I WALK IN PEACE: would you care for some interesting, true non-fiction from someone who has been mis-diagnosed as bipolar?
: sure
I WALK IN PEACE: cool, give me a minute
Pretentiousfools: are you bipolar?
I WALK IN PEACE: no, and neither are you
I WALK IN PEACE: we're human
Pretentiousfools: ok.
I WALK IN PEACE: there you go, if you like let me know..i got tons more good reading..email me at: rightprotect@hotmail.com
I WALK IN PEACE: this sn could die any day
Pretentiousfools: how old are you?
Pretentiousfools: you would get along well with my friend John
I WALK IN PEACE: give me his email address
Pretentiousfools: thats ok
Pretentiousfools: i'd rather not give out his address without his permission
Pretentiousfools: perhaps i can forward your story to him and let him read it
I WALK IN PEACE: do you think all those porn mailers ask him for his address?
I WALK IN PEACE: that'd be cool
Pretentiousfools: you know what i've always thought would be a cool idea... </HTML
Pretentiousfools: it originated from the comunist theory
Pretentiousfools: someone with these kind of ideals and ideas should buy their own country and invite whoever wishes to participate
I WALK IN PEACE: well, as long as we live in one world and ignorance is killing it slowly..there is nowhere to hide
Pretentiousfools: true
Pretentiousfools: but these plans would never work if you still have all the higher powers
I WALK IN PEACE: hey, with today's technology, just watch one person make a global difference
Pretentiousfools: well, you'll never know until you try.
Pretentiousfools: so what the hell, go for it
I WALK IN PEACE: no one can stop me, just get in my way..
Pretentiousfools: so were you diagnosed bipolar?
I WALK IN PEACE: after being in a state hospital..which i placed myself in to get out of jail
I WALK IN PEACE: and i was in jail for doing good
I WALK IN PEACE: in the end, all charges were dropped
Pretentiousfools: i quit taking meds and such. my philosophy is that i'm not going to let it define me as a person. if i have traits that are called bipolar, so be it. but i'm going to live my life and deal with my problems without the label of that.
I WALK IN PEACE: great for you
I WALK IN PEACE: say no to drugs
I WALK IN PEACE: we need to stop labeling things..
Pretentiousfools: yes we do
I WALK IN PEACE: victor is the only label i require
Pretentiousfools: it just gives people excuses
I WALK IN PEACE: and i'm just trying to live up to my name..
Pretentiousfools: which is why i'm trying to stop using bipolar as my label
Pretentiousfools: i kept making excuses
Pretentiousfools: well i'm bipolat so....etc
Pretentiousfools: bipolar*
I WALK IN PEACE: that's right, humanity needs to take responsibility for existance already..
Pretentiousfools: wasn't very much progress being made
I WALK IN PEACE: i don't believe in god...i believe in love..
I WALK IN PEACE: we need to stop personifying love..
Pretentiousfools: i don't have any strong beliefs about God just yet
Pretentiousfools: for or against the belief in him
I WALK IN PEACE: when you ask a typical christian how many god are there
I WALK IN PEACE: what do they answer?
Pretentiousfools: one
I WALK IN PEACE: well, what about all those polytheistic religions in asia who believe in demigods and other gods..
I WALK IN PEACE: are they just damned to hell for believing in the wrong thing?
Pretentiousfools: what about them
I WALK IN PEACE: who the hell is right?
Pretentiousfools: so say the christians
I WALK IN PEACE: damn labels
Pretentiousfools: everyone thinks that they are right
Pretentiousfools: so i give up
Pretentiousfools: but i'm young, if i develope beliefs later in life then so be it
I WALK IN PEACE: that's right, people change
Pretentiousfools: i have time if i don't get hit by a bus tomorrow
Pretentiousfools: so what kind of music do you listen to?
