

 The Effects of Recreational Drugs 

on Spiritual Development 

<Jd ^Dialog xvitk Jldama 

Example: Marijuana and other narcotics. The same prin- 
ciples apply in great measure to all other addictions such as 
alcohol and tobacco. 

Jluuiia - Adama, is there a group consciousness attached to 
the use of and addiction to substances such as marijuana or 
peyote as recreational drugs and/or spiritual tools? Please 
describe what effect these substances have on their users. 

Jldama - I would like to speak first on the general use of 
recreational drugs. A little history to begin with, if you 
will! When these sacred plants originally came forth from 
Creation they had the wonderful purpose of uplifting energy 
and consciousness. 

In the beginning of their use a long time ago, conscious- 
ness-altering plants assisted people to open their percep- 
tion to their divine qualities, to their divine Presence and 
Creator. These plants were used also to enhance telepathic 
abilities, as well as the gifts of clairaudience, clairvoyance, 
psychometry and other similar spiritual abilities. 

These spiritual openings connected people more directly 


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with the angelic kingdom, nature spirits, the animal king- 
dom and beings from the other side of the veil. The en- 
hanced energies provided by the use of the sacred plants 
also facilitated inter-dimensional travel. These were the 
main purposes of these herbal substances, to create spiri- 
tual pathways. This is the way it was in the beginning of 
creation before the "fall in consciousness" that took place 
during the fourth golden age. 

The original sacred plants assisted the spiritual evolution of 
mankind in the beginning of life on this planet for millions 
of years, until the fourth golden age. During this long period 
of Earth evolution, people would occasionally draw on the 
energies of these plants with much reverence, sacredness 
and intention. They ate a small portion of a leaf, usually di- 
rectly from live plants, according to the experience that was 
desired. There were a variety of these plants, each one offer- 
ing its own specific spiritual gift. At no time were the plants 
misused, nor was addiction experienced from their use. 

Children were given a full understanding of their use at a 
young age, and their intended use was always honored. The 
sacred plants vibrated at a fifth dimensional frequency and 
beyond. People did not smoke to inhale these substances 
through their lungs, as is done today. The present-day 
counterparts of these original plants, by the way, are not 
the same plants at all. Depending on the species, a specific 
portion of the leaf was required and consumed to attain the 
desired results. People approached the plants with much 
reverence, asking permission of the plant Devas to partake 
of the attributes each plant carried. 

These plants grew abundantly in many places, and almost 
every home had a sacred spot in the garden reserved for 
the growth of a small quantity of a few species. They were 
considered food for the soul, just as important as food for 
the body. The sacred plants carried a very high vibration. 
When ingested, they shared attributes of their vibration that 


Messages for Humanity in Transformation 

elevated the body and opened the consciousness to higher 
understandings and experiences. The so-called "weed" that 
this generation smokes or uses today with the hope of con- 
necting with a higher aspect of themselves or experiencing 
other-dimensional realities, are not, in any way, the same 
as those originally used for spiritual purposes. The original 
plants no longer exist in your third dimensional reality, al- 
though several species have been preserved inside the Earth. 

Incarnated beings practicing the black arts were 
the first to genetically alter the original plants. 

To understand what happened with this gift that mankind 
used freely for so long it is necessary to go back in history 
to the beginning of the dark ages, when people consistently 
gave away their power to lesser vibrations other than their 
own Divine Presence. One by one, the civilizations of this 
planet gradually forgot their original state of oneness with 
the divine and opened themselves to the manipulating and 
controlling energies of the shadow. 

Incarnated beings of the black arts, who had acquired great 
knowledge on other spheres of existence prior to coming 
to the Earth, became the black magicians of ancient times. 
They are the ones who first genetically altered the sacred 
plants at their roots. By doing so, they exercised greater and 
greater control over people by dimming their spiritual pow- 
ers and perceptions. This took place over a long period of 
time; the vibrational rate of the original plants was gradu- 
ally destroyed or greatly reduced. The plants available today 
for "recreational use" carry a negatively altered vibration 
that is a far cry from the original ones. 

The youth and many adults on this planet are addicted to 
substances that take their users into the lower levels of the 
astral plane. In the lower astral realms, users get hooked 
and corded by astral entities needing their energies in order 
to survive. These are the major cause of addiction. Those 


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indulging in these substances endlessly create these dis- 
torted energies in the emotional and other subtle bodies. 
These entities exist with a consciousness of their own. They 
are real and alive, living in a low energy consciousness that 
becomes more and more aggressive in its attempt to gain 
control of the user. Over time and with continued use, the 
entities grow in number and in power in the energetic field 
of their hosts. 

