access

[09:30.32] <wptmj> +,

[09:30.58] <wptmj> ::crossing fingers::

[09:32.35] <wptmj> refresh page

[09:36.00] <wptmj> if it works, here's a funny one

[09:36.06] <wptmj> +,

[09:46.29] <TekWiz> Discussion from yesterday with Brian Lehrer on the problem of no space for cats in city shelters and people can't afford vets so they give up their cats

[09:46.31] <TekWiz> +,

[09:46.49] <TekWiz> See you can paste this into VLC network link

[09:47.00] <wptmj> hmm

[09:47.27] <TekWiz> Yeah now it gives me access

[09:47.38] <wptmj> do you think you could organize together a good blog section for my blog?

[09:48.08] <wptmj> so you convey your messages accurately

[09:50.12] <TekWiz> Hahaha, watched the urinary anxiety lyrics, I've got that problem actually, coincidentally

[09:50.52] <TekWiz> Not sure how you mean, a "blog section"

[09:51.01] <wptmj> lol

[09:51.17] <wptmj> just a collection of organized links

[09:51.17] <TekWiz> I am dangerous with browsers, I tend to open up thousands of tabs

[09:51.25] <TekWiz> Then I have to "clean" it all

[09:51.28] <TekWiz> It's a horror

[09:51.30] <wptmj> unless your fine with what youve already shared

[09:51.44] <wptmj> then dont worry about it :]

[09:51.54] <wptmj> ill pick through it

[09:51.58] <TekWiz> Now I'm on a new browser, one window and I notice I need to close some tabs before it happens again

[09:52.16] <TekWiz> I didn't know about Urinary Anxiety lol

[09:52.20] <wptmj> yeah, i get drowned like that all the time too

[09:52.22] <TekWiz> I didn't know others have this too

[09:52.28] <TekWiz> Yeah it's a horror

[09:52.30] <wptmj> lol 

[09:52.41] <TekWiz> I basically end up putting all the tabs in bookmarks, takes me hours

[09:52.58] <TekWiz> I had to quit Chrome because of this

[09:53.01] <TekWiz> I moved to Edge

[09:53.10] <TekWiz> Then just did a cleanup a few days ago

[09:53.16] <wptmj> i am convinced chrome is a trojan

[09:53.16] <TekWiz> I need to be very careful now

[09:53.31] <TekWiz> OMG I see I have 129 tabs now

[09:53.37] <wptmj> when i removed it from my laptop AND android, all my problems went away

[09:53.38] <TekWiz> Need to close the ones I don't need

[09:53.48] <TekWiz> and add ones I'm not using to bookmarks

[09:53.54] <wptmj> i'm using brave 

[09:54.11] <TekWiz> Well it's not the browser it's me that's the problem

[09:54.16] <wptmj> ever since jordan sather(who might be a plant) recommended it

[09:56.04] <TekWiz> Watched that second song, Proptyrannical lol

[09:57.17] <wptmj> +,

[09:57.21] <wptmj> Missionary!

[09:58.44] <wptmj> "My actions are a means to the end!"

[09:59.32] <TekWiz> Well that one, well sounds like don quixote lol

[09:59.54] <TekWiz> Don Quixote

[09:59.54] <TekWiz> The novel’s tragicomic hero. Don Quixote’s main quest in life is to revive knight-errantry in a world devoid of chivalric virtues and values. He believes only what he chooses to believe and sees the world very differently from most people. Honest, dignified, proud, and idealistic, he wants to save the world. As intelligent as he is mad, Don Quixote starts out as an absurd and isolated figure and e

[09:59.54] <TekWiz> nds up as a pitiable and lovable old man whose strength and wisdom have failed him.

[09:59.54] <wptmj> Jesus saves!  

[09:59.55] <wptmj> Gretzky scores!

[10:00.00] <TekWiz> +,

[10:00.02] <TekWiz> Lol

[10:00.26] <TekWiz> Quick, look busy, Jesus is coming!

[10:00.34] <wptmj> haha

[10:01.00] <wptmj> that reminds me, i need to make an EPIC gary larson section on my blog

[10:02.39] <TekWiz> I heard of The Far Side

[10:02.44] <TekWiz> So I see that's him

[10:02.44] <TekWiz> +,

[10:03.33] <wptmj> i assumed so

[10:03.37] <TekWiz> I don't think I ever really understood it lol

[10:03.40] <wptmj> ty!

