

 Session Start: Tue Sep 12 10:39:12 2023

[10:39.23] <wptmj> digging into your suggestion :]

[11:46.11] <NineVolt> yea man i mean i'm a bit of a privacy nutter but i mean even the average #gulag user is pretty keep on not having anyone know their personal info.

[11:46.16] <NineVolt> swatting is real, etc.

[11:46.32] <NineVolt> there's a lot of assholes in that channel with loads of free time.

[11:48.18] <NineVolt> not having people need to entrust you with their info can only make it easier for people to get their hands on shirts.

[11:48.55] <NineVolt> and if you wanted you could even price them at cost and just solicit tips, in case the whole "selling for profit" thing rubs you the wrong way

[11:49.31] <NineVolt> makes it easy for people to reimburse you for your laugh dispensing. buy a shirt, leave a tip, etc.

[12:29.21] <wptmj> wow, what momentous day so far.  

[12:29.45] <wptmj> Not only did you give me a potentially fruitful suggestion, but my genius wife just got us off the hook with a local realtor we had a contract with!  

[12:30.06] <wptmj> That was one of the hurdles in our exit strategy to leave the shithole town we live in.  

[12:34.09] <wptmj> she has always wanted to get it fixed up and rented out, but i was saying fuck that, sell it(cuz she never gets around to doing things she says).  her brother who can afford to buy it lives in the same hood, but we knew he would low-ball us.  so i called a local realtor and pretended to sound desperate, even signed a contract with him, JUST TO GET 

[12:34.09] <wptmj> THE PRICE TO ASK HER BROTHER because we KNEW he wouldnt want to give his sister full value.

[12:35.19] <wptmj> we just called him and my wife owned him good.  contract invalidated!

[12:35.52] <wptmj> gonna get a line of credit for the repairs

[12:36.21] <wptmj> live upstairs, rent out downstairs, then we can travel, travel, travel

[12:36.54] <wptmj> i am all lit up and in a good mood, sorry for the blabbering :]

[12:37.35] <wptmj> regarding shirt sales:

[12:37.54] <wptmj> And I am not as altruistic as i appear sometimes.  

[12:38.03] <wptmj> ESPECIALLY if i can derive profits with little effort.

[12:38.33] <wptmj> so thanks a bunch for the rabbit hole, i appreciate you, NineVolt

[12:40.59] <wptmj> the other vital purpose the realtor had was putting the COMING SOON for sale sign up, WHICH HER BROTHER WAS SURE TO SEE!

[12:42.54] <wptmj> when i had a big garage sale i found the perfect thing to use that realtor sign for, check out my revolutionary yard sale sign, lol

[12:42.57] <wptmj> +

[12:50.58] <NineVolt> nah that's great news

[12:51.38] <NineVolt> lol

[12:51.44] <NineVolt> okay the sign makes more sense now

[12:51.57] <wptmj> no accidents

[12:52.00] <wptmj> :]

[12:52.32] <wptmj> i found that artwork in the garage, her brother made it in high school

[12:52.45] <wptmj> oh yeah, its the family house they grew up in

[12:52.52] <NineVolt> ya i figured

[12:53.17] <wptmj> its got tons fruit trees

[12:53.23] <wptmj> and an awesome pool

[12:53.48] <wptmj> right across the street from an exemplrary elem school

[12:53.52] <wptmj> locatiom

[12:53.52] <wptmj> locatiom

[12:53.56] <wptmj> location

[12:53.58] <NineVolt> booooo, drug free school zone :P

[12:54.05] <wptmj> ha!

[12:54.52] <wptmj> yeah, so the brother matched the offer to keep the house in the family

[12:55.17] <wptmj> gave us a $5k advance..but is dragging his ass and i want to be gone already

[12:55.45] <wptmj> he had his chance.  we're gonna rent it and itll be her house until she dies!

