Rach7073: why do you ask?
HAHA l MADE IT: i was wondering if i could send you my true story..
HAHA l MADE IT: this odyssey i just got back from
HAHA l MADE IT: see, i left walking for the west coast the 26th of december
Rach7073: really
HAHA l MADE IT: pretty interesting stuff..
HAHA l MADE IT: yeah, i went to LA, SF, berkeley, arcata in humboldt county, oregon..and back down
Rach7073: do you just randomly IM people asking them to read your story
HAHA l MADE IT: all for free
HAHA l MADE IT: yeah, basically
Rach7073: i think that is interesting but a little bizarre....if I may say that
Rach7073: how old are you?
HAHA l MADE IT: im 25
HAHA l MADE IT: well, im on a mission, you can say..
Rach7073: you are more than welcome to e-mail it to me, but i hope it is nothing nasty
HAHA l MADE IT: i promise its not
Rach7073: a mission? tied to religious beliefs at all?
HAHA l MADE IT: no, not at all
Rach7073: go ahead an e-mail it to me
Rach7073: do you have pictures from it as well?
HAHA l MADE IT: but i hope to achieve the same end result as all them bible thumpers..
HAHA l MADE IT: world peace
HAHA l MADE IT: no, not photos..but i had my mini cassette recorder with me the whole time..i have the entire 2 month experience logged..
Rach7073: world piece is ideal, but the reality of it will never be achieved due to human nature
HAHA l MADE IT: easiest book in the world to write..i just had to let shit happen
Rach7073: true
HAHA l MADE IT: anything is possible, and you have to start somewhere..
Rach7073: it is good to have faith in something like that, believe you me I live a very different life from many other people, but I am not the norm so it feels
HAHA l MADE IT: now, the story i just sent you is the summary i typed up from memory..i have 11 cassettes full of details, just havent typed it up
HAHA l MADE IT: yeah, i tend to follow my own rules..
HAHA l MADE IT: this is america, i should be free to
HAHA l MADE IT: well, if you like my stuff, let me know..i got plenty more good free reading
HAHA l MADE IT: and its all true
HAHA l MADE IT: im an open book :]
Rach7073: that is very respectable
HAHA l MADE IT: thank you
Rach7073: so you are from san antonio....do you live here currently
HAHA l MADE IT: honesty is the best policy
HAHA l MADE IT: yeah, nw close to 1604/bandera
Rach7073: I agree whole heartledly
Rach7073: me too
Rach7073: lol
HAHA l MADE IT: what a coinkidink
HAHA l MADE IT: hehe
Rach7073: I am off of 1604 and guilbeau
Rach7073: and i work at a church daycare center off of 1604 and Braun
HAHA l MADE IT: the zion lutheran church right
Rach7073: yeah
Rach7073: crazy
HAHA l MADE IT: is the wild animal orphanage still back there?
Rach7073: yes, my friend melissa's parents own it
HAHA l MADE IT: i live in oak grove..that neighborhood with all the autumn streets
HAHA l MADE IT: close to braun/old tezel
Rach7073: ahhh yes
Rach7073: isn't it actually off of old tezel
Rach7073: the neighborhood accross from braunstation
Rach7073: gosh we are like two neighborhoods over from eachother
Rach7073: crazy
HAHA l MADE IT: awesome, do you like to walk?
Rach7073: it depends
Rach7073: in the US no but it Germany that was the only way to go
HAHA l MADE IT: you ever go to o.p. schnabel park?
Rach7073: I have been there many times before
Rach7073: do you have a pic?
HAHA l MADE IT: hehe, i love that place..
HAHA l MADE IT: no, but i can describe myself..
Rach7073: it is very pretty out there
Rach7073: sure go ahead
HAHA l MADE IT: 25/m/nw san antonio/6'6"/185lbs/puertorican/german/panamanian/italian
HAHA l MADE IT: im in great shape, im a long-distance walker..