[10:03.50] <wptmj> duh

[10:06.08] <TekWiz> lol

[10:06.21] <TekWiz> This is a funny song

[10:06.22] <TekWiz> +  

[10:06.34] <TekWiz> I remember it from the 80's when I worked in a cassette company for the summer

[10:06.40] <TekWiz> like 1986

[10:18.00] <wptmj> you should really enjoy this one if you want to reminisce about the 80s

[10:18.06] <wptmj> +,

[10:19.40] <wptmj> "Checkered vans were cool and we weren't ashamed!"

[10:22.13] <wptmj> don't you see how this karaoke angle will greatyl help spread the mostly hidden, powerful as fuck value of good music.  people can actually KNOW what the song says and not have to worry about understanding the artist's voice

[10:22.49] <TekWiz> I have a lot of music stations here on the radio, this is the New York Metro area

[10:23.10] <TekWiz> But mostly I listen to WNYC, I don't have much time for music, only at certain times

[10:23.20] <TekWiz> So I listen to whatever is on the radio

[10:23.36] <wptmj> dont count on too many revelations that way

[10:24.07] <wptmj> infectious repititis

[10:24.12] <wptmj> same ol shit

[10:24.20] <TekWiz> There is a lot of variety actually

[10:24.33] <wptmj> there may be, things mightve changed

[10:24.38] <TekWiz> I like all kinds of music

[10:24.55] <wptmj> me too, the lyrics mean more to me though

[10:25.07] <TekWiz> For me the lyrics don't mean much at all

[10:25.14] <TekWiz> I just like the tunes lol

[10:25.37] <wptmj> yeah, me too for the most part.  they have to be profound for me to value them

[10:26.09] <wptmj> well then this way you can more easily ignore the lyrics! :P

[10:26.19] <wptmj> just look away, lol

[10:29.35] <wptmj> did i ever explain to you how i came across your nick?

[10:30.46] <wptmj> you see, in all my channel hopping joke telling i am sure you can imagine all the ops just itching to discipline me 

[10:31.27] <TekWiz> No you didn't explain

[10:31.34] <wptmj> so i'm been kicked/banned from most of em, lol, #incest, #fuckmywife, you name it

[10:31.51] <wptmj> remember, no bad publicity

[10:31.54] <TekWiz> Well I'm just in a few rooms on undernet, I hardly ever talk

[10:32.19] <TekWiz> The politics room

[10:32.27] <TekWiz> rooms...

[10:32.40] <TekWiz> On irchighway in in #ebooks

[10:32.55] <wptmj> i had done a good spree in #all-nite-cafe one day, had a great welcome to my humor and of course eventually got banned

[10:32.57] <TekWiz> and that where my friend JavaDude, (Jay) is, he chats with me

[10:33.24] <TekWiz> Yeah I'm in that room, I believe I remember your nick wptmj from one of the rooms

[10:33.29] <wptmj> so i felt i might have some noteriety and was bummed i couldnt talk to people in there

[10:33.48] <wptmj> so i just signed onto undernet on my android :]

[10:34.15] <wptmj> entered the channel just to see the user list and nicks coming and going

[10:34.34] <wptmj> and your nick jumped out at me!

[10:34.55] <wptmj> "I need some tech support, let me try this wiz

[10:34.57] <wptmj> "

[10:35.20] <wptmj> i msged you, "is there anybody listening?" right?

[10:35.33] <wptmj> alluding to the song :]

[10:36.27] <TekWiz> Hahahaha lol yeah TekWiz

[10:37.10] <wptmj> so that is EXACTLY how our serendipitous meant-to-be chance encounter occurred 

[10:38.04] <wptmj> please don't doubt my sincerity

[10:38.34] <wptmj> you have no idea the potential importance of our coming together might signify

[10:38.50] <wptmj> +what

[10:39.21] <wptmj> isn't that the most beautiful of stories? :]

[10:40.03] <wptmj> this Victor is LITERALLY writing history. :]

[10:40.38] <wptmj> it's going to happen someday.  let's make it sooner than later.


[10:45.36] <TekWiz> Well this was my site back in 2005 or so

[10:45.37] <TekWiz> +

[10:46.47] <wptmj> snagging that JFK quote

[10:47.18] <TekWiz> This is the last version with the "Video Dial" at the bottom

[10:47.19] <TekWiz> +,

[10:47.31] <TekWiz> I start things but don't finish them lol

[10:47.33] <TekWiz> Story of my life

[10:47.42] <TekWiz> I have a B.A. in psychology

[10:47.50] <TekWiz> I have 6 years of college and all A's

[10:47.51] <wptmj> i hate how the machine lags so much

[10:47.55] <TekWiz> Honor student 4.0 GPA

[10:48.16] <TekWiz> Actually 3.96 GPA after the community college, 4 years, 1 B

[10:48.19] <TekWiz> Not my fault

[10:48.23] <TekWiz> Bitch teacher

[10:48.29] <TekWiz> Yeah it lags I know

[10:48.42] <TekWiz> What can we do it's not funded well

[10:48.42] <wptmj> “Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school. It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education. ”

