

driving through Georgia

Tuesday May 13, 2008

     4:43am  We stopped at some place in Georgia. We are already in Georgia. I don't know where. I'm tired.

     6:37am  I just woke up. I got a couple hours of sleep, I think. The sun is up. We are in Glyndale Circle and US 341.

                   I got a little cat-nap. We're still in Georgia, right? We just waked and baked.

     7:59am  I'm going to try and spange for gas. We are on 95. There's a TA truck stop.

     8:18am  Charlie is helping us out with some gas. What town is this? Richmond Hill. I appreciate it, Charlie. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   That was awesome. Third time's a charm. The third guy told me yeah, sure. I told him what I was doing. I gave him my website and everything.

     8:37am  Laura is telling me what she knows about angels. What's up with angels, Laura?

                   Laura: "Well, I'm in this flea market suffering and I'm really cold. This man says he wants to buy me a cup of coffee. I say no, thank you. He says, "I want to buy you a cup of coffee!" I was like okay. So instantly there's this coffee in front of me. I looked at him, but I could not see his face. For some reason I could not focus on his face. I said thank you very much and I kind of looked down and I looked up. I saw just the back of him.
                  I said, "Who are you?" He said, "I'm around." I saw his coat while he was walking away. The coat was kind of misting up in the wind. We were in an underground flea market situation. The wind was kind of blowing the coat from him. I will say the coat was a very fine cut brown tweed. He had a full head of hair.
                  I was channeling the Zen master through the Book of Urantia that day. Somebody then said, "Which way are you going?" I said, "I am going up." The Zen master just screamed out and answered me right away, because that's what Zen masters do. When you meet a Zen master and you ask a question the answer is immediate. It creates clarity. You'll know that answer beyond a doubt. It has a lot of humor in it. The higher the intellect, the higher the response of humor. I'm going up. I never thought like that in my life. I had the channeling dual-complexity going on in my mind and I was living with it now for like three of four weeks.
                 So I said okay, since you're in my mind show me the way. Let's see what you got. The more I asked the more I received. I asked for signs. I was doubting, but then I stopped doubting. It started opening up and it got bigger and bigger and then I started talking to people that I'm channeling right now like we are talking. There's another person here. Those people who were familiar with 
it asked me, "Who are you talking to? Well, I had assimilated a Zen master of the universe. I asked him where he came from and he said, "I have always been here. He was playing tricks. He's a trickster. He was laughing all the time. And then the personality became a dual personality. Male and female of the same entity. That's when I had to get off the boat.
                Okay, how do I get rid of him? That's what I'm asking. Now, wait a minute. Am I really going nuts? My friends were saying, "Laura, why are you talking like that? I was going around saying, "I am here today and the sun is rising and we are having a wonderful day." Some kind of strange tongue-talk. Some conundrum. I was walking around talking like a Zen master and he was channeling through me and I was speaking like he was speaking. Okay, so how do I get rid of him? Something went wrong. I was asking these pertinent questions and he wasn't coming across with information, so what do you do when you want a spirit to go away? You say three times, just think about it three times. Yes, I can. Yes, I can. Yes, I can! You command in threes. He went away and I sure do remember him. I tried to bring him back. I said well gee-whiz, if I can channel that one, let's see what else I can do. But it only comes when you are receptive and where we're going of course the ???. In the silence comes the answer. I just work with that dichotomy and make it real. If I am experiencing it, when you get to that point where something is happening and you say, "Geez, this isn't quite normally how I see things, so what should I do?" Well, try accepting it and let's see how far I go. You can get out any time.
               So, if I choose to believe I give it a bigger scope and it becomes stronger and brighter and once I get involved in it, it becomes brighter and brighter and it moves towards me. There's a really interesting diagram on the erasing of the ego from the center point of the self. The ego is encompassed around the self, because the ego represents all that is happening around you influencing criticisms and positives and negatives sticking around the center person. And then, something makes a breakthrough and a little crack goes through this grey zone from the self to the ego. There's a little opening, everything is grey. And then one crack leads to another and they start disappearing. Soon, there is a clear space and the self has broken through the ego and the emanation from that point on the outer perspective, the outward vision, the turning of the eyes outward becomes an illuminating out and that's that energy from within and that is the radiant brilliance of Christ. The clarity of Christ radiated the inner self without the ego and became enlightenment. So by erasing the grey zone of indecision or whatever the deal is."

11:35am  We lost our marijuana. It sucks. We searched everywhere. We stopped at a rest area. We are already in Shiloh. We lost our weed, that sucks! It just disappeared. We're hoping when we empty out the car and make camp we will find it hopefully. I thought I had put it in one of my shirt pockets. Where did I take my shirt off at? Hmm.

12:57pm  We just left the Arby's in what town are we in? Dylan. I found my weed! It was in one of my shirt pockets I didn't look in. My hoodie pocket I hadn't checked. It's time to celebrate. We've got a couple burgers for later on. Arby's sandwiches. 4 for 5. Ahh, we're slacking. We're burning daylight. Put the pedal to the metal. Punch it, April.

                   Random highway shot.

                   Shoewater towerSouth of the border.

4:18pm  We're going to stop at this South of the Border place. There's been tons of signs on the side of the highway while we've been driving. At first I though it was just a thrift store, but it's a whole entertainment town. I took lots of pictures. I'm kind of glad there won't be any more billboards anymore.

                   We just went over the border. We're in North Carolina now. We're on the Mason-Dixon line, I think.

4:28pm  Where are we at? Fayetteville. The first girl I hit up for gas, she gave me a gallon. Erica, this young girl. I gave her my website.

4:42pm  Sherri is being nice enough to give me some gas. What town is this? I don't know. At some Shell station.

5:03pm  Hell yeah, first try. Sherri gave me like three or four gallons. It's awesome. I'm just telling people spare a gallon. I've got my WPTMJ shirt on.

7:23pm  We just left the Virginia Welcome Center. They were closed so we couldn't get any literature so we'd feel welcome here.

                   We came to Laura's property at Mathews Courthouse. Laura is having a trailer delivered from Lancaster tomorrow by some people.

8:14pm  We are driving. We're almost to 64. Damnit, I forgot the name of the town. Prince Edward County or something. This cool wall we just drove by. I took a picture.

                   Some factory.

8:20pm  Passing over the Marina Enon Bridge.


Mathews, Virginia

Wednesday May 14, 2008

6:37am  Last night we got to the property. Her shed is jam-packed with tons of her stuff. She found out that a lot of her stuff has been stolen. She hasn't been here for like three years. She's pretty upset about it. Last night we pulled out a car seat bench out of the shed, her barn that folded out to a small bed. I crashed out on my military rain poncho on the ground. I got dampened with all the morning condensation. I woke up and Laura wasn't anywhere. I looked in the car and it was still full. I freaked out and started calling out. I heard a muffled voice coming from inside the car. She was underneath all of her clothes in the car. It got pretty cold last night. I only got five and a half hours of sleep last night. I'm alright. Right now I am trying to manifest a scraping tool for my pipe. I think Laura's got a backup sack somewhere.

7:56am  We drove over to Lynn's family restaurant here in Mathews.

1:43pm  I woke up about five minutes ago. I took a nap. Right before I went to sleep I asked Laura if she wanted me to empty out the car. Oh yeah, the trailer got delivered. After the guy who delivered the trailer left, David, I think his name was, Laura said she wanted to sleep too. I asked her if I could sleep with her inside, but she said she wanted to be alone. I told her that I didn't mean in the same bed with her, just if I could sleep in the trailer too since it's hot outside. She said no, that she wanted her space. I had to sleep outside the trailer in the sun. It's alright. I got a couple hours of sleep. She got all butt-hurt about me asking. Man, I've been doing nothing but helping her. I'm wondering if those are signs to take off. I am already in Virginia. This is a small-ass town, Mathews. I'm not going to tell my story that much here. I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't know when she's going to wake up, but I don't know if she's too happy with me anymore. Right now I want to dig a shitter-hole, but I can't find a shovel in the barn. I doubt she'll know where it is either.

2:06pm  I'm going to walk into town and try and buy some cigarettes. I doubt they'll sell Buglers at the gas stations. I went to the Exxon across the street from where we went to breakfast and they don't sell Buglers there. Right now I am crossing in front of this memorial cemetery on Smithers Lane. 

2:25pm  I came to Zoom's. Let's see if they sell Buglers here.

2:28pm  No-go at that store. I'm going to walk the two miles to Mathews and see if they sell Buglers anywhere there.

2:39pm  I just took a picture of the Silver Leaf Lodge Masonic Temple. There's a car driving around the back of it right now.

2:43pm  The road I'm walking on is Buckley Hall Road. Two more miles to Mathews.

2:56pm  Richard is giving me a ride to Mathews. From in front of some lawn and garden store.

                   Hell yeah, I got a ride from some guy named Richard.

                   I just got dropped off at the Shell. They don't sell Buglers here. I'm going to go try the liquor store.

                   No Buglers at the liquor store. I got directed to the Food Line.

                   Whoa, I'm going to go hit up the Subway.

3:25pm  I forgot to tell you. Right when I left the liquor store I saw some pretty girl and she smiled at me. I turned the corner and hey, there's a Subway. I am telling these other pretty girls my story. Hopefully they'll hook me up. Hell yeah, welcome to Mathews. Hopefully I'll get to fuel up for the short walk back to Laura's property.

3:30pm  Jessica, the manager at Subway is hooking me up. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit, thanks. She's making me a pizza.

3:40pm  Oh, Food Lion, like an animal.

                   Not only did they sell Buglers at the Food Lion, but they're only a dollar! Laura gave me two dollars yesterday. But when I went to go buy cigarettes I only had one, and that's how much they ended up costing!

                   I've got a full stomach and a slice in my pocket. I've got cigarettes. I'm the happiest man in the world.

                   Now all I need is world peace.

3:59pm  I had a great presentation with these three kids in front of the Food Lion. They listened hardcore. They let me take their picture and everything. Nice. What a great welcome to Mathews I've had.

4:21pm  Passing in front of Mathews High School.

4:28pm  Some magic happened. I was walking back towards Laura's and Richard pulled over for me. He's giving me another ride. I appreciate it, brother.

                   That was rad! He pulled over and gave me a ride back. I got to tell Richard my story! Richard is an older man. He agreed with everything I said. I didn't tell him the Odyssey, or the important part.

5:20pm  I never mentioned when I got back. Laura is here. She was awake from her nap. We got on this project of extending the rain cover in front of the trailer. The front porch awning. I almost got sliced in half. We eventually figured it out and we got it up. Now the trailer has a front porch. We moved that bed bench we pulled out of the shed yesterday under the awning and I took a nap. It's all nice now. I'm having fun. Oh yeah, and Laura smoked me out, sweet.

Mathews, VA

Thursday May 15, 2008

6:11am  I got eight hours of sleep.

8:46am  This morning I woke up and I had to take a shit real bad. So I went and found a secluded spot and dug a whole with my heel and covered it up. Afterwards, I had a sewing project to do. My boots needed work again. These are going to last forever, or until the sole wears out. Laura woke up and she smoked me out. She got her head straight and we're going to work on the barn. Umm, the shed. It's not a barnIt could be a barn, but it's not. It's just a shed. A storage compartment. Alright, we're wearing our respirators.

11:00am  We had a very productive time cleaning out the shed.
5:45pm  I should make an entry. I haven't made any entries today. I think I made a couple this morning. Let's see, today I helped Laura a lot. We've got that shed cleaned out good. I took pictures of all the work we did. Oh yeah, I have to take a picture of the front porch. Right now for the first time I tried on one of these new WPTMJ shirts Aaron got made for me. They're awesome! At first I didn't like it because WORLD PEACE wasn't that big, but MARIJUANA stands out big time. These are fifty dollar shirts again. I'm going to see how people react to them in the city. I'm going to go to New York with this shirt.

                   Be sure to replace any mention of Majorana with Marijuana.

                   As far as amenities go, we have a trailer to live in here. So the second night we were here we didn't have to sleep out in the cold, like the first night we were here. The guy Laura bought the trailer from was nice enough to fill up the water tanks on it. We have plenty of drinking water. We could even take showers. Well, we won't waste the water on showers. We can use the sink and stuff though. We've got it down pretty good. We've got a working gas stove and a working natural gas refrigerator. We're roughing it in style. I'm having a blast. Laura is beautiful. I love her to death. I love listening to her talk. She's really smart.

7:04pm  I forgot to tell you. We came to the Food Lion. Man, people are loving my new shirt. I've already given out my webpage to these kids who said badass shirt.

7:32pm  I feel so honored and so pleased and happy. We had this trailer magically delivered to us the second day we were here. It's raining now and we've got an awesome indoor theatre. We're watching this movie I downloaded in Gulfport 10,000 B.C. Thanks for helping me live this dream, Laura.

11:21pm  I am going to bed. I had a great night with Laura. We had a really good day. My mermaid.

Mathews, VA

Friday May 16, 2008

6:41am  I woke up about ten minutes ago. I got 6.52 hours of sleep. That's good enough for me. Laura is still sleeping. I'm getting dressed, putting my uniform on. Right now I'm going to go find a place to take a shit. I'll walk somewhere. I'll see if I can go to the library today.

9:26am  We're taking off to the library and to run some errands and stuff.

11:33am  I just left the library. I don't know where Laura is. I don't even have a way to get a hold of her. I was charging her cellphone and the laptop at the library. I had an internet session. I kept getting an extra thirty minutes because nobody else was there. My stats are still messed up. I called my webhost. Oh yeah, I searched Google for OLD TEZEL NEEDS A SIDEWALK and it comes up with my journal entry and all this news publicity I got. It was weird, when I clicked on 020308.htm on my website it doesn't come up. I called Dot5Hosting and they told me that the stats problem was being worked on. Oh yeah, I want to print out some more sheets of havethisbook.coms. I'm walking around with my new shirt. Oh yeah, the librarian told me, "Didn't I see you walking around earlier?" I told her, "Yeah, I'm a journalist. Check out my website." I'm looking for Laura right now. I'm walking to The Bank of America to see if she's there. It's like a mile down the road.

12:02pm  I walked over to The Bank of America and I didn't see Laura's car in the parking lot, so I came back to the library. I went in the Food Lion and took a piss. I was hoping to see Laura driving around. It's a small town. I'm hungry and I couldn't get anything printed out at the library because I didn't have enough money.
4:25pm  I'm taking off for a walk. Laura needed some downtime. She's all stressed out and paranoid about cops and police. She was all paranoid about her green bong she left on the table in the trailer that could easily be seen if someone looked inside the window. She was so worried about it. She's all stressed out. She's trapped.

                   I'm walking to some coast she told me about. Some beach. Some public area. She told me to walk to the Zoom's and turn left at the church. Well, she called it the Stop and Go. Maybe I'll tell my story. I don't know.

4:43pm  I walked up to the Mathews Baptist church. Turning here on Cricket Hill Road to go to Glen's Island.

5:11pm  Right now I am crossing over the bridgeI took pictures.  Marina.

                   Gwynn's Island

5:22pm  I was walking and it started drizzling real hard. I went and stood under this little cover in front of some For Sale building. Some Riverfront property. It's not coming down so hard now so I'm going to keep walking.

                   Cricket Hill, turning left at the big turn. I took a picture. There's water everywhere. In front of Seabreeze. Restaurant, I guess.

5:32pm  I'm going to stop and take a smokebreak in front of Roz's Island Market and Deli.

5:37pm  I changed my mind. I'm going to keep walking. I'm burning daylight.

5:41pm  I think I am on Old Ferry Road now.

5:54pm  Old Ferry Road made a ninety degree right turn. I'm walking it. Passing the Gwynn Valley Civic Center. I'm going to keep walking. I haven't eaten my sandwich yet. I brought a sandwich. Laura didn't have any sandwich bags, but I fished one out of the trash that had weed seeds in it. So, I've got a sandwich in my pocket that I'll eat when I start walking back.

5:59pm  Walking in front of the Gwynn Post Office.

6:04pm  I walked Old Ferry Road all the way to Gum Thicket Road. I changed my mind. I don't care about the beach here. I would be walking a shitload more, so I'm going to walk back towards Laura's. But, I'm going to go to the library first and pick up a cigarette snipe. See, earlier today when I finished my internet session I went outside and smoked a Bugler. Back when I left to The Bank of America to look for Laura. Anyway, I went outside the library to smoke a cigarette. I smoked half of it and dropped the snipe on a cement block. The old lady librarian lady opened the door real quick and barked at me, "Listen, I just picked up five hundred cigarette butts..." I told her, "No, you listen. I put that down and I'm going to finish it later. I promise." I still had some stuff to do in the library. But, it slipped my mind when I left and I remembered when I stopped to rest on my way to the beach. Since I changed my mind and decided to turn back, I'm going to go make good on my word and pick up that snipe.

                   I am a walking fool today. I've been throwing the peace sign to all the cars.

6:09pm  I'm turning on N New Haven, I think. I see water at the end of the road. I'm going to walk down there and eat and smoke a cigarette and make my way back.

6:16pm  At 381 New Haven I took a picture of the commandment sign.

6:25pm  I'm done with my break. I'm going to keep walking back now.

6:33pm  Back at Old Ferry Road. Turning right at the post office. Doubling back.

6:34pm  I just saw these three horses.

                   Back at Cherry Point and turning left. I had thought earlier Old Ferry turned right, but it seems to have been another street.

6:35pm  Passing Spirit Branch Road. The picture I took earlier.

                   Dude, right when I was walking by Roz's Island Market Officer, I mean Sergeant Foster pulled over to talk to me. He said that he had seen me lately and gotten some calls from people. He's being nice enough to give me a courtesy ride over back to the Food Lion, which is real close to the library.

                   Woohoo! I got a courtesy ride from a sergeant! I got to tell him my story and he agreed with 
everything I said. In the end he told me, "We'll probably get a couple more calls if you do some more walking today. I laughed and told him, "Man, I've been waiting for you all day." He laughed. Hell yeah, I can't wait to tell Laura.

                   I came back over to the Food Lion. I'm going to hang out here and smoke a cigarette and tell my story or something.

7:13pm  I went over and picked up my cigarette butt.

7:27pm  I stopped at the Shell station and asked for a paper clip. I'm going to scrape a resin hit. Laura's almost out of weed.

7:35pm  Annie at Sal's Pizza is hooking me up with some food. I appreciate it, Annie. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

7:36pm  Hell yeah, I walked by Sal's Pizza and went in there and asked for mistakes and Annie hooked me up with a big sub sandwich! Welcome to Mathews, Victor Antonio. I'm going to surprise Laura. Not only did I get a courtesy ride from a sergeant, but I walked by Sal's Pizza and asked for mistakes and I got hooked

                   Oh yeah, people have been honking at me left and right walking up and down this town. Hell yeah.

                   These kids just drove by and one yelled, "I love marijuana too!" I yelled back, "Smoke a brother out! For the cause!"

8:29pm  Passing in front of the Piankatank Ruritan Club. I am almost there. I've got my sandwich in tow.

9:20pm  I've had such a good time today. I walked all the way back home and Laura was awake. I told her about the awesome day that I had. Laura had told me that she was going to go the Civil War reenactment in Washington, Virginia. Little Washington. At first she had told me that she was going to go by herself, but she just went through all her Civil War clothes and she found some pants that will fit me, so she invited me to go! I'm going to be in battle! I can't wait. I'm going to take pictures.

Mathews, VA

Saturday May 17, 2008
7:20am  I got seven hours and twenty one minutes of sleep last night. That's enough. This morning I woke up with morning-wood, hehe. I went to "inspect" and I felt something on my shaft. It was a tick! Oh my lard! I yanked it out. I killed it with a lighter on the table and I left it there to show Laura in the morning, hehehe. That really, really disturbs me. I want to leave already. I want to go where there's not ticks. I hope I don't have Lyme Disease now.

                   Be sure to look up Brackish. Laura says that it's a mixture of salt water and fresh water. Where they meet.

                   I did a ShoeGoo operation on my boots. I have to wait until the 20th to wear them again.

3:31pm  Oh yeah, Laura and I, we drove to the Gwynn's Island. Laura is looking for this house they had a garage sale at. We found the house, but the sale was over. We came to the library and Laura went next door to the Dollar General to buy some toothpaste. I walked over to the Food Lion. I'm going to fill up my water bottle and go to the restroom. They've got a water cooler in the back and I can fill up my bottles.

                   Random shots outside.

3:54pm  I forgot to tell you. We came to the Queen's Creek Marina to see about showers. We walked to the pier and I took pictures.

7:21pm  Oh yeah, I need to make an update. We went back to the trailer and worked around there. We drove around and went to garage sales. Now there's a big event here. The whole town is here. This Relay For Life thing. I'm going to make an appearance. Everybody is going to recognize me from all the walking I've been doing. I'm walking around with my Mermaid of Magic.

                   Walk at your own risk.

7:39pm  Susan and Alice.

7:52pm  I forgot to tell you. I forgot their names already. We came to this other event, this big party they're having downtown. I went and stood by the band playing and these two girls walked up and talked to me. The band was playing a good song. Some oldies song. I forgot what it was. I'm all stoned. Anyway, these girls came up to me and asked me what my name was. I asked them if I could take their picture. I didn't tell them my story, but I gave them my website. I totally wanted to, but the I'd have to yell over the music. I asked them what they were doing later on and one said they were going to go to a bar. Forget it, just check out my website.

                   We came back to this Relay For Life thing. We're on the lookout for free food.

8:30pm  We went back to the downtown party and Eli with Richardsons Mobile Catering is hooking me up with some food. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

8:39pm  Man, I just scored rad. Laura and I were all wondering where there was any free food. At the downtown party they have a big catering bus. I thought what do I have to lose? I hit him up and he smiled and said, "What do you want?" I told him, "Surprise me.  I'm sharing it with my girl so feel free to be generous." He hooked me up with a hamgburger.

                   Whoa, I thought it was a hamburger, it's a crab-burger! I'm going to take a picture of it.

9:21pm  We had a magical Saturday night. We went into town and got some great publicity. All the town people saw me. They had a band up on stage playing. I took tons of pictures. Oh yeah, I got hooked up at the catering van, with three or four cops standing right behind me! After Eli hooked me up, I gave him my website and he told me, "Give one to him too." His coworker who was just standing there. I did and started telling him my story and stuff. I cut it short because he had to go back to work. They both got my website. Everyone is going to read my shit.

                    Laura Marijuana

Mathews to Fredericksburg, VA

Sunday May 18, 2008

6:40am  I woke up about ten minutes ago with eight hours of sleep.

9:05am  I forgot to tell you, Laura and I went out for a walk together. We're going to go visit her dead father's grave. She's going to talk to him and then we're going to take off to go North. I am aiming for Morgantown, WV now. We just came to the Ruritan Club to use the restroom. They're having a big auction here. I'm going to go to the bathroom and take a shit right now.
3:31pm  I am having a really disheartening time with Laura right now. She's just ultra-convinced that black people stole her stuff out of her barn. She's convinced to hell that she knows exactly who did it. She turned racist on me. She just kept going on about it. I walked out of the trailer. I told her I didn't want to hear it. She's all riled up yelling nigger this, nigger that. She said, "There's six million people in Africa with Aids, and it's all because the black guys won't stop fucking women. They tell them no, but they just keep going! The black man gave his whole culture Aids!" She kept saying they, they, they. Ugh, it just goes to show how little, she thinks she knows so much, but she still has much to learn. I can't believe she's like this. I am dumbfounded.

                   She just yelled and stormed off right now saying, "I can't change the world!" When she comes back I'm going to tell her, "It's because you don't see the world as it is. You don't know where the bars of the cage are. People don't see the world as it is, but as they are."

                   She's all paranoid because she can't lock her shed when we leave. She's scared the niggers will steal the rest of her shit. Which is all junk. She's worried black people are going to steal her half-ton bed antique bed frame. Ugh, Laura can be a wingnut sometimes.

                   Lots of random trailer shots.

4:18pm  We are finally leaving. Headed up North. We finally got everything packed up. The barn is secure. Well, as secure as we can make it. I took pictures.

4:56pm  We just stopped at the Quarrels gas station on the way to Saluda. This cop pulled up behind us. He didn't pull us over because we stopped at a gas station. He talked to Laura and was wondering why she had two license plates. Alright, I'm all resinated.

7:08pm  We have arrived in Fredericksburg, VA. We're going to Laura's friend Deborah's. She's an actress and a house-cleaner. We're going to go visit her and see if I freak her out, hehe. We just passed the security gate in front of Deborah's neighborhood. It's a beautiful neighborhood.

7:59pm  I just got done trying to tell Deborah my story. She's lived in Virginia her whole life. Her family is related to the signers of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. See, right before I got to the marijuana part she stopped me and said, "I have to tell you that my attention is waiting for a call right now." I even told her, "I will accept half of your attention span if I can continue with my story." She probably thinks I'm nuts. Laura and I are leaving tomorrow. I'm going to be able to take a shower and do my laundry here. Right now I'm trying to fish out my shorts so I can do my laundry. My pack is on the bottom of everything.

Fredericksburg to Washington, VA

Monday May 19, 2008

8:27am  I just woke up at Deborah's. After Laura talked to her Deborah trusted me more. At first she was scared and intimidated by me.
10:02am  I am leaving Deborah's. I'm going for a walk in this neighborhood while Laura takes a shower and gets ready. I'm on Fairway Drive.

                     I walked Fairway and turning right on Mount Pleasant.

                     Turning left on Borden.

10:14pm  I came over to Westover Parkway and I see a sign that says Beach. Turning left.

10:15pm  Turning right on Beach and Cumberland Circle, towards the sign pointing to the beach.

10:22pm  I double-backed to Westover Parkway and turning left. Doubling back. I'm going around the lake, again.

                     Left on Birdy Road.

10:33pm  I'm on Green Street passing Eagle Court. Umm, I'm kind of lost.

                     I circled around on Green Street. I am back on Birdie Road. I'm wearing my green Make It Happen shirt. I got to do laundry last night.

                     Hmm, Fairway Drive. I'm going to turn left.

                     Left on Lakeview.

                     Okay, I researched it and I need to find Mt. Pleasant Street.

10:53pm  I asked some old guy and he told me I had to double back a little more. He was a real nice guy.

10:57pm  Hmm, I knew I should've turned right instead of left on Lakeview and Fairway.

11:05pm  I found Mt. Pleasant Road. I turn right, I think.

                     Actually, I have to turn left. I double backed to Mt Pleasant and Lakeview.

11:15pm  It dead-ended, so I assume I have to walk in the opposite direction to get to Fairway Drive. I'm already late. I was supposed to be back at eleven.

11:20pm  I double-backed to Lakeview. I'm going to keep going straight.

11:22pm  There's Fairway, cool. I'm going to turn right on it.

11:27pm  Found Deborah's house, cool. I'm back.

11:43pm  We are leaving Deborah's. Lake of the Woods Neighborhood. Germania Highway and Goodwin Drive. Bye Deborah. Alright, we're taking off. I emailed my Morgantown contact that I have. This girl named Jayme.

                     Random shots out of car.

                     Massie's Corner

                     MountainsViewVista,  .

12:08pm  We are stopping at the Safeway in Culpeper.

12:55pm  We came to check out where Bob lives. Laura's friend. Some millionaire guy. He's not home. We just looked at his house. She's not going to knock on the door or nothing.

4:55pm  We have arrived in Little Washington. I'll walk around and take pictures eventually. We came to the Rappahannock News.

4:57pm  They've got this big antique LINOTYPE machine. I wonder how that thing works. I wonder what it does. I'll look it up on the internet. It seems to be in great condition.

5:39pm  I forgot to tell you. We got to Laura's land. She had told me she had a foundation out here. Well, it's exactly that. Just a foundation. We stopped at the Wal-Mart and bought a tent and stuff. I should take pictures before the sun goes down.


Washington, VA

Tuesday May 20, 2008

                    I took lots of pictures when I woke up.

    10:58am  I got about seven and a half hours of sleep. I woke up around ten. At like three in the morning these dogs started barking. They woke Laura up. I didn't wake up. Then it started pouring. I had to run out there and throw the rain cover over the big tent we are in. We stayed pretty dry inside. We did get a little wet. I'm getting dressed and getting my stuff ready. Alright, later on.
3:40pm  I have to make an update. We spent all day chilling out at our foundation, hehe. I cleaned up so much. I picked up all the years worth of leaves. I filled up these two huge tall bags full of leaves. I'll take pictures. Laura was a bit bummed out this morning.

                   Tiger Valley Road. Walk down that street to get to Laura's foundation. What street do I turn on? Starks Road. I'm going for a walk.

                   I came back and Laura and I drove to the public library, which isn't too far.

5:43pm  I just left the library. I had a wonderful email session with my new friend Jayme from Morgantown. She's glad to have found someone who thinks like her. I don't know. She's got a big pitbull. See, I was bored on the computer so I searched Google for "jayme morgantown."  I came up with a YouTube video someone posted that had Jayme pudding-wrestling.  Check it out.  Jayme's the brunette.  I called her from the library and told her, "Yeah, I saw your big pudding fight.  All three rounds."  She was totally shocked I could've known about that.  Oh yeah, I am only three hours away from Morgantown! I can't believe that. She even offered to come pick me up! That's so awesome, man. Laura and I had come to the library, but she had to go to her friend's Brenda's. So I'm going to walk back to camp, the foundation.

6:01pm  I'm walking back and I just got the idea to kill time until I'm tired enough to go to sleep I'm going to stand on the highway with my thumb out. Maybe somebody will pull over.

                    Tractor crossing.

7:02pm  I'm not going to try and hitchhike because all my new tee shirts are still in Laura's Pathfinder. Jayme said she was going to come pick me up tomorrow night. Cool.

7:23pm  Turning left on Starks Road.

                   Where we park car.

7:33pm  I made it back to camp. Oh yeah, right in front of the foundation where you have to walk through it's all muddy, so I took some of those leaves I cleaned up and piled some on top of the mud. I'll take pictures.

Washington, VA

Wednesday May 21, 2008

     6:32am  I just woke up. I got eight hours of sleep.

                   Inside of tent.  Grill.  Kitchen.
9:03am  I am all packed up. I'm going to walk to the library and bum somebody's cellphone and see if I can call Laura Marijuana. I'm going to ask her if she could possibly give me a ride closer to Morgantown. Jayme was supposed to come pick me up. I was supposed to call her last night, but I couldn't because Laura had taken off. Hopefully she'll come pick me up tonight. I'm going to see if I can get a little bit closer. If Morgantown is only three hours away I might get there today.

                   Here are all our emails until today.

                   I am totally leaving that garage better than I found it. All those leaves I moved. At the last minute I found me a wooden rake. I fine-tuned it with the rake.



9:14am  Turning left on Tiger Valley Road.

9:40am  I stopped in front of Hill Farm, Jessamine Farm and layered down.

                   I just took off my WPTMJ shirt. I'm wearing my cool blue hemp shirt.

9:49am  I just walked all the way to Long Mountain. This doesn't look familiar. I'm lost. I'm going to stop here and smoke a cigarette and hopefully a car will come by and give me directions.

9:52am  did walk the wrong way on Tiger Valley off of Starks. I am at where Tiger Valley tees, so I must be going in the wrong direction. My tape is about to run out. I should probably let it. I don't know.

9:55am  I had stopped to smoke a cigarette and all of a sudden Kate pulls up in her truck. Gardener-Kate is being nice enough to give me a lift closer to the library. I appreciate it, Kate. Everybody gets credit.

9:57am  Kate and I are driving around taking pictures. I just took a picture of Old Rag. The oldest mountain? Kate: "I thinks it's the oldest mountain on the planet. You laugh, but we just hang out here and study the rocks. You see, when they're old they're old and ragged because they've been beat down by the weather. The Himalayas, those are young mountains. The Rockies are younger mountains. The Appalachians are the oldest mountains." I haven't taken the trail yet.
10:22am  Kate invited me to come hang out and see her gardens. At the house I met Laura, this beautiful Bohemian girl with wondrous dreadlocks. Kate wouldn't let me take her picture. She's all scared. She was ignorant to my story too. She was all, "No, we've gotta get to work." Laura had sat down to listen to my story, but Kate barked at her, "No, we have to unload these plants!" They let me borrow a cellphone, but I can't get reception out here.

                     I took pictures of the beautiful gardens out here.

                     The Lorax, by Dr. Seuss.

                     Kate showed me this plant I took a picture of. She says the water that forms on the leaves can cure Herpes.

11:09am  Kate brought me to the library. She dropped me off. I noticed I left my walking stick by the gardens. I left my backpack inside the library and I'm going to ride back to Kate's and then walk back.

                     I secured my walking stick and I am walking back now.

11:32am  I just got dropped off and I'm already walking. Passing Starks Road and Tiger Valley.

11:50am  I just walked up to Lee Highway.

12:02pm  I stopped in front of this marker, this plaque right before the library. Little Washington, the first of them all. Celeste, Laura and Kate are those girls I hung out with at the gardens.

3:28pm  I am back at camp. Laura is nowhere to be found.
4:55pm  I am going to venture to the library once again. I don't know what happened to Laura. I hope she's not mad. She just disappeared. Crap, I could be in Morgantown by now. I'd leave hitchhiking, but she's got my shirts in her car.

                   I'm going to set my watch and see how long it takes me to walk to the library.

5:19pm  I was just walking towards the library in the drizzle and Kay Wilson and Mrs. Maxwell were nice enough to pull over and offer me a ride. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

5:22pm  I was magically teleported back to the library. It kind of messed up timing my walk, but oh well. I'm going to go check my email and see if I can call Laura again.

6:50pm  I just walked into town, Main Street. It's not that far at all. I took pictures of the Inn At Washington, the Inn Crowd one Laura told me about.

7:20pm  I am back at the library.

8:01pm  Damn, Laura just disappeared. I haven't seen her all day. I want a cigarette bad.

                   I'm going to walk to the store. I got directions from some guy who works at the library who was changing the marquee by the thrift store. I have to turn left on Main Street.

                    Another marker.

8:30pm  I walked to the store and made a cigarette out of the ashtray.

                   Another marker.

8:35pm  I went to the store and they were closed. They closed at six 'o clock. Mary Bailey at 128 Main Street, she was nice to give me some cigarettes. I appreciate it, Mary. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                   Mary just volunteered me something to eat! Perfect.

9:12pm  Oh yeah, I got fed like crazy. I even have food to bring back to camp. See, I was walking in front of her house in front of the store and I saw a densely populated ashtray on her front porch. I saw this lady looking out the screen door and I walked up and gave her the peace sign. I asked Mary if she minded if I raided her ashtray. She volunteered me two cigarettes. Then she said, "Are you hungry?" She cooked me up like three pieces of fish and then she gave me tons of snacks, awesome.

                   All because I decided to go to the gas station to look for cigarettes. Mary and Harry.

                   Mary listened to my story and agreed with every single bit of it.

10:03pm  I made my way back home, back to camp. I'm going to start a fire. It's not that cold, but I want to relax and smoke a cigarette before I go to bed.

10:38pm  I already have my fire started and I took my last hit of resin. I'm chilling out by the fire.

10:43pm  I am crashing out.

Washington, VA

Thursday May 22, 2008

6:46am  I got 7.02 hours of sleep last night. I'm going to build a fire. It's chilly right now.

9:20am  I am leaving for the day. I'm just going to go for a walk. I don't know. I'm going to call the police station and call the hospitals. I'm worried about my mermaid. I hope she's okay.

9:46am  I just walked up to Lee Highway, 211, I think. I'm turning right. I'm going to walk to the library.

10:01am  I am at the library. I'm going to sit down and eat and smoke before I go in.

                     The nice librarian was nice enough to call the police about Laura for me. They haven't heard from her at all.

11:46am  I just got a ride into town from Landry from the library. He offered me a ride. I told him my story. He didn't smoke weed or nothing, but he listened to it up until They didn't call them peace pipes for nothing and then he dropped me off. I told him to check out my website. I'm at the post office right now. I wonder where Laura is.

                     Landry let me take his picture too. I might walk to the store, or maybe if I can dig through Mary's ashtray again.

                     I'm walking down Main Street and I found me a tennis ball on the ground! Perfect.

12:22pm  I didn't tell you, I walked to the only store in this town and I was able to make one snipe-rat. I'm going to walk back. I've been asking everyone if they know Laura Marijuana. I'm going to go back to Mary's house and dig through her ashtray again.

12:37pm  I scored an almost full pouch after raiding Mary's ashtray again.

                     The nice lady at the store gave me some paper clips. I just took my very last hit of resin.

12:42pm  Here is Laura! At long last! Laura Majorana. I was so worried about you, Laura. I called the cops and everything.

12:57pm  We came back to our camp. I want to get a hold of Jayme in Morgantown. I'm going to eat some of this food that I got, ha.

                     Holy shit, all these synchronous events are happening. I just got a hold of Jayme. She told me, "You know what, man? I just totaled my car." She said she rolled it off a hill and that it was standing up on it's nose. First thing I asked her was if she was alright. She said she wasn't hurt at all. Dude, if I would've connected with Laura before that, Jayme was supposed to come pick me up last night. If I would've connected with Laura Jayme probably wouldn't have gotten in that wreck. She would've been on her way to get me. Jayme said the only thing that was tying her down to her car was her job. So now that the car is out of the picture, she doesn't have to work anymore. She's wants to take off traveling with me! She says she's got the whole town waiting for me! I told her, "Well then, that's my sign to take off traveling to Morgantown. If it's only three hours away I will probably get there today. Awesome. Hell yeah, everything's falling into place. Thank you, Love, so much for giving me Laura again, making me whole once more.

                     See, Laura had told me she was going to be gone for two days and I totally forgot. I was probably stoned, hehe. Laura smoked me out rowdy. We smoked a couple bowls in the tent. I had fun by myself these past couple days. I can show you before and after pictures of the cleaning job I did here.
                     When I look back these couple days that I've been stressing about Laura, I've been having fun. I've been walking around all independent and I have a place to go home. I have a huge ass tent to sleep in. I built a fire and everything and just entertained myself. Now I'm so excited because everything is falling into place with Jayme and everything, with her getting in a wreck.

1:59pm  We just took off. We're going to go to Brenda's and take showers. I really hope my pack is alright. I strapped it on top of the Pathfinder.

2:23pm  Laura brought me over to Brenda's to take a shower. Brenda was nice enough to let me have this orange Picchouli one.

6:12pm  I forgot to tell you, we came over to Bob's house again. He wasn't home the other day when we stopped by. I totally had a different picture of this guy in my head. He's like an old hippie with a beard and stuff. He made a fortune in investments and he lives in a big wooden house in the woods. Laura said he never spent a dime. Anyway, it was really challenging getting him to listen to my story. He just wouldn't listen. We went for a walk on his property and he just couldn't stay on my story. He was being distracted by everything and pointing at stuff. It was just blatant ignorance. He's just programmed.

                   Oh yeah, Laura gave me a new hat. A black wool beanie. That's awesome.

8:39pm  We are leaving from Brenda's. Fool's Folley Farm.

12:55am  Laura and I had our farewell. A tantric lovemaking session. I love you, Laura.

Washington to Winchester to Front Royal, VA to Morgantown, WV

Friday May 23, 2008

     1:04pm  Oh yeah, I left everything at camp and we took off earlier. Where did we go, again? That's right. We were at the thrift store all day long. Ahh, maybe like an hour at the most. I tried telling the lady at the thrift store Sandra my story, but she wouldn't take any more after a little bit. I got a lot of badass layers. Laura was nice enough to buy me some layers. I am having such an adventure. Anyway, we came back to our camp. The sun came up and it's hot. I can get ready now to go.

                   Before we left we stopped at this art gallery and I took lots of pictures.

1:48pm  What have we decided that we're going to do, Laura? She's giving me a ride to Front Royal.

2:48pm  We left on our way to Front Royal. Laura and I. I haven't had a cigarette all day. I'm having a nicotine-fit. Finally, somebody else is smoking. Steve Houston is being nice enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

3:07pm  It was awesome. We stopped at this gas station. Laura wants me to get her free gas.  This lady saw my shirt and when I asked her for gas she said sure. I gave her my website. Then this guy with these two young kids walked by.

3:23pm  We are in the town of Front Royal.

                   Pack on top.

3:31pm  We stopped at Arby's in Front Royal.

3:32pm  We're not going to stop at Arby's after all.

3:49pm  Charles, at the Bullet gas station in Front Royal is hooking me up with some gas. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Full load.

3:56pm  Some other nice guy at the Bullet gas station is helping me out with some gas.

3:59pm  Hell yeah, that last guy loved my shirt a lot. Some guy in a suit shirt and everything. He gave me all five gallons! He said he wanted to get a picture of my shirt.

