


RE: 130 or higher.
victor gruber
Mon 10/4/2010 11:30 AM
Hi C, thanks for responding.     Mark Twain had it right when he said, "Be good and you will be lonesome."  I like to think I was a freedom fighter from 2002-2009.  I used to call myself a long-distance walker/journalist.  You actually might have seen me walking around town before.  I would document every detail of my life on a microcassette recorder and type it all up.  I had a website up for three years with all my wanderings.  I went all over the country.  My mission was to prove it was human nature to be generous and bring world peace.  I had a really interesting story I would tell anyone who would listen and I gave a lot of people hope and raised awareness.  I called myself a self-programmed peace machine.       I don't know how you feel about marijuana, but I thought that was the key to my mission.  Marijuana makes people peaceful.  That's why it's illegal.  War is big business.  But I've stopped smoking since, actually, that's around the time I got real depressed, after I stopped smoking.       Since I obssessed myself with this mission for seven years, I treated it as my job.  Therefore, I haven't been on a payroll since 2002, so i'm sure I'm on a "red-list."  I don't know how familiar you are with all the conspiracy stories out there.  I've come to finally realize they have a firm grasp on the majority's reality which keeps them asleep.  I thought I could make a huge difference with the internet, but I've lost hope and have become what I once despised and stopped evolving.          Here, I'll copy my story which I used to tell people, maybe some people might still find it interesting.  Hope you don't mind reading it all.  I copied it straight from my old website, which I took down about a year ago.  I don't know what took me so long to realize how self-incriminating it was.  Argh, I used to be such a fearless leader.  Let me know if my stuff interests you.  I have some other good stories.         "Hello, my name is Victor Antonio Gruber.  I'm thirty one.  I am from San Antonio, TX.  I was born in Puerto Rico on February 2, 1978 and have lived in San Antonio since I was three.  I am a self employed long-distance walker and a freelance journalist.            With the Internet I have discovered a way to fight the world's greatest problem.  What would you say that is?  Of all time. Where it all starts.  Well, more like humanity's greatest problem.   The world can shake us off and it just might in a couple of years.                              I say it's ignorance.  Ignorance is the root of all problems.  How would you define ignorance? The dictionary says it's the lack of knowledge, but I disagree.  I think the dictionary is wrong.  I say ignorance is simply the act of ignoring.  Ignore being the root word.  The act of ignoring leads to a lack of knowledge.         Nobody listens.  Nobody pays full attention.  We're not learning.  We are stuck.  The technology is here, the facts have been staring us in the face for decades...but we still insist on killing the world we depend on to live because killing the world makes money.  Sadly, we live in a world where wrong has right-of-way.

         Why doesn't anybody care?

         When will we ever learn?

         Well, here is my idea. 

         With the Internet(and you're going to think I'm crazy, just like I want you to) I plan to eliminate money, make everything free, prove that it's human-nature to be generous and bring world peace.          I'm going to get rid of cars in big cities and make everybody healthy(and height/weight proportionate).          AND, not only will I get marijuana totally legalized and chill everybody out...I will get it unregulated.  It will be growing everywhere.

         That's the key. 

         I've got it all figured out.   

         I will tell you exactly how I plan to do this . . . if you are willing to listen, and only then.  What I have to tell you is definitely worth your full attention.  Do you want to know?  If not, don't waste your time. 


Do you ever tell the same story the same way every single time?  I do, like crazy.  I have my own scripts, my own rebuttals.  All the times at telemarketing.  People say, "Oh, you're unoriginal.  I've heard this one before."  To that I tell them, "Hey, they're my scripts."  If the words I choose to express myself does so exactly, why would I ever change it?  They evolve over time, I refine them.  The way I see it, the truth doesn't change.  Neither does the past.  I am just telling stories.  I'm acting.  It's my own personal scripture.  It is my persistent-consistency which will ensure the success of this mission.  I am a self-programmed peace-machine.  A walking, talking self-fulfilling prophecy(or at least I have fun with it)..That was my script-script. 

  The following are the exact words I say when I offer to tell people my story in person.  I must stay consistent.


                   What are some problems you run across when you have a new idea and are trying to get it out?  For one, if you are telling your ideas orally you sometimes run into the problem of not remembering the whole story, leave out some details and you're not as effective as you want.  Nobody is perfect(or you're stoned).