[10:48.42] <wptmj> – Albert Einstein

[10:49.01] <TekWiz> It should be government funded it's very important

[10:49.10] <wptmj> HUGELY

[10:49.24] <TekWiz> Well yeah going to college was the most important thing I did

[10:49.27] <TekWiz> My mom convinced me

[10:49.35] <TekWiz> She said HS is nothing like college

[10:49.39] <wptmj> the government isnt going to foot the bill for its downfall :]

[10:49.45] <TekWiz> She said if I didn't like HS I might love college

[10:49.58] <wptmj> well, kind of, by keeping US on the payroll, lol

[10:50.00] <TekWiz> The govt. is screwed up "bigly" now lol

[10:50.14] <TekWiz> We got a whole party which should be sent to the moon

[10:50.20] <TekWiz> With the Turdee at the helm

[10:50.30] <TekWiz> HIs fat ass should be flying to space

[10:50.36] <wptmj> i see college as just the next level of high school

[10:50.51] <wptmj> and "space" is in question too

[10:51.27] <wptmj> +,

[10:52.41] <TekWiz> Well not really, college was a whole different type of experience

[10:52.45] <TekWiz> HS was a joke

[10:52.50] <TekWiz> I hated HS

[10:52.53] <TekWiz> I loved college

[10:53.21] <TekWiz> Look at my water filter article

[10:53.22] <TekWiz> +,

[10:59.32] <wptmj> I used to have this cool magnetized Nikken water bottle

[11:00.41] <wptmj> yes, i used to volunteer at the natural spring in mount shasta, just offering help with my handtruck

[11:00.53] <TekWiz> Lol that was funny I liked Three's company back when

[11:00.54] <TekWiz> +,

[11:01.01] <wptmj> and just helping people up the hill with their jugs

[11:01.17] <wptmj> i became Victor the Water Bearer

[11:01.23] <wptmj> i'm an aquarian :]

[11:01.48] <wptmj> "the water is important" i would tell them

[11:02.03] <wptmj> i even had snacks and extra bottles i would sell at cost

[11:02.36] <wptmj> played choir choir choir.  its been my favorite volunteer project of all time

[11:02.43] <wptmj> thats where i manifested my wife :]

[11:08.01] <wptmj> +,

[11:08.43] <wptmj> +,

[11:10.52] <wptmj> "i would love to help you if you'd let me.  i am a volunteer.  the water's important."

[11:11.28] <wptmj> "i am on SSI for some head injuries I had.  I am already on a payroll.  I have to do SOMETHING.  That's how things work."

[11:16.04] <wptmj> a lot of people refused my help.  getting water should be a ritual for everybody.  that's why i always ask

[11:17.38] <wptmj> see, because before people could just pull up right to the spring and fill their bottles.  but they eventually blocked access to cars going so close(as they should've to begin with) and now people had to lug their bottes up the hill to the parking lot

[11:18.02] <wptmj> when i first witnessed that the first thought in my head was "hand truck"

[11:18.23] <wptmj> i started showing up with a dolly every day after that and evolution took place

[11:18.52] <wptmj> people would offer me money a lot and i got smoked out like crazy

[11:19.04] <wptmj> ive never had so much fun

[11:19.27] <wptmj> when i started i set the intention to end up with a loving partner eventually

[11:19.49] <wptmj> and doggone-it, that's exactly what happened :]

[11:20.31] <wptmj> to me go the spoils :P

[11:21.24] <wptmj> are you familiar with Mount Shasta at all?

[11:25.10] <wptmj> LOVE placed me on assignment in Modesto, CA

[11:28.09] <wptmj> i had been living in a natural paradise in a converted old greyhound motor coach at the base ofa little volcano, a vent of the mountain

[11:28.54] <wptmj> met my girl at the spring, got kicked off my dreamhome by yet another psychopath who i welcomed inadvertently into my path

[11:29.40] <wptmj> begrudgingly ceded my throne and came down with my new found love to help prepare her father, who became my new father, to die a respectful death

[11:29.48] <wptmj> and truly be at peace

[11:30.07] <wptmj> knowing his daughter, who was the only one who cared for him, would be safe with me

[11:30.54] <wptmj> i gave my new father every single song from his childhood

[11:31.21] <wptmj> with my karoke vid making skills ihad picked up living WEED, CA it was a cinch

[11:31.29] <wptmj> +in

[11:31.32] <TekWiz> Wow pretty cool life you've had!