4:37pm  Michelle, on a motorcycle, she hooked me up with a cigarette.

4:38pm  I just had a long farewell with my mermaid Laura. I'll be back. I've got her number and her card. I'm going to walk to Winchester now. Laura gave me a little weed. I'm going to have a little mealbreak and smoke some weed.

4:51pm  I tried to thumb it on Winchester Road, but nobody is stopping for me. I'm going to go back to the gas station and wear my shirt and give out my website.

5:40pm  David was nice enough to give me a cigarette at Bullets. I appreciate it, David. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

5:47pm  Keith hooked me up with another cigarette outside of Bullets. Thanks a lot, brother. Everybody gets credit.

6:01pm  I've been hopping back and forth from thumbing it and the gas station. I hope I get a ride pretty soon.

6:05pm  In no-time Ben was nice enough to pull over for me in a white Ford F150 truck.

6:25pm  I just sold my first tee-shirt here at the 7-11! What town is this? Steven City. Meegan came up to me and said, "I love your shirt." I smiled and told her I had them for sale. I asked twenty five, but she gave me a twenty and that's okay. I've got twenty bucks, cool. I have to save it now.  Check out her tits, hehe.

6:39pm  I'm talking to Meegan. What were you saying? Meegan: "I think you're a visionary and I think your mission is beautiful. I just want you to be careful. I'm only worried about your safety."

6:43pm  Don is being nice enough to mobilize me. He's friends with Meegan.

6:58pm  I just landed in Winchester. That girl Meegan was awesome. She's crazy as hell, but still awesome. Anyway, I don't know where I am. I'm going to stand at the gas station and show off my shirt some more.

                   I'm going to go 70 to 68.

7:27pm  I passed by the Exxon and realized I needed to buy some water. I've got twenty bucks. I am sponsored now. I got the money from my shirt. I bought a pack of cigarettes and a water bottle and came to the onramp. Oh yeah, I got to tell Louise my story at the gas station, but she got busy. I'm going to walk to the onramp and thumb it. It's a big onramp. I'm going to get a lot of publicity with my shirt.

7:32pm  Man, right when I walked up to the onramp at the stoplight Robert just pulled over for me. Hell yeah, thanks for mobilizing me, man. Morgantown, here I come.

                   Robert just dropped me off to drive up the hill and get some weed. He dropped me off at the bottom of the hill and said he'd be right back. I got his license, just in case. I left my walking stick and two bags in his truck. He said the hill was the only way out. I trust him.

                   Whoa, Fawn Drive. I've got a take a picture.

8:35pm  I just told my whole Odyssey story to Robert. What a glorious, magical ride I got. He smoked a brother out. Anyway, do you have any thoughts, Robert? Robert: "Well, we're on our way from Winchester to Romney. I've lived up here for twenty years. I worked in Marshall. I do underground cable for a living. I don't make much money doing it. I really don't like doing it, but it pays what little bills I have and keeps my life going and going. I smoke weed every day."

8:54pm  Right now we are driving on 20 North. We are passing The Northwestern Correctional Institution. This bigass prison. There's barb-wire everywhere. I'll take a picture of it. Awesome. I don't want to go there. I wonder if anybody has ever escaped from there. I'll look it up on the internet.

                   Oh, I didn't tell you. See, I got twenty bucks for selling that shirt. I bought some cigarettes and some water, so I told Robert, "Will sixteen dollars get me to Morgantown?" Sure enough, he's giving me a ride all the way there. I'm going to get there tonight. Pretty soon, awesome. I can't wait to see Jayme. I've got a song waiting for her once we hit it off.

                   Earlier we passed by a college, what was it called? Pot State. Potomac State. I have to go back there for sure.

                   We just passed Cumberland City Limits. I'm having so much fun.

                   Coming up on West 68 towards Charleston.

10:28pm  Just crossed the West Virginia line. Wild and Wonderful. Almost heaven.

11:00pm  We just got to Morgantown and we stopped for gas. $3.99 a gallon, fuck that. That's crazy.

                     Man, what a sweet ride that was. Hell yeah. Delivered to Morgantown. Dude, earlier right when I walked up to the onramp and set my bag down and exposed my shirt, Robert was at the stoplight and he pulled over for me. He was on his way to go get some weed. He told me all these drug-deal-gone-bad stories, like when he got shot in the leg and dug the bullet out himself and didn't even go to the hospital. What a crazy ride I am having today. I am so happy. I should call Laura and tell her I'm alright and that I got to Morgantown already. She gave me a special treat last night. We made love last night. It was awesome. I am eternally grateful. We had this loving mini-relationship for the twenty three days we were together. We were stuck.

                     She was walking with me, even though we were driving everywhere. She funded my magic shirts and my mission is evolving like never before. I love you, Laura.

11:03pm  We came to the Ashbrooke Express Mart. I was all stoned in the car and Robert was paying for gas. I got the idea to go inside and ask where High Street is. Jayme told me to meet her on High Street. How fucking perfect is that? That's so awesome. Right now at the gas station I went inside and asked where High Street was and this guy paying for gas told me to follow him, that he was going there right now. I am being totally delivered to High Street to meet Jayme. I've even got a song to dedicate to her. That Weezer song called Jamie.

11:15pm  I just got dropped off on High Street. Where's Jayme? I need to look for a pitbull.

11:49pm  I forgot to tell you. I ran into Jayme and Courtney and Sid. They took me to Jimmy John's and Jayme bought me a wrap. On top of this trashcan I found a good sausage thing, but I gave it to Sid since I have a wrap from Jimmy John's. We're walking to some house. I'll take pictures, more.

                     At Bryce's

`    Morgantown to Parkersburg, WV

Saturday May 24, 2008

     8:23am  Let's see, what do I have to say this morning? I got a beautiful cuddle-buddy last night. Yet another fairy nympth who's appeared before me on my mission. We are preparing to take off on a trail-run, an evaluation-trip to Parkersburg, to see how we travel together. With Sid. Oh wait, we had agreed I was going to stay behind in Morgantown while Jayme and Sid go to Parkersburg. I totally forgot about that. So I'm just going to hang out in town. Great, I'm excited to be here. I can't wait to see what happens.

     11:52am  I am really starting to like Jayme. She's really beautiful.

                     I don't think I mind the pitbull at all. I thought I would have a problem, but I have to keep going with the flow. These things present themselves to me and I have to be responsive to change. They're just too good to pass up, these opportunities. I can't be making active decisions that much. I have to let other things decide. This girl Jayme, if she's free and has nothing tying her down and is willing to come with me, I just might scoop her up. With the dog and everything. I don't care. I don't mind Sid at all.

                    Jayme is only going to Parkersburg for her younger brother's highschool graduation.  She would be able to sleep at her mom's house, but  not with me.  I told her I could hitch hike to Parkersburg with her and find a different place to camp.  So we're going.

2:21pm  Man, in no-time. Jayme and I were on the onramp for like less than an hour and Tyler and Collin totally picked us up. Sid and everything. We're on our way. Thanks a lot, guys. Everybody gets credit.

2:29pm  We just got teleported to 79 and East Park Avenue. To the Exxon here. Hell yeah, just like that. I even told Jayme earlier that sometimes people turn around and come back for you. Sure enough, this guy went home and thought about it and came back and got us.

3:56pm  In no-time at all Jason and Daniel are hooking us up with a ride. We appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.
4:15pm  I forgot to tell you. Some more magic happened. We just got dropped off at this rest area. I don't know what the name of it is. On 70 South. Mile 122 Rest Area. I took a picture. I love Jayme so much already. I can't wait to dedicate that song to her. I need to download it and memorize it. Jayme is awesome. I am so happy right now. I am elated. That's what I am. It's going to happen soon. While we were on the onramp thumbing her hand throwing the peace sign was never down. She had the peace sing up the whole time. That's how we got that last ride. They even told us it was because of the peace sign. I love you, Jayme.

                   Jayme playing with Sid.

4:34pm  Jayme is going to make an entry for me. Jayme: "We are sitting here at a donation hot-dog stand. We are at a rest area. We haven't even hitchhiked twenty miles away from Morgantown. It's all good. We talked to some people."

5:00pm  Me and my beautiful fairy Jayme, we walked all the way from the rest area to the next exit. There's a lot more traffic here than the rest area, so we came over to the onramp.

6:13pm  Man, in no-time, Christina was nice enough to pull over for us. Sid too! Christina: "Christ in a person." I appreciate it, Christina. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

6:30pm  The Christian Christina, she told me no when I asked her. She wouldn't listen to my story. She didn't want to hear it. Thanks for proving me right. I was just testing you. We just got dropped off in the middle of nowhere. We're only sixty six miles from Parkersburg. We'll get there today. Just watch.

6:48pm  Man, in no-time. Well, we still walked a little bit. I turned around and noticed the sight-distance was good. We stood there for a minute and in no-time Melissa was nice enough to pull over for us. We appreciate it, Melissa. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Jayme's pack.

7:07pm  I'm telling Melissa my story and I forgot to mention she's already given me two cigarettes. And a ride. Everybody gets credit. Thanks for helping us live this dream.

7:53pm  We just magically got delivered to Parkersburg. This beautiful girl, Melissa. It's funny, because that Christian lady had made a special prayer for us to get a ride all the way to Parkersburg. She prayed that the next ride we get would take us all the way there, and it sure did. We just got dropped off at the Wendy's parking lot and my beautiful pixie nympth Jayme is in the bathroom taking a piss and I am out here with Sid. I'm waiting for Jayme.

                   Parkersburg is Jayme's hometown, by the way. She was born here.

8:53pm  Jayme and I walked all the way to the school where her brother's graduation is at, which was the whole purpose for this trip. We made it to town on time and she went in the gradation(without me and Sid) and she got to see her family. She wants to spend some time with her family, so I'm going to give her a couple hours. She walked by and got Sid. I am going to meet her at The Pizza Place at ten thirty or so. I'm going to find a gas station and use the bathroom or something. I took a picture of the highschool here and the bench I was sitting at with Sid.

9:06pm  I walked from the highschool down Dudley Street. I see a Speedway and a Chevron down there to the right. I'm going to walk to the Chevron. I'll hang out there and smoke a cigarette. I'll stash my weed somewhere in case the cops get called on me.

9:36pm  I came over to the North End Market and I'm waiting for Jayme. Kelly saw my shirt from her car and smiled. I gave her my website and she gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Kelly. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot. Whoa, she gave me two, awesome.

                   I took Kelly's picture, hell yeah.

9:56pm  Steve helped me out with some water. He filled up my bottle for me. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

10:17pm  This guy Dan just came up to me and volunteered me some change. You shouldn't be so quick to judge. I'm not homeless or nothing. I'm a journalist, a professional. Check out my website. He offered me money and I told him I didn't need any. He insisted though and gave me a dollar in quarters.

10:25pm  I called Jayme from a payphone. I told her I was at the North End Market and she said that was kind of far so I'm going to walk back to The Pizza Place. Double back on Dudley.

                     That place I got the water from earlier was called Friend's or something. Like a videopoker place. The guy working buzzed the door for me but he said I couldn't bring my big bags in. Whatever.

10:43pm  I made it back to The Pizza Place. I'm looking for Jayme.

                     Walked by a Masonic Lodge.

10:56pm  There's my Jayme. Where's Sid?

11:46pm  Jayme came back earlier. She's going to sneak me into her mom's house. She told me it wouldn't be the first time she sneaked a boy into her house, hehe. I'm going to go in through the roof or something. We just walked over this big bridge. We're in Ohio now. Welcome to Ohio. If I turn around it's welcome to West Virginia.

12:10am  I am whispering right now. I have successfully been snuck into Jayme's room.

Parkersburg to Morgantown, WV

Sunday May 25, 2008

8:34am  Mission accomplished. In and out with no trace. I got to sleep in a bed with my fairy Jayme again. It was awesome. We cuddled. She's really beautiful.
9:03am  We decided I should walk away from the house and call Jayme later to meet up with her. I just stopped for a smokebreak and breakfast break. I ate and brushed my teeth. I stopped in front of this house right before the bridge back to West Virginia and sat down and smoked. There's a big American flag on the house. I'm all stoned.

                   I just walked over the bridge. I took a picture of both signs.  The Ohio one and the West Virginia sign. There's a tugboat going across the water here. On this building in the background it says Welcome to West Virginia.

                   Last night Jayme was pretty upset after she got to her brother's graduation. She shouldn't have even come. They didn't welcome her at all. When she first got there they were all, "How did you get here?!" She told them she hitchhiked and they were all pissed off at her. It's funny how I was able to sneak into her mom's house and I got a full-night sleep with Jayme.

                   I was getting all lovey-dovey with Jayme yesterday. I told her that I had a song I wanted to dedicate to her. She asked me if it was by Weezer. Damnit, she's heard it already.

9:19am  I walked over the bridge and turning left on 4th Street. Let me find a gas station to hang out in front of and give out my website.

9:22am  I just took a picture of Market Street in Downtown Parkersburg.

                   I'm going to walk down Market Street actually. I'm a little past it. I'm going to walk back to it.

9:33am  Randomly turning left on 11th Street.

                   I was walking down the sidewalk and came up to this cute little white dog. He let me pet him. I took his picture. By Julia-ann Street.

9:39am  Passing Murdoch Avenue. Turning left towards Camden Clark Memorial Hospital.

                   Actually, I'm going to walk the other way because I'm just going towards the bridge again.

                   Just crossed 19th Street. I'm looking for a gas station or something.

10:05am  I went to McDonald's. I don't know where I am at. I asked for directions to the high school. I went in the McDonald's and took a piss and washed my hands.

                   I'm going to sit on the sidewalk in the shade and rest and smoke and eat. I'm right next to this big wall right here. Across the street from a cemetery.

10:37am  I just took pictures of twenty year old Jesse who stopped and listened to my story in front of the graveyard. I appreciate it, bro. I even smoked him out. You'll be on there when I update it.

                   Hell yeah, I killed a lot of time in the shade. I had stopped and smoked a cigarette and ate some more donuts. All of a sudden I see some cool dude walking across the street. I hit him up for my story and I added, "I'll smoke you out if you want," and he took a hit.

11:06am  I was just sitting down on the sidewalk smoking after Jesse left. I just realized I lost one of the pins from my external frame backpack. I took another one from a part where it wasn't supporting much and replaced it. I had to bend it like I had done to the other side. I took pictures.

                   Oh yeah, I looked through all my pictures. I'm going to miss Laura so much. It was a temporary relationship. Umm, I think I might have found my more permanent one with Jayme. She's beautiful. I am so in love with this girl. I'm supposed to call her at noon. I was just sitting down on the sidewalk next to this cemetery here behind the high school. I had a great presentation when that guy walked up. He was all about my story. He took a hit of weed and everything.

11:16am  I just walked by some little boy. He saw me and asked me, "What are you doing?" I told him, "I'm saving the world for you." I gave him my website and told him, "Go inside and give this to your mommy. It's not religious, I promise." He beamed real big and said, "Okay," and ran inside.

11:31am  I came to get change for my dollar at The Pizza Place and Travis just volunteered me some change for a phone call. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

11:32am  Hell yeah, score. I'm loving this place.

11:38am  Judy at The Pizza Place wrote me out a map with directions on how to get to the onramp from here. I appreciate it, Judy. Everybody gets..hold on, can I take your picture?

11:39am  Hell yeah, I just got a map drawn out for me. Judy was real cute. I took her picture. I'm going to walk to the onramp now. Oh yeah, I called my beautiful Jayme and it would be more convenient for my to hitchhike back to Morgantown. She can get a ride just fine with her grandma, but it would be difficult explaining me. Jayme's mom is all brainwashed. She actually thinks the world is balance. She's all ignorant. So, I'm going to try and get to Morgantown tonight so I can sleep with Jayme again.

11:49am  Badass! I was just walking down the street and all of a sudden this guy pulls over and asks me, "Are you really writing a book?" I told him, "I am LIVING a book. Nothing but the truth." It ended up being the guy who had given me change to make a phonecall at The Pizza Place. He handed me a wad of cash and is giving me a ride to the interstate! He gave me ten dollars, hell yeah.

11:54am  I'm thumbing it now. 50 East.

11:55am  I already got my ride! Hell yeah, this guy just pulled over for me!

1:08pm  Clarence Wyers and his wife let me ride in the back of their truck. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit! Shit. No, I have everything I need. My Triforce of Wealth is intact. I'm not that far from Parkersburg. I probably shouldn't have taken that ride. I'm in the middle of nowhere here. `

                   I got bored thumbing it. There's barely any cars here. I'm just going to start walking it.

1:18pm  Cool, there's a blue sign that says Services and Attractions. Some campground, next left. Mile Marker 22.0.

1:23pm  I just found me a brand new can of travel size shave cream.

                   Passing sign that says Boylen Springs next left.

1:28pm  I'm not going to turn left into the Mountain Wood Park Family Campground. I'm going to thumb it right here in the shade.

2:29pm  I got tired of waiting. I was there for about an hour. I'm going to start walking. I have no food left. I've got money, though.

2:38.15pm  Mile Marker 23.0.

2:54pm  I set my stopwatch and that last mile was sixteen minutes and five seconds. I should keep going, but I am almost out of water.

3:02pm  I stopped in the shade right before Myers Fork Road. I took pictures. There's a good sight-distance here. It will give cars time to think.

3:59.02pm  I'm taking off walking.

4:02.05pm  Mile Marker 24.5

4:11.12pm  Mile Marker 25.0. Marietta Run Road, next left.

4:37pm  I stopped to rest in the shade right before Mile Marker 26.5. I'm going to stand here and smoke a cigarette.

4:41pm  The coolest thing. I stopped and opened up a can of tuna fish I had found. All of a sudden I hear somebody calling out, "Victor Antonio!" My beautiful Jayme. It seems like she talked her mom into pulling over for me!

4:53pm  Man, I was so surprised. I stopped to open up a can of tuna fish I had found. I was hungry. I was going to keep walking. Then I heard Jayme calling me! Grandma Joyce pulled over for me. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

6:37pm  I forgot to tell you. About ten minutes ago we got back to Morgantown. I've had such a perfect couple of days on this trip with beautiful Jayme. I can't believe she picked me up. That was perfect. I had been going slow. Thumbing it for an hour then walking a mile. I was taking my time.

9:27pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. Some unexpected visitor called Jayme and said they were on their way over right then, so I had to book it out of the house. I'll go for a walk. I walked over the bridge. I'm aiming for High Street. I'm going to go tell my story.

Morgantown, WV

Monday May 26, 2008

1:01pm  Wow, it's already one. Let me tell you what's happened. Last night I went walking around. I had a great presentation at the Coldstone, the ice cream place. I bought some ice cream, which was stupid because it was all chilly. I was hungry though so I got ice cream and brownie. Right when I was getting my ice cream some kid asks if he can take my picture. He took my picture and I had a marvelous presentation with five kids inside Coldstone. They wouldn't let me take their picture. Eventually I bought some cake-batter ice cream, which ended up being Jayme's favorite. I bought a brownie too. I set it down while I was telling my story to the all the kids. They let me borrow their cellphone and I called Jayme. She's on her way. Me and Jayme met up and I shared my ice cream with her. We went to Jimmy John's and got some sandwiches. Then she took me to Charlie Brown's house.

                   Oh yeah, I totally forgot. We had sex last night. It was great. Jayme: "You got me off three times." Heehee, you should see the shitfaced grin on my face. Praise love. It's all we need.

                   The time is probably a little past midnight tonight. I cannot believe my tape recorder is working. Today me, Jayme and Sid went for a walk. She showed me some creek nearby and we walked down and walked on the rocks. I was wearing my Columbia sandals without socks. We ended up slipping and falling in the river. I had all my gear on. Like my digital camera and my tape recorder. They got soaked. We came back home and it's all dried out now. My tape recorder is still recording and playing and the cassette isn't ruined so I didn't lose any history. I just tried to turn my camera on and it popped. It's dead. I'm really hoping the gigabyte chip dries out too and I don't lose any pictures. It'll suck if I did.

                   Oh yeah, Jayme needed some downtime. Today was boring because it's Memorial Day and nobody is out. I had an alright presentation with this one girl. Around eleven 'o clock I called Jayme. She was at some cookout at her friends house on Kingwood Street. The guy who gave me directions asked me if I want to match a bowl and I said cool. My weed got a little soaked too when I fell in the creek. He's being my tour guide and showed me where the house was at on Kingwood. We walked up and I saw Jayme. First Mike Brown was barbecuing and he gave me a burger. I met Pooh and afterwards Jayme and I walked all the way up to Pooh's house and had a big smoking session. He made some spaghetti with meat sauce. It was really good. We just walked all the way back. We're all bummed out because we don't have any condoms. But, Jayme has to go to court in the morning, so we should probably get to sleep.

                   Okay, signing off. I hope I didn't lose all my pictures. I'd lose so many, like seven hundred of them.  

Morgantown, WV

Tuesday May 27, 2008

                    I don't know what time it is. I woke up early in the morning. Bryce, the guy who's Jayme's couch surfing at came home last night in the middle of the night. Jayme had wanted me to lie as far as admitting to having slept there before. She wants me to tell him I've been camping nearby. I am bound to the truth and Bryce ended up being cool anyway. This morning I was awake sewing up my boots again and he said from outside the room, "Victor, do you want some pancakes?" He offered me pancakes, hell yeah! Jayme woke up eventually and we went downstairs and I got to put on my presentation for Bryce. Right before the Odyssey I suggested we go smoke a cigarette and we did. He is totally enjoying my story. I even saw tears in his eyes. I don't know if that was from my story or not. Let's see what happens.

                    I wish I could take pictures, but my camera is broken.

                    Dude, Bryce has dreadlocks and is all Bohemian. And Jayme was actually so worried he'd get mad that she wanted me to lie for her?? I mean, his house is all decorated with Irie this and Rasta that. I really couldn't wait to tell this guy my story.

                    I feel so grateful that my tape recorder is still working. That sucks that my camera is broken. I heard something inside it pop when I tried turning it on. I should've really given it a couple days before I tried turning it on. Well, you live and learn.

                    I still keep it in its pouch for a visual aid.
12:03pm  Jayme, Bryce and I are walking to the library.

2:28pm  Me and Bryce, we drove to get an oil change. See, Bryce had all these computers in his room. Like three of four of them, but no power cords. Luckily, I found some in the basement, but only to find out the outlet jacks at Bryce's house were only two prong. I am assuming they'll sell the adapter at a grocery store, so I'm going to walk to Kroger.
2:42pm  Hmm, there's a Dollar General. What are the chances they'll have the adapter there?

                   Sweet, I just shoplifted the exact adapter I needed from the Dollar General. I'm going to go see if I can score some free pizza now.

2:45pm  I was walking back from Kroger and met up with Bryce. We started walking back towards the oil change shop and all of a sudden these two guys in a car drive by and one yells, "San Antonio!" I haven't even told my story that much in this town and people know who I am.

3:23pm  I forgot to tell you we came back to Bryce's and Steve came over. He hooked me up with a Camel Wide earlier. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

7:20pm  I have to make an update. Bryce wanted some downtime so Jayme and I are going over to Steve's. He's going to get me an audience. He wants me to tell my story to his girl to help open her mind. We're on our way. We just stopped to get some snacks and Marris.

Morgantown, WV

Wednesday May 28, 2008

9:49am  I got to sleep with Jayme last night again. I had my cuddle-buddy. Oh yeah, Bryce is all happy with me. It was awesome how we were walking he saw my everywhereness. He witnessed it himself. Some guys drove by and yelled San Antonio. Dude, I didn't even have my stick and I got recognized. It's probably the shirt. I got eight hours of sleep last night. Last night we went to Steve's house and I got to tell his girlfriend my stories. She loved them. She was so reactive to it. Steve wanted to help wake her up.

10:58am  I am walking into town to go look for some tennis balls. Jayme has seemed a little down lately, like she's scared. Praying and stuff.
                     I should really talk about this. Jayme's got HPV, genital warts. We've made passionate love. The first time it was great. I made her come three times. I could love this girl so much. She's helping me out so much for the mission. I feel like I should just keep going with the flow and accept all the blessings I am given. We only have four years left anyway. But, now I'm wondering if I can get Herpes 
and HPV at the same time.

11:08am  I stopped and I talked to this beautiful African girl named Veronica. I gave her my website. She's a really pretty girl who seems to be aware.

11:23am  I walked all the way to High Street from Bryce's house and I asked directions to any tennis courts. I have to double back a bit on Brockway all the way to Marilla Park. It sucks not having a camera. I'm going to go look for the tennis courts.

11:53am  I found the tennis courts and I scored like ten tennis balls altogether. I saw they had a payphone there and I only had forty five cents. I asked these two girls who were painting if they had a nickel I could have. What was your name? Laura, just like my twin sister, told me I could use her cellphone and walked to her car to get it. I gladly put on my presentation for them while they were painting. Right before the They Didn't Call Them Peace Pipes For Nothing part, I called Jayme on the phone and she said she might be coming to get me. I went to go get tennis balls and on my way back Laura pulled up in her car. She was on her lunchbreak and asked me if I needed a ride. She offered me a brand new CamelBak! We're going to go get it now and she's going to give me a ride back to Bryce's house. Alright, cool.

12:02pm  We just came to Laura's house. It's awesome. She gave me a brand new camoflauge CamelBak!

1:17pm  We all came to Cooper's Rock. Steve, Casey, this beautiful girl from Brazil named Liz, Bryce(Azteca), and me and we're all going to go on a friendly hike.

3:38pm  We came inside these caves at Cooper's Rock. We crawled under this tiny space and smoked weed inside.

                    Did I tell you we have decided to go camping tonight?

8:49pm  We just drove back to spot near Cooper's Rock where we're going to camp. We've got a tent to setup and a fire to build. It's beautiful out here. Almost heaven(I mean Open For Business). I wish I had a camera.

10:03pm  I should make an update. I've been in a funk all day. Not making that many entries at all. I don't think I want a traveling partner. Jayme's not obsessing herself with my mission as much as I'd like her to. At first she was, but now she's not. Now she's needing her free time and alone time. And she's got a fucking kid. That dog Sid. I should have never thought it would work. Maybe it's because I'm not high. I'm out of weed too.

                    Today we had formed a consensus that we were going to go camping tonight. Jayme didn't go to set up the camp. I went up there with the other guys. We set up the camp and collected firewood. We hauled these rocks over to the firepit to sit on. When we came back to Morgantown lo and behold, Jayme's going to hang out with some other guy. It's not that I'm jealous or nothing. I don't even care. But umm, she was supposed to be my new traveling partner. I was hoping she would be my girlfriend too. I don't know. So, I asked for a ride back to Bryce's and I got all my gear. Except for my shirts, which I'm going to get tomorrow. I'm bored, so I'm going to walk around High Street and tell my story. Jayme's MySpace

12:19am  I was lost, trying to find Steve's house again. I'm over by the cemetery, over by the softball field, I saw these two guys. What was the other guy's name? Brian: "I don't know. He's the umpire." The umpire looked up the directions to Wellen Street on his GPS and Brian is being nice enough to give me a ride there.

12:24am  I am back at Steve's house. It was awesome how I magically scored that ride. I was totally delivered to Steve's house. Oh yeah, when I pulled up Steve and Swann were just about to leave to get something to eat. I yelled out hey! They let me in the house and said they'd be right back.

Morgantown, WV

Thursday May 29, 2008

3:47pm  I woke up from a nap. I had woken up earlier this morning with eight hours of sleep. I woke up and I got to work. I cleaned up their whole living room. I even did the dishes and stuff. I did get a hold of Jayme and I talked to her. I still need to talk to her some more. I need to go into town and do some things. I need to figure out how to work my CamelBak. Also, I have to get some stuff I left over at Bryce's. Me and Jayme are finishing it. I don't know. We're supposed to go camping tonight, since everybody bailed last night. Nobody went. They left somewhere, but said they would be right back, so I'm going to wait inside.

3:52pm  I changed my mind and I took off from the house. I'm walking down Stewart Street. I don't know where I am or if I'm walking the right way to High Street. I think I have to double back and walk back towards Mountaineer Pizza.

4:38pm  At long last I am on High Street again. I'm going to stop in at the Sew Inn and ask them how much it would cost to restring my Puerto Rico bracelet.

                   At the Sew Inn they told me to go to the Bead Monster.

4:55pm  I just went in Pathfinders and had an awesome presentation with I think his name is David. He got my CamelBak to work. The little slit in the bite-valve was still sealed. He opened it up and it works beautifully now. Screw water bottles. As the mission evolves.

5:15pm  Oh yeah, I was telling this guy my story on High Street and up walks Jayme. What a surprise. They asked me if I wanted to go camping and I said no at first. Then I changed my mind and I was actually able to fit my pack in the trunk. I had left Steve's with all my stuff.

6:12pm  We stopped at the BFS to buy some food and water and stuff. We just drove to the campsite we picked yesterday and set up that everybody bailed out on. Nobody camped, so we came out today.

10:15pm  Steve, Swann and Lauren took off back into town and Jayme, Sid and I are here at the camp tending the fire. Man, I wish I had a camera so bad. We had a big talk. We had been stressing. I told her that I was still willing to go to D.C. with her like we had originally planed. We wanted to be there by July 11, when The Longest Walk gets there. I told her that after that, I had to go full steam ahead. Everything is understood. I love you, Jayme. Jayme: "I love you too, Victor." We're having a good night.

Morgantown, WV

Friday May 30, 2008

     9:43am  I woke up at this beautiful campsite. I'm sorry I haven't been making too many updates. It sucks that I don't have a camera either. Anyway, right now I am looking for a place to take a shit.

     3:49pm  I just got dropped off on High Street by Lauren and Swann.
     4:20pm  I told this one kid my story on High Street and he told me to go to some skateboard shop and tell them my story. At Boarder Zone.

                   I went in the Bead Monster and it would be twenty bucks to restring my bracelet.

                   Just right now on High Street some dude yelled at me, "Victor!" Surprised, I said hello and "When did I meet you?" He told me he hadn't met me, just that his friend Jayme told him about me.

     5:27pm  I was walking up and down High Street trying to tell my story to people. I have shirts for sale. Cleetus and Stacie came up to me. Stacie saw me the other night at Coldstone. I'm going to go buy them beer. Fuck the system.

                   Stacie was nice enough to give me a cigarette at this concrete amphitheatre we are at.

     3:04am  I've been partying with my new good friend Stacie and Cleetus at Stacie's new apartment. Stacie had some thoughts. She works at Coldstone. I'll put a link to that day when I had a presentation there.

                   Stacie: "My employer was like I know all about what you have to say. This guy, he, is like telling all these highschoolers what he has to say. Honestly, I pick a rag and pretended like I was cleaning in front of the store just to hear what you had to say, because it seemed important. Honestly, what I heard from you and what the quote-unquote highschoolers have to say, it was a really good thing. I was like, man, this guy is cool as shit. Honestly, when my roommate Sam, when we got to see this guy's website I was all about it. We went back to it that same night. We looked at it and read it for some amount of time. Sam read it more than I did because I passed out. I was tired. I had worked seven and a half hours at Coldstone. But, it was really good shit. I understood why the highschoolers were all about what you had to say. Like, all this shit about capitalism. It's ridiculous. Reading it made me understand why these people, they don't understand why people sit there all day and work mindless jobs, or just sit on the streets and act like quote-unquote homeless people. Yeah, people think first of all it's a mindless scam. A lot of people do think that, that's why they do it. Second of all, people don't understand that there's capitalism in this world. You know, Anarchism vs Libertarianism vs whatever. It's not that. It's about whether you are free or you're fucking enslaved. That's what the song Baby, I'm An Anarchist by Against Me means to me. If people will listen and they understand that's what it's all about. Second of all, if people listen and do it for the trend. Oh yeah, my friend's playing drums for this band and that's what it's all about. That's depressing. But, if we understand that Baby I'm an Anarchist and you're a spineless liberal and they make art for this and they create this with their own selves and they get inspired by that, that's what it's all about. If they don't that sucks for them. It's a new age hippie revolution. You have to create your own shit. It's not all about Grateful Dead and the 1960's. It's about creating your shit. It's about fucking saying hey man, I'm rebelling from this, I've done cocaine twelve or sixteen times. It's not even about that. It's about saying hey, I'm down for my own shit. If you're not for that, that's whatever you want to do. But this is what I am for and if you agree with it, or you don't, that's your own decision. That's why I have the tattoo on my chest. Push the envelope. Watch it bend. To me it means this. Push the envelope means go daring and see what you're going to do with this. Watch it bend means what the fuck are they going to do about it? And they're not going to do nothing about it. People have come up to me on the streets and said that has inspired me. That's what I was going for. Not that many people have understood it, but after they read it they understand it. The entire quote means duality. It's something drawn from duality. That's why there's an angel and a devil. It's a year old."

Morgantown, WV

Saturday May 31, 2008

     10:30am  I had a beautiful cuddle-buddy last night. Stacie: "Yay!" I slept like a baby. I drank last night at Stacie's party. Stacie: "It happens. Everyone does it every once in a while." I just want to be cool, haha. This morning when I woke up I was actually able to manifest me one more hit of resin. What else happened? Do you remember anything? Stacie: "There was a small get-together last night. Everyone ended up getting really shitty. You were ashamed of yourself for drinking, but it didn't take you that much to get drunk, since you don't drink." I know, I'm a lightweight. Stacie: "There was a tornado watch this morning. It's actually still in effect. I guess I should be worried." The spirit's got my back. Stacie: "They've got mine, too."

     12:20pm  We just came back from the Dollar Store. We got a broom and a dustpan and Stacie bought some things for her hair.
     1:17pm  Stacie and I are going to walk over to Wellen to get my pack. Surprisingly, she used to live in 105A and Steve lives in 105B. So she knows exactly where it is. I'm not too sure how to get there. We called Steve and Swann and they said they'd be home.

                   Stacie even showed me a little shortcut.

     2:19pm  I retrieved my pack and we are walking back.

     3:00pm  We are headed to Bryce's house in South Park to retrieve my towel and my toothbrush.

     3:29pm  My CamelBak was empty and I didn't want any tap water, so I came over to Pathfinder store I came to the other day and Lisa is being nice enough to fill up my bladder out of their water cooler. I appreciate it, Lisa. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     6:04pm  I forgot to tell you, I left. Sam, Stacie's roommate isn't too cool with me being there. She wouldn't listen to my story. I am in uniform right now. I've got a clean shirt on and my CamelBak with my blue backpack.

     6:21pm  I finally got to tell Baldy my story in front of the Blue Moose. Baldy is some cool dude who lives in Stacie's building. He just gave me a cigarette too. Thanks, bro.

     7:24pm  I walked up to this walking trail by the water. I'm looking for people to tell my story to. I ran into this cool dude and girl and they're going to smoke me out! They came up to me and asked me if I knew how to roll a blunt. Why, of course, hehe.

     7:43pm  I got smoked out. I got like two or three hits off a blunt. They let me have the roach for my one-hitter for later. I'm all stoned so I'm going to go back to High Street and find people to tell my story to. I'm glad I got to tell my story to Baldy, the guy who lives in the same building as Stacie.

     8:28pm  I had a very productive presentation with these two bible thumpers right now. They had first come up to me and tried to hand me a fake million dollar bill with Jesus shit on there. I denied it quickly telling them, "Fuck that. That's the root of all evil. Haven't you heard?" They started on the love of money, blah, blah, blah. I told them, 'How can something of anything be the root of it?"

     8:45pm  I just had another great presentation with these people I didn't get their names. This couple in front of Illusions night club. Tom just walked up to me and said he'd listen to my story. He gave me a cigarette too.

     9:14pm  I had an awesome presentation with Tom. He was wearing a shirt that said West By God. Man, I really wish I had a camera. Really bad. This town is awesome. I am having the greatest presentations on High Street tonight.

     9:50pm  Now I'm just walking laps up and down High Street. I walked by this restaurant and some kid and his dad saw my shirt and they gave me the peace sign and thumbs up. I quickly took off my pack and showed them the back of my shirt.

                   Wild Wings is the restaurant they were in.

     10:17pm  I had a great presentation with these pretty girls. They were like the third people who guess ignorance when I asked what the world's greatest problem was.

     10:32pm  I had an awesome twelve-person audience on High Street, of all places. Morgantown is cool. I'd take your picture, guys, but I fell in the creek and got my camera wet.

     10:59pm  I had an awesome presentation with these pretty girls in front of Jimmy John's.

     11:27pm  I forgot to tell you. I was walking up and down High Street doing laps, trying to find people to tell my story to and I hit up this guy and a girl sitting on the steps of the church for my story. Dude, like for the second time today I got asked to roll a blunt for somebody. Always glad to be of service, hehe. We're walking over to their apartment on Willie Street.

     12:12am  See, Stacie was supposed to get off of work at midnight, and my bag is still at her house. I had a beautiful night of story telling tonight. I'm sporting my brand new CamelBak. It fits perfectly behind my backpack on my back. I love it. Oh yeah, it turns out I called up Stacie around eleven fifty. She told me that she wasn't going to go back to her apartment tonight and neither was Sam. At that moment I asked Larry and Melissa if it was cool if I crashed there and they said okay! I really didn't get a chance to tell them my story, because I was eating burritos Melissa gave me and smoking weed. I realized that how it turned out with Stacie, that there was a reason I am here tonight. Let me begin.

     1:10am  Man, my night turned out alright. I am all stoned. I can't talk right now. I am blabbering. I came to the bathroom just to record myself, because I don't feel comfortable recording myself in front of other people. It's awesome how I manifested this crashpad tonight.

Morgantown, WV

Sunday June 1, 2008

     8:16am  I woke up at Larry and Melissa's. I first thought they were together, but Larry ended up being her gay roommate. Melissa's twenty eight. Her boyfriend is in jail for selling a gram of hash to an undercover cop. I'm walking into town now on Willie Street. I'm over here by the Dairy Mart.

     8:25am  I walked to The Den to buy some Bugler but they open at ten. Maybe I can find some people to tell my story to for an hour and a half.

     9:04am  Jimmy walked by and gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:14am  I am waiting for ten 'o clock for The Den to open to buy some cigarettes. I had a good presentation with Radar Love.

     9:27am  I had an awesome presentation with this beautiful girl named Danielle. She had to go though. She was listening and agreeing like crazy.

     9:35am  I tried telling my story to the beautiful girl who works at Chevron. They sold Buglers there. She had other customers, so I said forget it. She was a real beautiful girl, though.

     10:35am  I came to the church and sat down in front to smoke a cigarette. These three kids walked by and I hit them up for my story. They said they'd be right back, that they wanted to hear it. They had to go to the restroom. I might give them a shirt when they come back. I don't know.

     1:06pm  I forgot, I talked to this beautiful girl named Audrey who walked up and asked me, "Hey, are you traveling? I've never seen you before." She listened to my entire Odyssey. Beautiful girl with these scars on her face. I asked her if she had gotten in a car accident and she said no, that she got bit by a dog.
     2:00pm  This awesome magic happened right now. These kids who I smoked weed with yesterday Joe and Raven, they were walking by with some other dude and saw me. They were holding a blunt and asked me if I had a knife. My ears perked, "Smoke a brother out?" He said, "I'm not trying to smoke here." Man, we climbed up to this rooftop! It was awesome. I have to go tag all over that place. After I told them my story and handed them my website, one dude said, "I've seen this tagged everywhere." It was from that time I first met Jayme and we walked around and she tagged it by these metal benches.

                   I'm going to go say hi to Stacie. My pack is still there. I'm going to go and try and tell Sam my story.

     3:15pm  I'm talking to James Dean: "Not all Indians on the East Coast are Cherokee. If you go down to Braxton County and you look up the name Dennison, those are all Blackfoot Indians. They assume the white man's name."

     4:06pm  I had a badass presentation with these four kids in a Jeep. GXZ-2843 Pennsylvania.

                   Those four kids were eating inside Buffalo Wild Wings and I stopped and rested and smoked a cigarette right in front of their window. They had seen me yelling at people as they walked by and how they ignored my advances for my website. They came out and told me, "We're interested."

     4:54pm  I got to Stacie's and still nobody is home.

     4:57pm  The dude told me no at Blue Moose. He told me, "If it was my food I would give it away." I told him it was the thought that counted, thanks anyway. I'm damn hungry. I haven't eaten all day. I've been living off of love all day.

     4:59pm  Like I said, I've been living off of love all day. Jeff, at Buffalo Wild Wings where I was standing in front of earlier, he's hooking me up with some food. I appreciate it, man. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     5:27pm  I scored at Buffalo Wild Wings. They gave me a twelve piece chicken wing.

