


The Proverbial Victor

1. "Let's make love really make the world go around."
- Victor Antonio

2. "You shouldn't drink from the mainstream. It has become polluted and carcinogenic. You will get cancer and we will all die."
- Victor Antonio

3. "Live up to your name. I am trying to."
- Victor Antonio

4. "A mother is supposed to trust her son and back him, even when he bends the rules."
- Victor Antonio

5. "A parent's true purpose is to nurture and teach their children, not just pay the bills."
- Victor Antonio

6. "The technology is already here. Let's make America modern already, then...the whole world."
- Victor Antonio

7. "Generosity will soon become our common-currency, just watch."
- Victor Antonio

8. "Very few people are crazy. Most are just different. Accept it already."
- Victor Antonio

9. "They don't have to change. Sometimes they just won't, no matter how hard anyone tries. You have to change the way you see them."
- Victor Antonio

10. "There are appropriate occasions when lies, deceit and ignorement should be practiced, especially when the end-result is good. Choose them wisely. In the end, honesty is still the best policy."
- Victor Antonio

11. "We all make mistakes. Be sure to learn from them to avoid recurrence."
- Victor Antonio

12. "Life is our canvas. We decide what the painting will be."
- Victor Antonio

13. "It's not where you live, it's how you live."
- Victor Antonio

14. "It doesn't take genius to recognize genius. Just an open eye, ear and heart."
- Victor Antonio

15. "You can get so much more than what you pay for."
- Victor Antonio

16. "Wouldn't you rather be free than rich? You can't be both."
- Victor Antonio

17. "We need to stop treating ourselves as an independent country. This is America. This is the land different people seeked for their independence. This is the land where the evolutionary stage was set. Is it any surprise that this is where this revolution starts? Our home was stolen land to begin with. We need to start treating ourselves as the melting-pot we really are. We need an evolution-revolution."
- Victor Antonio

18. "People who talk to themselves aren't crazy, they're independent. They don't need anyone else to socialize with."
- Victor Antonio

19. <-- "There's power in words with numbers."
- Victor Antonio

20. "Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's safe."
- Victor Antonio

21. "You really do get out of it what you put into it."
- Victor Antonio

22. "There's a big difference between bragging and being proud of something."
- Victor Antonio

23. "Traditional, old-fashioned practices are just that. Old."
- Victor Antonio

24. "Words cannot offend you unless you let them."
- Victor Antonio

25. "America isn't a free country. You are only free to choose what kind of slave you want to be."
- Victor Antonio

26. "I don't believe in God. I believe in Love. I think everybody has it in them, and it's all the same Love. I don't need to personify a human emotion. If what you believe makes you happy and you're not hurting innocent people, I don't want you thinking any differently. Who the hell am I to judge you? Just bear me that same respect. We each have our own individual realities. What might be true to you isn't necessarily true to everybody else. It's all about respect. Praise Love."
- Victor Antonio

28. "How many gods are there? Oh, just one? Well what about all those polytheistic religions in this world that believe in more than one? Are they just damned to hell for believing in the wrong thing? Who the hell is right?"
- Victor Antonio

30. "Exactly what is the point of marriage? It is an unnecessary complication. I don’t need a legal, binding contract to feel bound to someone for the rest of my life. If the trust and loyalty is there what purpose does it serve? Marriages cost money and so do divorces. Then there's the people who remain married just because they can’t afford a divorce. What did they get married for in the first place?
     It is a simple fact everybody changes and sometimes you can't or are not willing to change with the other person. Why complicate things? Go your separate ways and be happy. Marriage is just ceremonial, customary, and religious. Just because everyone else does it, why should you? Nobody is making you."
- Victor Antonio

31. "We get to choose what we regard and disregard. Everything is a choice."
- Victor Antonio

32. "Pirated software can be compared with alcohol in the twenties. It is just way too widespread to control. It truly is an accepted-underworld. Companies will spend more money tracing and litigating each person doing it, than they are already making from all the suckers paying for it anyway. It's not cost-effective to them. They just ignore it.
     Think of all the publicity criminalizing software-infringement would attract, then everyone would be doing it. It’s just not that hard in this day and age. Companies want as few people to know about it as possible, because anyone with a computer can get free shit easily. They just have to know where to look.
     It's simple evolution. What bigger sign do we need? There is a way to get things, not pay for them and get away with it, that anyone can do. It's the next step. Money rules our modern world. Let’s change that. Let’s rule our own world."
- Victor Antonio