[11:31.50] <TekWiz> I'll have to read your story link there

[11:31.55] <wptmj> it's quite an epic tale

[11:32.01] <wptmj> alll non fiction

[11:32.10] <wptmj> all as detailed AF

[11:32.53] <TekWiz> Great, it's nice you've written things down

[11:33.38] <wptmj> i am just "compensating for any memory-deficits I sustained from my head injuries."

[11:33.48] <wptmj> or at least that's what i tell people :P

[11:33.59] <TekWiz> We all forget most everything lol

[11:34.09] <TekWiz> If it's not written down it will be forgotten

[11:34.36] <wptmj> right, exactly


[11:34.48] <wptmj> +,

[11:35.06] <wptmj> ack

[11:35.10] <wptmj> bad request

[11:35.23] <wptmj> +,

[11:35.48] <wptmj> had an error in pasting thats all

[11:39.46] <wptmj> Jerry, I had meant to ask you.  you are about the right age, but did you ever play aroud on AOL in the 90s?

[11:39.58] <wptmj> do any aol "hacking"?

[11:40.28] <wptmj> phish and tossing, vb progs, punters, etc?

[11:42.29] <TekWiz> I got on the net in 1996 through my University

[11:42.39] <TekWiz> I didn't subscribe to AOL

[11:42.47] <TekWiz> I dialed up bulletin boards in the 80's

[11:43.01] <wptmj> hehe, i was all over aol, never subscribed

[11:43.04] <TekWiz> I was on Usenet a lot in the beginning

[11:43.20] <TekWiz> I only used their aol messenger a bit

[11:43.34] <wptmj> well, let me give you a really inreresting hackerish read you should just love, teehee

[11:43.39] <wptmj> +t

[11:44.05] <wptmj> +,

[11:46.47] <wptmj> i am kinda spilling the beans on the whole shebang :]

[11:47.25] <TekWiz> Cool! I'll read it...

[11:47.35] <TekWiz> I was into downloading Warez mostly lol

[11:52.23] <wptmj> as was i!  thats another crucial piece!

[11:52.36] <wptmj> what bigger sign do we need do do away with money!?

[11:53.37] <wptmj> you can choose not to pay for a damn thing if you figure out how!

[11:54.14] <wptmj> and that's what i call being truly rich

[11:54.30] <wptmj> "We make ourselves rich by making our wants few."

[11:56.06] <TekWiz> Well I'm lucky somehow that I don't need to really work... Money is not the problem really, it's how people use it and the greed factor

[11:56.19] <TekWiz> Money is just a tool for exchanging services and goods

[11:56.31] <TekWiz> But it's abused like everything else is

[11:56.36] <wptmj> i feel its very existence is holding us back

[11:56.54] <TekWiz> Humans find ways to abuse whatever it is, too many greedy crooks

[11:56.58] <wptmj> wouldnt you "work for free" if all of your needs were taken care of and you didn't have any bills?

[11:57.01] <TekWiz> They haven't evolved

[11:57.08] <wptmj> so you wouldn't be bored at home dall day

[11:57.14] <TekWiz> Look how snake oil salesmen still rule the world

[11:57.17] <wptmj> provided you had a job you enjoyed?

[11:57.31] <TekWiz> I work all the time actually

[11:57.37] <wptmj> if everybody else was doing that what would we need money for?

[11:57.39] <TekWiz> I work on my own things and I help others

[11:57.49] <TekWiz> I love helping people for free, I hate money

[11:58.06] <TekWiz> Well you're talking about exchanging, barter system

[11:58.12] <wptmj> then people say, "oh, what about jobs people dont like doing?  like garbageman, sanitation worker?"

[11:58.27] <TekWiz> But then then there would still be abuse and people trying to take advantage just like they do now

[11:58.43] <TekWiz> Well each would do their part, each person does a little

[11:58.47] <wptmj> after eliminating money, when those jobs dont get done the DEMAND for them will increase and nice generous people(like us) will do them


[11:59.08] <wptmj> its SIMPLE supply and demand

[11:59.09] <TekWiz> This is all going to change with robots and AI

[11:59.17] <TekWiz> Things are going to change soon lol

[11:59.30] <TekWiz> Intelligent robots with AI are going to eliminate a lot of jobs


[11:59.48] <TekWiz> Things are changing, not quite yet but they will soon

[12:00.04] <wptmj> help it change for the better

[12:00.13] <wptmj> cuz its not gonna

[12:00.16] <wptmj> unless we stand up

[12:00.22] <TekWiz> AI is revolutionizing things but you don't see it yet. I don't know if for the better, we'll need smart politicians to control it all