Morgantown, WV

Monday June 2, 2008

    3:02pm  I manifested some more stonedness. I was walking down High Street and I wanted to get high. I didn't have any weed. I was asking random people on High Street. Then I asked this one guy and he told me to follow him upstairs. I walked up to an apartment and he asked his neighbors. One of them asked me how much I wanted and I told him to check out the shirt I was wearing. "Whatever amount you think it's worth." He offered me a blunt for it, but fuck that. At least I got smoked out. They're all about the money up there.

3:19pm  I am having a great presentation with these two girls who asked me where the headshop was. I walked them over to The Den. I told them, "When you come out if you want to hear the rest of my story I'll tell it to you, but if not just check out my website."

4:26pm  I just saw this LaTonya girl. This pretty black girl I met when Mike Brown was barbecuing on Kingwood that day(5-26-08). She was meeting Mike Brown at the buffalo wings place so she had to go. I called Stacie and she's home. I'm going to give her a shirt. I'm considering just giving my shirts away and not selling them, but only to people who deserve them, who listen to my story. She's heard them all.

5:11pm  I am leaving Stacie's apartment. Her roommate Sam the Man doesn't like me. She doesn't trust me. Sam doesn't even have a job.

5:28pm  I hiked all the way up the Stewart Hill to Steve's house on Wellen Street.

     6:10pm  My website is paid for, I’m glad.  I am here on High Street in Morgantown, West Virginia.  I’ve been here for about a week.  Crazy stuff has happened.  More STD tribulations.  Jayme has Pappiloma, genital warts.  We’ve had sex a couple times and I hope I don’t have it now.  I was thinking that if I do have it, in the future I can just wear a condom and leave my underwear on and stick my peter through the hole.  So there’s no skin-to-skin contact.

                    I am loving this adventure I am on.  I’ve already given away like three shirts.  I gave one to Stacie, Swann and Steve too.  So I have four less now total.  I had sold one when I was hitchhiking to Morgantown.  Ugh, I want a new digital camera really bad.  Right now I called Stacie up.  She always works at six.  She doesn’t like her job.  Anyway, I’ve left my pack and my tee shirts at her house for a couple days. 

                   This morning I borrowed Jayme’s cellphone and called Laura Majorana, my mermaid.  She told me she’s gone to a couple Civil War things.  I love you, Laura.  I woke up this morning and Steve and Swann went and scored some weed and let me hit their gas-mask. 

      6:21pm  We just got to Steve’s house.  I called him to see if he would come get me off High Street so I wouldn’t have to lug my huge pack and tee shirts all the way up the Stewart Street hill.  He picked me up at Walnut and High Street by the buffalo wings place.  Some guy Todd stopped and pulled over to talk to me while I was waiting for Steve. 

      7:22pm  Me, Casey(not Lauren) and Steve, we came up to the school here to play some Frisbee.  We ran into Steve’s friend Allan and he hooked us up with cigarettes. 

      7:37pm  I got bored of playing Frisbee and walked off to High Street.  I’m not wearing my WPTMJ shirt because Steve is wearing his.  I put on my Make It Happen shirt.  I had forty cents in my pocket so I went to The Den to see if they had any cheap snacks.  They had some Sunbelt fudge-dipped snacks for a quarter, 210 calories each.  I grabbed two hoping they would have a give-a-penny, take-a-penny thing.  I told the guy it seems I didn’t have enough and I’d just get one.  He let it slide, though. 

      7:40pm  Adam was cool enough to give me a cigarette on High Street.  I appreciate it, brother.  Everybody gets credit, thanks. 

      8:58pm  I am leaving from Steve's house. I was playing Street Fighter 2 on his Wii.

10:33pm  I am just hanging out on High Street trying to sell my shirt for some weed. Nobody wants to trade. Everyone wants money.

11:39pm  I should make an update. I already got back to Steve's house.

     12:36am  Me and Jayme are up just chilling. I was able to scrape some resin since I had my tool with me. I hope Steve doesn't mind that I scraped his bowl because he let me last time. I woke up and I shaved. I might go donate plasma today. I'll let you know what happens.

Sell plasma, I'm sorry.

Morgantown to Clarksburg to Flatwood to Beckley, WV

Tuesday June 3, 2008

     1:52pm  I am leaving for good.  I left the house.  Steve and Swann’s apartment.  Jayme is kind of starting to get on my nerves.  She’s just being real negative about things.  She’s still tied down.  Mostly because of her dog/son.  She can’t walk with me.  Anyway, I don’t know where I’m going to go.  I’ve got a month to kill before The Longest Walk gets to D.C.  I kind of want to explore West Virginia some more.  I’ll go South. 

      2:18pm  I just had an awesome presentation with like thirty two kids right now in front of the Dairy Queen.  Right when I walked to High Street from Steve’s some kid at the Dairy Queen yelled at me, “Long-distance walker!  Come here!”  He told me he wanted me to tell his health teacher my story.  His teacher was there with two classes and I put on my show for them.  After the presentation I saw this girl smiling at me who looked really familiar.  It was Laura!  The girl who gave me the CamelBak the other day(05-28-08, 11:53am).  She’s going to give me a ride to the onramp so I can skip town!  How sweet! 

      2:35pm  I just got dropped off over by the highway.  I’m going to aim for Charleston and Huntington.  College towns, I think. 

      2:43pm  The greedy ass manager at the Arby’s told me no.  Man, nobody wants world peace, hehe.

      2:44pm  The manager at the Arby’s told me no, but all of a sudden Ashton volunteered me some money.  I appreciate it, brother.  I was just testing you, you passed. 

                     That was awesome!   I got hooked up with three dollars right after the scared manager told me no.  I’m not even wearing my WPTMJ shirt.  Right now I’m looking for the Pizza Hut.  I see a big sign for it, but I’m not sure exactly where it is.  Ashton gave me four dollars, so I’m going to buy some food.  Probably at McDonald’s.  They have a dollar menu. 

      2:51pm  I walked over to the Pizza Hut and asked them if they had any mistakes.  The guy said no.  They’re all dead anyway.  I’m going to McDonald’s to hit up their dollar menu. 

      3:04pm  Man, even before I got to the onramp some guy had already pulled over for me!  He’s giving me a ride to Fairmont.  I appreciate it, brother. 

      3:34pm  Dave is his name.  When we got to Fairmont he stopped at some place and bought us some ice cream.  The ice cream is about twice as tall as the cone it’s on.  It was drizzling, so he brought me over to this carwash nearby.  I donned my WPMTJ shirt and I’m going to go to the onramp now.  

       3:49pm  In no-time, like right when I got to the onramp these two dudes pulled over for me.  I got another ride.  I’m already going to Clarksburg. 

      4:04pm  I just got dropped off in Clarksburg.  I’ve been here before.  Meadowbrook Mall is right here.  This dude gave me some Tremedol.  I took four pills.  He said it was non-narcotic.  I’m going to walk to the onramp.

      4:05pm  See, after Dave left me at the carwash, there was some dude who came around and talked to me.  I gave him my website and walked over to the onramp.  Lo and behold, they stopped at picked me up.  He gave me four dollars.  I’m going to buy some cigarettes, hell yeah. 

      4:42pm  It started to drizzle so I came back to the Exxon.  I stood at the onramp for a while.  Soooo many people read my shirt.  

      5:05pm  I had gone back to the Exxon and started telling the cashier Stephanie my story.  She’s got a beautiful twang.  Right now I came back to the onramp.  It’s not drizzling that hard now.  I pulled out sign that says SUPPORT THE CAUSE.  Let’s see if it helps. 

      5:15pm  In no-time Jim was nice enough to pull over for me. 

                    Holy shit!  What a great ride.  I just got dropped off in Flatwood because Jim said there wouldn’t by anything else where he was going.  Jim is seventy-eight.  He actually listened to me great.  He frowned at marijuana, though. 

      6:43pm  In no-time, right when a cop was going to tell me to leave, Dale is being nice enough to give me a ride.  I appreciate it, brother.  Everybody gets credit, thanks.  I’m going to Beckley. 

      8:12pm  I just got dropped off in Beckley.  Tamarack Travel Plaza is where I am at.  I wonder if the cops will give me any grief here.  I don’t have any weed on me. 

      8:23pm  I went in the gas station to ask where the college was.  I need to do some typing.  The dude I asked didn’t know where it was.  I hit him up for my story and he quickly agreed.  He’s got two kids with him.  Malachai and James.  He just volunteered me a couple cigarettes.

      8:39pm  I just weighed myself with my bags on and stuff.  I weigh 220 with my bags on and stuff.  Now let’s see how much without.  Hmm, 220-162.  59 pounds I am hauling. 

                  Oh yeah, Dale let me have a blue tarp. 

                   I was told to walk up Harper Road to aim for the college. 

                  Whoa, it’s already nine?  It’s not even all the way dark yet. 

                   I talked to this beautiful exchange-student Bulgarian girl at the Travel Plaza.  Ketten, I think her name is. 

                   I came to the COMAC food store and directions to the college.  They told me it was three miles away.  It’s pretty late.  I’m not going to the college.  I’m going to try and tell my story one last time(for the day).

      9:34pm  I came to the COMAC and asked where the college is.  I’m not going to go there today.  I am telling the cashiers John and Crystal my story(in between customers, of course)  John just let me get a cup of coffee before I start and a cigarette.  Everybody gets credit, thanks. 


Oak Hill to Whipple to Oakwood to Dothan to Mossy, WV

Wednesday June 4, 2008

     2:44pm  Earlier this guy gave me a ride to Oak Hill and dropped me off at the library.  I ended up recording over it, sorry.  I had a good productive time at the library I guess. I had to print out and cut out some more havethisbook.coms because all my papers got dampened this morning. After the COMAC I walked off and found an open garage to crash in.  The floor was all wet so I lay my poncho down.  The condensation got me in the morning, though.  I've got the little papers in my weed tin now. My Scripture Mints tin. I'm going to walk towards Charleston. It sucks, I think I recorded over some shit. I need to sit down and research my tapes for hours and hours. I'm walking towards Charleston now on Maple Street. I am in Oak Hill right now.

     2:59pm  Man, just the random time I decide to leave the library. I left like an hour ago. I'm walking aiming for Charleston. I was walking down Maple Street and all of a sudden I see a kid! All I've seen is old people driving around. I got his attention and asked him if he knew where to get any weed. He asked me if I had any money. I told him I had some tradeables. He invited me to his apartment and smoked a brother out.
     3:20pm  Some awesome magic just happened right now. This dude Adam, I didn't get to tell him my story. He turned me off after a while. He invited me into his apartment and smoked me out! Two fat bowls! He gave me a tiny bit of weed and I gave him my fake cigarette. He didn't want my digital voice recorder. Man, I am totally lost right now. I don't know where I am.

                   Adam told me I made his day. He's nineteen years old. He lives with his mom.

                   I'm just walking in whatever direction. I am totally free right now. I'm just walking where I end up. I am so stoned.

     3:32pm  I stopped to rest and smoke and I'll thumb it until I finish my cigarette. If people stop for me and ask me where I am going I'll tell them I don't care, wherever.

     3:43pm  I just found some baby carrots on the side of the road. The bag is ripped open, but they seem pretty fresh. All I need to do is rinse them off in a sink somewhere and they'll be good to eat. I might have to eat them on this walk. I don't know where I am going.

     3:54pm  I just walked by this black lady's. Her little kid yelled at me, "Where are you going?" I yelled back, "On my way to save the world."

     4:30pm  Some magic happened. I was walking hungry. I walked and I saw these brothers sitting outside their house in Whipple, WV. They listened to my whole Odyssey and hooked me up with some grub too. I appreciate it, guys.

     5:18pm  Bob and Aaron at the store in Whipple gave me some drinking water. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit.

     5:28pm  I forgot to tell you I am walking towards 77. The town of Mossy is seven miles away.

     6:18pm  I'm up walking. I am totally lost today. I am free, just walking. I'll walk to 77 and I don't know where I'll go from there.

                   I just told these two black guys my story. Well, tried to, but I gave them my website. They took off in their car.

                   On my last break I smoked some weed. I ate some of those carrots. I wiped the dirt off of them. They were perfect. What a blessing those carrots were. I have a lot of them left. I'm a survivor.

     6:25pm  I think I am walking through the town of Oakwood. In front of the New River Company Oakwood store. I've now evolved into hauling sixty pounds. My CamelBak is full too. I'm walking the seven miles to the highway. Actually, five miles to 77, seven to Mossy.

     6:54pm  I'm up from about a fifteen minute break. I am descending now. It was a bitch going up this incline hauling all this weight. I am training though.

     6:57pm  Passing Toney Fork Road.

     6:58pm  Passing sign that says Dothan Unincorporated.

     7:05pm  I so wish I had a camera. I just walked by these two billy goats with horns and stuff.

     7:11pm  Passing Webb Lane.

                   Over at that store in Whipple I tacked like four havethisbook.coms to their bulletin board outside. I found four extra tacks.

                   Passing sign that says Garage Sale Today Just Ahead.

     7:30pm  Passing Krisly Road.

     7:31pm  Walking by the long-closed down Dothan Market. I wish I had a camera. There's lots of history here.

     7:35pm  Coming up on the Dothan Missionary Baptist Church at Toney Fork Road.

     7:52pm  I stopped next to this river. I've been following the river the whole time. I'm going to unload and sit on my pack and rest my shoulders. I'll take my boots off and air out my feet too.

     8:14pm  I am leaving from my rest. I'm all stoned. Man, I was so blessed with those carrots. I even have some for breakfast in the morning. They seem to be pretty fresh and I know it's not good to eat carrots you find on the side of the road in a ripped bag. But hey, whatever works. I mean, they seemed pretty fresh. They snap when I bend them. They are such a blessing. I'm a survivor.

     8:27pm  Passing sign that says Mossy Unincorporated. Shit, I've walked seven miles already then.

     8:48pm  I stopped walking for the day. At the next turnout that came up I found a beautiful campspot. I so wish I had a camera. I'm going to set up my tarp somehow because it's starting to thunder and stuff.

                   Ahh, I was thinking about just tying it off with some rope, but I don't even have to do that. I'll just put it over me while I sleep. I'm just scared about ticks.

Mossy to Gallagher to Pratt to Montgomery to Nitro, WV

Thursday June 5, 2008

5:12am  I just woke up. I got plenty of sleep. It didn't rain that hard. I had the tarp over me all night.

6:10am  I am almost packed up and ready to go. I ate a can of tuna fish that I had discovered I had last night. I had a little bit of baby carrots. The sun is up. I'm going to pack up and leave.

6:24am  I am up and at 'em walking the road. I got a little damp last night. It didn't rain too hard.

                   I just realized I lost my Knork, that sucks. I left it in Morgantown at that couple's who asked me to roll a blunt for them.

6:31am  Passing Lick Fork Road.

                   W 612 is the road I am walking.

6:41am  I just stopped to layer down.

6:47am  I am up walking.

6:50am  Passing Long Branch Road.

7:00am  Passing Goode Creek Road. I'm half a mile away from the highway, some guy told me.

7:03am  Passing by Mossy Living Word Church on my left. "Where will you spend eternity?"

7:09am  Coming up on the Midway T&C Motel Lounge and RV Parking. It's closed. I see a highway marker over there.

                   Whoa, I think it's a store. Bathroom. Sweet, it's an Exxon, cool. I'm going to take a shit and put my WPTMJ shirt on.

                   I am nine miles away from Oak Hill. I walked nine miles.

7:53am  I came to the Midway T&C Exxon. I went and used the restroom and brushed my teeth. I came outside and ate some vitamins. Oh yeah, I rinsed off the rest of my carrots in the sink. I want to go hit up the restaurant here. I tried telling the cashier inside my story. She had a shift-change, so I just gave her my website.

8:04am  I am leaving the gas station. I'm not that far from the highway.

8:44am  I went to the onramp and thumbed it for a while. Then this eighteen wheeler pulls up to me and asks me where I'm going. I told him I was on my way to save the world. He told me to walk down this road right here and it runs parallel to the interstate and I think he said there's a trolley. I don't know. Let's see what's up.

                   The turnpike ended up being only fifty yards from the Exxon. Around the corner. I'm walking down the road that runs parallel to the highway that the trucker directed me to.

                   I was actually able to manifest me one other resin hit. Just pulled it out of my ass.

8:55am  I stopped and layered down some more. The sun is starting to blare. I took off my WPTMJ shirt so it wouldn't get sweated. I'm going to put my Make It Happen shirt back on. I'm just walking now. I don't know where I'm going. Supposedly to the trolley, if I heard him right. I probably didn't.

                   I know my next hitchhiking sign. Three words. DO UNTO OTHERS, real simple.

9:05am  I'm walking.

9:21am  I walked all the way to where the road goes over the highway. I don't want to keep going straight, so I climbed down under the road and I'm going to thumb the traffic.

9:43am  I've been thumbing it here for a while. Nobody is picking me up. I'm going to walk it. I don't have any weed on me and if a cop stops he might give me a courtesy ride.

9:48am  I'm walking. I had been under the bridge at Mile Marker 60.5.

9:50am  I changed my mind. I'm walking back to the Exxon. I don't have enough food to be walking. Those carrots aren't doing me any good anymore. I'm going to climb back up the hill and and walk back to the Exxon.

10:19am  Back at the Exxon.

10:20am  I walked all the way back to the gas station. I thumbed it for about an hour and nobody picked me up. I came back to the Exxon and right when I got back this one guy asked me where I was going. He's being nice enough to give me a ride closer to Charleston! I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

10:57am  I'm a little bit closer to Charleston. I saw signs pointing to a college, WVU. I asked him to drop me off at the college or closer to it. WVU probably won't let me type anyway, but it's college town. I'll get food at least.

11:01am  Passing C.A. Livingston Road.

11:06am  Passing The Gallagher Church of the Nazarene.

11:16am  I stopped at the next turnout and I'm going to sit and eat some carrots and rest and smoke a cigarette. I hope somebody drives by and picks me up.

11:25am  Leaving, walking towards the college now.

11:26am  Passing sign for Outstack Branch, whatever the hell that is.

11:37am  Walking in front of the post office. Gallagher West Virginia.

11:55am  I took another impromptu rest. I'm going to load up and leave again. It's tiring hauling sixty pounds on my back.

12:12pm  I'm walking down what road is this? State Route 83, and Carl Jenkins gave me some water. A bottle.

                     I asked for food, but got water. Oh well. That's good too.

12:18pm  Passing Thoroughfare Branch. Passing sign that says that.

12:28pm  Passing The Town of Pratt Wastewater treatment facility. I'm almost to the highway. Carl told me turn right a quarter mile away to go to the college and then like four miles from there.

12:38pm  I forgot to tell you, about five minutes ago I got to Highway 61, where the road tees.

                     Go right to Montgomery, left to Marmet.

                     Sweet, there's a bus that comes out here. I'm going to try and score me a courtesy ride.

12:58pm  I saw the bus coming. It went in this neighborhood across the street. Hopefully, it will come back out. Some guy told me I could stand here and get it. Hopefully I can get me a courtesy ride. I'll tell him/her, "I'm a long-distance walker/journalist. For the past six years I've been walking around America writing a book on generosity that the whole world is going to read on the Internet. I just walked all the way from Oak Hill. I don't suppose I could get a courtesy ride to Montgomery?"

                     "I'll walk it if I have to."

1:07pm  Connie just pulled over and rescued me. She's taking me to Montgomery. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

                     Seems like I got a courtesy ride to Montgomery after all. Just not from the bus driver.

1:15pm  Wow, Connie just volunteered me a twenty dollar bill. I'm going to eat! That's awesome. Thanks for feeding the peace machine, Connie. Connie: "Well, you be careful out there." It's the only way I know how to be. Thanks for the blessings and drive carefully. Praise Love.

                    Hmm, there's plenty of restaurants around here. I wonder if there's a headshop so I can buy me another fake cigarette.

                    Welcome to Montgomery, Victor Antonio. Kanawha County.

                    I'm walking in front of the Montgomery City Hall.

                    I can do laundry, hell yeah.

1:19pm  I'm going to walk into Gino's and ask for mistakes.

                   The guy said, "No, not really."

1:26pm  Welcome to Montgomery, Victor. I walked by 1015 and John hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

2:02pm  Jamie-Lynn, this beautiful girl(with great cleavage), she was walking down the sidewalk right when I was about to start telling John my story. I asked her if she wanted to hear a really interesting story to and she stopped and listened.

2:15pm  What a jip. I walked to the laundromat and they don't have a change machine or soap dispenser. Oh yeah, and that girl, Jamie-Lynn I think her name is, she told me to go to this frat house that I passed by earlier. I passed by a big frat house. Give me an audience, I told her.

                   I walked in the Dollar Store and asked them if they could give me change to do laundry. They couldn't spare quarters, so I went across the street to the Dairy Queen and they gave me change. I had stopped here on the way to the laundromat and bought me a burger and a chili dog. It's still waiting for me at the laundromat with my bags. I wonder if I'll be able to tell anyone my story to kill time for laundry.

                   These two kids walked by and I gave them the joint-smoking hand gesture. They walked up and I asked them if they knew where to get any. One guy said he had a little at home and that he'd come right back. Cool.

3:36pm  I just finished my laundry. I'm walking back to the frat house. It's like a mile back down the road.

                   I'm so tired. Maybe I can manifest me a shower at this house.

4:04pm  I went to the frat house, but nobody was home. The front door was wide open. I'm going to walk back to John's, the guy I bummed a cigarette from earlier. Maybe he'll let me shower at his house. I've got my own towel and soap. Let's see what he says.

4:08pm  Access granted. I'm going to take a shower, awesome.

4:37pm  I walked back to John's house and he let me score a shower. He just volunteered me ten bucks! I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks. Maybe I can get some more weed, hehe.

                   John said that if I stop back by at nine he'll have a dimebag for me. Hell yeah! Welcome to Montgomery, Victor Antonio.

5:01pm  I'm walking off towards the public library. I'm going to check my email. John let me stash my pack in his backyard. It's awesome how I have a headquarters already. I'm just walking around wearing my CamelBak and my backpack. I'm going to go tell my story to people. I feel great. I just took a shower and I'm clean. It's ninety degrees out right now. It's not going to rain for a long time.

5:31pm  I ran into Nicholas Burke. Another stoner in town. He was walking along with a fishing pole and I asked him if he had any weed. He offered to smoke a bowl with me. We walked to the dock by the bridge here. What river is this? Kanawha River. It's really polluted. Don't drink the water. Anyway, Nicholas smoked a brother out. Just like when I was in Oak Hill(6-4-08, 2:59pm).

5:51pm  Damn, the library closed at five. I'm going to go hang out in front of some gas station with my shirt. In front of the GoMart. Tell my story and show my shirt.

                   There's a Masonic symbol on a building. I wish I had a camera.

                   I'm supposed to go back to John's house at nine. He told me to meet him in the backyard where my pack is. I'm going to get me some weed, hell yeah.

7:03pm  I just had a marvelous presentation at the GoMart with Christy and Brian, the two girl cashiers at the GoMart. Well, the second one only had a Brian nametag on. Her name is not really Brian. When I first got there her and this guy Dave listened the hell out of my story. Sweet, right behind the GoMart is the building with the Masonic symbol on it. The Southern Public Service Company building. I'm going to CVS and buy some Buglers.

7:57pm  I never mentioned, I walked up the hill to the darkside. That guy Nick had told me to go up the hill to the black people and that they have weed there. I walked up, but I didn't see anyone outside. I just walked to the Dollar General. I'm going to smoke a cigarette out front. It's all dead, so I'm going to go inside and tell this pretty girl my story.

8:40pm  I had a great presentation with Sarah. At first I was kind of bummed because she wouldn't stop working. She was fronting the shelves and I followed her orating. I got past the spirits part in my Odyssey and asked her to do me the two favors. She asked me, "Do you know where the GoMart is?" I told her I was there for a long time today. She told me to meet her there at nine thirty and that she would bring me some food. She asked me what I wanted and I told her, "Surprise me."

9:34pm  I walked back down to the GoMart and Sarah showed up eventually. She was driving with her friend, so she couldn't get me food. She bought me two pepperoni rolls. Hell yeah, I've already eaten two today anyway. I've got two more. TBR-894. Oh yeah, I was walking towards the GoMart earlier. Before I got there this guy walked by me. A couple minutes later he runs back up to me and asks, "I've gotta ask you. What's going on?" I tried to tell him what I was doing and he listened to my introduction. I asked him if he knew where I could camp, but he didn't. Well, later after Sarah showed up and left he pulls up in a car with his friend. When I asked his friend what the world's greatest problem was he said, "People don't listen to the gospel," or something like that. I got past the spirits part in my story with him. I'm surprised he let me get that far. Then he started talking about Jesus. I told him, "Religion is division. There's only one love." He kept going and I told him I have heard it all before. Give me something new.

                   Romans 12 1 and 2, be sure to add that to my website.

1 Therefore I exhort you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a sacrifice – alive, holy, and pleasing to God – which is your reasonable service. 2 Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God – what is good and well-pleasing and perfect.

     12:40am  About half an hour ago I got dropped off. Dude, this bible thumper had me up all night. I walked like over twenty miles today. I'm dead tired. I wanted to go to sleep. He wouldn't let me crash at his house. This dude brought me to his house and had me meet his wife. He's all hiding the fact that he smokes weed from her. We drove all the way out to Nitro and scored a dinky ass ten-sack each. I got through a lot of my Odyssey in the car, but after a while he cut me off.

                     See, I thought I was tied down to Montgomery. This guy who worked at the Dairy Queen said he'd give me a twenty sack for a shirt. He told me he would email me tomorrow. I was going to come back to Montgomery with the Christian dude, but it was getting late and I was tired from all the walking. He was busy playing videogames at the weed guy's house. Nintendo 64, an old ass system. He couldn't secure for me a place to crash. Well, I guess I could just email the dude from the Dairy Queen back, so I don't have to worry about going back to Montgomery. I need my sleep. The Christian dude said I could crash at the lake. We went to the lake and he got all paranoid that the cops were behind us. I asked him if there was a library nearby, that I would crash near there and check my email in the morning. Near the library there were these sports fields with a big lake behind it. I went to the rear perimeter and jumped the fence and camped on the other side. I so wish I had a camera. Anyway, I'm going to smoke some weed and go to bed.

Nitro to Charleston, WV

Friday June 6, 2008

8:30am  I woke up. I got 5.04 hours of sleep. I woke up behind the lake here. I wish I had a camera. I'm going to wake and bake.

9:12am  I am leaving from my squat. Hopefully the library will be open now.

9:22am  I came to the Nitro Public Library. It's right on the other side of the field I crashed behind. They open at ten so I'm going to eat breakfast.
9:25am  I am still waiting for the library to open. There's a Nitro Pool right across the street. I'm going to go see if I can score a shower after the library. Then I'll take off walking and explore Nitro. I'm going to check my email and see if that dude from Dairy Queen emailed me about the shirt. If so, I'm going to hitchhike back to Montgomery.

                   There's this Asian dude parked in a car in front of the library waiting for it to open. I'm going to try and tell him my story. He's on a laptop busy right now. I'm going to take a hit of weed, hehe.

9:36am  To kill time I'm going to read a book in front of the library. I got this one from my mermaid Laura. It's called The Book - On The Taboo Of Knowing Who You Are. By Allan Watts. I just read this paragraph that I should've told the Christian dude last night.

"What then, would be The Book which fathers might slip to their sons and mothers to their daughters without ever admitting it openly?

     In some circles there is a strong taboo on religion, even in circles where people go to church or read the Bible. Here, religion is one's own private business. It is bad form or uncool to talk or argue about it, and very bad indeed to make a big show of piety. Yet when you get in on the inside of almost any standard-brand religion, you wonder what on earth the hush was about. Surely The Book I have in mind wouldn't be the Bible, "the Good Book"—that fascinating anthology of ancient wisdom, history, and fable which has for so long been treated as a Sacred Cow that it might well be locked up for a century or two so that men could hear it again with clean ears. There are indeed secrets in the Bible, and some very subversive ones, but they are all so muffled up in complications, in archaic symbols and ways of thinking, that Christianity has become incredibly difficult to explain to a modern person. That is, unless you are content to water it down to being good and trying to imitate Jesus, but no one ever explains just how to do that. To do it you must have a particular power from God known as "grace," but all that we really know about grace is that some get it, and some don't.

     The standard-brand religions, whether Jewish, Christian, Mohammedan, Hindu, or Buddhist, are—as now practiced—like exhausted mines: very hard to dig. With some exceptions not too easily found, their ideas about man and the world, their imagery, their rites, and their notions of the good life don't seem to fit in with the universe as we now know it, or with a human world that is changing so rapidly that much of what one learns in school is already obsolete on graduation day.

     The Book I am thinking about would not be religious in the usual sense, but it would have to discuss many things with which religions have been concerned—the universe and man's place in it, the mysterious center of experience which we call "I myself," the problems of life and love, pain and death, and the whole question of whether existence has meaning in any sense of the word. For there is a growing apprehension that existence is a rat-race in a trap: living organisms, including people, are merely tubes which put things in at one end and let them out at the other, which both keeps them doing it and in the long run wears them out. So to keep the farce going, the tubes find ways of making new tubes, which also put things in at one end and let them out at the other. At the input end they even develop ganglia of nerves called brains, with eyes and ears, so that they can more easily scrounge around for things to swallow. As and when they get enough to eat, they use up their surplus energy by wiggling in complicated patterns, making all sorts of noises by blowing air in and out of the input hole, and gathering together in groups to fight with other groups. In time, the tubes grow such an abundance of attached appliances that they are hardly recognizable as mere tubes, and they manage to do this in a staggering variety of forms. There is a vague rule not to eat tubes of your own form, but in general there is serious competition as to who is going to be the top type of tube. All this seems marvelously futile, and yet, when you begin to think about it, it begins to be more marvelous than futile. Indeed, it seems extremely odd.

This is a great book. Everybody read it. By Allan Watts.

Page 8

     We suffer from a hallucination, from a false and distorted sensation of our own existence as living organisms. Most of us have the sensation that "I myself" is a separate center of feeling and action, living inside and bounded by the physical body—a center which "confronts" an "external" world of people and things, making contact through the senses with a universe both alien and strange. Everyday figures of speech reflect this illusion. "I came into this world." "You must face reality." "The conquest of nature." This feeling of being lonely and very temporary visitors in the universe is in flat contradiction to everything known about man (and all other living organisms) in the sciences. We do not "come into" this world; we come out of it, as leaves from a tree. As the ocean "waves," the universe "peoples." Every individual is an expression of the whole realm of nature, a unique action of the total universe. This fact is rarely, if ever, experienced by most individuals. Even those who know it to be true in theory do not sense or feel it, but continue to be aware of themselves as isolated "egos" inside bags of skin.

     This feeling of being lonely and very temporary visitors in the universe is in flat contradiction to everything known about man (and all other living organisms) in the sciences. We do not "come into" this world; we come out of it, as leaves from a tree. As the ocean "waves," the universe "peoples." Every individual is an expression of the whole realm of nature, a unique action of the total universe. This fact is rarely, if ever, experienced by most individuals. Even those who know it to be true in theory do not sense or feel it, but continue to be aware of themselves as isolated "egos" inside bags of skin.

     The first result of this illusion is that our attitude to the world "outside" us is largely hostile. We are forever "conquering" nature, space, mountains, deserts, bacteria, and insects instead of learning to cooperate with them in a harmonious order. In America the great symbols of this conquest are the bulldozer and the rocket—the instrument that batters the hills into flat tracts for little boxes made of ticky-tacky and the great phallic projectile that blasts the sky. (Nonetheless, we have fine architects who know how to fit houses into hills without ruining the landscape, and astronomers who know that the earth is already way out in space, and that our first need for exploring other worlds is sensitive electronic instruments which, like our eyes, will bring the most distant objects into our own brains.)(1) The hostile attitude of conquering nature ignores the basic interdependence of all things and events—that the world beyond the skin is actually an extension of our own bodies—and will end in destroying the very environment from which we emerge and upon which our whole life depends.

Page 10

     It might seem, then, that our need is for some genius to invent a new religion, a philosophy of life and a view of the world, that is plausible and generally acceptable for the late twentieth century, and through which every individual can feel that the world as a whole and his own life in particular have meaning. This, as history has shown repeatedly, is not enough. Religions are divisive and quarrelsome. They are a form of one-upmanship because they depend upon separating the "saved" from the "damned," the true believers from the heretics, the in-group from the out-group.

Page 11

     An ardent Jehovah's Witness once tried to convince me that if there were a God of love, he would certainly provide mankind with a reliable and infallible textbook for the guidance of conduct. I replied that no considerate God would destroy the human mind by making it so rigid and unadaptable as to depend upon one book, the Bible, for all the answers. For the use of words, and thus of a book, is to point beyond themselves to a world of life and experience that is not mere words or even ideas. Just as money is not real, consumable wealth, books are not life. To idolize scriptures is like eating paper currency.

    12:06pm  I am leaving the Nitro library. I had originally thought I might be able to type my stuff up here. I've got weed. I spent a dollar on some earbud headphones which I need. They're good to have. I'm going to walk to the nearest bus stop.

     1:18pm  I am the bus headed to Charleston. It hasn't left yet. I got a lot of typing done. I researched my stuff and I think I lost two days, I recorded over them. From 4-29 to 5-2. I have my whole adventure with my mermaid to type up. I love you, Laura. I went across the street to some music store where they sell pipes and stuff. I met this guy named Jimbo. He rides a wheelchair even though he can limp just fine. I told him my story. I told him The Note From The Rich and he loved it. I gave him my website. He said it was really nice meeting me. Then I went inside the shop right here. I tried to tell them my story, but the guy turned the radio on when I asked him if he was willing to listen. Forget it. The guy behind the counter is looking the phone number up to call the bus operator. They called and found out the time the bus comes at.

     1:20pm  Going to Charleston. It's a dollar fifty for fare. I paid it with the last of my money. Bye, bye, Nitro. It's steaming hot. I need to go North already.

     2:33pm  I came to the plaza, the bus terminal in Downtown Charleston where the buses come. I don't think I like Charleston so far. Maybe I'll try and get a courtesy ride out of town.

     2:58pm  The greedy ass driving the bus won't let me on.

     3:01pm  I got told no by a driver for a courtesy ride. I started walking back and all these ICP fan kids noticed my clown wig. They stopped and talked to me and now they're smoking a brother out. Thanks, guys. Everybody gets credit.

                   Me, Cody, Amanda and some other dude just smoked me out. Cool, welcome to Charleston, Victor. Seems like I didn't get that courtesy ride for a reason. I'm going to hang out in the transit mall and tell my story. I'm all stoned.

     4:22pm  I'm stoned. I was walking around Downtown Charleston. It seems pretty cool. It kind of reminds me of Downtown San Antonio. I got bored at the transit center. No cool people showed up. I'm turning left on Quarrier and Laidley. I wish I had a camera.

     4:28pm  I stood my post in front of the public library. Anyway, I offered this dude my website and he said he'd check it out. His license plate said MORGANTWN. I just came to the library and smoked in front of this fountain. I wish I had a camera. I could go inside and check my email if I wanted to, but I don't need to. I am liking Charleston. It reminds me of San Antonio so much. I'm just letting people read my shirt.

     5:30pm  I just had an awesome presentation with Montana Rock. I just walked up to that guy and he listened to my whole damn Odyssey.

     5:43pm  I met up with another crazy person. Amanda Dawn Rhodes. Man, I so wish my camera worked. Amanda: "Yesterday, I walked to the capitol in Charleston, WV and I was following around a tour group of kindergarteners. I was bored and there was somebody explaining all this stuff. Then the lady goes, "Where are you from?" I told her, "Green Creek, you've never heard of it." She told me that I might be able to go to the governor's mansion. I asked her when was the next tour. She said there was a tour going on right now. Something about finding double doors. I walked over there, went to the door, I knocked a couple times and thought maybe this was the wrong door. I walked to the garage and told someone I was looking for the double doors. And then state troopers led me in through the security level, through the kitchen and into the ballroom of the governor's mansion. I walked in, across and sat there. Surprised, they asked, "When did you get here?" I told them now. I looked at the wall and there was a painting called Portrait of a Lady. They were like who did it? Where did it come from? What year is it? I thought for a second then said, "Davinci." Don't try to figure me up. Just go with it.

     5:47pm  Man, that guy I had just told my story to earlier, Montana, he saw me come into Capitol Roasters with Amanda, which is where she works, he came inside and offered me some Chick-Fil-A chicken. He works there. He called me Antonio.

     7:47pm  Man, what an adventure I am having. I have already arrived at a safe-house, a temporary headquarters in Charleston. This beautiful girl Amanda.

Charleston, WV

Saturday June 7, 2008

                   I'm not sure what time it is, but I just woke up. I got to sleep with Amanda last night! We made love last night. I don't know if I love her yet. We were going at it and I stopped for a second and told her, "I have some concerns." I explained about my whole Herpes scare in Missouri last year and I even told her how I slept with Jayme not too long ago and she has HPV. To my surprise and delight she said, "You know what, I already got it." She's already got Herpes. That's so crazy. Everybody has it. She's only had one outbreak five years ago. What a big weight that has been lifted off of my shoulders. We really got at it last night. Seems like I got another beautiful nymph.
8:22am  Me and my beautiful Amanda, we're walking to the capitol.

8:45am  We stopped at the Booker T. Washington monument. I'll look up his mission on the internet. Man, I wish I had a camera so bad.

4:04pm  Amanda and I, what's happened? We came home and we were tired, so we took a nap. All of a sudden Christine called and what happened with that? Amanda: "Here, I can tell it better." Basically Christine told me that allowing someone that I didn't know into my home and allowing him to stay here was selfish. Explain that, I don't even know. Following which I called my mom and she told me that for the crimes I've supposedly committed of being selfish and harboring a whatever, that I am going to be placed in a mental institution and Victor will be going to jail. However, we have done nothing wrong, therefore there's really nothing they can do about it. How do you like them apples? Have a good day. Buh-bye."

5:19pm  I have to make an update. We are waiting for Amanda's mom to come with cops. We walked to the store and bought some cigarettes. Let's see if they actually come. I have nothing to hide. Everything that's happening is great. I might've found my traveling partner. She's ready to break free with me. I have even talked about taking her to San Antonio to meet my mom. My mom already talked to her on the phone. They like each other. It's awesome. I can't wait. Oh yeah, and right before we had sex I told her about my Herpes scare. She told me she already had it. Whoa, crazy. Everything seems to be going perfect.

6:11pm  Man, I am having a great time with Amanda. She's preparing to break free with me. We are all brainstorming. She's having some tribulations with her parents. They're stuck and scared like the whole coast. I've said it before that I have come to learn that this isn't the Ignorant Coast, but more like the Scared Coast. Everybody is petrified here. Amanda is reading me this poem right now. What's it called? You're a Real Angel. Amanda: "Some people are angels without any wings who spread joy around and do wonderful things. If an angel is someone who is filled with love, it's a gift that they constantly share. If an angel is someone who looks out for others and gives them a nudge here or there. If an angel is someone who touches your life with a love...can't understand the rest. Look it up on the web."

8:08pm  Amanda's parents actually showed up with cops. Her dad stayed downstairs and the cop knocked on the door. She answered it and the cop told her he had a mental warrant and that he had to go with them. Amanda was all, "If I go they'll lock me up!" The cop assured her he wasn't taking her to jail and she went with them. I was still tired and I was going to take a nap. At first I gathered my things, then I asked Amanda if I could stay and take a nap. She said, "I guess so. It's still my apartment, after all." I was sure to get her cellphone before she left.

8:37pm  Her parents came back after I got like half an hour of sleep on the floor. I'm so stupid. I should never have opened the door when they knocked. They didn't have cops with them. I opened the door half-asleep and her dad was all, "You have to go." I gathered my things. See, Amanda had leant me her digital camera which I was able to check if my memory card still had my pictures on it and it did. Anyway, assuming I would be reunited with Amanda soon, I took the camera out of my beltcase and volunteered it to her father, telling him to make sure she got it. Because I remember Amanda being very vehement that I not keep her camera when she let me borrow it. Dude, but I totally could be taking pictures of Charleston right now. I'm so stupid for giving it to her dad. Argh. I walked all the way to Slack Plaza, the transit mall.

8:47pm  I'm already at the transit mall and I've been trying to call Amanda's cellphone. It doesn't ring and the message recorder starts, but her mailbox is full.