These low vibrational entities have so little light and energy 
of their own that they "have to get hooked" on "willing" 
human beings and produce cravings in the emotional body 
to survive. The cravings are the fundamental roots of addic- 
tion, created by entities of the astral plane that suck your 
light and your energies whenever they can to assure their 
own survival. One can say that your addictions are also 
"their fix." How so many types and levels of addiction are 
formed is not well understood. If it were, few of you would 
partake of addictive substances, not even plain commercial 
cigarettes or alcohol. 

What you have left today is a handful of low vibration, con- 
sciousness-altering plants. Instead of lifting people in con- 
sciousness to the realms of Light in their multi-dimensional 
travels, the negative qualities of the plants you have today 
take their users into the lower vibrations of the astral plane, 
where light is dim and consciousness distorted. The black 
magicians brilliantly altered the vibrations of the original 
plants to create a tearing effect in the soul and a greater 
separation from Source. 

Recreational drugs users are, for the most part, people who 
perceive consciously or unconsciously that they have lost 
connection with their Higher Self. They are seeking a form 
of union at the emotional level with a greater part of them- 
selves. Addictions arise from this natural desire of the soul, 
which can never be fulfilled by engaging in these kinds of 
activities. Drug users keep inhaling or ingesting more and 


Messages for Humanity in Transformation 

more of the consciousness-altering substances in a desper- 
ate attempt to reconnect with a part of themselves that 
would fill the void and the emptiness they feel deep within 

Drug use illustrates an attempt to find externally the 
Connection and the Love that can only be found within the 
Self, through the Love of Self that beats through your heart. 

J repeat again, mind and soul altering substances 
found on the surface can only amplify the void, 
emptiness and loneliness of the soul who 
seeks fulfillment outside of the Self 

When one relies on a low vibration substance to create an al- 
tered state or to reconnect with the divine, the result is only 
greater illusion and self-deception. Do you understand that? 

The grasses that are grown and the chemical substances 
that are produced today for mind-altering purposes are to- 
tally unnatural to the soul, the physical body, the mind and 
the emotional body. These substances create distortions in 
these bodies that can take a very long time to correct, even 
several lifetimes. 

The original genetic state of sacred plants was love, inno- 
cence and purity. Now there is a huge group consciousness 
of drug entities that are destructive to the very fabric of 
life and consciousness itself. There is almost no place you 
can go now free from the vibration of these entities. This is 
another plot of the dark brothers, whose agenda is to stop 
or slow down the evolution of this entire generation. You 
find large groups of entities waiting for their "willing prey," 
clustered in areas where people gather to inhale or partake 
of these substances. 

If you could observe from our perspective, you would know, 
without a doubt, that anyone indulging in these substances 


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invites legions of these entities in. They cling to and torture 
their host emotionally to incite more consumption. They are 
like hungry vampires competing for their "fix." The addic- 
tion comes not so much from the plant itself but from the 
entities who attach themselves to those using these sub- 
stances. This is the main cause of the torment of addiction. 

<Jluulia - What do these entities look like? 

cJlJama - I'm going to describe these entities to you. They 
look like thick smoke and can be six, ten, twelve or twenty 
feet long, and shaped a bit like a snake. They grow larger 
as the energy wraps itself around all the various bodies — 
physical, emotional, mental and spiritual — of those who 
partake of these substances. It is mainly the emotional body 
that is affected, as it gets imprinted with the constant crav- 
ing for more and more drugs by the astral entities who em- 
body that vibration. 

Most of the time addiction leads to personality changes and 
character damage. The soul becomes more and more discon- 
nected from the purpose of its incarnation and from the 
"real self." Those who spend their lifetime in this altered 
state may have to experience several more incarnations to 
return to the state they embodied before the drug use. They 
will almost certainly suffer a setback in their personal evo- 
lution. Some rationalize that their drug-induced "high" is 
actually the doorway to spiritual development, but we say 
that they are embracing a great illusion. 

JLuulia - Can you be more specific about how each of our 
four bodies — emotional, physical, mental and spiritual — as 
well as the auric field, are affected by drug use? 

On the emotional body 

Jldama - Of your four bodies, the one most affected is the 
emotional body. The entities lure people into addiction by 
creating a sensation of starvation or craving for the addic- 


Messages for Humanity in Transformation 

tive substance primarily in the emotional body and the solar 
plexus. It is well documented that those who take these sub- 
stances retard the growth and maturing of their emotional 
bodies. In general, they can remain quite unbalanced or im- 
mature emotionally for many years, or even the remainder 
of their incarnation. When you see men or women in their 
thirties and forties with the maturity of a 15 or 20-year-old, 
you know there is something that has stunted the growth 
of their emotional body. The emotional body usually stops 
maturing at the age one starts ingesting these substances. 
Often, you hear people say that someone is 43 years old go- 
ing on 16 in maturity. Do you get the picture? 

