

 From :    

"Kevin Rafferty" <>  


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Re: 103002  


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Mon, 04 Nov 2002 11:46:20 +0000  


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Victor, are you really going to send me your life everyday?  You can if want, I don't mind.  It lets me in on what goes on in your head, unless you are making it up to make us think you are like that.  But I hope its all real and have to say that from your writing, you have a remarkable personality.  Of course, the problem is finding somebody else who can appreciate that personality.  I was always a loner in school because nobody else really understood me.  But I was "friends" with everyone. Until after school.  Whatever.  I made my own way through life and it's been a really kewl life.  Anyway, just so you know, I may not always read yur diary but then again I might.  So, if you want to send them it's ok. 

Keep on Truckin 


Subject: Re: 103002


     thanks for replying.  i assure you its all real.  ive gotten into the great habit of documenting my life.  i think honesty truly is the best policy.  its somewhat of a memory-exercise and helps me reflect on all the interesting things that happen to me daily.  

     its because of my personality that everyone thinks im crazy, because i dont mind being different.  your daughter, now, after weve seperated, feels i am crazy also.  it really pains me to have the one person i have ever loved reject me and go along with what everyone else thinks about me.  thats what i get for devoting myself to her loyally for 4 years?  she accepted my differences when we were together and loved me for them.  she thinks ive changed but i havent in the least.  if anything, i am better than before.  chasity judges me just because i was in the state hospital, even though i placed myself there to get out of jail(read chapter 1).  

     before i left, i let her use my computer while i was gone, along with my california kingsize bed.  i couldve stored it in my mothers garage, but i knew how much she enjoyed it, so i let her borrow it.  she has now appropriated it and wont give it back.  

     you see, we had a joint account at the bank, and on my trip i used my atm card to get gas at a few places.  me thinking that when the card stopped working i would be out of money.  they ended up giving me 11 overdraft charges.  i really do not remember even using it that many times.  now i can understand if they extended the courtesy of covering an overdraft one time, but 11?  so when i returned to san antonio, our account was overdrawn $460.  since chasity's name was on the account too, she took advantage of that opportunity to justify keeping my things.  she told me that when i took care of the bill with the bank, i would get my computer back.  i think chasity was just having too much fun with my computer, and couldnt bear to part with it.  since she is all bitter because of the breakup, she kept it out of spite.

     im not sure if you read my mail on my idea to get rid of money and bringing world peace(exactly why everyone thinks im crazy), so ill send it, maybe again.  i am also not sure if i have sent you chapter 1 of my book of true stories i am putting together.  if i resend anything, feel free to delete em.

     i hope you dont think im crazy too.  i always told chasity that you sounded like the father i wish i had.  from what she told me, you seemed pretty cool.  thats why i contacted you, maybe you would understand what im going through.  since chasity and i arent on speaking terms right now, i wasnt sure how to get your email address.  then i remembered chasity's password to her hotmail account and hoped she hadnt changed it.  i know thats a breach of privacy but i assure you i did not look through her mail.  your address was all that i logged into her account for.  be sure to tell her to change her password.  i hope you are not mad at me now.  maybe i shouldnt have told you that, but you know how big on honesty i am.  

"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything." 

- Mark Twain


     so anyway, every single possesion of mine that were in the uhaul, including my entire wardrobe, are being kept in storage with a $4000 rental charge.  me thinking the 50 dollar monthly storage charge would just accumulate until i started making payments on that bill, i took my time finding a job i would enjoy.  

     a few weeks ago a letter was hand-delivered to me from uhaul.  it said that if i dont start making payments on my bill, all my belongings would be auctioned off to the public.  i emailed uhaul's international offices and they agreed to let me pay them only a fourth of the bill($1,000) and id get my stuff back.  then i could pay the remainder in monthly payments.  im not sure how much i will be able to make at my new job by december, but if its not a grand, i will just show up and give them whatever money i have.  money talks, ya know.

     now if i had my computer back, i could put it to work for me and quite possibly get that thousand bucks before december, not to mention pay off the bill at the bank.  

