

1.   I bought a Muslim sex doll.  She blew herself up.

2.  In Canada you are more likely to die of a moose kick than of a terrorist attack.

Those damn mooselimbs.

3.  I used to think all black people had boomboxes.  Then I realized that was just a stereo type.

4.  If you take an Oriental person and spin them around several times, do they become disoriented?

5.  What's the only drink size they allow in North Korea? A supreme liter.

6.  Girls in Thailand are like a box of random chocolates. You never know which one has nuts.

7.  Why did the Mexican take Xanax? For Hispanic attacks.

8.  I broke up with my Japanese girlfriend. I had to drop the bomb a couple of times before she got it.

9.  A black guy goes on Antiques Roadshow with a very rare vase.  Hugh Scully asks, "How did you acquire the vase?" 

The black guy says, "It was handed down to me."

Hugh Scully, "Where from?" 

The black guy replies, "An upstairs window." 

10.  Really love my 19th century gold pocket watch.

My Jewish grandfather sold it to me on his deathbed. 

11.  Why don't black people go on cruises? 

Because they're not falling for that again. 

12.  What do black guys have that's twice the size 

of white guys, and gets bigger every time they touch a woman? A criminal record. 

13.  A black guy at work asked where the colored printer was. I said, "It's 2019, you can use any printer you want." 

14.  Did you hear about the Mexican racist? 

He joined the Que, que, que. 

15.  My friend had surgery to change himself from Asian to Caucasian. He said it was an eye opening experience.

16.  Why did they demolish the sports stadium in Warsaw? Because nearly everywhere you sat, you were behind a pole.

17.  Drunk Muslim:


Muslim comedian:

Mu ha ha ha med. 

Most popular kids show in Middle East:

Dora the Exploder. 

Muslim shrink:


Sexy Muslim girl:


Unemployed Muslim:

Bin Laidoff 

Muslim alcoholic: 

Allah Vabeer 

18.  Did you hear about the Mexican train killer?  He had locomotives.

19.  My doctor told me I was Xenophobic I told him I probably caught it from some damn lousy foreigner.. 

20.  What do you call an East Indian dating site? 

Connect the dots. 

21.  I'm going to tell a Mexican joke now.

I hope it's a good Juan. 

22.  A man got arrested in Walmart today for punching an African woman at the register. He claims it wasn't his fault as his father had told him to go in and get a Black and Decker.

23.  Sandeep, the Indian wife beater, hits his wife every night at 7 p.m.

On the dot.

24.  What do Mexicans do when they get cold? 

They use chicken fajitas.

25.  My girlfriend left me for a Hindu guy. Oh well, he'll treat her better.  They worship cows.

26.  I asked my North Korean friend how it was there,

He said he couldn't complain. 

27.  I don't consider myself a racist, but I put chocolate milk in the back of the fridge. 

28.  Break ups in China are the worst.

You see your Ex`s face everywhere...

29.  Does my Thai girlfriend have a penis?

Something inside me says yes.

30.  Did you hear about the Mexican racist?

He joined the que que que. 

31.  Last night I was gonna surprise my Korean wife with a romantic meal, but someone let the cat out of the bag. 

32.  Roses are red Violets are blue, Where is my foreskin oh wait I'm a Jew!

33.  Why isn't there democracy in North Korea? 

Because every time they try to pronounce "election" everyone starts to giggle.

34.  We went to a very authentic Mexican restaurant last night. They bring you a glass of water then warn you not to drink it.

35.  What are Jehovah's Witnesses' favorite dessert? 


36.  What do you call a Chinese Billionaire? 

Cha Ching!

37.  How does a Mexican cut their pizza?

Lil' Caesars 

38.  I accidentally spilled coffee on a Hindu lady's

dress. I told her I was very sari.

39.  What do you call an East Indian dating site? 

Connect the dots.

40.  Chinese kid was born before the due date.

His parents named him Sudden Lee.

41.  What do Japanese kids snack on? 

Anime crackers.

42.  What do you call a muscular Arab prince? 

Protein Sheikh

43.  Just met the vegetarian brother of Bruce Lee.

Brocco Lee

44.  Saudi Arabia is a dangerous place to visit....

I won’t beheading there anytime soon.

45.  I’ve been saying “Mucho” to all of my Mexican friends.

It means a lot to them.

46.  What do Japanese cannibals eat? 

Raw men.

47.  I asked my wife if she wanted takeout tonight.  She said, "Are you talking Chinese?"

I said, "No, did I sound like a China man?"

48.  I hit a pole with my car late last night. The worst part was the awful sound it made, but I don't speak Polish so I just kept driving.

49.  A Mexican magician says that he'll disappear on the count of three.

"Uno... dos..." POOF!

He disappears without a tres.

50.  What  do you get when you cross Speedy Gonzales

with a country singer? Arriba McEntire

51.  It's tough doing inventories in Afghanistan due to the tally ban.

52.  I just got fired for making too many Asian jokes. Oh well, there goes my Korea.

53.  There's a new cosmetic surgery that makes you look like an Eskimo. You might wanna look Inuit.

54.  If pronouncing my b’s as v’s makes me sound Russian then Soviet.

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