This emotional immaturity creates deficiencies in the char- 
acter building of the drug user. Instead of developing the 
qualities of their divinity, the addiction causes many to re- 
sort to all sorts of manipulations, treachery and distorted 
ways of acquiring money in order to get another fix. There 
are those who will even kill or resort to prostitution to get 
the funds to feed their addiction. Drug dependency often de- 
stroys or diminishes the qualities of the soul, and the goals 
of the incarnation are not met. 

Everyone has a certain desire to evolve and become the 
divine being they are. This is your very nature, your birth- 
right. Those who use drugs or similar addictive substances 
are looking outside themselves for what can be found only 
within the depth of the soul. Drug abuse demonstrates an 
unwillingness to go through the normal channels of learn- 
ing and the daily lessons of life that help you evolve. In all 
truthfulness, there are no external shortcuts to enlighten- 
ment. It is all within you. 

As the vibration on the planet increases, the youth of the 
world and the users of recreational drugs will have to make a 
serious choice and commitment to their life, to their evolution 
and to the predetermined purposes of their incarnation. They 
will soon be faced with the choice to either awaken spiritually 


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and "get of pot" or possibly leave their present incarnation 
and spend time in the astral plane with the destructive en- 
ergies they have flirted with. Basically at some point, this is 
the choice all will have to make if they wish to ride the wave 
of ascension and reunite with their Divine Selves. 

On the mental body 

In the mental body drug use affects the character and level 
of integrity. The motives for living become very distorted. 
Instead of living for the development and integration of 
noble purposes, life often becomes an obsessive ratrace for 
money to buy more of these substances. The user's mind 
becomes dulled and cloudy while existing in this kind of con- 
sciousness. Genetically, drug use can often create repercus- 
sions in the progeny for two to three generations, which can 
manifest as various kinds of physical, emotional or mental 
weaknesses. Children born into families who inherit such 
problems may be souls who are choosing to resolve unfin- 
ished karma from their own addictions in a past incarnation. 

On the physical body 

On the physical level, drugs and any addiction lower all the 
vibrations of the body. There are those who are genetically 
very strong and don't seem to be physically affected. For 
many, the brain and the emotional body are most affected. 
Nevertheless, one must be aware that the person who indul- 
ges in recreational drugs for a long time and fails to fulfill 
their present life contract will most likely lose the privilege 
of a strong healthy body in the next incarnation. And you 
all know how painful and agonizing this can be! 

You can never consciously or carelessly abuse your body 
in one incarnation and have the privilege of a healthy and 
strong body again in the next one. Divine law requires that 
if you are given a strong healthy body and you misuse it, 
the karma returns the very next life. That is why you have 
children born with all sorts of health problems. You wonder 
why is this? What did they do to deserve it? Well, on the 


Messages for Humanity in Transformation 

human level you can never judge because you don't know 
the whole story. Even if you were to look at astrological or 
akashic records, the human consciousness can only perceive 
a small portion of the whole picture. 

In general, people trapped in addictive tendencies tend not 
to feed their bodies what is needed to remain in balance 
and vitality. These types of imbalances created in the body 
are not conducive to motivating addicts to change their 
ways. They are malnourished, to say the least. Not feeding 
the body properly and regularly is part of the self-hatred 
and denial syndromes of those engaging in addictions. This 
means that they do not value themselves as divine beings, 
and do not value the opportunity for this life either. The 
body needs to be replenished several times a day with nat- 
ural and nutritious foods that carry as much life force as 
possible. Junk food diets in the form of fast foods completely 
devoid of nutrients have been the main diet of the great ma- 
jority of drug users. 

On the etheric body 

Etherically, drugs tear down much of the protective sheaths 
of the soul, known as subtle bodies. It could take a person 
who has indulged in one lifetime in the constant use of 
marijuana, LSD or other recreational drugs three to five 
lifetimes or longer to return to balance. Addictions can 
cause tremendous damage to the etheric bodies. From a 
physical perspective it is never obvious how much the non- 
visible bodies have been harmed. We are not talking about 
someone who has simply tried drugs as an experiment a few 
times and never continued; that will not hurt you deeply. We 
are talking about regular use over a long period of time. 

Many of you have been using drugs for five to ten years or 
longer. At this time, because of the Divine Grace being of- 
fered to all of humanity by your heavenly Father, there is 
still time for all to let go of the addictions and begin a spiri- 
tual, emotional and physical cleansing. By divine grace, all 


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can receive great healing. However, if the soul leaves this 
incarnation before healing takes place, many may take that 
damage into the next incarnation without full awareness of 
why problems manifest in their physical bodies. 

