

  Phanttomm:  blow my mind, eh?
 I WALK IN PEACE:  i'm hoping
 Phanttomm:  and how is that, exactly?
 I WALK IN PEACE:  by reading my non-fiction..
 I WALK IN PEACE:  i'll start you out with my magical west coast adventure..
 Phanttomm:  Indeed, non-fiction is amazing, indeed.
 I WALK IN PEACE:  nothing but the truth, sister
 I WALK IN PEACE:  sent, if you like, let me know..
 I WALK IN PEACE:  i got tons more good, free reading
 I WALK IN PEACE:  email me at:
 I WALK IN PEACE:  this sn could die any day
 Phanttomm:  and your choosing to disclose this information to me because...?
 I WALK IN PEACE:  no reason..i was just searching through the member directory
 I WALK IN PEACE:  i mean, you can either read it now, or just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
 I WALK IN PEACE:  i'm just trying to spread some truth..
 I WALK IN PEACE:  ultimately, i did it because i wanted to..
 Phanttomm:  so what is the writing about?
 I WALK IN PEACE:  'cause i wanted to
 I WALK IN PEACE:  well, i'll tell you
 I WALK IN PEACE:  with the internet, i have found a way to fight mankind's greatest problem
 I WALK IN PEACE:  ignorance
 I WALK IN PEACE:  i plan to eliminate money, make everything free and bring world peace..
 I WALK IN PEACE:  i'm gonna get rid of cars in big cities and save the ozone layer..
 Phanttomm:  These are all causes I am for.  I take it you are ultra-liberal, eh?
 I WALK IN PEACE:  i'm gonna get marijuana legalized and chill everybody out...
 I WALK IN PEACE:  i am victor, i don't need any other labels
 Phanttomm:  indeed, everyone does need to chill out.
 I WALK IN PEACE:  what do you think would happen if all the world leaders of today got together and smoked a lot of weed?
 I WALK IN PEACE:  hey, they didn't call them peace pipes for nothing..
 I WALK IN PEACE:  do you like to hike?
 Phanttomm:  Yes, I do.  I like to boulder, also.
 I WALK IN PEACE:  do you ever ride the bus?
 Phanttomm:  Yeahp, and I carpool.
 I WALK IN PEACE:  great..would you ever consider hanging out with me one day...strictly friends
 I WALK IN PEACE:  come spend some really free time with me..
 Phanttomm:  strictly friends?
 Phanttomm:  Thats limiting.
 I WALK IN PEACE:  ill show you places people in cars never see
 Phanttomm:  I horseback ride, too.
 I WALK IN PEACE:  well, ya know..anything is possible..
 I WALK IN PEACE:  just dont want you to think i'm just another ao-loser trying to bust a mack
 I WALK IN PEACE:  i havent been horseback riding since i was small
 I WALK IN PEACE:  i love animals
 I WALK IN PEACE:  i don't like seeing those horses pull around tourists downtown, though
 I WALK IN PEACE:  that bothers me, for some reason
 Phanttomm:  As long as they are well taken care of once they put in a hard day's work, I am all right with it.
 I WALK IN PEACE:  do you really think that's what they want to be doing though?
 I WALK IN PEACE:  if they had a choice
 Phanttomm:  Domesticated horses like to have a purpose.
 I WALK IN PEACE:  how do you know?
 Phanttomm:  Because I have been working with horses all of my life.
 Phanttomm:  And horses are very emotional creatures.
 Phanttomm:  Just like you and I they want to make a difference, and have purpose.
 Phanttomm:  Horses that are just turned out to pasture get bored.
 Phanttomm:  You can see it in their eyes, that they are unhappy.
 I WALK IN PEACE:  i rather be free than occupied
 Phanttomm:  I would rather be making someone happy./
 I WALK IN PEACE:  touche..
 Phanttomm:  Wild horses--its a completely different story.
 I WALK IN PEACE:  what's your name, sister?
 Phanttomm:  But domesticated horses really do enjoy interaction with people.
 Phanttomm:  Kind people, that is.
 Phanttomm:  I don't believe young horses ever have to be "broken".
 I WALK IN PEACE:  how can you know that for a fact, though?
 Phanttomm:  Did you know they use horses in therapy?
 Phanttomm:  For diagnoses and treatment?
 I WALK IN PEACE:  what kind of therapy?
 I WALK IN PEACE:  do you own a horse?
 Phanttomm:  Yes, 4...
 Phanttomm:  and a donkey.
 Phanttomm:  psychotherapy.
 I WALK IN PEACE:  kickass
 I WALK IN PEACE:  (no pun intended)
 Phanttomm:  :-p
 Phanttomm:  lol.
 Phanttomm:  Horses can detect the most subtle emotions.