                   Second, mainly, you have ignorance(as I define it).  People are too set in their old-fashioned, lazy, impatient ways, deathly afraid of change even if it's for the better, they won't even listen to you.  They ignore you.  They think you're crazy.                   Well, I have found a way to jump both of those hurdles with the internet.  What I will do is run an FTP server off my computer giving anyone in the world access to my hard-drive.  Only the files and directories I want them to access.  On my hard-drive I will have a directory with all my ideas.  Just plain simple text files that anyone can read with any web browser.  Simple webpage.  Text, no graphics.  This way people can read my stuff uncensored, first off, at their discretion, they can finish it when they want to, but every single time the whole story will be told.                   It just seems to me this is exactly what the internet is for.  It's a global medium.  It's not part of the system.                    Do you know what I am basing all this freedom on?  Well, besides The Constitution.  The pirated software scene on the internet...where everything is free already and has been since the birth of the internet.  You can download new movies still in theaters and watch them at home for free.  Any music you want out there, you don't have to pay for it.  Hell, I even had Windows XP months before it was even released.                     It is an accepted-underworld.  Companies will spend more money tracing and litigating each person doing it than they are already making from all the suckers paying for it anyway.  It's not cost-effective to them.  They simply ignore it.  It's sort of like alcohol in the twenties, way too widespread to control.  And marijuana today.                     So what I'm going to do is...just tell everybody.  I will mass-mail detailed instructions on how to get free stuff off the internet, so everybody stops paying for things and we have to get rid of money.                    It's simple evolution.  What bigger sign do we need?  There is a way to get things, not pay for them and get away with it that anyone can do easily.  It's the next step.                    You can't stop bytes.                    I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes.                     Hear this question out, please.  You've been listening great.                   Wouldn't you work for free if all your needs were taken care of and you didn't have any bills?  So you wouldn't be bored at home all day?  Provided you had a job you enjoyed?  Well, if everybody else was doing that, what would we need money for?  It's the root of all evil, just like they've always said.                     Then people tell me, "Money is not the root of all evil!  The love of money is the root of all evil."  Well, if money didn't exist, what would there be to love?  Money is the root.  Wouldn't getting rid of money be worth getting rid of all evil?  How can something of anything be where it starts?                                     Just think, if things didn't possess a monetary-value would people steal?  Even if they did the stuff stolen could be replaced easily if everything was free                   I say everybody just keep their same job as long as they like doing it, just do it for free.  It all comes back to you.  You reap what you sow.                     Then people tell me, "Oh, what about jobs people don't like doing like garbage man or sanitation worker?"  After eliminating money when those jobs don't get done the demand for them will increase and nice, generous people will do them.  Just because they need to be done.  It's simple supply-and-demand.                     In the end we would just stop doing things we don't need to be doing.  That sounds like a good idea to me.                   After eliminating money, instead of competing to see who could get the most into their bank accounts, people would start competing to see who could be the most generous.  To get the most attention.  To get the most respect.                    As far as cars go.  I think the end of this world, or at least life as we know it is going to come when that invisible ozone layer up in the sky, that is there to protect us from all the cancer-causing rays of the sun is there no longer.  People will drop like flies from skin cancer and it will all be because of our modern invention, the internal-combustion engine.  The end of life as we know it will be mankind's own fault...unless I do something about it.                    Even if we could design a car that didn't pollute at all (which the technology is here for already, but we don't use it because it doesn't make money) cars would still be sixty mile per hour bullets that kill people.  It's a known fact that everybody makes mistakes and nobody is perfect.  Mistakes in cars just happen to kill people.  Is it really that convenient?                     I just want to get rid of cars in big cities only.  If you want a car so bad, move out to the country where you can use it as a tool.  Not just an expensive excuse to be lazy.                     I seldom get sick.  Walking is the secret to life.  If you take care of the body it takes care of itself.  Walking is a full body exercise, working even the mind.  You have plenty of time to think and everybody knows practice makes perfect. I have excellent muscle tone all over just because I walk.  I'm six foot six and I only weigh a hundred and fifty pounds.  That may sound underweight, but there's barely any body fat.  I'm not skinny.  I'm streamlined, aerodynamic.  I am ultra-lite.  How am I supposed to gain any weight when I walk so much?                   Just imagine how much faster buses could move people around if there wasn't any traffic congestion.                   Cars are death machines.  Cars, (along with money, along with cellphones, along with television, etc.) have made everybody lazy, impatient and overweight.  Not to mention, anti-social.  We have two legs for a reason and it's not to push the gas and the brake.  Walking and riding the bus will teach you patience and delayed-gratification.  Remember, good things come to those who wait.  Why is everybody in such a hurry?                     The little money I spend walking and riding the bus beats the hell out of a car payment, insurance, gasoline and maintenance.  Not to mention, the risk of dying in a car accident.  Don't you have better things to spend your hard-earned money on?                    Just look at all those empty seats being chauffeured around out there.  How wasteful we have become.  You can compare the city bus to a horizontal elevator.  The same kind of people who ride elevators ride the bus.  The bus is public transportation, just like elevators.  Why does everybody need their own multi-passenger private elevator?  And wouldn't you rather ride the elevator than climb up the stairs?                    Oh yeah, but walking doesn't make money.  It saves it.                    People always ask me, "Do you go to college?"  