

  DONT BE WASTEFUL:  hey sister, would you permit be to blow your mind? 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  with the internet, i plan to eliminate money, make everything/one free and bring world peace.. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  get rid of cars in big cities and save the ozone layer.. 


 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  get marijuana legalized and chill everybody out.. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  i've got it ALL figured out.. 

 NathanielsMama:  that's good. go save the world! I'm really top busy right now. thanks anyway. please kindly found another ear to talk to. thanks! have a nice day! 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  will you let me send you my stuff?  just harmless text 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  you can read it at your discretion, of course 

 NathanielsMama:  I already have a cousin who provides all this information.... I have read a lot of stuff on a website called or something also.   

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  you haven't read my stuff 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  it's nothing but the truth.. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  it's all me 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  i'm an open book 

 NathanielsMama:  I am sure it is. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  may i send? 

 NathanielsMama:  I don't doubt that. I have stopped trying to change the world and now I only worry about changing myself. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  you can just delete them and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does.. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  if you want to 

 NathanielsMama:  ok, whatever, send if it makes you feel better. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  my stuff will make EVERYONE feel better 

 NathanielsMama:  well, you certainly do have a pretty high opinion of yourself.  Have you ever read a book called Journey to Ixtlan by Carlos Castaneda? 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  no, i don't read much, i prefer not to 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  i rather write 

 NathanielsMama:  ok, well how do you get your infomation then? 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  i learn it on my own 

 NathanielsMama:  how do you learn about the world? 

 NathanielsMama:  osmosis? 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  no, logic 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  traditional schools only teach you how to be like everybody else..not only do you remember the stuff out of the books(if you're lucky because the shit stays in the books), but you are also programmed with the proffessor's bias' and opinions.. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  which aren't necessarily right 

 NathanielsMama:  logic has brought me to a lot of inconclusions myself.  The world is a mysterious place and I certainly wouldn't feel egotistical enough to beleive that my puny little brain could percieve the truth about the entire world. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  if there's anything i need/want to know..i learn it on my own.. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  isnt that what the internet is for? 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  read my stuff so you can form an educated opinion of me.. 


 NathanielsMama:  ah well... Journey to Ixtlan is all about un-doing and not-doing and re-thinking your concept of the "real" world. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  we each have our own individual reality.. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  reality is relative.. 

 NathanielsMama:  hmmmmm...."educated opinion" eh?  you just got through ciritcizing the normal education process and then you asked me to judge by the same standards that one would learn by subjecting themself to such a process. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  i don't believe that relative was the word i was looking for in that last comment 

 NathanielsMama:  exaclty what Carlos Castaneda might have said: reality is relative. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  i'm not asking you to go to school and get to know me.. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  but wouldn't it make sense that you knew as much as you could about someone, before you place judgement? 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  wouldn't you rather be free than rich? 

 NathanielsMama:  more so he would have said that reality is something that you learn from day one that the people around you "feed" you about what is reality.... Castaneda teaches a way of undoing that process by which you came to learn so-called "reality" 

 NathanielsMama:  I'm basing what I am saying now by what you are saying now and you're coming across very one-sided and egocentric 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  i didn't need castaƱeda to teach me anything.. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  it became obvious to me after my learning experiences.. 

 NathanielsMama:  that's why I'm not rich! I am free. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  do you work for money? 

 NathanielsMama:  I didn't need him to teach it to me either but, I also know that you can't truly be free until you un-do yourself as well..... to think you know everything is quite absurd. 

 NathanielsMama:  Have you heard of Norfed? 


 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  the smart man backs his shit up 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  and i am prepared to.. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  will you not be ignorant and lend an ear? 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  it truly is of global-importance.. 

 NathanielsMama:  I'd say the smart man doesn't feel the need to back anything up 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  i don't back my shit up because i feel i need to.. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  i do it because i feel i am right 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  i am just trying to expedite human-evolution here.. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  why doesn't anyone else see my foresight? 

 NathanielsMama:  may I ask why?  

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  because i can 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  because somebody has to.. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  before it's too late for everyone 

 NathanielsMama:  well, bless your heart for saving our poor souls. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  wouldn't you sound this crazy if you were going to do it? 

 NathanielsMama:  yep, you sound like me once and my cousin.... and a lot of other people I know. 

 NathanielsMama:  how old are you anyway? 


 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  and you? 

 NathanielsMama:  i'll be 33 soon.... you sound like me at 25 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  i'm acting like me at 18  

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  i don't have to grow up if i don't want to 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  i'm free 

 NathanielsMama:  who said anything about growing up? 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  i did just right then 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  i filled your box with my stuff 


 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  ::wink wink:: 

 NathanielsMama:  I would want to be me at 18.... I was awfully stupid then 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  read em when you get a chance..i'm going to go smoke a cigarette 

 NathanielsMama:  ok, see ya! 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  peace sister 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  keep in touch 

 NathanielsMama:  peace 


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