

Date:  2006-10-10 11:47:21
Name:  mike gray
Number:  2
hey i meet u in ventura on thr board walk and u told me your story and it changed my life thanks for your insight call me 805-815-5240

Date:  2006-10-12 12:25:14
Name:  chaz
Number:  3
What's up man. You came in to Eric Ericsson's restaurant on the Ventura Pier a few nights ago and needed some change. I was the guy that gave you 50 cents. Thanks for telling me about your website. Very intriguing. You stayin in Ventura or still heading to LA?

Date:  2006-10-12 19:56:27
Name:  carol
Number:  4
Hey Victor,
You Rock Baby! Now you got me telling your story. I love you.

Date:  2006-10-15 10:07:01
Name:  Bernadette
Number:  6
oh victor, i miss you and carol so much... you inspire me, you are so right on, hey, umm there's been a book in my head for a while, a compilation of rants that have slipped out at times to listening and non listening ears alike, hey, i'm serious here, can we write something together sometime, start a project, at least talk???? perhaps time will find us nomads in the same place once more!?

Date:  2006-10-22 21:32:40
Name:  John Kimbell
Number:  8
Liberator my friend, I am so glad you could stop by #thrillspot on

Your visit was rather short, and I would very much like it if you could join us again sometime.

Date:  2006-10-22 21:51:42
Name:  E.J
Number:  9
Haha, man I must find more people like you out there, got tired of way things are and unable to change them due to it's 1 person vs the world, people aren't satisfed with content, funny nor they are happy with change. dude good luck and if you ever drop by NYC, email me, gotta have a bowl.

Date:  2006-10-25 19:52:03
Name:  Sugar
Number:  10
Hey bud! I ran into you in APD today. I was that girl like 2 years ago that kept bugging you for the candy bracelet. Love the website. Congradulations.

Date:  2006-10-30 13:28:48
Name:  the hitch hiker (chick)
Number:  11
Ahh ha we meet again. I hope your traveling and spreading good important info is going well, and same to the lady :) Man in Arcata, we didn't get a ride for a while, then we got picked up about 6 at night by the SAME guys who gave us a ride to Garberville. ahah ah, and they were go'n to porland, and dropped us off in good old eugene. fun stuff. nice web site and hope to hear from you beautiful people! OHHHH and if you don't know who this is, were the couple that gave some love'n herb and yo took us to the endevor!


Date:  2006-11-01 10:40:12
Name:  Geoffrey
Number:  12
Take a walk with me my friend, i've been thinkin' about you man. You have the spirit in your heart and soul. Keep the faith, what you're doing is so important. I've met a couple of others in my time, travelers with the same vision (well not quite, yours is unique) and every time i feel i'm meeting an old friend for the first time. As i'm sure you know there are those who would try to destroy you for what you are doing, but as long as you believe, they've got nothing on you. Be valiant and bold. You work for the light.

Peace and true vision


Date:  2006-11-02 14:19:51
Name:  Mercedes
Number:  13
Hey what up man? I saw u yesterday on Main Street in Ventura..I reallly enjoyed looking at your website..Its pretty chill.Keep spreading the word...Love and Peace yo!!!!

Date:  2006-11-04 16:23:27
Name:  Bobi Torres
Number:  16
What's up? are you two still in Ojai? Where to next? Feel like doing a "Geographic" myself. On another note,try thinking Decriminalized ; keeps the Beurocrats out of it.Also land ferries,better than "freeways".Solar re-charged magnetic rails,or something better. Peace be with you. Bobi

Date:  2006-11-08 15:49:32
Name:  Kristen
Number:  17
Hey there,
Just wanted to send you my love...we graced each other outside of a shell station in Rialto, ca. I'll never forget you and maybe soon this whole country will be able to say the same. Keep on truckin!
Peace Brother.

Date:  2006-11-12 10:33:50
Name:  uncle chuck
Number:  18
"Imagine no possesions, I wonder if you can. No need for greed or hunger, a brotherhood of man." preach on brother love you

Date:  2006-11-18 11:02:08
Name:  nyk
Number:  19



Date:  2006-11-30 14:05:25
Name:  Asim
Number:  20
Met you at the end of ventura pier. Interesting site. I'm glad there are people like you in this world.

Date:  2006-12-01 16:40:44
Name:  Greg
Number:  21
I met your girl friend the other day in the parking lot in Ventura. She told me about you site. You guys rock! I love what you are doing man keep it up.

Date:  2006-12-04 09:43:41
Name:  carl wilson
Number:  22
saw you in bakersfield 12/3. Hi!... i was passenger in white
pickup. i'm from ventura county line [malibu]

Date:  2006-12-04 15:05:44
Name:  Mendy
Number:  23
I saw you today (12/4) on Truxtun Ave. in Bakersfield. I was in the white Toyota. I told you I would check out your site and I did. Interesting stuff, man. Keep on doing what you are doing. Your sign "world peace through marijuana" definately put a smile on my face. It is so simple, yet so true.

Date:  2006-12-15 17:07:02
Name:  Michael
Number:  24
Hey, found you're website threw someone advertising it on a IRC network.

I admire what you're doing, Thank you for doing what so many of us woulden't even dream of.

Maybe one day, i'll see you around.

Date:  2006-12-17 15:41:20
Name:  Derek and Jhase (Arcata Plaza)
Number:  25
Jhase and I were chatting today about marijuana and travelling and your name came up. We met you in the Arcata Plaza when you came up to us and asked if we would like to hear your story.

Jhase remembered your site and so we checked it out. We really enjoyed the story about getting out of jail and relaxing in the psychiatric country club. Very excellent. Where are you now? Shoot us an email if you find the time. Enjoy your journeys.

-Derek and Jhase

Date:  2006-12-19 08:52:34
Name:  Wendy
Number:  26
Hey Victor,
I met you at the bottom of San Jon Rd. in Ventura on 12/16. I stopped and asked you if you wanted a rain pancho. Enjoyed talking with you. I drove by again later that day and you were gone. You left an apple on the power box, Why? Peace, Wendy
Date:  2006-12-19 12:47:52
Name:  Summer
Number:  27
I saw you under the San Jon freeway exit. Your sign said World Peace thru Marijuana

Date:  2006-12-23 19:46:25
Name:  Domenica
Number:  29
Hey there Victor! It was so nice to meet you, good luck on your journey! See you on Myspace!

Date:  2006-12-19 13:53:59
Name:  Victor
Number:  28
Wendy, that apple has been there for three days. Somebody gave it to me and I wasn't hungry. I left it there, accidentally. I wonder how long it'll be there.

Date:  2006-12-24 19:54:54
Name:  Glenda
Number:  30
Hi Victor, I'm the chick with the convertible camaro who stopped and saw you X-Mas Eve day!Hope you liked the bud. Thanks for making me smile. I actually ame back just to see you with that bud!Enjoy!Peace bro.

Date:  2006-12-25 10:39:23
Name:  Sarah Berlin
Number:  31
I normally don't give young homeless people money often... especially one my own age, who can give so much to the world. I do listen to my heart though when I'm supposed to give. This Christmas morning was one of those. It made my day because I met someone actually working being homeless. I do understand that some people aren't homeless by choice and I have empathy for them. Thanks for your mission you're on...I like it!

Date:  2007-01-02 09:37:09
Name:  Bernadette
Number:  32
Victor, may be heading out to North Carolina, via California...roundabout, but hey, it works, wonderin if i could meet up with you and carol ...miss you peeps, it'd be grand to cross paths...

Date:  2007-01-06 23:07:02
Name:  Hal Chiprin
Number:  33
I saw you holding your peace sign at Seaward and the 101 in Ventura . Ca. I gave you the peace sign and you ran over and gave me your web site. Traffic was bad. I should have turned around and offered to smoke some with you . Please let me know when your in town.

Date:  2007-01-07 21:30:41
Name:  Hadley
Number:  34
Hey me and my friend katie were walking down state street, santa barbara and we saw you sitting outside The Habbit.
Your the type of person this world needs more of. good luck on your journey and i hope you accomplish what you set out to do. Peace.

Date:  2007-01-08 21:56:18
Name:  Malia K
Number:  35
you're starting a revolution..
that's rad.
it's about time!
thank you for your story today @ the park in Ventura..
if only we could rid the world of the root of all evil..
take good care,

Date:  2007-01-09 15:00:11
Name:  Christopher
Number:  36
hey Victor, I am glad to see that you are someone that has a mission, and I agree that we have become such a lazy people, and that we are willing to destroy this perfect world just so we can have an "easier" life. Take Care, and I am glad I was able to help you out in Ventura, I know a $1.25 aint much, but at least it helped get you from Main to Seaward

Date:  2007-01-11 11:06:12
Name:  stoagie/josh
Number:  37
hey man kool web site it was fun kickin it with u last night that weed was pretty dank i hope ur happy with it well hope to c u around bro thx for the story its RAD!!!!!!

Date:  2007-01-11 15:56:07
Name:  Will
Number:  38
You certainly do have quite the memory, eh??--- I am impressed after reading what you rapped to me behind the hotel today --- Right Arm, Farm Out

Date:  2007-01-12 15:27:26
Name:  David Hanigan
Number:  39
You where standing on the corner of Seeward and Harbor Blvd in Ventura CA and you handed me a small piece of paper with your e-mail address. Thank you. I don't believe in accidents.

Date:  2007-01-16 11:51:57
Name:  Paul Hefterich
Number:  41
Hey man just keep seeing you all around ventura CA passin the word on. Myself though dont smoke but hey good luck man easy traveling!!!

Date:  2007-01-18 11:42:01
Name:  Mae Mae
Number:  43
I saw you at San Jon Rd in Ventura. You made my son chuckle, but I smirked in silent concurrence (can't let my little secret out to my son, at least not until he's 18 & society puts out way too many negative message in this regard, unfortunately...) I've certainly achieved inner peace with the assistance of my nightly stress-relieving ritual as opposed to my past uses of Xanax and other evil "legal" rx meds. Now, if the whole world chilled out to a smoke, yeah, I agree, it would be a peaceful world, but how realistic that is, I'm not too sure. But, I LOVE your message and can only wish and hope for peace in our crazy world. Keep on spreading your message! It's worth the effort... PEACE!

Date:  2007-01-18 13:19:23
Name:  Nat-uh-lieee
Number:  44
yay! we blazed it up at surfer's point. oh yes. be safe in your journey my friend!!!

Date:  2007-01-18 17:59:33
Name:  ian
Number:  45
my friend sent me this website i didn't know what it was and i've been reading your stories bit by bit for a few days i really value the work you're doing with bringing about world peace and getting stoned, i've been working toward the same goals myself and hafe been farily sucsessful.

Date:  2007-01-24 23:33:14
Name:  nonpedestrian
Number:  46
Its working Victor hope you liked the cheeseburgers ,wish i had the time to change a few more additudes like your doing, and having the time of your life to boot .Journey on brother and keep the wind in your face and your stash dry .

Date:  2007-02-23 09:08:15
Name:  Robert
Number:  47
Dude! My friend met you in Texas and told me about you. I loked up your site. Lots of great info! Wow! You are to be admired. Thank you for what you are doing. The US can't keep going the way it is and survive. I think a lot of people understand that. i will pass this message on. Thanks again!!!

Date:  2007-02-24 16:05:28
Name:  Lisa
Number:  48
Thank u soooo much.

Date:  2007-03-01 13:55:14
Name:  Vivia Cox
Number:  49
When I first read this I was sceptical. In fact, I still am, however, lately, I have begun to doubt the honesty of our goverment and I am not happy with the Iraq war, as I have a son over there right now. I feel he is not fighting for what America is about nor is he "defending" her. Many conflicts still arise inside of me. I do believe we have been lied to as a nation and we need change. I am not sure getting stoned will help much, but I read some of your site already and and am interested in reading more.

Date:  2007-03-08 19:29:14
Name:  Suzy Q. Trip
Number:  50
Hey there Victor!

You made a little voice recording yesterday accounting when you got some new socks in Eureka...knew you were a good-souled kindred spirit.

HumCo appreciates you!



Date:  2007-03-08 19:29:14
Name:  Suzy Q. Trip
Number:  50
Hey there Victor!

You made a little voice recording yesterday accounting when you got some new socks in Eureka...knew you were a good-souled kindred spirit.

HumCo appreciates you!


Date:  2007-03-17 01:01:14
Name:  Rose
Number:  52
p.s. I kept that slip of paper with my pipe

Date:  2007-03-27 16:54:47
Name:  operation plague
Number:  53
wanted to say thanx for coming by our tat shop the other night in the rain with yor word.if ever there s any way that i could help you to get your story out there

Date:  2007-03-30 02:29:47
Name:  Eric
Number:  54
Portland Oregon
Last Thursday on NE Alberta St

That is where I met you.

Thanks for all the stories, it was great sharing my stash with you.

If you're ever in town again, and lookin for a good home cooked meal, email me. Heck, email me while you're still here, perhaps the little lady and I can cook something up and have you over.

If not, be safe, and travel on.

Eric (cody was there too)

Date:  2007-03-31 20:46:06
Name:  Ray
Number:  55
I saw you today on 82nd ave. In Portland. I really respect what your doing and the best of luck to you. Thanks to you I've changed many of my own opinions. For the better. If you want a nice cooked meal during your stay here let me know man. Hell, we'll even smoke ya out. Take care!

Date:  2007-04-03 15:07:03
Name:  Tasha
Number:  56
I never met you but my husband and our son were driving to petrolia CA and in the middle of nowhere is a big sign with this web site on it. I took a pic and came to the site when i could... i haven't read much but it seems like something interesting to read so im sure i'll be back again to finish reading
p.s. thanks for the tips on keyboards.

Date:  2007-04-14 22:08:18
Name:  cosmicpyramid
Number:  57
Hey I Love You!

Good to feel yah! Deny the Federal ID, never leave your state!

2007-04-20 14:54:52
Name:  myra
Number:  58
saw you on 82nd and powell. thnks for the reminder that anyone can start a revolution...even one person.

Date:  2007-04-20 21:17:35
Name:  vowoyele
Number:  59
I"ll be back.Interesting stuff.

Date:  2007-04-21 12:21:57
Name:  melissa and bryan
Number:  60
Sorry we forgot you on the hill. Come out to Sandy to visit for a night. Send us an email or call us. Peace

Date:  2007-04-21 22:30:50
Name:  vowoyele
Number:  61
Okay, Im Back,I Ejoyed most of what I read......tends to drag on some times............were you tripping............wait a minute, somebody stole my question mark.Okay I found it..........good luck in your adventure, journey, quest.Its nice to know that someone is willing to commit to what appears to be a beautiful dream

Date:  2007-04-22 16:41:16
Name:  pork savage
Number:  62
i basically agree with your message

Date:  2007-04-23 12:57:01
Name:  freeman
Number:  63
saw ya on 4-20 on powell blvd. keep it up man!

Date:  2007-04-27 11:18:52
Name:  carol
Number:  64
Hey...Still in Portland? Send me an update. Good luck

Date:  2007-04-29 18:37:57
Name:  Ryan
Number:  65
Hey dude
you stoped and talked to me the other night
i was the dude with the slayer shirt
it was really nice meeting ya and hearing what you had to say
its nice to hear somone with a orignal story and a compelling adventure
hope to see you around again man
this next J is for you!

Date:  2007-05-08 21:31:46
Name:  Richard
Number:  66
Hope my directions were helpful.

Date:  2007-05-15 11:20:45
Name:  Dreamer
Number:  67
Hello Brethren
I just thought I would say Hi and let you know that things are better for me than they have been in manny years, I have been spending a lot of time with my mother and grand mother and soon I will be heading out to the national gathering, hope to see you there! I would say that I hope you are okay but I know that you are. thanx for being you brother!
blessed be and may your heart stay full of light!
Day Dreamer...
Aka Matthew

Date:  2007-05-23 15:57:32
Name:  Jason
Number:  68
I saw you on the square in Arcata, I gave you some change and you gave me a little peice of paper with your website on it. I admire your mission and think of you as a modern day Jack kerouac in a way. If there is ever a way that I can help you with your mission of obliterating money and legalizing marijuana let me know. I admire your courage to go out and do exactly what many of us wish we could, live life the way it was meant to be lived. Good luck man.

Date:  2007-05-30 21:34:07
Name:  Eric and Cody
Number:  69
where are you these days?

peace and good wishes on your mission, dude


Date:  2007-06-11 12:54:53
Name:  Jason Ahmadi
Number:  70
We met yesterday on telegraph and then chilled at the park yesterday. I hope you are continuing well on your journey, and can achieve our goals soon. Good luck and peace be with you.


Date:  2007-06-14 11:32:23
Name:  Paul
Number:  71
hey Victor! thanks for the info. great site, btw. i really enjoyed our talk the other day on haight. verrry summer of luv. almost. please feel free to contact me . my email is above, but here's my cell: 415.902.2100. see ya.

Date:  2007-06-19 11:58:37
Name:  Max
Number:  72
Hey Victor!

We met in the square in Arcata around the beginning of June. (smoked hash in that field by the 101?)

Read all your stories and they really inspired me. I'm going to be travelling via hitchhiking for the rest of the summer, north then east. Where are you!? I'll journey to where you'll be if you let me know.

God bless, Max

Date:  2007-06-27 17:47:45
Name:  Bernadette
Number:  73
sending you love brotha, give me a hollar or an e-mail....(i may not hear you hollar) anyways, i'm on the move again......would love to catch up with you..e-mail me....keep on your journey man, righteous and true....miss ya...

Date:  2007-07-02 22:03:02
Name:  celine
Number:  75
hey victor,

you stopped me on telegraph to ask me if i had time to listen. the sun was in my eyes so i asked you to move to block it so i could hear your story. thanks for sharing your story and being brave enough to save the world. i've shared our conversation with alot of people. it is inspiring. i wish you well on your journey...

Date:  2007-07-11 18:05:03
Name:  Gene
Number:  76
say i invited u in to my apartment i gave u my green bong an u told my sister and i ur story. Good luck on ur journey an email me. I added u on myspace i wanted to ask u how to get free stuff on the internet u told me to ask u u said everything should be fre. give me a hollar!

Date:  2007-07-18 07:29:18
Name:  Bernadette
Number:  77
what up victor!
wanted to tell you and anyone who visits your site about my friend Alix....she is riding across the country in the shape of a peace symbol....she is travelling by scooter and creating a documentary about what people's definition of peace is....she freakin rocks....her site is check it out and get back to me-i gave her your site..