[12:00.44] <wptmj> we need to put LOVE in control finally

[12:00.45] <TekWiz> it's important to have a strong government with good people, not sick bastards

[12:01.03] <TekWiz> Well maybe we need to genetically engineer all people lol

[12:01.08] <wptmj> i beg to differ.  we can govern ourselves if we learn better

[12:01.12] <TekWiz> Take the greed and violence out

[12:01.12] <wptmj> IMO

[12:01.30] <TekWiz> 35% of americans are quite brainless

[12:01.39] <TekWiz> They follow a leader like lemmings

[12:01.42] <TekWiz> No hope lol

[12:01.45] <TekWiz> None like this

[12:01.59] <TekWiz> We'd be lucky to keep DEMOCRACY in the USA

[12:02.13] <TekWiz> We are at a very dangerous point in American history

[12:02.23] <wptmj> so lets give them some truth to follow finally

[12:02.39] <TekWiz> Well the problem is too much noise

[12:02.47] <wptmj> so the power in numbers maxim can really apply

[12:02.52] <TekWiz> Nobody knows what to believe either

[12:03.02] <TekWiz> Too much fake news

[12:03.06] <wptmj> that's what we are for :]

[12:03.19] <wptmj> please have hope

[12:03.26] <TekWiz> I am hopeful, always

[12:03.34] <TekWiz> I'm a very hopeful person

[12:03.52] <TekWiz> I believe the Turdee and his followers will be shamed into great defeat

[12:04.04] <wptmj> in fact, i was going to ask you to strongly consider letting me copy our entire text life AS IS UNCENSORED, just like the rest of my stuff

[12:04.11] <TekWiz> I believe the haters will be losing "bigly"

[12:04.40] <TekWiz> You mean our discussion

[12:04.40] <wptmj> i realize i dont really need your permission but thats if the shoe was on the other foot, i would appreciate the same consideration

[12:04.59] <TekWiz> I am a fan of logs lol

[12:05.00] <wptmj> -thats

[12:05.21] <TekWiz> Might need to edit out anything about third parties though

[12:05.24] <TekWiz> Like people we mention

[12:05.34] <TekWiz> They need to be removed since they didn't consent

[12:05.54] <TekWiz> Anything we say is fine, but not when discussing 3rd parties

[12:05.57] <wptmj> please send me a copy with your desired redactions :]

[12:06.18] <wptmj> because i cant be sure 

[12:06.39] <TekWiz> Ok I'll look through it... I'm the log king, I'm known for my logs lol

[12:06.46] <TekWiz> As you can see on +,

[12:06.56] <TekWiz> I'm INFAMOUS for my logs

[12:07.09] <wptmj> i am not communicating with YOU for NO REASON, my brother

[12:07.13] <wptmj> :]

[12:07.22] <TekWiz> Thank you! :D

[12:07.52] <TekWiz> On 1A they are talking about getting covid

[12:08.01] <wptmj> help this be the best, most revealing chapter on my blog!

[12:08.21] <TekWiz> In fact I met Jay on Monday then he texted me his daughter hung out with a friend who ended up testing positive over the weekend

[12:08.24] <wptmj> we can handle the truth, let's see who else can

[12:08.44] <TekWiz> and he's immuno compromised. I was only outside with him and in his car for 2 min.. Should be fine but I'm not PARANOID for nothing

[12:09.04] <wptmj> he's going to be just fine

[12:09.24] <wptmj> worrying has the exact opposite effect

[12:09.46] <TekWiz> Yeah he's tested negative on Sun and Mon he said.

[12:10.08] <wptmj> i dont want to overload you but have you ever heard of this other great Victor, Victor Razee?

[12:10.20] <wptmj> he is one of my youtube mentors

[12:11.27] <wptmj> +,

[12:20.53] <TekWiz> No never heard of him... There are millions of youtubers lol

[12:24.19] <wptmj> i know, i was drawn to him because of his cool name 

[12:24.24] <wptmj> :P

[12:27.32] <TekWiz> Yeah lol!

[12:35.41] <wptmj> please keep in mind that redactions dont really matter.  we are not the only ones keeping logs.  if you fear any legal proceedins due to my blog content, don't worry.  if they want to base ANYHTING on my blog they will be supporting the FACT that it's all TRUE.

[12:36.13] <wptmj> and the last thing they want is to confirm i EVEN EXIST

[12:37.20] <wptmj> they're not going to make a martyr of me and help my blog distribution, they're letting ME do that.