[12:56.33] <wptmj> when i get back to headquarters my blog is gonna go into hyperdrive

[12:57.31] <wptmj> ill have such a bitching update to my journal

[12:57.33] <NineVolt> i hope you get great tenants

[12:57.54] <NineVolt> i've been a shit tenant before, and it can be costly for the owner :P

[12:57.54] <wptmj> tyme2

[12:58.55] <wptmj> dude!  my girl had the rights to two prpperties here her dad owned, in the ghetto, and BOTH deadbeat tenants stopped paying rent at the same time!

[12:59.33] <wptmj> my girl grarduated berkeley, sacrificed having a career to care for her dad full time

[13:00.01] <wptmj> her evil lawyer brothers tried to sue all of her inheritance to leave her with nothing

[13:00.10] <NineVolt> super jealous. i wanted to go to uc berkeley super bad.

[13:00.19] <wptmj> not on my watch

[13:00.21] <NineVolt> top computer nerd school.

[13:00.37] <wptmj> we needed a lawyer bad or she was going to lose it all

[13:01.02] <wptmj> i magically found a pool heper job on CL!  i know pools already!

[13:01.20] <wptmj> in two and a half months i had $2700 to pay for a liar

[13:01.31] <wptmj> easy peasy

[13:01.36] <NineVolt> ha

[13:02.07] <NineVolt> but at what cost. paid labor!

[13:02.12] * NineVolt  sheds a tear

[13:02.37] <wptmj> $15/hr riding along changing chlorine tabs

[13:02.41] <wptmj> walk in the motherfucking park

[13:02.43] <wptmj> :P

[13:03.05] <wptmj> the dude loved me, and all my jokes

[13:03.24] <NineVolt> opening/closing pools can be a bitch though

[13:03.27] <NineVolt> those covers get heavy

[13:04.03] <wptmj> it was a cinch, glad its something i can do as a backup

[13:04.07] <wptmj> if need be

[13:04.36] <wptmj> i have even figured out how i am going to get back to texas for free

[13:04.49] <wptmj> i'll just rest-area hop all the way home

[13:04.59] <wptmj> with my shirt and sing that says FREE STORY

[13:05.02] <wptmj> sign*

[13:05.42] <wptmj> i can offer shirts for a ride even

[13:05.59] <wptmj> ill be the Barter Stoner

[17:30.11] ->> NineVolt is (anonymous_user)

[17:30.11] ->> NineVolt is on: +#Gulag @#order #Civics +#RebelYell #Philosophy #u_mad_bro? #oldwarez #newjersey #linux #apache @#whileyourewhoisingmeimdoingyour17yearoldsisterintheass 

[17:30.12] ->> NineVolt using * (The Undernet Underworld)

[17:30.12] ->> NineVolt is logged in as ninevolt

[17:30.12] ->> NineVolt 34 secs seconds idle, signon time 4:55 AM 9/7/2023

[17:30.12] ->> NineVolt :End of /WHOIS list.

[17:30.19] <wptmj> whats pissnet like?

[17:30.40] <wptmj> why is it so populated?

[17:32.35] <NineVolt> it's actually not populated by users.

[17:32.48] <NineVolt> it's the largest irc network by number of servers linked to the network :P

[17:32.58] <NineVolt> the userbase is actually not much larger than the number of servers.

[17:33.21] <NineVolt> it's an irc network specifically intended to give computer nerds hands-on experience running an irc server as part of a large irc network.

[17:33.50] <NineVolt> most irc networks have strict linking policies. you can't just run an irc server and get it linked to undernet, for example. you need to know someone, they need to trust you, etc.

[17:34.24] <NineVolt> you can run your own irc server for yourself, but that's not going to give you much experience beyond installing and configuring the server software.

[17:35.00] <NineVolt> but now you can link to pissnet! and see what it's like to run a real irc server linked to a large irc network consisting of dozens (or hundreds?) of servers.

[17:35.29] <NineVolt> also they have a fun sense of humor, as might be apparent from the name.

[17:35.58] <NineVolt> pissnet. cold wet chats®

[17:44.34] <wptmj> wow

[17:44.52] <wptmj> maybe ill check them out when i finally get banned from gulag

[17:45.00] <wptmj> so it might be a while :]

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