JLuielia - How is the auric field affected? 

^MJama - From our perspective, when we look at a person 
who is a child of love, light and innocence, the auric field 
demonstrates a beautiful emanation of all the colors of love, 
the seven rainbow rays and golden light. It radiates out in 
different intensities of tone, and the auric field shows beau- 
tiful geometric patterns of colors of high vibration. It is so 
because the beautiful colors of God have their counterparts 
in the full spectrum of the rainbow. 

When you look at the auric field of a user of marijuana or 
other drugs, you see very distorted patterns of the red tone 
of anger and vile green tones not representing harmony 
and love. There are also a lot of black and brown splashy 
spots all around the aura. More often than not, the beauti- 
ful original geometric auric pattern can no longer be seen. 
It is muddy in tone as the colors are very distorted. You 
would also see clusters of entities like coiling serpents of 
smoke wrapping themselves around every part of the body. 
The solar plexus and the heart become congested with these 
entities and their low frequency energy. The etheric body 
and auric field of users of recreational drugs are not a pretty 
sight. If we could show drug users their auric field compared 
to the one we described above, they would be shocked and 
might quit drug use on the spot. 

Jluuiia - Our DNA is now mutating back to its original 12- 
strand light-body as the Earth prepares to go into her ascen- 
sion frequency. How does this new stage of human evolution 
affect people who are using these drugs ? 

JUama - Unfortunately, they are not mutating in a positive 


Messages for Humanity in Transformation 

way. The main factor in cellular mutation is the love vibra- 
tion and the effort the person puts into raising their vibra- 
tion. How do you expect to raise your vibration while you 
are creating, feeding, maintaining and entertaining legions 
of negative entities? 

Drug users constantly lower their vibration in order to feed 
these entities which, when one thinks about it, is really an 
act of self-hatred. The low vibration that users maintain is 
not conducive to increasing their love and light frequencies, 
thus inhibiting the mutation of their DNA into a higher 
state of evolution. 

Your sustained love and light quotient is the determining 
factor in your DNA's automatic activation. This natural 
process has little to do with paying someone to do DNA acti- 
vations, which often are ceremonies of intention. Unless the 
love and light frequency is increased and maintained by the 
receiver, not much can be accomplished. 

The activation of your light-body is determined and acceler- 
ated by the amount of love and light you are able to maintain 
on a day-to-day basis. This includes the love of Self, the love 
of your body and the love for your incarnation's purpose. 

Jluulia - Does the illegal status of marijuana in certain places 
affect its vibration? For example, is there a fear conscious- 
ness associated with its illegality? 

Jidama - Yes, definitely. Marijuana, the plant itself, pos- 
sesses some positive applications if and when properly 
utilized. It is a question of letting go of fear and addiction 
and putting each thing in its right perspective. Marijuana 
is a variety of the hemp plant. Your authorities have made 
it illegal out of fear. The hemp plant could be used in many 
positive ways for the benefit of mankind. Instead, it is used 
in negative ways in an attempt to repress and regress the 
soul evolution of an entire generation. 


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The fact that it is illegal creates a greater interest or special 
attraction for the youth and many adults. Its illegal status 
creates fear and feeds the fear consciousness/entities within 
the self. For many who live with fear issues in their uncon- 
scious, doing something fearful stimulates the energy of the 
fear entities within the self, creating the false illusion of 
mental and emotional thrill. 

Understand that drug entities are fed by the vibration of 
the altered plants, and fear entities are fed by fear energy. 
Being in fear and creating the fear vibration has become a 
form of addiction for a great many people. Why do you think 
so many people enjoy horror films or violent movies? Why 
are these types of attractions so popular? The emotions cre- 
ated by watching these scenes feed the fear entities that run 
the internal programming of those watching and enjoying 
the stimulating sensations. Those who have not made peace 
with their heart and their Divine Presence have not yet un- 
derstood the true meaning of Love and Peace. 

On this planet, the great majority of people are programmed 
to be emotionally activated by fear. This is part of an old, old 
program that now needs to be released by everyone commit- 
ted to enlightenment. In the new consciousness and evolu- 
tion humanity and the planet are travelling toward, there 
will be no room for such vibrations. Those still choosing to 
carry these vibrations will be held back and denied entrance 
until their lessons are learned. The fifth dimensional con- 
sciousness will not accept this kind of baggage from anyone. 

Making drugs illegal doesn't resolve the problem. Those 
determined to use drugs will find a way of doing so. The 
clandestine way recreational drugs are marketed and the 
fact that they are illegal encourages users to become deceit- 
ful and dishonest with themselves and others. This is not 
said to criticize or judge the authorities. They tackle the 
drug problem to the best of their ability. Drug users become 
secretive and suspicious and live a double life. This behavior 


Messages for Humanity in Transformation 

is certainly not conducive to building the human personal- 
ity and character needed for ascension and evolution into 
higher consciousness. 