    From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: 103002 

Date: Sat, 02 Nov 2002 22:05:05 -0600 

    oh man, i had the best day in my life today, i think.  it was my first day on the job on the computer shop.  again, my mom woke me up at 6:30.  i took a shower, and put on my shorts, an undershirt(because its colder now) and my "me" t-shirt.  i went to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of milk and poured some scoops of my little brothers weight gainer stuff. 

    now the other day, i had found a big can of weight-gainer stuff that had been there for over a year, i recognized it.  it said, "complete nutrition" on it, so i got the idea of just drinking those for breakfast, instead of food.  what better way to start your day? 

    so i drank my glass of paste, hehe, and grabbed my walking stick.  i walked all the way to the grocery store again and when i walked up to the bus stop, my bus pulled up.  i got and told the driver, "excuse me sir, i am starting a job today at a computer shop and all i have is this one dollar for lunch today.  i dont suppose i can get a free ride?"  he said sure, and told me to get on.  wow, my day was starting great. 

    so off we rode to prue rd and horn, by my friend carlos' neighborhood.  the 604, that passes right by the computer shop passes through there, but i didnt know what time it was coming.  so, i just walked the bus route, occasionally turning around to see if the bus was coming.  i made it all the way to work, a good 2 mile, and the bus never came.  it was a great walk though.  "hmm, i can do this everyday before i go to work.", i thought. 

    well anyway, i got there a little early so i rolled a cigarette and smoked it.  i went in and told em to put me to work. 

    ok ok, i had left this entry unfinished because i got kicked off the computer.  its nov 2nd now and i cant remember all the details of my day. 

    just let me tell you how badass a job this is though.  im doing what i know and love, time flies by quick, i can dress normal and everyone is really laid back.  they crack jokes and cuss.  talk about dream job. 

    now im scheduled to work full time, monday through friday, 9am-6pm.  so i dont have much time to devote to my saving-the-world goals.  but, this job will only be a springboard for my ideas.  im working with people who are familiar with the internet and what its capable of.  im going to gradually ease my suggestions to them, for i have learned that people usually arent ready for the end-result.  i have to take it slow. 

    dude, everyone there is mouse-dependant, except one guy who i wanna hang out with one day and talk to.  even the nerdy-lookin' computer techs are loyal to the mouse.  i even get made fun of sometimes and called the "keyboard-kid".  once i get my computer back from chasity, i have a text file i wrote up with all the keyboard shortcuts and ill pass it around work. 

    but ok, im tired of writing.  till next time. 

- victor 

 From :    

"Kevin Rafferty" <>  


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Subject :    

Re: the greatest suggestion ever..  


Date :    

Tue, 05 Nov 2002 11:38:31 +0000  


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While a great idea, its not original.  Many people have tried this through out the history of the industrialized world.  It only seems to work for the few and not the masses.  I wonder why that is? Oh, well.  BTW, just so you know, Chas has never said anything bad to me about you, ever.  I didn't know you were not on speaking terms.  I'm sorry to hear that. But then she understands that her business is not my business and I understand that also.  I will say this, though, Victor.  I hope you aren't bitter with her for her treatment of you after four years.  You guys were together longer than with anyone else and that should tell you something.  If anybody understands you at all, it would be Chas.  The reverse seems it would also be true.  I also believe her to e one of the fairest persons I know.  So if it makes you feel better to sound off on your feelings, thats good therepy.  If you think you may change my mind as to the goodness or evil of my daughter, forget it.  I know humans are human and heard it all before about damn near everybody I know.  (I don't know why people seem to tell me stuff all the time). But as they say, "Life is Life". 

I may not be able to read about your life everyday due to a deployment coming up soon and this account may be unused.  As for telling Chas to change her password, I think that being the honest person you are, you should tell her.  You have her email address, eh? 