33. "Money truly is the root of all evil. In my ideal society money would be obsolete. People would do things to help others just for the feeling of accomplishment and helping humanity. If everyone out there is working for free they will get helped out at the same time. It would be a win-win situation.
- Victor Antonio

34."Even though I am not religious at all I still follow the golden-rule to a tee. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It really does come back to you. I am not kidding."
- Victor Antonio

34. "Pride can complicate things. Especially stupid-pride."
- Victor Antonio

35. "If it fits, stick it in."
- Victor Antonio

36. "The human emotion hate doesn't even need to exist."
- Victor Antonio

37. "The only way we are ever going to make everyone the same, is by accepting everyone's differences. Peace and harmony will be sure to follow."
- Victor Antonio

38. "Instead of foreign-aide, let's give everybody."
- Victor Antonio

39. "There are millions of me's, but only one of us."
- Victor Antonio

40. "The smart man backs his shit up."
- Victor Antonio

41. "Great things take time. Not necessarily a long time."
- Victor Antonio

42. "Being happy on the bottom puts me on top."
- Victor Antonio

43. "The truth may hurt sometimes, but you can't ever change it. You can only hide from it and ignore it...if you choose to."
- Victor Antonio

44. "People just can't handle the truth...yet."
- Victor Antonio

45. "Nobody wants to hear the truth, but I'm going to scream it at the top of my lungs."
- Victor Antonio

46. "Everyone in this world, no matter our differences has something in common. We are all human beings. I challenge anyone who tells me that it doesn't make them feel good to do good. If you don't think that's true, I invite you to try it and see for yourself."
- Victor Antonio

47. "I have recently found the secret to life. The sure-fire way to get special treatment, have rules broken for you and be made an exception to a lot of things. It's totally legal. All you have to do is be nice and respectful. Just get in the habit of it so it becomes second-nature. It's as simple as that."
- Victor Antonio

48. "Even if at first you're nice for selfish reasons, because you know it improves the chances of getting your way. Hey, at least you're not being a dick, right? Selfishness may be your motive at first, but once you see the difference kindness makes, you just feel genuinely good. We're only human."
- Victor Antonio

49. "Unfortunately, success is measured in money these days. It should be measured by how happy you are with what you already have."
- Victor Antonio

50. "The bus is like a horizontal elevator. Why does everybody need their own private elevator? If the bus is like an elevator then wouldn't you rather take the elevator than walk up the stairs?"
- Victor Antonio

51. "The less I have the less I have to worry about. Except for knowledge. Knowledge is there for the taking. You can never know too much. This world is everflowing with knowledge. Just tap into it and it's yours."
- Victor Antonio

52. "The only thing I beg for is to differ."
- Victor Antonio

53. "People say I take advantage of things. Damn-straight, I take advantage of every opportunity I get or make for myself. Aren't advantages better than disadvantages?
- Victor Antonio

54. "Money is just a game you can choose not to play."
- Victor Antonio

55. "The little money I spend riding the bus sure beats car-related expenses such as a car payment, insurance, maintenance, gasoline and the risk of getting in an accident. Couldn't you do something better with all that money? Duh. Life just isn't that complicated when you don't own a death-machine."
- Victor Antonio

56. "There can still be bad people with lots of money. It shouldn't excuse them from being bad."
- Victor Antonio

57. "Wouldn't you work for free if all your needs were already taken care of and you didn't have any bills? So you wouldn't be bored at home all day? Provided you had a job you enjoyed? That is exactly what I have been doing for years now. I just adore my job. If everyone else was doing that, what would we need money for? It's the root of all evil, like they've always said.
- Victor Antonio

58. "After eliminating money, instead of competing to see who can get the most into their bank accounts, people would start competing to see who could be the most generous to get the most attention, to get the most respect."
- Victor Antonio

59. "ALL people are different and that diversity is something supported by science. We have to stop trying to make everyone the same and learn to accept the difference in this world. That is the only way there will ever be peace."
- Victor Antonio

60. "So people in other countries aren't like Americans. So what? They don't have to be. Let's stop trying to make them like us. Let's help already."
- Victor Antonio

61. "In all my experiences I have come to learn that when you react the exact opposite way that people expect you to, not only do you surprise them, but they sometimes end up respecting you for it."
- Victor Antonio