Date:  2007-07-20 04:22:06
Name:  Claudia
Number:  78
Hey Antonio!!! Love the page . . .. i know its been awhile since i met you in front of the seven eleven in pomona. Just wanted to let you know to keep your message going and keep smiling . .. love that cheeseburger smile of yours

Date:  2007-07-23 20:09:44
Name:  Allison
Number:  79
Victor, its allison i met you on a bus a little while ago going down south from Santa Rosa, just wanted to thank you for the brownies man, as well as wish you the best for your endeavor. i truely believe that you are fully capable of saving the world.

Date:  2007-07-24 12:07:06
Name:  Justin
Number:  80
Hey Victor,i don't know you or your site but i told to read up on your site by a friend,and i think your info is really usefull.thank you and fell free to write me on myspace.hope to hear from you soon.

Date:  2007-07-30 12:05:04
Name:  jena
Number:  81
sounds like a website...

Date:  2007-08-04 08:21:53
Name:  gabriella
Number:  82
I saw you at the riverwalk in san antonio. i was in texas for ten days with my venturing crew. and i have to say you were the most unique thing i saw. i saved the website address in my phone and today i searched it.


Date:  2007-08-08 12:41:57
Name:  Ziggy
Number:  83
Hey Victor, it's your fellow antonian Ziggy. We need to smoke a bowl on the roof of city hall one of these days. It is a beautiful view.

Date:  2007-08-19 17:50:28
Name:  Ben
Number:  84
Waddup dude! It was cool to meet you and smoke a bowl of hash on the streets of Arcata. I saw you and that other guy with the world peace sign and decided to come over and talk. Quite a cool town and even cooler people. Nice message you have for the world and ideas. Best of luck to you, forever tokin.

Date:  2007-08-19 22:08:48
Name:  ninjaMIKE
Number:  85
hey man, i was the kid you talked to downtown today. very awesome vision you have for the world man. i love to hear more about it sometime.

Date:  2007-08-25 21:50:14
Name:  Naren
Number:  86
Hi Victor,
Got to know about you from my friend,Vinay ,who met you on the bus yesterday in Sanantonio.Your website & vision is very cool...Goodluck,my friend !!!

Date:  2007-08-27 12:06:12
Name:  Emily
Number:  87
just got an e-mail from you and wanted to say I'm glad things are going good...and I'm even happier to finally know that you weren't a figment of my imagination 3 years ago on that stoney evening in kerrville on Chapel hill when you told us your story and slept in our camping chair...keep up the peace work.

Date:  2007-09-06 20:05:02
Name:  adam
Number:  88
hey. i met you at the social security office. i was not the guy talking about freeze drying dead cats and dogs to solve world hunger. haha. they called your number like 10 minutes after you left.

Date:  2007-09-11 02:38:51
Name:  Millie
Number:  89
i met you at a valero on wurzbach in san antonio...:) you liked my hippie car and gave me your site. good luck with the cause. thought i'd put my two cents here in your guest book should we not have a chance to speak again

Date:  2007-09-19 09:00:43
Name:  phebe
Number:  92
interesting..good luck

Date:  2007-09-22 16:34:24
Name:  shelly
Number:  93
peace,safety and harmony...if everyone smoked instead of anything would be so much better...good luck

Date:  2007-09-26 21:01:08
Name:  shirley goulden
Number:  94
i met this young man tonight on my nightly walk. i ask for his help as i had just met an older vietnam vet who i thought at first was sick and in need of some help. as it turned out he was drunk and couldn't walk the 2 blocks back to his apartment and was disabled and useing a cane. i had just passed this young man a block back on my walk and had saw him talking to a young man very seriously about something. so i leaned the older man against the wall of a store on our main street her in arkansas city,kansas and walk back a block and ask this man if could help me help this older man. without asking how, he just ask the young man he was talking with to watch his gear trusting that he would and came right back and started helping me with a complete stranger. we were all strangers but we helped this man. i'm going to go through this site and read it all as i'm a middle aged woman, mother and grandmother and i think when you can just ask for help and don't have to even say for what and some sweet young man comes with a stranger,he must be a very good soul. granted the older man was drunk and had problems wondering why we would help him as he wasn't from my town until he moved here because of his disabilities, and really for a moment i think he was scared of us. as i told the older man when he finally got home just help the next person you think needs it then you will keep it going. the really odd thing was i was walking alone and looking at the beautiful full moon and thinking about my daddy who has passed away as he and my mom had a special love of the moon when he was away at war and would take pictures of it and send them to her and tell her no matter where we are we can both share our moon. about this time i find this man in a doorway of a closed shop and he was scared and drunk and couldn't walk the two blocks home. the part of our talks about the war and him being a veteran of war was so odd as of my prior thoughts. then to meet the so very nice young man who hated the war also but had some thoughts on how he wanted to help people. some things you can't explain and this was truly one of them. the odds of the three of us meeting up the way we did. so people out there if your like me and will stop in west virginia,new orleans,new york or even my town of arkansas city kansas and feed a hungry person as i do or just someone down on their luck or in tonights case a sad drunk disabled vet, please do as i believe they could be an angel or one of us someday. just my thoughts. and that young man was gone before i could thank him. SO THANK YOU KIND SIR,as you know i couldn't have helped him much more alone. may God bless and keep you safe on your travels as you'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

Date:  2007-10-02 17:48:19
Name:  Greper
Number:  95
hey there victor antonio from san antonio. Met you in wichita the other day down the street from the bus station. Have to admit you are one of a kind and a genuinly happy seeming soul. If you were't a proffesional walker/journalist you would make a great car sales man. Wish the world was as simple as you would like it to be. I'll never forget our brief but interesting encounter.

Date:  2007-10-03 11:09:18
Name:  Nathan
Number:  96
Hi Victor,

I met you today around 12:15 in downtown Des Moines IA. Got a chance to read through the site, and your cause is very interesting. Best of luck with it, I'll be rooting for you. Wish we could have had more time to talk. Good luck!

Date:  2007-10-03 13:40:37
Name:  Toast
Number:  97
Hey victor. I met u on 6th and walnut, by walgreens. I was amazed that u stood there with the sign that said marijuana. I myself love it and i wish i had the guts myself. we have to get all of the potheads in the world to stand on the front step of the white house to get them to listen. Best of Luck,


Date:  2007-10-04 10:40:13
Name:  mike
Number:  98
hey man, its mike that picked you up in texas and took you to luther, oklahoma and hit golf balls.. just wanted to see how this trip was goin so far and say good luck and be sure and smoke a lot!

Date:  2007-10-04 12:28:31
Name:  Leslie
Number:  99
Victor, I met you in Boone, Ia just today and I think your ideas are righteous!!!!!!!!! and keep doing what you are doing for all of us.

Date:  2007-10-07 02:21:24
Name:  Mamita
Number:  100
I love you, Mi Vic-Vic. Couldn't fall asleep and here I am like always, asking the Lord to carry you in the palm of His hand.

Date:  2007-10-08 09:49:34
Name:  jeremy greg hardy
Number:  102
hello victor remiber me from humbolt c.a. well im here in texas! i hope your doing well.going up and down the east coast please e-mail me asap!
im that guy with the star on my head!

Date:  2007-10-09 11:54:11
Name:  Joel Benda
Number:  103
Hi Victor! I hope you remember me. I met you this past Friday evening at a gas station along Interstate 35 in Iowa. We chatted for about half an hour and took a couple of pictures together.

I wanted to reiterate how refreshing it was to meet someone who puts their heart and their cause on their sleeve and actually walks the walk instead of just talking the talk.
I wanted to wish you all the luck in the world with your mission, and I hope that if you're ever in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area that you will get in contact with me. I would love to get a chance to meet with you again, hear the rest of your story, and maybe share a toke. =D

Also, my picture turned out terribly blurry, so I was wondering if you had the capability to send me the picture YOU took of us together. I want to post on my Facebook about meeting you, and I really want a good picture to go with it.

I hope everything is going well for you and that you stay safe on your journey. I pray our paths cross again one day.

With love and hopes for a more peaceful world,

Date:  2007-10-15 15:10:38
Name:  Kelly
Number:  105
Hello Victor, I hope you had a nice stay in Rochester, MN. Find any stoner kids?

-Kelly, who gave you two cigarettes.

Date:  2007-10-15 15:55:21
Name:  zippo
Number:  106
hey man i read your webpage from top to bottem and ....i like the way you think come back some time win you get the chance


Date:  2007-10-16 07:16:13
Name:  Victor Antonio
Number:  107
Kelly, I had a pretty good time in Rochester. The Dorothy Day House was like a hotel. I took off walking a couple days ago. I walked like twenty miles on 14 and this cool dude turned around and picked me up and gave me a ride to Madison, Wisconsin. THIS is where all the stoner kids are at. I am having such a blast. Can't wait to type it all up.

Date:  2007-10-16 14:22:52
Name:  Jazz
Number:  108
Hi Victor. We didn't cordially meet; you just stopped me on my way to class and gave me your web address. I wish I would have stayed and talked to you. I think the world needs more people like you and I support your cause completely. I don't think people realize how much control we have, especially in the efforts of not letting the world go to complete shit. So thank you. And I hope to see you around Madison campus again sometime soon.


Date:  2007-10-18 10:24:16
Name:  Jessica Kinkade
Number:  111
Hello there Mr. Victor. I had met you this morning on the Madison Campus on the corner of Lake and State. I don't know if you heard me on our first encounter, but I thanked you. Thank you for your compassion and activism. When I returned home, I immediately felt the desire to check out your website, though I have not explored it fully (just a quick glimpse to start =) ). We didn't get a chance to talk much, as I was on my way to class...but I do have some interesting initiatives to share towards the environmental movement. How long will you be around? (I know only time will tell)...but if you have a moment, I would like to invite you for a peaceful 'session' and conversation. By then, hopefully, I will have read your website completely for more input(yay for midterms, right?). I hope you have a wonderful and blessed day!
P.S. Seeing that you're transient, where do you stay? Let me know if I could help in any sort of way. Hasta Luego...Paz

Date:  2007-10-18 12:40:57
Name:  Erin
Number:  112
Wow... yer memory is right on. I couldn't even remember the date. It's so weird reading your travels. I have met quite a bit of the same people you have met on the western slope here in Colorado. Small world... HUGE PLANT! Did you know marijuana grows EVERYWHERE!?! lol. Much love, friend.

Date:  2007-10-19 12:57:05
Name:  Erica
Number:  113
I talked to you for a while today at my work on State Street...I don't have much time right now but I'll check out your website a little more thoroughly when I get a chance. I'm relatively confident that I agree with what you have to say, so do a lot of people. I'm having reservations about the effectiveness of your approach. Getting people to agree with you is extremely easy, but getting people to act is extremely hard. We live very comfortably in this country and therefore many of our problems become easy to ignore because they're not effecting your day-to-day life.

I myself have been looking for a cause to dedicate my life to...I think that ultimately I am more suited to a leadership position, but the most efficient way to make a lasting change in how things work is to put yourself into a position of power, which frequently means becoming a politician - my roomate is taking this route but it doesn't appeal to me. I'm not willing to blindly support your cause, but I'll selectively support it, and would welcome the chance to chat again. I'm living, working, and going to school all in downtown Madison, so I'll probably see you around. Or you can shoot me an email but there's a chance I won't get it before you're gone. I don't want to give my address out to the whole internet world, but I'll give it to you if you contact me.

Date:  2007-10-20 18:51:03
Name:  James
Number:  114
hey Victor! we met on library mall and spent some time in the woods for a while.... it was great meeting you, hopefully i run into you again while you're in madison.
meeting folks like you helps me appreciate the potential for good in humanity.

Date:  2007-10-22 12:52:26
Name:  Erin
Number:  115
Victor! Thank you for telling me your story today, it made my good day, an even better day! You are a very amazing, talented, & beautiful human being! Thank you for being YOU! You are a very unique, clear-headed, optimistic, humanitarian, & genuine creation of you very much! I hope you're enjoying being in Madison! I don't know if you'll remember me by my name, or not! Sorry, if I was kind of quiet! I was just really tired from class & not getting enough sleep last night! Anyway, I hope you are enjoying being in Madison! I wish it was a sunnier day! Anyway, you made my day brighter, @ least! Take care wonderful.....!

Date:  2007-10-23 07:50:59
Name:  pedro
Number:  116
..I'm an example of the 6 degree separation theory.... I heard your story from Ben in Madison.... your blond look a like... it's all good.

Date:  2007-10-25 13:10:17
Name:  Adam Carlson
Number:  119
i saw you on state street today. i was walking with my friend emily and as soon as i saw your sign and knew your idea was completely correct. i back you 100% of the way

Date:  2007-10-25 22:40:59
Name:  Nate & Zach
Number:  121
Hey man we listened to your story on the street in Madison this morning and bummed you a cig haha. We enjoyed the story a lot and back your cause. Keep spreading the word and stay strong. Peace, Love and Goodwill

Date:  2007-10-26 11:18:20
Name:  Ben
Number:  122
Hey...this is just crazy that we met you. We were going to a football game in Ames, Iowa(We live in Mason City, IA). We stopped at this gas station and you were outside with your shirt "World Peace Through Marijuana." When I got inside I told the other 8 people I was with about what I thought your shirt said, and they thought I was just being dumb. So on our way out my friend and I stopped and talked to you, and listened to your story. We both thought you were pretty damn cool, and that you knew your story crazy well. We got the site from you and also got a picture of your shirt
(It's on my phone and when I get a cable to my computer I'll be happy to e-mail it to you). All i got to say is keep're on the right track. And if you ever get up into Iowa, or close to Mason City send me an e-mail or something because I know of a few people who'd like to meet you. Keep Going!

Date:  2007-10-30 11:28:10
Name:  Becky
Number:  123
Met you outside the Dylan show - interesting ideas. Everyone does need to chill

Date:  2007-10-30 11:30:38
Name:  Dave
Number:  124
Hey Victor,

Hope your travel to Chicago is going well, if you're not already in Chicago by now. Rob and I met you on State St. in Madison, WI after the Yonder Mountain String Band concert, and we hung out a bit in Whitewater.

Thanks for the stories, and keep following your dreams :)

Date:  2007-10-30 14:45:37
Name:  stephanie
Number:  125
hey victor!!!
i just met you today, and here i am, looking at your website and signing your guestbook.

hopefully i'll see you around for the rest of the week up here in chi-town, i want to talk some more!

Date:  2007-10-30 18:13:00
Name:  chris
Number:  126
hey man,

Let me know if you need anything (besides the smoke in front of barnes n noble) while your in Chi town.


Date:  2007-10-30 19:30:15
Name:  andre
Number:  127
hey whats up victor? i met you outside the white hen on the corner of dearborn and lake the first night u were in chicago..hope ur journey is goin gnarly.

Date:  2007-10-30 19:49:42
Name:  holly kristine
Number:  128
hey, i met you last week on state street in madison wisconsin! it definately made me happy to see someone who actually acts on their beliefs, instead of just sitting around and talking to people you know already agree with you. you're an inspiration, i hope to see you in madison, again, sometime!

Date:  2007-11-01 09:24:46
Name:  Kelly H.
Number:  129
Hey man, I met you outside of Roosevelt Univ. on Tuesday night but didn't get a chance to talk much b/c my ride pulled up. I look forward to checking out your site. Good luck and keep up the great energy!

Date:  2007-11-04 13:56:08
Name:  Luke
Number:  130
Hello Victor,
I was on a class trip for photography and we were waiting outside a museum where you were standing with your sign "peace through marijuana" and i thought you were the most intriguing sight on the whole trip. I really wish I had time to talk with you before my group moved on.

You probably don't recall but, I took a photo of you and i think its going to be my favorite out of all the ones I took on the trip. I'll be sure to send it to you some how.

Good luck with everything and I'm thrilled to finish your site.

Date:  2007-11-04 18:36:23
Name:  antonio
Number:  131
yo like really run for president cause u speak the truth
Date:  2007-11-06 08:28:00
Name:  Ya-yah Townsend
Number:  132
Peace and blessings, Victor...

I saw you yesterday downtown, pointing others in the direction about the truth of marijuana. I appreciate your willingness to go onto the streets of this society and guide others toward the REAL truth. I am sure that you have more than enough people willing to spread the truth with you. Just let us know and we got your back. The evil ways of the world can't prevail.

One love and Jah Bless

Date:  2007-11-08 13:04:19
Name:  Jack Dietz
Number:  133
hey Vic hope your trip goes well through Missouri. I met you at a gas station in St James, I hope you can keep your free spirit. God knows we need more like you. I feel God is what each individual makes him in your case love and that's Great. Peace, remember the old farmer who grew pot.

Date:  2007-11-12 09:00:26
Name:  Joe Grove
Number:  134
dude! i didn't realize your "ministry" was so huge. i met you the other day in chicago on michigan ave. remember the nerdy white dude and the homeless black dude who kept arguing about money? and then there was some weed? i'm that guy! i mean, the nerdy white guy. you are spreading god's kingdom. god is love! i didn't tell you this during our encounter, but i believe you are a prophet, brother. keep speaking the truth of love to everyone, even if they hate you for it! peace!

Date:  2007-11-13 21:55:48
Name:  Big D Schwagg
Number:  136
hey man i thought really hard about all you siad and it makes alot of sense i really appreaciated it thank for the talk

Date:  2007-11-14 10:27:25
Name:  yob la force
Number:  137
hows it going brother. hope all finds you well. make it to chicago safely? are you still there? i am going to put something on your page within a week or two. if that is still cool? let me know where your at and how it is going.


Date:  2007-11-15 12:25:58
Name:  ross u.
Number:  138
ha whats up dude met you outside the library at umr, cool site man keep it up,

Date:  2007-11-17 13:08:19
Name:  jay
Number:  139
hey man saw your cite through a fun. its great dude keep up the peace

Date:  2007-11-20 00:10:14
Number:  140

Date:  2007-11-29 20:30:33
Name:  Diana
Number:  141
Hey Vic, I admire the purposefulness and passion that you bring to the world. I don't agree with many of the things you believe, but I am proud of you for being your own person and being so committed to a cause.

Love, your sis, Diana

PS - Can you send me the family pix we took at Thanksgiving? I don't want to post my email address, but I think you have it... Or, you can post the pix on your website and have Mom tell me how to access them.

Date:  2007-12-02 11:34:59
Name:  Daniel London(ch0ke)
Number:  142
Victor you rock come stop by my house man you're the best!