Rach7073: you are super tall
Rach7073: lol
Rach7073: and super thin
HAHA l MADE IT: dont ask me if i play basketball
HAHA l MADE IT: im kidding
Rach7073: ok I won't
Rach7073: lol
Rach7073: so do you live on your own
HAHA l MADE IT: everyone asks me that..if theyre short i go, "no, do you race horses?"
Rach7073: basically you are hispanic looking
Rach7073: haha
HAHA l MADE IT: actually, i weigh about 175 right now..
Rach7073: i am short and no i dont' race horses
HAHA l MADE IT: sounds underweight for 6'6" doesnt it
Rach7073: yes, very
HAHA l MADE IT: its not, 0% body fat
HAHA l MADE IT: i guess you can say im streamlined
Rach7073: thats crazy....you need to eat boyfriend
HAHA l MADE IT: you dont have to go to the gym, bust your ass and waste your money to get in shape..
HAHA l MADE IT: all you gotta do is walk..its a full-body exercise..
Rach7073: true true
HAHA l MADE IT: i eat like a horse..
HAHA l MADE IT: i walk it off though
Rach7073: do you not own a car
HAHA l MADE IT: nope, cars are death machines..
HAHA l MADE IT: thats how i save so much money..
HAHA l MADE IT: the $10 i spend on my bus pass each month beats the hell out of a car payment, insurance, gasoline and maintenance..
HAHA l MADE IT: life just isnt that complicted when you dont own a car..
Rach7073: I wouldnt' even know where to begin with riding the bus
HAHA l MADE IT: my life has never been better since my car broke down and i had to ride the bus
Rach7073: I never have
HAHA l MADE IT: and walk
HAHA l MADE IT: its damn simple
Rach7073: do you work
HAHA l MADE IT: not to mention, fun
HAHA l MADE IT: well, i think i have a job
HAHA l MADE IT: just not one that pays money..
Rach7073: what do you do
HAHA l MADE IT: i have made myself as independant from money as possible..
HAHA l MADE IT: well, and this is the part where people usually think im crazy..
HAHA l MADE IT: i feel its my job to make humans elite..this species aint your fuckin' industry..
HAHA l MADE IT: hehe, sorry for the profanity..it adds effect
Rach7073: well that is not the norm at all.....do you ever scare people away with your beliefs
HAHA l MADE IT: everybody thinks im a nutcase
HAHA l MADE IT: but hey, if you know how to do it, more power to you right
Rach7073: no shit
HAHA l MADE IT: see, it wasnt the first time i tried going to the west coast for free
Rach7073: I am always stressed because of school and work and MONEY
HAHA l MADE IT: the first time, i didnt even get out of texas
Rach7073: when did you go the first time
Rach7073: oh i see
HAHA l MADE IT: about a year ago
HAHA l MADE IT: here, ill send you that chapter too
Rach7073: ok, so how do you survive...eat....where do you live (i.e with mom) and all that good stuff
HAHA l MADE IT: im back at my moms temporarily while i prepare for my sequel-trip..
HAHA l MADE IT: im thinking east coast this time, but i dont know..i hate planning things
HAHA l MADE IT: i just let shit happen and play it by ear
HAHA l MADE IT: is your name rachel?
Rach7073: well you sure are different that is for sure
Rach7073: yes it is
Rach7073: and you are victor i pressume from the e-mail i am reading
HAHA l MADE IT: nice to meet you rachel :]
Rach7073: yes you too
HAHA l MADE IT: thats right
Rach7073: so you smoke weed and cigarettes....do you drink alcohol as well
HAHA l MADE IT: very very rarely..
Rach7073: the alcohol or everything
HAHA l MADE IT: i feel since i never drink, i can afford to do it once in a while...but i wont get drunk..
HAHA l MADE IT: and beer tastes nasty
HAHA l MADE IT: ill take a shot or two of something
HAHA l MADE IT: and when you dont drink that much, you have a lower tolerance, so its more cost-effective..
Rach7073: but you smoke weed regularily
HAHA l MADE IT: sure, i dont do drugs
HAHA l MADE IT: i just smoke weed
Rach7073: yeah i am a cheap drunk too
Rach7073: alot?