 I WALK IN PEACE:  where do you live?
 Phanttomm:  For instance, horses can tell the difference between a psychotic and a psychopathic patient.
 Phanttomm:  Which is very hard to differentiate.
 I WALK IN PEACE:  ahh, humans can't even tell that can a horse?
 Phanttomm:  But, their reactions to each is very different.
 I WALK IN PEACE:  there are very few crazy people out there...
 I WALK IN PEACE:  most are just different..
 I WALK IN PEACE:  ever notice how the words "sane" and "same" are so similar?
 I WALK IN PEACE:  why does everybody want to be the same?
 Phanttomm:  True...but I am speaking of those that are truly in need of help.
 Phanttomm:  I don't.
 I WALK IN PEACE:  who is to judge that?
 Phanttomm:  When a horse encounters a psychopathic person...someone who dramatizes and falsely represents themselves for attention...they shy away.
 Phanttomm:  Because the person is ingenuine.
 I WALK IN PEACE:  can you count on the same reaction every single time, though?
 Phanttomm:  However, psychotic patients are so consumed by their emotional pain it consumes them...sometime to the point of delusion.
 I WALK IN PEACE:  enough where the horse would be an accurate barometer?
 Phanttomm:  Yes, 99% of the time.
 Phanttomm:  With psychotic patients the horses approach the person with their heads down, ears relaxed, and very slowly.
 Phanttomm:  Sympathetically.
 Phanttomm:  Because the person is being genuine.
 I WALK IN PEACE:  hey, were you going to read my stuff?
 Phanttomm:  Yes, I will.
 I WALK IN PEACE:  cool, not trying to hurry you
 I WALK IN PEACE:  just checked the status and saw you hadnt opened em
 Phanttomm:  my name is Jennie, by the way.
 I WALK IN PEACE:  hello Jennie, i am Victor
 I WALK IN PEACE:  pleasure to make your acquaintance
 Phanttomm:  The pleasure is mine.
 I WALK IN PEACE:  so where in san antonio do you live where you can have a horse?
 I WALK IN PEACE:  let me guess, ne outside of 1604 or something?
 Phanttomm:  Boerne.
 I WALK IN PEACE:  cool, i've walked out there before..
 I WALK IN PEACE:  and bulverde and bracken and gardenridge and shit, i forget
 I WALK IN PEACE:  how old are you, jennie?
 Phanttomm:  20, you?
 I WALK IN PEACE:  i'm 25
 I WALK IN PEACE:  turned 25 on feb 2
 Phanttomm:  Happy belated birthday.
 I WALK IN PEACE:  thank you
 I WALK IN PEACE:  do you work?  go to school?
 Phanttomm:  I go to school.
 I WALK IN PEACE:  i don't believe in school
 I WALK IN PEACE:  traditional schools only teach you how to be like everybody else..
 I WALK IN PEACE:  not only do you remember the stuff out of the books, if you are lucky(because the shit stays in the books), but you are also programmed with the professor's bias' and opinons, which aren't necessarily right..
 I WALK IN PEACE:  if there's anything i want/need to know..i just learn it on my own..
 I WALK IN PEACE:  isn't that what the internet is for?
 I WALK IN PEACE:  school is all about money, just one big business
 I WALK IN PEACE:  and happiness can be bought for a little more than free..
 I WALK IN PEACE:  excuse me for a bit, i'm going to go smoke a cigarette..
 I WALK IN PEACE:  brbin10minorless
 Phanttomm:  I want to be a doctor.
 Phanttomm:  I want to practice in a small town.
 Phanttomm:  I am not in it for the money.
 Phanttomm:  I genuinely want to help people to heal.
 Phanttomm:  Mind, body, and spirit.
 I WALK IN PEACE:  great for you
 I WALK IN PEACE:  i want to heal people too
 I WALK IN PEACE:  but i want to prevent them from getting sick before they need help
 Phanttomm:  Good.
 Phanttomm:  Exactly.
 Phanttomm:  Preventive medicine.
 I WALK IN PEACE:  that's why everyone needs to get out of their car/death machine  
 I WALK IN PEACE:  and walk how we are supposed to
 I WALK IN PEACE:  it's the secret to life
 I WALK IN PEACE:  i haven't been sick in over three years
 I WALK IN PEACE:  since my car broke down
 Phanttomm:  hey, brb.  I just got a phone call from a friend in Japan.
 I WALK IN PEACE:  ok, i think i'm gonna crash for the night
 I WALK IN PEACE:  delightful conversation, we will continue another time
 I WALK IN PEACE:  read my stuff, in the meantime
 I WALK IN PEACE:  if you want
 I WALK IN PEACE:  goodnight jennie :]

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