Date:  2007-12-05 21:36:17
Name:  jannett
Number:  145
It was so awesome meeting u man..peace

Date:  2007-12-07 22:04:02
Name:  Matt Shipley
Number:  146
Dude, we met at Giddy Goat while you were making your way through Rolla. Later that night or week, my friend Jerry gave you a ride to Ft. Leonardwood or some place like that. He said that we are pretty much the same person. How's the travel working out? Anything that I can do to help the cause?

Date:  2007-12-08 15:44:55
Name:  jeremy
Number:  147
vic.- dude man, no mattter how much i read your living book , .~! i still cant get enoufe. ithink its great that your spreading the "word of truth !"

Date:  2007-12-09 19:04:36
Name:  yvette
Number:  150
hey saw you out today and took your picture!!!! gonna send it to you on you myspace

Date:  2007-12-11 10:35:02
Name:  Matt
Number:  151
Your website and missons is awsome, I love your writting. We should go hit the streets in san antonio sometime, and spread the message of marijuana legalization.

Date:  2007-12-12 08:47:17
Name:  3 flowers
Number:  152
Caught you in the corner of 410 & Bandera on a Sunday afternoon, with my three daughters. Never seen anything like it before, but you truly got my attention. I am a child of the 60's and actually agreed and loved your messag I am pro marijuana dont know whether it will happen or not but more power to you for your effort. You obviously feel strong about what you believe in and that's fine, doesn't matter what others think, everyone has an opinion, can't please everyone. Peace & Love!

Date:  2007-12-13 12:51:50
Name:  Brian
Number:  153
Victor, Its Brian. I met you today at the wal-mart bus stop. The bus driver even managed to
be an asshole to me for not waiting on the bus for it to leave, ha! Been readin your writing for about an hour now, youve got alot to say and your pretty damn cool. It appears to me that you are aware. How long have you been aware?
It'd be really cool to hear from you again so drop me a line, i left my info so you could. When I get ahold of some green yiour on the list. Peace

Date:  2007-12-14 08:29:08
Name:  Courtney
Number:  154
Hey, it was a while ago, but I saw you in front of the library in downtown Chicago on my way to work. I didn't get a chance to stop, but I just now found the paper with your website on it. Good thoughts. Sorry I didn't get a chance to talk with you. I'm moving to Portland in two weeks so if you're ever in the neighborhood, look me up. peace.

Date:  2007-12-14 12:47:36
Name:  natalie
Number:  155
whats up victor??? we need to smoke some weed together!!!

peace pipe it up!!

Date:  2007-12-15 14:23:59
Name:  Version
Number:  156
You spammed my IRC network, but i like your site so i spammed it everywhere as hard as possible

Date:  2007-12-15 21:05:39
Name:  Victor Antonio
Number:  157
Awesome! I really appreciate it. SPAM FOR PEACE!

"Seems like spam could be used to actually get a message out in a very quick and widespread way about injustice, working for peace, and other political issues. Why hasn't this happened yet? Spamming is so easy and inexpensive - seems like a perfect tool for subversion."

Date:  2007-12-17 12:58:15
Name:  Shannon
Number:  158
Hey man... i saw you on the 92 bus here in San anton....going downtown, but i got off too soon to hear your story, but i am glad we met... hey we should chill sometime, you are awesome, if only more people were as honest and real as you ..... write me back when you are in S.A again

Date:  2007-12-20 19:10:58
Name:  Yale
Number:  159
I really enjoyed the site. I believe you aren't the only one who has these ideas ( I've had them too just floating around) But you are definitely the first I have seen do something about it. You're site layout blinded me and looks a bit kiddish and unprofessional.. but I think it brings across it's point well that way. Good luck on your venture :D
P.S -- Someone spammed IRC with your site. Not sure if it was you, but your word is getting out.

Date:  2007-12-20 19:10:58
Name:  Yale
Number:  159
I really enjoyed the site. I believe you aren't the only one who has these ideas ( I've had them too just floating around) But you are definitely the first I have seen do something about it. You're site layout blinded me and looks a bit kiddish and unprofessional.. but I think it brings across it's point well that way. Good luck on your venture :D
P.S -- Someone spammed IRC with your site. Not sure if it was you, but your word is getting out.

Date:  2007-12-24 13:44:47
Name:  Clea
Number:  160
Mi Querido Victor Antonio,
You are the purest distillation of love and light I have ever known. What a hard working man you are! Keep workin' it baby, keep workin it ;)
Adore siempre,

Date:  2007-12-27 19:53:27
Name:  Andrew
Number:  161
I met you outside the Exon on Bandera and Bruan. Your story is an amazing one that I will be sure to follow for as long as i can. Good luck

Date:  2007-12-28 10:46:11
Name:  martin pina
Number:  162
yo i met you on 1-10 and medical i think... don't remember too well... but yeah, i visited your website and it really sparked my curiosity. unfortunately, i have the attention span of a two year old so i didn't read through all of it... i would love a response lettin me know a little bit more clearly what ur message is... thanks and keep on doin ur thing

Date:  2008-01-01 08:34:50
Name:  Ezrah
Number:  163
I believe what Victor walks for is true wisdom that will set people free. I don't believe people should be the batteries for a machine that drains us of our time, relationships, and imagination. We're all made differently so we can contribute differently. Don't fit the mold! Don't always believe what you are told. Ask questions! Wake up to a world that is free and full of love and fellowship. Turn off the tv and smoke and walk and think for yourself. There are a lot of truths to uncover from the lies you have been taught. Don't let yourself be stupid and don't let stupid people tell you that their opinion is right. That's all they know because they believe in enslavement, they think that's how lives are meant to be lived, but look at history, look at what it takes to survive and figure it out for yourself by TRYING. The worst thing you could ever do is not try.

Date:  2008-01-09 04:28:31
Name:  Mike
Number:  164
Wassup man... Tom and I met you at the Planet K on Evers. I thought your story was awesome. Just keep doin what your doin, and hard work WILL pay off in some way. Peace man!!

Date:  2008-01-09 12:21:15
Name:  Amy T. And Amy P.
Number:  165
Whats up victor. Okay so the night before last you gave me you website adresses and i cant find anymore pictures. where have you hidden them?

Date:  2008-01-09 14:21:06
Name:  jade
Number:  166
hi there bus friend

Date:  2008-01-11 06:09:39
Name:  jade
Number:  167
we met on the bus in san antonio i was in a rush and couldnt talk i would love to meet up with you now, my boyfriend choked me yesterday so needless to say we split up and i am now free to chat with whoever i would like and i didnt get a number to get ahold of you i am staying with a friend down town ner sac please e mail me xoxox jade

Date:  2008-01-26 13:13:49
Name:  sancho
Number:  171
Hey, man. I met you in front of Holmes, on Ingram. Dude, you're so incredible. There needs to be more people out there like you. You're a true inspiration. I hope you get what you want accomplished and I'll follow you into the revolution, anyday.

Date:  2008-02-06 22:07:49
Name:  Nikki/Mike
Number:  172
Hey we meet up with you in Vinton Louisiana and you needed a ride so I asked my boyfriend too help you out and we did.(all though my friend didnt want us too) But we all need help sometime.You know there is good and bad out there and you never know who you r helping and I try too show my kids there is good out there somewhere!But I just wanted to see if you mad it where ever the filp you was going and I hope we helped you.Be careful dude cause you never know !

Date:  2008-02-07 01:48:12
Name:  lucid
Number:  173
saw tag in pittsburgh grayhoud bathroom. remembered it now that im home in ct. cool site. did u know if everything weorked properly we would only have to work 15 hours a week! or if the US stopped military funding for 1 year it could feed and clothe the whole world... -lucid

Date:  2008-02-07 13:39:29
Name:  Nikki/Mike
Number:  174
How is your trip going?Where did you end up now?Did you get much help?

Date:  2008-02-10 15:33:15
Name:  david and sally
Number:  175
hope you made it to the chalmette ferry. enjoy the camel fatties

Date:  2008-02-11 14:12:13
Name:  Travis
Number:  176
hey victor. this is travis i met you on elysian fields and gave you that 5 dollar bill. if i ever see you again "i will help a brother out" some more and maybe we can toke it up

Date:  2008-02-20 11:09:06
Name:  Frank & Angie Broadwell
Number:  177
Hey Victor saw you today@ the chevron in panama city beach Fl and gave you a ride to the beach sorry we couldn't give you more cash good luck dude.

Date:  2008-02-20 13:43:57
Name:  Rachelle
Number:  178
whats up dude it was good to meet you today good luck on your journey you are a very nice dude. Panama City FL

Date:  2008-02-22 13:08:54
Name:  Duke
Number:  180
Hey I saw you on Wabash right outside one of the Columbia College buildings in Chicago last year and I took your picture, you gave me a little peice of paper that had this website on it so that I could e-mail the picture to you. Anyway I was cleaning my room and found the little paper aain ad looked it up again. This time I didnt just look at the front page and I absolutely agree with everything you are doing! Come out to chicago again some time and look me up

Date:  2008-03-04 20:36:28
Name:  KYM
Number:  181
Just wanted to see how your job was going? Hope all is well, will talk to you soon! Good Luck - KYM

Date:  2008-03-10 04:20:10
Name:  lee
Number:  182
hay it was nice meeting you have fun

Date:  2008-03-10 12:58:09
Name:  guy from gator shop
Number:  183
good luck

Date:  2008-03-10 21:05:27
Name:  shane
Number:  184
hey dude, it was amazing meeting a person as yourself, genuine and straight up cool...if you dont remember im the one u met at burger king and then went to the library with, too bad we couldnt score. keep on keepin on. peace

Date:  2008-03-11 18:26:20
Name:  Cynthia
Number:  185
i drive around nw san antonio a lot and i saw you about three times in a row throughout a week or so - doubt it if you remember me - the papa johns girl tryin to grab your name offa hausman close to babcock and utsa blvd just near that dinky lil bridge ^_^ well, now i know yours, and you know mine. its been a while since ive seen you... take it easy man :)

Date:  2008-03-11 18:26:20
Name:  Cynthia
Number:  185
i drive around nw san antonio a lot and i saw you about three times in a row throughout a week or so - doubt it if you remember me - the papa johns girl tryin to grab your name offa hausman close to babcock and utsa blvd just near that dinky lil bridge ^_^ well, now i know yours, and you know mine. its been a while since ive seen you... take it easy man :)

Date:  2008-03-16 13:59:03
Name:  Cecily
Number:  186
ooy~! it's cecily! we met in ybor the other night.

love the site man! keep doing what you do best. (:

Date:  2008-03-17 21:06:51
Name:  Grant
Number:  187
Hey Victor,

I met you tonight outside the USF library. I wish that we had a little more time to talk about your views. After reading your website i have gained a lot of knowledge of what you stand for. My first impression of you was that your were a "druggy" who could not stand still. I regret drawing this conclusion after reading your story. You have taught me that it is important to learn ones story before drawing conclusions. I would like to state, however, that i do not like how you respond to people who attack you with angry and crude comments. I think it is important to remember what you stand for, which appears to be peach and tolerance. Also remember that this is what you stand for and do not let those who disagree cause you to become intolerant. Not everyone will agree with your views but you still need to be tolerant to these people. Once agian I love what you stand for and wish I had more time to talk with you.
Thanks for your time,

Date:  2008-03-17 21:16:12
Name:  Nicole
Number:  188
Earlier today, you talked to my boyfriend Grant outside of the USF library. I have now been exploring your website and am very disappointed that I did not get to meet you!

I love the fact that you are keeping journals and spreading your words of peace and love.

I just wanted to show some support and wish you good luck in all that you do.

Hope to see you around!

Date:  2008-03-18 16:24:34
Name:  Victor Antonio
Number:  189
In response to Grant, who let me borrow his cellphone last night, if I remember correctly(haven't typed it up yet).
Exactly how do I respond to people who "attack" me that you disagree with? By pointing out their ignorance? I'm not crude, just honest. And the last thing I am is angry. Hell, I'm the happiest man in the world. Why would people proving me right make me angry?
Did you witness these attacks and my rebuttals yourself, or are you basing it on my documention?
I mean, why would anyone attack me for being honest? My project is in the best interest of all, not just me. Why does everyone always have to mess with the guy trying to bring world peace?
It doesn't seem like anyone else is letting people know they are ignoring the truth, so I'm going to. Call it tough-love.
I am in the habit of provoking thought, making people think before they react.
Nobody wants to hear the truth, but I am going to scream it at the top of my lungs. Somebody has to.
I stand(walk, actually) for peace, not tolerance. Change doesn't come from tolerance. Not at all.
I feel that is one of our greatest barriers, tolerating wrong, allowing it to continue. When will we ever learn?
Okay, well it's seven and I just got to the library. I have a lot of typing to do. Duty calls.
Thanks for taking the time to sign my guestbook and expressing yourself, Grant. I really appreciate it. Thanks to Nicole, too. You guys should see me again. I'm everywhere!

Thanks and praise for the love we share,

- Victor Antonio
Date:  2008-03-19 00:22:46
Name:  Grant
Number:  190

I was just referring to the exchange of emails from your "friend" BJ, I think thats his name. I didn't mean for it to seem as though I was attacking you. Best of luck to you.


Date:  2008-03-19 09:30:13
Name:  Victor Antonio
Number:  191
I never thought you were attacking me. And the emails I got from BJ didn't offend me one bit. Just the opposite.
The minute I started reading them I smiled and thought man, this just HAS TO be on my site.
I actually randomly ran into BJ again in Berkeley in 2004 and he didn't kick my ass like he said he would in his emails. Talk is cheap, hehe.

Okay, gotta get back to typing, peace.

Date:  2008-03-20 11:28:20
Name:  Josh
Number:  192
met you outside a CVS in downtown tampa..I didn't have time to talk, but good luck man.

tall guy leaving the CVS in tampa,

ps. I think your crazzzyyy (isn't that what you want? hehe)

Date:  2008-03-30 21:57:13
Name:  Matt
Number:  194
Hey Victor! your presence was inspiring with us. Thanks for your story. you left your after shave here by the way. haha Hawk-speed, brother.

Date:  2008-04-02 11:26:22
Name:  Billy Beck
Number:  195
World peace is going to happen. Marijuana will be legal. Keep walking brother.

Date:  2008-04-03 18:54:49
Name:  Marcia
Number:  196
It was great meeting you at the "Patch". We kept getting interupted, so I decided to check out your site to get a better idea about your mission. I never met a hostile or violent pot smoker...herb on! Marcia

Date:  2008-04-06 16:38:06
Name:  Lauren
Number:  197
It was a pleasure meeting you at the blueberry patch last tuesday evening. I am writing an arguement for one of my composition classes regarding the legalization of marijuanna. I thought this was a perfect time to check out your site.

I respect all of youre thoughts and ideas, and agree with many of the things you speak about. Especially regarding LOVE,RESPECT,and judgement, but there are a few things I feel are condratictory
What you say about colleges and university education regarding professors and their biases opinions, and the spoon fed information these institutions provide you with, i feel you may be looking too negatively at the greater picture. Yes, it does cost money to attend these learning facilities, but what goes on inside each and every classroom and every individuals mind is what they make of it. These learning sessions can provide people with the opprotunity to exchange thoughts, ideas, knowledge, and most of all communication between persons, allowing people to listen as well as express their own. This is a point you seemed to stress: Listening to one another. I couldnt agree with you more. As a student at USF my experience at the university has provided me with a great deal of cultural expansion and understanding as well as the opprotunity to feel peaceful and safe amongst my peers. We can all learn from one another, communication through conversation is the key to understanding and acceptance of the varying viewpoints that circulate through every individual

the world is a crazy place we are all running around all over the place money doesnt need to be the root but rather a benefactor that could one day be controlled and eventually disinigrating its the ingorance and the egos selfish and cluttered blocking the drain

i hope you see you again in the future best of luck much love and respect to all

lauren k

Date:  2008-04-07 15:21:20
Name:  nikki dahl
Number:  198
The divine peace in me greets the divine peace in you.

much love and many blessings dear friend

Date:  2008-04-08 19:36:11
Name:  anthony
Number:  199
hey i meet u in key west Florida ...i gave you two dollars for the bus and two cigarettes..and you took a picture of my artwork...well i hope your journey is going great

Date:  2008-04-09 12:21:57
Name:  Jenn
Number:  200
Now that we have parted ways, once again, in Miami....I am wondering when we will cross paths again. Both being travelers & all, I'm sure we'll meet again. Keep telling your story, keep opening minds, keep being you!

peace, love & tangerines

Date:  2008-04-10 17:19:01
Name:  Shanna
Number:  201
Hey, i'm Jenn's roomate. I love your 'Dear Slaves' piece (or whoever wrote it) and love what you're doing. :) I am starting a clothing company called "Just Be." It is accompanied by what i'm calling the "Movement for Global Positivity." Each shirt features a simple phrase to change the world one person at a time. I think you'd really like it. :) I would like to send you a promotional shirt to wear in your travels if you would be interested. Is that possible?? :)

Date:  2008-04-12 13:18:10
Name:  shawn
Number:  202
hay i think what you are doing is great good luck with it !!

Date:  2008-04-13 20:34:10
Name:  Andres
Number:  203
Hey Victor, it was great meeting you on the beach, i hope everything goes well with your mission!

Date:  2008-04-14 12:30:59
Name:  Manon
Number:  204
Victor, I met you this afternoon in Weston. You look like a good guy. I talk to you because I saw the movie Into The Wild and you made me think about him. I don't approuve your mission for marijuana I am sure can can have peace without any drug...but good luck to you.

Date:  2008-04-15 08:26:28
Name:  Victor Antonio
Number:  205
Say no to drugs! All you need is weed!

Date:  2008-04-20 10:52:52
Name:  leon
Number:  206

Date:  2008-04-21 12:44:34
Name:  garet
Number:  207
hey brother, i love weed too

Date:  2008-04-22 21:31:56
Name:  Zayd Theresa Tammaro
Number:  208
I met you about two years ago in Denver's Civic Center Park. I was going to meet up with you to do some walking...and living! We never got in touch. I'm going to be setting off on my bicycle next month. Email me if you can and let me know how you're doing! Peace, Love, Unity, Respect!

Date:  2008-04-24 10:46:37
Name:  Abe Hagenston
Number:  209
I will read more, rightous for anyone who is exercising our right of free speach, yeh bill of rights!

Check out my petitions, I promote utilizing our right to ammend the constitution directly via article 5.

Here is a petition to set a federal maximum interest rate of 1% adjusting all current debt. You'll dig it.