[12:37.26] <wptmj> :]

[12:37.49] <wptmj> that's why it's so low-key, only right now

[12:39.30] <wptmj> and i know 'dis

[12:39.32] <wptmj> +,

[12:43.42] <TekWiz> For example discussion of the pirate books rooms on IRC

[12:43.48] <TekWiz> No need to post this

[12:43.59] <TekWiz> Or Jay's book in the pirate room lol

[12:44.03] <TekWiz> Just no lol

[12:44.20] <TekWiz> Also nobody wants to read just chat

[12:44.26] <TekWiz> It's boring, must be edited

[12:44.46] <TekWiz> I have tons of logs, but really if I posted them, who would bother to read?

[12:44.50] <TekWiz> People have many other things

[13:01.24] <wptmj> when i started my mountain of text decades ago i didnt really expect that people were going to pore through it entirely, but just the fact that i have assembled it, and THEY COULD IN FACT read it if they wanted to, should make it truly trustworthy

[13:02.31] <wptmj> they would think, "WTF would be going through all of this trouble and organization if they weren't telling the truth?"

[13:03.31] <wptmj> at least the ones who have the stuff to digest my blog will be thinking that

[13:03.52] <wptmj> eyes and ears

[13:10.46] <TekWiz> That's totally false, there are tons of well funded, organized, polished stuff that's all just false lol... But why would anybody doubt your personal accounts anyway...

[13:11.17] <wptmj> because i am being completely honest

[13:11.18] <TekWiz> You're not discussing UFO's

[13:11.31] <wptmj> about EVERYTHING

[13:11.32] <TekWiz> People don't know who is honest, most people aren't so honest

[13:11.44] <TekWiz> So they think everyone else isn't honest like they aren't honest

[13:12.44] <wptmj> "I am only one. But still, I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do."

[13:12.44] <wptmj> - Edward Everette Hale

[13:13.57] <wptmj> what exactly is false?

[13:15.51] <wptmj> "A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in our worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent before the change."

[13:15.51] <wptmj> - Earl Nightingale

[13:16.58] <wptmj> "serendipitous opportunities" such as our minds coming together on the interweb :]

[13:17.15] <wptmj> maybe i'm just stoned :P

[13:17.33] <wptmj> (that explains it)

[13:33.22] <wptmj> i have never really relied on irc to log my stuff.  good ol notepad.exe for me, but i just dove into them and saw you say something i had missed:

[13:33.23] <wptmj> [23:06.17] <TekWiz> Hahaha, Note From the Rich, very good and short, makes the point very clearly. Obviously was written with 100% sarcasm to expose the way society is being run by the powerful. I wonder what year it was written but it is true today as it ever was.

[13:33.23] <wptmj> [23:20.38] <TekWiz> Also very good story about your head injuries. You really write very well! It was engaging. Sorry you went through that but it's great you have such a positive attitude. Life can be tough, I know, I am a Leukemia survivor, I was 26, 1994, and I am very lucky to be alive. My chance was only around 35 to 40% to live.

[13:34.14] <wptmj> i am unsure of when it was written.  i stumbled onto it a couple of decades ago

[13:34.42] <wptmj> thanks, i like to think i live well.  my story writes itself

[13:34.50] <wptmj> i'm just the channel

[13:35.54] <wptmj> thank you, i appreciate your opinion above most others right now, and youre just some random dude from irc :

[13:35.56] <wptmj> P

[13:36.25] <wptmj> goes to show how little you can trust people nowadays

[13:37.09] <wptmj> is leaukemia hereditary?

[13:37.44] <TekWiz> Thank you. Well I'm not "Random" lol, nobody is random...

[13:38.02] <wptmj> yeah, i mean to put that in quotes too

[13:38.05] <wptmj> +t

[13:38.14] <wptmj> great minds...

[13:38.19] <TekWiz> Well nobody really knows why people get blood cancers, I don't think it's hereditary

[13:39.22] <TekWiz> Well why even worry who might believe and who might not, it depends what the subject is...

[13:39.36] <TekWiz> These days thanks to the internet people can't agree on even basic things

[13:42.02] <wptmj> mere suggestions  i am just showing people, "hey, here's a more harmonious way to live.  let's drop the act."

[13:42.32] <wptmj> if enough people agree one one thing, mass consciousness will take over

[13:42.36] <wptmj> -e

[13:45.00] <TekWiz> Well these days we are further from that idea than ever!