9:23pm  I hung out with these people. I crossed the street and over by the restroom I saw some dudes with a guitar and noticed they were playing Weezer! Pre-sellout Weezer! I just finished telling them my Odyssey and they gave me cigarettes in the end. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

10:58pm  I went back to the transit mall and tried calling Amanda some more. Her phone is still not compliant. Probably her parents messed it up for me. I am really worried about her. I left some stuff at her apartment. My dirty laundry. Two of my shirts. My classic WPTMJ one and one of my new ones. They were both dirty. Also, like give pairs of dirty socks too. Oh yeah, I told this guy and girl my story at the transit mall and in the end I asked them if they had any food. They brought me over to Bellacino's Pizza and Grinder and they got me a pizza sub. I'm going to walk to this shelter that's still open, I think.
11:04pm  It was Ashley and boyfriend Joseph who hooked me up at Bellacino's. I appreciate it, guys.

                     Be sure to check out, suggested by Ashley.

11:25pm  I was directed to the Charleston Men's Emergency Shelter. Let's see if I can crash here.

Charleston, WV

Sunday June 8, 2008

6:18am  I got 5.50 hours of sleep. Last night I wandered over to shelter. They didn't have any beds available, so I crashed out in the front room right underneath the reception window. I woke up and there were like three other guys on the floor with me by the front door.

6:36am  I am so stupid. Yesterday I was like half-asleep when Amanda's parents came back. I should have never opened that door. I realized I had Amanda's digital camera on me. See, I thought I would be able to get a hold of Amanda on her cellphone soon, so I volunteered it to her father. I took my memory card out and gave it to him. "Make sure she gets this back." I am so mad at myself. I could have a camera and be documenting Charleston right now! I shouldn't have given it back.
                   Ugh, that makes me mad. But I can't have any regrets. Everything happens for a reason. I really hope I get a hold of Amanda today. Man, her parents are damn evil. They don't give a fuck about her. They want her locked up in the hospital. Now that I look back I should've told them so much shit, but I had just woken up and opened the door. I only told them ignorance is bliss and thanks for making my story so interesting. I should've asked them if they had always been that ignorant. I think they know exactly who I am. When they had first come with the police and took Amanda downstairs I heard them talking outside, "We know you're with Victor Antonio from San Antonio."
                   Anyway, I need to take a shit. I woke up early in front of the shelter. I'm going to try and get their attention and see if they'll let me use the restroom. Then I'll walk into town and tell my story and try to get me some marijuana, hell yeah. I'm not going to sell my shirts anymore. I'll tell them, "I got shirts for trade...if you know what I mean." The bathroom at the transit mall opens at seven.

6:49am  I had a great presentation with Jennifer at the transit mall. I came and got some water out of the fountain. Filled up my CamelBak.
7:15am  There's a Gay Pride parade today. I'll go for the crowd and put my clown wig on.

                    I came over to St. John's just wandering around. They feed here, but it's too late for breakfast. Damnit, I left all my scraping tools at Amanda's. Oh yeah, I was able to tell this young couple my story. They were coming out of the church and listened to me outside. Whole Odyssey and everything. I really wanted to scrape a resin hit, but I didn't have a wire. Then I noticed how the drainage screen at the base of the church had these little wires. I can totally scrape my pipe with one of those," I told myself. I grabbed one and sat in the shade under a tree in front of the church and smoked. People are all walking by and I offer my website. This one guy quickly said no. "That's right, be afraid. Judge not. Have you always been that ignorant?"

9:35am  I am having a great presentation with these two while we're waiting for the Gay Pride march.

11:52am  The Gay Pride march is starting up. I'm here for the crowd so they can see my shirt. I sat down and cut out another sheet's worth of havethisbook.coms. There was this girl there with this beautiful dog who's name I overheard was Sadie. A beautiful black Labrador. I asked the girl if I could pet Sadie. She said sure, read my shirt and just invited me to smoke!
12:09pm  I just donned my clown wig. I separated all the dreads in it and put it on. I'm standing here in front of the Capitol Street Cafe. I'm hungry, but I'll get some food later. Oh yeah, I just got smoked out. By this girl and guy.

                     Yeah, I have my rainbow clown wig on at a Gay Pride march. I'm not gay. It's an illusion. Psyche.

                     I just might be the happiest man in the world, but I'm not gay. I wear the rainbow colors because I am a beam of light for others to follow.

12:17pm  I'm starting to yell at people when they walk by and ignore my advances for my website. This mom and eleven year old kid walked by me and I hit them up for a really interesting story. The mom seemed pretty young and cool. She had a tattoo on her back. Before I started my presentation she took a look at my shirt and told me, "Remember, he's eleven." As soon as I said marijuana the mom said, "Oh, we gotta go." I yelled, "Man, nobody wants world peace! Poor kids!" As they were walking off I told her son, "Look it up on Google. You'll find it."

12:21pm  I just walked by and offered my website to these stupid ladies. One went, "Oh no, we're not dopesmokers." I told them I was just testing them anyway.

12:37pm  I'm going to score lunch at the church today. Fenecia just gave me directions to St. John's. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit.

12:47pm  I came to the church and stashed my bag in the coat room. I am waiting in line. I'm hungry. I still have my clown wig on, it's funny. Everybody thinks I got it at the Gay Pride parade. I'm not gay. It's an illusion.

                     There's shit in there, hehe.

                     Those two that bought me food last night at Benacino's, they were here at the bum feed. They asked me if I made it alright to the shelter and I said yes. I totally forgot who they were because I am all stoned still.

1:21pm  I left the church. This pretty girl Vaughn who was helping serve at the church, she complimented my hat and my shirt. I smiled and told her, "I have some for sale or trade, if you know what I mean." She's a really pretty girl and I really want to tell her my story. I asked her what time she finished here. She said at two, but afterwards she had to go to a modeling agency. I told her, "I hope you didn't think I was crazy with my clown wig. I'm a journalist." She told me, "Oh, I'm a special kind of journalist. I journal on my MySpace." Anyway, I'm walking back to the transit mall. Maybe I'll go to Davis Park and stand around the gay pride march and tell my story some more.

1:29pm  Back at the parade. I'm going to put my wig back on.

1:52pm  I tried telling this one guy my story. At first he said he was willing to listen, but he would still do his thing when people walked by. He had a clipboard and was asking people if they were a registered voter. Some Ralph Nader bullshit. I gave him my website.

                   I finally got a hold of Amanda's answering machine. GR at the transit mall let me borrow his phone. I appreciate it, brother.

                   I just had a great presentation with these kids. They totally loved it. At the end one kid said I totally made his day.

2:17pm  Art hooked me up with a cigarette at the transit mall. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

8:04pm  I'm walking down Quarrier Street. Howard, standing in front of the West Virginia Education Association, I asked him for a cellphone and he gave me fifty cents to make a phone call. I appreciate it, Howard. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

8:06pm  I am aiming for the capitol. I'm going to see if I can find Amanda's house. I hope she's there. If she's not there her parents probably have her locked up in the hospital. Let's see if I can remember. I hope I find the house.

8:21pm  I came to the Exxon by the capitol and I'm going to use the payphone. Hopefully she answers. I'm worried about Amanda.

9:04pm  I think I found Amanda's place, but nobody is home. She's probably still locked up in the hospital. I am so worried about her. It sucks that I left some dirty clothes there. I left my original WPTMJ shirt Ezrah gave me in San Antonio.

9:44pm  I'm just standing around Davis Park looking for someone to tell my story to. I'll go to the shelter before eleven. Hillbilly just came up to me and asked me, "Are you hungry? Want something to eat?" He scammed some hotel for some Filet Mignon. We're pigging out now. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

10:51pm  Me and Hillbilly smoked some snipe-rats we made at Davis Park. Oh yeah, he's going to show me a squat-house not too far from here. I'm going to get a full-night's sleep, hell yes. Tomorrow he said he was going to go boost me a camera from Target! Hell yeah! Fuck the system! No accidents!

Charleston, WV

Monday June 9, 2008

5:46am  I just woke up. I got six and a half hours of sleep.

6:21am  Donald and Capitol Street, in the building that says Creative Expressions, that's where my pack is stashed. Up in the ceiling. I hope nobody messes with it. I ran into Kenny this morning. This other guy who crashes in the building.

6:33am  It was awesome how I was transported to a safe squat last night. I slept in an empty room on carpet. It was hot as hell, but it's alright. I stashed my bag in the ceiling. I'm paranoid about that. It should be okay.

6:57am  I woke up on the floor with Jason Payne aka Hillbilly. We came to Davis Park to get some water. Jason: "I met my man last night, Victor Antonio from San Antonio. I'm helping him on his way. Making an entry. My name is Jason Payne, born in Charleston, WV."

7:35am  I just left the squathouse again. I hope my stuff is safe there. I'm going to go take a shower and do my laundry at the Covenant House.

7:53am  I came to to Covenant House, the big yellow house close to the shelters. I've got my laundry washing. I'm only washing a couple shirts. I hope I can score a shower too.
8:35am  I just got out of the shower! There are some great resources in Charleston.

                   We came back to the squathouse and I gave Jason one of my shirts. He's sporting it now. Hell yeah, tell your friends, water my seed. The kids are taking over soon. Babylon shall fall! ¡Viva la revolucion!

8:46am  Some guy just told me a stupid story about a Purple Penguin. It was so lame. At first I had started recording it, but I'm going to delete it. It was fucking lame. This guy was all A-D-D and shit. He didn't even let me get to my mission objectives. I didn't get passed ignorance. I'm all stoned. I'm going to hang out in Charleston until I see Amanda again. I could go look for her friend's house we went to yesterday. I don't remember exactly where it was. I remember it said Mathews on it. I'm walking down the street now.

9:54am  I walked Lee Street and I'm turning left at this building. I'm going to walk to the transit mall again and try and run into Hillbilly, Jason again. He said he was going to go to Target and steal a camera for me.

10:13pm  I walked back to the transit center again and ran into Jason, my brother. He's wearing a WPTMJ shirt and he's got a wad of cash. He said he's going to get me a camera today. Sweet, do I have to go? I'll just wait here. Welcome to Charleston, Victor.

10:35pm  I came to the public library.

11:17am  I left the library. 

                     After I got out of the library I sat down in front of it to smoke. I saw some girl sitting in her car and made sure she saw my shirt. I offered her my website and she asked me about it and I got to tell Cricket my story. She just hooked me up with some gum, awesome. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

11:38am  I'm talking to Cricket. We're talking about New Orleans. I told her about how I hung out in front of Razoo on Bourbon Street and got hooked up with weed and stuff. It turns out her uncle owns that bar! What a small world.

12:01pm  These two teeny-bopper girls walked up to me and asked if they could have one of my shirts. I thought about it for a second and grabbed the extra one I was carrying in a cargo pocket and threw it at one. They were all fighting over it. I told them they would have to share it.

9:28pm  I had a great presentation with beautiful Beth and Cute Ashley. Beth let me borrow her cellphone. Everybody gets credit.

10:23pm  I saw this pretty girl sitting at the transit mall waiting for a bus. I walked up to her and noticed she was crying. I hit her up for my story and added, "It might make you feel better." She's not crying anymore. I made her feel better.

11:29pm  I walked off aiming for the abandoned building I was shown last night. I just got here and went in through the unlocked door and up the stairs and I am situated in the same room me and Hillbilly slept last night. He's not here. He might come home and wake me up. This is such a perfect crashpad. I should leave pretty soon. It's almost too good to be true.

11:38pm  I'm about to crash out. I can't wait to get a camera and take pictures. That's what I'm waiting for, to get a camera.

Charleston, WV

Tuesday June 10, 2008

6:51am  I got 7.12 hours of sleep last night. I'm going to load up.
                   Last night it started raining hardcore. I kept pretty dry with my big blue raincloak I was blessed with in Tampa. But, my boots got soaked after walking around looking for that abandoned building. I found it eventually and just walked in the backdoor and up the stairs.  I seem to have left my dirty socks at Amanda's house, so I don't have any socks. The two pairs I have are wet. Maybe I'll find a pair in my bag. I don't know.

7:42am  I'm up and out. I'm going to go take a shit at the transit station. Oh yeah, in that building I can piss in the tub in the bathroom.

8:04am  I'm at the transit mall. I sat down and smoked a cigarette. There were three people sitting down and they smiled at me. I went over and offered them my website. One lady said, "My son already told me about you."

8:51am  I assumed my post in front of Kaifu Japanese Restaurant and I've been standing here letting people read my shirt and offering my website. Right now I'm going to go to the public library and check my email. I hope I got a letter from Amanda. I remembered she signed my guestbook and I had her email address. I'll show you the email I sent her.

9:51am  I went to the Covenant House and took a shower. I got me a clothing voucher so I can get some socks. I also got some information about a place to get my tooth pulled. Some Health Rite place. I have a map to it.

1:12pm  This Asian dude from the Kaifu restaurant just came out and yelled at me, "You have to get out of here!" I told him, "No! I'm just exercising my freedoms. Cops have already ridden by me a couple times on mountain bikes. I'm not doing anything wrong." He threatened to call the police and I yelled at him, "Tough guy, big man, do what you can."

1:31pm  The greedy ass driving the bus won't give me a ride.

1:38pm  I was standing in front of Kaifu and the manager came outside to bitch at me. I told him off and just sat down to read my book. It started raining so I packed up my shit. Right when I was loaded up I saw a police car pull up. He was probably going to come talk to me, but I just walked off. Perfect timing. I walked to the bus shelter. Man, I am so hungry. I should go hit up the Rio Grande again for breakfast. Hmm, I don't want to abuse that resource. I'm going to go hit up Subway.

1:48pm  Donna, the manager at Subway is hooking me up.

                   Sweet, when the guy asked me what I wanted I told him, "Donna's hooking me up. Surprise me." He gave me a footlong! Hell yeah! I handed Donna a and told her, "Here you go. I have to give something back. You'll be on there when I update it. Thanks for feeding the peace machine." She smiled.

2:03pm  Alicia hooked me up with a cigarette at the transit mall. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

2:41pm  I just had the most awesome presentation with Alicia at the transit mall. Odyssey and everything. Beautiful girl. She had pretty freckles.

3:05pm  Frank just gave me a cigarette at the transit mall. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

3:32pm  Rocky, some guy in an ARMY shirt that I offered my website to earlier, he came back and asked me if I wanted to drink a beer with him. I told him I didn't drink beer, but I'd take a shot of rum or something. It's the Puertorican in me, hehe. We came over to the bar at Chili's. Thanks, man. Everybody gets credit.

3:44pm  My prayers were answered, man. Jimmy just hooked me up with some weed! Hell yeah! Everybody gets credit, thanks.

3:47pm  Brad hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

7:19pm  I just had an awesome, beautiful presentation with Nancy Toppings. Whoa, she just gave me ten bucks! Awesome. I appreciate it, Love. You've got my website, right?

7:20pm  Nancy is fifty six years old. I appreciate it, Nancy. You're beautiful.

7:21pm  Hell yeah, Nancy gave me ten bucks! After that, I walked off and thought, "I should give her a shirt." She had already crossed the street and I ran up to her. I asked her, "Nancy, would you wear this shirt if I gave it to you?" She said excitedly, "Yeah, sure!"

                   See, I had gotten bored at the transit mall. I just took off walking and started scanning for people to tell my story to. I saw Nancy and she walked by and told me hi. I got her attention and hit her up for my story. She listened great and agreed with everything. At the end she was like, "Do you need money?" I smiled and told her, "I walk for a living. I can always eat." I should've told her, "Nobody is paying me to do this. Every little bit helps." She gave me ten bucks, hell yeah.

8:44pm  I went in Rio Grande. I went in holding a five dollar bill. I told them, "I'm going to pay this time." They asked me what I wanted and I told them to surprise me. A five dollar surprise. They gave me three tacos with cheese.

8:54pm  Oh yeah, I found out what happened to Amanda. She got locked up again, as I suspected. That sucks, she was going to come traveling with me, aww. I guess I am free to go now. I might ride the bus back to Montgomery and see if the guy at Dairy Queen still wants a shirt. I'll go to Huntington next, another college town to tell my story.

9:22pm  I am having a great presentation with what was your name again? PA and Evelyn's house. Oh, it was crazy. Stephanie, the mormon chick from Utah who I met yesterday, and Corey. Remember that house I had been to with Amanda that said Mathews on it? They ended up living upstairs in the same exact house! I followed them to the house and got this crazy feeling of Dejavu. Wait a minute. I've been here before. I'm telling my story now.

10:13pm  Plot thickens. Holy shit. That sucks. The place that I crash at, the abandoned building, the door just got sealed shut. I don't know how I'm going to get inside. I need to get my bag out of there. It should still be stashed in the ceiling. I don't know what to do. Shit.

                     Maybe I'll go find a police officer to talk to.

10:29pm  I found the police station. Let me see what they tell me. Charleston Police.

10:47pm  Man, I fucking astound myself. I climbed up on the billboard that's next to the building and was able to go in a window. I went inside and checked and my pack was safely still in the ceiling. I am so happy! I am whole once more. What a scare. I would've lost all of my shirts. Well, looks like I'm going to crash here yet again. Goodnight. Hmm, in the morning it's going to be a bitch to get my pack down from the billboard to the ground. I hope I don't have to drop it. I'll figure something out, I'm sure.

Charleston, WV

Wednesday June 11, 2008

     4:51am  I only got 5.30 hours of sleep. I woke up earlier. I tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't. Hmm, I wonder if I can go to jail for trespassing.
                   I think I'm going to leave today. I might try and sell one of my shirts hardcore so I can get some money. I'm stupid. I should've bought a disposable camera with those ten bucks Nancy gave me. I bought weed instead.

     5:49am  I tried going back to sleep. I only got five hours last night. I wasn't able to. It did get a little chilly last night. I even slept with my sleeping bag liner. The sun is coming up and I should probably get out of here before the parking lot below the billboard fills up. I need to get my big pack out of the window and onto the billboard. Then I'm going to lower it down with a length of rope I've had in my pack just in case I needed it. The parking lot will fill up eventually, so I better get out there quick. I should've left when I woke up and it was still dark.

     6:00am  I am all packed up and ready to go. I smoked a cigarette and smoked some weed. I'm going to take another hit of weed, actually. Then I'm going to climb down. I was thinking last night that I have to go get some stuff done today. I might not leave today. I need to go out and try and sell my shirts hardcore. I need some traveling funds. I need to buy some disposable cameras so I can take pictures of Charleston. I even want to sneak back into the squathouse and take pictures of my crash spot. I'm not crashing there tonight. I'd have to get my heavy pack up there.

     6:29am  I pulled out a marker and totally tagged WORLD PEACE THROUGH MARIJUANA and on the wall inside the room I crashed in. I totally wish I had a camera.

     6:37am  I got all of my shit down successfully! I used that rope I had to lower my pack. It was the exact same length it needed to be. I have to come back and take pictures of this place.

     6:48am  I made my way to the transit mall.

     8:01am  Shit, I just realized I lost my clown wig somewhere, that sucks.

     8:11am  I posted myself in front of the mall. I'm going to hold a fresh shirt up and tell people, 'Tee shirts for sale! Support the cause! If not, then just check out my website. It's free. It's not religious, I promise."

     8:51am  The mall security guard came up to me and barked at me. He walked up and asked, "Are you giving those away?" He said I needed a permit. I didn't sell one shirt. I'm just going to walk around.

                   Dennis C. Lewis is the security guard's name.

     9:45am  Wendy smiled at my shirt and I told her that I had them for sale, support the cause. She volunteered me two dollars! Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

     10:11am  I just got out of the library. I didn't have any emails or nothing to do. So I went outside and smoked a cigarette. Oh yeah, I wanted to print out Fawn's Message to All and I did. It didn't come out at the printer it was supposed to come out of, so I went back and told Olivia, the nice lady who makes the internet reservations, she offered to print it for me at the printer in the back. I was able to tell her my story! She loved it. I asked her to do me the two favors and everything. She had a huge smile on her face. I need to sell one of these shirts so I can buy a camera and take some pictures of this place. Please love, let something happen today.

     10:54am  I'm sitting here wondering how I'm going to sell any of these shirts. My friend Ashley came over and her boyfriend..they just broke up. She's married anyway.

                     Ashley volunteered me a dollar, awesome.

     11:21am  I walked up to St. John's for lunch.

                     I was standing in front of the church smoking and I saw this dude walk up. I went inside and stashed my bag in the coat room and I got in line. He got in line after me and I asked him if I could tell him my story, that it would kill time great for the lunch line. He happily agreed to listen. He liked my story a lot. He even let me tell him my whole Odyssey outside afterwards.

     12:36pm  I just got to the Covenant House. Working for justice for all.

     12:37pm  They're closed for lunch. Reopen at one.

     2:50pm  I just left the Covenant House. I'm going to walk all the way over to Health Rite to make an appointment to have my molar pulled.

     3:31pm  I am leaving Health Rite. They won't be able to schedule my first out of three appointments until July 6. Screw that. I'm traveling.

     4:16pm  I'm going to walk by Amanda's apartment and see if there is any way to break into it easily.

     4:24pm  I went and inspected the apartment and I can't get in it. I can't get to a window or nothing.

                   Man, I've got two WPTMJ shirts and all my dirty socks up there.

     5:35pm  I had a great presentation with Rick, this black dude. We're at the church in front of the Covenant House. Rumor has it they are going to feed here too. They served some pretty lame food at the mission. This guy listened to my story great. He even read Fawn's Message to All.

                   I am just leaving the library. I got a little bit of typing done. I hope I don't have to get it all typed up like that, at thirty minute spurts. I'm going to go for a walk. I don't know where. I'm bored. I want to leave Charleston already. I need a camera.

                   Oh, I didn't tell you. I have my CamelBak strapped to my pack now. I look all professional. I'm going to go hang out at the transit mall now and eat and smoke a cigarette. I got me an apple pie.

     9:22pm  I took my last resin hit over by the transit mall. I'm walking to the shelter now. Hopefully they'll let me crash right inside the door like they did last time.

     9:43pm  I forgot to tell you, I came to Union Mission next door instead. They made me read this whole packet and god this and god that. I already took my pack off and I'm waiting in the chapel for some guy to come talk to me. I don't think they've seen my shirt yet. I already went to the shelter next door and they didn't have any beds. I asked him if I could crash on the floor again and he said sure, just after eleven. So I came to the mission just to kill time. I'm going to see if I can tell any of these Christians my story.

                   Man, my pack looks so damn professional with my camouflage CamelBak on it. I really wish I had a camera. I should try and call my mom soon.

Charleston to Montgomery, WV

Thursday June 12, 2008

     6:59am  I got six hours of sleep last night. I crashed out in the entrance again, right inside the front door. They won't let me inside to take a shit. They let me last time.

     7:32am  I woke up went next door to eat at the mission. They said Chapel Time, everybody. I grabbed loaded up and started to leave. The minister dude tells me, "You're not going to stay?" I told him, "No, I've got work to do. I have to go spread the word." He asked me what the word was and I told him Love. He was all, "Does Love have name?" I told him, "That's the only one it needs. Praise Love." He wished me well and let me leave.

     8:20am  I just left the library. I'm actually getting my stuff typed up at the public library, even though I only get four thirty minute sessions per day. I've gotten a lot of stuff typed up. I'm already to when me and Laura took off on our way to Virginia.

     8:32am  I'm looking for tennis courts. I was directed to some King Center. I walked through the mall and turned right. I saw Ashley, my friend who works at The Cookie Store.

     10:56am  I came and found the tennis courts. I found one ball in the trashcan. Guess what else I found in the trashcan. A brand new, still sealed pepperoni roll! Breakfast, man. I'm starving. Thank you, Love. What a great blessing. I ate that and smoked my last cigarette. I need to sell one of these shirts already.
     10:59am  Jim, I was looking for tennis balls. I found one in the trashcan, but Jim gave me three. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                     Mission accomplished. I got like four balls total. I was searching around the courts for spare balls, but there weren't any. I noticed some guy getting a big ball cage filled with my tennis balls. I promptly walked over and asked the older dude if they had any dead balls they could spare for my walking stick. The younger dude said, "Wow, that's outside the box." The old dude said he didn't have any dead ones, but he gave me three anyway.

     12:16pm  D just gave me a cigarette in the transit mall. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                     D and his friends got all scared when I pulled out my recorder and logged his generosity.

12:58pm  Oh yeah, I got smoked out. I was hanging at the transit mall and this black guy was trying to sell my shirts for me. All of a sudden, this pretty girl I told my story to the other night Jennifer, she walked by and invited me to smoke. Her and her scared friends, we walked to Davis Park first, but they were too scared to smoke there. We found this tree next to this building to smoke at. Right across the street from a tanning place. They're smoking a brother out. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit.

1:49pm  Wanda hooked me up with a cigarette a the transit mall. I appreciate it, Wanda. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

2:01pm  Wanda is beautiful.

2:03pm  Right now I decided I'm going to get out of downtown. Whatever bus gives me the courtesy ride is where I'm going to go. I'll ask the driver, "Can I get a courtesy ride anywhere? I want to see where I'll end up."

2:04pm  The 22 guy told me no real quick.

2:07pm  Third time was a charm. The guy driving the 22 is hooking me up with a ride. Ask and thou shall receive. Some rules never change.

2:12pm  Haha, the stupid bus driver. He got all paranoid and scared. When he pulled up I asked him, "Will you give me a courtesy ride? I want to see where I end up. I'm just going to go wherever the driver that gives me a courtesy ride goes. He smiled and said, "I can give you one free ride." I got on the bus and he drove off. Then I logged his generosity and afterwards he got on his cellphone all scared and shit. He called and asked the dispatcher if it was okay for him to give someone a ride if they didn't have money. They told him no so he pulled over and told me to get off the bus.

                   When I got off the bus I told him, "Man, 
nobody wants world peace. That's a good little slave. That's right, be afraid. Be afraid."

2:24pm  I had an awesome presentation with Steven and John. Steve hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

3:08pm  Peanut hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the mall. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit.

3:23pm  I just had an awesome presentation with this kid, I didn't get his name. He listened the hell out of me, hell yeah. He volunteered me a cigarette at the end. Thanks.

3:40pm  Lauren and Brittany stopped and talked to me and volunteered me three cigarettes. I appreciate it, guys.

4:37pm  I just had a good presentation with black girl and white girl. I didn't get their names.

5:01pm  I just got directed to Capitol Roasters at six thirty. On Summers and Quarrier. The coffee shop Amanda works at. Some Ralph Nader petition signer dudes invited me. Maybe there will be a crowd.

5:39pm  I came to the mission. I got here like at five fifteen. Lunch is at five thirty. They're late.

                   Ugh, this little punk kid. I had nine bucks on me and I was asking people if they knew where to get any weed. This fifteen year old kid told me he'd go get me some. At first I told him no fronts. He told me, "Come on, I'll let you hold these bus passes," and handed me ten one dollar bus passes. That punk burned me, but at least I have busfare now. Charleston bus drivers are terrified of courtesy.

6:07pm  Caroline just volunteered me a water in the alley. I appreciate it.

9:32pm  At the last minute I was at the transit mall and I got a hair up my ass to go back to Montgomery. The bus fare is like $2.50 so I have to use three passes. When the Montgomery bus pulls up I go get in line. I run into Jamie-Lynn! That girl I told my story to on the sidewalk in Montgomery when I was there.

                     I told Jamie-Lynn all of my stories on the bus! She got my whole package.

10:14pm  Jamie-Lynn just invited me to crash at her house! Sweet, welcome back to Montgomery, Victor.

12:35am  1027 whatever street this is. Dude, the most awesome things are happening to me! I was bored downtown and decided I'd get out of Charleston. I don't have to take pictures. I got ripped off for nine bucks by that one kid. I was able to sell like three or four of them to people. I ran into Jamie-Lynn! She listened to my stories on the bus and invited me over to crash! She's such a beautiful girl, from Hawaii. She's about five eleven, I think. She's got a boyfriend. I talked her ear off. I told her all my stories on the bus. When we got to Montgomery first we went to her friend's house and I got to tell my story and we came back to Jamie-Lynn's.

                     Oh yeah, Jamie-Lynn's got a laptop she said I could use! I'm going to get my typing done! Hell yeah! It's so awesome how everything just fell into place. Right now I'm walking to the 7-11 to buy some snacks. Hell yeah, welcome back to Montgomery, Victor Antonio. I'm going to do some typing tomorrow!

1:13am  Back at the house. I told LaKendra my story at the 7-11. I bought me a pepperoni roll and three snacks. Some Grandma's cookies. I came back to the house and I'm going to crash out on the couch.

Montgomery, WV

Friday June 13, 2008

11:56am  I got eight hours of sleep last night. I woke up and met Jamilyn's(I just found out the right way to spell her name) roommate Crystal. We went to take her kitties to her friend's, the same one I went to with Jamilyn last night. Their landlord is coming over today and they don't want him to find out about the kittens. Crystal is a cool girl. She's part Native American. She's got beautiful braids. I'm going to finally get to start my typing now.

3:57am  I took a bigass nap. I'm going to walk to the Dairy Queen and see if the guy is working who wants to buy my shirt. I mean trade it for weed.

4:06pm  Crystal and I are driving to another town nearby to visit her friend Mariah. She lives in Boomer. Oh yeah, I got a new monkey! Crystal had the same exact monkey in her car that I used to have and she let me have it! Remember? The one I gave to that girl in Fort Lauderdale(4-9-08, 4:56pm)? I'll put a link.

8:26pm  We are leaving Mariah's house. Mariah, Crystal and me, we're going to go buy wire hangers at the Dollar Store. I spent a lot of time cleaning at Mariah's house. No problem, it was my pleasure. Now we're going to go buy hangers for the yard sale Mariah wants to have tomorrow. Oh yeah, I'm stoned. Mariah smoked me out. Thank you, Mariah.

Montgomery, WV

Saturday June 14, 2008

9:25am  Last night I didn't log that much. I didn't get that much alone time. Mariah lives in Hopper. She works at the coal mine taking water samples. When I first got there I started cleaning hardcore. I cleaned up her front porch and swept real good. I "vacuumed" the trash in her lawn by hand, like I did at that hippie house in Oregon years ago(7-17-03, 10:30am). We got to her house before she did and waited for her to come home. When she first got there and she smoked me out I tried telling her my story. I was real eager because she answered the world's greatest problem right, ignorance. When I got to the part where I ask her if she's willing to listen she said no, that she had to clean. But, even after we finished cleaning(and I cleaned a lot) I hit her up and she told me some bullshit like, "Let's tie up these ropes before it gets too dark." I looked out the window and pointed out that it was already dark. She said, "Darker." I went out there and there's a big light outside illuminating her yard. If excuses were money Mariah would be rich. She was all ignoring my story hardcore. It got to the point where her ignorance was just so blatant that I didn't feel like telling her my story anymore. Why waste my time? She had asked me, "Well, can you follow me around while I do things?" I told her, "No, I want your full attention. I don't want to waste my time if you're not going to listen." I ended up not telling her my story at all.
9:52am  Emmit at D&J let me buy a Buglers for only $1.25. They cost $1.39. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   I came back. I went and manifested some cigarettes! I had $1.26, but Crystal gave me a 1945 wheat penny so I didn't take it. I walked to the 7-11 and they didn't sell Buglers. I walked past this J&D store and this guy Emmit hooked me up. Last night with Mariah she was all ignorant. I was a little frustrated at first, but I decided she didn't deserve to hear my story and she'd probably be better off just wondering about it. I told her I was going to help her with her garage sale tomorrow, but screw that. I have typing to do. I'm going to keep typing now. I am already on May 14. With Laura in Mathews, Virginia.

Montgomery, WV

Sunday June 15, 2008

7:19pm  I just started on a new tape. What were your names again? Kenneth and Joey, Nat, Jamilyn's boyfriend brought me over to Kenneth's house. I got smoked out rowdy. When I came over we smoked a big fat bowl and they listened to my story. I've got another place to crash if I need it, but I want to have access to a computer until I get my typing done. Then I'm going to Huntington after this. We had a great safety meeting. I got to listen to old school NOFX. Thanks a lot.

                   I scraped so much resin at Kenneth's. I've got a big fat ball in my tin now. My typing fuel.

7:23pm  I got hooked up at the Mexican Restaurant. I'm all full. I smoked a cigarette and Cynthia and Valerie walked by and noticed my shirt. I smoked and then later when I was walking past the 7-11 they called me over and asked me what my name was again. I told them and then Cynthia asked me if I wanted a drink. I showed her my CamelBak straw and told her I already had water. She volunteered to get me a Slurpee. Awesome. Thanks a lot. Everybody gets credit.

7:41pm  Oh yeah, I need to mention already. I got so blessed. Last night I was all night at Mariah's house with Crystal. All day long yesterday I spent typing and typing. I'm already on Saturday May 31. Their other roommate Katie came home today and she wouldn't be cool with me crashing there. I had to pack up my stuff today. Nat, Jamilyn's boyfriend had brought me to this house nearby and I was authorized to go there. Nat is going to let me borrow his laptop so I can keep typing. I also had spent a lot of time formatting it for him. I had to download two versions of Windows XP because the SP3 didn't work. I had to download SP2 and his laptop is working fine. I even fixed a broken hinge for him. So it seems like I'm going to have a perfect workstation at a house full of stoner kids. Almost heaven. These kids at this house just adore my stories. I've been telling them all day. I'm going to keep typing now.
                   Oh yeah, when I got hungry I went to the Jalisco Mexican Restaurant and got hooked up with a taco platter. I made like four tacos out of it and filled my tank. Afterwards I walked outside to smoke a cigarette and these two black ladies walked by and mentioned my shirt. I tried to tell them my story, but they weren't about to listen to me. Then I walked by the 7-11 and they saw me again and one bought me a Slurpee! I came back to the house and I'm going to keep typing now.

Montgomery, WV

Monday June 16, 2008

     4:35pm  I haven't been making too many entries. I've been busy typing. What's going on, guys? I'm all stoned. I've been stoned ever since I got here. I've been telling my story on my throne here in the study. Yesterday I told it like three or four times. This place is a vortex. I am really getting further on my typing. I am only ten days away. Then I have to go through and proofread and them, name the pictures and add them to the story.

Then I'll throw up the update and then take off to Huntington.

4:42pm  Me and Kenneth are walking to the store to buy some cigarettes.

Montgomery, WV

Tuesday June 17, 2008


      ?:40am  I just woke up.  I don't know how long I slept.  I didn't set my watch. 


     12:58pm  I just got out from taking a shit.  I'm going to start making html files now. 


     4:04pm  I've been working on the computer all day.  I'm proofreading.  I'm already halfway through.  Once I get it proofread I can add the pictures.  I've already named them.  I have seventy five more pictures to add.  That's just for another month.


                   I was so blessed with these awesome accommodations I had in Montgomery in this house.  I feel so welcome here.  These kids just love me.  I gave Johnathan a shirt for ten dollars and some weed.  Hell yeah. 


     9:01pm  Johnathan: "Victor, much love and respect to your mission.  May you have the best of health and luck and maybe one day you'll be famous and smoking lots of pot.  Good luck.  It was nice living with you for a couple days."


     3:02am  I'm still on the computer.  I am almost done on this update. 

Montgomery, WV

Wednesday June 18, 2008


     8:39am  I just woke up at the house.  Last night I got ten bucks and a dimebag for one my shirts, an XL.  Johnathan bought one.  He signed my guestbook too:


Date:   2008-06-15 15:29:54 

Name:   Johnathan Mcbrayer


Number:   231


Hey man good hangin with you earlier today, i hope you enjoyed the crackers. i hope your stay in Montgomery is one full of peace and other people who will listen to your cause. but your welcome back in town anytime ill have a couch for you to rest on a bowl and prolly some food man


                   Since I have a little money I'm going to go buy a disposable camera or two.  I wonder how expensive they are.  I also want to buy a pepperoni roll. 


     8:52am  I just walked to the CVS.  It doesn't open until nine.  I'm going to get a camera.


     9:02am  I got a camera.  I'm going to walk to the GoMart and buy a pepperoni roll now.  It was five bucks for the camera.


                   I posted my update earlier.  I've got it updated all the way to June 11th.  My last night in Charleston. 


     12:31pm  I guess I'm going to stay one more night.  I went for a walk.  I'm going to go see if I can sell some shirts, hehe.  I've got me a camera, so I should probably take pictures.  Fuck, I left it at home.  I should go get it. 


     1:22pm  I just took a picture of the house I'm crashing at.  See the pirate flag? 


     1:24pm  I walked to this bridge that has a big painting, a mural.  It's got a quote that says, "Between the lofty mountains where the great Kanawha flows, is a valley that is magic and the seed of wisdom grows."


     5:29pm  I just had a great presentation with Asia.  Some girl at the house.  What was your name again?  I was playing some stupid real estate game on Corey's laptop.  All my work is done.  I've been a mad-typer on Nat's laptop.  I'm really glad I got blessed with that.  My website is updated all the way to the eleventh, like seven days ago.  I've also been telling my story like crazy in this house.  I'm thinking about taking off pretty soon though.  Oh yeah, I need to get a hold of Jamilyn.  She said she had an old digital camera that she could give me.  I also want to take a picture of her too.  I want to get a big group picture before I leave.  Here's a pictre of Jamilyn, Nat and their friend Erik.


     8:04pm  I'm damn bored.  There's nothing to do.  All my typing is done.  I'm waiting for Jamilyn to come home.  I want to get her picture, at least.  I'm going to go to the store to buy a pepperoni roll.


     8:41pm  I had a good presentation at the 7-11.  I'm going back to the house.

Montgomery to Hurricane to Huntington, WV

Thursday June 19, 2008        

       8:36am  This morning I woke up and I was hungry.  I haven't eaten, but I'm going to go hit up the Mexican place because I am leaving today.  Anyway, I went to Jamilyn's this morning, but she wasn't home.  She said she had a digital camera that she could give me.  I should take her picture.  I have a disposable camera in my pocket.  She's beautiful. 
                     Anyway, right now I came to give back Nat's laptop.  I was so glad I was able to use it.  I totally hooked him up too.  It was all virused and I formatted it.  I was able to download Windows XP on Jamilyn's laptop and I totally fixed Nat's perfectly.  I had a great working workstation to type my shit up on, not to mention a house full of stoners to do my typing at. 
                    This morning I was going back and forth to Jamilyn's.  Crystal was there, but she was in a bad mood, she always seems to be lately.  I was bored so I played Soul Caliber 2 with Alex.  I told him my AOL stories and shit.  On the random chance I went to go see if Jamilyn was there, sure enough she was!  She gave me the camera!  It's really old.  She said it's been dropped a couple times.  I got pictures again!  That was the only thing tying me down to Montgomery, so now I am free to leave.  I'm going to play with it now.

      10:12am  I went back to the house and packed up all of my shit and did some paranoid-checks.  I've got everything.  I did lose my carabineer that my sandals hung off my pack with.  I can put them at the top on my pack, so now nothing is hanging.  I've got my boots on and I am ready to go back to Charleston.  I'm going to go hit up El Jalisco.  I'll tell them it's my last day here.  I've got busfare in my wallet, three tickets. 

                      Damnit, I forgot to get a picture of Jamilyn!  That sucks.  Jamilyn, if you read this, email me a picture of you, please.  Post it on my MySpace. 

      11:21am  I'm going to go hit up the Mexican Restaurant, El Jalisco.

                      Neo en El Jalisco me esta dando comida.  Te lo agradezco, señor.  Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias. 

      11:28am  Man, I am so stuffed.  I got hooked up at El Jalisco.  I'm going to go wait for the bus now. 

      11:49am  Heather just gave me a cigarette in front of D&J's.  I appreciate it, Heather.  Everybody gets credit.  Thanks a lot.

      12:19pm  I'm standing in front of D&J's waiting for the bus.  What was your name?  David Atkins hooked me up with a cigarette.  I appreciate it, brother.  Everybody gets credit, thanks. 

      12:24pm  I was standing in front of the D&J's.  Hmm, it was getting close to ten minutes until the bus comes.  I threw on my pack and started walking across the street.  When I swung my pack on my battery charger fell out.  I unloaded and turned around and picked it up.  Just because I turned around and exposed my shirt this guy who had gone inside before saw my shirt.  He told me, "Hey man, that's a badass shirt."  I immediately offered him my website.  He gave me a cigarette and let me hit a joint, hell yeah.  I'm all stoned waiting for the bus now.  I've got a cigarette too.

      12:37pm  I forgot to tell you.  I'm on the bus to Charleston.  I tried telling this girl with a big pink cast on her leg my story, but she wouldn't listen.  She was drunk when she broke her leg. 

      1:10pm  We're on our way to Charleston and Okey hooked me up with a cigarette on the bus.  I appreciate it, brother.  Everybody gets credit, thanks.  He listened to me sing the lizards song too earlier. 