62. "Please, please, please let freedom really reign already. Think of this as an evolutionary-springboard. Just think of all the great ideas people have had that could've saved the world in the past, that ignorement never let be heard. Just think of all the great ideas that could spring from this wormhole."
- Victor Antonio

63. "Let's say I pull this off and actually bring world peace with the Internet. Wouldn't that make me the happiest man in the world? Not to mention, the most successful? All without money. Like I say, I can't for the life of everybody find anything better to do."
- Victor Antonio

64. "We cant blame all of the people of a certain country for how their leaders behave and think. It's not like they all agree with them. So why make innocent people suffer because what their leaders or the majority think? That's just not fair."
- Victor Antonio

65. "The government has to get out of everyone's business already. So people from other countries are different. Who cares, it's none of our business how they make themselves happy. Let them do what they want as long as they're not hurting innocent people. If we turned the other cheek and helped them out, don't you think they would feel indebted? Forgiveness is divine."
- Victor Antonio

66. "Kids have always known better. We have the simple advantage of learning from our parent's mistakes without having to make them ourselves. We've got better shit to worry about. It's evolution. You can't argue that. The kids are taking over soon and I'll be first in line. Let's make this a peaceful revolution...finally."
- Victor Antonio

67. "Remember, anything is possible and you have to start somewhere."
- Victor Antonio

68. "Look at the craters of a full moon closely sometime. Doesn't it look like a big yin-yang? What a great sign."
- Victor Antonio

69. "If you know how to do it, more power to you."
- Victor Antonio

70. "Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is death."
- Victor Antonio

71. "Don't you have to be crazy to make a difference? Ever notice how similar the words "sane" and "same" are?"
- Victor Antonio

72. "I'm going to spill the beans...all of them."
- Victor Antonio

73. "With today's technology, just sit back and watch one person make a global difference."
- Victor Antonio

74. "When you look at the world through my eyes, doesn't everyone else seem crazy?"
- Victor Antonio

75. "The less you have the less you have to worry about. Simplify, don't complicate."
- Victor Antonio

76. "Traditional colleges only teach you how to be like everybody else. Not only do you remember the shit in the books(if youre lucky, because the shit stays in the books), you are also programmed with the professor's bias' and opinions, which aren't necessarily right. If there's something I need/want to know, I just learn it on my own. That's what the Internet is for, no? I don't need a piece of paper to prove to anyone I know things. I'll know them anyway. And it will be things I really need and want to know about. Not all that bullshit being fed in schools to teach you how to make money."
- Victor Antonio

77. "To the victor belongs the ability to write history."

78. "History is the propaganda of the victors."

79. "Adversity makes men, and prosperity makes monsters."
- Victor Hugo

80. "An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come."
- Victor Hugo

81. "You can be a victor without having victims."
- Harriet Woods

82. "There is nothing like a dream to create the future."
- Victor Hugo

83. "Cars have made the majority fat, lazy, impatient slobs.
- Victor Antonio

84. "Things need to change. People need to realize that humans are doing everything wrong and killing our own world, all because of laziness and ignorance. "
- Victor Antonio

85. "Good things come to those who wait and adversely, bad things come to those who don't. Humans now think that just because you can do it faster, you should. We are ignoring the simple fact that we are human beings and are designed to walk. So many problems would be eliminated if everyone just walked to get around."
- Victor Antonio

86. "You don't have to waste your money and bust your ass going to the gym to get in shape. All you have to do is walk. It's a full-body exercise. Why is everyone in such a hurry? In the end they're wasting time, not saving it. Everybody's time."
- Victor Antonio

87. "If everyone got out of their cars and walked and rode the bus the overweight problem would just vanish. Depression would be a thing of the past too. Walking is nature's best antidepressant. There is an easy answer."
- Victor Antonio

88. "Walking is a full-body exercise working even the mind. When you slow down your pace, you have plenty of time to think. Everyone knows practice makes perfect. Remember, patience is a virtue."
- Victor Antonio

89. "Maybe when the our ozone layer is finally gone and people start dropping like flies from skin cancer, will people realize the damage ignorance can cause. Do you really want it to get to that?"
- Victor Antonio

90. "Our ozone layer is a naturally occurring part of this world. What do natural things tend to do if given a chance to heal? They usually do. I think our world can take a small amount of damage. It's been here forever, remember."
- Victor Antonio