I tell them how I am currently enrolled in the school of reality, where you learn the truth, and it's free like knowledge should be.  Traditional colleges only teach you how to be like everybody else.  It's a factory-school based on the industrial revolution which is long over.  They're using the same blueprint for everybody enrolled.  Not only do you remember the stuff out of the books(if you're lucky, because most of it stays in the books), but you are also programmed with the professor's bias' and opinions, which aren't necessarily right.  If there is anything I need/want to know, I learn it on my own.  That's what the internet is for, no?  Knowledge is free.  I don't need to be fed knowledge.  I can feed myself, thank you.  Experience is the true teacher.                    Now, what you have all been waiting for. As far as marijuana goes.                     Is it just a coincidence that two, naturally-occurring things in this world(humans and marijuana) have a certain reaction when you put them together?  Is it just a coincidence we have THC receptors in our brains?  It is here for us to use in moderation and responsibly like everything else                   I mean, how can alcohol be legal?  It's poison.  Alcohol breeds ignorance and ignorant people are easy to control.  The government knows that.  That's why it's legal.  Mystery solved.                   Marijuana will always be readily available, no matter what the laws are. Do you know why?  Because you can't stop life!  It grows.  They don't call it weed for nothing!  So, the government turns it into a money-making "drug" and brainwashes everyone into thinking it is too.                       Marijuana is illegal because it makes people peaceful.  Peace doesn't make money.  WAR IS BIG BUSINESS.               It seems to me that making nature against the law is a little...unnatural.                   What do you think would happen if all the world leaders got together and smoked some weed?  It would be one great banquet.  Hey, they didn't call them peace-pipes for nothing.                    I repeat, how can alcohol be legal?  Drunk people do things sober people wouldn't.  It takes control of your mind.  You stop being yourself when you're drunk.  Look at all the lives it claims.  People get addicted to it and it makes tons of money.  Even from the deaths and hospital bills which stem from it.  The government is cashing in on all this misery.  They seem to like it.                   Then there's the people that say, "I don't smoke weed because it's illegal."  I tell them, "Says who? The government?  You trust them?  They're killing the world!"  The US government knows the legalization of marijuana will be the catalyst to world peace and everybody knows peace isn't cost-effective.  Neither is good health.  As long as marijuana stays illegal it is making the US government money by arresting people for it.  They just see it as a cash-crop that will never stop paying off, because so many people know better and smoke it.  They really don't give a damn.  Plus, morality should be our guide, not legality.                   Marijuana is a safe, organic peaceful enhancement.  Nothing more.                    You can't stop life.                     Then people are always asking me, "Do you believe in God?"  When they ask me that I ask them, "Do you believe in Love?"  I believe in Love.  I think everybody has it in them and it's all the same Love.  I don't need to personify a human emotion.  If what you believe makes you happy and you're not hurting anyone else, I don't want you to think any different.  Who the hell am I to judge you?  Just bear me that same respect, please.  We are all different.  It's all about freedom and personal liberty.  I don't mess with you, don't mess with me.  R-E-S-P-E-C-T.                     Human beings have absolutely no business judging other human beings.  Justice will be done either way.  Let Karma take care of it.  The simple concept of You Reap What You Sow has yet to be proven to a lot of people.  You do not need money to succeed.               Police exist to help make sure there's no freedom, not to protect our freedoms.                     I think the Jesus, Bible, God story, that's all the translation(we all know how accurate "translations" can be) of Love that was needed, at the time it was written, for people to understand it.  That was two thousand years ago.  It's nothing new.  Times change.  We need to change with them.  We need an update, badly.  You should not believe everything you read.                      How many gods are there?  Oh, just one?  According to who's religion?  Well, what about all those polytheistic religions out there that believe in more than one?  Are they just damned to hell for believing in the wrong thing?  Who the hell is right?                 Then they say, "But God is love."  I say, "No, God is the personification of Love.  Love is not a person.  God is a big trick. Love is everything."  It's funny how people can believe in God but not in Love.  We really need to stop labeling things.  Judge not.                Religions have tricked everyone into believing we are born bad, that we are sinners the second we become alive.  Don't fall for it.  It's one of the many ways the few control the many.  World's greatest hoax, I tell you.                   Religion is division. There's only one Love.  Praise Love.  It's all we need.                   Okay, now that you are aware of my platform I can continue with my story and it will make sense.  Actually, It's more of a legend, and if you are still willing to listen.               Since I walk so much in San Antonio I have made myself as independent from money as possible.  Anytime I get hungry I'll walk into any restaurant in town and ask to speak to the manager.  I tell him/her, "Hi, my name is Victor.  I am a long-distance walker. I don't suppose you would care to donate any gasoline for my stomach?  Hey, if it's a big problem and you can't afford it, don't worry about it.  I'm sure the next place I walk by will be generous and help me out."  Almost everybody hooks me up.  Like 98% of places.                     Especially at all the taquerías.  You know how much those Mexican moms love feeding people. "Siéntate, mijo.  Comé, comé."  Hispanic people got my back.  They know the rules.                    Which just goes to prove that not only is it human-nature to be generous and we don't need money to live, but also that there is an accepted loss that every company figures into their finances that makes it okay not to always charge.  They just write it off.  Money is a game you can choose not to play.                     I'm not a beggar.  I'm not a bum.  When I give people the choice to tell me no, helping me out becomes their decision.  I am not twisting anyone's arm.  I am giving people the chance to feel good about themselves.  How many people do you know will do something for nothing?  There is an exchange taking place.  Ask and thou shall receive.  Some rules never change.  I am only practicing what I preach. 