      1:38pm  I just got back to Charleston.  At the transit mall there was an ambulance and police and somebody on a stretcher.  I wonder what happened.

      1:58pm  I sat down to read my book in front of Kaifu Japanese Restaurant.  Tim just walked by and volunteered me a dollar.  I appreciate it, brother. 

      2:38pm  Whoa, you'll never believe this.  Mission-accomplished.  Remember that empty office building I crashed in last time I was here?  Remember how they sealed the door off, but I was able to climb up the billboard on the side and went in a window?  Remember how I said I wanted to come back here and take pictures once I had a camera again?  Well, the parking lot was packed with cars, but I unloaded my packs, climbed up and went inside and followed through.  I took some pictures and I am back out and down already.  I'm going to take a picture of the back door now, it's all sealed. 

      2:48pm  Ok, I have to catch the South Bridge bus to the end of the line to go towards Huntington.  It comes at 3:15pm  I hope he lets me on for $1.35.

      3:18pm  Cody hooked me up with a cigarette at the transit mall.  I appreciate it, brother.  Everybody gets credit, thanks.  Cool, he gave me two.

      3:52pm  Plot changes.  I was supposed to catch the bus, but these kids saw me and offered to smoke me out.  We just walked through the mall.  This girl wanted to get something to eat, so we rode the escalator up to the food court and I took off my bags and waited.  I got some great publicity with my shirt.  I gave out my website out a lot.  People were coming up to me and telling me they loved my shirt.  I told them I had them for sale...or trade, if you know what I mean.  We came to smoke, alright.

      4:05pm  I have to make an update.  I ran into these kids.  I was waiting for the bus at 3:15 to St. Albans.  These kids invited me to smoke weed, so change of plans.  We came to the Civic Center and we're smoking weed behind these bushes.  Erica, Cody and Kyle.  Thanks for the burn, guys.  Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.  We tagged the wall good.

      5:22pm  Alan en Rio Grande me esta dando comida.  Te lo agradezco, Adam.  Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias. 

      5:32pm  I got on the 3, the Nitro bus.  It's crowded. 

      6:32pm  I have landed at the Pilot Truckstop at Nitro.  I'm not even going to go inside and ask permission to ask for rides.  I'm just going to put my bags down in front and go look for a cigarette somewhere. 

      6:57pm  I got off at the Pilot at the end of the bus route.  Paul walked by and smiled.  I hit him up for my story and he listened to my whole platform.  He just volunteered me some money.  I appreciate it, man.  Everybody gets credit.  Thanks a lot.  He gave me five dollars, hell yeah!

      7:00pm  That was awesome how I blessed with five dollars.  What a bonus.  I'm going to go stand on the onramp now that I've got food.  I got cigarettes too. 

      7:35pm  I got tired of thumbing it on the onramp.  I came back and Lee called me over to his car and volunteered me three dollars!  I appreciate it, brother.  Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

      7:46pm  In no-time.  See, I got tired of thumbing it, so I came back to the gas station.  I had a great presentation with this Christian dude.  Sid saw me walk by while he was pumping gas and he has agreed to give me a ride to the next gas station.

      7:57pm  Winfield exit.  I just got dropped off at this TA by Sid Allen.  I'm going to stand out here and show my shirt off some more. 

      8:22pm  This nice girl just gave me a dollar.  I appreciate it.  She volunteered it.  Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot. 

      10:23pm  Georgia Dowg hooked me up with a little cash so I could get me something to eat.  I appreciate it, brother. 

                       Sweet, that guy gave me seven bucks! 

      10:34pm  I went upstairs to take a leak and what was your name, brother?  Joe the Bible Guy.  He saw me in the bathroom and asked me where I was going.  He said he'd get me a ride!

      10:54pm  Badass!  The bible guy got on the radio and I already have my ride to Huntington!  This one trucker dude walked up to me and asked, "Are you Huntington-bound?" 

      11:02pm  Jared is the nice brother who is giving me a ride.  I appreciate it. 

                      That was at the TA in Hurricane.

      11:36pm  I'm in Huntington!  I just got dropped off by the trucker, sweet.  I'm at the GoMart, I don't know where. 

      12:30am  I finally made my bed.  I'm laying down in the woods right here next to the highway.  I was trying to find a level piece of ground to lie on.  I found one.  I'm going to bed.  Goodnight, everybody.

Huntington, WV

Friday June 20, 2008


     6:57am  I woke at 6:37 at my little camp.  I'll take pictures. 


     7:37am  I'm all packed up and ready to go.  I took a shit nearby because I couldn't hold it.    


     7:41am  Welcome to Huntington.  Walking into town.  One mile away from Huntington and twenty miles away from Ashland, KY.


     7:50am  I just stopped in at Jolly Pirate's Donuts.  I bought me a couple donuts.  I'm walking into town now.


     8:08am  I came to the Walmart and I'm going to buy some socks.  I stopped in front of the big parking lot here.  I'm going to eat some donuts and smoke.  I really need socks.  It's awesome how I got blessed with money last night.  Some guy gave me seven bucks for food. 


     8:23am  I just finished getting really resinated.  I took like three resin hits in front of the parking lot.  I'm going to go inside and buy some socks now.


     8:39am  Leaving the Walmart.  I bought some socks for five dollars.  I spent all my money on socks.  I got six pairs.  I'm reloaded on socks.


     8:44am  Right before I walked up to the Walmart I saw a Los Porfarios Mexican Restaurant.  I wasn't too hungry when I stopped and ate some donuts, but now that I came out of Walmart I could eat.  I'm going to go hit them up.


     8:45am  Wups, they don't seem to be open. 


     8:51am  Passing by a psychic reader.  I wish they were open.  I'd go talk to them.


                   Almost about to pass Woodland Drive.  I could've sworn I had recently seen a sign that said Huntington one mile away. 


     9:09am  I stopped to rest and so I don't get my shirt so sweaty.  I'm going to stick my thumb out. 


     9:16am  Walking. 


     9:31am  I just got to Third Avenue, or 62 East to the left and Junction 2 to the right.  The sign pointing downtown is pointing left. 


     9:41am  I took a breather at Third Avenue and 28th Street at the bus stop.  I'll smoke a cigarette and see if I can get a courtesy ride downtown. 


     9:47am  Some kid rode up on a bike to the bus stop.  I asked him far downtown was and he told me it was about a mile and a half.  I asked him, "Hey, will you check out my website?  It's free."  He started saying no, no, no.  He got all scared.  I told him, "That's right, be afraid.  Be afraid."  I even asked him if he had always been that ignorant, haha.


     9:53am  Passing 26th Street.


     10:28am  I walked up to the 7-11 and I found a cigarette on the ground and smoked it.  I asked the girl who was working which way to a park and she told me.


     10:35am  I walked by the John Marshall College here and I took a picture of the statue of John Marshall.  Chief Justice of the United States.  1801-1835.  I went to John Marshall High School in San Antonio.


     10:38am  Turning right on Hal Greer Boulevard. 


     10:51am  I found the drag I guess on 4th Avenue and 10th Street.  I haven't talked to anybody.  There's not that many people out.  I'm going to stop and smoke a cigarette and expose my shirt for a little bit.  Then I'm going to keep walking to this park.  I'm kind of hungry.  I'm going to go hit up places to eat. 


                     I've set up my post in front of the NTelos building.  Some cellphone place.  I'm sitting here at the bench.  Everyone is scared of me, hehe.  Muhahaha.


     11:13am  Cool, there's a Rio Grande here too, like in Charleston.  I'm going to eat, awesome.


     11:16am  Manolo, en Rio Grande me esta dando comida.  Te lo agradezco, hermano.  Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.


                     Presto-manifesto!  Scored me some grub.  Now I'm going to walk to this park and eat.


     11:33am  I just walked into the Harris Riverfront Park.  I'm going to sit down and eat my Mexican food. 


                     Some homeless dude I told my story to at the riverfront park.


     12:08pm  I went and tried to tell this one lady my story at the park.  She quickly refused it.  I told her that's right, be afraid, and walked off, hehe. 


     12:23pm  I just came to in front of the Starbucks.  This fountain.  This plaza they have here.  I'm going to take a picture so everybody can see me being a journalist, hehe. 


     12:43pm  I'm telling this beautiful girl Alena my story at what is this place called?  Pullman Square.  I saw her waiting for the bus and thought to tell her my story.  She smiled real big and agreed to listen.  When her bus pulled up I told her, "It's totally worth catching the next bus."  She's sticking around to hear it.  I appreciate it, Alena.  Everybody gets credit, thanks.


     12:59pm  I had a marvelous presentation with that girl.  I told her my whole Odyssey.  Well, until her bus came.  I had almost got to the spirits part.  Alright, let me turn on my storytelling sensor. 


     1:08pm  I forgot to tell you.  When Alena's bus came I saw it said FREE BUS.  So, I grabbed my bags and I jumped on it.  I got to tell her a lot more of my story on the bus.


     1:19pm  Back at the square.  I rode the free bus all the way around. 


     2:55pm  I went to the riverfront park and had some great presentations there.  I'm going to walk to the library now.  I need to make some more little papers.


     4:14pm  I had a great presentation with John and Meredith at Harris Riverfront Park.  John hooked me up with an American Spirit right before I started my presentation.  I appreciate it, brother.  Everybody gets credit.


     4:56pm  I had the most awesome presentation with these two kids.  Meredith was this beautiful Bohemian girl with hairy armpits.  Beautiful girl.  I took their picture.  Awesome.  They totally dug my story and they smoked me out at four twenty! 


     5:38pm  I just had another awesome presentation at this amphitheatre.  Like ten kids were all sitting down listening to me.  I got smoked out yet again!  Thanks, man. 


     5:48pm  Ben is telling me about bards.  Ben: "By history a bard is what the Celtic Druid became.  They traveled the world in pairs or groups with other people, well, at least the known-world to them, spreading the Pagan belief and belief of freedom and life and love of all nature.  They spoke well and sung even better."  Sound familiar?


     6:35pm  I forgot to tell you.  I had another awesome presentation at that amphitheatre.  I ended up giving Ben one of my shirts.  I figured I already had somebody else wearing my shirt in Charleston.  Might as well have another one here.  He's scared though.  He's got it on backwards.  It sucks.  It makes me wish I wouldn't have given it to him if he's not going to have the balls to sport it.  It makes me feel taken advantage of.


     6:36pm   I'm out here about to tell Kevin my story.  He's got some thoughts.  Kevin:  "What I was saying is that people like you are unique, because you don't find very many people who actually grow up to want to give world peace or have the mind-mentality for world peace, to want to change the world.  There really is a lot of ignorance in the world today.  A lot of racism.  A lot of everything.  It's ignorance, like you said.  It really is.  There's a lot of people who like to cause problems and nobody else actually realizes what it would be like with world peace.  The world would be such a calmer place.  It really would.  That's why I respect you for what you are doing.  Like I said, you don't find that many people that are like that.  That have the actual mind capacity or mentality to want to go out and do something for the world, to change the world.  I respect you for it.  I really do.  No problem.  My name is Kevin Pratt. thank you."


     6:45pm  I just finished telling my story to like eight or nine kids in Pullman Square.  This one dude asked me if I wanted some food and he hooked me up with some Nachos with meat-dip!  I really appreciate it.  Everybody gets credit.  Thanks a lot.  Thanks for feeding the peace machine.


                   Victoria and friend.


     8:08pm  Hattie, aka Josh hooked me up with a cigarette in the square.  I appreciate it, brother.


     8:50pm  I had such an awesome presentation with beautiful Quincie at the square here.  She listened to my entire Odyssey, man.  Her eyes were locked on mine the whole time.  She hooked me up with seventy five cents.  I appreciate it, Quincie.  Thanks a lot. 


                   Random kids.


     9:16pm  I am having an awesome time this Friday night.  It's hopping in the square and I've been having awesome presentations all day long.  Blowing minds left and right, hehe.  The cops haven't hassled me one time.


     9:39pm  Collin and Amarisha just listened to my story at Pullman Square.  I took their picture.


     10:14pm  I forgot to tell you.  I got a little hungry so I randomly got on the free bus.  It passed by a Pizza Hut and I got off figuring I'd hit them up for mistakes.  The bus stopped after the Pizza Hut, so I'm walking back to it now. 


                     No mistakes at the Pizza Hut.


     10:22pm  They told me no at the Subway too.  Oh well, I tried.  They told me the manager wasn't there.  Maybe I can score at the Burger King.  Yeah right.


     10:26pm  David is going to hook me up at ten thirty! 


     10:39pm  I went outside to wait and smoke and I just had me an awesome presentation with Matt, Alex and Erica.  They looked like they would appreciate my story.  They listened to my whole Odyssey and everything.  I appreciate it, guys.  I was patiently waiting for them to come out. 


     11:44pm  Gary Atkins at Domino's Pizza hooked me up with some pizza.  I appreciate it, brother.  Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.


     12:00am  Dude, hell yeah.  See, I stood in front of the Burger King waiting for those kids to come outside.  They finally did and even listened to my whole Odyssey.  I had already eaten, but after I left the BK I was still hungry.  Then I saw the Domino's nearby.  Gary said he might be able to find me a place to crash.


                     When I had asked Gary for any mistakes he told me no real quick.  Then I offered him my website and he asked me, "Oh, I think I've been to your site before."  I asked him if it was about marijuana and he said yes!  Then he told me, "I think I can give you something," and gave me like four slices!  Hell yes!  Recognized! 


     12:12am  See, Gary had told me to wait around for his driver to return, that he would know where I could camp.  The driver Phil eventually came back and he seemed cool as hell.  I shot him a couple of my lines and he asks me, "How are you doing on smoke?"  He hooked me up with a fat nugget of weed!  Hell yeah. 


Pictures I don't know who of. 


Huntington, WV

Saturday June 21, 2008


                   Ok, let me continue and patch up what I recorded over.  Last I said I had gotten hooked up with some weed by Phil at the Domino’s.  He suggested I walk along some bridge to some river bottom or something.  I started walking and I found me a fenced-in wooded area by the Kroger.  There was a big loud noisy factory right behind it, so I doubted I would get much sleep.  Surprisingly, I got a full seven hours.  I’m going to go look for a cigarette somewhere.


     8:40am  I stopped in front of some old building and smoked.  I ate some fries I had from last night for breakfast.  I’m walking to Pullman Square now. 


     8:54am  Mitchell hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the 7-11.  I appreciate it, brother.  Everybody gets credit, thanks.


     11:27am  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you.  I left the library.  I had a great email session.  I got tons more great entries to my guestbook.  I had forty visits to my site yesterday.  Right now I’m walking to some mission to go eat free food.  7th Avenue, I think.


     11:46am  I just left the mission.  I got a full stomach.  Awesome.  Huntington City Mission.  523-0293


               I ate at the mission and came back to Pullman’s Square.  Todd hooked me up with a cigarette.  I appreciate it, brother.  Everybody gets credit, thanks.


               Whoa, he gave me a total of five cigarettes!  Hell yeah! 


     12:26pm  Oh yeah, I had a big nugget of weed in my Scripture Mints tin my mom gave me.  I wanted to smoke it, but not alone.  I asked this one kid at Pullman and he told me he didn’t smoke weed.  Then this other black dude said he did.  The black dude didn’t want a hit out of my one-hitter because he doesn’t smoke out of pipes or bongs.  So we went for a walk.  The kid who didn’t smoke, he told us to follow him and we rode this elevator up to this parking garage.  I rolled a joint and we got high. 


     3:44pm  I forgot to tell you.  After I was at the plaza about to leave, these two girls and a guy called me over.  What were your names?  Robin, Kim and Doug.  They called me over because they wanted to talk to me.  I sat down and told them my story and the invited me to eat with them at Five Guys!  Thanks for feeding the peace machine, guys.  They’re from Tennessee. 


     4:18pm  Benny just hooked me up with a cigarette in the square.  I appreciate it, brother.  Everybody gets credit, thanks.


     4:25pm  I’m walking towards the park next to this parking garage in the shade.  I noticed a lot of traffic pile up so I quickly removed my bags and exposed my shirt.  I’m just going to stand here.  They’re having some big event at the park.  Welcome to Wings and Wheels. 


     4:30pm  Some guy who wouldn’t give me his name just handed me a dollar.  Volunteered it.  Hell yeah. 


     4:55pm  I came to the library, but it’s closed.  I was crossing the street and all of a sudden Hightower stops me and asks me if I was hungry.  I told him I could always eat.  That I walked for a living.  He ends up being the manager of the peanut shop on Fourth Avenue.  He’s going to hook me up with some peanuts.


     5:04pm  Hell yeah, that was awesome.  Some random black dude saw me coming out of the library with my stick.  I had originally walked down to that event at the park, just to get seen.  There was too much noise, so I left real quick.  Oh yeah, I’m going to put on a new shirt and not worry about washing this one.  I grant myself two.  Anyway, I had seen this pretty girl reading a book outside of the library, so I’m going to walk back and hope she’s still around and will listen to my story.  Yeah, she’s still there.  Great.  I’m going to go hit her up.  I hope I’ll be able to share my candy peanuts with her.


     5:07pm  I walked back to the library and that girl was still there.  When I asked her what the world’s greatest problem was she said, “Oh, I don’t feel like getting into it.”  I told her, “Okay, I’ll tell you what I think it is,” and went from there.  I told her my intro and mission objectives and asked if she was willing to listen, but if not that I had a website.  She took the website and told me thank you. 


     5:15pm  Sixteen year old Allison, who I told my story to yesterday, she walked by and we walked over to some alley to smoke.  We joined up with Nic Mayo, who signed my guestbook, and his friend Michael.  They were out here and they called me over.  We were coming to the alley to smoke anyway.  They work at SRBI, some survey taking place.  They’re hanging out out here on a smokebreak.  Can I take a picture?


     5:26pm  Patrick just hooked me up with a cigarette in the alley.  I appreciate it, brother.  Everybody gets credit, thanks.


     5:46pm  Me, Ron and Allison we came to a different alley to smoke weed by some employees entrance.  I told them that I had like eighty five cents towards a pouch of Buglers and Ron volunteered me five bucks!  Everybody gets credit, thanks.


     6:36pm  I’m out here waiting at the bus station.  I don’t know what I’m waiting for.  I wanted a cigarette and I asked Rebecca for one.  She told me she was smoking her last one, so thanks anyway.  It’s the thought that counts.  Karen overheard me asking and was nice enough to volunteer me one.  I appreciate it, Karen.  Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.


            Dude I told my story at the bus station.


     6:49pm  I’m talking to Rebecca.  Rebecca: “It’s Bluefield National State Forest.  It’s called The How.  It’s a big party where everybody brings everything from deer meat to catfish.  There’s like a thousand people and they show up on the New River in a place called Peterstown West Virginia.  It’s off the chain.  You got homemade liquors.  It’s around the end of August.  The last week of it.  It is wonderful.  Everybody gets peaceful.”  Thanks for the destination.


      7:05pm  What was it again in case I forget it?  2204 ½.  Her name is Amanda and tell her that I sent you to her.  Marcum Terrace.  What bus?  PM South.


     7:12pm  Ashley gave me a cigarette at the bus station.  I appreciate it, Ashley.  Everybody gets credit, thanks.


     7:19pm  This pretty girl I told my story to at the transit mall, the Greyhound station, she gave me a destination.  I took her picture.  She told me what bus to get on and that it would go to Marcum Terrace, some ghetto supposedly.  I’m going to go walk around there.  She gave me her girlfriend’s apartment number.  I’m going to go tell her my story.


                   2204 ½.  I researched the tape and I’m going to go find it.  Amanda.


     7:51pm  I’m walking through Marcum Terrace, this ghetto.  I’m going to take pictures.


     8:16pm  I couldn’t find Amanda's apartment, so I sat down on these concrete steps and ate some apple sauce.  I went to go knock on Amanda’s door again but nobody answered.  All of a sudden Bobo comes out and he invited me to smoke!  Hell yeah.  I love my magic shirt.  Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.


                     Bobo and friends


     10:17pm  I had an awesome presentation with this dude Chuck.  He was this younger dude who is about to join the Army.  His eyes were locked on me the whole time.  Odyssey and everything.  I don’t know where this Amanda girl is. 


     1:27am  Man, I’m having the most awesome time.  I’ve told my story so many times in this ghetto.  Amanda finally came home and I got to tell her my story.  She's letting me crash on the couch in her living room! 


     1:30am  I am crashing out.


     1:41am  I plugged in my batteries to charge and now I’m really crashing out.

Huntington, WV

Sunday June 22, 2008


     9:34am  I just woke up.  I got seven hours of sleep last night.  7.45


     10:11am  Nobody is awake.  I doubt they’ll wake up for a while.  I just took it upon myself to take a shower.  I had my own towel.  I just hopped in the shower real quick.  I probably stunk, hehe.


     12:28pm  Hell yeah, I’ve had a good morning so far.  Right before I left the apartment this morning I had a little project to do.  See, one of the pull-tabs for the zipper to my big pack, to the bottom compartment where my sleeping bag goes, had come off.  So, I took the one off my little Eastpak pouch and used that one.  I used my Leatherman pliers.  Anyway, I’m glad I have a lot of fresh tape to record on, since I just had a typing spree and updated my website.  I’m going to go back to Montgomery and sell a couple of my shirts.  Oh yeah, Jamilyn from Montgomery signed my guestbook the other day:


Date:  2008-06-20 15:05:18

Name: Jamilyn Leina'ala Pelekane Beekley


Number:  235


How's it hangin', Victor?!

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get around to signing your guestbook, but you should know by now how hectic my schedule can be sometimes. I'm sorry we didn't get to hang out more before you got your sign to move on, but rest assured that I'll be traveling with you, man. I'm obviously not gonna be right beside you on the highway with a walking stick of my own, but I'll keep a close eye on your site and try to experience your adventures as well as I can through your journals. Don't give up! You're gathering a strong following made of smokers and nonsmokers alike!

Much love,

Devoted Hawaiian Princess


You left in such a rush that I never got around to buying a couple shirts off of you! If you ever plan to make it back this way, shoot me an email. Nat and I would love to see you again and help support your cause!


                     This morning after I took a shower and loaded up I walked outside and saw Bobo, a neighbor here.  Him and his friend who's name I forgot.  They totally welcomed me over and I sat and told them my story.  I had their undivided attention all the way through.  Oh yeah, Bobo told me about some flea market where they charge you like five bucks and you can sell shit.  Umm, I’ve got shirts to sell.  I’m going to go make some money.  I’ll talk to Bobo about it again later on.


     12:36pm  I forgot to tell you, Bobo offered me a ride downtown.  That’s awesome.  I was ready to walk it.  Screw it.  I walk so much I deserve a ride once in a while, hehe.  Thanks for mobilizing me, Bobo.  Marcum Terrace. 


               Bobo: “I knew this one man who’s lived at Marcum for forty years.  There’s another lady that lives there and she’s been there for fifty years.  Right there in Marcum Terrace.  I moved in there September of ninety four.  I do a lot of good deeds, a lot of good work there.  I get out here and I hustle and I cut grass and all kinds of things.  I loan to people my money.  If I’m some sort of bank and I could afford to do this, I really can’t afford to do it, but I have such a heart when they come to me and they want cigarette money, something that’s terrible for the world, you smoke, I smoke, we enjoy it, we know that this stuff is killing…”  Ahh, we just have to compensate for our bad habits and stay active and stop driving cars.  They’re death machines.  They’re stunting human evolution.  We are not walking.  If you take care of your body it takes care of itself.”  Bobo: “And I remember when a lot of these young people were like, you know how you were saying that there’s more young people than old people?  I’m like fifty five years old and a lot of these boys that are twenty seven, I know them when they was thirteen and never thought a lot of them would be the way they are.”


     12:46pm  I just got dropped off my Bobo.  He volunteered me five bucks!  Hell yeah.  He just loves the fact that I met him, dude.  Hmm, I don’t know if I should’ve come to downtown.  There’s lightning in the sky and it’s storming.  I got dropped off at some place where homeless people hang out.  Over here by the mission.  I should probably go for a walk.  I have my poncho if it starts raining. 


     1:58pm  I magically ended up at this big feeding.  The Divine Church is giving out food here.  We appreciate it, guys.  Everybody gets credit, thanks. 


     2:06pm  Oh yeah, I didn’t tell you, that mission I got dropped off at by Bobo, there were all these homeless dudes sitting inside and it was pouring outside.  I tried to tell my story to everybody, but all of a sudden these people come in with all this food!  Leftover Wendy’s and stuff.  All these meatballs and pasta.  I got a lot of stuff to take with me.  And after that some other people were giving out sandwiches outside!  I’m all fueled up.  I’m going to walk to Pullman’s Square.  I wonder if the library is open today. 


     2:44pm  I just got to the Cabell County Library.  This girl Brandi MySpaced me:


From: Brandizzelz™

Date: Jun 20, 2008 9:31 PM


hello. i am brandi nicholas. i am from huntington west virginia. you are in town right now and i would love to meet you in person. i love the cause you are fighting for and would like to contribute. i will be at pullman square on sunday and if you are still in town id like to hear your story in person. my friend quincie donated 75 cents remember? lol


love to see you there


brandi nicholas


             She wants me to meet her today at Pullman.  It stopped raining and the sun is out.  It’s real nice.  I’m going to walk back to the square.  I’m all stoned.  I took a resin hit.


     3:46pm  I had an awesome presentation with these two kids in the square.  I didn’t get their names.  Right in the middle this cop walked up to me and said, “You gotta go!”  I asked him, “What for?”  He lied and told me he got complaints that I was asking for money.  I totally denied it and the two kids I was talking to totally had my back and told the pig I wasn’t asking for money.  I’m non-profit.  He went away.  Tough guy, big man, do what you can.


     4:03pm  I gave this cute girl April five dollars to get me some weed. 


     6:11pm  I just had an awesome presentation at the riverfront park.  Odyssey and all with what were your names?  Mikayla and Tia.  In the end they gave me a cigarette.  I appreciate it, guys.  Everybody gets credit.  I took their picture.


     7:35pm  Crazy shit.  This fourteen and sixteen year old girls invited me over to their house to go meet their thirty seven year old mom.  When we walked all the way there nobody was home, so one of the girls climbed up and through a window to get in the house.  They invited me upstairs and we went and smoked outside on their balcony.  All of a sudden her mom pulls up with the girl's boyfriend and starts yelling up a storm.  I told her, “Umm, I was invited in.”  Anyway, I left. 


     7:43pm  I was walking down the street after I got yelled at.  On the walk with those girls I had seen all these people partying in front of their house.  When I walked by it again I stopped and turned around and walked up to the party with, “Check out my website.  It’s free.”  They immediately offered me some badass jambalaya!  Sweet!  Thanks for feeding the peace machine!


     10:05am  I have a magical update to make.  I was walking away from the young girl’s house.  Their mom told me to leave, whatever.  I didn’t know exactly where I was going to walk to.  Then I remember that one house I had passed earlier.  There were all these kids partying on the porch and I walked up to them and asked them to check out my website.  They hooked me up with some food and I scored a place to crash tonight.  That’s awesome.  Over at BJ’s house.  No accident.  I’ve got a crashpad tonight, awesome.


                   I hung out at the party house, Angelique's for a couple hours.  Everyone else was drinking but not me.  We spent the time taking army men and molding them together into sexual positions.


     3:14am  I am going to bed finally.  I met BJ’s girlfriend and I told her my story.  Man, I’ve been telling my story all day long nonstop.  I’ve got some good supporters and believers in Huntington.  Nonsmokers and smokers alike.        


Huntington, WV

Monday June 23, 2008


     12:13pm  I am leaving BJ and Tiffany’s.  I’m going to stop by that party house and sit down on their porch and smoke a cigarette. 


     1:57pm  I came to the riverfront park and I am having a big conversation with Dave about God versus Love.  I’ve got this guy all riled up.  He told me he wants proof.  I told him I could show him some on a computer.  So, we’re walking to the library and I’m going to show him exactly what I am doing.


     3:18pm  What a big waste of time with this fat Christian dude.  He’s brainwashed up the ass.  I had walked all the way to the library with him, but he wouldn’t read my stuff.  And when I asked him for his proof he had to ask the librarian where a certain book was.  Ha. What a joke.  I just left.


     3:45pm  I came back to the square and I just walked with Victoria and Deanna to go buy some cigarettes.  Victoria won’t smoke Buglers...because they’re cheap, hehe.


                   I got smoked out!  The weed came to the park finally.  I was telling these four kids my story at the park.  Grim walked up to me and told me, “Hey, I found someone to smoke with you.”  I told the four kids I was talking to, “Sorry, pause for the cause.”  James is smoking me out.  I appreciate it, brother.  Everybody gets credit.  Thanks a lot. 


     4:25pm  I was walking out of the park with my friends Victoria and Deanna.  Then this big dude sitting in a van called me over and told me, “Hey man, I checked out your website.  It’s intense.”


     4:35pm  Victoria just came back to the square and said, “Traveling man, I got you a cookie.” 


     4:40pm  I had an awesome presentation with Victoria.  The other day when I hit her up for my story she was crying and not willing to hear it.  She never read the website either.  So I asked her if I could keep telling it to her today. 


     5:50pm  I forgot to tell you.  I was walking 6th Avenue aiming for BJ’s house and all of a sudden he pulls up in his car.  We had a great conversation.  He told me that he was actually up until eight ‘o clock in the morning reading my website.  He read all this stuff and saw tons of movies.  He told me he really appreciate the Memes movie I have on there.  That was great, because I’ve considered removing it.  So much food for thought I’ve given him.  It was such music to my ears.  Just doing my job. 

             Oh yeah, and he seems to be in a very controlling relationship.  His girlfriend Tiffany told him that she wanted some alone time so I couldn’t crash there again tonight.  We just came to his house and he offered to go get my pack for me.  Tiffany delivers pizza so he brought me a cold pizza from upstairs too.  Yummy.  BJ's bumper.    


     6:06pm  BJ just dropped me off at some tennis courts at this big park.  I’m going to go look for some tennis balls for my walking stick. 


     6:19pm  I’m going to go look through the trashcans for tennis balls.


     6:41pm  I just had an awesome presentation with this guy and girl.  I had walked around the courts looking for tennis balls.  They listened to so much.  I’m going to load up and walk back to the square, I guess. 


     6:55pm  I hit the jackpot with this one trashcan.  I had only found five balls when I walked around the courts, but I went across the street and looked in a trashcan and bingo.  Let me count them.  Twenty two balls total!  I took a picture.  Let’s see how I’m going to fit them all in my pack. 


     7:03pm  I am leaving from the tennis courts.  I had a massive harvest.


     7:15pm  I had a good presentation with these guys playing Frisbee.  They didn’t want to hear the story, but they took the website.  I told them what it was about.  They asked me a lot of questions like where I’ve been and shit. 


     7:25pm  Whoa, I was walking down the street and all of a sudden all these kids call out to me, “Victor!” 


     7:33pm  That was rad!  Just like that, I was just walking down the street from the tennis courts and this dude who I met last night at Angelique’s house called me over.  I already have another house to stash my bag at and crash in!  Just like that.  It was provided for me.  I’m rather proud of my pack.  BJ had brought it down from his apartment and he thought it was heavy as hell.  It really impressed him.


     8:33pm  I walked to the square and went in the bookstore and filled up my CamelBak at their water fountain.  It’s weird.  I’m getting bored and I kind of want to leave Huntington.  Tomorrow morning I’m going back to Montgomery, that’s decided. 


     8:46pm  Great presentation right now with this couple, hell yeah. 


     9:02am  Awesome presentation with Lizzie and Jesse.  Man, I am totally streamlining my story now. 


                    I totally blew that guy’s mind.  I took his picture.


    9:50pm  Kayla was nice enough to let me borrow her cellphone at the store.  I appreciate it, Kayla.  Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot. 


                   Hell yeah, guess who pulled up at the Speedway.  I wasn’t so sure where the house was, so I asked the lady at this one gas station where the Speedway was.  She’s says I’m real close.  I’m going to walk to the house now.  Oh yeah, then all of a sudden Tiffany, BJ’s girl pulls up in a car.  She bought me a tea and gave me the change!  Awesome.  I already have the green tea BJ bought me last night.  She’s so cute.


     10:33pm  I am here at 705 8th Street.


     11:03pm  Shit, it’s raining.  All those guys I met last night at the house, they pulled up in a yellow car.  I was in the middle of telling this beautiful twenty three year old girl my story.  I didn’t get far enough to take her picture.  The yellow car pulled up and I’m going back to the house now.  It was locked when I got there earlier. 


     12:41am  I have a magical update to make.  I came over to Stephen Smith’s house.  I thought he was in the military, but he’s just a fighter.  A cage-fighter, at that.  He’s about to be umm, liberated and in a position to maybe help my mission out.  As the mission evolves.  He’s going to help me get something on Youtube hopefully.  I need to be on there already.  I am way overdue.


                   Hot girls


                   Group picture


     1:03am  Josh is giving away cigarettes.  Everybody gets a cigarette!


Huntington, WV

Tuesday June 24, 2008


     10:11am  I just woke up.  I got six and a half hours of sleep last night.  I am just in awe at the magic that happened last night.  I got delivered to another safehouse.  This guy Stephen.  At first he told me he was a fighter.  In my head I thought drunk thug, at first.  He ended up being a professional fighter.  He’s only fought like five times in the last four years.  He’s only lost once.  He’s got a job doing other stuff.  He’s in great shape and health.  He does cage-matches and shit.    He’s a sharp twenty three year old kid.  He’ll be homeless pretty soon so he told me he wants to take off traveling.  I don’t know.  He’s in shape and he can keep up.  The more the merrier.  He can help me out with my mission.  There’s power in numbers.  I am so happy that I landed here.  They’ll let me tap some resources.  I can take a shower and do my laundry.  I’ve been telling my story like crazy tonight.  All day I’ve been reciting it like crazy.  It’s evolving and getting better.  Everything is speeding up.  It’s awesome. 


     3:13pm  I am leaving the house.  I thought I was going to go to Charleston today, but I’ll probably go tomorrow.  I don’t know.  Right now I’m going to walk into town and tell my story.


     3:28pm  Desiree just hooked me up with all these cigarettes in front of the SRBI place.  I appreciate it, Desiree.  Everybody gets credit.


     4:21pm  Hmm, we’re a little late.  I was walking from the house I crashed at last night.  I passed by some alley and Nic, some guy I told my story to at the riverfront when I first got here, we’re going to go smoke.  SRBI is where he works at.  I told my story to his pretty sixteen year old friend Desiree.  We’re going to go to the mission now so I can get some food. 


     5:41pm  CJ gave me an audience.  I’m telling my story here at Jeremy’s apartment.  They’re all listening to my story.  Melvin gave me a cigarette earlier. 


     7:00pm  Hell yeah, another great adventure today.  I’m having an awesome time in Huntington.  I’m going to go to Montgomery soon and see this beautiful Hawaiian princess Jamilyn.  I would so tell her, “If you weren’t with Nat, I would so want to take off traveling with you.”  I like Nat.  He should be very proud.


     7:44pm  I’ve been playing around with that idea for an Ohio trip.  Jeremy is giving me a destination in Ohio.  Jeremy: “In Rutland, Ohio there is a little skater commune called Skatopia.  It’s owned by Bruce Martin who is an international skater.  That’s all he’s done his whole life.  Out in the outskirts of Rutland he’s taken a farm and converted it into a big wooden skatepark.  He’s got a derby track, he’s got four wheelers, everything you need.  He has big work parties out there where he lets people come stay.  You can help him with his bowls and halfpipes and everything and he’ll let you stay in a trailer as long as you want.  Twice yearly he has these big parties.  He has Harvest Jam and he has Bowl Bash which is sometime during the summer.  You can go up there and he’ll take you in.  Every skater on the East Coast knows about Skatopia.”


     9:40pm  I haven’t been making too many entries today.  I’m having this beautiful adventure in Huntington, West Virginia.  That kid Nic I met earlier, he brought me over to this guy BJ’s house.  It’s a similar house to the one I crashed last night.  You go upstairs and all the living area is up there.  He’s even got a firepit in the back.  When I first got here I took on the project of stripping the wood from a box-spring with a hammer.  We had a nice fire.  Oh yeah, I had deer meat tonight, venison.  It was delicious.  I’m out here recording myself.  Let me take a picture of the fire.


     10:05pm  I am leaving from the house the fire was at.  I’m going to walk home to Eighth Street. 


     10:42pm  I came back to the house and everybody is here.  Thanks for signing my guestbook, Stephen.  We’re hungry and broke and I got the idea to walk out to the Domino’s where I scored when I first got into town.  Stephen, John and I are walking.  Maybe that cool driver Phil is working and he’ll kick me down another nugget. 


     11:09pm  Hell yeah, presto-manifesto.  We walked over to Domino’s and Phil was working again.  I asked him if they had any mistakes and he said, “No, but I’ve got you covered.”  He made me a whole pizza!  He said he didn’t have any weed today.  Dude, I totally called that shit.  Stephen and them were all hungry.  Stephen wouldn’t stop bitching about how hungry he was.  I went out and manifested us some food, hell yeah! 


     3:10am  I forgot to tell you.  We came back to Stephen and Josh’s house.  We got a good walk in tonight. 


     3:31am  I’m going to bed.

Huntington, WV

Wednesday June 25, 2008


     10:34am  I got seven hours of sleep. 


     11:29am  I am leaving the house.  I’m going for a walk.  Stephen gave me four dollars.  He magically found fifty bucks in his stuff.  He was so happy.  Right now I’m walking to Pullman Square.  I’m looking for Victoria.  I want to give her one of my worn-out tennis balls.


     1:33pm  I came to Pullman’s Square and I finally met Brandi!  The girl who’s been messaging me on MySpace. 


     2:57pm  Allison and I were walking down the street and guess who I just ran into.  Si!  Silent and his girl Amy.  They live here and even have a baby.  I first met Si and Amy back in Ventura California when I was with Carol(12-14-06, 2:43pm).  Carol and I picked Si and Amy up from State Street in Santa Barbara and showed them River Haven in Ventura and they ended up living there for a while.  What a small world, dude. 


     3:47pm  I’m all stoned.  I got smoked out.  Brandi contributed ten dollars for my cause so I could score some weed.  I smoked a blunt at the park with all these kids.  They invited me to eat nacho’s at Moe’s.  I’m going to sit down and try and tell my story to Brandi’s friend.


     4:38pm  I’m going to walk to the mission and get something to eat.  Then I’ll go back to Stephen’s. 


     5:31pm  I just had a great presentation with Emmanuel and his friend Jamie.  I was walking down the sidewalk and I spotted this guy and girl sitting on their front porch.  I walked up and hit them up for my story and they loved it.  In the end Emmanuel told me, “By the way, thanks for your story.”  He was agreeing with all my shit.


     5:42pm  I made my way over to the Speedway close to the house.  While I was having that great presentation I saw Stephen jogging by.  Right when I walked on the Speedway parking lot this pretty girl Chelsea asks me, “Are you from around here?”  I told her no, that I was traveling, on a mission, look at the shirt.  I tried to tell her my story but she was busy waiting for something, but she told me to come over to her house at nine.  She lives over by the Greyhound station.  I’m supposed to meet her there.


     8:41pm  I’m supposed to meet this girl at nine by the bus station.  Oh yeah, right when I left the house I saw this beautiful girl with hairy armpits.  I forgot her name.  I met her last night when she was drunk.  Priscilla is her name.  She’s hot.  I like her hairy legs and armpits.  Anyway, she volunteered me half of her Subway sandwich.


     8:56pm  I’m at the bus station right on time.  I hope this Chelsea girl shows up.  I’ll wait until nine-thirty or so.


     9:27pm  I am giving up on Chelsea.  I’m going to go back and hang out in front of the Speedway by Stephen’s house. 


     10:51pm  I have to make a big update.  I walked around downtown.  I went to Pullman’s Square.  Right when I decided to walk back to the house this girl Amy who they told me about earlier, this Pagan girl.  I got to tell her my story.  She sat down and listened to my whole Odyssey on the sidewalk.  I even told her my head injuries story.  We all rode over to her house and we are hoping some marijuana will come by.  I’ll let you know what happens.


                    Blurry group picture


                    Mess inside


     1:17am  Stephen and I have been up all night playing Mortal Kombat Deception.  We had a big long talk about our fathers earlier too.  We traded stories back and forth.  We just got back from the Speedway to go get munchies.

Huntington, WV

Thursday June 26, 2008


     10:21am  I got seven hours of sleep last night.  I woke up and took a shower and shaved.  Did I tell you about that Dready Soap Josh has in the bathroom?   It’s supposed to actually tighten dreads.  I’m going to go to the mission for lunch.  I’m totally free today.  I only have my CamelBak on.  I didn’t bring my backpack or nothing. 