91. "With the urban sprawl in this day and age, we are just abusing what was given to us for free. How thankful is that?"
- Victor Antonio

92. "Now, I do believe that we will never be able to completely destroy our world. Life as we know it might cease to exist, but Earth can adapt to anything. Maybe after some eons go by and time destroys the past, life will rebuild. Then, when there is nothing left, life will begin from scratch again. Hopefully after it has evolved to our current level, its inhabitants won't destroy it again. For all we know this might be an ongoing cycle. Maybe other civilizations have existed on Earth that made the same mistakes we're making now. Hey, you never know."
- Victor Antonio

93. "People need to accept individual differences already. Just like no two snowflakes are the same, no two humans are the same either. Everyone in this world has the right to be themselves."
- Victor Antonio

94. "Because you were given the gift of life, you get to pick exactly who you want to be. If you want to get creative and be different than the rest, more power to you. Wouldn't this world be boring if everyone was exactly alike?"
- Victor Antonio

95. "The government and schools are just big cloning factories. They're using one blueprint for everybody. They have taken the liberty of deciding for us what is right and wrong. How can a society of different people all adhere to the same exact rules? It just doesn't make any sense whatsoever."
- Victor Antonio

96. "What's really funny is what happens to the people who get caught breaking the rules. They're put in jails and prisons. They're taken care of. They have roofs over their heads, food in their stomachs and taxpayers pay for it all. What? This is what criminals deserve? A life free of responsibility? Jail is free time. Make the most of it if you're there."
- Victor Antonio

97. "Jail is like a time-bank. Judges decide how much time your crime is worth and you pay it. Thing is, this is still America and people have rights. So if you're stuck in jail use your FREE time wisely. Read and meditate. Practice thinking. What else do you have to do? Take it as a learning experience and come out a better person. Be polite and follow the rules, that's all the rent you have to pay in jail. Don't let anyone scare you about jail, especially those dickhead cops. It's what you make of it.
- Victor Antonio

98. "You have to be smarter than the jailers though. Jailhouse cops are paid money to be dicks to you on purpose, but they're all talk. If one were to jump you and beat you up without provocation, that would be police brutality and they could lose their precious jobs. They'll talk so much shit to you and give you empty threats. Just ignore them and surprise them by being polite. Give them the exact opposite reaction they expect. Smile."
- Victor Antonio

99. "Another thing that bothers me is war. War is never the right answer to solve any problem. Violence only leads to more violence."
- Victor Antonio

100. "With the I'm playing with power."
- Victor Antonio

101. "It's my generation and younger, the Internet generation that's less ignorant to the truth. Most of the young people I've shared my ideas with agree with me and don't think I'm crazy. With many exceptions. There's a lot of cool older people out there too. It's most of the old folk that have a problem with everything. They can't handle the fact the us kids have learned from their mistakes and can see the damage their standards(or lack of) have caused. It's just simple evolution. Trial and error. If the young generation were given reign of this world..all would be well."
- Victor Antonio

102. "I think the God, Jesus, bible story is all the translation of love that was needed, at the time it was written, for people to understand it. That was 2000 years ago. Time's have changed. We need an update badly. How can a modern society of different individuals all adhere to the same exact 2000 year old rules? Does that make any sense at all? It will never work!
- Victor Antonio

103. "The only pavement I hold any respect for is a natural lava flow. Down with Babylon."
- Victor Antonio

104. "Marijuana will always be readily available. You know why? Because you can't stop life. So, the government turns it into a money-making "drug" and brainwashes everyone into thinking it is also. I repeat, how can alcohol be legal? Everybody knows how well prohibition works."
- Victor Antonio

105. "Don't rely on the government to educate you. If it doesn't make money they won't tell you the truth."
- Victor Antonio

106. "Kids have always known better. It's simple evolution. It's our world they're destroying. Kids are the future.
- Victor Antonio

107. "Mere existence doesn't prove anything. Prove it's creation."
- Victor Antonio

108. "College is slave-training."
- Victor Antonio

109. "My happiness follows my own lead."
- Victor Antonio

110. "An ignorant majority should never rule."
- Victor Antonio

111. "Success may be a number's game, but money doesn't have to count. The only things we should be counting is our blessings."
- Victor Antonio

112. "Being poor is one step closer to being free."
- Victor Antonio

113. "Masturbation is a declaration of independence. It is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. It is the safest sex in the world."
- Victor Antonio