Here is one to end the war:

And I will put up some more. Have a topic you would like to suggest? I will help you to create your own self feeding petition. We get new signatures every day!


Honest Abe
"Abe for president"

Date:  2008-04-24 20:10:22
Name:  Travis
Number:  210
Hey man its uncle chuck where the heck r u and how the hell have u been. Think im headin to cali soon, im done with wisconsin, been so long since i seen the ocean, think i should

Date:  2008-04-25 11:40:17
Name:  Victor Antonio
Number:  211
In regards to Honest Abe. Slogans, boycotts, petitions and protests do not offer answers. Do you really think votes matter? Can we trust whoever is counting votes? Do you?
The government is a big charade, smoke and mirrors. Don't fall for it, Abe. Wake up. The games they play serve only as distractions to what's really going on. A secret-agenda which will enslave us all.
You can't fck the system with the system. It's got safeguards to prevent that.
In our age of the internet we do not need any government to be heard. You can't stop bytes.
There's no government like no government. We can govern ourselves.

"The point is not merely to fck the system, but to destroy it." - Abbie Hoffman

What's up, Chuckie? I am still in Florida right now with lots more of the East Coast to cover. Maybe you should head down before you go West. What's been going on with you?

Date:  2008-04-26 14:42:34
Name:  tiffany
Number:  212
hey i met you today and i think what your doing is really good

Date:  2008-05-05 14:15:43
Name:  nona brown
Number:  213
i enjoyed reading your cause. hope all is well. peace easy.

Date:  2008-05-06 08:23:22
Name:  Jayme Perrine
Number:  214
I found you through Nona Brown.. i absolutely love your message. you are brilliant and beautiful and radiant.peace is the only option. i'm trying to start a "Commune" In WV that is tax and law free based on the premise of Spiritual Freedom to respect the Earth and live in peace. Come see me. Many Blessings..

Date:  2008-05-09 11:03:59
Name:  Ray
Number:  215
Wow man! If everyone was just as cool and smart as you, this world would be chilled out. I met you months ago outside a Shell station on Eckert and Huebner Rd. I asked for one of your rolled up cigs and you gave me yours and said it was cool you would make yourself another. U gave me your website and here I am. Keep doin what your doing. Love & Respect.

Date:  2008-05-13 10:45:43
Name:  Walter Adams
Number:  218
Just note to say HI.I met you and your lady at blocker you was looking for bright house. thank you wally

Date:  2008-05-13 12:51:41
Name:  Stephen A
Number:  219
Great website with a great message. The world needs more people like you..

Date:  2008-05-21 17:11:15
Name:  shane
Number:  220
hey victor...alright man, i dont have any idea where you are as of now, but if your in florida or on the east coast im heading up to rochester,NY by mid or late june. i gave u my number but its 352-304-1793. Remember burger king? the library? in ocala, the lost hope of a place to rest...sorry man i really which it was my house. ANYWAY call my number and ill give u a ride anywhere on the east coast side. it would be cool to see you again. I grokk your mission.

Date:  2008-05-26 21:45:23
Name:  Judy
Number:  222
Hi! I met you at Pizza Place in Parkersburg, WV ... I drew you a map! Hope your journey is going well!

Date:  2008-06-06 20:24:34
Name:  Montana
Number:  223
Hey, I met you in Charleston West Virginia. Gave you the chick-fil-a chicken. Little I know. If you stop by the chick-fil-a in the local mall I on a saturday if you're ever back in the area I can hook you up with something to drink.

Date:  2008-06-07 07:39:03
Name:  Amanda Dawn Rhodes
Number:  224
I met you at the corner of Quarrier and Summers. I listerned to your story, however -- you didn't have to ask me for anything; because I offered you a place to rest, without you even having to ask.
~Much Luv,

Date:  2008-06-07 20:44:28
Name:  Jared Wittekind
Number:  225
Hey man, met you today in Charleston, WV at the transit mall (I was the dude playing guitar for change). Anyway, I help run an internet independent film site- if your up to making a documentary about your travels that'd be tight. email me and lemme know.

Date:  2008-06-08 19:29:07
Name:  Sarah
Number:  226
What's up, I'm approximately 50% of that quiet couple you talked to at the transit mall tonight. Great message, man, sorry we turned out to be nonsmokers. :D

Date:  2008-06-12 18:03:32
Name:  mike
Number:  227
hey bud cool story get that sh#t legal!!!!!!

Date:  2008-06-12 18:51:01
Name:  Loren H
Number:  228
had a good conversation with u glad someone knows the truth bout shitt be at the transet imma start bringing my guitar....loren h SHWV

Date:  2008-06-13 13:39:38
Name:  Kat
Number:  230
Hey, man, I saw you on the street in Charleston, WV--I was riding my bike, you were wearing a backpack...funny how such simple things can flag a kindred spirit. :) I haven't gotten a chance to read all of your sight yet, but it's the same kind of thing I've been thinking and writing about recently as well (minus the weed--I don't smoke, sorry!) I use yoga instead. :) Check me out on MySpace. Maybe I'll see you around again someday.

Date:  2008-06-15 15:29:54
Name:  Johnathan Mcbrayer
Number:  231
Hey man good hangin with you earlier today, i hope you enjoyed the crackers. i hope your stay in Montgomery is one full of peace and other people who will listen to your cause. but your welcome back in town anytime ill have a couch for you to rest on a bowl and prolly some food man

Date:  2008-06-20 08:32:58
Name:  Heather Williamson
Number:  232
What's up buddy.. told ya i'd sign the guest book well take care honey and LEGALIZE POT!!!!!

Date:  2008-06-20 12:17:48
Name:  Corey Fauber
Number:  233
Hey Victor it was really good hanging out with u those few days and i really enjoy ur story i cant wait to read more in the future.

Date:  2008-06-20 14:48:53
Name:  nic mayo
Number:  234
i just met you five minutes ago. i think the world needs more people like you and less of the monopolizing pigs who run it. i wish you much luck with whatever you ar searching for, and id love to hear from you more. im always in huntington so im sure ill see you again, until then man.

Date:  2008-06-20 15:05:18
Name:  Jamilyn Leina'ala Pelekane Beekley
Number:  235
How's it hangin', Victor?!

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get around to signing your guestbook, but you should know by now how hectic my schedule can be sometimes. I'm sorry we didn't get to hang out more before you got your sign to move on, but rest assured that I'll be traveling with you, man. I'm obviously not gonna be right beside you on the highway with a walking stick of my own, but I'll keep a close eye on your site and try to experience your adventures as well as I can through your journals. Don't give up! You're gathering a strong following made of smokers and nonsmokers alike!

Much love,
Devoted Hawaiian Princess

You left in such a rush that I never got around to buying a couple shirts off of you! If you ever plan to make it back this way, shoot me an email. Nat and I would love to see you again and help support your cause!


Date:  2008-06-20 18:40:17
Name:  Quincie
Number:  236
Hey, I just met u at pullman in huntington and i was bummin a shirrt lol. anyways i totally agree with u and and ur cause keep working at it we need change and I do think ur crzy but u can do alot of good. Plz keep in touch.

Date:  2008-06-20 21:26:55
Name:  Ben
Number:  237
Hey man, I just wanted to wish you the best of luck. They say that humanity is coming to an end, but you are a shinng light in the hour of darkness. You've opened my eyes to what the world is really like. For that, I can't thank you enough. In Ireland, near the end of the Pagan Druid era, the druids became journeymen, spreading the tales of the balance between nature and man. These entertainers of lore were called bards. Victor, you are a prime example of a modern bard. Shine on, chosen one.

Date:  2008-06-21 11:45:41
Name:  Tim Waldron
Number:  238
hey man i can't stop reading your well your whole site its so true and so great so i have started my journey as well at 15 years old my eyes opened not fully but just enough to see the light and i hope that some day we cross paths i hope to inspire the world to change through my future music i play the guitar its been about a year but i play all day everyday. keep it rollin man and some day i will be sitting next to you passin the bong jammin on the instruments and changing the world one day at a time

Date:  2008-06-24 01:09:21
Name:  Branden
Number:  239
wud up? i met u earlier today in huntington at the river front and u had to pause for the cause and we had to roll out i enjoyed speakin to ya though

Date:  2008-06-24 14:49:41
Name:  Stephen Smith
Number:  240
I didn't know what to believe at first. Anytime you want come back and stay at the house you are welcome to

Date:  2008-06-24 20:11:18
Name:  Brandon
Number:  241
Hey I met you at Pullman. I was the guy with Victoria. I think It's great what you're doing and the hopefully you'll get more support along the way.I'll try my best to spread your message.-Brandon

Date:  2008-06-25 19:00:30
Name:  jamie
Number:  242
hey its the girl on the porch u stopped and talked to, just wanted to say high and please do get it legalized so i can smoke again!!!!!!!! I miss it so. Keep speading your legacy!!!!

Date:  2008-06-25 23:43:37
Name:  ashley martin
Number:  243
hey victor it's ashley from charleston. i bought you a sub. yay me. yay you. ne way left without saying goodbye. add me on myspace you cool ass son of a gun.

Date:  2008-06-26 11:24:32
Name:  Ian Carver
Number:  244
Hey Victor. I enjoy the fact that you stepped out to say something about your message when you saw everyone at Angelique's place on 6th Ave. in Huntington. You've got a big heart, and lots of hope. Although I am mildly skeptical of people really reflecting the love that you have for the world, and all the effort it would take, I do believe that if there were a change to come, it would be through other likeminded loving people like yourself. Peace be with you. I wish you many a safe travel.

Date:  2008-06-26 18:57:45
Name:  Stephen Smith
Number:  245
Victor you changed my view on people in the past couple days of you staying at our house. You showed me that their are really people out there that are legitimate. Most people aren't sure about themselves. Most people won't do what they really think they should do. I will no longer judge people before I meet them. Thank you for what you are and what you are doing. Hope to see you in the future.

Date:  2008-06-27 07:12:59
Name:  Amber Dreggors
Number:  246
hey! It's the (angel) who brought you pizza! :) I'll miss you, I hope we see each other soon. I'm glad I keep meeting people like you, it really keeps me motivated towards my goals. It proves I am not crazy. There really should be more of us out there living it than saying it indoors somewhere..that's why we decided to do the whole New Orleans thing, for however long it lasts. Thanks for having a beautiful
soul. You are what gives me hope about this place. I actually hope you will stay in touch through email instead of it being a one sided conversation haha. Well. Be safe and well. Love.

Date:  2008-06-28 15:22:04
Name:  Subagh
Number:  247
i was sorry not to give you a better ride than i did. i hope it helped some. live well and fight that ignorance. everything in life has to be learned. so does love and selflessness. travel in peace.

Date:  2008-06-29 20:04:56
Name:  Phil B.
Number:  248
I just have to say i am proud of you and keep fighting and i saw you at the dairy queen in WV, i tried buying a t shirt of yours but that problem u probably remember.

Date:  2008-06-30 17:41:14
Name:  Joe Slack
Number:  249
Hey man, i met you in Montomery Wv a few days ago! you are a genius!

Date:  2008-06-30 18:44:09
Name:  Kimmie
Number:  250
I met you and my sister Judy did...Well,you were a pretty cool even went and saw the same movie as we did... Hope you have fun on your journey...And you were pretty interesting to talk to...sorry convo got cut short when we went to the was fun talking to you though...hope to see you sometime again!

Date:  2008-07-02 14:10:20
Name:  Polykarpos
Number:  251
Saw your shirt and found your site. I agree that ignorance is the base off all hate. Since I saw you in a library in Portsmouth OH ( I work there )I think peace can come, if more people were open minded and would just listen, whether through smoking or reading. There are a lot of people here that think like you. = ) Peace and good luck in spreading your message.

Date:  2008-07-02 20:48:20
Name:  Nat
Number:  252
Hey Victor wutsup!
Thanks a bunch for hooking up my laptop, it's lookin' quite spiff! I finished installing AutoCAD with Alex's help and an antivirus program. When I got it back I was gonna buy a shirt but you already left. Perty cool how we coincidentally met back up in Charleston so I could do that! I noticed that Jamilyn is the only girl in your journal who's beauty you kept describing, makes me feel proud, lol. Keep doing your thing, you've got amazing determination.
Peace, love, and harmony.

Date:  2008-07-04 15:13:29
Name:  Aimee
Number:  253
Hey this is Aimee, you stayed with my friend Josh in Huntington,WV. I just wanted to say hey, and that I truly respect what you are trying to do.. hell doing! I wish we could have had more time to talk man. Thank you for being a light in the dark man.

Date:  2008-07-04 19:55:31
Name:  Fred
Number:  254
hey man it's fred and matt from was interesting talking to you...i hope you enjoyed the charlie daniels concert...God Bless you will be in my prayers! Peace
Date:  2008-07-04 20:30:21
Name:  jake lykins
Number:  255
hey we meet at tom's store in piketon ohio ... i hve thought about alot of the idea's you have .. great meeting you

Date:  2008-07-05 00:09:36
Name:  Carol
Number:  256
Hey, Victor, glad you made it into Cincinnati all right. Good luck with your future walks! :)

Date:  2008-07-05 10:39:05
Name:  Stephen Smith
Number:  257
Whats up Victor. I hope you are doing okay. I miss ya man. I should have came with you. Life isn't the same without you.

Date:  2008-07-07 01:25:41
Name:  Matt Hostetler
Email:  512-809-9888@balls.rr.cum
Number:  258
its me again mr victor antonio grubar. i realize that last time i might have taken things too far. i studied your works a little closer and am now a firm believer in your ideals. i was wanting to maybe discuss with you the possibility of starting a cult with you and i as the leaders. we will bring peace to the masses through the sweet smoke of the marijuana leaf!!! please call me asap!!!! cant wait to talk to you... if your not cool with the cult thing, i totally understand. but still call me because i have so many questions. cant wait to hear from you! peace out brother man homie brother. matt hostetler

Date:  2008-07-07 16:21:46
Name:  Alex Zimmerman
Number:  259
i found your website from Vance in san antonio! i am so excited about your book. i love your ideas and stories. we need a lot more peace in this world. good luck with your walks and i hope to meet you some day soon. hell, i live in san antonio. hit me up!

Date:  2008-07-09 19:26:17
Name:  Kathryn McWilliams
Number:  260
Hey Your in cincinnati now. Your website and idea is awesome! Have a peaceful day!

Date:  2008-07-13 20:41:33
Name:  chris johnson
Number:  261
just heard about you from my friend tom skaggs. he said you hung out with him and kim. wish i had the chance to meet you. what you say makes alot of sense. spread the 9/11 truth message wherever you go. good luck on your journey.

Date:  2008-07-15 14:30:56
Name:  Rob and Amy
Number:  262
You just left our home...your mission is inspiring! Good luck!

Date:  2008-07-16 01:12:39
Name:  Aimee
Number:  263
hey Victor. You met me at Pullman in Huntington, WV and stayed with my friends Stephen Smith and Josh. Me and Josh were just sitting here looking at your entries from when you came to Huntington. It is crazy that you randomly met every one of my friends in this town. You even met my ex- boyfriend who now lives in Ohio...Brandon Dunner. ha. I didn't know you had met Nick Mayo, or Greg from Fazoli's, Pricilla, everyone. You are amazing. ha. How you just walk up to people, you embed yourself into our minds, our lives... leaving us refreshed and hopeful... we are all closer somehow just being able to share the stories we have about you. Thank you for all you've done, especially for Stephen. He needs all the hope he can get and you really made him think, which is something I have been trying to do since I met him. Thank you Thank you! You are such a light in the dark brother.

much love,

PS. I hope the world unites around you, I hope you see your dream come true.. we love you in Huntington, come back sometime!!

Date:  2008-07-16 17:38:08
Name:  john
Number:  264
Hey victor nice talking with you hope you find what your looking for.. John in celina :)

Date:  2008-07-16 21:39:47
Name:  Jordan Bertke
Number:  265
hey marley! i talked to u at the pool and gave u directions to the laundromat i hope u got there, i hope u reach ur goal. write me back man
celina. ohio
jordan bertke

Date:  2008-07-16 21:55:36
Name:  Sean
Number:  266
Hey, Victor! You're asleep in my guest room even as I write this! Hurray! And... stuff..

Date:  2008-07-17 05:21:53
Name:  Dustin
Number:  267
Hey Victor its me dustin from Celina u met me and sum of my friends at the lake.. I hope u will make it keep it goin.. I hope to see you again.

Date:  2008-07-17 10:26:33
Name:  laina thompson
Number:  268
hey. you came to celina's movie theatre yesterday. my manager was really excited that you came lol. i love your ideas. good luckk.

Date:  2008-07-17 17:25:43
Name:  Josh Gwinn
Number:  269
Yo brother as promised i wore your shirt at the All Good music festival and got a good deal of feedback. Thanks for the good times in Huntington man and may your dreams and beliefs come true. Peace,

Date:  2008-07-18 13:37:13
Name:  john
Number:  270
hey man. this is john, i was with jack, dillon, and ethan. and you told us the story in celina. you really did make me think. well good luck to ya. oh are CRAZY!!!. lol
Date:  2008-07-18 15:21:55
Name:  Jes
Number:  271
heeey victor, hope you enjoyed the couch and the last of my cinnamon toast crunch :P was awesome getting to know you and hearing your ideas. i can't wait till we cross paths again.

keep tokin' :) <3
lots of love to you

Date:  2008-07-18 20:34:02
Name:  Dylan Forlow
Number:  272
hey, victor i've had so much fun getting to spend time with you these past 3 days in Celina OHio. i'd love to see you again sometime and maybe join you on your quest for world peace! Well much love brother!

Your Best friend,
Dylan Forlow!

Date:  2008-07-18 20:36:06
Name:  Jeremy
Number:  273
much love man from the best hillbilly you'll ever meet in celina ohio hope to see you again someday. hope you remember me for ever.

Date:  2008-07-18 23:04:00
Name:  Chris
Number:  274
Hey man, it's Chris, and i met you briefly today in celina... (i told you i loved your shirt).

Pretty much everything you have to say is the unbiased and total truth. I really do hope that one day we can all live in peace. We all just need to wake up inside, free ourselves from the bubbles that are our lives, and start making a change... much like you have.

I too want to be a journalist my friend, and It's good to meet a likewise free spirit.