     10:30am  I walked to the mission and they serve lunch in an hour.  I’m going to walk into town and tell my story and/or get smoked out somehow.


     11:12am  I left the library.  I’m going to go eat.


     11:54am  Leaving the mission.  They have shitty food there and a long-ass wait for seconds.  It’s bullshit.  Somebody told me about some place to do laundry.  Some Harmony House place.  I really should go back to the house.  They have a washer and dryer in the basement, but it costs two dollars. 


     12:24pm  I didn’t tell you.  I walked back to the house and got my laundry.  I’m just carrying my laundry in a plastic bag without my backpack.  I’m going to walk to this Harmony House place to do my laundry. 


     12:48pm  I came to the Harmony House place and they want proof that I am not staying at the mission. 


     6:28pm  I should make an update already.  The guy who brought over some weed, I got to tell him my story.  He warned me that he was ADHD before I started.  I told him I liked a challenge.  He listened to my whole Odyssey in another room.  Everybody is talking about me in this town.  He rolled a big blunt.  It was awesome. 


     7:03pm  It was Greg who hooked me up at Fazoli’s.


     8:42pm  I had a great presentation with Sam Adams driving a white Saturn.  Oh yeah, I went to the Speedway.


     9:34pm  I am having this awesome conversation with Stephen.  He told me exactly what he thought of me and my mission.  I first asked him what his first impression of me was, when I walked by Angelique’s and they were having that party that one day.  Stephen: “I thought you were some homeless guy, but instead of walking up and asking for something, you started telling us about your ideas and your journey.  You changed the way I think about people.  I’m a pretty withdrawn guy.  I’ve had a lot of crap happen to me.  I think most people are pieces of shit.  Most people don’t actually believe what they believe.  Their ideas change every two or three months.  For those two or three months they live it up.  You coming around is one of the biggest eye-openers for me in a long time.  You showed me that there are people out there who are actually legitimate.  Completely in their heart, in their mind, morally, ethically, a good person.  What you’re doing Victor is a great thing.  You opened my eyes.  I’m not going to be such a mean guy anymore.  I’m not going to be such an asshole.  I am not going to already have an opinion of somebody before I meet them, before I become personal to them.  I’m glad you got to stick around, man.  Because, you changed our lives.  Thanks, Victor.”


     12:15am  We are all loaded up in the car.  Andy, Amber and John.  We are driving up to Ohio.  Where in Ohio again?  Outside of Proctorville.  We came over to Brandon’s house.  We’re going to smoke some weed and they’re making...oh wait, I can’t say that.

Huntington to Barboursville to Charleston to Montgomery, WV

Friday June 27, 2008


     10:47am  Man, I haven’t been logging that much at all.  I feel really guilty.  What a wonderous adventure I’ve had in Huntington.  These people at this house I ended up love me.  Stephen singed my guestbook:


Date:  2008-06-26 18:57:45

Name: Stephen Smith

Email:  soccer_smith22@yahoo.comJavascript required

Number: 245


Victor you changed my view on people in the past couple days of you staying at our house. You showed me that their are really people out there that are legitimate. Most people aren't sure about themselves. Most people won't do what they really think they should do. I will no longer judge people before I meet them. Thank you for what you are and what you are doing. Hope to see you in the future.                   


                      I am totally inspiring people left and right.  I’m going to leave today.  I’m going to catch the bus and head towards Charleston.  What a great welcome I had to Huntington.  It’s been perfect.


                     Picture of Stephen with his hand down his pants while sleeping, hehe.


                     Did I tell you I traded one of my shirts for weed when the weed-man came over last night.  I have decided I’m going to give Stephen a shirt.  I’ll hook him up.  He’ll wear it.


     12:25pm  I’m leaving 1005 Eighth Street.  Thanks for hosting the liberator in Huntington, guys.  Josh is giving me a ride to the bus station.  I’m going to catch the city transit as close to Charleston as I can. 


     12:34pm  I didn’t tell you, I already got dropped off at the bus station.  The bus doesn’t come until one fifteen.  It’ll take me to some mall.  I’ll go thumb it on the onramp from there.  I’m going to walk to the mission and see if maybe I’m not too late for food.


     12:43pm  I’m too late for lunch, that sucks.


     12:54pm  I’m too late for lunch at the mission, so I’m going to go hit up Rio Grande.  I’ll tell them I’m leaving today.


     12:56pm  They told me no.  “The manager’s not here.”  Greedy asses.


                     They told me the manager wasn’t there at Rio Grande, so I’m going to go hit up The Peanut Shop.


     12:59pm  Hightower is hooking me up again at the peanut shop.  I appreciate it, brother.  Everybody gets credit, thanks.


     1:49pm  I’m at the bus stop telling these kids my story.  What were your names?  Steve and Sarah.  They’re listening to my whole story on the bus right now. 


     1:57pm  When the bus went by the Walmart I saw Porfario’s Mexican Restaurant, which I had seen when I first got into town.  They were closed then, but I got off the bus to try my luck. 


     1:58pm  The greedy ass lady at the restaurant won’t give me food.  It’s because she’s white.  Everybody gets credit.  She started shaking her head as soon as I opened my mouth.  I’ve got peanuts anyway.


     2:10pm  I walked down the street further and I see a Pizza Hut! 


     2:20pm  Patty at the Pizza Hut is letting me eat from the buffet.  I appreciate it, Patty.  Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.


     2:31pm  Oh man, what a beautiful score at the Pizza Hut!  At first I walked in and saw they had the buffet, so I walked out knowing they wouldn’t have any mistakes.  Then I said screw it, maybe they’ll hook me up with a buffet.  I called that shit.  Patty hooked me up.  She even let me get food to-go. 


     2:35pm  East 60 I’m walking.  I’m about to pass the Jolly Pirates Donuts.


     2:38pm  I’m walking down East 60 and I just fell on my ass.  I tripped over a curb and since I’m so top-heavy with all my gear I fell down.  I’m just going to sit where I fell and smoke.


     2:50pm  Getting up from my smokebreak from when I fell on my ass.  I’m going to walk to the highway now.  It’s not that far.


     3:03pm  At long-last I’m at the highway, on the onramp.  I’m going to take a piss real quick and go thumb it with my magic shirt on.  I’ll stash my weed.


     3:24pm  I came to the Exxon and some guy saw my shirt and took a picture of me.  I asked him for a ride, but he wasn’t going my way.  I came back to the onramp.  I’m going to stand by the yield sign and thumb it.  I stashed my can of weed.


     3:40pm  Subagh hooked me up with a ride.  I had met him earlier.  He took a picture of me at the gas station.  He’s giving me a little jump.  Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.


     3:49pm  I just got dropped off in Barboursville at the BP gas station.


     3:50pm  Man, I just sold another shirt.  That’s #2.  I’ve given so many away.  Nick and Daniel bought one of my shirts.  I appreciate it, guys. 


     4:25pm  It started raining and I’m walking back to the BP.


     5:02pm  I have returned to the onramp.  It stopped raining.  I even went to this beauty salon where the bus stops in front of and waited for the bus back to Huntington.  I could ride it back and buy a Greyhound ticket.  Umm, I don’t think I have enough money.  I only have twenty five, so I’m going to try and thumb it for a little bit.


     5:22pm  In no-time Clarence pulled over for me!  How far are you going?  Virginia, eh?  Cool, you can drop me off in Charleston no problem.  Actually, Clarence is going all the way to D.C.  Hmm, so tempting.  No, I’ve got some business in Montgomery. 


     6:00pm  Delivered.  Back in Charleston.  I just got dropped off downtown close to the transit mall.  I’m going to go surprise everybody. 


     6:02pm  I’m all loaded up.  I’m walking to the transit mall now. 


     6:04pm  Back at the plaza.  Everybody is staring at me.  It was Marvin I took a picture of earlier.  He volunteered me seventy five cents.  I appreciate it, brother.


     7:48pm  I just landed in Montgomery.  I’m going to go to my friends’ house.  I forgot their names.


     8:48pm  Hmm, I don’t think these guys are going to be as cool as last time.  I probably won’t get my typing done here.  I’ll find somewhere else.  I still need to get a hold of Jamilyn.  If she gives me forty bucks I can buy a bus ticket.


     9:24pm  I’m talking to Haley and Sabrina.  How old are you guys?  Haley is seventeen and Sabrina is sixteen.  I was bored and walking around and I came to the GoMart.  Haley has something to say: “Okay, there’s this book called Into The Wild…”  I’ve already heard about it.  Haley: “What have you heard about it?”  I heard that the guy is the same as me, except for the marijuana.


     9:51pm  Holy shit!  I just sold four of my shirts right now!  I’m going to have eighty bucks!  I already have twenty.  I’m going to have a hundred!  I’m getting me a bus ticket.


     10:06pm  I just sold out of shirts!


     10:11pm  What an interesting turn of events.  See, I had walked up to the Dairy Queen and I saw all these young people were there.  Right when I walked inside this dude complimented my shirt.  I told him I had them for sale for twenty bucks each and him and his three friends promptly ask for a shirt.  I told them I would have to walk a couple blocks to get them, but that I would be right back.  I hauled ass back to the house and came back with four large shirts.  They gave me the eighty bucks and then these other kids wanted shirts too.  They asked for three more, so I hiked all the way back to the house and got the other shirts.  When I came back with the three some dad walked outside and told me, “You sold these to these kids and they can’t have them.”  I told him, “Damn, nobody wants world peace.  Poor kids.  Ignorance is bliss.”  He insisted he did too, but I just gave him the eighty bucks back and he gave me all four shirts back.

Montgomery to Charleston to Hurricane, WV

Saturday June 28, 2008


     9:10am  I woke up not too long ago.  I didn’t set my watch last night.  I don’t know what’s going to happen today.  I’m not going to type my shit up here.  Jamilyn is supposed to come home tonight and give me some money for my t-shirts. 


     11:58pm  I am leaving Montgomery.  I have all my stuff packed up.  I’m not going to do my typing here.  I called Jamilyn and she told me she and Nat were going to be in Charleston at some festival they’re having.  So, that’s where I’m going, it’s Saturday.  I’m stupid.  I’m going to go to this festival and be seen.


     2:09pm  The bus comes at two forty five, which means I’ll be in Charleston around four ‘o clock.


                   I’ve got two dollars to spend on food.  I’m going to go to the Mexican restaurant and ask them what they will give me for two dollars. 


     2:43pm  I never mentioned.  I went to El Jalisco and asked for a two dollar surprise.  They hooked me up with a big plate of beans and rice to make tacos out of.  Even gave me a crispy taco.  I ate it at the bus stop and I am all full.  I called Jamilyn from the house and she told me there was a big party in Charleston.  That’s where I’m going.


     3:53pm  I just got off the bus in Downtown Charleston.  There’s a big street fair today.  An art fair.  I hope I can run into Jamilyn. Picture of my gear.


     4:24pm  Hell yeah, I’m getting recognized already.  It’s raining hard right now.  I’m standing underneath this cover offering my website as people walk by.  I offered it to this one guy and he told me, “I’ve heard about you.  You talked to my friend Kett.”


     4:52pm  About five minutes ago I ran into Nat and Jamilyn!  We’re walking to the mall.  They’re hungry. 


                   The party downtown is lame, this festival they’re having. 


     5:34pm  Sweet, I just sold a couple shirts to Jamilyn and Nat.  I’ve got forty more bucks now, awesome.       


     5:56pm  I was walking around close to the Civic Center and I saw a bum flying a sign on Pennsylvania and Lee Street.  Hmm, I’m going to post up with my shirt and pass out my website to cars.  Let me stash my weed first off. 


     6:10pm  This off-duty cop pulled up in his truck all mad at me and told me I’m going to have to move.  Even though there’s this bum with one leg flying a sign right next to where I am.  I seem to have protection.  There’s power in numbers.  Let’s see if that cop comes back.  Then it will be showtime.


     6:53pm  Showtime, there’s a cop coming over. 


                   I told the cop I was just exercising my freedoms while I waited for the bus.  He told me not to get smart with him, but I assured him that was exactly what I was doing and offered him my website.  I told him I would stop and just wait for the bus.  The bus finally pulled up and I thought I had a good daypass, but when I tried to use it, it turned out being for a different zone.  I asked the driver for a courtesy ride.  “I’ll walk it if I have to.”  He let me on.  That’s the first courtesy ride I’ve gotten in Charleston.


                  Girl I told my story to in transit mall.


     7:06pm  On the bus, Doug heard me making that last entry and quickly volunteered me some dollars.  I appreciate it, bro.  Everybody gets credit, thanks.


     9:33pm  I ended up jumping on the Nitro bus.  I’m going back to Huntington.  I want to go to Ohio next.  I was told to check out St. Albans, so I’m going to. 


                   Page 76, the last sentence on the page:  "We must learn to include ourselves in the round of cooperations and conflicts, of symbiosis and preying, which constitutes the balance of nature, for a permanently victorious species destroys, not only itself, but all other life in its environment."


     10:27pm  I’m here at the truckstop at the end of the line for the #3 bus.  It’s coming down hard.  It’s really pouring.  There’s not too many dry places to stand.  Let me go try the trucker side. 


     10:48pm  I just got dropped off the bus and it was pouring.  I wasn’t sure what I was going to do.  Just then Craig and Alex walked in the store wearing Grateful Dead tiedye shirts.  When they came out I asked them, “Hey, can I get a ride anywhere?”  They hooked me up with a ride.  I don’t know where we’re going.  Closer to Huntington.  Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.


     11:12pm  I landed at the TA Travel Center about halfway to Huntington, I was told.  In Hurricane.  I think I’ve been here before.


     12:32pm  I’m going to bed.  It stopped raining and I went walking around looking for a concealed place to camp.  In the GoMart truckstop parking lot I found a long flatbed trailer I could lie underneath.  I put down my military rain poncho and made my bed.  Water was still dripping from between the boards of the trailer.  I’m just going to crash out and risk it not raining anymore.  I’ll take pictures in the morning.  I’m all situated underneath the trailer.  I’ll sleep with my poncho over me in case it rains.  Alright, I’m going to go to bed.  Please Love, protect me while I sleep.

Hurricane to St. Albans to Huntington, WV

Sunday June 29, 2008


     6:41am  I just woke up under the trailer.  I forgot to set my watch last night. 


     7:43am  All packed up and ready to go.


                   Damnit, I lost my pipe, my fake cigarette one-hitter.  It sucks, it had lots of resin in there.


     8:06am  I had a badass presentation with this guy Rick.  I’m all stoned and resinated even though I lost my pipe.  I had a little ball of resin in my tin and I rolled it in a cigarette.  I walked over to the TA truckstop and this older guy immediately came up to me and talked to me.  He listened great and agreed with everything I said.


     8:56am  I went upstairs at the truckstop and spent two dollars drying my sleeping bag and rainbow pillow.  I bought me a pack of Buglers and walked to the McDonald’s and bought me five dollars worth of breakfast.  I’m going to walk to the onramp and eat.


     9:21am  I came to the onramp and got bored again.  I’m going to walk back to the truckstop.


     10:21am  I got bored at the truckstop so I’m headed back to the onramp.  I had a couple good presentations at the truckstop.  I was told that I’m not that far from Huntington at all. 


     10:28am  I came to the GoMart and right off the bat George agreed to give me a ride!  Guess where I’m going?  All the way to Cleveland! 


     10:58am  Change of plans.  Right when George started driving I saw road signs for St. Albans.  Hey, somebody told me I should stop there, so I asked George to drop me off at the next exit.  I was told to come here, so I am.


     11:00am  I got dropped off at the Chevron.  I’m going to walk the four miles into St. Albans.  I was told there were a lot of kids here. 


     11:32am  I stopped at this bus stop to sit down and rest.  I already got to where the road tees and turned right.  Two more miles to St. Albans.


     11:59am  Leaving from my smokebreak.  I’m walking into town now. 


     12:09pm  Passing sign that says St. Albans. 


     12:13pm  I took a picture of the Welcome to St. Albans sign, with a Masonic sign afterwards.


     12:28pm  I made my way to the GoMart here and I’m telling this brother Charles Hackett my story.  I told him a little bit about my mission and he just volunteered me a knife!  I appreciate it, brother. 


     12:56pm  I started walking into town some more.  I was walking and I said screw it, I’m getting closer to Charleston.  I’m going to walk back all the way to that gas station George dropped me off at.  What a mistake.  I should’ve kept going all the way to Cleveland.


     1:07pm  I came back to the GoMart.  Maybe I can get me a ride back to the Chevron.  Actually, it’s only four miles.  I should walk it.


     1:09pm  Chris is being cool enough to give me a short hop closer to the Chevron.


     1:28pm  I just told my story to Buck and his friends and they loved it.  Just now Buck found a dollar in the parking lot and just gave it to me.  He said, “Here, it’s for the story.” 


     2:08pm  Nobody’s pulling over for me.  I’m just going to walk to the highway.  I did get to tell my story a couple times in this town.


     2:56pm  Man, what luck.  Right when I walked up to the gas station George dropped me off at I saw some young guy getting in his car.  I quickly yelled, “Are you going to Huntington?”  Sure enough, he’s giving me a ride.  Parry is his name.


     3:37pm  I just got dropped off in Pullman’s Square.  Hell yeah, straight shot. 


     3:41pm  Hell yeah, right when I got dropped off at Pullman Grim saw me.  He said, “Hey, it’s traveling-man.”  He hooked me up with a fat roach, nice.


     4:33pm  I just left the library. 


     4:51pm  I walked to a Speedway and bought me a pepperoni roll.


     5:14pm  I walked up to Stephen and Josh’s house.  Right when I walked up I see my good friend Stephen walking out carrying a television.  Oh yeah, they’re getting evicted, I forgot.  He’s moving all this stuff to Chrissy’s.  I jumped in the back of the truck and John drove us over to Chrissy’s.  Oh yeah, and they told me Amber had found my hat in the back of her truck.  I could’ve sworn I had seen it fly out.  What luck.  That makes me happy.  Anyway, I had also left my black mesh pouch my rain poncho fits in, in her truck.  I’m riding in the back of that same truck right now.  I wonder if it’s still back there.  It might be a different truck.  I’m going to get my hat back.  I am so glad.  That Of The Earth hat I got in Tampa.


     6:35pm  What a great welcome back to Huntington I have had.  My good friend Stephen welcomed me back with open arms.  See, he got in a big fight with Josh.  We drove over to Chrissy’s apartment and smoked a lot of weed.  I’m all stoned.  Welcome back to Huntington, Victor.  Dude, I am totally changing Stephen’s life.  When I first saw him again I got the best news.  He told me he had changed his mind about joining the military.  I was so relieved.  He said he was going to go work with his dad in New Orleans.  He said he was really grateful for me.  It’s the greatest feeling in the world knowing I changed somebody’s life for the better.  I’m making it happen.  Before he told me he had changed his mind I had told him, “Man, if you think our lame country is worth dying for, do you think world peace through marijuana is worth dying for?  I want you to join my mission."  What better soldier to have than cage-fighting Stephen?  I’m walking to the Speedway now.


     7:53pm  Man, I was so tired.  Stephen came home and they were watching some movie and I was nodding off.  Man, I was so beat.  I only got four hours of sleep last night and I walked a shitload.  I’m going to walk to the house everyone is getting kicked out of.  Tonight’s their last night.


                   I am still enraptured by the synchronicity of Stephen coming out of the house carrying the TV.  If I would’ve been three minutes later he would’ve been gone.  Not to mention, the pause I took at the Speedway to eat a pepperoni roll. 


                   It was also awesome earlier when I walked all the way back in St. Albans and right when I walked up I scored my ride to Huntington.  Perfect timing.


     8:21pm  I’m walking to the house and everybody else is there.  They were chilling on the roof and saw me.  “Hey, Victor!”

                   This pretty girl braided my goatee for me earlier.

Huntington, WV

Monday June 30, 2008


     6:16am  Man, I got like 8.43 hours of sleep.  I feel great.  I woke up and my hat was here!  They brought it over last night. 


     7:15am  I am leaving from the house.  I don’t know when their last day is, but my bag is safe there for a couple of hours.  I’m going to go and try to find this Moe’s place I have coupons for and buy some breakfast.  Hopefully they’ll open pretty soon.  I have five coupons for either two for one or half-off.  I forgot who gave them to me.


     7:27am  I showed up for breakfast at the mission.  There’s a big line.


     7:38am  I left the mission.  That was a shitty ass breakfast, man. 


     8:04am  I just went for a walk after breakfast and I am making my way back to the house.  I can do my typing at the public library, because you get a whole two hours.  I can totally get it done at the library.


     9:01am  Oh yeah, I went back to the house and hung out there and checked my email.  Josh is being nice enough to give me a ride back to Chrissy’s, where my pack is.  I’m going to try and buy some weed.


     9:47am  I came over to Chrissy’s house and Joel woke up too only after three hours of sleep.  He’s smoking a brother out.  I appreciate it, brother.  Everybody gets credit, thanks.


     10:01am  I’m leaving from Chrissy’s.  I’m going to go to the library and do some typing.  She lives over on 6th Avenue and 15th Street.  I left my bags there.  I’m just taking my CamelBak.  I’ve got my tape recorder in my pocket, my headphones and my little hard drive.  I even brought a couple extra batteries in case I need them. 


     10:15am  Here I am at the Cabell County Library.  I’m going to start typing. 


     1:11pm  It sucks, I had to rewind the cassette to the beginning of the other side.  I typed for about an hour and forty minutes on the computer.  I have nineteen minutes left.  I was hungry so I went to Moe’s.  I got a half-priced Homebreaker burrito.  I ate like two thirds of it and saved the rest for my lunchbreak.  I ate it and now I’m going back to do my last nineteen minutes.  I want to try and score some weed.  I took a resin hit earlier too.  Alright, I went to the riverfront and nobody is there. 


                   Actually, I’m not going to do any more typing today.  That would mean I would have to rewind the whole side.  Forget it.  I don’t want to waste my batteries for only nineteen minutes of typing.


     3:25pm  I am leaving Chrissy’s house.  Oh yeah, this guy Ian is giving me a ride to Ohio tomorrow!  Close to Columbus. 


                   I asked Ian’s girlfriend Lindsey, who lives at Chrissy’s that since her boyfriend was giving me a ride to Ohio tomorrow, if it would be cool that I crashed there.  She went in the other room to talk it over and came back and told me, “We all decided that we don’t know you and you can’t crash here.”  Like I’m going to steal something.  Fuck that, I travel light.  The less I have the less I have to worry about.  Scared little kids.  Amber said it was cool if I crashed at her house tonight.  So, I have to come back to Chrissy’s house at eleven.  I’ve got Amber’s phone number.  I’m going to go to the Speedway close by and unload my bags, expose my shirt and hand out my website. 


     4:07pm  I’m walking.  I walked past the mission at four ‘o clock.  I’m going to time it and see how far I go so I can walk back at around four thirty.  I’m going to walk into town and try and tell my story. 


     4:29pm  I came back to the mission. 


     5:03pm  I hung out and waited for seconds at the mission.  They had Little Caesar’s pizza today.  Right when I was loading up to leave this guy came up to me and asked me, “Hey, are you Victor Antonio?”  His name was Victor too.  He told me I had met one of his friends Mike at Marcum Terrace.  He said he read my website and everything and he wanted to meet the man.  I told him thanks for making contact.


     5:36pm  I came to the library.


     7:19pm  I had an awesome presentation with this girl sitting down at the square.  Afterwards she said she was going to watch a movie with some friends.  I asked her how much it costs and she said only three dollars.  Awesome, something to do.  I have to wait until tonight to crash at Amber’s and Andy’s.  I’m going to watch the same movie they are, Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo. 


                   To kill the half hour for the movie to start I’m going to try telling the girl, the cashier my story, in between customers of course. 


     7:22pm  I’m going to smoke a cigarette and take a hit of weed before I watch the movie.


                   Oh yeah, that one night when I went to Ohio I had the Urinary Anxiety song stuck in my head.  I had heard it back in highschool.  I thought the band who sung it was Donuts N Glory.  I started singing it and then this guy there said he had it and actually put it on!  What a coinkidink.  The band who sings it is called 30 Foot Fall.


     9:10pm  I just got out of the movie theatre.  It sucked.  It killed time though.  I’m going to walk over to Chrissy’s house now.  I’m going to smoke some weed first. 


      9:22pm  I left the movie theatre, but it was a little chilly.  I went back in the theatre and layered up in the bathroom.  I put my green tights on.  I haven’t worn these in a long time. 


     9:33pm  I forgot to tell you.  Earlier today I ran into that pixie girl I told my story to at the riverfront park when I first got here.  Meredith, I think her name is.


     1:44am  We came over to Amber’s apartment.  I forget what her boyfriend’s name is.  They both work at Little Caesar’s.  I’m taking a leak in the bathroom right now. 

     3:20pm  Jessica gave me a cigarette in front of Foot and Ankle Specialists.  I appreciate it, Jessica.  Everybody gets credit, thanks.


     4:53pm  Steven and I made our way back to Chrissy’s and hung out there.  Ian was home when we got back and we just left.  Leaving from Huntington going up to Ohio.  I took Ians picture right before we left.  His Ford Truck.  Ranger 2003.


     5:05pm  I just got caught up on researching my tape so I don’t record over any it.  Ian and I are already taking off to Ohio.  We’re going to stop at the Taco Bell outside of Huntington.


                   Ian told me to ask around for Antoinne.


     6:06pm  I just got dropped off at the parking lot of the college here in Portsmouth. I’m going to go see if I can use the library without being a student.


                   Shawnee State University.


                   Oh yeah, Stephen gave me an MP3 player.


     6:13pm  Access granted.  They’re going to let me type here.


     9:01pm  I am leaving the library.  I am already on the 22nd, about eight days ago.  I don’t know this town at all.  I hope it doesn’t storm or nothing.  I should go explore before it gets too dark.  There’s plenty of woods around here.  Portsmouth, Ohio.


     9:14pm  I’m walking down this downtown area.  The only guy I’ve hit up for my story, I was a bit winded from walking, he told me he’d listen to any story.  That it didn’t matter if it was religious.  I started my presentation and this guy tells me, “You want to go get a beer?”  I told him thanks anyway, to just check out the website.  He told me, “Thanks for doing this.”


     9:26pm  I just walked into Downtown Portsmouth.  I saw these two kids skating on these ramps next to this skateshop.  I unloaded by this bench on the corner and just stood there exposing my shirt.  The two kids left, but I saw this guy in front of the skateshop smoking.  I hit him up for my story and he just volunteered me some change right off the bat.  Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot


     10:10pm  I forgot to tell you.  I had walked to this skateshop with ramps behind it.  I stopped at the bench in front of it and unloaded.  I got to the part where I asked him if he was willing to listen and he asks me, “Hey, do you want to go get a beer?”  That’s the second guy who asked me that in less than an hour.   I told the guy that I didn’t like beer, but I’ll take a shot of run, argh.  We came to this bar called Frank and Steins and I met this girl who’s birthday is today.  Her name is Liza and she bought me a shot of rum.


     11:02pm  I ended up at some bar.  I took a shot of rum, so I’m kind of loopy.  Blake just hooked me up with a cigarette.  Everybody gets credit. 


     1:54am  I didn’t tell you.  I ended up at this bar and made friends with Liza at first, then I met Lori.  She’s getting me a place to crash tonight.  Welcome to Portsmouth, Victor.


     2:10am  I came over to this house, the bands house.  The band’s called Two Legged Dog.  Lori brought me over him.  JM(John Michael) was nice enough to give me a cigarette.  I appreciate it, brother.  He’s going to listen to my story too.


     2:54am  I’m talking to John Phillip.  He’s given me a destination for tomorrow.  John: “It’s called the MT Corral.  It’s a bar and carry-out in New Boston.  It’s on 52 going East.


     3:21am  I am going to bed.  I have totally been blessed tonight.  This girl I met at the bar, this pretty twenty nine year old girl name Lori, she totally listened to my whole Odyssey, even though she was drunk.  She got me a place to crash for tonight!  The guys at this house are letting me crash in this little club house in the yard.  I’ll take pictures in the morning.  Buttermilk Junior.  Signing off.

Huntington, WV to Portsmouth, OH

Tuesday July 1, 2008


     9:23am  I got 7.07 hours of sleep.


     10:39am  I just got dropped off at the plasma place.  Andy and Amber are “donating” today to get some money.


     11:00am  I just left Tudor’s Biscuit World.  I got a good steak biscuit to-go.  I’m going to eat it somewhere and have a smoking session.


     11:48pm  I wandered over to the 7-11 and sat down in the shade to eat and smoke.  I realized that my right boot needed stitching again.  I sewed it all up.  Right then this pretty black girl Chelsea walked by.  She recognized me from Charleston.  She let me hit her blunt.  I appreciate it, Chelsea.  Everybody gets credit, thanks.


     12:15pm  I am leaving from my big ass sewing break I just took in the shade in front of the 7-11 on 5th Avenue.  Now I know not to get the side-zip ones when I buy a new pair of Magnums.  I’m walking into town now.  I have time to kill until five, when I’m supposed to be going to Ohio.


     12:40pm  I came back to Chrissy’s house and my friend Stephen answered the door.  He was on his way to the library so I decided to tag along. 


     2:18pm  Stephen and I are taking a lunchbreak.  I’ve got fifty minutes of time left on the computer.  Oh shit, I forgot to put the tape back and recorded over some stuff.


     3:09pm  I got their names, they gave me their cards.  These railroad cops.  Stephen and I were walking towards the Subway.  I was going to go hit them up.  We haven’t eaten yet today.  We’re hungry.  I bought me a dimebag last night, so we stopped under the shade of this tree by the railroad tracks and smoked some weed and a cigarette.  All of a sudden these railroad cops pull up in their white Tahoes and talk to us.  They weren’t going to do anything to us, so I hit them up for my story and they listened to my intro and mission objectives.  I gave them my website and they gave me their card each.  One was Special Agent Chris Bowens and the other guy was Special Agent Todd Elliott.  CSX Transportation.

Portsmouth, OH

Wednesday July 2, 2008


     9:46am  I woke up about half an hour ago.  I got 6.35 hours of sleep.  Check out where I got to sleep last night.  Inside pictures.


     10:24am  I am up and at ‘em.  It’s so awesome how I have a place to stash my bag at already.  The house is 2401 whatever street this is.  I’m going to walk to the college.  I’ll look for a Mexican restaurant and try and score breakfast. 


                     Scioto Trail is the name of the street.


                     Oh yeah, I sold another one of my shirts last night.  I’ve got twenty bucks.


     11:42am  I stopped at some little convenient store and bought some cigarettes and snacks for my typing. 


     11:54am  I stopped in the shade before the college and I’m going to eat a snack and take a resin hit I scraped this morning. 


                     Random kid I told my story to. 


     12:04pm  Walking up to Clark Memorial Library, just like yesterday.  I’m going to do some typing. 


     4:41pm  I am caught up on my typing. I just have to proofread now. I'm going to walk around and see if I can score me some weed somehow. I am glad I am caught up again, hell yeah.

4:54pm  I took a smokebreak in the shade on the side of the library and I am walking back now.

5:33pm  Hell yeah, when I got back to the house and then I walked over to the Pizza Hut nearby to ask for mistakes. The dude working there saw me and said, "Hey, man. I've heard about you! Ian told me about you." I asked for mistakes, but they didn't have any. Hell yeah, I'm everywhere. I just got to town yesterday and I am already being recognized.

5:35pm  I made my way back to the house.

6:40pm  I just scored a shower. I was going to do my laundry, but they don't have any more detergent. I'm going to walk to the store and buy some soap.

6:59pm  I walked down the street not that far, maybe like half a mile to some gas station and bought some laundry detergent for a dollar. Before I stopped at the Wendy's and bought me two bacon double cheeseburgers. I'm walking back to the house now. When I left after my shower the house was empty. No one was there.

7:49pm  I was about to leave the house because they told me they were going to leave. My clothes are still in the dryer. I've got my Make It Happen shirt on. I walked up to the pizza hut just to see if they could fill up my water bag for me. When I went in there again the guy recognized me and told me, "We've got some stuff now."

8:00pm  I got hooked up by Robbie at the Pizza Hut, hell yeah. I've got a really full stomach now. It was a huge ass stuffed folded-over pizza. I even have another Wendy's burger in my pocket for later. I'm going to have a great walk. I want to see if I can score some weed somewhere.

8:33pm  I walked by the Masonic temple building here. I had to take a leak, so I went around the side and pissed on the Masonic building, haha. Fuck the masons.

8:53pm  I made my way back over by the Frank and Steins Bar by the skateshop. This dude Andrew who I met at the house, he was skating. I asked him if he knew where I could get a dime. He said yeah and we drove over to the West side of town. He just dropped me off because I can't go with him to the dealer's. He let me hold on to his cellphone for callateral. I gave him ten bucks.

                   I never mentioned that I went to the CVS today to see if they had laundry soap and I was able to shoplift a thing of mouthwash. Listerine.

10:10pm  Andrew and I stopped at some park on the West side of town where we came to get weed. Squad 9 park on South Davis Road. I cleaned out my weed and Andrew called his uncle Tim over to smoke with us. I smoked them all out with my one-hitter. I was going to tell them my story, but I want to get back to my stuff already. We're taking off now. I'm all stoned.

Portsmouth to Piketon, OH

Thursday July 3, 2008

     6:53am  I just woke up. I got 6.53 hours of sleep. I went to bed at midnight.

     7:20am  I woke up and I had a good little morning smoking session. I got a lot of weed left from that dimebag I scored last night. I smoked everybody out last night. Anyway, I brushed my teeth in this yellow clubhouse they have back here. I'm going to take pictures of it.
     7:28am  I didn't take any pictures. I'm leaving. I'm going to the school now.

                   Last night I was telling Andrew my story in the park. At the end of the presentation I asked him if he had any questions and he sincerely told me, "Tears came to my eyes. I've been really inspired. It was great." I'm walking down Scioto Trail about to this overpass.

                   Man, just behold how nicely I have been situated here in Portsmouth, Ohio.

     7:45am  I turned left on Gay Street. I'm over by the Kroger.

     8:08am  I kind of got lost looking for the college. I asked this lady for directions and she pointed me the right way. I'm at Offenere Street, just passed fourth.

     8:17am  At long-last I am at Clark Memorial Library. I'm going to go to the bathroom and take a shit and stuff. Then I'll go outside and eat and smoke. Then I'll start making HTML files.

     8:28am  I just came out from taking a shit. I came outside and I'm going to eat my Texas size cinnamon roll.

     11:41am  I'm done with my stuff. I'm done proofreading. I just have to add pictures. I can't get the pictures off of my digital camera because I don't have a cable for it. I need to find me a laptop that has the slot it needs. The SanDisk slot. Unless somebody lets me borrow their digital camera so I can plug it in. My journal is updated all the way to Huntington, like two or three days ago.

     11:56am  About two minutes ago I took a smokebreak outside of the library underneath a tree. I'm walking now. I need to find me somebody with a laptop.

     12:33pm  I walked all the way back to the house. Nobody is home.

     1:12pm  I am all loaded up and ready to go and skip town. I'm going to go hit up the Domino's. It turns out the house that I was crashing at is on Hwy 23. Like a mile away it turns into a full four-lane highway.

     1:23pm  No mistakes at the Pizza Hut, but I did get to fill up my waterbag with ice water. I'm going to have cold water to drink on this walk.

     1:39pm  I just came out of the Wendy's. I bought me two Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers.

     1:48pm  I walked a little down the road and saw that it turned and there probably isn't another gas station closeby. I'm going to walk back over by the Wendy's and stand there and thumb it.

     2:30pm  I got bored thumbing it. I loaded up and I'm walking. I crossed the street illegally. Fuck the system.

     2:40pm  Passing Lowry Hollow Road. It started drizzling.

     2:47pm  It started drizzling so I walked to Valerie's Homespun Treasures and took cover for a little bit. It stopped drizzling now so I'm going to keep walking. I think I saw a tall sign for a Days Inn down the road. Where there's hotels there's gas stations.

     2:51pm  Waverly 26, Columbus 86.

     3:08pm  It started drizzling hard again.

     3:10pm  It already stopped raining. I'm walking again.

     3:18pm  I stopped and ate some crackers.

     3:21pm  Hell yeah, I was thumbing it for just a little bit and a cop drove by and honked at me telling me to get off. Right then these two brothers pulled over and rescued me. I'm sure that pig would've come back eventually. Mark and Ivan. I really appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:44pm  I just got delivered to Piketon. I was rescued. They gave me like two bucks and four or five cigarettes.

                   I just found out that it is illegal to hitchhike in Ohio.

     4:05pm  This dude I saw riding a bike before I got picked up, he rode over to me and handed me some money. I appreciate it, brother. Thanks a lot.

     4:25pm  Nice Aaron is giving me a ride closer to 32 to some gas station. I really appreciate it. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

     4:32pm  About five minutes ago Aaron dropped me off at a Marathon. He gave me some food. Some yogurt and some snacks.

     4:47pm  Eddie is giving me a ride to the next store. I appreciate it, Eddie. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:49pm  I messed up once again. It's like the fourth time I do this. I stashed my weed and when I got my ride I forget about it. Eddie was nice enough to bring me back to get it. I really appreciate it, brother. You are awesome.

     6:04pm  I just got dropped off at some little store Eddie told me about. He told me it was okay to thumb it on this road, just not the interstate. I am really glad he turned around and got my weed for me.

                   I'm close to Gleason Road.

     6:23pm  I came to the highway. I'm going to stand here and thumb it.

     7:46pm  I got tired of thumbing it. I'm going to walk back to the store.

     7:49pm  Man, I'm stupid. No, I'm probably just stoned. I left my weed where I stashed it where I was thumbing it for an hour. I'm going to walk back and get my weed again, hehe.

     9:06pm  I've just been hanging out at the store.

     9:08pm  This gas station is dead. It doesn't even have a name. I'm going to walk back to the highway. I'll try and find a place to camp. This lady told me that it wasn't supposed to rain until six tomorrow.

                    I don't know what time it is. A little bit after nine, I think. Nine thirty

maybe. I just made my bed under this one-land bridge that's close to where I was thumbing it. Gleason Road, I think. I'll take pictures in the morning. It's not too dark right now. I'm going to wake up really early. Right under the bridge it's all moist and damp, so I put my military rain poncho down. It was already wet on top from another night, but I can dry it off with my towel. I'm going to smoke some weed and go to bed.

     10:05pm  I am crashing out.


Piketon to Peebles to Cincinnati, OH

Friday July 4, 2008

     6:17am  I woke up. 6.53 hours of sleep. Seven hours of sleep. It poured last night. I'm real glad I was under that bridge. That lady told me it wasn't supposed to rain until six. Nobody can tell the future.

     7:12am  I am up from under the bridge. I had to climb up all these boulders. I was worried I'd get crushed. I'm going to go to the store.

     8:00am  I am all fueled up. I spent all my money. I bought a pouch of Buglers, some snacks. PopTarts and a Texas size cinnamon roll. Yeehaw. I'm going to walk the twenty miles to Peebles.

     8:06am  I just got to Gleason Road. I took a picture of that one-lane bridge I crashed underneath last night. It was awesome how that was there for me.

     8:17am  What a blessing. I walked for maybe like ten minutes and Joe Greer pulled over for me. He's giving me a ride. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:43am  Hell yeah, I just got dropped off in Peebles at a Marathon here. Joe Greer is seventy nine! That guy totally listened to my story. I wasn't thumbing it or nothing. I was just walking and he pulled over and asked me if I needed a ride.

     11:05am  I'm still posted up here at the Marathon. It's raining hardcore, so I'm not walking. Even though I have raingear, but my boots will get wet. They haven't hassled me at all here at the gas station. I didn't ask permission or nothing. I've just been standing out here passing out my website like crazy. Every gas station I've been at I am always passing out my website.

     11:22am  Don Faulkner hooked me up with some money at the Marathon. I appreciate it, Don. Everybody gets credit, thanks. Don: "There's twelve bucks. It was good meetin' ya, man."

     11:25am  Dave hooked me up with a cigarette at the Marathon gas station. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:27am  Haha, this pretty cashier girl came outside and told me, "I don't mind if you are here getting out of the rain, but you have to stop handing out your little papers. I've got some complaints." I apologized, but even asked her if she would check out my website. She smiled and gladly accepted it. I told her, "Thanks for letting me remain." Man, that's bullshit they've gotten complaints. For what? Giving stuff away? Maybe some peole don't like my shirt, hehehe.