[13:47.04] <wptmj> just on the surface, shhhh :x

[13:47.08] <wptmj> :P

[13:47.53] <wptmj> its going to surprise the holy fuck out of everybody

[13:48.10] <wptmj> it's all just one big act 

[13:48.17] <wptmj> a balancing act :]

[13:48.54] <wptmj> have you ever worked in retail sales?

[13:51.03] <wptmj> i know you just "met" me a couple of days ago and it's hella smart NEVER to trust strangers off the bat, ESPECIALLY ONLINE

[13:51.32] <wptmj> i could talk to you on the phone to help make me more real to you

[13:51.41] <wptmj> and vice versa

[13:54.03] <wptmj> i assume ALL communications these days are tapped, i have nothing to hide.  if you do, please let me know what to omit

[13:55.49] <wptmj> if you prefer i can end your chapter(figuretively speaking only!) and not mention you at all

[13:56.45] <TekWiz> I don't doubt you are real lol

[13:56.58] <wptmj> cool, no bot!

[13:57.03] <TekWiz> Nobody can listen to all conversations, it's too much

[13:57.28] <wptmj> sure they can, we just have to MAKE SURE they're interesting

[13:57.59] <wptmj> let's have them begging for more!

[13:58.09] <TekWiz> Well yeah who wants to have boring conversations? lol

[13:58.21] <wptmj> right!

[13:58.28] <wptmj> FUCKIN-A!

[13:58.30] <wptmj> :P

[13:59.18] <wptmj> or just play along with me, Jerry.  it'll be fun like you've never had

[13:59.52] <TekWiz> Now people in NJ are thinking there was some gas stove ban proposed, total bull. Maybe no gas in new buildings, what's wrong with that? But they won't remove people's current stoves lol

[14:00.42] <wptmj> i heard about that bs

[14:00.53] <wptmj> theyre just playing with us

[14:00.59] <wptmj> poking at us

[14:01.15] <wptmj> nothing on the new is true!

[14:01.24] <wptmj> throw the tvs away!

[14:01.27] <wptmj> +s

[14:02.00] <wptmj> bait and switch

[14:02.10] <wptmj> limited hangout

[14:02.21] <wptmj> half truth

[14:02.26] <wptmj> sugarcoat

[14:02.41] <wptmj> this is some good sheet, manggggg :P

[14:02.41] <TekWiz> I don't watch tv news or these cable shows

[14:02.50] <wptmj> me neither

[14:02.56] <wptmj> only free movies for me

[14:02.59] <TekWiz> I just listen to NPR and BBC as I have said many times lol

[14:03.03] <TekWiz> Yeah free movies I like

[14:03.08] <TekWiz> One movie a day

[14:03.23] <TekWiz> Another day, another movie

[14:03.24] <wptmj> yeah, why the fuck pay?

[14:03.32] <wptmj> suckers!

[14:03.35] <wptmj> :P

[14:04.32] <TekWiz> Yeah digital info should be free for those who can't afford it

[14:04.48] <wptmj> freedom doesnt care who it's for

[14:05.02] <wptmj> thats why it dont cost nuthin

[14:05.28] <wptmj> much like LOVE

[14:06.58] <wptmj> my babe woke up, gonna go get some more coffee

[14:07.11] <wptmj> ill see you later, peace out

[14:07.24] <wptmj> afk

[14:17.12] <TekWiz> FREEDOM!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! Enjoy! :)

[14:17.18] <TekWiz> Yeah coffee time for me now

[17:00.02] *** Server disconnected on Seattle.WA.US.Undernet.Org

[17:04.25] <wptmj> hi

[17:04.47] <wptmj> feel free to skip ahead on my San Antonio County Jail story about halfway.  i put a lot of pointless logging before the true substance when i'm being processed through jail 

[17:04.49] <wptmj> +,

[17:05.12] <wptmj> to make people dig, ya know

[17:06.24] <wptmj> search for the following and start there:

[17:06.28] <wptmj> "I then got out of the pool, stood there for about 20 minutes to dry off, since I didn't have a towel, dried my feet off with my socks then put my shoes on."

[17:20.58] <wptmj> any "news

[17:21.01] <wptmj> any 

[17:21.03] <wptmj> danit

[17:21.31] <wptmj> any "news" that supports the existence of money is not trustworthy

[17:22.05] <wptmj> gives off the illusion that it's necessary

[17:22.50] <wptmj> +,

[17:24.27] <wptmj> "Although it may not be our fault for participating in this grand illusion (because the programming started probably from our conception in the womb) it would be our fault, those who are awakening, to carry on with the show because its the easiest thing to do."

[17:33.14] <wptmj> can you recommend a free book reader that will let me copy?