The child of Light, the child of love and 
innocence, cannot find anything to hide. 

Life on this planet is moving toward the consciousness of 
total knowingness and openness, where everything will be 
known and nothing will be hidden. Do you know that in the 
higher realms no one can hide anything because everything 
can be seen and known at all times through your auric field, 
your tone, your vibration and the colors you radiate? We can 
see everything in the auric field of all the people on Earth 
we choose to gaze upon, as well as in our own community of 
Light. Very soon, there will be no more secrets anywhere on 
this planet. 

Come on, my friends, children of my heart, do you really 
think you can hide in your secrecy? Well, the truth is that 
you can not. Perhaps you can hide some things for a while 
from other fellow humans; but you simply cannot hide any 
secrets, thoughts, feelings or intentions from any one of us 
of the Light Realm, anywhere above the third dimensional 

Even the trees, the nature spirits and the animals can easily 
read your heart, your intentions, your past and your future. 
If you were telepathic or if they could speak to you in a lan- 
guage you understood, you would be quite surprised at their 
wisdom and knowledge. This will soon change for most of 
you as you evolve. As humanity opens its heart to uncon- 
ditional love and acceptance of others, this type of com- 
munication with all of life, which all beings of enlightened 
civilizations enjoy presently, will open up for you as well and 
you will enjoy this new magic tremendously. Never will you 
be afraid of anything anymore. You will know that peace has 
always been there beneath your fears. 


Telos - Volume 2 

My words may appear harsh or exaggerated for some of you. 
But believe me, all I have described has become a reality for 
too many precious souls. Not all those using marijuana will 
experience every symptom I have described. I have tried to 
show you the path that drug use leads to when alignment 
with the incarnation's true purpose continues to be ignored. 

Jluulia - Is there anything people can do to heal themselves 
from the abuse of marijuana or similar types of substances ? 
What healing tools can you recommend? 

^Adama - Well, sweet one, we wish we had a magic potion 
or miracle solution. Vibrational healing tools are emerging 
that will be of significant use to healers and counselors in 
the coming years. These devices, some of which are already 
in limited use, accelerate the clearing and rebuilding of the 
etheric body. In the hands of a practitioner who is aligned 
with the Divine, they will greatly assist all who desire to 
process and purify old distorted energies. They will also 
provide great assistance to the children incarnating now 
who are experiencing tremendous stress in your surface 
societies. These children are not only relying on mind- 
altering substances that are illegal, but are being fed such 
substances by doctors under the guise of treatment for ADD 
syndromes and other mental diseases. 

It is unfortunate to witness in so many countries the dark 
forces have swayed children born as indigo and/or violet 
souls into addiction to these habit-forming substances. This 
sinister plan is designed to bind their souls and stop the 
wondrous contribution and wisdom they are meant to bring 
to this planet. This is a trap too much of the youth of this 
world is falling into. Nearly all of those precious souls come 
here at this time of Earth transition with mighty goals and 
great missions. We know that a great percentage of these 
precious children will awaken in time. However, for those 
who do not, the drug abuse and addiction will mark a major 
set-back in their evolution. 


Messages for Humanity in Transformation 

The right information and knowledge of the truth can begin 
to make a great difference. Unfortunately, peer pressure has 
played a very negative role in your society It is the giving 
up of one's power and values to avoid appearing "different" 
or to feel "accepted" by others. I say to you, "Dare to be dif- 
ferent! It is a sign of maturity and sovereignty." 

Know that there is no one as effective as an 
ex-drug user in convincing others to stay clean. 

Without a doubt, the time has come for incarnated souls to 
face the choice of "getting off pot" or leaving their present 
incarnation for a less evolved sphere of evolution where they 
can continue to learn their lessons. We hope that many, when 
faced with a final choice, will make the right choice. We realize, 
however, that you live in a society evolving on a planet of "free 
choice," where people are meant to experience and experiment 
freely. Remember that all the choices you make from day to 
day and the intentions you hold in your heart and mind have 
significant consequences for you now and for your future. 

We ask you to pray for these precious children, for grace 
and divine intervention. We ask those who will be reading 
this material to enfold the youth of the world in a whirlwind 
of love, of blue and violet flame for their protection. We 
ask that you petition the Archangels for their protection. 
These spiritual tools are very, very important. If you know 
someone using drugs, or teachers open to concepts of higher 
consciousness, give them this information or communicate 
what you feel they will understand. Share your wisdom with 
them. Information and knowledge are some of the best tools 
to transform consciousness. You may not interfere with any- 
one's free will, but you may offer someone the gift of knowl- 
edge. It will allow that person to make an "enlightened" 
choice, perhaps for the first time. 