     1:02pm  I had an awesome presentation in front of the McDonald's with John, Robert, Tracy, Rebecca and Miranda. Tracy just volunteered me five dollars! I appreciate it, Tracy. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot. They wouldn't let me take their picture though.

     2:49pm  My prayers have been answered. Somebody is finally giving me a ride out of Peebles. Carol just walked up to me and volunteered. I didn't even have to ask her. I appreciate it, Carol. Everybody gets credit. Are you going all the way to Cinci? Carol: "I can take you as far as East Gate actually, which is Batavia there." Surprise me.

     3:40pm  Carol just brought me to Batavia to this big mall here. I'm going to go look for a headshop and buy another fake cigarette. Eastgate mall.

     3:47pm  I'm walking in the mall through Khol's. There are tons of people here.

                   I found the place where they sell some pipes, but they didn't have my fake cigarette.

     4:38pm  I went to the onramp pointing to Cincinnati. I thumbed it for a little bit. I'm going to start walking.

     5:20pm  A cop just yelled at me across the street no hitchhiking. I'll walk to the Speedway.

     5:31pm  Tom just took my picture. He's going to post it on my MySpace.

     5:36pm  Sweet, Tom bought one of my shirts! He also told me to go to the Smokin' Treasures headshop across the street. Badass! I'll go after I finish my PopTart.

                    It started drizzling a little harder, so I walked back to the Speedway.

     5:42pm  Oh yeah, Tom directed me across the street to Smokin' Treasures.

                    Shit, closed for Fourth of July. Oh yeah, today's Fourth of July, by the way.

     5:55pm  Karen just volunteered me a cigarette at the Speedway. I appreciate it, Karen.

     6:44pm  Sweet, Matt and Fred, they listened to my whole fuckin' Odyssey at the Speedway. They're giving me a ride to some free concert. Some Fourth of July celebration with a firework show and everything. Charlie Daniels is playing. The devil went down to Georgia. I hope they don't mind my gear.

     7:38pm  I just got to the party. Hell yeah, I'm going to take a picture. There's a huge crowd of people here. Hell yeah, I'm going to walk around and take my packs off and expose my shirt all around this place tonight.

     7:59pm  I'm walking around this big crowd of people here recoring myself. Everyone is staring at me. I've had some great reactions to my shirt already. Hmm, I don't see anybody smoking cigarettes. I wonder if you are allowed to smoke in this place.

     9:52pm  I have been exposing myself hardcore at this place. There are THOUSANDS of people at this place. Look where Victor Antonio ended up tonight. How perfect. Most of Cincinnati is seeing me, I am sure. I'm going to get recognized like crazy! I still don't know where I'm going to sleep tonight. I am in the city of Blue Ash, I think. I hope Cincinnati isn't too far. I don't know what I'm going to do. See, once the sun came down I stopped getting as much reactions to my shirt. Still, I have alreay gotten soooo many reactions to my shirt and passed out my website a lot too.

     10:30pm  See, I thought I was going to leave, but then the fireworks show started. I went over by the rides where they have a big white light. I stood there with my shirt as people walked by. After a bit I walked to the parking lot and watched the rest of the fireworks show. It was a good show. I took a couple pictures with my disposable camera. I hope they come out. Right now I wanted to get high, but there was a big crowd. I'm out of weed, but I had a little resin left. I rolled a cigarette with a little ball of resin in it and smoked that. Like three different people walked by and said they smelled reefer, hehe.

     10:38pm  I am posted up over by the dumpsters letting the drones of people walk by me and look at my shirt. I sometimes yell, "Look it up on Google!"

     11:25pm  I was just walking down the street after the concert. This little with a little girl asked me if I knew where the shuttle bus stop was. My ears perked, "There's a shuttle bus??" So I started following this lady. We were directed to the P&G place where the shuttle bus stops. All this time I thought it would be a shuttle to downtown, but instead it's just a shuttle to the parking lot. I don't have a car, so I'm just going to hoof it closer to downtown.

     11:35pm  Holy shit! I just got a ride! I was walking away from the shuttle stop and the traffic piles up for some reason. This guy in a Toyota pickup tells me, "Watch out for the firework-fallout." It was three people. Two dudes and a girl. Well, I eventually caught back up with them and yelled, "Hey, can I get a ride?" Surprisingly the dude tells me, "Hop in." He asked me a ride where and I told him to surprise me, that I just got into town tonight.

                    Hell yeah, they even let me hit a joint.

                     I told them my intro and mission objectives in the car and Tom hands me a little roach! I asked him if they had a garage or backyard I could camp in and Tom says sure, he's got a tent I can pitch in his yard! Woohoo! Tom's girl Kim has some beautiful fangs.

11:52pm  Man, what a crazy ride I am having tonight. Welcome to Cincinnati, Victor Antonio.

11:55pm  We are passing by Simon Lee's house. Look him up on the Internet. I'm sure there's shit on him. He's a dictator, they tell me. He smuggles in Heroin from across the street.

                     I am up on the seventh hill of Cincinnati. Tom Skaggs.

12:09am  We came to Vince's Sports Bar. Mt. Healthy's finest.

12:58am  Look up Grand Lake St. Mary's. Something about a hand-dug lake. Where in Ohio? Celina.

2:40am  We are leaving Vince's. I took a couple shots of rum. It's the Puertorican in me, hehe.

4:41am  I've had an awesome welcome. They barbecued some hotdogs for me so I can go to sleep. I can't sleep on an empty stomach. We started up a fire. I've been up for a long time. I'm tired as hell. Tom pitched a tent for me in the front yard and I'm going to sleep in it tonight. Man, what a great welcome I've had to Cincinnati.

Cincinnati, OH

Saturday July 5, 2008

     10:30am  Woke up with six hours of sleep.

      11:20am  Tom eventually woke up. I had that little roach from last night. Where are we going right now? All four of us are going to the bank to get some money and then to Perkins for breakfast. Tom, Kim, Joe and I. Then afterwards we're going to a bike show. Good publicity for world peace through marijuana.

     11:42am  We just got to Perkins.
     2:47pm  I am riding in the back of Joe-nig's truck. I don't know where we are going. Oh yeah, I got to take a shower and do my laundry. I am totally being treated like royalty in Cincinnati.

                   We came to this bike show and the band that was playing did a rock and roll version of Bust-A-Move by Young MC. I know all the words to that song. I was singing it hardcore.

     3:53pm Me and Joey, Joe-nig, we're going to go stack some wood. At Cicada's house.

     5:52pm  We came and bought some drinks at the cantina at Don Pablos. I am technically in Kentucky right now. On the other side of the river.

     6:12pm  I forgot to tell you, we came to Hooters here in Newport, Kentucky. I took a picture of the yellow Mac Bridge and the purple pedestrian bridge. In the background is the stadium where the Cincinnati Reds play. USBank Arena. Look up the story on the internet about how twelve people got trampled to death at the USBank Arena:

Eleven people were trampled to death Dec. 3, 1979,
when fans rushed the doors at the arena -- then known
as Riverfront Coliseum -- for a concert by the Who.
Cincinnati later banned festival seating, allowing
reserved seats only, and started new crowd control

     11:39pm  What another magical night I have had at this party over by the Hooter's at some bar. I took pictures and everything. I took pictures of my new automatic-friends from Cincannati. There was a cool cover band playing. I was standing up and walking around and getting so many great reactions. I am totally loving this adventure.

     12:20am  About five minutes ago we got back home. 1700 Joseph Court.

     12:46am  Tom's got me smoking some Columbian Pale. I've been hangint with Tom Skaggs and Joe-Nig all day.

                      I don't think I've documented it, but I went to two bike shows today, right? Oh yeah, and at one of the bike shows I bought me a new head-cover do-rag, I guess I can call it. It's camouflauge and I was really getting annoyed with my dreadlocks being in my face since I lost both of my hats. Luckily they had a camo thing for six bucks! I'll get a picture of it eventually.

Cincinnati, OH

Sunday July 6, 2008

9:45am  It's about time I made an update. I woke up about half an hour ago with 6.23 hours of sleep. Last night Joe slept in the tent with me. He wanted to camp out too. They all wanted me to sleep on cushions and stuff. The grass is soft enough for me. At first I thought it might be a little cramped for two people. The door doesn't close all the way so one side would get wet if it rained. There was, indeed enough room for both of us. These guys aren't going to hurt me. I trust these people. They're my Cincannati Angels sent to me by Love. They're helping me out on my mission. For the cause.

11:29am  I've had a good morning so far. I kept myself busy until Tom and his girl woke up. I was organizing all my stuff in my pack. I found my blue caribeener I thought I had lost in Montgomery. I just made sure I had everything. I've got everything packed up. I need to go exlore Cincinatti pretty soon.

11:46am  I didn't tell you, yesterday at one of the biker rallies. See, all this time my dreads have been in my face because I lost both of my hats. I even lost the one I got back from that girl in Huntington. I was getting really tired of my dreads being in my face. At a bike ralley I bought me a camoflauge head-scarf thing. It matches my uniform perfectly. It matches my shorts and CamelBak. I'm on a mission.

4:15pm  This morning I did a lot of yard work. I trimmed Tom's hedghes and shit. I volunteered to do it. I hung out with Tom. He really likes me. I got bored so I'm going to walk into town. He smoked me out. I was out of papers and it's Sunday so the library is closed. Tom's mom let me print one out on her Windows 98 computer. I told her my story. She guessed ignorance for the world's greatest problem, but she just got up in the middle of my story and left after a while. I shouldn't have started on the Odyssey story. I should have just told her the important part. Anyway, I'm walking to Kroger to get something to eat. I only have twenty dollars left. I gave five dollar to Joe-Nig yesterday at Hooter's because I didn't want them paying for me while I have money. Tom insisted he let them cover me, but then immediately turned to Joe and said, "You got Victor, right?" Joe said sure, but I still discreetly slipped him a five dollar bill. I'm going to get something to eat and try and score a dimebag.

4:19pm  I am in front of the Kroger now. Passing a sign that says Welcome to North College Hill. That's where I am, I guess.

4:31pm  I was contemplating hitting up the Subway, but I'm going to go to the McDonald's and buy some food there.

4:56pm  I walked to Goodman Avenue and Hamilton Avenue. The Avenue of Champions. I'm standing in front of a United Dairy Farmers Mobile gas station. I'm going to smoke a cigarette and expose my shirt.

5:08pm  I came to stand in front of Fricker's. This pretty girl walked up and told me she liked my shirt. I handed her my website and told her to check it out. "Thank you," she told me. I see a big laundromat right across the street. I'm going to go hit up somebody there for my story.

5:36pm  I've just been walking around random streets not documenting my turns. Right now I am walking down Simpson Avenue. I need to start heading towards the Kroger. That's how I know how to get back to my friends. I'm just walking around getting my exercise. I wish the library was open.

5:56pm  I ended up at some basketball courts. These black dudes saw my shirt and complimented me on it. I gave them my website. I sat down and smoked a cigarette in the shade. I asked them if they knew where I could get a dimebag and they told me no. I'm walking back. I think Hamilton is where the Kroger is. I'm bored.

5:57pm  Oh, I see a cop. It might be showtime. I don't have any weed, so I'm cool.

6:23pm  I stopped in front of the Budna Grill and smoked a cigarette and asked for directions to the Kroger.

7:54pm  I just had an awesome presentation with these four kids. I took their picture. Whole Odyssey and everything.

11:52pm  I'm going to bed. I had a good night. I went for a big long walk today and ended up back at the house. Tom made some really good barbecue stuff. We had great dinner. He smoked a joint with me and let me keep the roach again for my wake-and-bake. I'm all stoned. Later on. I'm going to bed now. These guys really believe in me. They really do.

Cincinnati, OH

Monday July 7, 2008

7:56am  We came up to Speedway. Just me and Joe. Tom was still asleep. First we went to the Kroger. We had to take a shit. Joe bought some foot powder for his cracked feet. Joe's got a ton of scrap in the back of his truck. We came to the Speedway to get some coffee and then we're going to go to the White Castle across the street to buy sandwiches.

8:12am  We are leaving from the White Castle. We jumped on the highway. Joe pulled over and had me pick up some scrap off the highway shoulder.

8:30am  We have arrived at Garden St. Processing, recycling place. The scrapyard. Right now we are getting the truck weighed. After we dump the load they'll weight it again and know the pounds. There's aluminum cans everywhere. In the back they have one of those huge magnets. I should take a picture.

9:00am  Joe is telling me that Carmen Electra actually bought him a drink at a bar in Notty Pines, she grew up behind there.

9:11am  We stopped to see if there was any scrap metal at some trashcans. I started digging through a clothesebag and this black dude on his porch yells out to me, "There's bedbugs in that!" Whoa, it seems that bedbugs is a big problem in this area. I had just seen a big advertisement on a bus bench about bedbugs. Joe says the Mexicans brought them over, hehe.

                    I forgot to mention that they have a nickname for me. Tumbleweed-Tony. They've been calling me that since the first night I hopped in the back of the truck.

9:45am  We came by to see if Shrek was home and we found another pile of scrap. We're banking today. One man's trash...

12:29pm  We had a big scrap-cleaning session back at Tom's house. We broke a lot of stuff up and seperated the dirty and clean steel. CLEAN! DIRTY!

1:43pm  Shit, my tape recorder. I dropped it and now the buttons won't stay down. Shit, I might have to buy another one. I'm able to if I have to. Let me see if it's recording right. Let me test it.

                    It seems to be working just fine, except I have to keep the play and record buttons down. Like, it won't click in the on position and depends on pressure from me to keep it recording/playing. It's a bit hard to believe. I wonder how long until it's totally dead. This is the same tape recorder I got wet in the creek in Morgantown when my digital camera died. This one has lasted me a long time. I can't wait to look up on my website when I got this one. (Since 12-31-07, 6:58pm). Damn, seven months now.

3:31pm  I just left Les Flick's Homelike Inn, New Baltimore, Ohio. I got a grilled cheese and they ate chicken-livers. We're going to go get some more scrap.

4:45pm  We came to Vince's. Umm, I don't drink.

                    Patty, 319-7992.

8:58pm  We just got back home. I met this beautiful girl at the bar Patty. She wouldn't listen to my story, but she asked me if I was hungry. She asked me if I wanted to call her, so I got her phone number. I'm going to call her up and ask her if she wants to feed the peace machine, hehe.

10:09pm  I'm going to walk to the Kroger, but Patty's supposed to call me back. I'm going to go fill up my water bag at the drinking fountain and come back. I hope I don't miss Patty's call.

                      I got back and Patty DID call while I was gone. I called her back and talked to her for a little bit, but she had to go.

10:53pm  I just walked back to the Kroger and shoplifted some $8 Neutrogena T-Gel scalp-itch shampoo. Oh yeah, I've had scalp-itch bad for a while now. I also bought some soap so I can take a shower in the morning. And I walked right through the door. Hey alright, if I get by, it's a-mine. Mine all mine. Fuck the system.

12:21am  I had another good day of scrapping. I have like forty five dollars in my wallet now. We went on two scrap-runs today. One in the morning and one later on. It is really simple. It's real easy money. Hell, if you have a truck anyone can just go drive around and find scrap metal everywhere and then go turn it in and get cash. Recycle it. It's really easy money. Tomorrow I'm going to go ride the bus into town and tell my story and see what happens. Oh yeah, this girl Patty, this pretty thirty eight year old lady, I've got her number and I'm going to call her. Anyway, I'm going to go to sleep.
7:56am We came up to Speedway. Just me and Joe. Tom was still asleep. First we went to the Kroger. We had to take a shit. Joe bought some foot powder for his cracked feet. Joe's got a ton of scrap in the back of his truck. We came to the Speedway to get some coffee and then we're going to go to the White Castle across the street to buy sandwiches.

8:12am  We are leaving from the Whiten Castle. We jumped on the highway. Joe pulled over and had me pick up some scrap off the highway shoulder.

8:30am We have arrived at Garden St. Processing, recycling place. The scrapyard. Right now we are getting the truck weighed. After we dump the load they'll weight it again and know the pounds. There's aluminum cans everywhere. In the back they have one of those huge magnets. I should take a picture.

9:00am  Joe is telling me that Carmen Electra actually bought him a drink at a bar in Notty Pines, she grew up behind there.

9:11am  We stopped to see if there was any scrap metal at some trashcans. I started digging through a clothesebag and this black dude on his porch yells out to me, "There's bedbugs in that!" Whoa, it seems that bedbugs is a big problem in this area. I had just seen a big advertisement on a bus bench about bedbugs. Joe says the Mexicans brought them over, hehe.

                    I forgot to mention that they have a nickname for me. Tumbleweed-Tony. They've been calling me that since the first night I hopped in the back of the truck.
9:45am  We came by to see if Shrek was home and we found another pile of scrap. We're banking today. One man's trash...

12:29pm  We had a big scrap-cleaning session back at Tom's house. We broke a lot of stuff up and seperated the dirty and clean steel. CLEAN! DIRTY!

1:43pm  Shit, my tape recorder. I dropped it and now the buttons won't stay down. Shit, I might have to buy another one. I'm able to if I have to. Let me see if it's recording right. Let me test it.

                    It seems to be working just fine, except I have to keep the play and record buttons down. Like, it won't click in the on position and depends on pressure from me to keep it recording/playing. It's a bit hard to believe. I wonder how long until it's totally dead. This is the same tape recorder I got wet in the creek in Morgantown when my digital camera died. This one has lasted me a long time. I can't wait to look up on my website when I got this one. (Since 12-31-07, 6:58pm). Damn, seven months now.

3:31pm  I just left Les Flick's Homelike Inn, New Baltimore, Ohio. I got a grilled cheese and they ate chicken-livers. We're going to go get some more scrap.

4:45pm  We came to Vince's. Umm, I don't drink.

                    Patty, 319-7992.

8:58pm  We just got back home. I met this beautiful girl at the bar Patty. She wouldn't listen to my story, but she asked me if I was hungry. She asked me if I wanted to call her, so I got her phone number.  I'm going to call her up and ask her if she wants to feed the peace machine, hehe.

10:09pm  I'm going to walk to the Kroger, but Patty's supposed to call me back. I'm going to go fill up my water bag at the drinking fountain and come back. I hope I don't miss Patty's call.

                      I got back and Patty DID call while I was gone. I called her back and talked to her for a little bit, but she had to go.

10:53pm  I just walked back to the Kroger and shoplifted some $8 Neutrogena T-Gel scalp-itch shampoo. Oh yeah, I've had scalp-itch bad for a while now. I also bought some soap so I can take a shower in the morning. And I walked right through the door. Hey alright, if I get by, it's a-mine. Mine all mine. Fuck the system.

12:21am  I had another good day of scrapping. I have like forty five dollars in my wallet now. We went on two scrap-runs today. One in the morning and one later on. It is really simple. It's real easy money. Hell, if you have a truck anyone can just go drive around and find scrap metal everywhere and then go turn it in and get cash. Recycle it. It's really easy money. Tomorrow I'm going to go ride the bus into town and tell my story and see what happens. Oh yeah, this girl Patty, this pretty thirty eight year old lady, I've got her number and I'm going to call her. Anyway, I'm going to go to sleep.

Cincinnati, OH

Tuesday July 8, 2008

     7:09am  I got 6.38 hours of sleep last night.

     8:41am  I am leaving for my first trek into Cincinnati. I am leaving Tom's house. I'm going to take a day off from scrapping.
     9:30am  I walked up to the bus stop in front of the Kroger on Hamilton. I've been here for like an hour. I'm wondering when the bus comes. Two dollars it will cost me to get downtown. I'm not going to ask for a courtesy ride. I'm going to get downtown first and then I'll ask for a ride on the way back.

                   I've got forty bucks. I'm going to go buy some supplies. I need a one-hitter. I need to buy some batteries. I hope that's the bus coming. Cool, 17. I'm going to get on it.

     The world, they are saying, is a mirage. Everything is forever falling
apart and there's no way of fixing it, and the more strenuously you grasp
this airy nothingness, the more swiftly it collapses in your hands.
Western, technological civilization is, thus far, man's most desperate
effort to beat the game—to understand, control, and fix this will-o'-thewisp
called life, and it may be that its very strength and skill will all the
more rapidly dissolve its dreams. But if this is not to be so, technical
power must be in the hands of a new kind of man.
     In times past, recognition of the impermanence of the world usually
led to withdrawal. On the one hand, ascetics, monks, and hermits tried
to exorcise their desires so as to regard the world with benign
resignation, or to draw back and back into the depths of consciousness
to become one with the Self in its unmanifest state of eternal serenity.
     On the other hand, others felt that the world was a state of probation
where material goods were to be used in a spirit of stewardship, as loans
from the Almighty, and where the main work of life is loving devotion
to God and to man.
     Yet both these responses are based on the initial supposition that the
individual is the separate ego, and because this supposition is the work
of a double-bind any task undertaken on this basis—including
religion—will be self-defeating. Just because it is a hoax from the
beginning, the personal ego can make only a phony response to life. For
the world is an ever-elusive and ever-disappointing mirage only from
the standpoint of someone standing aside from it—as if it were quite
other than himself—and then trying to grasp it. Without birth and death,
and without the perpetual transmutation of all forms of life, the world
would be static, rhythmless, undancing, mummified.
     But a third response is possible. Not withdrawal, not stewardship on
the hypothesis of a future reward, but the fullest collaboration with the
world as a harmonious system of contained conflicts—based on the
realization that the only real "I" is the whole endless process. This
realization is already in us in the sense that our bodies know it, our
bones and nerves and sense-organs. We do not know it only in the sense
that the thin ray of conscious attention has been taught to ignore it, and
taught so thoroughly that we are very genuine fakes indeed.

     10:16am  I just got off the bus at the main library downtown.

     11:30am  I am coming out of the library. I extended my update all the way to the second of July. I had the HTML files already made and proofread, but they don't have the Sandisk memory card slot or Frontpage so I can't add the pictures. They'll be pictureless until whenever.

     12:09pm  I've been wandering around downtown looking for a headshop. I've been told that there's not one at all downtown. I just got directed to Washington Park. I'm going to try and score some weed somehow.

     12:23pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. Mission-accomplished. I bought me a twenty sack. I have my silver one-hitter bat to smoke out of, but I wish I had a fake cigarette. I'm bored and there's nobody to tell my story to in the park.

                     I never mentioned that at the library I discovered they did indeed have the slot I needed to access my pictures! I have them all on my litle hard drive already. I even took the time to name them already. I killed some time at the library.

     1:35pm  What an awesome presentation I just had with Rosemary Stein. Oh yeah, they had a bum-feed here around the corner from the park by Lord's Gym, umm, the Lord's Pantry. I told this older lady working there my story and she listened to me great. I cut to the important part and she agreed with everything. I passed out my website like crazy.

     2:01pm  I just had an awesome presentation with this guy Dan. He had come out on his smokebreak and he listened to my whole story. He was all excited.

     2:14pm  I walked to the bus terminal and I'm waiting for the 17. I'm going to ride it to a headshop and buy a pipe. Then I'll ride it to the Kroger.

     2:31pm  I just got off the bus at some random spot. I was rattling off my story like crazy on the bus. Anyway, I'm going to walk to Pine and Clifton and look for a headshop.

     2:57pm  About ten minutes ago I stopped and took a smokebreak in front of Inwood Park. I'm walking up Vine Street. Right now my backpack opened up and all my shit fell out. So I stopped for a smokebreak.

     4:01pm  I just got to The Smoke Shop. Oh yeah, right before it I was walking and I noticed some girl in the distance sitting down playing with her pussy. I walked up to her and hit her up for my story and she listened to me great. Odyssey and all. She only had one leg and lived with her girlfriend in the apartment right in front of where she was sitting.

                   I went in the pipe shop and I blew ten bucks on an acrylic fake cigarette. I'm back in business.

     4:44pm  I've got to make an update. I was walking towards Hamilton, I kind of remembered that being the name of the street. I asked this brother Orlando at the stoplight which way it was and he told me that he was going that way too. He warned me that it was a long-ass walk though. I smiled and told him, "That's okay. I've got my stick." I told him to lead the way.

     5:23pm  We went up W Smithers Street(it sounded like), turning left. He's showing me a shortcut to Hamilton.

     6:36pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, me and Orlando, he called his sister and she sad she would come pick us up. We sat down at this park to wait for her and I got to tell Orlando lots of my stories. He even read Fawn's Message to All. His sister Andrea eventually pulled up in a Hummer. I've never ridden in a Hummer before. She's giving me a ride to Vince's Sports Bar. Mabye Patty will be around. Awesome. Then I can walk to Tom's.

     7:15pm  I just got to tell Andrea my story. We were driving around in a Hummer. Right now it's storming outside. I'm still at the bar, but I've extracted my rain poncho, so I'm not scared. I'm going to walk to the Kroger from here.

     7:21pm  Stopped at the White Castle and bought me a double bacon cheeseburger. I've never had White Castle before. I had one of their breakfast things the other morning. I'm going to walk back to the house.

                   Oh shit, I left my rain poncho on the counter. I have to walk back.

     7:38pm  I am back home at Tom's house.

Page 93 of The Book:

But the neglect of ecology is the one most serious weakness
of modern technology, and it goes hand-in-hand with our reluctance to
be participating members of the whole community of living species.
Man aspires to govern nature, but the more one studies ecology, the
more absurd it seems to speak of any one feature of an organism, or of
an organism/environment field, as governing or ruling others.

Cincinnati, OH

Wednesday July 9, 2008
     5:23am  I woke up about five minutes ago. I got a full nine hours of sleep. I went to bed at nine 'o clock. Eight hours. I found my one-hitter. I'm going to take another hit.

                   ZVR-1886, this guy came out of the Kroger and I hit him up for my story. He said he had to go to work, but he seemed really interested. He got my website. Ugh, I'm torn. I've got two bucks in my wallet. I am almost out of tobacco. Should I buy another pouch or should I get a donut. I had a little lasagna for breakfast, but I'm still a little hungry. These guys won't be up until way after nine or so. I'm going to get a couple donuts. I'll probably fall back asleep in the tent.

     8:29am  I'm having a good morning. I woke up in the tent because I heard a dog barking. I got out and met Alana, Tom's neighbor. I'm telling her my story now. She just volunteered me some coffee. I appreciate it, Alana. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                   Benji Baker, Alana's cousin.

     12:04pm  We're not working today. Joe hurt his back. I'm going to go into town again. It's raining right now. I've got my poncho. I'm going to walk in free without my backpack. I walked up to the bus stop in front of Kroger and this pretty black girl told me the bus came at four thirteen. I'm going to go buy some donuts. I'm going to get an extra one and offer it to that girl at the bus stop.

     12:38pm  The 17 came and I got on it. On the bus I was able to tell this pretty girl Tiffany my story. She listened all the way through. I got off the bus on Clifton. Tom and Joe were talking about it. Hopefully it's cool since it's by the college. I'm going to go spread the word here.
     12:45pm  I turned my head and saw a bus coming. I hopped to the other side of the street and the nice driver gave me a courtesy ride. "I'll walk it if I have to." Even in Cincinatti. Everybody's got it in them.

                     I'm walking down Vine Street. I just came to Inwood Park. Hopefully I'll get downtown in time to eat at that place I ate yesterday.

     1:55pm  I got off the bus by Washington Park. I hope I'm not too late for food. It was the 46 driver that had hooked me up.

     3:58pm  I forgot to tell you. I'm walking down Vine Street.

     4:26pm  I took a four twenty break at the bus stop on Vine Street. I'm going to keep walking up the hill now. It's a big incline. I am aiming for the college now. I'll look for the library.

                   Did I tell you I checked my email downtown? I couldn't do anything there. I just checked my email and that's it. I'm going to go hit the Pizza Hut up for mistakes.

     6:09pm  I jumped on the bus heading back.

     6:40pm  I'm off the 17 in front of the Kroger. I'm bored. I'm going to stand at the bus stop and show my shirt to traffic.

     7:17pm  I don't think I mentioned, but this morning I took on the project of, after I talked to Alana, across the street from her house, caddy-corner from Tom's lives LaTonya. About a week ago the tree in her front yard got knocked down. Like half the tree was leaning on her house. The wind knocked it down. It had caution tape strung all over it. I grabbed Tom's saw and I cut up that tree for her. I was cutting that tree up all morning. I did half of it, and I'm doing the second half of it right now. LaTonya should appreciate it.

Cincinnati, OH

Thursday July 10, 2008

     5:57am  6.47 hours of sleep last night.

     7:14am  I woke up and I was bored. Joe brought home a new load of scrap metal and I tried to take some of it apart before they woke up, but I didn't have any tools. I needed more than my Leatherman. I don't know. I kind of want to skip town already. They have a friend who lives in Middletown, a little north they want me to meet. I'm supposed to go up there Friday, tomorrow. Oh yeah, and they don't give me an equal third of the money. The first time when I went with Joe he gave me twenty bucks. We made like $160 total, but I was okay with just twenty. When we went yesterday Tom didn't give me anywhere close to a third of the cut. I don't really care about the money. I'm getting exercise and I usually work for free. I cut up LaTonya's tree for her yesterday just because I was bored. I'm reading my book right now. On Page 112 there's an awesome paragraph:

The startling truth is that our best efforts for civil rights, international
peace, population control, conservation of natural resources, and
assistance to the starving of the earth—urgent as they are—will destroy
rather than help if made in the present spirit. For, as things stand, we
have nothing to give. If our own riches and our own way of life are not
enjoyed here, they will not be enjoyed anywhere else. Certainly they
will supply the immediate jolt of energy and hope that methedrine, and
similar drugs, give in extreme fatigue. But peace can be made only by
those who are peaceful, and love can be shown only by those who love.
No work of love will flourish out of guilt, fear, or hollowness of heart,
just as no valid plans for the future can be made by those who have no
capacity for living now.

     9:52am  I just got up from a nap.

     2:33pm  We've spent an ardous, hot time cleaning scrap. We're all done and we're going to go to the scrapyard now and cash in.

     2:49pm  Oh yeah, I called Echo from Florida earlier from Kim's phone and she told me she wants to send me some money! She told me she had a restraining order put on John. I'm sorry I didn't call you back, Echo. The phone cut out and I didn't have that much to say anyway. You left me speechless with your generosity, Echo. ::muah::

     4:34pm  Man, I'm not having too good a time. I only got ten bucks for all the work I did today. Ugh, I worked so much more than Tom did today. Joey only gave me ten dollars after we cashed in at the scrapyard. He told me that Tom would give me some too. After the scrapyard we went to that restaurant to eat chicken livers and when I mentioned it to Tom he had the nerve to tell me, "Oh, I'm strapped." Right after he bought all this beer and shit. At that point I was thinking I won't feel so taken advantage of is Tom lets me take a shower and do my laundry. When I asked him he had the gall to tell me, "Oh, my mom bitches about the water bill. Can you wait until the morning? I don't take showers every day. That's so much fucking bullshit. I feel so taken advantage of. I can't wait to leave. Ugh, I busted my ass today. I was all sweating and shit in the hot sun, and not only do I ONLY get ten dollars for it, I can't even take a shower? Fuck that, man.

     6:29pm  I really apologize for my lack of entries. I'm really bored and today I felt really taken advantage of. I only got a measly ten dollars after doing so much more work that Tom. He didn't even unload anything at the scrapyard. Joey and I did almost all of the work. Joey gave me ten bucks. I wouldn't be nearly so pissed if Tom would have had the decency to let me take a shower. He's a pussy, man. He's all scared of his mom. Right now Joey offered to pay me some money to help deliver this wood.

     7:53pm  I went with Joey and we unloaded all that wood at this nice lady's house. She's a weedsmoker too. We came back to check the firewood they have for sale. Joey checked the bucked and there was a twenty dollar bill in it! It's an honor-system bucket. Take what you want and give what you think it's worth. They bank. We're driving back to the house. Man, I want to leave already. I want to go see Doreen in Middletown and change my scenery.

     7:57pm  Badass, Joey just came up to me and gave me a twenty dollar bill. That's awesome. Now I don't feel so taken advantage of. Joey told me, "Yeah, I ain't no Tom Skaggs." Joe's a man of his word.

     10:13pm  It's turned out to be an alright night. Joe gave me the money I deserved. It's not so much about the money, and it totally wasn't Joe's responsibility to make Tom's wrong right, I just felt really taken advantage of by Tom. Like if I was just some cheap labor to fund his drinking beer. We're going to see Doreen in Middletown and that will be my springboard North. I've been playing around with the idea of going to Toronto, to Canada. Detroit. Last night I talked to Doreen on the phone and got her to look at the Leaf Blower video and Free Hugs. She was all psyched about it.

Cincinnati to Middletown, OH

Friday July 11, 2008

6:25am  I woke up about five minutes ago. I got seven hours of sleep last night.

6:29am  I'm chilling on Tom's back deck just chilling. I wish I could take pictures but I am out of batteries. I should buy some batteries with the money I've got. I'll walk up to Kroger and take a shit and buy some batteries.

7:33am  I forgot to tell you that I walked up to the Kroger.
9:55am  We came over to Joey's house. We're going to do our laundry at a laundromat. I got a dollar in quarters and stuff. Oh yeah, I got to meet Harold today. This hippie dude. I'm waiting for Joey to take a shower and I'm going to sit down in these woods down here and smoke some weed. Oh yeah, I had gone to Kroger and I bought some more batteries. I only have fifteen dollars left now. I got some donuts and stuff. I am almost out of weed again.

                   We came to the same laundromat I came to the other day in front of Frickers.

11:49am  I had an awesome presentation with this brother in front of the laundromat.

12:52pm  Me and Joey just finished our laundry. I had a great presentation with this dude, I took his picture.

                     We came to the Subway and we bought a five dollar footlong tuna sandwich.

2:11pm  We're taking off to Middletown. We're going to go see Doreen, the kynd-bud queen. Right now I'm in the back of Joe's truck with all these coolers. We're going to barbecue at Doreen's tonight. I'm sitting on these cushions. I'm sitting next to my pack, backpack and walking stick. Peace out.

                     I did some paranoid-checks before I left. I've got my TGel shampoo.

3:28pm  We just got to Doreen's. I had so much fun riding in the back of the truck the whole way. I was sitting up letting other cars read my shirt. I got some good reactions to it and then I got the idea to grab another of my shirts so I could hold up the back side that says I had a blast.

9:26pm  I should make an update already. Doreen tried to have a garage sale at her house, but she only got one customer. She's going to try again tomorrow, Saturday. It was cool, at the garage sale I had three WPTMJ shirts hung up for sale, but barely anybody came. I had a great welcome to Doreen's. She made me feel right at home. Doreen has the most adorable four year old granddaughter Emily. She's her daughter Katie's daugther. Emily is one sharp tack for being so young. I was able to tell Katie most of my stories inside while everyone else was partying outside. Katie listened beautifully.

Middletown, OH

Saturday July 12, 2008
10:30am  I slept in late this morning. I woke up early but went back to sleep. I got a good eight hours of sleep or something. Katie, Doreen's daughter, she has a laptop I can use! My website is now updated all the way to the second of this month! I still have a little more typing to do to be caught up. I need to type up my Cincinnati adventure. Right now I'm going for a walk to the store. I hope I don't get lost.

                     Forrer Avenue.

                     Walking up to Verity Parkway.

11:16am  I had a great presentation with Kelsey in front of this house. I started walking back from the store because it started raining. I should've brought my poncho. I even stopped under the highway and waited for it to let up. I took Kelsey's picture.

10:39pm  I am reading The Book. I am almost finished with it. Page 153:

     It is no wonder that an increasing proportion of college students want
no part in Dad's world, and will do anything to avoid the rat-race of the
salesman, commuter, clerk, and corporate executive. Professional men,
too—architects, doctors, lawyers, ministers, and professors—have
offices away from home, and thus, because the demands of their
families boil down more and more to money, are ever more tempted to
regard even professional vocations as ways of making money. All this is
further aggravated by the fact that parents no longer educate their own
children. Thus the child does not grow up with understanding of or
enthusiasm for his father's work. Instead, he is sent to an understaffed
school run mostly by women which, under the circumstances, can do no
more than hand out mass-produced education which prepares the child
for everything and nothing. It has no relation whatever to his father's
     Along with this devaluation of the father, we are becoming
accustomed to a conception of the universe so mysterious and so
impressive that even the best father-image will no longer do for an
explanation of what makes it run. But the problem then is that it is
impossible for us to conceive an image higher than the human image.
Few of us have ever met an angel, and probably would not recognize it
if we saw one, and our images of an impersonal or suprapersonal God
are hopelessly subhuman—jello, featureless light, homogenized space,
or a whopping jolt of electricity. However, our image of man is
changing as it becomes clearer and clearer that the human being is not
simply and only his physical organism. My body is also my total
environment, and this must be measured by light-years in the billions.
Hitherto the poets and philosophers of science have used the vast
expanse and duration of the universe as a pretext for reflections on the
unimportance of man, forgetting that man with "that enchanted loom,
the brain" is precisely what transforms this immense electrical pulsation
into light and color, shape and sound, large and small, hard and heavy,
long and short. In knowing the world we humanize it, and if, as we
discover it, we are astonished at its dimensions and its complexity, we
should be just as astonished that we have the brains to perceive it.

Middletown, OH

Sunday July 13, 2008
4:26pm  Let's see, this morning I woke up early and went back to sleep. This morning I recieved a good dose of free love from Doreen. Oh yeah, Tom borrowed my Leatherman the night we came over and forget to give it back. So, I am staying here until he can get it back to me. It's mission-critical. He said he'll come back tomorrow, so I'm staying another night. Oh yeah, this morning I got all my stuff proofread and now that I have more time I can get to typing. I don't have that much left to catch up. I have been getting so much work done on Katie's laptop.

                   Right now I'm going to rewind and research my tape so I can keep typing, so I won't be making another entry for a while.

11:55pm  I'm just about done on the computer. I spent all day on the computer typing and proofreading. I am already caught up to the eleventh, like three days ago. The day before I leave to Middletown. I'm going to crash out. I am seriously tired. I am really grateful that I've had these resources here with people who believe in me. Everything has been going great.

12:47am  I am going to bed. I had a full day on the computer today.


Middletown to Collinsville to Camden to Eaton, OH

Monday July 14, 2008

8:30am  I got 7.41 hours of sleep.

11:32am  This morning Doreen had taken off and I didn't notice. I cleaned my ass off. I swept the kitchen and did the dishes and stuff. I even swept the staircase. I'm walking to the store now to buy some cigarettes. Tom is supposed to be coming back and he'll have my Leatherman. That's the only thing tying me down. I need my Leatherman. It's mission-critical.
11:57am  I walked up the Speedway and spent four dollars. I bought a pack of rollies and a couple tornados. I'm walking back.

                     I didn't tell you. I traded Doreen an XL WORLD PEACE THROUGH MARIJUANA shirts for one of her shirts. She gave me one that says, "Thank you for pot smoking." It has a good bible scripture on the back that I want to show my mom.

1:51pm  Tom and Joe showed up and brought my Leatherman back. I am whole once more. Cool, cool.

4:50pm  We are finally taking off.

5:25pm  I just got dropped off by Tom and Joe-nig at 127. Tom is directing me to Celina, for some reason. I'm going to go there and hang out and spread the word. They dropped me off at the BP gas station in Collinsville. I'm going to start walking until somebody picks me up. I don't know.

                     Oh yeah, when I first walked in the gas station I asked them if they had water on a soda fountain. Glenda told me that I could go to the sink, but just then Tom, who lives next door asked me if I wanted ice too. He said he'd go to his house and fill up my bag for me.

5:31pm  Hell yeah, Tom came back with my bladder filled with ice water. He lives right next door. He asked me if I wanted to the spend the night or take a shower. Dude, hell yeah. See, I didn't take a shower at Doreen's the whole time I was there. They didn't have any hot water because they don't know how to light their pilot light. I was going to suffer a cold shower this morning. I ended up just washing my hair because the water was so cold. My scalp is still itching bad, even thought I got that T-Gel shampoo. Hmm, it's only five thirty. Maybe Tom will smoke me out, hehe.

                     Welcome to Collinsville, hell yeah. See, when I first got there I started telling the cashier Glenda my story. When I walked in her and Tom told me, "We love your shirt." Tom came back and invited me over to his house. I am walking through the grass right now.

5:53pm  Man, what blatant ignorance I have just encountered. Tom was drinking a beer the whole time I was talking. See, he invited me over and I met his younger son. Thirteen, I'd guess. I gave my introduction and he told me, "I'll listen to you, go ahead." We all sat down in the living room and I started. Right when I say alcohol is ignorance Tom gets all mad telling me, "Don't you see I'm drinking a beer??" I told him yes, and I repeat, alcohol breeds ignorance. People don't listen when they're drinking, just like you aren't this very moment. Thanks for proving me right." Tom got all mad and I took that as my sign to leave. None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free!