HAHA l MADE IT: not really, you know how i dont like paying for stuff
HAHA l MADE IT: hehe
Rach7073: true
Rach7073: marijuana makes me sick
Rach7073: I don't know why but thats just how it is
HAHA l MADE IT: practice makes perfect..
Rach7073: so I don't do it
Rach7073: no, you are wrong.....what if you are practicing the wrong thing....."perfect practice, makes perfect."
HAHA l MADE IT: whos to judge if somethings wrong?
HAHA l MADE IT: here, let me send you my "condensed works" i guess you can call it..
HAHA l MADE IT: gimme a second
Rach7073: no one is to judge, but you yourself might realize the mistake later on in life
Rach7073: sure
HAHA l MADE IT: as long as you learn from it, its not a big mistake
Rach7073: but there are different points....in the beginning it might be a mistake and then you change it or work on it to learn from it, making the mistake beneficial...time is everything
HAHA l MADE IT: mistakes are part of the dues we pay for a full life..
Rach7073: yes, and i make them everyday
HAHA l MADE IT: so do i, to err is human
Rach7073: yep, I am about as human as they get
HAHA l MADE IT: we all are..
Rach7073: yeah yeah
HAHA l MADE IT: here, lemme send you a mail about some of my great learning experiences which have molded my thinking
Rach7073: ok
HAHA l MADE IT: ok, will you excuse me for a bit while i go indulge in my addiction?
HAHA l MADE IT: hehe
Rach7073: yeah go ahead
HAHA l MADE IT: brbin10minorless
Rach7073: ok
HAHA l MADE IT: ok, im black..
HAHA l MADE IT: err...-l
Rach7073: haha
Rach7073: so do you feel better
Rach7073: I am just reading your first e-mail still
HAHA l MADE IT: a tad..
HAHA l MADE IT: are you going to be online for a bit?
Rach7073: so do you have any children?
Rach7073: mmmm maybe
HAHA l MADE IT: nope..
Rach7073: I have to be at work in a couple of hours..
HAHA l MADE IT: i used to think i would never have children..
Rach7073: and i need to take a shower and stuff
Rach7073: children are the best
HAHA l MADE IT: but now, i think i could raise a damn good kid..
HAHA l MADE IT: but i have to stabilize myself..and of course, find the right girl
Rach7073: well you had better find one just like you
HAHA l MADE IT: im in no hurry..
Rach7073: thats good
HAHA l MADE IT: do you have kids?
Rach7073: no, I am only 20
HAHA l MADE IT: wow, i assumed you were 30....because of the 73
Rach7073: no, sorry
HAHA l MADE IT: thats ok, no need to apologize..
HAHA l MADE IT: do you live with your parents still?
Rach7073: I don't want to be thirty still working at a daycare center either
Rach7073: yes, but I am moving out for the second time this summer
Rach7073: a good friend of mine is coming from Germany so I would like to have my own place by the time she gets here
HAHA l MADE IT: yeah, im at my moms again, strictly temporary though..
HAHA l MADE IT: she thinks im crazy too..
Rach7073: well how would you pay for a place to live
Rach7073: I bet
HAHA l MADE IT: hehe
HAHA l MADE IT: well, if i have to work, theres always west telemarketing..
Rach7073: it would be cool if you had some pictures of all these people you met
Rach7073: lol
Rach7073: everyones at west huh
Rach7073: its kinda funny
HAHA l MADE IT: west is the easiest cheating job around..
Rach7073: I have never pesonally worked there, but an ex of mine did
HAHA l MADE IT: its an evil business though, revolves around lies and deceit..
Rach7073: yep
HAHA l MADE IT: temporary job only..
HAHA l MADE IT: ive worked there 15 times now, since i was 16
Rach7073: you could find better than that
HAHA l MADE IT: never longer than 3 months..
Rach7073: and they keep taking you back
Rach7073: thats dumb
HAHA l MADE IT: i have no respect for people who work there years and years and become managers..
