

 Subj: Re: Wouldn't you rather be free than rich? part 2  

Date: 4/23/03 3:12:45 AM Central Daylight Time 

From: Rain0878 



hi my name is mariah and we were chatting last night and u gave me this piece to read and i found it very interesting and yet contradictory u mention that u wanted to walk to cali and in my eyes u failed the minute u accepted a ride from ur friends just leaving san anto everything after that was down hill the only next interesting thing was that u bumped into a man with an i love Jesus bumper sticker regardless if he gave a good testimony as a christian he too gave u a ride my point is this im not here to pick on u but u have the right attitude to conquer the world u see this generation is lost and im glad we crossed paths id even like to meet u as odd as that might sound  i was really impacted by ur attitude towards this revalation u have found. i dont mean to brag but u came across a some what wealthy person and i ll have u know yes you are right to an extent ur freedom is important but so is money and its power it gives this world u and i are in a balance see its easy for u to say because maybe the situation u were in id like to share something that happen with me since u got personal with me ill get personal with u im not wealthy my dad is he is fairly known here in this city which i will keep anonymous however he is very dominant and controlling and he would buy me everything and anything i wanted cars jewlrey clothes anything my only price was to submitt to him and his authority and for a while i was happy and i would drive a nice car in nice clothes but i was limited i couldnt take one step without him knowing where i was i hated it i couldnt pee without him knowing where i was to the point that i got married and he wanted to know and control everything he was so strict that he wouldnt let me breathe unless he knew where the air i breathed was coming from so i let him go and all his luxuries he had to offer me then he felt abandon and suffered a great deal my marriage only lasted 6 weeks thanks to him and i lived miserable and i was living a life so many dream of all i wanted was my freedom litarly i wanted to be able to go outside and ride a bike and not have the cell attatched to my ear because he wanted toknow where i was im 24 and just a couple of months of go i let go of my dad and made a vow with God i know this may not make much sense to u but its simalar to ur experience instead of changing the world in such i dramatic way change ur life and ur exampe will be loud enough for others to see u dont have to preach it just practice it and if its actually meaningful someone will see it and imitate it thats nature im not asking u to make a vow just change and others will follow let me share something else with u have u ever heard  the water in a river flow? the shallow parts are the loudest and in the deepest parts the waters are almost silent people are the same way if u need to shout ur revalation like this its sounds shallow if it were genuine u would have a proper opportunity to make u point at a proper time u seem like an interesting person yet u didnt let me discover u because u were busy trying to shout ur point across to me about a car free world well i said more than i should so good night and im curious how old are u? be careful and take care and Jesus loves u

my reply:

Re: Wouldn't you rather be free than rich?  part 2

hello mariah, 

     wow, thanks for the lengthy reply.  I accepted the ride because i felt that me getting to california faster was in the best interest of all humanity.  time was of the essence.  when was the last time you walked 45 miles?  plus, i didn't ask for a ride, generosity picked me up.  

     your  account with your father supports the fact that money cannot buy happiness.  if it does, it's only temporary-happiness.  i want to make everyone happy all the time.  

     just look at all the modern alien civilizations on star trek.  they lived without money.  it's already been forecasted.  i, in now way, think my ideas are new, just my delivery-method.  don't you see what the mere existance of pirated software means?  anyone can get things and not pay for them AND get away with it.  it's the next step.  how more clearer a sign does everybody need?  

     it's my generation and younger who believe in me.  it's all the old folk who think i'm crazy.   they can't handle the fact that us kids have the advantage of learning from their mistakes without having to make them.  kids have ALWAYS known better.  it's simple evolution.

     there's always a better way to do it and i believe i have found it.  i am always looking for the shortcut and have tweaked my life accordingly so i am not as dependant on money as most.  my shortcuts aren't rocket-science, anyone can do them.  i don't think i'm special, just a little less ignorant.  why aren't these shortcuts suggested in mainstream media?  because they are not cost-effective, plain and simple.  if it doesn't make money, they won't tell you the truth.  how can it not be the root of all evil?  isn't it blatantly clear?  

     a meeting would certainly be within the realm of possibility.  i don't work for money, so i have plenty of time.  every new person i come across is just another learning experience for me.  i attend the school of life.  i'm not afraid to learn things on my own.  why is everbody else?

goodbye mariah, drive carefully, 

- Victor

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