


"What is at work during inner silence is another faculty that man has, the faculty that makes him a magical being..."

- don Juan Matus

"Just as the pure crystal takes color from the object which is nearest to it, so the mind, when it is cleared of thought-waves, achieves sameness or identity with the object of its concentration."

- Patanjali

"For him, the sorrows of this world are over.  Though he possesses a finite body, he remains united with the Infinite.  His heart knows no anxiety.  Such a man is said to be free even in this life."

- Shankara

"With eyes brimming with love, sing its name.  All inner mysteries will be disclosed... O dear one, keep chanting Love's name while sitting, or standing, or involved in the world."

- Swami Muktananda

Q: Why should one offer everything to the divine?

A: Offering everything, pure and impure, is the best and quickest way to develop spiritually.  If you offer everything to the Divine, the Divine will accept and change it, even the worst things.  It is not what you offer but that you offer which is important.  Offer everything, and you will acquire the habit of thinking about Love.  That will change you.

- Mother Meera

Dear Wayne, The purpose of this meditation is to end the sufferings of human beings through the manifestations of their desires.  Before I developed and offered the technique, I prayed with Siva and Nandi that I would never allow it to be misused.  That is the reason why I chose you.

- Sri Guruji

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