

 "Hello, beautiful ones.  This is Victor Razee, your friend and empowerment coach.  And in this short vidoe what I would love to talk to you about is famous saying and statement that I am pretty sure all of you have heard at one point or another and it goes like this: NO PAIN, NO GAIN.

     It's interesting because I would love to help you shift and break that old paradigm, that old belief that is so many ways very limited, and start to believe and accept and live a new paradigm that goes like this: NO PAIN, MORE GAIN.  

     It's interesting because, ah, you hear it in the movies or many of the books that we love to read.  Even in these self-development workshops and trainings and classes that I personally have been in many of them, in some shape, form or way we hear similar statements like, "In order to gain success, in able to manifest the results that you've been looking for, in order to receive anything worth of value, that you MUST go through some type of hardship, or there must be some hard effort, or that there won't be some pain or struggles.  

     I get it, I understand, because most of us, including myself, ever since we were little kids we HAVE BEEN taught and influenced to believe that we must work HARD in order to gain the life that we want.  That there won't be some pain or struggle in order to receive or manifest the results or the success that we've been looking for.  

     I get it, you might say to me, "Victor, that's actually true."   

     Well, it's ONLY true because YOU believe that.  It's only true because you allow yourself to beieve it, from OTHER people.  

     Now, I get it.  I understand that there were dirty people out there that we hear about, or rather we read in books or we watch in the movies, many of them that are living now what we call perhaps a "successful" lifestyle, or having the financial abundance that we want.  They will tell you that, "Yeah, I DID have to go through some pain or some struggle or hardship, or "I had to work hard."  

     Because of that we believe, "Okay, in order to get successes or financial abundance, yeah, we are going to go through some pain or some struggles, or we do gotta work hard.

     I am here to tell you, my friends, that that's COMPLETE BULLSHIT.

     That's right, bullshit!  

     Now, I am not saying that these amazing people, yes, they're amazing. are not successful, are not manifesting what they want and have not gone through the struggle.  What I am saying is this: that you can start NOW to believe that you CAN have this amazing lifestyle, this amazing abundance, that you CAN gain these amazing successful results WITHOUT THE PAIN.

     Better said, you can gain it with EASE. 

     You can gain it with JOY!

     You can gain it with HAVING A LOT OF FUN!

     Now, I am not saying that you will not go through challenges.  Yes!  You will go through challenges!  BUT CHALLENGES CAN BE FUN!  CHALLENGES CAN BE JOYFUL!  CHALLENGES CAN BE EXCITING!  

     But most of us, at one point or another, we think that challenges means hardships.  We think that going through challenges means a lot of effort.  We think that challenges have some kind of negative connotation.  

     NO!  Challenges does not mean struggle, does not mean hardship, does not mean hard effort, UNLESS YOU GIVE THAT MEANING TO IT!  

     Yes!  Get out of your comfort zone!  Yes!  Do things that you've never done before!  Yes!  Stretch yourself!  

     But it does not have to be painful, my friend.  

     I invite you today to give yourslef the powerful permission to start to BELIEVE that no pain, MORE gain.  NO STRUGGLE, MORE gain.  More EASE, MORE gain.

     In other words, you don't have to go through these hardships in order to be successful.  

     Trust me when I say this too.  Things that are valuable, things that have great worth DOES NOT need the prerequisite of hardship, or struggle or pain.  I hear it all the time from a lot of people.  "Oh, nothing has value unless you didn't sweat blood and tears and went through these hardships."  THAT'S COMPLETE BULLSHIT!

     On the contrary, my friends!  The fear itself is what's been STOPPING you from receiving what you've been asking for.  The internal struggle itself, is what's been slowing down the coming of the successes you've been asking for.  The supposed "hardships" or "hard effort" is what's preventing you from receiving what you've been asking for.  

     It is time to allow yourself, to start to believe that it can be easier.  That you can be more flowing, that you can be more joyful.  And that starts with you.  My invitation to you is to give some of that power of permission, you are the only one that can, and starting today, allow yourself to believe that it can be easier, funner, more joyful, more COMFORTABLE, to manifest, to receive, to gain that which you've been asking for.  

     When you start to do that consciously, literally, every day in all sorts of ways, not only will your life start to get easier for you, not only will you start to receive your manifestations MORE EASILY, you will start to attract others that area living that life.

     But at this moment you haven't seen them because of that old belief that you never will  

     As long as you continue to choose that old belief, and IT IS A CHOICE, but trust me when I say this.  

     There are thousands, if not millions of people out there living AMAZING SUCCESSFUL lives, receiving finanacial abundance WITHOUT hardships, or struggles or pain.

     So, play with that.  Allow yourself to believe that, in many many fun and easy ways.  

     That's my invitatation to you.  Thanks for watching.  Thanks for listening.  Enjoy and have fun.  I LOVE YOU ALL.

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