Date:  2008-07-20 09:40:10
Name:  Julia Folk
Number:  275
Hey Victor! How are you. I had lots of fun talking to you at the I.c. fest. and then jared messed up the roll you gave him. Funny stuff. (:
Well, anyway, i hope to see you again!

love, julia<3


Date:  2008-07-20 11:23:40
Name:  Andria
Number:  276
hey victor, loved ur stories. hope u enjoyed sonic and the Dark Knight midnight showing. (yea we all knew u were asleep ;)

Date:  2008-07-21 07:30:55
Name:  Zach
Number:  277
Victor is in jail

Date:  2008-07-22 07:11:00
Name:  Kyle R.
Number:  278
hey man whats up? i hope you stay in celina longer because its awsome hanging with you at the shelterhouse. When you hoped on jacks skateboard yesterday it really surprised well keep on keeping on:-)

Date:  2008-07-22 08:42:30
Name:  Stephen Smith
Number:  279
Hey man, guess what, I didn't join the army. I'm leaving for New Orleans in three days. Hey I didn't know you took that pic of me sleeping. You sneaky shit. Hey man, I miss ya man I hope you are doing okay.

Date:  2008-07-22 08:51:58
Name:  stephen smith
Number:  280
one of the best friends I have ever had.

Date:  2008-07-24 16:30:50
Name:  Zach
Number:  282
Hello. Thanks for the site info. It's cool that you came into Donatos the other day. I noticed immediately after you walked in that you had a very positive presence about you. I love your site as well, very interesting. How long will you be in Cincinnati?

Date:  2008-07-27 09:40:17
Name:  Aaron Parra
Number:  283
dude!i ran into you downtown. i was working,and just coming back from a smoke break.i was pretty high and i saw your shirt.dude you need to make prints of those.
good luck with everything

Date:  2008-07-29 18:14:47
Name:  Olivia Seals
Number:  284
Hey Victor,

I had sooo much fun meeting u @ the pool in Celina! I hope that I see you again soon!!

Luv,Olivia =:)

Date:  2008-07-30 10:25:27
Name:  Pam
Number:  285
Hi, Victor
It was nice meeting u yesterday. You got a lot of
great ideas. Good luck with
everything you do in life and
peace brother!!!

Date:  2008-08-01 14:30:34
Name:  Asia!
Number:  286
Wednesday June 18,2008
5:29pm I just had a great presentation with Asia. Some girl at the house.

yay! thats me. i was very happy to meet you because everyone at that house talked about you nonstop.

hope yew have a good life victor. [:

Date:  2008-08-02 21:57:27
Name:  Joel Lopez
Number:  287
it was a pleasure meeting you today!

Date:  2008-08-05 06:21:56
Name:  catnip
Number:  288
I'm in Austin, Victor : we should meet up sometime. Found your site through DIzzIEe on undernet

Peace, Love and Balance
catnip (on undernet)

Date:  2008-08-08 17:31:23
Name:  danielle lawrence
Number:  290
hello. i met u this week at tanco remember? haha well me and my friend gio thought u were pretty interesting so we told everyone we knew about u. so look forward to meeting new people. haha

&i do believe the world is cashed and we should load another one. ha. i love weed

Date:  2008-08-08 20:11:40
Name:  aubrey
Number:  291
I stumbled upon this website and I've been reading all your stuff for a few hours now. You've got amazing ideas man.

Date:  2008-08-08 21:07:46
Name:  Danny
Number:  292
greetings from west virginia. nice meeting you a few weeks ago.

Date:  2008-08-17 16:21:13
Name:  Brandi
Number:  293
Hey man, I just wanted to let you know that you are living my dream and that I have faith in you. Sorry to say after seeing you on the riverwalk aside from my scars you had already seen, i OD and am willingly at Methodist specialty. I lost hope for a second but funnily enough my friend samantha kept telling me people cared that the world isn't so horrible and she mentioned you and I felt more peaceful and finally agreed to go to the hospital and get my stomach pumped. It was kind of a joke but she said 'remember how you said he's living your dream? he said he was looking for a companion/gf' and lol that actually made me want to live. ^_^ but i have faith and if you ever need anything I will stop at nothing to make sure it happens.

Date:  2008-08-19 13:17:43
Name:  shane
Number:  294
yo. i met you in ocala,fl remember? the library and the dissapointment....i recommend for you to make a youtube video, i think that would bring in alot more people..dont u thnk? cuz i was just on that website and was like "hmmm i wonder if victor has a youtube video, that would be so cool" i looked a little but no u have a video on youtube? day....ill go to the movie theatres and there will be the movie...."Peace Through Marijuana" (inspired by true events) . ill catch u on the flip side

Date:  2008-08-19 21:41:47
Name:  andy and katie
Number:  295
hey man we met u in antonio last week we talked in the street for a while. we just got back 2 ny. hope all is well . talk to ya soon

Date:  2008-08-20 11:10:43
Name:  Samantha
Number:  296
Email works only on myspace. Keep up the good work. And my friend likes you lol.

Date:  2008-08-25 13:45:05
Name:  J Covert
Number:  297
Good job!

Date:  2008-08-26 14:38:21
Name:  Lauren
Number:  298
Hey ya Nice site, My cousins from Huntington wv told me about it, you stayed with them for a week.

peace love and hippie grease

Date:  2008-09-06 17:41:22
Name:  Kelley Denham
Number:  299
hey i learned about you through a friend of mine you talked to in Charleston WV

Date:  2008-09-11 02:10:53
Name:  dallas Q
Number:  300
Cool site dude,, keep it up....thanx for sharing\!!!!!!!!!blazZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzze

Date:  2008-09-11 02:50:28
Name:  Sarah
Number:  301
Hey I came across this little yellow piece of paper that had your havethisbook site written on it I remember you I was at a gas station on the cali coast broke and bumming gas from people and you gave me this paper I think it was at least two years ago! Anyway that night at that very gas station a cool lady gave me 300 dollars cause I was stuck there my truck had broke down on the mountain and I had a rented u-haul me my boyfriend and our kid were camping in till we figured out how to get our truck fixed and back on the road to discovery! Alot of really nice people kicked down funds to get us on the road Replaced a transmission and stayed in hotels for three weeks all from the kindness of strangers Somtimes all you need to do is ask for what you need and it will manifest for you!

Date:  2008-09-11 15:15:29
Name:  Cristian
Number:  302
Yo dude I spoke to you on mIRC undernet and you impressed me with your passion for life and love , still this , as you all know , is not enough to convince the world that it really can be better if we all share and care as you guys would say , I'm from Romania I dont really know much about things or about marijuana but what I know is that I love to love and to give love :) , I dont know if its good or bad , but for me it feel right , so 10+ my man for you, for this site and all the people that are supporting you and all that. Peace out my man and Keep Up The Good Work!
Cristian From Bucharest

Date:  2008-09-15 10:55:45
Name:  Shoo Shine
Number:  303
Hey dude remember me we got stoned at that park in San Antonio and I got you a doughnut or whatever. Keep up the good work man!

Date:  2008-09-15 16:15:23
Name:  Nay Nay
Number:  304
U r awesome. It may have took me a minute to get on the computer to sign your book but I told u that I would have. I hope that U remember me. We met at the Med Cen Transfer Cen. I have read ur site and all i have to say is that u rock. Keep going!!!!!!!!!!! Im rootin 4 ya.

Date:  2008-09-16 11:48:56
Name:  mndb
Number:  305
we talked in Undernet, would be nice to talk again. where can you be found there usually?

Date:  2008-09-23 13:11:56
Name:  RiddleBox420
Number:  306
Hi there victor I spoke to you on undernet the last time, we shared ideas and stuff I really like yours.. I really hope you or we could do what's said on this site, that would be very very nice, living life in peace, smoking what the world itself gives us without doing any harm to ourselves and just PEACE!! I've had ideas similar to yours for almost my whole life, I myself hate money.. I'd rather do something to help a person just cause I want to, if you look at it from a different angle, it's still 'work' no smog, no harm to this beautiful world.. Please if you have a minute listen to the track from Kottonmouth Kings - Proud To Be A Stoner.. You'll like it. :) Peace and love!

Date:  2008-09-28 09:10:40
Name:  JIMBO
Email:  JR5128@IJ.NET
Number:  307

Date:  2008-10-04 10:30:43
Name:  mikel
Number:  308
meet u at the riverwalk 2 weeks ago while i was on vaca love your ideas email any time your in denver

Date:  2008-10-06 05:47:42
Name:  NT Represenative
Number:  309
New Territories basketball courts about 2 or 3 days ago. Sorry we didnt have a cigarette. Anyways..Zeitgeist 2 is on the net! Truth!!! Stop by the basketball courts and hang out. Peace!

Date:  2008-10-09 18:55:07
Name:  Magan Arriaga
Number:  310
hi i think you can do what ever you put your mind too so good luck with the mary jane and making it legal i meat you at walmart here in your home town

Date:  2008-10-12 10:39:14
Name:  ashton burdine
Number:  311
I found your wesite through one of my friends who supports you. Ive read through some of your stuff and i think that its a very good idea. But im still not clear on some of the things.
Like how stores wouldnt run out of merchandise and shit like that. But good luck with the whole thing. [:

Date:  2008-10-25 16:22:34
Name:  sierra and jessica
Number:  312
wuddup tho, you gave me your scrap of paper on the riverwalk. yay weed

Date:  2008-11-01 21:27:51
Name:  Sarah P.
Number:  313
Oh my gosh!! I can't believe you put me in your journal!! haha

You're AWESOME!!! :)


Date:  2008-11-02 16:50:09
Name:  Briana
Number:  314

Date:  2008-11-04 08:51:07
Name:  Bill Newhouse
Number:  315
P. John's pizza guy here. You asked for pizza, I gave you a dollar. Your mission is admirable, although in my opinion, untenable. There are too many industries that will not allow the legalization of pot. "The Man" will always hold power until the big bang comes again to sweep us all off the planet. I don't mean to be a wet blanket and I hope I'm wrong about mankind, (I'm an ex stoner), but it's always about the Haves and the Have Nots. Sneetches w/stars on their britches, it's human nature. However, I'm not above wishing you Good Luck in your endeavor.

Date:  2008-11-05 09:02:40
Name:  Clare
Number:  316
Half of a striving to be cool "older couple". Met you on the river walk last week, laughed with joy at your t-shirt, regreted we didn't take a pic. Will watch 'Free Hugs' whenever I need a smile ... may try this myself. Peace and good health.

Date:  2008-11-07 23:41:24
Name:  Alexxx Avitia
Number:  317
-HEy- meet u walking home and listen to your story(GREAT STORY)then gave u the pack of marlboro smooths

Hit me up next time u come by we can smoke out or something -LATER-

Date:  2008-11-08 09:09:38
Name:  Paul
Number:  318
sup dawg its me paul i live off of 9562 Autumn Shade u chill wit me yesterday wit danny and my girl. whenever u want to smoke or anything come by my crib u kno where i live. get back at me if u wanna kick it (210) 902-2779

Date:  2008-11-14 20:02:26
Name:  Naomi
Number:  322
Hi there, you asked that we post how we found out about your page and well my answer is... I saw you at a gas station and you handed me a little sliver of paper that said to check this site out so I got curious. Now I nor anybody else should be the one to point judgment upon you and we all have the right to our own beliefs and opinions so in my mind maybe I am not in agreement to lets say the legalization of weed but as for you having an expressive idea that you are putting to work instead of just talking about it I applaud you. My question is how do you survive?

Date:  2008-11-15 21:30:26
Name:  MeL
Number:  323
We met you in Hatch NM. Just wanted to wish you luck on your journey. MeL

Date:  2008-11-27 11:56:16
Name:  Mel
Number:  325
Hey man, we met last night at the Gypsy Den in Santa Ana California. I read your odyssey and it blew my mind!

I really wish you didn't jet off as fast as you did cause I would love to hear more about your travel experiences.

I hope all is well.


Date:  2008-11-29 08:49:01
Name:  clint
Number:  326
hey whats up its clint i dont know if you remember but you were out side of austin and i asked if you need help and i gave you a ride up the road to a gas station by heb and gave you some water did you ever right that book you said you were recording all of it on your tape recorder

Date:  2008-12-01 09:26:33
Name:  Jackie
Number:  327
Hey there Victor! I wanted to thank you for spending some time with me last night to share your story... or stories. Your message is powerful, so keep spreading it! Keep in touch when you can, and let me know if you ever need anything.

peace, Jackie

by the way, the website is fantastic, as are you.

Date:  2008-12-02 17:29:00
Name:  Mama Hannah
Number:  328
Heya Victor.. Hannah from O.B. checkin' in.
Keep on driftin' brother.. you're down for a good cause.
Remember.. smile. It makes your butt tingle.

Date:  2008-12-04 07:49:46
Name:  Nikki LePage aka Glorious
Number:  329
yo antonio!
definately dig the site. you're truely an inspiration.
im watching zeitgeist right now.
whoo rah.
later days.

Date:  2008-12-07 11:44:44
Name:  Franky G
Number:  332
watsup brotha!

So I meet you last night at the artist village in Santa Ana, first off dude im sorry for taking off like that but we had 2 split. If that white boy wouldn had interfered we would have stayed but that doesnt matter now. Im that guy that was wearing the khaki coat holding a arizona can, and i was with my homie. blazed ass fu@k! so i got home and went on you site and read most of the stuff. very entreating, well i kinda gotta go now but if ur around lets spark a bowl for the dead homies... peace.

Date:  2008-12-08 16:31:00
Name:  Mason
Number:  333
Hey man, I met you saturday evening in santa ana and came here to check out your site on the little piece of paper you handed me, NWO, absolutely interesting and so are the zeitgeist movie's, compelling , anyways, good luck, peace and love

Date:  2008-12-09 19:28:11
Name:  Ex-Stoner
Number:  334
Hey, Victor.

I'm sorry, but I just can't buy into the whole "marijuana and the internet will solve everything" argument. My life became much richer after I quit weed many years ago. There's nothing wrong with the pursuit of the dollar as long as you're doing it in a responsible way and you have a full life, especially when you provide a benefit to people in the process.

That having been said, I admire you for believing strongly in your message and devoting your life to your cause. Your positive outlook and good vibes put me in a good mood and it was fun talking to you.

But....maybe cut down on the weed a bit!

Good luck to you.

Date:  2008-12-10 17:17:10
Name:  Crissy
Number:  335
Your ideas are inspiring and you shine a light on me You my friend are the beginning of something big a movement If there is anything I can do to help let me know! Peace!

Date:  2008-12-10 22:36:55
Name:  Diana
Number:  336
Hi victor! I don't know how I stumbled upon your website but I find your message to be very inspiring. The anti-money article speaks to me, and I am glad there are caring people like you who are following their hearts. But I have to wonder, why do you target cars on your front page? The design of cities is not entirely the fault of the people, and you cannot blame them for using a (sometimes only) legitimate means of transportation because at least for the time being it could be the best way to get around. Anyways, I wish you the best! Sending you peace and love.

Date:  2008-12-11 00:56:20
Name:  Bob Thatcher
Number:  337
I ran into you today in downtown L.A. My friend Elaine gave you a cigarette. (I smoked back before it was bad for you, when we had what we called ashtrays, and folks could actually smoke inside.) Your energy preceded you down the street by half a block. I sat in a jail cell for seventeen months with nothing to read except the Bible for $20.oo worth of weed, so I sure do wish you luck.

Date:  2008-12-14 11:43:35
Name:  Kristin Cooper
Number:  338
Hello Victor,
This is Lantana, one of the girls from the trio you were amongst last night. Real name is Kristin. We crossed paths for a reason, and I would love to see you while you are in town. Do you have an email I can reach you at? I could probably find it somewhere on here if I look a little more. Hope the walking is good to day. Good day tooo you, and good luck in your journeys.

Date:  2008-12-15 09:33:59
Name:  Kristin
Number:  339 if you are still in ventura, which i hope you are, you should try to contact me. Preferably today, or wednesday. My number is (805)2041054. Its cold and rainy out so I would love to pick you up and you could hangout inside in the warmth. Take care.

Date:  2008-12-17 12:33:25
Name:  Robyn like the bird
Number:  340
I lived on Crete where there wasn't the internet and everybody over there was peaceful and healthy. I met you on Ventura Pier and lent you my cell phone. I admire your journey and hope you achieve world education. And I think you should call Kristin again. Take care and smoke a bowl for me. Robyn

Date:  2008-12-17 16:56:48
Name:  Sylvia
Number:  341
hey Victor, i met you today on the bus in ventura you asked me too look at your web page and well here i am. i think its pretty cool what your doing sorry i didnt have time to listen to your story first hand but i did get to read it. good luck out there and take care.

Date:  2008-12-18 06:32:26
Name:  Mike
Number:  342
I met you outside the Arco station on Thursday morning, Dec. 18. Best of luck to you. I enjoyed listening to you.

Date:  2008-12-24 14:18:41
Name:  Carl
Number:  343
Merry Christmas Victor!

We met Dec 23-2008 Main Street Ventura, Ca.


Date:  2008-12-26 09:28:12
Name:  Mamita
Number:  344
Mi Amor, no me has llamado y estoy muy preocupada. Esperaba que lo hicieras en Nochebuena o ayer, Navidad. Tengo algo muy importante que contarte pero prefiero hacerlo por teléfono. Espero que estés muy bien. Te amo. ¡Qué Dios te bendiga siempre!

Date:  2008-12-26 12:51:13
Name:  Kyle
Number:  345
hey brotha! met you outside starbucks today, leant you the cell phone to call you mom i texas... too bad you didnt get a hold of her... Good luck. I love that you are pressing Zeitgeist, NWO, and the venus project. i am a big believe in all of them! Good luck, i love what you are doing!

Date:  2008-12-27 02:39:58
Name:  SnEAKS
Number:  346


Date:  2008-12-27 16:18:43
Name:  ian
Number:  347
Dear Victor,
We met Christmas Day 2008 in the Subway shop on Thompson in Ventura. Your studies of generousity fascinate me. I am very glad that I have seen your website. Your revultionary approach is much like that of my Buddhist stepson- compassion, caring, giving. I believe we have evolved to the possibility of abundance through dialogue. We must overcome the greed mongers who are tied to the old monetary ecoonomy. If I give you a pencil and you give me a quarter - we both still have one thing. If I give you an idea or some knowledge and you do the same for me, we both now have TWO things. This notion sets the money grubbers on their ear!
p.s. this comes from a rocket scientist

Date:  2008-12-27 16:29:34
Name:  Ian
Number:  348
a quote from my Navaho brothers "Man made whiskey, God made pot. God is perfect. man is not"

Date:  2008-12-31 14:52:38
Name:  Carol
Number:  349
Hello, victorious Victor. We met on Main St., Ventura, Monday, Dec. 29th, as I was going in to see a movie. When I came out of the movie, we sat in my car as you told me funny stories. I'm the pro-medical marijuana nurse. You have done what Ghandi said to do: Become the change that we want to see in the world. You don't GIVE love, you ARE love. That's why people are drawn to you. There is one thing that ALL human beings want: to love and be loved. Rich and poor, exploiter and exploited. If each of us says: "My goal is to love" rather than "My goal is to buy this or own that", the world would be instantly transformed. Thanks for spreading truth. You are a gem. Take care of yourself.