               The only thing I beg for is to differ.  But seriously, folks.  I'm here all week.                The real truth is written in nature and still self-evident to this day.                   This is the part where I ask you for your email address, but since my webpage is up I don't need it.  In my possession I have well over six thousand people's emails.  I have been hard at work, years and years.  Every single day I walk up to random strangers and ask them, "Can I tell you a really interesting story?  I am not asking for anything.  I just want you to listen.  It's a free story.  It's not religious, I promise."                     I have a full-time job.  I don't get days off.  My job doesn't pay me money.  I work for free.  I'm a full-time volunteer.                   My story is for everyone.  As I was saying, I have over six thousand people who will listen to every single word I say. I am finally jumping the ignorance-barrier.  It's going to spread like wildfire.  It is already.                     Now, let me tell you exactly what I am doing for world peace.  Me and me alone.  I'm sure you're wondering.  

               For the last seven years straight(almost eight now), non-stop, every single day I have been (this is the part where I pull out my tape recorder for a visual aid) documenting my life.  Every detail.  Whatever happens.  I just recap every moment.  It's writing itself.  I have headphones and I type it all up.  I transcribe it.  Time-stamps and everything.  It's simple.  I have acquired a near-perfect memory.  I can just read myself, look myself up and do lightning-fast searches on my own individual thoughts.  I don't have to remember shit.                     Anytime I receive any generosity like every cigarette I bum, I pull out my tape recorder and say, "I am writing a book on generosity that the whole world is going to read on the internet, and you're in it."  I log it.  Everybody gets credit.                     Just think, for the past eight years, all these crazy rides I've had to the West Coast and back, all for free, these magical adventures, following signs, it will serve as proof in black and white(pictures too) that we don't need money to liveIt will be The Better Book.                   Don't you think that the one hundred percent true story of some guy who is walking around the country telling people he's going to get marijuana legalized and bring world peace, their reaction to that, places he goes, people who help him(and smoke him out), don't you think that could be the most interesting story in the world?  Don't you think that would be an accurate state of the union?                     I am going to bring the truth out of hiding and educate the masses.  The truth shall set us free.                     With today's technology, just sit back and watch one person make a global difference.                    Now, let me tell you about my army. Don't worry, it will be a peaceful revolution, I promise.  It is my generation and younger, it's all the kids who don't think I'm crazy and belong in a mental hospital.  With many exceptions, there are lots of cool older people out there too.  The way I see it there are more of us than there are of them.  Global revolution.  Kids against the parents.  Let's make things right before it's too late.  It's our world they're destroying.  Kids are the future.  I am going to prove, without a doubt, that evolution exists.                    It's simple math, people.  There are more of us than there are of them!                        I am well-aware that there is a possibility I might even be assassinated for having all these great ideas. But, I take great comfort in knowing that if I am killed not only would I die a martyr(because I am doing nothing wrong), but my mission will be accomplished even sooner.  My stuff has been on the internet for years and spreading like wildfire every day.  Everybody would want to know what the guy who died for the world wrote.  It would just blow the lid off of it.  One life to save billions.  I would die one happy man.                     That which does not kill me makes me stronger!                   In the end justice will be done.                    Like I say, I can't, for the life of everybody, find anything better to do.                     Hey, then at least I would know what happens when you die.  There's a brighter side to everything                   You can't stop freedom.                    San Antonio is my hometown.  Headquarters.  Where all the love is.  Deep in the heart of Texas.  Antonio is my middle name.  I am San Antonio(or at least that fits the story real good).                      