114. "I don't need to be fed knowledge. I can feed myself. Why can't you?"
- Victor Antonio

115. "I am a one-man organization. The only thing I seem to lose is weight."
- Victor Antonio

116. "Lazy people solve all of their problems with money."
- Victor Antonio

117. "I am just pointing some stuff out."
- Victor Antonio

118. "If you don't plan things you don't get let down."
- Victor Antonio

119. "Time is not money. Money wastes time."
- Victor Antonio

120. "It is my job to make humans elite. This species ain't your fucking industry."
- Victor Antonio(NOFX inspired)"

121. "You don't have to seem homeless to be homeless. You have to be lazy to seem homeless."
- Victor Antonio

122. "I am living proof people will work for free. I am living proof we don't need money to work. I am living proof we don't need money to help."
- Victor Antonio

123. "You can't blame people for not knowing better. You can blame the government for not teaching us(because knowing better isn't cost-effective). In the end, it's all money's fault."
- Victor Antonio

124. "Do bad at your own risk. Karma can be a real bitch."
- Victor Antonio

125. "The technology is here. Let's start using it and save ourselves."
- Victor Antonio

126. "Humans have absolutely no business judging other humans(fuck the police). Today's laws and justice system are evil."
- Victor Antonio

127. "Our current justice system ensures inequality, not freedom."
- Victor Antonio

128. "It just keeps happening to me. I have to keep track of it all."

129. "We get too choose in what we believe to be true, but really we have no choice in the absolute truth. The absolute truth is either true or false, to everybody. You can call the absolute truth Love. Everybody has it in them and it's all the same Love. Love has been translated by humans many different ways. Call it what you will. The only name it needs for me is LOVE. If whatever way you were taught Love and it's basics enables you to understand Love, then you are doing no wrong. Once you see, firsthand, the difference true love can make you will be practicing Love on a daily basis. Love makes so much sense. Praise Love"
- Victor Antonio

130. "And just what exactly are you doing for world peace? Besides fueling the evil machine preventing it."
- Victor Antonio

131. "Nothing sparks happiness like good health."
- Victor Antonio

132. "It is my persistent-consistency which will ensure the success of this mission."
- Victor Antonio

133. "Hell no, I don't vote. People who vote are ignorant to the fact that the government is killing our world. And an ignorant majority should never rule."
- Victor Antonio

134. "Money has made everybody forget that we're human."
- Victor Antonio

135. "I don't celebrate holidays. I celebrate every day."
- Victor Antonio

136. "Failure is all based on fear. Once I realized that everything happened for a reason, I just didn't seem to have any anymore. I have almost died twice. I have nothing to lose. I will win. Come and get me. I dare you to."
- Victor Antonio

137. "I have found near-perfection in accepting imperfection."
- Victor Antonio

138. "The whole world is cashed. I'm gonna load another bowl."
- Victor Antonio

139. "The longer it takes you, the more you deserve it."
- Victor Antonio

140. "My hopes may seem false to you. But my happiness is real."
- Victor Antonio(NOFX inspired)

141. "The entire system is corrupt. We need to stop using it altogether. Or we are doomed."
- Victor Antonio

142. "The Internet and money do not mix. The Internet mixes with freedom."
- Victor Antonio

143. "I don't do drugs. I smoke weed."
- Victor Antonio

144. "People that say we need money only say that because they live for it. They don't know any other way to live. They think money is the only way. They are in denial. They need to learn. I am going to teach them."
- Victor Antonio

145. "Oh, you don't think I know hard work? I bust my ass more than anyone with a job. But I, unlike a lot of people, do not require money to work hard. When I work for money, that makes me a simple pawn in somebody else's chess game. The last thing I am is a pawn. I'm one of the players, damnit. I'm the winner. If you don't think fighting ignorance is hard work, you try it.
- Victor Antonio

146. "We need to regress a little if we want to progress a lot."
- Victor Antonio

147. "I don't think I know it all. I don't know the answers to everything. All I know is that I don't know nothin'. But...I am positive the leaps I am taking are certainly in the right direction."
- Victor Antonio

148. "As long as we humans have such blatant disregard and disrespect for our Mother Earth . . . we will get what we deserve. Justice will be done."
- Victor Antonio

149. "I have come to the realization that to succeed, all you have to do is believe in yourself. It's that simple."
- Victor Antonio

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