Date:  2009-01-01 21:47:24
Name:  Sandi in Ventura
Number:  350
Hey Victor,

I am posting this for your mom, mostly. If I were her ...I would be checking this everyday just to make sure you were still out there meeting people. (my kids said I was too protective of a mom... although my daughter is in Cambodia right now.) We met tonight in Ventura on Main St. Didn't have a chance to talk much, but wanted to check out your site. I love your ideals. Being a "child of the sixties" myself.. you are doing what we all wanted to do... but most were not committed enough. I am glad to see there are still kids like you around. Good luck and have a great 2009. Peace Out!

Date:  2009-01-03 10:38:23
Name:  Daniel and Jennifer Richman
Number:  351
Victor, my wife and I have run into you twice now. New Years Eve (on our way to find a restroom) and then yesterday on Main St. in front of The knife store. You are a good man, with a good mission, and a good heart, stay well sir.

Date:  2009-01-03 16:38:56
Name:  April
Number:  352
I saw you outside ventura downtown theatre and your amazing!!
i want to hekp you and be apart of this!!

Date:  2009-01-03 17:37:43
Name:  donna small
Number:  353
high victor antonio from antonio tx amy and i will pay it forward happy trails

Date:  2009-01-04 14:55:53
Name:  BigJay
Number:  354
Thanks for the hug and good luck on the road. I wish I had walked to Alaska when I had the chance.

Date:  2009-01-06 13:20:31
Name:  Jordan Brummel
Number:  355
I love the message your shooting for man. Good luck

Date:  2009-01-10 04:31:33
Name:  four hertz
Number:  356
I found your website through StumbleUpon and have read through much of it. I've been toying with the idea of ending my dependency on both my car and money for a while. I'm a licensed massage therapist and have been considering helping those people who really need it in exchange for things I need, like food and shelter. Maybe it could work? You're an inspiration and I fully support your mission. Too bad I'm way over here on the east coast -- I probably won't see you any time soon. Best of luck!

Date:  2009-01-10 23:04:28
Name:  Robin Lerner
Number:  357
You seem like a good person. I also want and promote peace. Best of luck to you..

Date:  2009-01-12 12:50:01
Name:  Stephen Smith
Number:  358
Hey man I miss ya and hope you are doing okay. I know now that I should have gone with you. What you do is what is right. I miss ya man.

Date:  2009-01-12 16:20:12
Name:  adrian and mel
Number:  359
me and mel were the couple who stopped to talk to you at main street were really impressed by your ideas and we wish you luck

Date:  2009-01-13 20:03:30
Name:  Jeremy
Number:  360
Hey victor, I met you in ventura ca, we had a nice talk its refreshing to find a open minded person to talk to. wish you the best in life, and hope you stay safe and healthly so you can continue your message.

Date:  2009-01-14 13:09:12
Name:  Amber
Number:  361
I met you in downtown Ventura. Good Luck, I wish you all the best, I will try to upload the video of you and get it to you asap. I tried to post it on YouTube, but I haven't figured out how yet. Hope to see you on the St. Lawrence River!

Date:  2009-01-15 23:33:07
Name:  Hunter
Number:  362
Wow I was on my first big roadtrip down to Panama City from Toronto feb-mar. 2008 (myself and two girls from PC that showed me around)we waved from my first "cool" car a teal coloured firebird you smiled and came over and handed the girl in the front seat the web address, which I just came across! Im really glad I did! And for some reason I feel we will cross paths again! Hope we can chat sometime. Take Care and God Bless, Hunter.

Name:  Maria Castellanos
Number:  363
hey victor, i met you yesterday with my sister rose, my girlfriend karina, and my friend ashley. your such a unique and freindly guy. keep doing what your doing=]! hope to see you around ventura soon. much love.pc

Date:  2009-01-18 09:25:23
Name:  Kevin
Number:  364
thanks for the info victor.. i met you a few mins ago out in Goleta,Ca & rushed home to check out your site.. I wasnt expecting my trip to the store to be so productive & enlightening so im really glad i had the chance to meet you.. Keep spreading the word..Kevin

Date:  2009-01-21 05:17:52
Name:  Ben Collins
Number:  365
keep doin it man

Date:  2009-01-22 16:22:41
Name:  chris pacheco
Number:  366
Hey Victor
i was wondering if you posted that picture of me yet
if your memorys blurry im the guy from the santa maria buss stop who gave you a buck and smoked some cigs with ya

Date:  2009-01-23 15:59:18
Name:  david Panozzo
Number:  367
I meet You in san luis obispo,ca and we had a nice talk and a nice smoke,keep it up bro and see you on the flip-side.

Date:  2009-01-24 23:37:04
Name:  Jay
Number:  368
Hey man, I saw you downtown in San Luis Obispo earlier today, you gave me the link to your website and i couldn't be any happier to know that there's someone like me out there.. bottomline this world is f'd for lack of a better term and we need people like you to spread the awareness. Everyone I know thinks I'm crazy or stupid or whatever but you know what? It's true. And that's all that matters. Truth is the authority and you have really inspired me to act on my beliefs. The revolution is on, it is coming my man, it will happen in our lifetime. The masses have begun to realize how badly things are screwed up. I am doing the best I can in my situation to help the cause.

How long are you going to be in San Luis? Send me an Email and maybe we can talk.

Let's do this. -Peace and love

Date:  2009-01-25 19:50:28
Name:  Brent
Number:  369
hey, had a brief encounter with you downtown san luis obispo today, can never resist a free hug, so much respect for what you are doin, livin the life you want to live and spreading your thoughts and ideas, keep it real, and keep reaching out, this world has a chance at turning around.
Love and Peace>>>

P.S. I been signing my letters like that for a long time, i put love before peace, because i believe that only through love, can we achieve peace.

Date:  2009-01-26 14:34:30
Name:  grady
Number:  370
victor dude,
met you on the street in slo town yesterday... remembered the web address & am checking it out... i'm instantly impressed with the simplicity and synchronicity... i gave up my vehicle, sick of all of them... i detest the crush for money, it's all against the grain of peace... and you gotta admit the weed is loving vibration... so what is there to argue with?
god's blessings on your curly head! thanks for reminding me of simple truths i'm already following... eh?!

Date:  2009-01-26 19:18:51
Name:  gerarldo
Number:  371
Hey man whats up i met you earlier this morning at the bus stop in san luis obispo i was very influenced of your views of life i wanted to let you know i checked out your website its really interesting and umm just keep it up there are people out there that are listening to you
post my picture i was the one in all blue see you later Peace keep smoking those herbs

Date:  2009-02-02 11:01:53
Name:  lindsey
Number:  372
I am glad that you shared your story and time with us on Peach St. I hope to see you after I'm done working for the (wo)man so we can share a bowl of peace. If you are on the road already then godspeed. You did some awesome work on the garden!
So glad we met.

Date:  2009-02-02 11:03:56
Name:  lindsey... again
Number:  373
SwEET! you have zietgyst!
EVERYONE WATCH THIS SHIT! it is so banned all over the place.

Date:  2009-02-04 19:13:19
Name:  angie
Number:  374
today i meet you at ampm and i thought you were a little weird but now that i read though you ourney and realized that you were real i give you much love and respect and hope that your mission in making the world a better place will work out. good luck!!!!

Date:  2009-02-05 19:10:47
Name:  rachel
Number:  375
Saw you today in the bay- hope you are enjoying the time in the state park!! nice to know some follow their dreams. namaste

Date:  2009-02-08 20:45:27
Name:  chill
Number:  376
hey bro I met you in cambria... John & Sami. Gave you a ride to Ragged Point in my 68 vw bug... Enjoyed the. The company... Good luck

Date:  2009-02-12 14:49:18
Name:  Kevin Cappuccio
Number:  377
Sorry my hookup didn't come through but it was nice meeting you. Even though there are a bunch of websites like this, I like how you make it seem less like a whimsical utopian future and more realistic goal. Keep it up (not like you need my encouragement)

Date:  2009-02-12 15:36:28
Name:  Jim Bradley
Number:  378
you were looking to wash your clothes, Carmel, CA, glad to have met you.

Date:  2009-02-13 10:34:24
Name:  Jerry Britt
Number:  379
Hey Man, you're a righteous cat. We met @ the corridor of Rivercenter mall in San Antonio whilst I was playing guitar and singing. It's all good if you don't remember, that was a while ago...I've kept your website address in my guitar and have been making a valiant effort to spread your good words to all those who will listen. Spread the love like jelly on a biscuit. Peace!

Date:  2009-02-15 20:16:26
Name:  Nick Evans
Number:  380
Eh man i meet you on telegraph today in B-town with my girl Molly...Keep it up and someday it will change...its what we do when no one is looking, that's what really maters...god bless..

Date:  2009-02-16 17:08:15
Name:  Matt Brockwell
Number:  381
we met on the transbay BART on the evening of Friday the 13th, (woo hoo! glad we're not superstitious), you were headed to berkeley; the BART driver saw you had a walking stick and berated everyone over the PA for not letting people with walking sticks sit down in the seats by the door, but you just smiled, and said you'd rather stand. peaceful journeys, my friend.

Date:  2009-02-20 17:15:15
Name:  Tic Tac
Number:  382
Hey man.met you in berkeley on the 19th.

Date:  2009-02-22 19:08:37
Name:  Annie
Number:  383
I met you on Telegraph in Berkeley yesterday, and gave you some change. It's really great what you're doing man. Keep it up.

Date:  2009-02-23 12:05:56
Name:  NELY
Number:  384

Date:  2009-02-23 15:09:41
Name:  Johnathan Amrein
Number:  385
Hey I'm glad your doing what you believe in the world wouldn't suck so much if more people did that.

Date:  2009-02-25 13:49:13
Name:  Agneta
Number:  386
Hi Victor,
met you in Bereley Feb the 23 and liked to talk to you.
Continue to have a good trip.

Agneta from sweden

Date:  2009-02-26 17:56:01
Name:  Sayre
Number:  387
Hey! I saw you on telegraph the other night. You gave me and my friend a free hug. I like the ideals you've got set for the world, if I'm lucky maybe I'll get to see them happen.



Date:  2009-03-02 10:47:57
Name:  Faye Birdsong
Number:  388
Hey victor, we met on Telegraph last week, and I hope it won't be the last time. you are definately a shining star in the midst of a wearisome people. I'm sure you've made many people smile, but thank you for giving me one. Keep in contact if possible!

Date:  2009-03-02 17:29:58
Name:  Dabbler
Number:  389
Out Of the Box, the new Frontier!

Date:  2009-03-02 18:22:56
Name:  Michael
Number:  390
whats up man hope ur tokin big buddy see you soon, randomly as alwayz

Date:  2009-03-06 16:35:46
Name:  Marty
Number:  393
If only this world had more people like meet and trade a smile and share a joint to end meat headed mentality with.

Peace and good travels.

Date:  2009-03-09 17:31:06
Name:  Antoine
Number:  394
wats up mann this twan..i just smoked that blunt with you...

keep up the peace

Date:  2009-03-10 09:13:24
Name:  Olivia
Number:  395
I can't see you with my own eyes and not feel somehow like my life has changed. I've considered doing things similar to what you're doing, and to see the man that has the courage and faith to leave all his friends and possessions and fight only for the salvation of's really quite amazing. Such hope for humanity I have lost, and I feel as though I've found it again. You truly are a light for other people to follow.

Date:  2009-03-11 16:58:56
Name:  Harry & Ivana
Number:  396
Hi Victor,

we met you South of Big Sur, while cycling South from Alaska to Argentina.

Keep following and creating free spirits.


Date:  2009-03-18 09:59:02
Name:  skiver
Number:  399
hey i read your story online and i love the whole thing bout trying to make the world free and i would love to help so any time you are in gilroy or hollister i will see you there

peace out and much love to the people that have helped you in the years you have been walking and the many years you are going to walk

Date:  2009-03-23 18:21:34
Name:  crabbstar PAUL
Number:  401
Right on ..met you on the street in Madison a while back had a frozen hand and long beard and glasses was cool to talk to you HOPE YOUR STAYIN HIGH

Date:  2009-03-24 01:08:02
Name:  Brittany E
Number:  402
I am a 15 year old girl and I love eveything you have to say! I agree with you fully. I would love to be part of this,but its kinda tough since I'm only 15. I will help bring peace to are world in some way tho! Much love to you! <3

Date:  2009-03-25 17:30:04
Name:  danny
Number:  403
hey vic... i'm the guy who took you to coffee on mar. 24th in san luis obispo. i just wanted to let you know that i'm following through on your website and i really digged what u were saying...much love and stay safe!!


Date:  2009-03-25 23:20:15
Name:  Brett "Porgy"
Number:  404
hey, i met you on higuera street in san luis, i was sitting on the bench and i gave you a couple of cigs, jessica showed up, and then patsy haze eagle, the purple haze witch doctor, stopped by and talked to us a bit. awesome meeting you my friend, good luck!

Date:  2009-03-26 16:20:45
Name:  Kristina
Number:  405 amazing.

I want to go with day I might.

Date:  2009-03-26 21:35:47
Name:  Sidney Ellen Millar
Number:  406
I think you & what you stand for are both pretty bitchin. I met you at Farmers Market in SLO. My little sister and I gave you hugs :)

Date:  2009-03-28 20:29:49
Name:  Mamita
Number:  408
Llama a tu mamita preciosa, por favor. Tengo algo importante que decirte. muaaa

Date:  2009-04-01 19:16:30
Name:  Helen
Number:  409
soo I just directed you to the library at Cal Poly and you told me to check out your website so I didn't waste any time ha. Crazy story. Marijuana will save the world &Ishmael is an amazing book. good luck!

Date:  2009-04-02 15:54:13
Name:  .:SiriuS:.
Number:  411
Good ol' San Luis Obispo...

i miss you already, brother, but good shit is going down with good friends here in Oakland - regardless of the fact that it will soon be swallowed by the ocean.

For those of you who need a plug: Victor Antonio from San Antonio is the real deal, a post-modern socrates and galactic archivist of sorts. All the rest of the plug he has already worded better himself and memorized to test all of our IGNOREance, but SiriuSlee..


Date:  2009-04-02 19:10:03
Name:  Troy I
Number:  412
hey man i met you the other day in slo. thanks for fighting for a good cause brother

Date:  2009-04-02 20:26:10
Name:  strawberry girl
Number:  413
Hi Victor, thanks for the hug and enjoy the strawberries. Right before I talked to you, a young boy came up behind me and put his arm around me. "Hi," he said,"I wanted a hug!" I think he saw your sign! Rock on, and may you find peace, health, and happiness on your path!

Date:  2009-04-02 21:03:16
Name:  Melissa
Number:  414
We just saw you at farmers market in SLO!! I saw your video a while ago and it always brings a tear to my eye (in a good way). Thanks for the hug, it was a strong one!! Thanks for putting out your message, I hope I get to meet you again!

Date:  2009-04-02 21:06:36
Name:  Victoria
Number:  415
Hey Victor, I met you in Ventura, California. I was sitting in my car and you walked up to me took a picture of me and told me your story. I just got the chance to get on a computer to check out your website. I wanted to tell you that you are much missed on the streets of Ventura and that my husband and I both miss talking to you at Catholic Charity's. Hope to see you in Ventura California again sometime.

Date:  2009-04-03 11:04:58
Name:  Trystne
Number:  416
Hey...I met you at the laundry mat...I guess I had given you a lighter that fell out with my clothes...I really thought your story was kewl...I told some people about it and they thought you were crazy...hahaha...oh well, I understood what you were doing...

Date:  2009-04-03 18:25:01
Name:  Therese
Number:  417
I saw you standing there holding a sign "Free Hugs" You asked me if I wanted a hug...the truth is I needed a hug! I stepped out of my comfort zone and hugged a total stranger! I came home thinking what a generous person you are giving away such a precious thing! I just wanted to tell you thank you for your hugs. It meant a lot to me. My wish for you is that you are continuously blessed as you spread the love of human kindness! Nameste

Date:  2009-04-04 16:08:35
Name:  Teresa
Number:  418
I met you yesterday downtown slo, I liked your sign thAt said "smoke a brother out"

Date:  2009-04-04 16:25:26
Name:  Victor Antonio
Number:  419
That isn't me on the Free Hugs video. I didn't come up with it, but it is right up my alley. Plus, it's really fun.


Date:  2009-04-06 23:25:01
Name:  david
Number:  420
hey victor,
just saying hello. keep love alive.

Date:  2009-04-09 16:03:15
Name:  Matt gagne
Number:  421
thanks for the story

Date:  2009-04-09 17:11:19
Name:  Christopher Jensen
Number:  422
yo! ran into you in downtown SLO, thanks for telling me your story.

Date:  2009-04-09 20:36:20
Name:  Makena Hyde
Number:  423
Caitilns boyfriend posted your site on myspace and i read it all. I believe, agree with every single thing you've written and are doing and what you want to change! Its like you read my mind. You are completely amazing! I've wanted to live like you are now for over a year now, freedom! I want to help you in any way or join you! 530 906 5575

Date:  2009-04-10 14:57:38
Name:  Kara
Number:  424
Met you in SLO... I liked your pants. Enjoy your ride. Be safe in your travels.


Date:  2009-04-12 18:26:48
Name:  Rob
Number:  427
Hey yo, met you in Gilroy, youre good people. Keep the mission alive, be safe and good luck


Date:  2009-04-15 12:42:27
Name:  Kyle and Dylan
Number:  430
hey what up man??
hey i just wanted to say thank you for that bud light, generosity is the root of life, like you said in your website, enjoy your walk and your strawberries


Date:  2009-04-19 20:43:27
Name:  Sia
Number:  431
Hey, I saw you at Farmers market in SLO a while back and just checked out your site. I wish I had half as much determination as you do, man. But, seriously, if you think about it, you already have the solution. The problem is the world's willingness to accept it. I'm afraid an a post nucleaic winter would happen long before any of this planets leaders would accept a solution so simple, much less a solution that doesn't require millions being sucked from the penniless. Think on that one. Because, sadly, money(not gravitational force) makes the world go round.

