

  Pamela3163:  idiot
 Giz4u:  hey, it doesnt hurt to ask right..
 Giz4u:  its all a numbers game, just playing the odds
 Pamela3163:  thats horrible
 Pamela3163:  what are you. 18?
 Giz4u:  ya never know, i might run across a girl whos in the mood too and doesnt want to mess around with a complicated relationship..
 Giz4u:  sex feels good to all of us, we're only human
 Giz4u:  and im 25, by the way
 Pamela3163:  and you'd have sex with someone you just met over the net?
 Giz4u:  im usually not this desperate, its just been like a year for me...
 Pamela3163:  big deal
 Giz4u:  ive been holding out for a relationship, but only human
 Pamela3163:  well the net is no place to go
 Giz4u:  since when does it hurt to ask..
 Pamela3163:  its dangerous
 Pamela3163:  and your just asking for trouble
 Giz4u:  now, ive never done it before...and i would have to meet the person before i made my final decision..
 Giz4u:  and hey, condoms are like 99% effective at blocking stuff
 Pamela3163:  oh my god, are you sure you're not a teenager?
 Pamela3163:  you seem very naive
 Giz4u:  i seem very human..
 Giz4u:  and you seem very judgemental..
 Giz4u:  but hey, everyones different right
 Pamela3163:  i am just smart about things. plus, i work in the medical field and i've seen too much to just say "go ahead, do something stupid?"
 Pamela3163:  take care of yourself
 Giz4u:  you too, drive carefully
 Pamela3163:  dont go crazy because its been a year
 Pamela3163:  big freakin deal, you know
 Giz4u:  hey, dont you get urges now and then?
 Pamela3163:  its not something you need to live
 Giz4u:  i know, but whats life without a little risk?
 Pamela3163:  its great, dont get me wrong, but dont just jump into something crazy because its beena  while
 Pamela3163:  that kind of risk you can do without
 Giz4u:  well, everyone thinks im crazy to start off with, im just doing an experiment..
 Giz4u:  to prove that it doesnt hurt to ask..
 Pamela3163:  do you realize the type of women that would actually answer yes are just the ones that you shouldnt get within ten feet of?
 Giz4u:  how can you be so sure?
 Giz4u:  i mean i was in a 4 year relationship..i know theres a big difference between having sex and making love..
 Giz4u:  thats why ive held out for a whole year..
 Pamela3163:  if a girl is going to say yes to some guy shes never met, imagine all the yes's shes dsaid before and to whom
 Giz4u:  yeah, thats what the condom is for..
 Pamela3163:  why are guys so dumb?
 Giz4u:  even though i hate condoms..
 Giz4u:  hey, its not like guys are the only ones screwing around
 Pamela3163:  there are sooooo many things that can go wrong. and sooo many things that a condom wont even stand a chance against
 Giz4u:  well it sure decreases the chances..
 Pamela3163:  dont be dumb. go rub one out and then go meet a nice girl somewhere
 Giz4u:  rub one out?
 Giz4u:  like i said...everybody thinks im crazy for my great ideas..
 Giz4u:  can i send you my true story?  its pretty interesting..
 Pamela3163:  great ideas?
 Giz4u:  yeah, ive got some big plans
 Giz4u:  i just got back from the west coast..
 Giz4u:  i went on an odyssey..
 Giz4u:  i took off walking the day after christmas..
 Giz4u:  from san antonio
 Pamela3163:  go on
 Giz4u:  now, i had my mini cassette recorder with me the whole time
 Giz4u:  ive got the whole experience logged
 Giz4u:  easiest book in the world to write..i just had to let shit happen
 Giz4u:  i did it all for free
 Giz4u:  when i finish typing up my book, it should server as proof-positive, in black and white..that we dont need money to live..
 Pamela3163:  that i know is true
 Giz4u:  and that we have two legs for a reason
 Giz4u:  and its not to push the gas and the brake
 Giz4u:  and that cars are killling the world and making people lazy and impatient
 Giz4u:  i also plan to get marijuanan legalized and chill everybody out
 Giz4u:  -n
 Giz4u:  with the internet..
 Giz4u:  ive got it all figured out..
 Giz4u:  :]
 Pamela3163:  legalization should start in the medical field
 Pamela3163:  concentrate on that, then see where it goes
 Giz4u:  dont you think if all the world leaders got together and smoked a fat joint..that all our problems would just dissapear?
 Giz4u:  hey, they didnt call them peace pipes for nothing
 Giz4u:  not only do i plan to get it legalized...but recommended as well
 Pamela3163:  it will take a good 10 years of research after its legalized for med. research before it could or would ever be considered legal for us
 Giz4u:  hehe, anything is possible...and ya gotta start somewhere...
 Pamela3163:  yes you do
 Pamela3163:  its a long haul though
 Giz4u:  with the technology today, one person will make a difference..
 Giz4u:  i just cant find anything better to do
 Pamela3163:  college?
 Giz4u:  if you want to be like everybody else, go to college..
 Giz4u:  if you want to be yourself, learn it on your own
 Pamela3163:  there is nothing that says you cant do both
 Giz4u:  but why waste your time and money?
 Giz4u:  colleges are just cloning factories
 Pamela3163:  i got my degrees so that i could have a career that i enjoyed doing
 Pamela3163:  and now i play and get paid
 Giz4u:  yeah...would you do it for free though?
 Giz4u:  money doesnt mean shit
 Giz4u:  thats what college is all about
 Pamela3163:  alot can be done without money
 Pamela3163:  but power is another thing
 Pamela3163:  and with money comes power  
 Pamela3163:  people respect m and my decision, they see those degrees on my wall and suddenly I am an expert
 Pamela3163:  of course i knew much of what i do now before i had them, but no one listened because i wasn't schooled
 Pamela3163:  so you pay the price, get your degrees
 Pamela3163:  hang them on your wall
 Pamela3163:  and with that you realize that you can go anywhere and do anything that you dreamed of before
 Giz4u:  sorry im on the phone
 Pamela3163:  but now people listen, now they suddenly think your super intelligent
 Pamela3163:  whether you use the degrees or not they give you unlimited bargaining room
 Giz4u:  ok
 Pamela3163:  ok, well, i have to get going now. need part of a manual written by this afternoon. going fishing.
 Giz4u:  sorry i was on the phone
 Pamela3163:  thats ok
 Giz4u:  do you mind if i send you my stuff?
 Giz4u:  the smart man backs his shit up..
  :  no, go ahead
 Giz4u:  cool
 Pamela3163:  i'd enjoy reading ti
 Pamela3163:  go out, enjoy the day
 Pamela3163:  bye
 Giz4u:  ok, thats the bulk of dont mail this sn, its kinda stolen..
 Giz4u:  i hate paying for stuff..
 Giz4u:  :]
 Pamela3163:  ah yes
 Giz4u:  if you want to email me, write me at
 Giz4u:  ill be sure to save your address and send you my book(for free) when i type it up

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