Re: the greatest suggestion ever..

     kevin, its not that my ideas are new, just my delivery-method.  you cant stop the internet.  of course i am going to be a bit bitter about her treatment towards me, especially after being happy with her so long.  its so sad how people can change with a blink of an eye, and you think you know them and what to expect.  but hey, thats life.  the only thing i can do is try to understand.  its just very frustrating when someone you think you can trust becomes your enemy.  

     youre right, im going to email her and tell her the truth about her password.  id only be practicing what i preach.  

later kevin, its really cool that youll actually listen to me.  thats the biggest problem i have with chasity.  i wish you luck on your deployment.  it frightens me that you will be so close to these conflicts.  i really hope nothing bad happens.  well, i gotta go to work.

- victor

    From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: the greatest suggestion ever.. 

Date: Mon, 04 Nov 2002 20:47:09 -0600 

ok, i need to let you know about my hidden-agenda. 

     why do people make their lives so complicated?  from all the money i save riding the bus, its led me to see how, if you take the right shortcuts, you dont need to depend on money as much as you thought. 

     world peace is at hand folks.  let's stop being ignorant and welcome it.  It all starts here in san antonio.  no one can stop me, they can only get in my way.  the technology is here, let's make america modern already, then the whole world. 

     this is the beginning to a revolution.  lets get rid of money.  it really is the root of all evil.  just think, if things didnt possess a monetary-value, would people steal?  money segregates society and gives people a false sense of respect.  money cannot buy happiness.  i know of suicidal millionaires. 

     its about time things changed for the better.  with all our natural resources depleting, we should be conserving as much as we can. 

     im going to make everyone aware of all the shortcuts i take in life, which anyone can do also.  i prove my theory about good-will and not needing money every day.  since i walk so much, whenever i get hungry, ill walk into any restaurant and ask to speak to the manager.  i tell them, "hi, my name is victor and i am a long-distance walker.  my destination today is medical center/downtown.  i was just wondering if you could spare some gasoline for my stomach so i can keep walking.  if you cant afford it, thats ok, im sure the next restaurant i come across will be generous and help me out."  everyone hooks me up.  if they dont, the next place will.  its all a numbers game. 

     i am not a beggar, i am not a taker.  i am an asker and an acceptor.  remember, it doesnt hurt to ask.  when i give people the choice to tell me no, helping me out becomes their decision.   i am not twisting anyones arm.  people say im taking advantage of things.  damn-straight, i take advantage of every opportunity i get.  arent advantages better than disadvantages? 

     this just proves not only is it human-nature to be generous, but that there is an acceptable loss every company figures into their finances at the end of each month, that makes it ok not to always charge for things. 

     i think if everyone got off their lazy ass and walked and rode the bus, most, if not all of our problems would dissapear.  take insomniacs for instance.  do you think they would have any trouble getting to sleep after walking all day?  the overweight problem in america would dissapear as well.  human beings were designed with two legs for a reason, and it wasnt to push the gas and the brake.  cars have made society just damn lazy, not to mention unhealthy.  the little money i spend riding the bus sure beats car-related expenses such as a car payment, insurance, maintenance and gasoline.  couldnt you do something better with all that money?  duh.  life just isnt that complicated when you dont own a death-machine. 

     generosity will soon become our common-currency if i have anything to do with it.  like i said, money gives people a false sense of respect.  there can still be bad people with lots of money.  it shouldnt excuse them from being bad. 

     this all brought me to the realization that we dont need money to sustain life.  wouldnt you work for free if all your needs and wants were already taken care of, so you wouldnt be bored at home all day, provided you had a job you enjoyed?  well, if everyone else was doing that, what would we need money for? 

     i know there are jobs out there that people dont like doing.  well, when no one does them after eliminating money, the demand for these jobs would go up, and generous people would do them just to help out humanity. 

     people tell me, "if everything is free, then no one would do shit."  i seriously doubt that though.  instead of trying to get the most money into their bank accounts, people would start competing to see who could be the most generous, to get the most attention. 