Date:  2009-04-20 16:40:18
Name:  Clara
Number:  432
i met you at farmers market in SLO a few weeks ago. i love your idea. more power to you for getting the word out.

Date:  2009-04-20 19:17:59
Name:  Olga
Number:  433
Hey, I got to your website because my husband met you today in downtown Sacramento. You told him about your website, so I checked it out. I hope you succeed in your quest for world peace! We support you. Good luck and be safe. Stop by Davis anytime.

Date:  2009-04-22 02:20:44
Name:  thomas myers
Number:  434
Hey my friend. It is Tom, the guy with the big black truck, and lots of pictures. I am back at work, thinking about joining the walking world permanatly. Sell the truck etc. Smoak ganga etc. Be safe out there, see ya on the road. Tom

Date:  2009-04-26 23:15:58
Name:  Ashley ;D
Number:  435
hey there man. finally able to look at your site. me and my boyfriend met you by the gum wall. whenever i get the time ill send those pictures i took with your free hug sign

Date:  2009-04-28 12:50:36
Name:  Victor Antonio
Number:  437
WORLD PEACE THROUGH MARIJUANA is just a front for my really interesting and inspiring study on ignorance I am single-handedly conducting. I only want people who will actually pay attention to and digest my messages to visit my site. The ignorant, the ones who ignore, will see MARIJUANA and close it out quick. Just like I want them to. I see no point in wasting anybody's time.
It's all a number's game and my stuff is spreading like wildfire.
Like I say, I will consider anybody's suggestions. I am not closeminded in the least, but in the end I am playing this game by my rules. I am the only one I can trust.
Like I also say, success may be a number's game, but money doesn't have to count!

- Victor Antonio

Date:  2009-05-01 06:57:44
Name:  Ron T
Number:  439
Keep'on doing what your doing!

Date:  2009-05-01 20:38:21
Name:  Maryanne deGoede
Number:  440
Hi victor,
I saw you in SLO a while back. I was passing out peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with my 3 dogs. Hope you are doing well. I can't smoke pot anymore, it is too strong and I am too weak in the bean. Still I do realize it is an answer for some. I wish I could, do some mild stuff and trip on music etc. like in the past. People are too busy to enjoy life so what is the point ? Survival I guess. Kind of gross but that is the 00s. You seem to be having fun so keep it up. Just watch the vibes and do what the voices tell you. Maryanne

Date:  2009-05-05 18:23:24
Name:  Glorious Nikki LePage
Number:  442
just wanted to say you are STILL an inspiration. screw all these are the man. i met you only once and we talked not very long, but you are forever in my memory. JAH BLESS!!! hope to see you on the road, im heading east pretty soon to hit up some festies and get my groove on. Rainbow family loven you brother!

Date:  2009-05-06 12:10:03
Name:  Craig Swieso
Number:  443
I saw you this morning in Sacramento. I gave you $3. However, I thought that the money was going for a political cause. I gave you shit. You offerred to give the $ back. I respected the maneuver and told you to keep it. You put a fat middle-aged white guy in his place.

Date:  2009-05-06 12:13:12
Name:  Craig Swieso
Number:  444
BTW, if you're still in Sacramento, email me. I'd like to buy you a meal and have a conversation. Finally, good luck w/ your journey. However, I implore you, please don't father any children until you can be there for them, unlike the way your POS dad treated you.

Date:  2009-05-06 16:38:48
Name:  Stefani
Web:  http://www.myspace/suziecashwhore
Number:  445
Hey Victor!
I did it! I finally put down the blunt long enough to get on the internet! You are totally hot and I am glad we met. I fully endorse your plans to take over the world with pot. P.S. What's the difference between a truck load of bowling balls and a truck load of dead babies?

Date:  2009-05-07 19:49:26
Name:  Greg
Number:  446
Whats up Victor.

I saw you today at K st in Sacramento. Good luck with your cause!! If I see you again I will smoke you out!


Date:  2009-05-08 16:12:16
Name:  Dennis
Number:  447
Yo how's it goin' Victor? hope u're doing well out there and be safe. it was my pleasure meeting u and i had fun talking about the stuff that we were discussing about. safe trips, and tell me hows ur journey going?

Date:  2009-05-10 15:42:20
Name:  Che
Number:  448
Hey wanderer - ran into you last night during Second Saturday Art Walk in Sacramento on the main strip (J St). You had a sign saying "FREE HUGS" - and so i did and then my girl Denise hugged you and you made up happy and we will remember that for a long time - hopefully forever. Amazing how one small hug from a stranger with a story can effect us. I'll be watching you online. I plan to write a little something about my experience running into you during that walk.

Date:  2009-05-12 19:45:02
Name:  Jenn
Number:  449
Hey victor! Met you at second Saturday here in Sac. You give great hugs! I love your mission and goal. The world would be a lot nicer place if people would learn to embrace and love like you have.

I truly hope to run into you again. We can share a smoke and a few stories! :-)
Stay safe. Stay strong. And vote on May 19th to legalize the green!
Feel free to drop me an email.

Date:  2009-05-13 18:44:24
Name:  Addison
Number:  450
Hey man I met you in Folsom with my brother and freind Emily, We gave you a ride up to Cameron Park but it was great to meet you and just keep doing what you're doing

Date:  2009-05-17 23:46:22
Name:  Mashka
Number:  451
you're fabulous. it's great seeing you around

Date:  2009-05-19 17:03:51
Name:  Tommy P.
Number:  453
Hey Victor, I met you in downtown Auburn on Friday the 15th. I was smoking a ciggy and you were walking down the street with your gear, your awesome shirt and the Gandalf-stick!! Your mission inspired me, bro, and as of a few days ago, I earned some money for some gear...I may just try this out for a bit, all thanks to you. Email me anytime and keep up the work!!!! Love ya bro!

Date:  2009-05-19 17:16:06
Name:  JD Cox
Number:  454
Hey victor, nice to meet you today. You had a lot to say in such a short while it blew my mind away for real. I am glad that you came through chico today. It will be good when we can catch up when i see you again. GOod luck on your journey wherever it takes you. I will be on my own journey one day. But i really have been on my journey this whole time haha. Oh well man, nice seein you and cant wait to see you again. Smokin every day. Peace br

Date:  2009-05-20 08:17:38
Name:  Sewer (Jacy)
Number:  455
Hey I was in SLO during springbreak. It was farmer's market downtown and I got a free hug from you, your site is awesome. It's one of my favourite things online.
You know the freemasons right? How they're in control of everything? The pyramid on the back of the dollar bill, freemason occult symbol. Every president who's been on a bill, a freemason.
Like, the way things are suck. And everyone is being led to consume by the magic box, right? Well you gotta know where the people in control come from, and you gotta know how they're trying to get at you. So seriously, I'm sittin in my computers class and I was thinking about this and thought you'd be interested. I gathered up some interesting links if you didn't already know this stuff. Try reading up on some consumer psychology and get how they manipulate the masses. It's crazy as heeeell.

Date:  2009-05-25 11:29:11
Name:  Tara Grady
Number:  456
Victor, How goes it? My boyfriend and I saw you a few nights ago at a Flyers gas station in Chico, CA and I commented on your shirt saying "world peace through marijuana" gave me your "card" ;) with your website on it and I have to say I'm utterly hooked. I haven't read it all yet(but I plan to) and so far I completely agree with all of your views. I'm a graphic-designer so if you think I could do anything to help you out I'd love to. And...if you're still in Chico bum a quarter or two and hit us up and we'll smoke you out, we'd love to hear your story.

786-663-6234...good luck and hope to hear from you!

-Tara & Ryan

Date:  2009-06-01 03:17:04
Name:  Olivia
Number:  460
so i actually found your site this really weird way. my friend's friend just went to the meet in the middle thing in fresno and there was a picture of you with your world peace through marijuana. i put that into google and found your site! its so sweet... i just had this epiphany like a month ago... epiphanies always let me know im on the right path. unfortunately i bought into the mainstream shit for too long but it was never the right thing to do and i knew it. im going to humboldt state in august. there are festivals around there all the time. if you ever need a ride or a sesh let me know. im near san francisco now and arcata august 1st. i hope to meet you! maybe we'll cross paths once i really get on the right one...
thanks for this website... ive been thinking about all of what you say for a while now and i think it's the good way to go. if you could email me that'd be awesome. just to let me know you got this.

Date:  2009-06-01 09:32:51
Name:  jjtheCat
Number:  461
Yo Dude you Rock!

It was the most I gettin I with you in the garden!
Peace from John in the Garden!

Give it up for the I-Grade!

Date:  2009-06-07 19:28:56
Name:  Julia S.
Number:  463
hey, i met you i Ashland Oregon on June 17. i didn't have tome to talk but your site had alot to say. i am all for it! you think outside of the box and thats what it takes to bring world peace!

Date:  2009-06-08 17:25:04
Name:  Taylor
Number:  464
Met you outside the SOU Library on June 8th 2009. Sorry i did not have time to hear your story. but I'm reading about it and it sounds all very exciting. Best of luck on your grand cause. If the world contained more people like these then the news would not be telling me about all this warfare endlessly.

ate:  2009-06-09 13:47:00
Name:  Bridget
Number:  465
Hey, don't leave ashland yet! I have something for you! I'm in the library until 6, hope to see you sometime.

Date:  2009-06-09 17:25:08
Name:  james
Number:  466
saw ur sa jail #2 entry on results page when i looked 4 a place to find my warrants. 9/11 and marijuana truth my passions. im a cynical dude but u seem alrite in these fuzzy times

Date:  2009-06-13 18:36:49
Name:  james
Number:  467
what the hell u doing? missing the san antonio summer tourist boom? il smoke u out sometime. bachelor pad 35 and new braunfels its very ironic how i came across u and ur mission. pinche flaco via con dios y tambien con mucho cuidado cavallero. but seiously, wtf u been up to lately negro?

Date:  2009-06-17 08:16:09
Name:  Mamita linda
Number:  468
¡Tienes que chequear tu e-mail, pues te tengo sorpresas! ¡¡¡Te amo!!! Muaa!

Date:  2009-06-20 11:55:39
Name:  Marc
Number:  469
Met you the other day while backing back from work in Springfield to the house in Eugene; good luck with your projects!

Date:  2009-06-20 18:46:38
Name:  Devon
Number:  470
I met you outside a general store in Redwood National park. You asked us for a ride north, but we weren't going very far that day. We kept going up the coast later that week and were expecting to see you. Good luck in your travels, and have fun.

Date:  2009-06-22 21:39:41
Name:  nolon
Email:  zir@zir.zir
Number:  471
the most pleasant spanging experience i've ever undertaken...

enjoi and be well...

Date:  2009-06-23 14:01:58
Name:  DD
Number:  472
Just met you this afternoon in downtown Portland. Great website. Good luck in your adventure

Date:  2009-06-23 18:12:41
Name:  Rachel
Number:  473
Hey! I just hugged you down town. Anyways I totally support you. :D

Date:  2009-06-24 09:44:44
Name:  charles
Number:  474
met you today at the ta while getting gas, sorry I couldnt give you a ride but was already on a misson for the day. I beleave in your ideals, hope everday goes well for you in your passage through Oregon.

Date:  2009-06-24 19:34:00
Name:  Shelby Will
Number:  475
Hey man i just met you at the corner of 25th and mission in salem today.. I dig yuour si9te man good luck with your mission.. if your ever in Salem again email me or something...

Date:  2009-06-24 23:00:12
Name:  Kim
Number:  476
I met you today in downtown Salem, man the things you said really stuck to me. I have been talking about your ideas all day and really thinking about them I think what you do is beautiful and i support you 100% you are an amazing person and it makes me happy knowing that there is people in this world who care about peace, its just grate. Keep doing what your doing... don't ever stop spreading your word. i wish you luck on your travels and i would love to get updates on what your are doing.. Good Luck

Date:  2009-06-25 19:22:11
Name:  Adam
Number:  477
sup man, i met you down-town salem. good soup yes :)

good luck!

Date:  2009-06-26 09:23:48
Name:  Paula
Number:  478
I met you in Salem, Oregon. I was proud to see someone publicly supporting the cause. Best wishes in your travels. "legalize to harmonize"

Date:  2009-06-28 06:49:49
Name:  Jane
Number:  479
Haven't met you yet. Do you ever come to Missouri? If so I would love to meet you - a meal and shower will be included. Must get pretty tired out there walking so much! I am all for your cause. My daughter-in-law in California sent me a link to your site.

Date:  2009-06-28 11:46:07
Name:  woodsmamma
Number:  480
I'll spend weeks learning about, your web site and marveling that other people are as way out there as me , just looking at the different dept subjects, lead me to believe that there are more out there like me and that is comforting!!!!!!!!!

Date:  2009-06-28 17:36:05
Name:  Jaelyn
Number:  481
Met you on the streets in Portland and asked for a free hug. I'll send you the picture when I get to a computer that I can put my pictures on.
-a fellow journo... J

Date:  2009-06-28 20:10:37
Name:  josh aka flossy aka hoshea AKA JESHUA
Number:  482

Date:  2009-06-28 20:15:08
Name:  holly
Number:  483
met you in grants pass at tha bus station. cool meetin u. hope all goes good.

Date:  2009-06-28 21:10:18
Name:  casey "fox" craig
Number:  484
hey vic!, met you at the yreka CA, rays. you gave me a website link and im ere and ive read a bit and i trully regret not being able to chat!, way way kool what your doing, just 20 minutes befor you came through i was being harrassed by a redneck, calling me a wretched evil sinner and a fag. i am openly bisexual (i like both) and i take on all the shit from some to meet the incredible few (like you) i fully support you and hope to here you in big news for your journey, spreding a good word to all, :) yay you! nice people rule!

Date:  2009-07-01 21:43:41
Name:  jose gallardo
Number:  486
we met today wendsday on the 30th of july good luck to ya and keep spreading ur message

Date:  2009-07-02 00:05:23
Name:  Collin
Number:  487
Hey, I saw you downtown in April a long time ago and came to see your website again. It looks great! I'm the guy:

Date:  2009-07-03 11:46:48
Name:  Emily
Number:  488
Hey Victor Antonio from San Antonio. We met in Portland, a week or two ago. I just wanted to drop by and tell you I don't think you are crazy, I think you are awesome, and I fully support your mission. People like you make this world a more amazing and interesting place. Peace. :]

Date:  2009-07-05 03:14:02
Name:  Katarina
Number:  489
Hey! Well i just met you today at the Riverfront Park in Salem, OR. Happy 4th of July by the way. I just wanted to stop by & say that i support your cause:)
I think that you are Awesome.

Date:  2009-07-05 20:26:50
Name:  Amy Martinez
Number:  490
Hello! My redheaded friend and I met you today and Riverfront Park in Salem, OR. Just wanted to say I thought you're a cool guy and you're so tall!

ate:  2009-07-10 12:49:14
Name:  Alejandro Torres-Rivera
Number:  494
Víctor: Hola!! Soy Alejandro tu tío. Me tropecé con esta página y ha sido una gran y grata sorpresa encontrarte a través de ella. Ya tienes mi correo electrónico. Un fuerte abrazote y cuídate mucho. Ya nos veremos en algún momento.

Date:  2009-07-11 09:05:36
Name:  Cary
Number:  495
Hey victor, I gave yu a couple of bucks on a corner in Salem near the park, I liked your sign "Help a Brother Out" if I had more money, I would have given more, you handed me this little piece of paper. Nice job.

Date:  2009-07-13 10:04:28
Name:  J. David "Dr. Bud Pepper" Turner
Number:  496
Wonderful page(s) and i am loving them! i cant wait till i have some more solid time to spend on it to read up and see what ya got! :D keep up the good work!!

Date:  2009-07-13 14:27:57
Name:  Dr. Pepper
Number:  497
pardon the second signing, but i *had* to share the forum I have, dedicated to a story that is aimed to combine all world myths, religions, and spirituqal views in fiction abotu the "end" of the world.

check out my website :D

Date:  2009-07-18 22:19:57
Name:  Jasmine and Ellen
Number:  498
Hey Antonio,
we met at riverfront in salem, oregon on fourth of july with our other friend phillip who asked a lot of questions. We just wanted to thank you for inspiring us. It's unfortunate that your story got cut short due to the fireworks starting. Also it's a shame what our generation of teens have become. People like you give people like us hope for a better tomorrow. Good luck with your journeys, and come to salem again maybe even finish your story! :)

Date:  2009-07-19 19:01:44
Name:  Michael
Number:  499
I met you on se 82nd ave off Powell in Portland, Or.

Can I hang with you for awhile?

I think your a genius-what do you say?


Date:  2009-07-22 21:54:31
Name:  Dan
Number:  500
Hey I also saw you on Powell, by the 711 I believe. My red hair likes your style. Keep pushing on my brother.

Date:  2009-07-23 00:56:44
Name:  Jenny
Number:  501
Met you just now in Vancouver park 11:30 pm. My dumb enormous 10 month old puppy barking at you. I am lovin' what you're spewing; it's just that, as you say, if a catastrophic event were to occur, then yes, the people with the "vegetable growing knowledge" (or the last britta on earth- or whatever) would automatically rise to a position of power. Unfortunately, they would do so even if they themselves were not necessarily "power hungry." I have trained many dogs. I teach elementary school. My observation: This hierarchical proclivity is intrinsically organic. There are "hierarchies" all the way down to the most basic lifeforms. Even the most primal cultures, natives living (even) communally giving back to the land, maintained some type of power structure. We have most certainly, over time, elevated our hierarchy beyond that which could be called natural. Anarchy seems like a great idea, in theory, but practically, I can't imagine the amount of pain, suffering, sweat, tears that one could put in to such an endeavor, only to have another "vegetable growing" caste rise to the top. Could a novel ruling class be less malignant? Possibly, but to slowly chip away at the current one until they have all heard the message you (and John Lennon) speak of seems a less daunting and perhaps less dire task.

