

 i sent chapter 3 to my mother also, the letter i had written to my father, here's her response to it:

Since an e-mail that I received was addressed to Franklin, I decided to delete it immediately.  Besides, it is of no interest to me to read a 21K letter that isn't my business at all.  Perhaps you sent it to me intentionally but I must say that whatever message you wanted to send to me through such a missive, was not read.  Maybe you want people to feel sorry for you by probably making them feel guilty, but in my case, it's not working.  If you could not respect me as a human being and are going to insult me constantly, then there's no place for you in this house that the "glorified babysitter'' supports.  The day you decide to stop trying to manipulate me, start respecting me and whatever I want to do with my time, my house, and my money, and contribute positively in this household...then you will be welcome again.


ok, heres what i wrote her back, i put, "im sorry" in the subject to make sure she opened it, heehee:

    yeah right ada, you know you read it.  as much as you lie , i thought you would at least have gotten better at it.  you used the word "missive" just as i did in the actual letter.  coincidence?  i think not.  
     that email contained my account of what happened yesterday, the truth.  youre just too damn ignorant to open your eyes.  it seems like the same laziness-disease is afflicting other females in the family, including laura.  
     laura could have prevented the whole ordeal yesterday by getting off her lazy ass and unlocking the door for me.  i would have gotten my shit and not have missed the bus.  oh, but you didnt get mad at laura, you got mad at your lunatic son, even though it was all your dumb daughters fault.
     like i said in the letter, im glad laura was stupid yesterday.  i had a police-escort to work and got there on time, thanks to her stupidity.  thank her for me.  
     i guess im just going to have to prove myself and my ideas to the world first, before you open your eyes and realize your sons intelligence.  at first i thought i would have forgiven you for all of your ignorance, but now i see that you will deserve all the humiliation you will feel when i prove myself right to the world.  ill be laughing all the way to the bank ada, and now i wont feel guilty for leaving you behind.

- victor

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