[17:33.18] <wptmj> ebook

[17:33.48] <wptmj> i wanna snag some passages about when jay meets the stripper

[17:34.04] <wptmj> i've had some contact with a dancer before

[17:34.16] <wptmj> she gave me a ride and talked to me a lot 

[17:35.41] <wptmj> i wonder if is still around, remember that, hehe

[17:36.27] <wptmj> freeware central back in the day

[17:37.21] <wptmj> seems like now its strictly domain services

[19:36.03] *** Server disconnected on Seattle.WA.US.Undernet.Org

[19:55.02] <wptmj> hi jerry.  are you around?

[19:57.01] <TekWiz> Oh hi, yeah a bit busy today. Sure you can use Calibre Book reader and this lets you convert between book formats and lets you do a lot of stuff, it's the standard

[19:58.09] <TekWiz> Didn't get my 8 or 9 hours of sleep last night so not too good today, also developed a headache seems to happen when I don't get enough sleep lol

[20:08.15] <wptmj> i got calibre 

[20:08.23] <wptmj> "coincidentally'

[20:08.53] <wptmj> i just snagged that part about Stacey I wanted to grab, gonna keep reading

[20:09.34] <wptmj> hydrare more

[20:09.38] <wptmj> always

[20:09.55] <wptmj> hydrate*

[20:10.31] <TekWiz> Yeah I'm drinking a lot today

[20:11.07] <wptmj> i am always out to add new perspectives to my story.  jays story and the like is exactly what i am trying to manifest

[20:11.38] <TekWiz> Very good convo this morning on Brian Lehrer about direct democracy and referendums

[20:12.05] <TekWiz> Well he meets interesting people

[20:12.07] <wptmj> there's no government like no government!

[20:12.13] <TekWiz> He called me and left a message earlier

[20:12.19] <wptmj> we can govern ourselves!

[20:12.27] <TekWiz> Said something about women falling in love with him, ridiculous

[20:12.32] <TekWiz> I don't really wanna hear about that

[20:12.46] <TekWiz> I also think it's kinda bullshit lol

[20:12.53] <wptmj> let him get out what he needs to

[20:12.57] <wptmj> grain of salt that shit

[20:12.58] <wptmj> :P

[20:13.15] <TekWiz> Once he starts talking he will not stop for hours lol

[20:13.22] <wptmj> my girl is like that

[20:13.29] <wptmj> so much to share

[20:13.35] <wptmj> so much love

[20:14.01] <TekWiz> If it's someone you love it's a different story

[20:14.17] <TekWiz> The other Jay also loves to talk, and not interesting either

[20:14.22] <TekWiz> The IRC Jay lol

[20:14.54] <wptmj> on my blog i make fun of her and link to this old celeb deathmath,

[20:14.56] <wptmj> +,

[20:15.09] <wptmj> its soooo fuckin hilarious

[20:17.00] <TekWiz> This is the link to the convo this morning about representative democracy: +,

[20:20.33] <wptmj> do you know if transcripts are available?  if i hear anything good ill want to type it up

[20:20.50] <wptmj> you know me :]

[20:22.23] <wptmj> +,

[20:22.26] <TekWiz> Sure just go to the page everything on NPR has transcripts

[20:22.33] <TekWiz> I also like to save stuff lol

[20:22.39] <TekWiz> Digital Hoarding

[20:22.56] <TekWiz> +,

[20:23.11] <TekWiz> Here click on the show and if you then click on the segment there's a transcript

[20:23.35] <TekWiz> It's not up yet

[20:23.41] <TekWiz> Will be tomorrow or something

[20:23.53] <TekWiz> It's the referendums segment

[20:24.13] <TekWiz> Yeah it is up after 24 hours or so

[20:24.52] <TekWiz> Also you can download the audio for all NPR shows

[20:26.44] <wptmj> ill work on it tom

[20:27.08] <wptmj> im gonna go watch the second half of patterson with my honey

[20:27.36] <wptmj> have a better night than lastn night, bro!  i'll talk to you tomorrow hopefully

[20:27.42] <wptmj> keep the dream alive!

[20:27.51] <wptmj> -n

[20:28.02] <TekWiz> Yeah also sometimes takes me more than one day to finish a movie lol

[20:28.11] <TekWiz> Glad you have someone you love to watch it with! :)

[20:28.19] <wptmj> exactamundo

[20:28.23] <TekWiz> Thank you, I am planning to go to bed earlier today

[20:28.35] <TekWiz> I'm already ahead of schedule by a couple hours

[20:28.41] <TekWiz> Or an hour lol

[20:28.41] *** Server disconnected on LosAngeles.CA.US.Undernet.Org

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