I loved reading your intelligent journalism on this site. As a public school teacher of 70% below poverty level 4th and 5th grade children, however, I have a slight issue with your "reform or bust" article. Yes, like much of America in general, the US Dept. of Ed. has its priorities out of whack. But, as one of the many teachers who are living under the radar of NCLB and teaching a social justice curriculum with the dual intent to have literate graduates that don't treat each other like asses, I caution discussion of scrapping the system altogether. There are good things being done by many. America just needs to re-prioritize so that we have a community based support system in place for parents, children and teachers living within this "machine." Home-schooling may help the individual child, but just think of the masses of children that could be helped if the parents who spent their time home-schooling, instead made a collective effort toward improving "the system." If upper and middle class America keep throwing out the baby with the bathwater, we are sure to maintain the status quo and current caste system through our public school system in America. American parents should be getting themselves in the classrooms, passing levies, and demanding that the public school system not be run by politicians and agenda.

Eeeek! Maybe your message board should take fewer characters- t'would cut down on long winded teachers! Peace and good luck. Hope you escape the heat.

Date:  2009-07-23 13:34:20
Name:  Karla
Number:  502
Hey, met you in Salem a week or so ago, you were talking with some kids on the street whom asked me for a cigarette :)
Love what you've got going here, I'll pass the word on!

Date:  2009-07-24 16:59:21
Name:  Victor Antonio
Number:  503
Jenny, I appreciate your verbose entry. I am not proposing anarchy. I am proposing true freedom, which has never existed since humans have been on this planet. Also, I didn't write Reform of Bust. I got that article out of a High Times magazine. I do agree with most of it though. Never let your schooling interfere with your education. Just because things are or have been, does not mean they need to remain, especially when change is the only constant. Wish I had more time at the public library in Olympia. Too bad John Lennon didn't have the internet.

- Victor Antonio

Date:  2009-07-28 21:11:04
Name:  Alex
Number:  504
Thanks for the toilet paper you had at hand for when that seagull shit on me. That's when i had faith.

Date:  2009-07-29 15:15:52
Name:  Flash Gordon
Number:  505
Keep up the good hard work man it will pay off! there needs to be more people like you in this world!!!

Date:  2009-07-30 02:14:35
Name:  duane
Number:  506
A friend gave me you ticket/site he seen you in Portland and after seeing what your changed me forever.......for the good

mad love brother

Date:  2009-08-01 08:14:16
Name:  Jonathan Lurie
Number:  507
Let's walk!

Date:  2009-08-03 22:22:50
Name:  "Sam"
Number:  508
like whoa! I was literally drawn to your energy from across the street...I only met you long enough for my eyes to ignite with passion for the life I miss, while playing an active role in this mess. How can I be a part of the rat race and not become a rat?

I met you yesterday (8/02/09) on pike in seattle (of all places...ha) Even more ironic than that. I didn't follow my gut instinct to speak with you more because I was picking my lady up from "work" I had "places to be" .....I didn't have the....... "time" F#*$ing bullsh*t.

Ah well....if you are in the area still by the time you read this, or if your up this way in the future. Please email me...I could personally use your advise. I know i'm not the only one.


Date:  2009-08-06 20:04:07
Name:  robert
Number:  509
hey Antonio it was nice to meet you
in seattle
i liked reading your site
(when you talk to people in person you should use more eye contact and voice projection to better get your point across i think, but you did get me, hehe)
i dont think money is the root of all evil, greed (fear)is, money is just just the tool best used for greed
i really am thinking fear is the root of all evil and it manifests in different outlets, ie greed being one
anyway good to meet you

Date:  2009-08-06 21:41:26
Name:  Ren
Number:  510

I almost tossed out the piece of paper you gave me as I was walking by you today.

You wanted to tell me your story but I was in a rush to a friend.

Anyway, having read your odessy and mission, I feel a comfort in being one of the chosen ones that crosses you path.

I enjoy your writing. Your story will only get richer with each new adventure you encounter.

Date:  2009-08-07 01:59:33
Name:  michelle
Number:  511
i met you today in downtown seattle, outside of westlake. my friends were joking around and were daring eachother to give you a hug (because of you "free hugs and/or breast exams" sign) but even before they started their immature jokes, i knew i would give you a hug, i'd never turn down a hug from a friendly looking stranger. needless to say, i can to your website because i thought you had a great personality and thought i'd give you a chance - best decision i made today :)

Date:  2009-08-10 09:43:37
Name:  tafari
Number:  512
wut up? this is tafari hope you liked that rap down at westlake. lets build in the future keep up the good work!

Date:  2009-08-11 12:29:33
Name:  Alex Villella
Number:  513
I always love people supporting the cause to legalize marijuana plus the opportunity to get a person a hug always brightens a day...thanks keep doing what your doing :)

Date:  2009-08-11 15:29:09
Name:  Mogi
Number:  514
I met you on the streets of Seattle, you were wearing Your world peace through marijuana shirt and at the moment, you were offering free hugs.

Which being me, I can never not give/receive a free hug. I gave you a ciggy, a Zig Zag self rolled.

We then heard the story of your travels. We includes Jeff, Bret, and Myself.

I found your exploits fascinating, and I liked your Lizard song too.

Now though I'm Back in B.c. Canada. Kickin' it playing music.

One request though man. Don't worry its an easy one to fulfill.

Stay Rad!

Peace be with you my friend.


Date:  2009-08-11 21:33:54
Name:  Kels
Number:  515
I met you in Seattle on vacation. I find you intriguing and support what you're doing!

Date:  2009-08-16 16:29:14
Name:  Sarah Day
Number:  516
Hi there! I am the girl with blue hair! I totally get what you are doing, and I hope you are successful. (even though i doubt you, haha!) You are not totally insane...just a little, but that is what the world needs. You understand wat would help us. Keep walking....

Date:  2009-08-19 10:14:09
Name:  Ryan
Number:  518
Hi Victor, I met you in Salem, OR in July. I posted a blog about you and your site. I compared your mission with that of the muppets. I sometimes make unusual connections. I hope it does not offend, but perhaps, the muppet worldview may be insightful to you.

Date:  2009-08-17 23:24:36
Name:  steve-o
Number:  517
good evening bro, hope yer enjoying your stay in bellinghaven

Date:  2009-08-19 15:06:18
Name:  timothy achuff-wollam
Number:  519
keep on keepin on with your mission man. whats up from salem or?

Date:  2009-08-19 20:09:57
Name:  Victor Antonio
Number:  520
Ryan, I abhor television. TV rots your brain. It puts people in a trance, regresses them to the time in the womb where all you did was receive, receive, receive. It dumbs people down. No interaction. They don't call it programming for nothing. Watch Television is a goddamned amusement park in the New World Order Movies section on my site. I might watch tv if I had a treadmill. Probably not. Sesame Street has nothing on me! Get your facts from the internet! Thanks for signing my guestbook and posting my site on your blog though, I appreciate that.

Date:  2009-08-20 15:35:58
Name:  scoti{i gave u a lighter at a bus stop in lacey washington}
Number:  521
hi i like your site, we met while i was setting up tents at the carnival in lacey washington ,,i was a little bummed to see that you had some days erased from your recordings if my days are right i was in those you lost..i am glad that we met its not often that you meet real people trhese days ,,,you inspire me with what you do its pretty cool ,,maybe some day i share my thought like you do ,,you have given me a reason to mom passed away april 1st 09 and she told me i wanted me to be more open with my thoughts and words you also reminded me of that... thank you

Date:  2009-08-22 20:42:44
Name:  Sebastian
Number:  522
Hey man, I picked you up in the Islander shuttle today as you were just beginning your voyage on Lopez Island. You said you were doing some sort of project on generosity, and I think you have come to the right place. I hope the people here can contribute and build on your ultimate goals, and show you that they are possible.

Date:  2009-09-08 10:45:01
Name:  Chris Gustafson
Number:  523
hi victor this is chris. we met on lopez is. i was with tyler tim and andrew. anyways keep in touch i left my email so get a hold of me when your around this area next time
sincerly,Chris Gustafson

Date:  2009-09-08 19:20:42
Name:  Bill Williams
Number:  524
Hey Victor we met in Missoula and I thought you were a totaly awesome dude and you have some great ideas. Best of luck to you and Peace be with you

Date:  2009-09-11 20:38:19
Name:  Kristine
Number:  525
Hey victor im kristine i have never met you but my friends tim skinny andrew and chris met you on lopez. the told me your story and gave me your web site. i dont know much about computures and technology but i am all for what you are doing. im in my senior year in high school asking myself why would i want to live the same robotic life as the students next to me when i could do so much more with life in just being me and help bring peace to the world with a smile and a bowl. i really wish i would have gone to lopez with the guys that week it was hard to believe what they where telling me was true but it is and you are making a difference i know you touched atleast 1 or 2 0f the guys and im happy they got to hear your story and pass it to me. i hope to see you somewhere out there one day cause i`ve been thinking about starting an adventure of my own somewhat like yours for a while now and i think your story gave me a little more of a boost to do it. but you have my email adress and i hope to hear from you. "all you need is love" =)

Date:  2009-09-14 12:38:30
Name:  Jeff Stivers
Number:  526
Hey victor its jeff, Remember you met me in missoula montana infront of a holiday gas station and a taco sano restaurant i gave you a couple cigs and a taco from taco sano you took my picture and said you were gonna post it. So if you could tell me when its up i could check it out. Thanx by the way love the website keep traveling

Date:  2009-09-16 21:39:53
Name:  sam
Number:  527
met you about two saturdays ago in missoula montana. wasn't able to give you anything seeing as i don't have much myself but we shared a hug and it kicked ass!

Date:  2009-09-18 19:51:49
Name:  Robert
Number:  528
Victor i met u today at lunch in Poverellos u helped me up from my chair ..Id like to hold and hugg and cuddle with u...u r so interesting.

Date:  2009-09-27 14:50:48
Name:  Janie Jones
Number:  529
Hiya Victor! Sorry it took so damn long to sign! Hannah says "HI!", too! Where are ya? You were awesome to have over! Make sure you call if you come around this way again! Still not drinkin', smokin' away, though! ~Peace Brother! ~janie

Date:  2009-09-28 07:57:39
Name:  Brandon Stover
Number:  530
Hey. I met you a year and a half ago at Pullman in Huntngton WV. Any way, in the last year I've grown and matured alot, and you vision has influenced me alot. I believe you've got a really good thnig going.. And If you ever roll back in through huntington look me up on myspace. I think we're friends on there. Any way... Much love, peace.

Date:  2009-10-04 23:22:34
Name:  Danny
Number:  531
I have faith in you.

Date:  2009-10-05 18:59:48
Name:  Rusty
Number:  532
My Brother, I did not have, rephrase I did not take the time to meet You today in Tucumcari New Mexico at the construction site by Flying J and Love's truck stop's. One of the flagger's came back and gave Your website to Me, and being curious as I am, I checked You out and now I'm telling You and the world, Your on the right track. Ignorance is the repetition of ignoring the fact everyone of us can make a difference. If 1/3 of humanity would Pay It Forward what a difference it would make in the world. I ever see You down the road I'll make time and take time to meet You My Brother. Keep to Your goal's and the vision

Date:  2009-10-06 05:10:58
Name:  Bob
Number:  533
I didn't give you nothin' but a ride. Anyway, lots of luck in your journey.

Date:  2009-10-07 08:54:32
Name:  Amanda
Number:  534
HI, I ran in to you for a moment at the Emigrant Store in Paridise Valley, MT. Wish I had been going your way! Seems fun! Keep up the Travels!

Date:  2009-10-22 04:28:52
Name:  Bridgette
Number:  537
hey victor, we met on the bus, I decided to take a look at your website and discovered a strange coincidence to add to your awesome adventures and strange coincidences, we have the exact same birthday, mine is Feb 2, 1988, even the year is similiar, the wierd thing is I have only met one other person with my birthday so far in my whole life, good luck to you, you are a very beautiful person

Date:  2009-10-24 05:27:01
Name:  NeoZiggy
Number:  538
I saw you at Mainland walmart. I agree with you, and all I can say is that I've never paid for any software in my life, yet had every version of Windoze (i run linux now), and all sorts of music and movies. Rock on man! Happy 420... it happens twice a day.

Date:  2009-11-05 18:56:51
Name:  TheGoodNonconformist
Number:  541
I don't know if you remember talking to me, or not. I met you pretty late at night, by the intersection outside of downtown Ft. Lauderdale. I agreed with alot of your ideas, even though I don't smoke pot. I just wanted to let you know that you're one of the few people who inspired me that change could be achieved over the internet, and I too am now working on something that will better the world. Just thought I'd let you know.

Date:  2009-11-12 16:38:59
Name:  Chasity
Number:  544
Victor...its me. I googled my own name for some damn reason and your freakin website came up. wtf? dude oh my god oh my god I am so proud of you. i'll check your website. write back

Date:  2009-11-12 22:16:58
Name:  Victor Antonio
Number:  545
Chasity?! Is that really you?? I can't write back, you didn't leave your email! I want to write back real bad though, so leave it. Or, email me!

Date:  2009-11-14 17:16:00
Name:  Jonathan Contreras
Number:  546
Hey victor antonio frm san antonio i met u at the transit center by medical.then u told me ur story in a nice peaceful corner undr some trees. I think u have a great gift keep it up and dont let anyone bring u down.

Date:  2009-11-26 10:38:59
Name:  James Doran
Number:  547
hey, if you're still in San Antonio, call me up 210-290-4695. We've emailed each other b4, i've been reading your journal for a while and agree with most of your ideas. Except for the definition of ignorant. Just cuz some doesnt listen doesnt make them ignorant, its the lack of knowledge that makes one ignorant. anyways, call or text me up, would like to chat with you a bit before you travel again. James

Date:  2009-12-12 11:04:53
Name:  ROXIE
Number:  548

Date:  2009-12-20 01:13:25
Name:  christol
Number:  549
hey keep up tha good work anthony.

Date:  2010-01-02 10:12:35
Name:  mickey
Number:  551
we met years ago in Denton, Tx.. you stopped into a Cracker Barrel.....hope all is well with you and every year is closer to our mission being accomplished...

Date:  2010-01-07 20:10:27
Name:  Stephen Smith
Number:  552
It's been a long time Victor. Hope you are safe. I live in Cali now so if you are close give me a ring.

Date:  2010-01-09 12:03:50
Name:  TJ
Number:  553
nice page you should remember me(hacky sack) lol anyways hit me up its me The Jester

Date:  2010-03-01 10:52:13
Name:  mike
Number:  555
met u in missoula by he river. cool site

Date:  2011-12-19 19:13:14
Name:  Virginia
Number:  556
Hey Victor, I was just telling the story of how I met you to some friends. (Missoula Montana, 2009) I hope you are doing well and maybe we'll meet again! I'll buy you a burger :-)

Date:  2012-03-30 11:20:39
Name:  Rodriguez
Number:  557
Check ur email man...i gotta crazy story. Met ya in downtown Seattle couple years back.

Peace Out!

Date:  2014-04-07 00:22:22
Name:  Wendy
Number:  558
I don't know if you'll ever read this but, you've rocked my world . Thank you xo

Date:  2014-04-18 16:18:30
Name:  Vin/tom
Number:  559
Hey victor we're the guys in Florida u met when trying to get to Naples, so we dropped you off in clewiston two hours off track by car in a very "dark" neighborhood, Clewiston is the Aids capital of South Florida you looked like you were goin to get ass raped by those monkeys your stems and seed cut with dust bunnys and pocket lint won't cure aids bro

Date:  2014-06-30 13:10:24
Name:  scoti hoadley
Number:  560
hi we met in washington a few years back and i gave you a lighter at a bus stop ,anyhow you were writing a book at that piont that had mentoned me and i cant find idt online can u please help i wanted to share it with others ty

Date:  2015-08-15 08:23:12
Name:  Boyd
Number:  561
Its crazy how I was searching news sites and seen this journal online and how you were at 1604 and Kitty Hawk Rd. Which was a search I did and look who it is... or was.. I miss those progz (Bunta Boyd Punter Scroller) was awesome I think I even have it on disk somewhere in the junk I never throw out. I had some great times meeting you and hanging out in the chat-rooms when the internet was new and UN-monitored. Good times. It's good to see you toured the country and took plenty of pictures. I am still in touch with some of the old crowd. Catch up with you in the next life.

Date:  2015-09-12 21:23:57
Name:  Corey Faubs
Number:  562
Hey victor its corey, we met in your travels when u came to montgomery wv u crashed at my buddy alexs house we sat for hours talking and u really inspired my awakening. Hope all is well with u and maybe one day our paths will cross again. Im still in the same shit hole of montgomery but have plans of dropping it all and starting my own voyage. Would be real good to hear from u man and hear of where ur travels have taken u since.

Peace and love

Date:  2015-09-16 20:52:52
Name:  Willow
Number:  563
Hey Victor, you are awesome. Thanks for sharing your tobacco with me today at the headwaters. You were born in the year of the horse, so was I except 12 years earlier. 2002 was also a horse year and 2014. Those years can be somewhat challenging for us horses. I was going to ask you if you were an aquarius, and sure enough, you are. You are right on track with your mission in life. I love that you tapped into it at such an early age. Thanks for spreading the love. See you at headwaters park for the water rally on the 26th hopefully. Blessing and peace!

Date:  2015-09-26 02:49:55
Name:  James Arce
Number:  564
Hey man what's up. I was that guy in that 18wheeler who pulled up in the medium between the double yellow and took your picture. I was in the maroon Kenilworth truck with the Camo hat. I just had to say I thought your shirt and sign was unique and awesome. I was telling my self this dude is either super smart or just a goof... I think the smart free thinker is where you stand at. That's where I try to see my self. Maybe that's why I pulled in the middle of the street in Weed CA. I just want to say be good and be free. Much love bro! If you have a Facebook look me up. James Mathew Arce. You can also look me up on instagram. James Arce. Be good bro and be safe. One love.

Date:  2015-09-28 18:06:54
Name:  Alyssa
Number:  566
Hey man. I've seen you on the corner by Shell in the past, and today I just felt compelled to stop and share the love a bit. I stopped by today around 5:50 in a beige Ford 500, and gave you an envelope with a little love in it! Hope to see you again!

Date:  2015-11-20 14:06:53
Name:  NineVolt
Number:  567
Hey, man. I remember running into you on IRC many years ago. Your story has stayed with me, and today I find that your site is back up! This must mean that you're alive and well, and that brings a smile to my face. I wish you safe travels and thank you for your dedication.

Date:  2015-11-28 10:52:48
Name:  Amo
Number:  569
Good stuff

Date:  2016-03-01 17:10:20
Name:  Devan Ring - Aka Jennys Son aka Billy Murker
Number:  570
This book has documented some f peoples lives for over 10 years. I was one of them. I'm glad your still doin your thing man. Stay up

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