

 Redamber65:  like ur prohpecy 

IM NOT KlDDING:  thank you 

Redamber65:  but does it ever really matter 

IM NOT KlDDING:  of course it does... 

IM NOT KlDDING:  all the time.. 

Redamber65:  nah it doesn't 

Redamber65:  give u case in point 

IM NOT KlDDING:  you'll see 

Redamber65:  whats the greatest cause of death? 

IM NOT KlDDING:  hatred 

IM NOT KlDDING:  and cars 

Redamber65:  nope being born everything esle is how u die 

Redamber65:  for if u are born alive you will die 

IM NOT KlDDING:  birth doesnt cause death 

Redamber65:  can't have it without it 

Redamber65:  can u prevent deat 

Redamber65:  death* 

IM NOT KlDDING:  so what?  lets get rid of life to eliminate death? 

Redamber65:  its gonna happen 

Redamber65:  jus enjoy the time you have 

IM NOT KlDDING:  ultimately no..but why make it sooner than later? 

Redamber65:  there is no consequence anyof us can impose on one another we are gonna go when our time comes 

IM NOT KlDDING:  you can elongate the time when your death comes.. 

IM NOT KlDDING:  nothing is set in stone 

Redamber65:  true but why fight the inevitable live well be kind nd go the extra mile and take risks if it come it comes 

IM NOT KlDDING:  why not? 

Redamber65:  another example 

Redamber65:  do u think war serves a purpose 

Redamber65:  ?? 

IM NOT KlDDING:  yes, they kill people.. 

IM NOT KlDDING:  thats the only purpose 

Redamber65:  brb 

IM NOT KlDDING:  the wrong purpose 

Redamber65:  not if it saves someon elses life 

Redamber65:  see thats were we would differ 

IM NOT KlDDING:  killing only incites more killing.. 

IM NOT KlDDING:  theres more ways to save lives than taking them 

Redamber65:  u talk the talk but wouldnt fight for the right 

Redamber65:  words without action is jus words 

IM NOT KlDDING:  just watch me.. 

IM NOT KlDDING:  theres power in the right words.. 

Redamber65:  I don't have to, I am a warrior and veteran of foreign wars 

Redamber65:  I have fought for your right 

Redamber65:  to believe the way you do 

IM NOT KlDDING:  well..america is all about having the choice not to glad theres people like you who are willing to die for this i dont have to 

IM NOT KlDDING:  thanks 

IM NOT KlDDING:  it saves me the trouble 

IM NOT KlDDING:  maybe if this country wasnt so ass-backwards..i would feel differently 

Redamber65:  not dying for your right I like to travel to far way place meet excotic people and kill them to 

IM NOT KlDDING:  this is america..its only been around since 1492..this is the land where people are supposed to get along 

IM NOT KlDDING:  so you enjoy killing? 

Redamber65:  only those willing to give their life for their cause 

Redamber65:  everyone else is just a panzi 

IM NOT KlDDING:  or just less ignorant than you.. 

Redamber65:  I can speak frankly being that I'm a former Ranger 

IM NOT KlDDING:  the past doesnt matter here.. 

IM NOT KlDDING:  im trying to design the future.. 

IM NOT KlDDING:  no one can stop me, just get in my way 

Redamber65:  lead follow or get out of the way...good motto 

IM NOT KlDDING:  now, with our person is going to make a difference.. 

IM NOT KlDDING:  i will soon have my global-voice and make peace the majority 

Redamber65:  exactly 

IM NOT KlDDING:  its simple evolution.. 

IM NOT KlDDING:  lemme send you something else 

IM NOT KlDDING:  ok sent 

Redamber65:  I'm also a web head and own a hosting company so nothing new 

IM NOT KlDDING:  ok, then you know about the accepted underworld 

Redamber65:  yeah its a farce 

Redamber65:  it actually part of a bigger scheme 

IM NOT KlDDING:  its as real as it gets.. 

IM NOT KlDDING:  indulge me.. 

Redamber65:  hold on 


Redamber65:  sorry phone call 

Redamber65:  its a trap plain and simple man 

IM NOT KlDDING:  how so? 

Redamber65:  theres intell agenciew that creat thing to make problems to get soluions that will catch the fringe like yourself 

Redamber65:  u wanna affect them get inside 

IM NOT KlDDING:  if they come after me, they have to come after everyone.. 

IM NOT KlDDING:  dont i deserve equal treatment under the law? 

Redamber65:  yeah right 

Redamber65:  be careful 

Redamber65:  rememebr the davidians 

Redamber65:  branch davidians 


IM NOT KlDDING:  here in texas 

Redamber65:  yeah they really didn't do anything wrong 

IM NOT KlDDING:  what was the story with them again? 

Redamber65:  all that david koresh was wanted for was a misdemeanor gun charge 

Redamber65:  and they burned them folks up 

Redamber65:  for a $300 dollar fine 

IM NOT KlDDING:  hmm, ill keep that in mind.. 

Redamber65:  so u think u might be doing good being part of a group, all you're really doing is making yourself a target 

IM NOT KlDDING:  thing not part of any group.. 

IM NOT KlDDING:  everyone thinks im crazy..i have to do this by myself.. 

IM NOT KlDDING:  and you cant stop bytes.. 

Redamber65:  well you might become a target for opportunity 

IM NOT KlDDING:  i take comfort in the fact that if i was would only speed up my mission.. 

IM NOT KlDDING:  my stuff is already out there.. 

Redamber65:  trust me intelligence groups use people like you 

IM NOT KlDDING:  for what? 

Redamber65:  they will befreind you make give u what u need to do the job and then eliminate u as some whako trying to commit a crime against the fre world 

Redamber65:  free* 

Redamber65:  scuse the typos 

IM NOT KlDDING:  i trust no one now.. 

IM NOT KlDDING:  i cant let myself 

Redamber65:  and your stuff thats out there will be onsidered treasonuous 

Redamber65:  considered* 

IM NOT KlDDING:  it only makes perfect sense to the educated person.. 

IM NOT KlDDING:  hmm..i have to leave soon then 

Redamber65:  it will be compared to child porn..making all those who follow a fugitive 

Redamber65:  jus keep it in  mind 

  IM NOT KlDDING:  i shall, thank you 

Redamber65:  no prob 

Redamber65:  I think you have potential 

Redamber65:  u just got to think differently 

IM NOT KlDDING:  ive already been to jail twice for doing good 

IM NOT KlDDING:  i escaped both times, legitimately.. 

IM NOT KlDDING:  i have everything documented...want me to send you my true stories? 

IM NOT KlDDING:  im slowly piecing together a book.. 

IM NOT KlDDING:  its all true 

Redamber65:  I know  already of these things...just think about going abou it diffrently 

Redamber65:  I have a some references that you can read tht might help you too 

IM NOT KlDDING:  ok thank you 


Redamber65:  check out Victor ostrovsky and some of his works sometime okay do a google search 


Redamber65:  well gotta run take care 

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