So remember, my name is Victor Antonio from San Antonio, so when it happens...actually, I'm not stupid.  I know world peace is going to have to be everybody's fault(at least all the kid's).  I'll just be the catalyst.                     Through word-of-mouth let it be known.  The man who spends his life on a mission, he's legendary.  Traveling from coast to coast.  I'm the contemporary Johnny Appleseed.  Just making sure that my garden grows.  I'll plant the seed in every town I go.                    That's a NOFX song. Listen to it. I already have a soundtrack(accidentally).                     Fertilizing the countryside.  You couldn't stop me with insecticide.                    Now, I do want you to do me a couple favors.  Here's the catch.  I want you to think I'm crazy.  That's the only reason I haven't been assassinated yet, because no one is taking me seriously.  Second, I want you to doubt me, that I can do this.  It will make my victory so much sweeter.                     Actually, as much as I want people to think I'm crazy and doubt me I value the ones that don't even more.  So if you don't, thanks.  I am working undercover.  The same exact ignorance I am fighting is also shielding me.  Everybody thinks I'm some crazy homeless guy and you know how much people love ignoring them. You can't stop bytes.     You can't stop life. You can't stop freedom. You can't stop Victor Antonio.                    You can only get in my way.  Are you doing anything for world peace?  Or are you just fueling the evil machine preventing it?                   If you have a better way...I'm all ears.                   I do realize that we all have these things tying us down to the system (kids, jobs, etc) and it's not easy for some to be as free as me.  That is exactly why I am doing this for you.  Somebody has to.  I am just proving a point.                   Failure is all based on fear.  Once I learned that everything happened for a reason, even the bad stuff, I just didn't seem to have any anymore.  I have almost died twice.  I have absolutely nothing to lose.  I will win.  My name ain't Victor for nothing.                    Anything is possible and you have to start somewhere.  I started eight years ago and have had much success.                     You can read all about it. - Victor Antonio                   P.S.  From the very bottom of my heart, I would like to give thanks and praise to all the generous souls that have helped me live this dream.  Even the ignorant people for proving me right.  If my story was any other way I couldn't have gotten this far.  I forgive all.  I am truly grateful.  I apologize if you helped me and I didn't mention your name and give you credit in my journal.  You know who you are.  That's what really matters.  E-mail me and I'll add you in.                     Let's see if this is a suicide-mission...or not.                    Final Solution: Let's put the real criminal to death, money and give everybody a second chance.  Global Forgiveness.  Nobody knew better.  Forgiveness is divine.                    Success may be a number's game, but money doesn't have to count!                    I took the red pill.  Let's see how far down the rabbit-hole I go.  I'm not afraid of no agents.  I am an agent.                                Undercover agent of change.   

Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2010 09:25:55 -0500Subject: 130 or higher.From: readmevogonpoetry@gmail.comTo:** CRAIGSLIST ADVISORY --- AVOID SCAMS BY DEALING LOCALLY** Avoid: wiring money, cross-border deals, work-at-home** Beware: cashier checks, money orders, escrow, shipping** More Info: read your post and clicked back and read other peoples', then clicked on your again and read it.  This went on for awhile.  I suppose I was left with no other choice but to respond, seeing as how your three paragraphs sucked me in.  
Like you, I have this unshakable feeling that things are soon to become out of hand.  I know there is more to the truth than what we as a people are privy to.  I occasionally stand upon a soapbox, but realize that there are very few people who will venture outside their cozy brain's nest made by WalMart and Fox News in order to experience something closer to the truth.  Maybe it's too cold for them.  I should offer a jacket..
I'm not tall.  I don't live at home.  Do you know that time between being awake and drifting to sleep, when everything around you is completely silent and although there may be somebody laying next to you, or in the adjacent room, you know you're alone?  That is my favorite time in the world.

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