

Hello, beautiful ones.  This is Victor Razee.  Your friend and empowerment coach.  How are you doing today?  

     In this short veedeo what I would love to talk to you about is LOVE.  Which, by the way IT IS YOU!  That's right, my friends.  YOU are the one you have been looking for.  YOU are the one you want to truly discover.  And it's your LOVE, your SELF-LOVE that you truly want to be OPEN to, and allowing and receiving. 

     It's interesting because there are many out there, perhaps maybe even you, where they feel, that they believe that in order to be fulfilled, in order to feel more secure, in order to have a happy life, or whatever type of life they must, need someone to be with them.  They NEED a relationship, or they NEED someone in order to fulfill that, that insecurity, that unfulfillment, that lack of whatever they might be lacking in their relationship.  

     It's interesting beacuse there is a huge difference between DESIRING your ideal relationship, knowing that it's coming.  Knowing that vibrationally or energetically that it is complete, it is done.  And you are simply trusting what's coming, knowing that it's coming, being open and available to and allowing to receive it.  

     That vibration, that energy, that belief is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from the vibration or energy or belief of "When is it coming???  It's not here!  Where is my lover??  I need one!  I'm not happy without one!  For the last five years I've been struggling with my relationships, or I've been challenged by my relationships, or I've been lonely."  That energy, that vibration, those beliefs IS ACTUALLY WHAT'S PREVENTING AND STOPPING the relationship you are asking for!  

     The relationship you are looking for.  Because the more you ask, and it's quite important that you hear what I am about to say, the more that you ask where is my lover, the more you are PREVENTING that lover, that relationship, that manifestation.  

     You need to only ask once.  And trust me, you have already asked many, many thousands of times.  What you need to start to do, if you need to do anything, of course, is to start to trust, start to believe, start to FEEL and most importantly, start to KNOW that it is done, that IT IS COMING.  It's already there.  

     Vibrationally, energetically, the universe, God, Source, whatever you want to call it HAS ALREADY ANSWERERED YOU MANY MANY THOUSANDS OF TIMES in many many ways.  But, it is very difficult to HEAR the answer, to SEE the opportunity when you KEEP ON ASKING AND LOOKING AND LOOKING ALL THESE DIFFERENT WAYS and not allowing you to see that it will come to you, perhaps in the most unexpected ways.  

     We have all heard the saying that God, or the Universe works in mysterious ways, right?  And I know you've had many experiences where you have received many of your desires, manifestations in so many unexpected ways, and when you are hard-headed or stubborn and you say to yourself, "No!  It has to come this way!  In this color or this height or this whatever, you are SHUNNING the infinite of opportunities, the infite ways of how it could come in different, other ways that the universe has been WANTING to give to you.  

     Trust me, the Universe doesn't want to give up on you, will NEVER quit on you.  IT ALWAYS WANTS TO DELIVER TO YOU WHAT YOU'VE BEEN ASKING FOR!  But you need to be in that open state of mind, you need to be in the open and receiving mode in order to receive it.

     So my friend, I invite you to start to TRUST that your ideal relationship, your lover and whatever other manifestations you are looking for, that it's coming.  That it's already done.  

     Keep an open mind and open heart.  Let go of any resistence you might have, any believe that you might get hurt again.  Let go of any beliefs like, "I need to see that they trust me first, or that they want to be with me first.  It doesn't work that way because ask you are waiting for the other person to show you signs that they love you or trust you and want to be with you, guess what the other person is waiting for too?  They are waiting for YOU to show some signs of trust and love.  Both of you are waiting and it's not going to go anywhere else.  You MUST allow yourself to trust first.  You must come from a place of trust, a place of LOVE, a place of security, especially if you want to attract someone else from a place of trust, security and love.  Because trust me when I say this: If you are feeling insecure, if you are having some challenges, issues, problems with trust or with self-worth or anything in that nature the only person or relationship you are going to attract is also a person who is also feeling those same vibrations, energies and beliefs. 

     And no, your fifty percent security and his fifty percent security does NOT create a secure relationship.  We have all heard that the other person is just a mirror reflection of who you are, so my invitation to you, my challenge to you is to BECOME the person that you want to attract.  Don't try to receive, attract, attain someone to complete or fill what's missing within you.  It's never going to work, my friend.  Trust me when I say that.  I have gone through that path, a lot of my students, a lot of my clients, a lot of my friends and family have gone through that path and IT DOES NOT WORK.  You can spend the rest of your life dying and trying.  

     My invitation to you is to become, to feel the type of perspon you want to attract.  Ask yourself, what are the traits?  WHat are the qualities, what are the values, what are the beliefs I want in a relationship?  List them down and then ask yourself Do I have those?  Do I feel those?  Do I believe those?  If you don't then I encourage you to work on that within yourself before you even try to attempt to go out and attract that relationship.  

     Be the person you want to attract and that's all you need to do.  When you do that, and trust me, not only intimate relationships, but FRIENDS, COWORKERS, BUSINESS PARTNERS, everone out there will try to reflect, will try to MIRROR the person YOU ARE.  

     THAT'S HOW YOU RECEIVE!  THAT'S HOW YOU ATTRACT your ideal relationships.  So play with that and have fun with it.  

So my friends, thank you for listening and I LOVE YOU ALL!

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