Many people falsely believe they are on 
a high spiritual path by taking drugs. 


Telos - Volume 2 

Those who think they are on a high spiritual path by tak- 
ing drugs because they experience an altered state do not 
realize that these experiences take them to lower levels of 
the astral plane. What they experience is a far cry from the 
joy and ecstasy of the etheric planes, the dwelling place of 
higher consciousness. There is a distinct difference between 
the astral plane and the realms of light. The etheric plane 
begins to be experienced, to some extent, at the higher lev- 
els of the fourth dimension, and then much more fully in 
the fifth dimension and beyond. 

The astral plane is rightly called the plane of duality, rela- 
tivity and spiritual unconsciousness where there is little or 
no light. All that one perceives is distorted and fragmented 
compared to the realms of light. In the astral plane, truth 
and divinity are no longer understood. It is also considered 
a giant pool for all the unfulfilled desires and negative emo- 
tions of mankind that have been created in separation from 
God. Consider it a place of great illusion. More often than 
not, it creates the illusion of a world containing beauty and 
pleasure that seduce souls away from their intended soul 
path. It projects all the deceptions of the human conscious- 
ness, at times very well camouflaged, and creates the ap- 
pearance of something better than it actually is. The astral 
plane is always devious, distorted, alluring and deceitful. 

The astral plane is comprised of different levels, from the 
highest level to the lowest, which some of you refer to as 
"the bottom of the pit." Until the astral plane is clear of 
human negativity, the vibrations will prevent anyone from 
reaching the etheric planes. Thus, drug use can never bring 
an experience of light unless the right substances carrying 
the right vibrations are used "appropriately." In your pres- 
ent world, children of my heart, the former sacred plants 
are either very rare or extinct. 

The younger children of this generation are very brilliant 
and psychic. They know when they are told the truth and 


Messages for Humanity in Transformation 

when they are deceived. They are born with higher levels of 
perception than most presently incarnated. Many of them 
who read our information will be able to recognize the truth 
of it and embrace it fully. Unfortunately only some enlight- 
ened writings about the spiritual consequences of drug 
abuse have been published, but most of this information has 
eluded you or been suppressed. 

The children of the world, young and old, need this informa- 
tion. Please spread the word; it is of the utmost importance. 
Many parents are not well prepared for their parenting roles 
and thus are too complacent with their children. Often they 
are too busy with the daily demands of their lives. Children 
in general do not receive the spiritual wisdom they need 
from their parents to grow and mature as divine beings in 
this physical realm. Parents are responsible for teaching 
their children true spiritual values. 

Accurate teachings of true wisdom have been destroyed on 
this planet. This is why so much new information is pouring 
in from other dimensions and star systems, as well as from 
the Earth and her kingdoms in order to assist humanity 
in finding its way back to Source and Oneness. Those who 
destroyed the library of Alexandria in the early time of 
Christianity played an important role in keeping humanity 
in ignorance. This library contained well over 400,000 books 
holding much of the wisdom accumulated over eons of time 
and kept in sacredness to enlighten humanity. After this 
beautiful library was burned to the ground, humanity began 
to experience a "dark age" that lasted for many centuries. 

Those who orchestrated the destruction of such a precious 
collection of spiritual wisdom and knowledge for the planet 
were very proud and happy with themselves at first. In 
their thirst for power and control they convinced them- 
selves that they had performed an act of mercy for human- 
ity. They sought to dim the light on the planet by depriving 
mankind of the very teachings that would show the way 


Telos - Volume 2 

to a life of love, grace and the salvation of their souls. The 
destruction of those precious records created an enormous 
loss and set the evolution of the planet back. Those respon- 
sible for the obliteration of such treasures were instru- 
ments of the sinister forces. To this day they are reaping 
the karma of their actions. 

Jluielia - Please comment on the effects of drug use on the 
chakras. Are they "blown" open when drugs are used? 

Jldama - That is not exactly what happens. Actually the 
chakras close to the light as they are being ripped apart. 
Prolonged drug use gradually creates weakening and tear- 
ing or misalignment of the chakra system. The chakras can 
no longer carry as much light and begin to be imprinted 
with negativity. That is why I mentioned that as many as 
five to ten lifetimes can be required to heal the imbalances. 
When the chakra system becomes imprinted with great neg- 
ativity from the astral plane and the light dims, the healing 
forces are no longer present in the chakras. 

The soul involved is often born with severe physical or emo- 
tional imbalances in the next few incarnations. With right 
action, self-love and willingness to improve oneself with 
each succeeding incarnation, the light begins to rebuild in 
the chakras and healing will eventually take place. The soul 
will find its way back to where it started in its evolution. 
It is like taking many steps backwards and then returning 
to your original starting place, a rather unnecessary and 
avoidable delay. 