     ALL people are different and thats a fact supported by science.  we have to stop trying to make everyone the same and learn to accept the diversity in this world.  that is the only way there will ever be peace. 

     so people in other countries arent like americans.  so what?  they dont have to be.  lets stop trying to make them like us.  they are just jealous because they arent as modern as americans, and jealousy can kill.  lets forgive and help them already.  i say we stop giving foreign-aide, and give evolution aide, to EVERYONE.  in all my experiences i have come to learn that when you react the exact opposite way that people expect you to, not only do you surprise them, but they usually end up respecting you for it.  dont you think our warring nations would feel indebted to us if we forgave them and helped them out?  killing innocent people would be a thing of the past.  remember, forgiveness is devine. 

     my model for this perfect freedom i envision is the pirated-software scene on IRC, where everything is already free and has been since the birth of the internet.  you can get new movies, programs, games, pornography, you name it, all for nothing.  as long as its in byte-form, you can get it for free on the web.  you just have to know where to look. 

     its also an accepted underworld.  software companies will spend more money tracing and litigating offenders, than theyre already making from all the people buying it legitimately.  its just not cost-effective to them, so they just ignore it. 

     you can compare software-piracy to alcohol in the 20's.  its just too widespread to control and everyone knows how well prohibition worked.  lets say the feds knocked on my door and told me they were gonna bust me for downloading pirated software.  i would tell them, "why arent you going after the people im getting it from?  eliminating the end-user doesnt solve anything.  there are organized groups out there that do this for a living almost, go bust them."  if theyre gonna come after one, they have to go after everbody.  dont i deserve equal treatment under the law?  just think of all the publicity criminalizing piracy would attract.  then EVERYONE would be doing it. 

     there really is no stopping it.  look what happened to napster.  napster never got shut down, it just got filtered to where you couldnt search for exact names.  what people did was just mispell the artists name to get away with it.  for example, all weezer mp3s were renamed to wheezer. 

     not too much time passed until napster-clones came out where you still could search for exact names.  kazaa is the best one out there.  it has the most users, therefore the most music.  its not like youre downloading from a central computer anywhere either.  you are downloading directly from other users who dont mind sharing their upload bandwidth.  with broadband internet, upload and download bandwidths are totally seperate things, and dont effect the other much.  so it really doesnt inconvenience you much for people to download from you.  ahh, aint technology grand? 

     i want to make everyone/thing truly free, like the fore-fathers intended.  im sure this idea wont eliminate theft altogether, but it would happen so much less, wouldnt it?  even if peoples belongings were stolen, they could be easily replaced so why would anyone steal? 

     now, on to my great idea.  what are some problems you encounter when you have a new idea and youre trying to get it out?  for one, if you're telling it orally, you always run into the problem of not remembering the whole story(because everyone makes mistakes), thus not being as effective as you want. 

     secondly, IGNORANCE.  people are too set in their old-fashioned, lazy ways, are deathly afraid of change, and they won't even listen to you. 

     well, i have found a way to jump both of those hurdles with the internet.  what i will do is run an FTP server from my computer, giving anyone in the world access to my hard-drive.  only the files and directories I want them to access, of course.  on my hard-drive I will have all my text files, containing my ideas.  this way, people can read my ideas at their discretion, with any web-browser, UNCENSORED and they can finish them whenever they want to.  the whole story will be told every single time. 

     please, please, please let freedom really reign already.  think of this as an evolutionary-springboard.  just think of all the great ideas people have had that couldve saved the world in the past, that ignorance never let be heard. 

     here, let me quote mark twain, "The trouble with the world is not that people know too little, but they know so many things that ain't so." 

     so, i am ready to unleash my ideas on the world.  let me give you guys a demonstration.  follow this link.  just highlight, copy it, and paste it into your browser. 


if it doesn't work for you, it may be because the server is down, email met at: or 

     lets say i pull this off and actually bring world peace.  wouldnt that make me the happiest man in the world?  not to mention, the most successful, all without money. 

     i am well-aware that i am running the risk of being assasinated by ignorant people for having these great ideas.  i do take comfort in knowing that if i was to be killed for this, i would not only die a martyr, but my goals would be reached so much sooner.  just think of all the publicity my death would attract.  EVERYONE would want to read the stuff that the guy who died for the world wrote.  my life would be totally worth it. 

nobel peace prize, here i come. 

- victor 

once you read my stuff, you will want to pass it on, so feel free.  even though I have found there to be real power in my words, there is still substantial power in numbers, so I need some backing. 




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