

 Subject: WORLD PEACE THROUGH MARIJUNA(at long last)

"I bet you thought you'd never hear from me again.  I've been in hiding.  I'm mailing everyone who signed my old guestbook to let you know I am still at it and almost done with my project,  Spread the word!

Many thanks for signing my guestbook all those years ago. You were meant to.

(Crossing my fingers that at least a couple of these emails from the hundreds in the guestbook still work.  It's been almost twenty tears now.  Ah, it's a number's game.)

It was quite empowering when I realized after years of hard work and organization, that I wielded the power to inspire and change people's minds for the better.  So here I go again, but not on my own.  I've got my army now.  Ready for battle, soldiers?  Reach out and LOVE someone. 

- Victor Antonio

At your service.  ::bows daintily::

P.S.  Sign my new guestbook, please!  After all these years, after almost a decade(I know, it's been way longer, my mistake.)since I took my site down(2009) and went totally offline, after FINALLY evolving into this blog you are going to LOVE, I stumbled onto my old guestbook (Thank LOVE for the Wayback Machine)still online WITH EVERY SINGLE OPNINION I HAD COLLECTED back in my walking and talking days.  

     Check out a real shoddy version of my old site  Not all the links work and the background is all messed up.  Try hitting ctrl+a on the page to copy all and paste it into a text file.  It's impossible to read otherwise with that messed up background.  Here, I'll do that so you don't have to.  

     My guestbook is my crowning jewel.  It is probably the most interesting read on my blog, and it's not really on it.  It is the biggest virtual weapon I have against my enemy.  It is a TRULY HONEST and ACCURATE guage of public opinion.  

     What a blessing for everybody!  Virtual fucking gold mine!  This isn't just a game-changer, it's a mind-changer.  For the better!

     Don't you see what this means?  I mean, my blog, which you will soon experience, is insanely interesting as it is, without even knowing my EVEN MORE insanely interesting crazy true back story(which you guys do).  And now, to be able to add a link to my old guestbook showing EXACTLY the true opinions of people in the real world(572 fucking entries!)?  It doesn't get much better than this. 

     I'm going to post the guestbook first and let people chew on it for a while and get a good taste of it.  Then I'll post the old journal entries which will totally support the guestbook.  NOBODY is going to think I'm lying about anything EVER AGAIN.  

     I will become THE virtual trusted source. 

     And then I will lead us all to glory.

     My old guestbook plays a more vital role in this than my site and journal entries do.  It SCREAMS the stark advantage the people have over the bankers.  Just behold how many are pro-me and how many are anti.  What's that going to show everybody?  The truth!  How we REALLY feel!  

     The guestbook, my friends, is what's going to make my free blog spread like wildfire.  All of you people I am mailing are going to help me make this THE MOST INTERESTING BLOG OF ALL TIME. I mean, you already have, but now this is the implementation phase. Each one of you has A LOT of people to inform that Victor Antonio from San Antonio is back to finish what he started.  I am holding you all personally responsible if this doesn't work.  

     Just kidding, but seriously, this is no joke.  

Let's make this our reality. 

No greater source of disclosure exists yet, until right fucking now.  This shit is going to be EVERYWHERE!  I shouldn't use this word, but it's going to be GLOBAL!  There's not that much more work to do, so let's get to it, humanity.  

Like I said, now that you know the value of everyone's opinion, sign the new guestbook too!  Only interesting posts though.  For or against!  I win either way!

Let's get this party started!  We have a war in Ukraine to stop.




"Seems like spam could be used to actually get a message out in a very quick and widespread way about injustice, working for peace, and other political issues. Why hasn't this happened yet? Spamming is so easy and inexpensive - seems like a perfect tool for subversion." - Author Unknown"

     It's no accident quotes like these enter my being.  LOVE noticed I was collecting truths, so destiny has provided me with countless to share.  Especially now that I once again have access to my old Universal Truths collection from before.  I had been all bummed out because I thought I had lost them forever.  Nope!

I truly am blessed.