A soul is not accorded the same level of grace in the next 
incarnation when they choose to forsake their purpose and 
destiny to indulge in any type of addiction, especially a soul 
born with as much light as the children of today. For several 
lifetimes, these souls will experience life without the sup- 
port of the beautiful light they now carry until they learn 
their lessons. That is why it has been said that souls en- 


Messages for Humanity in Transformation 

gaging in drug use are embarking on a painful journey for 
many lifetimes to come. 

Jluulia - Adama, this is a time of great grace for everyone 
on Earth. What opportunities are there for people who turn 
away from this type of distortion and desire to move into the 
light more rapidly 1 ? 

Jldama - Addiction and drug use were created on your plan- 
et as a plot of the dark forces. They are determined more 
than ever before to stop the expansion of the light and to 
prevent as many souls as possible from making it easily to 
the ascension door in this life. The precious children could 
make it so easily and painlessly! They were born with all 
the tools they need to attain their enlightenment and spiri- 
tual freedom with much ease and grace. 

So many of the children addicted to drugs 
now need unprecedented assistance from 
enlightened adults who have the wisdom 
to understand that a whole generation 
of enlightened beings is at stake here. 

The new energy that now floods the Earth will not support 
that dark consciousness. The children will be granted an op- 
portunity and a period of grace to align and heal completely 
so that they can come into the new world together with the 
rest of humanity. However, the children need to understand 
that they are responsible for making the ultimate choice for 
themselves; no one can make it for them. Those who choose 
to leave will become aware, when they cross to the other side 
of the veil, that they have forsaken a wondrous opportunity. 

Knowledge, my sweet ones, knowledge and understanding 
are the greatest tools at this time. Offering these gifts to 
those who have not had the opportunity to receive this 
wisdom from those involved in their upbringing is indeed a 
great act of love and compassion. 


Telos - Volume 2 

Jluulia - Do you have some of the original sacred plants in 
Telos, and do you use them ? 

Jldama - In Telos, many of the original plants have been 
preserved, and yes, we have plants that can assist spiritual 
development. We don't smoke them of course. We also do 
not need them. Our present level of spiritual consciousness 
far exceeds any benefit that these plants could offer us. We 
cultivate them for their beauty and grace, as we do so many 
other species. Don't forget, these plants have graduated to 
become fifth dimensional species! 

At some point in the future we might consider assisting 
some of you with your openings through the "right use" of 
one or two of the plants we have preserved. Be assured that 
it will not be used with many. They will not be for sale in 
your markets either, nor available to those who now indulge 
in the use of the altered counterparts you grow. 

It is certainly sad that a whole generation is being swal- 
lowed up by this drug consciousness. Be aware that it is the 
ultimate plan of the dark forces to wipe out this generation 
"spiritually" and enslave them if possible. Will you allow 
this to happen or will you wake up to the truth of who you 
are and why you are here? 

Jluulia - Marijuana is also used for medical purposes. Does 
it matter how it is used? Does it always create damage? 

Jldama - Medical use and recreational use of marijuana 
are not the same thing. People in hospitals in severe pain 
take sedatives such as morphine or Demerol, which are 
other types of substances that stop or reduce pain. These 
substances are habit-forming, mind-altering and lower the 
body's vibration to that of the astral plane. Marijuana used 
for a short time as a medical prescription for pain, let's 
say after surgery, is not going to do the damage I have de- 
scribed. However, many years of unnecessary drug use cho- 


Messages for Humanity in Transformation 

sen as a way of life to avoid the lessons, responsibilities and 
challenges chosen for the incarnation can create spiritual 
consequences. There are those who have been on drugs for 
many years and have been able to stop and now are healing 
themselves. Much grace is granted to them. 

Now, as it evolves, every incarnated soul has to eventually 
learn how to heal itself. This is part of the "mastery curricu- 
lum" you came here to complete. Many souls have made the 
choice to leave their embodiment in the next few years with- 
out having any clue about healing themselves. They will 
most likely go to another planet to continue their evolution 
and stay there until they learn to heal all of their imbalanc- 
es. There are several other planets now willing to host these 
souls, where they will be taught in a different way what 
they did not learn here. They have eternity to evolve as they 
wish. Their free choice is always honored. 

<JHu>ielia - Can you comment on how they can heal them- 
selves ? 

Jldama - There are some who have given up their addiction 
"cold turkey" with a firm will and determination to heal 
themselves. They are receiving much grace and assistance 
from Above. It is important for them to invoke the healing 
light of their soul and reconnect with their Eternal Self as 
the great "I AM" on a daily basis. Going back to a healthy 
and natural diet will help keep them in balance and greatly 
ease the process. Active meditation and the use of the seven 
sacred healing flames will bring great mercy and grace to 
their life stream. 