HAHA l MADE IT: its a revolving door
HAHA l MADE IT: even if you get fired..you only have to wait 30 days to work there again
HAHA l MADE IT: and its very bus-convenient
Rach7073: this is true
HAHA l MADE IT: i dont like working for other people, but if i have to, ill just go back to west..
Rach7073: thats cool
HAHA l MADE IT: i might go there for a couple months, so i can buy a digital camera..for my sequel-trip
Rach7073: yeah....that would be really good
Rach7073: I would have loved to have seen some of the things you saw
HAHA l MADE IT: here, ill send you some detailed chapters ive already typed up
Rach7073: ok
HAHA l MADE IT: well rachel, im gonna go jump in the shower..will you still be online in 15 minutes?
Rach7073: yeah i should still be here reading your stuff
HAHA l MADE IT: did you have a pic, by the way?
Rach7073: yeah i have one
Rach7073: you want me to send it
HAHA l MADE IT: please
Rach7073: there you go
HAHA l MADE IT: hmm, nothing yet..oh yeah..this sn is HAHA L MADE IT
Rach7073: oh crap hang on
HAHA l MADE IT: i had made it without the L at my friends house..but on their account, so i made this one at home..
HAHA l MADE IT: i can check the other one on aol.com
Rach7073: well there isent it again
HAHA l MADE IT: great picture :]
Rach7073: thank you
HAHA l MADE IT: hey, do you like to hike?
Rach7073: I have never really been
HAHA l MADE IT: really? everyone needs to go hiking in the woods at least once
Rach7073: Well i used to live up in Helotes and I would "hike" or more like walk through the woods all the time
Rach7073: that was alot of fun, but it was ever for long periods of time
HAHA l MADE IT: cool, i walked up to helotes before i left..
Rach7073: its pretty up there
HAHA l MADE IT: sure is, i got hooked up with a good burger at the hickory hut
HAHA l MADE IT: ever go out to grey forest?
Rach7073: yes, i have many friends out there
HAHA l MADE IT: they dont call it scenic loop for nothing
HAHA l MADE IT: hehe
Rach7073: so hooked you up at the hickory hut?
HAHA l MADE IT: doesnt hurt to ask
Rach7073: who hooked you up, sorry that is what I meant to ask
HAHA l MADE IT: umm, here, let me look in my pocket calender, i wrote her name down
Rach7073: oh it is a female
Rach7073: i only know some guys that work there
HAHA l MADE IT: her name was shannon
HAHA l MADE IT: what kind of music do you listen to rachel?
Rach7073: I only know this guy name Kerry and one named Ryan
Rach7073: everything
HAHA l MADE IT: i had never been there before..
HAHA l MADE IT: really? you like polka?
HAHA l MADE IT: hehe
Rach7073: i love reggae, rock, house, some punk, lots of old stuff.....my favoritess song is mr. Bojangles
Rach7073: weird huh
HAHA l MADE IT: thats really cool
Rach7073: and no i don't like polka
HAHA l MADE IT: hehe
HAHA l MADE IT: do you like weezer?
Rach7073: oh yes i even like county
Rach7073: yeah i have some of their stuff
HAHA l MADE IT: and im not talking pre-sellout weezer
Rach7073: but the older stuff
HAHA l MADE IT: thats the only good stuff..
Rach7073: cool cool
HAHA l MADE IT: you know how they got all whimpy right
Rach7073: nope
HAHA l MADE IT: well they did..theyre mainstream stuff sucks
Rach7073: hey I am going to go eat some lunch, but ill be back in a bit
HAHA l MADE IT: ok, im gonna go jump in the shower..
Rach7073: cool maybe ill meet you back here
Rach7073: but add me to your list and we can chat again
HAHA l MADE IT: hey, would you ever want to go hang out at op schnabel sometime?
Rach7073: take care
HAHA l MADE IT: sure thing
Rach7073: yeah maybe....but I would have to get to know you better from on here first
HAHA l MADE IT: but of course
Rach7073: that sounds cool though
Rach7073: cool cool
Rach7073: well we will talk again soon
Rach7073: take care
Rach7073: bye
HAHA l MADE IT: peace sister
Rach7073: :)
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