Pretentiousfools: i listen to any style, mostly
Pretentiousfools: but i'm pretty picky within each style
I WALK IN PEACE: umm, some would call it punk rock
I WALK IN PEACE: i love nofx
Pretentiousfools: mostly different rock for me
Pretentiousfools: but i also enjoy neo-soul
Pretentiousfools: stc
Pretentiousfools: etc*
I WALK IN PEACE: weezer is my all time favorite(pre-sellout weezer though)
Pretentiousfools: but my favorite band is incubus
Pretentiousfools: who have only just gotten famous
Pretentiousfools: but have been around since like '91
I WALK IN PEACE: i'll have to download some of their stuff sometime
Pretentiousfools: i'm not against "selling out" unless it effects a band/artists music
Pretentiousfools: if they want to make money off of what they love then hey
Pretentiousfools: to each their own
I WALK IN PEACE: which is usually does
Pretentiousfools: yes it does
Pretentiousfools: but i still like incubus
Pretentiousfools: so its all good
I WALK IN PEACE: yeah, weezer sold out hardcore...but i found secret weezer
I WALK IN PEACE: new badass weezer that you can only get for free on the web
Pretentiousfools: i have fungus amongus, science, make yourself, and morning view
Pretentiousfools: my favorite is science
I WALK IN PEACE: i'm not familiar with their albums
Pretentiousfools: have you heard their singles that have been on the radio and such?
Pretentiousfools: their style has changed a lot over time
I WALK IN PEACE: nope, i don't eat from that trough..
Pretentiousfools: fungus amongus has some funny shit
Pretentiousfools: they were like 16 and 17 when they did that album and were high the whole time most likely
Pretentiousfools: just look up the lyrics to that album
I WALK IN PEACE: i'm gonna get it legalized, ya know..
Pretentiousfools: amusing
I WALK IN PEACE: they didn't call them peace pipes for nothing
Pretentiousfools: yes i read
Pretentiousfools: another reason you woul dget along with John...he smokes pot
Pretentiousfools: i'm curious..how old do you think i may be?
I WALK IN PEACE: i have absolutely no idea..
Pretentiousfools: take a guess
I WALK IN PEACE: i have nothing to base a guess on..
Pretentiousfools: how about the way i talk?
Pretentiousfools: what i talk about?
I WALK IN PEACE: i have come across some pretty stupid old people..and some brilliant young people..
I WALK IN PEACE: i'm not one to judge
Pretentiousfools: true
Pretentiousfools: ahh, i agree.
Pretentiousfools: i've been walking everywhere the past month or two
Pretentiousfools: i feel so much better after a nice walk around downtown
I WALK IN PEACE: it's the secret to life..
I WALK IN PEACE: why is everyone in such a hurry?
Pretentiousfools: because they are money-driven and it all has a snowball effect?
Pretentiousfools: Salutations Victor, my name is Erin.
I WALK IN PEACE: greeting erin, thanks for talking to me tonight..
Pretentiousfools: no problem
Pretentiousfools: and i happen to be 16 years old
I WALK IN PEACE: wow, that doesn't surprise me one bit..
Pretentiousfools: sweet
I WALK IN PEACE: it's simple evolution..
I WALK IN PEACE: the parents can't handle the fact that kids know better..
I WALK IN PEACE: kids have ALWAYS known better
I WALK IN PEACE: we have the advantage of learning from our parent's mistakes and not having to make them ourselves..
I WALK IN PEACE: so we could concentrate on learing from our own mistakes..
Pretentiousfools: i have very traditional parents
I WALK IN PEACE: as do i..
I WALK IN PEACE: my whole family thinks im crazy
Pretentiousfools: non-denominational protestant
Pretentiousfools: so very religious
I WALK IN PEACE: yeah..my mom's a hardcore catholic..
I WALK IN PEACE: she worships guilt
Pretentiousfools: oy....catholicism
Pretentiousfools: don't even want to think about it
I WALK IN PEACE: it's people your age that all think i'm not crazy..
I WALK IN PEACE: i am at your level..
Pretentiousfools: John thinks he's crazy
I WALK IN PEACE: not that we are immature, just more advanced..
Pretentiousfools: i'm trying to convince him he isn''t
I WALK IN PEACE: who is john?
Pretentiousfools: he's 20
I WALK IN PEACE: what's your name, sister?
Pretentiousfools: i met him at the coffee shop down the street
Pretentiousfools: ?
Pretentiousfools: my name?
I WALK IN PEACE: i'm sorry erin
Pretentiousfools: confused me for a second
I WALK IN PEACE: i've had two head injuries..
Pretentiousfools: thought i had already told you
I WALK IN PEACE: (universal excuse)
Pretentiousfools: oh of course
Pretentiousfools: my father has had one
Pretentiousfools: now he can't remember shit
Pretentiousfools: or is it selective memory?
Pretentiousfools: hmmm
I WALK IN PEACE: i was kidding..i didnt forget because of my head injuries..
I WALK IN PEACE: i'm talking to more people
Pretentiousfools: he does
I WALK IN PEACE: i'm human
Pretentiousfools: apparently
Pretentiousfools: and yes i knew you were kidding
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