At this time, grace on this planet is distributed in an ex- 
traordinary way to anyone who is sincerely and wholeheart- 
edly committed to healing themselves at all levels of their 
being. Once a person who has been a drug user for many 
years makes a firm commitment to life and remains clean, 
the angels of divine grace are at their side assisting. 


Telos - Volume 2 

On Earth at this time, you are literally running out of time. 
The question you need to ask yourself is: "Do I really want 
to extend my third dimensional challenges and lessons for 
another ten or more lifetimes somewhere else, living in pain 
and separation from my true Self? Do I want to wait for the 
next round of ascension, in perhaps 10,000 years on another 
planet? Or do I want to ascend now with the Earth and the 
rest of humanity to experience the glory of spiritual freedom 
and joy that will change my life experience forever?" 

Jluuiia - What about those who are not inhaling? 

Jldama - Those who do not inhale this energy through their 
lungs, but choose to keep company with those engaging in 
the drug use can experience, through this association, low- 
ering of their own vibration. 

Aurelia, you have been facing your shadow side; you have 
invested much effort in your own healing and you know 
how difficult and strenuous it has been. You have worked 
hard to heal your issues and imbalances and you know 
the difficulties you have encountered. Your emotional bag- 
gage was less than most. You are increasing your vibration 
in a wondrous way. You are opening your heart and your 
strands of DNA are evolving because your intention is pure 
and focused. 

What does this tell you about what kind of self-healing work 
will be required of those who choose to remain in complete 
denial of what is required of them to fulfill the purpose for 
their present incarnation? 

(Jiuielia - Can you comment on the importance of being in 
divine alignment for the current ascension cycle we are en- 
tering and the effects of the use of marijuana on alignment 
with the I AM? 

JUama - Those believing that they will open up faster or 


Messages for Humanity in Transformation 

make greater spiritual progress with the assistance of drug 
use entertain total illusion. There are those who have had 
partial third eye openings with the use of drugs, but this 
is not true clairvoyance acquired through the discipline 
of the soul on the path of ascension and enlightenment. 
There are no shortcuts, dear sister. Everyone, without ex- 
ception, has to accomplish their spiritual homework in the 
vibrations of love and light and clear all emotional issues 
and karmic baggage. 

Those who have opened their psychic perceptions through 
drug use may have to accept a closing down of these facul- 
ties. Such openings not in alignment with true clairvoy- 
ance, but of lower vibrations, cannot be sustained. All 
legitimate openings must come about through the grace of 
your Divine Self when you are ready or when it is part of 
your preordained pathway. Let me share that almost 50% 
of people who have developed clairvoyant abilities do not 
own these gifts by divine appointment. For many, these 
skills create greater separation and illusion. I ask all of 
you reading this material to be careful and to use your dis- 
cernment. Do not be deceived by that trap. When external 
means to reach spiritual alignment are relied upon, rest 
assured that a shadow of the "real truth" is created, not 
true spiritual brilliancy. 

Jlutelia - Is there anything else you want to share? 

Jldama - If it were not for the intervention and the glorious 
and beautiful new light so generously flooding your planet 
now from our Creator, the Earth and humanity would soon 
be facing a different scenario. Your present generation could 
be wiped out spiritually and the Earth would again experi- 
ence much destruction and a major setback from her ulti- 
mate destiny. This is why there is so much new channeled 
information being disseminated. Much is on the Internet 
where many willing and dedicated Lightworkers share free 
information from the heart to assist others. 


Telos - Volume 2 

There are still those who believe that everyone 
will ascend, no questions asked, with all 
their human baggage unresolved. 

Allow me to say that this will certainly not be the case. It 
is true that everyone will eventually ascend, but it may not 
be in this lifetime or from this planet. The important mes- 
sage right now for the youth of the world, and those not so 
young in age as well, I repeat once more: 

"Get off the fence or you may have to get off the 
planet. The time for complacency is now over. 99 

Accountability cannot be escaped for those forsaking 
their destiny, tearing their chakras, and diminishing their 
health and their beautiful light through drug use and 
other addictive substances (alcohol, cigarettes, etc.). There 
is still time right now to heal yourself if you choose. Divine 
Grace is now available through a most magnificent window 
of opportunity. 

The essence of what we all seek is divine love and freedom 
from pain and suffering. The path to wholeness is much 
easier when you use self-love as your companion. Thank you 
for your concern and for your love. It was my great pleasure 
to commune with you this day. I love you all so very much. 

I am Adama, offering you my love, comfort and support. 

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