Now, check out this comment:  

Date:   2007-12-15 14:23:59

Name:   Version


Number:   156

You spammed my IRC network, but i like your site so i spammed it everywhere as hard as possible

On a lighter note, check out this comment:

Date:   2007-12-02 12:59:22

Name:   Your lord, lucifer

Number:   143

May you die from a disease of the blood and the bowels, may your children be plentiful and loud, may your chickens' eggs have yolks of shit. YOU ARE A SPAMMER!

     HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!, I can't make this shit up!  I'm a collector.

     Did you guys like how I put the bulk of my message AFTER the P.S.?  Psych! I bet you didn't think there was this much to it.  I keep receiving "downloads" of more stuff to say.  

     I'm just so glad to be back on the scene.  I am so energized.  I can feel the power!  It's palpable!  People probably thought the government had shut down my site and silenced me.  Ha!  Nope!  Time just stopped being right my site to stay online.  I had to wait until now, even though I didn't want to.  I felt like a failure after I stopped.  I hated myself.  I felt like I had let everyone down.  I felt like a total fool with lofty, unrealistic goals.  I just had to be patient.  I have returned!  I'm good again!  Great, even!

     I once again can honestly proclaim that I am the happiest man in the world.  Just like I used to be.


     I couldn't leave the job started unfinished.  Nobody will hire me anywhere else with that on my record, lol. 

     I still have an excellent opportunity to live up to my name.

     I can't fight fate.  Nobody can.  Not even you pussy bankers.

     With the subject of this email: "(WORLD PEACE THROUGH MARIJUANA(at long last)"  EVERYBODY I'm mailing is going to open it and digest it UNLIKE most spam(unless address is dead, of course), only having fond memories(for the most part, hehe)of me, ONLY because I made sure to be VERY DAMN IMPRESSIONABLE when we met way back when and I planted my seed in you, my meme.  I've had a method to my madness all along.  

     Fast doesn't even come close to describing the speed at which this is going to spread.  I have been willing this into existence for a huge part of my life.  

     My first battalion, you, your eyes are wide open to me this very second, and I know 'dis.  Like I say, the seed has sprouted and it's yearning for sustenance right now.  Tell your friends and help me water it.  Come on, kids, let's have some fun implementing!   

     Welcome to the world's HEALTHIEST spam.  I am JUMPING the ignorement-barrier!  The truth is coming out!  The truth shall set us free!  FREEEEEEEEEEDOM!   


     I am giving it to you.

     Have some jokes too.


     Do you see now how my mission evolves on it's own, now?  This morning I woke up vaguely remembering I used to have a killer quote pertaining to spam from years ago, that would go perfect with my spam ad, but I was high af and I couldn't remember it(wake and bake).  As I was picking out email addresses to mass-mail tonight, I found it!  I had mentioned it on my guestbook years ago!

     What a beautiful "accident!"

     Therefore, this is exactly the text I want people to help me spread:

     "have these jokes dot blog free entertainment enjoy this gift peace through laughter who wants to help me spam for peace copy this entire post and paste it everywhere everything is free for everybody lets make everything else in the world simple and harmless like this ad

     "Seems like spam could be used to actually get a message out in a very quick and widespread way about injustice, working for peace, and other political issues. Why hasn't this happened yet? Spamming is so easy and inexpensive - seems like a perfect tool for subversion." - Author Unknown

     JUST like that.  Please do not modify any verbiage.  

     Help upgrade our paradigm!


     ::looks behind shoulder::  Now, I'm going to sneak you this other gift to read.  It's another true story.  It'll be the most interesting thing to read from this site, by far.  Enjoy.  I'll put it on the main page eventually.  When the time is right.

     Enjoy the hope!

     My old guestbook has become the most effective boulder in my sling.   

     Fuck you, Goliath.  I'm taking you down!(sorry for the religious reference.  It's called for here.)

     I'm going to flatten you with laughter!  



     With nothing but unconditional love for humanity, even for the bad guys, I leave you for now.  You're going to see and hear a lot more of me soon.   

     Anyone can learn.  They just need the correct instructions given by the correct teacher.  I feel that's me.  I had my numerology done in SLO town years ago and the nice lady confirmed I was a Master Teacher, whatever that is.  Expect years of details when I post my journal soon.

     You can trust me.  

     Let's make everything hunky-dory.  I need your help.  Are you going to go my way?

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