
PetaIs for Jacey

  HAHA l MADE IT:  wups, accidentally signed off
 PetaIs for Jacey:  Haha   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  there you go, good reading
 PetaIs for Jacey:  ok    
 HAHA l MADE IT:  thats basically the summary of my story that i typed up from memory..i had a mini cassette recorder with me the whole time so i logged every detail of it..
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i have like 11 tapes full, i was gone for two months..
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i just have to get off my lazy ass and type it all up
 HAHA l MADE IT:  ive typed up a couple..ill send them to you
 PetaIs for Jacey:  interesting   
 PetaIs for Jacey:   So do you smoke or drink?   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i dont do drugs, i just smoke weed
 HAHA l MADE IT:  got a hit you can spare?
 PetaIs for Jacey:  HAHA   
 PetaIs for Jacey:  actually I don't   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i rarely drink, but because i drink so seldom...i can afford to drink once in a while..
 PetaIs for Jacey:  g/f??   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  but i wont get drunk
 HAHA l MADE IT:  no, everyone thinks im crazy
 HAHA l MADE IT:  hehe
 PetaIs for Jacey:  crazy how?   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  when i came back to san antonio, i was gonna see if i could find me a traveling partner/girlfriend for my sequel-trip..its gonna be tough finding a girl whos in shape, doesnt mind squatting here and there, or not taking showers every i might just have to take off again alone..
 HAHA l MADE IT:  crazy because i want to eliminate money and bring world peace..
 HAHA l MADE IT:  but hey, somebodys gotta do it right
 HAHA l MADE IT:  hehe
 PetaIs for Jacey:  good deal   
 PetaIs for Jacey:  Goodluck to you   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  ive been diagnosed bipolar, wouldnt anyone with ideas like mine get all excited and manic about them..and at the same time, when i come across so much resistance and ignorance to my logic, wouldnt it also be normal of me to get depressed?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  im not bipolar damnit..
 HAHA l MADE IT:  im human
 PetaIs for Jacey:  :-X
 PetaIs for Jacey:  Whatever it is,Just be you   
 PetaIs for Jacey:  That's all that really matters anyway    
 HAHA l MADE IT:  right on sister
 HAHA l MADE IT:  how old are you, by the way jacey?
 PetaIs for Jacey:  18   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  cool, do you ever smoke weed?
 PetaIs for Jacey:  no   
 PetaIs for Jacey:  never have    
 HAHA l MADE IT:  come on, everybodys doing it
 HAHA l MADE IT:  dont you wanna be cool???
 HAHA l MADE IT:  hehe, just kidding
 HAHA l MADE IT:  would you ever consider it?
 PetaIs for Jacey:  I don't know   
 PetaIs for Jacey:   I guess around the right company , I may try it   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  thats cool, just know that your very first time you may not get high..
 HAHA l MADE IT:  you have to activate the receptors in your brain
 HAHA l MADE IT:  but the second time, itll be cool
 HAHA l MADE IT:  but hey, im gonna go take a shower..
 PetaIs for Jacey:  ok well you take care   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  read my stuff when you can..and dont email me at this sn, it could die any day, i made it off a stolen account
 HAHA l MADE IT:  my permanent address is
 PetaIs for Jacey:  ok sure thing   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  peace sister
 PetaIs for Jacey:  bye bye   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  cool talking to you
 PetaIs for Jacey:  likewise  

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