

1. "The scenery of mountains painted on the ever-changing azure canvas of the sky, the mysterious mechanism of the human body, the rose, the green grass carpet, the magnanimity of souls, the loftiness of minds, the depth of love - all these things remind us of LOVE that is beautiful and noble."

2. "Hope is the eternal light held aloft by the soul as man travels the pathway of incarnations to reach LOVE."

3.  "Why take the surface details of life so seriously? Be drunk with the inner peace of divine realization, whatever your earthly lot."

4.  “Spirit is the vast stillness which is behind all created things.”

5. "The Infinite Source is an infinite dynamo, continually pouring strength, happiness, and power into the soul. That is why it is so important to rely as much as you can upon the infinite source."

6.  "The flood of peace flows over the boundaries of your mind and moves on in infinite directions.” 

7.  "Ressurrection is the art of emerging from what you are into what you are going to be in the future."

8. "Friendship is LOVE shining through the eyes of your loved ones, calling you home to drink ITs nectar of all selfishness-dissolving unity. "

9. "Keep your mind positive and strong…. It is your inner experience that is most important."

10.  "You naturally love those who are dear to you, and you must learn to give that kind of love to the whole world."

11. “Whenever you see a beautiful sunset, think to yourself: 'It is LOVE's painting on the sky."

12. "A flower is the smile of LOVE.  The fragrance is IT's hidden presence."

13.  "Know that this universe is nothing but a dream bluff of nature to test your consciousness of immortality."

14.  "When sprouts of divine perception appear, tend them with devotional care.  One morning you will behold the flower of Self-Realization.

15.  "Love all with the love that you give to your parents, children and other dear ones.  That all-inclusive love is the most wonderful consciousness."

16.  "Think of Divine Abundance as a mighty, refreshing rain; whatever receptacle you have on hand will contain it."

17.  "Spread the fragrance of divine love and friendship to all with whom you come in contact."

18.  "There are many wonders that LOVE brought into being to arouse man's spiritual curiosity about LOVE."

19.  "See...the light of LOVE which is in all.  You will find a magic, living relationship uniting the trees, the sky, the stars, all people, and all living things; and you will feel a oneness with them."

20.  "The mother is an expression of the unconditional love of LOVE.  Mothers were created by LOVE to show us that IT loves us with or without cause."

21.  "In the diversity of creation there is an inherent unity...when you find LOVE you will see all forces united in IT.

22.  "Always be ready to be active, but carry calmness with you into your activity."

23.  "Every day and minute and hour is a window through which you may see eternity."

24.  "Every blade of grass, every spark of fire, every thought you think testifies to IT'S presence, IT'S intelligence. LOVE is The Source whence all things come."

25.  "To be alive is to be on fire with purpose, to move forward with undaunted determination towards a goal."

26.  "LOVE is not hiding from us.  IT is speaking to us through flowers, through our thoughts, through all creation."

27.  "Be always with people who inspire you; surround yourself with people who lift you up."

28.  "Always think of your mind as a garden, and keep it beautiful and fragrant with divine thoughts."

29.  "Your tiny life is part of the all-pervading Life."

30.  "In humbleness you find a valley of dreams redolent with blossoms of Self-realization."

31.  "Love is the silent conversation between two hearts."

32.  "Happy are those who are wise enough to seek contentment by cultivating true joy and peace in a simple environment."

33.  "When you look at the beauties and wonders of nature, how can you doubt LOVE?  IT works in everything, and IT's tools are life and intelligence."

34.  "We are a droplet of...Infinity, a little nest cradling the omnipresent Spirit."

35.  "Float serenely on the waters of worldly life, ever intent on LOVE."

36.  "By seeking goodness, being good, and affirming good, you see this world as a garden of beauty."

37.  "I will bathe all souls on my unselfish love.  In the sea of my love, my family members, my countrymen, all nations, and all beings will swim."

38.  "As you progress spiritually and draw closer to LOVE, he reveals to you more and more wonders of creation,"

39.  "Be the beauty that is in a flower and the attractiveness that is in a pure mind.  When you are attractive in the way, you will always have true friends."

40.  "Will is a tremendous factor in life.  It is the power by which you can reach the heights of LOVE-realization."

41.  "The whole ocean of divine joy rolls beneath the little wave of your consciousness."

42.  "To be able always to spread an aura of goodness and peace should be the motive of life."

43.  "The greatest romance is with the Infinite.  You have no idea how beautiful life can be."

44.  "The butterfly of the soul must be freed to spread its wings of beautiful divine qualities."

45.  "Divine Joy outlasts everything.  It is enduring.  When all else melts away, that Joy remains."

46.  "You should be a different individual, expressing the very best of your own unique nature.'

47.  "Arise from dreams of littleness to the realization of the vastness within you."

48.  "There is a power that will light your way to heath, happiness, peace, and success, if you will but turn to that Light."

49.  "Give love and unselfishness, and you will receive love and unselfishness."

50.  "Exude peace and goodness; because that is the nature of the image of LOVE within you - your true nature."

51.  "In meditation...the power of LOVE begins to reflect in the clear waters of your consciousness."

52.  "The sole purpose of creation is to compel you to solve its mystery and perceive LOVE behind all."

53.  "Live more simply, so that you can find time to enjoy the little pleasures in life."

54.  "Do not take life's experiences too seriously....Play your part in life, but never forget it is only a role."

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