                     The coolest shit. I went back to the gas station and got bored. I walked to 127 to start thumbing and these cool-looking kids drive by. I yell, "Got any weed?? I've got five dollars!" They turn around and pull up and tell me, "We can't give you a ride, but we'll smoke you out." Awesome! For the cause, for the cause.

                     What beautiful magic just happened. I was standing there for like less than a minute. These kids drove by and I noticed they went to the gas station and were headed back. When they came back they let me get in and we drove around and smoked a couple bowls. Hell yeah, welcome to Collinsville.

6:35pm  Dude, I'm going to tell my story to a police officer. This guy just pulled up at the gas station and walked up to me and asked me how I was doing. I don't think he read my shirt. I told him that I was a journalist, a long-distance walker. He asked me how long I had been walking and I told him six years. He told me about some girl he knew who hiked the Appalachian trail. He opened his wallet to put my website in it and I saw his badge. I asked him, "Oh, you're a police officer? I've got a really interesting story I want to tell you." He said he would be right back in walked in the store.

                     I stashed my weed just in case.

                     I had a great presentation with Maxwell, that police officer I told you about. He was all smiles. He agreed with everything I said. When I said marijuana he told me, "That shit should have been legalized a long time ago, but then they wouldn't make any money off of it." That's what everybody tells me. I got the biggest balls of them all! Hehe.

6:48pm  Maxwell gave me the head's-up not to go into Summersville. He said I'll get shot there or get all my shit stolen.

7:00pm  I am all loaded up and packed up and I'm ready to rock. I bought me some snacks and I am walking now.

7:06pm  Damnit, I did it once again. I left my weed. I'm going to walk all the way back to the BP.

7:12pm  I walked back to the BP and retrieved my Scripture Mints tin of weed. Thanks mom, for that tin. I'm kind of hungry. I sit down and eat and thumb it. Maybe I can get a ride.

7:23pm  In no-time Tom pulled over for me. I was out there for like maybe ten minutes. He's driving a Jaguar. I appreciate it, Tom. Everybody gets credit.

7:35pm  I just got delivered to another BP gas station in Camden. I put my shirt on. I had changed it earlier back when I thought I'd be walking, but Tom picked me up.

                   Hell yeah, people here are nice so far. After Tom dropped me off this other guy pulls up and asks me where I'm going. I tell him Celina. He's not going that way but if he was he would've given me a ride. I am at US 127 and Central Avenue. Douglas Street and Central.

                   Tom let me take his picture.  That might not be Tom.  I don't think that's a Jaguar.  It might be that other guy who had pulled up right after Tom dropped me off.  I'm not sure. 

7:54pm  I am only eight miles away from Eaton, so I've decided I'm going to walk it. I am a long-distance walker, after all. The journal on my website is update to five days ago.

8:11pm  Coming up on Camden Road. I've been giving the peace sign to all the cars.

                   About to pass the Lake Camden Marsh House. I took a picture of it.

8:51pm  Passing Seven Mile Road/Mann Road.
8:52pm  I'm going to take a one-hour breather. I'm going to sit down and smoke a cigarette.

9:04pm  I am leaving from my break.

                   Whoa, I just found me sixteen brand new loose cigarettes on the ground! Sweet, only four missing from the pack. Groundscore! Marlboro Lights.

                   Oh yeah, earlier one of those kids kicked me down a little bit of weed. I took a hit before I left the BP and one right now. I have one left afterwards.

                   I found two more cigarettes! Eighteen now.

                   Oh, there's nineteen, twenty, oh wait. Twenty one? That's weird. I must've miscounted them.

                   I don't know what time it is because I can't see my watch. It's a little after ten, I think. I'm taking a breather at Consolidated Road. I think I should've walked eight miles by now. I'm going to sit down and rest and smoke one of these cigarettes I found. I found a whole pack altogether!

10:17pm  I am taking off from my break.

10:31pm  Passing the Eaton Corporation Limit sign.

10:40pm  Passing some store called Future Comforts.

                     City of Eaton, founded in 1806. I'd take a picture of the big water tower, but it's dark.

10:48pm  Coming up on the 732 junction. I see a gas station.

11:02pm  I already made my bed. I walked a little further and noticed the public library is right here. Only the drive-through at the gas station was open, so I couldn't tell the cashier my story. I figured I'd find a place close to the library to crash so I could check my email and update my website in the morning. I still have to add some html files. I found a place close by where I was able to trample these branches down and made a little corridor for myself. I put my rain poncho down and made my bed.

11:37pm  Alright, I brushed my teeth and I'm going to sleep. Goodnight, everybody. I wonder what's going to happen tomorrow.


Eaton to New Madison to Greenville, OH

Tuesday July 15, 2008

6:54am  I just woke up. Let me see how much sleep I got. Seven hours.  I took a picture of my camp.

7:09am  All packed up and ready to go.

7:31am  I am leaving from the Sunoco. I had a good morning break in front of it. I brushed my teeth and smoked a cigarette. Tom in Cincinnati had given me some lunchmeat and some bread. I made a sandwich this morning at my camp. I'm going to walk. This town is dead. At least right now it is. Some lady told me the library opened at eight, but I don't really need to check my email or nothing. I'm going to keep walking. I'm going to try and make it to Celina today.

7:39am  I just stopped and took a picture of the statue of William Bruce, founder of Eaton. February 20, 1806.

7:56am  I just walked up to Five Points by the Speedway. I'm going to go inside and take a shit.

8:20am  I had a good presentation with this guy wearing a Tool shirt that works at the Speedway here. He came outside to smoke a cigarette and I told him my intro and mission-objectives. He told me he had to get back to work so I just closed him with the two favors and gave him my website. In the end he told me I was a good storyteller.

8:40am  Leaving from the Speedway. I got bored. Seven miles to Highway 70, I think.

8:41am  Wait, there's a McDonald's right here. I'm going to eat a burger, take a resin hit and start walking.

8:49am  I am leaving the McDonald's. I gave the pretty cashier my website. I got a sausage burrito to-go.

8:54am  I walked up to the Marathon. There's a Big K and there's a Walmart close by. They've got benches in front of the Marathon, so I'm going to sit down and eat my burrito.

9:08am  Taking off from the Marathon. Man, I'm all stoned. I'm resinated.

9:11am  I picked up a burnt CD on the ground. It says Jim Jones, re-up, MIMS. I don't know what it is. Maybe I should keep it.

9:23am  I stopped at the first shade I came to. It's hot. I'm going to rest and thumb it.

9:36am  Leaving from my rest.

9:45am  Coming up on the 726 Junction. I'm still walking 127 North.

9:47am  West Manchester 8 miles and Greenville 23.

9:48am  I see a sign that says BARN SALE. I'm going to go check that out. I have a dollar or something. Barn sale at the Bowser's.

9:53am  There was nothing good at the barn sale. Hmm, I should've left a inside the "barn." The lady was inside the house watching the kid.

9:55am  I just put one in their mailbox. There was a letter there too. She hasn't checked her mail yet.

9:56am  Back on 127, walking. Little detour there.

                   On my website instead of asking, "And what exactly are you doing for world peace. Besides fueling the evil machine preventing it," say, "Are you doing anything for world peace? Or are you just fueling the evil machine preventing it?"

10:25am  I walked the sight-distance, to the next turn in the highway. I'm going to sit and rest in the shade next to this cemetery.

10:44am  Leaving from my rest in the shade next to the Zion Cemetery. Right next to the Cool Gospel Temple.

10:52am  Coming up on Winnerline Road.

10:55am  Target Enforcement Area, whatever that means.

10:59am  Hell yeah, I see a TA in the distance. A truckstop sign. I hope that's what that is.

11:13pm  I just took a picture of the Pilot truckstop at I70.

11:39pm  Leaving from my break at the Pilot.

                     I'm out of food and I am out of money. I'm going to go thumb it North, but I might come back to the gas station to hang out.

12:06pm  Right on the other side of the interstate is the TA truckstop, the sign I saw earlier. I had bought two donuts at the Pilot and ate them both. I'm going to stand here and thumb it for an hour or so. Hopefully somebody will give me a ride. Actually, I have one slice of sandwich meat and one slice of bread.

                     I've been waving the peace sign to every single car on the walk up here. Even the ones going my way get the peace sign. Everybody waves back. I've also been walking on the opposite side facing cars so they can see me give them the peace sign.

                     Dayton Travel Center is where I'm at.

12:14pm  The sun is really getting into my eyes without a hat on. I just got my camo do-rag on. I'm going to walk until there's some shade and thumb it.

12:18pm  About to pass the Treble County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.

12:40pm  I walked up towards the Marathon gas station and I saw a fruit stand. The guy inside saw me walking and called me over. He listened to my story and he volunteered me some ears of corn. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit.

12:46pm  I just walked across the street to the Marathon. I'm going to smoke a cigarette and expose my shirt.

1:05pm  I stopped in the shade right in front of Ceder Brooke Farm. Ohio Bicentennial 1803-2003. I'll take a picture. I'm going to rest in the shade and thumb it and smoke a cigarette. I'm in front of 7874 whatever street this is.

1:21pm  Hmm, I don't know how far the next gas station is, and I'm out of food, so I'm not going to keep walking. Well, just back to the Marathon.

1:33pm  Back at the Marathon at the stoplight. I'm standing in the shade right next to this billboard. They've got a big couch here I'm sitting on.

1:54pm  Did I tell you they have a couch right here? I scooted it over so it would be in the shade of the billboard. I'm going to try and take a nap. Resin makes me tired.

3:12pm  Man, I got rescued! See, I took a nap in the couch I put in the shade. I woke up and before you know it I'm getting a ride to Greenville, awesome. Let's see if the town lives up to its name.

3:36pm  Some more magic happened. I just finished telling Rob my story. He asked me if I was doing anything in particular right now and I told him no, not really. If you don't plan things you never get let down. It's good to be free. He's got to run some errands at the courthouse, but then he's going to take me to his house so I can meet his wife and he said he'd smoke me out! I appreciate it, brother.

4:12pm  We just drove over to New Madison where Rob lives. Sweet, we're going to make four twenty right on time!

4:26pm  What a magical adventure I am on. We smoked some kynd bud! We smoked this badass weed in Rob's garage here. I'm going to get to tell his wife my story. She's twenty eight and he's thirty four.

5:41pm  I was just magically delivered to Greenville. Man, I had the most awesome presentation with Amy, his beautiful wife. She was one of the best listener's I have ever had, seriously. Her eyes were locked on mine the whole time. She heard every word I said. In the end Rob hooked me up with a bud AND ten dollars, hell yeah! Everything happens for a reason.

                   Rob gave me a big bag full of snacks, too. I've got food.

5:51pm  Rob dropped me off at this Sunoco. Right now a white van full of Lighthouse Christian Church kids saw my shirt and they were all giving me the peace sign and laughing. I took my pack off and showed them the back of my shirt.

                   I just got run off from the gas station by a cop. The owner of the store got all scared. The cop was cool as hell with me though. I'm going to go thumb it on the onramp or something. I don't know.

6:43pm  I am almost to the onramp. I've got thirty two miles to Celina.

6:47pm  Made it to the onramp.

7:44pm  Curt and James just pulled over for me. How old are you guys? Sixteen and seventeen. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

7:56pm  I just got magically teleported by Curt and James. I am only fifteen miles away from Celina now. I'm thinking about just walking it. Maybe I can get a ride. Twenty five miles away, I mean. The sun is coming down. It's not that hot anymore. I got food. I got weed. I got it all.

7:59pm  I got dropped off in front of the Annie Oakley Restaurant. I'll take a picture.

8:44pm  I walked around the vicinity. I'm thinking about camping for the night. I was looking around the picnic area right across the street from the restaurant and Terry just walked up to me and handed me a plate of food! I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

8:54pm  I just ate a huge plate of food. I am so stuffed. I'm going to walk to Celina tonight. I'm not going to wait until tomorrow. Umm, or at least I'm going to walk to my campspot.

                   Screw camping. I'm walking to Celina. I've got me a full tank.

                   Right across the street from the restaurant there is an Annie Oakley Picnic Area. I took a picture of the plaque. I thought I was going to jump the fence and camp in the corner behind it, but I'm not. I was blessed with a bigass plate of food. These people were standing in front of the restaurant and had seen me hitchhiking earlier, they made me a plate of food. That was awesome.

                   I took a picture of the purple sky. It's beautiful. I hope it comes out good.

9:22pm  Passing Burch Road.

9:34pm  Coming up on the 47 Junction. I'm scanning for a campspot.

                   Versailles five to the right and something three miles to the left. I see a tree line up ahead. Maybe I can crash in those woods.

10:01pm  I secured my campspot for the night. I walked to that tree line I mentioned earlier. I walked into the woods and found a spot and cleaned up all these spiny sticks, made a little corridor and put my military rain poncho down. I hope the bugs leave me alone tonight.

10:48pm  I'm going to bed. Goodnight, everybody.

Greenville to North Star to Celina, OH

Wednesday July 16, 2008

5:52am I just woke up. Well, I woke up about five minutes ago. I got a shitload of sleep. I didn't set my watch last night. I went to bed around ten or so. I'll figure it out later.

6:35am  I am still packing up. I'm taking my time this morning. I'm waiting for the sun to come up. I should probably take a shit somewhere. There isn't going to be a bathroom for another twenty miles.

6:52am  I am up and at 'em. I'm all loaded up and I already left. I'm walking now. I didn't take a shit. I probably should. I had a bigass plate of pasta last night.

7:05am  Greenville-St. Mary's-D Road.

7:13am  Passing Burn-York Road.

7:27am  Taking my first break in the shade. I hiked like a mile and a half.
7:45am  I ate some mandarin oranges that I found in the trashcans yesterday at the picnic area. There were lots of kids' school lunchbags and a lot of them didn't touch their oranges. I scored like three or four of them. Still sealed. I also have like four Ramens Amy gave me. I think I have a thing of applesauce too. I'm all stoned.

                   I've been giving the peace sign to every single car, man.

7:50am  Right before I came to some shade I found a tennis ball.

7:55am  Coming up on Junction 185.

7:58am  Passing Brock-Cosmos Road to the left and 185 to the right.

8:00am  Walking in front of the old Brock-Boyd Cemetery 1851. I should take a picture.

8:04am  Interesting cemetery. There was this one tombstone with a Mason sign, a Masonic symbol on it. I took a picture of it. I hope it comes out with this shitty camera. Oh yeah, there was also another tombstone with the name STONER, hehe. I took a picture of that too.

                   This is an old-ass cemetery. People buried here died in the 1800s.

8:19am  About to pass Medford Road. My next rest in the shade is two miles down.

8:29am  I'm going to stop and rest in the shade. I only walked a mile. I have to find somewhere to take a shit too. I'm over here by the old house that says Chew Mail Pouch Tobacco.

9:06am  I took a shit and ate some Ramen and applesauce. I smoked a cigarette and got stoned. I have one more hit of weed left, I think.

9:15am  Passing Wabash-York Road. Ice cream, two miles ahead.

9:35am  Passing in front of Star Greenhouses Incorporated.

9:36am  Right in front of the greenhouse place is another Annie Oakley historical site. I'll take a picture.  Close-up of plaque.

9:46am  I just walked into the town of North Star. Passing the sign that says North Star Corporation Limits. I didn't know there was a town called North Star.

9:49am  I took a picture of the North Star sign.

10:17am  I came to this bar. I walked into town and I was hungry hoping there would be a gas station. I walked up the main street and I saw this sign that said LIQUOR BEER EATS. I walked into to get some eats. There was a lot of old people inside. Right now I am telling the waitress here, the girl here my story. It seems like she's really enjoying it. When I first went in there I didn't give her my gasoline-for-the-stomach line. I've got ten bucks. I'm telling her my story. Hopefully she'll hook me up. I don't know. She gave me a menu and I ordered a bacon cheeseburger. She's cooking my burger right now. I'm in the middle of my story, about to start the Odyssey.

11:01am  I just had the most excellent presentation with Mary. She ended up hooking me up with the burger too! I appreciate it, Mary. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot. She wouldn't let me take her picture though. She's beautiful.

                     Mary told me, "I have something for you," and she walked out to her car.

11:20am  Hell yeah, what an awesome reception to North Star I've had. Mary listened to all of my stories. I told her the Note From the Rich and everything. She loved it. She has the most beautiful blue eyes. She hooked me up. She didn't charge me for the burger. I still have ten dollars in my wallet. She gave me these two huge apples. "How about them apples?" I told her, hehe. I'm walking to the gas station half a mile away, she said.

11:30am  Passing sign that says Celina 16 miles Van Wert 87.

11:34am  I'm walking up to the Marathon, the Pak-n-sak. Umm, I don't feel like walking fifteen miles. I'm just going to get a ride.

12:16pm  I walked all the way to the Marathon, all the way from the Annie Oakley Restaurant. When I got here I asked this one guy if he was going to Celina. He told me almost and that he'd give me a ride. But then Jim pulled up and offered to take me all the way to Celina! I appreciate it, Jim. Everybody gets credit.

                     Some more magic happened. Jim's giving me a ride. I just told him my story. How old are you, by the way? Fifty nine. I took his picture with him wearing his NYPD hat. He just volunteered me a little joint roach, hell yeah. Smoke a brother out. It's for a good cause. I'll pay you back by saving the world. Sounds fair?

12:33pm  I was just magically transported to Grand Lake St. Mary's. The largest hand-dug lake in, umm, the world? I don't know. I'll look it up on the internet. Sweet, welcome to Celina.

12:42pm  I am in Downtown Celina. I just got dropped off by the movie theater by Jim. He was all listening to some motivational speaker Zig something. I'm going to go hang out at a gas station.

1:14pm  I came to the Lake Shore Park, the shelterhouse. I had an awesome presentation with all the skater kids here. How old are you guys? Fourteen and fifteen. I told them my story and Jack was cool enough to hook me up with some weed! I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

1:47pm  I just ate one of those monster apples. I met Jeremy/Hillbilly. I asked everyone if there was a public pool in town I could take a shower at. Jeremy offered to walk me there.

2:05pm  We just walked all the way to Bryson Pool.

2:44pm  The nice people at Bryson Pool were nice enough to let me take a shower. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

2:47pm  Man, I just scored such an awesome shower at the pool. I am all clean. My scalp itches so I used my dandruff shampoo and everything. When I first went in the shower I stripped down naked and started scrubbing myself. These two kids walk in and see me and apologize and leave. Me thinking everyone gets naked in the shower. Then it occurred to me that people at public pools probably leave their swim trunks on in the showers, because of all the little kids. I quickly went to my pack and put on my swim trunks. Those kids eventually came back and even talked to me a little.
Anyway, since my towel and swim trunks were wet, I walked out and went around the fence to the backside of the pool property. I hung up my towel and trunks and sat down in the shade across the street to smoke. I had asked the kids inside if there was a laundromat in town and they gave me directions. I'll go do my laundry next.

3:04pm  I took a picture of my towel hung up on the fence. While I was smoking all these kids from the pool came over to the fence and started talking to me, asking me what my name was and shit. I told them what I was doing and they loved my shirt. I quickly passed out my website. There's this bar that runs along the fence that they were all standing on. Tons of kids. It broke and they all fell down. They even took pictures of me.
It was awesome, I had left my soap and shampoo in the shower and the kids working there got wind that I was hanging out by the fence and they came over and returned it to me.

3:54pm  I went in the Dominos and asked for mistakes. They said no.

                   I forgot to tell you. I left the pool already. I walked Market Street to Main.

4:10pm  I walked to the laundromat.

5:34pm  I am done with my laundry. I went next door into the restaurant in the bowling alley and bought me a bacon cheeseburger. I ate and I smoked weed. I'm down to my little resin ball now. I'm walking to Main Street. I need to rest.

6:38pm  Let's see, at first I went to the Shell, but they didn't sell Buglers there. Then I went next door to the Marathon and not only did they have a fountain I could get ice from, but it also had the little water lever on the lemonade.

                    I'd tell people my story right now, but there's barely anybody out. I tried telling the beautiful cashier at the Marathon my story, but she got busy. I gave her my website. I'm going to walk down to the shelterhouse. I'm tired. I need to rest.

7:05pm  Officer Taylor pulled over to talk to me. People called the police about me at the public pool earlier. Surprise, surprise. He pulled over to talk to me. I showed him my ID and told him my story. He left me alone. He told me, "I'm just trying to make sure that you're not selling any drugs, that you are just spreading the word about it." I told him I was just exercising my freedoms. He agreed with everything I said.

7:22pm  Some magic happened on Main Street just now. John just hooked me up with some barbecue! Hit the spot. He told me to meet him later by the Sherwin Williams and he might let me crash. I stick out a little. You'll see me.

                   This John guy is going to be a challenge getting through to. He's ignorant as hell. He wouldn't even let me finish off the mission-objectives.

7:48pm  Man, the weirdest thing. All day today I've been hearing about some guy who was on the news here, that he's walked all over the country. Right now this dude on Main Street told me to meet him at the Sherwin Williams and that he would give me some food. So I was walking over there thinking he might let me crash or something. All of a sudden Sean pulls up in his car and asks me, "Hey man, are you the guy?" I'm all what guy? He told me that everyone at the movie theater is talking about me, that they saw me walking around and they wanted to meet me. He asked me if I wanted to go back to the theatre and I said okay. He told me they would let me watch a movie for free! Umm, I've got a story to tell them if I'm not the guy. Either way. Man, that would be so crazy if I was on the news. The revolution won't be televised.

                   Dark picture with Sean in it.

8:08pm  Hell yeah, I had a great reception at the movie theater. I'm the guy on the news, I suppose. If I'm not the guy on the news, at least they think I am and they heard my story with ears wide open. That was just awesome. Welcome to Celina.

11:05pm  I just scored me a free movie! I watched Journey to the Center of the Earth with Brendan Fraser, the guy from Encino Man. I am so glad I didn't pay for it. It was lame. Jules Verne must be turning in his grave. Oh yeah, then I came out and Sean might be finding me a place to crash. I'm so tired.

12:03am  I've had such a great welcome to Celina. This awesome dude Sean brought me over to his house in Rockford. I me this parents. This whole town already knows about me. It's great. I can't wait until tomorrow.

Celina, OH

Thursday July 17, 2008

7:31am  I woke up at seven this morning. I got seven hours of sleep. Everybody is still asleep. I'm going to go outside and smoke a cigarette.

7:54am  I had a good morning session. I am all out of weed, but I was able to scrape a nice little resin ball out of my little weed tin. Sean made me a huge plate of eggs last night. I ws so full. Welcome to Rockford, Victor. Right now I'm sitting on their front porch in their wooden glider. At Franklin Street and Pearl Street.
8:27am  I had an awesome presentation with Mike, Sean's father. I had noticed these dead branches everywhere and I took it upon myself to clean it up. I had the greatest presentation with him. I only told him the important part of the Odyssey. I asked him to do my the two favors.

                   Mike just left. He came up to me and shook my hand and said, "Thanks for telling me your story." The Berne family.

11:27am  Sean is driving me into Celina. I was able to call my mom at his house and she's going to mail me a care-package with a digital camera and eighty bucks for a new pair of boots. I'm going to call Echo today and see if she'll send me some money too. Yeah right.

12:04pm  I just got dropped off my Sean at the shelterhouse. There's nobody there, so I'm walking into town. I'll go to the Marathon and refill my ice water.

12:53pm  I just spat my story out to Lauren. Pretty girl, I took her picture. In front of the movie theater.

1:01pm  Hell yeah, Lauren just came up to me and handed me a brand new one liter bottle of drinking water and said, "Here's for my appreciation for what you're doing." Nice.

1:21pm  I just hit up the kid at Family Video for my story, but he was busy working. He took the website. Anyway, I'm going to walk to, wait, there's a Caretta Mexican Restaurant. I'm going to eat, sweet. I walked off down some random street, because Main Street is too loud to tell my story. It's also Highway 127 so there's 18 wheelers going by too. Hmm, there's a tobacco store. Maybe there's somebody to tell my story to in there.

1:28pm  I went into Cow Bob's Discount Tobacco, but they were busy too. They took the website. I am kind of hungry now, so I'm going to go hit up La Caretta.

1:32pm  The "manager's not here," but I think they're going to give me some tortilla chips or something. I told them, "Whatever. I'm hungry. It doesn't matter."

2:21pm  I forgot to tell you. I came over to the shelterhouse again and there were lots of kids. I saw the dude with the pink hair again. What was your name again? Dylan. I told him my story yesterday. John, Ethan and Jack too. Oh yeah, when I first got here I said, "Anybody got any weed??" Jack just hooked me up with some weed, hell yeah. Thanks for turning the peace machine on. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

3:08pm  I am leaving from the shelterhouse. The clacking from the skateboard was getting on my nerves. Right now I'm going to go find me a Western Union place so Echo can wire me some money.

3:33pm  Larry Highly hooked me up with some food on Main Street. Country style ribs, hell yeah, man.

4:37pm  I had an awesome presentation with the girl working at the Ohio Cash Advance place. I told her my whole Odyssey. For some strange reason Echo wanted me to call her at four twenty, so I told her my story until then. I called at four twenty, but nobody answered. I got to finish my story and I tried again. Her daughter answered, but she was all dry with me. I asked her if Echo was there and she said no real quick. I asked her if she knew when she would be back and she no quick again. Like if maybe Echo was there all along. I probably shouldn't get my hopes up that Echo is going to be good on her word and send me money. She's a wingnut. I forgot.

7:16pm  I should make an update. I met this dude Justin at the shelterhouse. We walked over and hung out on some guys porch.  I thought I was going to be able to stash my bags at his house so we walked all the way over there. He lived far, over by the highschool. We watched Rambo. His mom got there and said we had to go, so we're walking back. What a big waste of time. At least I got some good exercise.

7:33pm  We stopped for a smokebreak in the shade by this church. We're walking now.

7:50pm  I forgot to tell you. Earlier I got a hold of Echo and talked to her. She didn't mention the money at all. She kept asking me when was I going to come down to Florida again. Forget Echo. She's just too obsessive. She's such a cute girl though. She's beautiful. She's Echo.

9:14pm  Oh yeah, they're letting me another free movie. At ten 'o clock.

9:30pm  The greedy asses at the Burger King told me no.

                   She told me no right away. "Everybody gets credit," I yelled at her. I was just testing you, anyway. Greed shall be your downfall.

10:21pm  I am having the most awesome presentation with these three girls in front of the movie theater. I'm glad I made the right choice. My movie was supposed to start at ten, remember? They were going to hook me up again. I was going to watch Wanted or something. These three girls walked by and I hit them up for my story. They listened to me like crazy. See, there's a big Batman movie being released tonight at midnight. I thought I'd wait and watch that one, assuming they would let me see that one for free too. I found out they wouldn't. Ahh, should I stay and watch another movie? Ahh, I've got until midnight to tell these girls some more stories. They let me stash my stuff behind the counter so I could walk around free. Andria, Kim and Jes. Ages? Andria's 18, Kim is 18 and Jes is 19. Jes said she would cover me for Batman tonight, that's awesome. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot. I'll pay you back by saving the world. Sounds fair?

11:44pm  I am sitting here inside the movie theater about to watch the movie with everybody else. There was a big crowd of people outside the movie theater. This was like a big event.

                     Okay, I'm typing this from memory. Before the movie started we went to Sonic and they bought me a slush and we went back to the theater to wait. Since the Batman movie was a midnight showing, I ended up falling asleep through the whole entire thing. After the movie I asked them, "Do any of you have a garage or back yard I can crash in?" Jes told me, "My mom won't be home for a couple days. You can camp in my yard. So we dropped off her friends and drove out to Fort Redemption, where Jes lives. Her family lives in a big house in the country. Her mom is a pilot and I forgot what her dad does. We drive to her house and she tells me that it smells like shit outside, that I could crash on the living room couch. I hung out with Jes and told her some more stories. I even showed her the leaf blower video. She had already seen Free Hugs. Anyway, the next day I end up in jail. Here's the stuff I wrote down:

Celina, OH

 Friday July 18, 2008

                   At least before I went to jail Jack's mom fed me real good.

                   Cool kids I told my story to in front of the courthouse.

                   Kids at IC Fest.

                   Blurry picture.

                   Kids at shelterhouse.
9:34pm  Alright everyone. Guess where I am. I am in Mercer County Jail. You see, bummed and a little bored in Celina, today I went out to the I.C. Fest. It was really lame. It was getting packed.  So many people were recognizing me and I stayed busy passing out my website. After a while I tried to walk away so I could sneak a toke, but all these kids were following me around. I noticed there was a cop following me, so I turned around, grabbed my wallet and approached him with my ID. He asked me how I was doing and I shot him my usual happiest-man-in-the-world line. I told him that I was a journalist, a long-distance walker. He asked me what I was handing out and I told him just my webpage. He said I was under arrest for contributing to the delinquency of a minor, because my website is about marijuana. That is total bullshit! I am just exercising my constitutional freedoms, my freedom of speech, damnit!
                   They got me for that and paraphernalia, even though I paid sales tax for this paraphernalia. I bought it fair and square. When I get out of jail, I'll buy another one. Officer Taylor came by. I had talked to him the other day and he let me go. I was very compliant and cooperative.
                   Tons of kids saw me get arrested, so word should travel fast that I am in jail. I really hope somebody bails me out. My bond is set at $250. Fifty for paraphernalia and two hundred for the contributing charge. Since it's Friday I'll be in jail all weekend until I talk to the judge on Monday.

                   Oh yeah, I didn't tell you. Right before I went over to the I.C. Fest I scored another free movie at the theater, Hancock with Will Smith. It sucked hardcore. The people at the movie like me, so they let me stash my pack and bag behind the counter. After the movie I asked them if I could leave them there until they closed tonight, so I could walk around the festival free with my shirt exposed. They said sure. I told them, "Way to support the cause." So I'm comforted that my bags are safe. Hopefully they'll hear I got arrested and bail me out. This is such bullshit. Hopefully I'll get out soon. Hopefully they'll read my website. Man, FUCK THE POLICE! They cut the bell out of my dreads! This means war!

Celina, OH

Saturday July 19, 2008

5:30am  Breakfast, cereal.

8:30am  I am real bored. Earlier we had a rec-break. Four of us shot a basketball in a caged room. It's hard to get my story out here. People won't listen and it's loud because of the TV. I should only be here for the weekend, hopefully. Hopefully it will all get thrown out. I'm really hungry. I spent like an hour pacing in that room we were shooting hoops in. I'm going to try and go back to sleep.
4:18pm  I wish I could smoke. I've made friends and I got to tell my story earlier this morning. They are all telling me I'll leave on Monday for sure. It ain't so bad. Lunch was alright. We eat dinner at five. Nothing much has happened.
Oh yeah, I had $2.80 when I got booked, so I can spend that on commisary. I was going to buy some socks for a dollar, because it's damn cold. I filled out the commisary form and showed it to Kevin. He gave me a pair of socks in trade for a fifty cent candy on the form. I'm going to try and tell my story again.

                   Cellmates: Kevin, Derrick, Evans, Zack, Anthony and Adam

5:24pm  Just finished dinner. I am stuffed. Two other people gave me their sweet potatoes. Tomorrow is Sunday. One more full day. It's just the simple waiting game. Good things come. I was also told that when I get out of jail this Resource place will pay for a bus ticket. After I get out I will still probably have to wait a couple days for my mom's care-package to get here. I can't wait. New camera and money for new boots. I'm going to try and go back to sleep. Oh yeah, I'm going to ask for a book.

                   Adam let me borrow The Scorpio Illusion by Robert Ludlum

Celina, OH

Sunday July 20, 2008

5:10am  Just finished breakfast. Going to try and go back to sleep.

7:37am  Woke up again.

7:46am  Took a shit. Plop, plop. I never mentioned, the first day I was here I tagged the wall next to my bunk with WORLD PEACE THROUGH MARIJUANA and One guy told me that was a felony. Dude, like there's not tons of profane graffiti ALL over these cells. He said I might get in trouble because they can identify the tagger. I'm not scared. I will be damned if I plead guilty tomorrow for the charge of "contributing to the deliquency of a minor." I was just exercising my first amendment right to free speech. Tomorrow should be interesting.

8:13am  Just got out of a warm, delicious shower. I accidentally got the floor soaked and my jail uniform wet. I am hungry. Only had a small bowl of cereal for breakfast.

9:15am  I sat down and read my book. I was waiting around for the guard to walk by so I could hit him up for my story. Since everyone is still asleep I am relishing the quiet since the TV is turned off. Not to mention, I was bored. Today is going to go by so slow. I wish I knew for sure I was getting out tomorrow. When I get let go after I see a judge I'm going to go talk to a lawyer.

12:11pm  We just had lunch. It was shitty. There's a new kid in jail. He said he had seen me before in town. I started telling him my story, but then they served lunch.

5:27pm  Officer Link listened to and enjoyed my whole Odyssey. He was laughing through the Note From the Rich. Zack and Anthony left. Austin is the new guy. We're watching Joe Dirt. Oh yeah, Kevin left too.

Celina to Rockford, OH

Monday July 21, 2008

5:17am  Frosted flakes for breakfast. I'm supposed to go to court this morning.
8:53am  I tried going back to sleep, but couldn't. Took a long, hot shower and found a crossword puzzle in a STAR tabloid magazine. It kept be busy for a while.

                   Right now I just got out of jail, I went and talked to the judge and everything. The judge was cool as hell. He said that my time-served paid for my paraphanalia and possesion charge and he dismissed the contributing charge.
                   I wrote down all the stuff that I went through. I was in jail for the bullshit charge of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Just for passing out my website. Man, that's so much bullshit. I'm going to go to the library and check my email now.

                   Right before I got arrested at the I.C. Fest I put my bags at the movie theater. I went to the theater to get my stuff, but they told me it was with the police at city hall. So I went to city hall and they had my pack and bag. Nothing is missing, but I am sure they went through it all. I am whole once more and everything is fine. I am out of jail. I hope my mom's package is here already. I need to call Sean. Right now I'm going to go to the library and check my email. That's the first thing I'm going to do. After that I'm going to walk to the shelterhouse and try and get smoked out. Maybe I should do that first. I don't know.

                   I just left the library. I had a good online session. Lots of people signed my guestbook. The first day I was in jail I told some dude who was getting out to sign my guestbook and tell people I was in jail. He did.

4:53pm  I had a great reception at the shelterhouse by my fanclub. Dude, I just called my mom and she said, "Victor, are you sitting down? They're building your sidewalk." Yeehaw! I want to go back to San Antonio now. That makes my whole jail experience totally worth it. The package she sent me should get here tomorrow. Oh yeah, when I first got to the shelterhouse Louie gave me a little chunk of weed to put in my cigarette. I am sure the cops are all going to be watching me now. I took off my marijuana shirt. I've got my Make It Happen shirt on. Oh yeah, this older guy Jim, a dad of one of the kids I told my story to, he walked up to me and shook my hand. He said he wanted to meet me.

5:05pm  I am so happy. Not only did I get high, but I also got news they're building my sidewalk in San Antonio! I was thinking maybe that's a sign to go back to San Antonio. My mom even told me that if I needed help with busfare she would. Hmm, I've done enough of the East Coast. I can always come back. It's decided. I'm going back to San Antonio.

5:13pm  Man, I am in the greatest mood right now. I heard there was another Mexican restaurant in town besides La Caretta. I asked the kids and they told me that it was real closeby, Casa Rodriguez. I'm going to go eat, watch.

                   The girl there quickly told me, "Have a seat." Score. After I gave her my line in English, she thinks for a minute and asks me, "Do you have an ID?" I said sure and showed it to her. She saw that I was in fact Victor Antonio from San Antonio and quickly told me to sit down.

5:28pm  Sophia at Casa Rodriquez is giving me some food. I appreciate it, Sophia. Everybody gets credit.

5:33pm  Hell yeah, I scored a bigass plate of enchiladas at Casa Rodriquez. I had told the kids, "Watch me come back with some food," but she just told me to sit down, so I ate it there. I took a picture of the food, so I can show that to them, hehe.

6:09pm  Some dude in jail told me about some place called Source where they'll give me a bus ticket anywhere. I'm going to go to City Hall and ask them.

7:14pm  A cop just pulled up at the shelterhouse. I took a picture of all the people at the shelterhouse. The cop called me over to him and told me I had told the judge that I was going to go to Rockford to get a package from my mother and that then I would leave. He was basically telling me that if I didn't leave that it would be as if I lied to the judge. Right then Justin, wearing a marijuana shirt offered me a place to crash. He lives right outside of town he says. I'm going to tell his parents my story, hell yeah.

8:40pm  Justin's mom said I couldn't stay. She listened to my story though. She was an alcoholic. Oh well. That just means I'm walking to Rockford. It's like ten miles I think. I'm going to walk back to 127. It was funny, at Justin's I called the police and told them, "If you guys want me out of town so bad, can I get a courtesy ride to Rockford?" The girl said they don't provide that service.

8:45pm  Man, I was only like a block away from Justin's, wondering how I was going to get to Rockford. All of a sudden, close to the Pizza Hut Jimmy pulls over and asks me if I needed a ride. I told him my story at the movie theater the other night. He works at the drive-in which is part of the movie theater. When he offered me a ride I asked him if he could take me to Rockford. He said he was almost out of gas. I asked him if he had a five gallon gas tank, that if he did I could get him some free gas. He said he did at his house so that's where we're heading.

                   We came to his house and he had a little gas left in the five gallon tank and he found some change and home so he's taking me to Rockford, perfect.

9:05pm  Jimmy wanted me to tell his friend my story, so we came over to this basketball court, but his friend wants to keep playing. That's what the website is for. All the rides and vendor booths from the I.C. Fest are all parked back here.

                   I figured I would have Jimmy drop me off downtown and I would borrow somebody's cellphone to call Sean to find out where he lived. Then I kind of rememberd logging the intersection he lived at when I was smoking on his front porch a couple days ago. I was able to research the intersection and Jimmy dropped me off right in front of Sean's house. His father answered the door and I was welcomed in.

10:03pm  I had an unnerving discovery when I was in the shower. I had head lice! That's why my scalp has been itching so much. I just shaved all my dreadlocks off. I guess that's what I get for sleeping outside without a tent. I just shaved my whole head.

                   Man, Sean and his family have been so nice to me. I feel so welcome here.

Rockford to Celina to Greenville to Dayton to Miamisburg, OH

Tuesday July 22, 2008

9:19am  I just woke up.
                   I came and smoked a cigarette on their wooden glider on the front porch. I'm going to walk to the post office and get my package.

                   I got my package and I love my mom so much. She sent me a camera and some treats. She sent me this delicious biscotti stuff and these puffball candies. I shared with Sean. It was delicious. She also sent me a money order for a hundred bucks. She also sent me some Riovida, but it hasn't gotten here yet. UHaul is supposed to bring it. Since I'm leaving today she told me to cash the money order and give Sean ten dollars so he can mail it back to San Antonio when it gets here.

10:22am  I left a note on the computer saying I went to the post office. Man, I checked my email and website and I'm still getting such a great reaction.

1:16pm  Sean drove me back to Celina. I had $2.80 on me when I got to jail, so they owe me. Sean drove me over to the police station. They have a check they're supposed to give me. I went to get it, but the lady said it wouldn't be ready until three. So I have an excuse to hang out in town until then. I'll walk around.

1:41pm  I just got dropped off at the courthouse downtown. Sean drove me around town. We drove to the shelterhouse but nobody was there. I was able to cash the money order at Ohio Cash Advance. They charged me six bucks, so I only had ninety four left. I'm going to try and make it back to Cincinnati. My mom said she would get me a bus ticket, so I'm hitching to Cincinnati.

2:08pm  I have to make an update. I was hanging out on Main Street waiting until three to get my check. Jim, this guy I met yesterday at the sheltherhouse, he came up to me and talked to me. I was telling him how the cops stole my fake cigarette and he told me he has one at home I can have! Hell yeah, I'm being re-equipped. We're walking to his house.

3:17pm  Oh yeah, I haven't mentioned. Jim is giving me a ride to the gas station fifteen miles South of town. I'm giving him ten bucks for gas. He's getting me out of town. Bye-bye, Celina.

3:45pm  I just got dropped off over at the Marathon close to North Star. I think it's twenty five miles from Celina, not fifteen. I'm going to ask for rides now.

3:50pm  I already got my ride! Tom is giving me a ride. He's driving an eighteen wheeler. I appreciate it, Tom. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

4:16pm  Tom just dropped me off at 127 and 36. There's a DOT car here.

4:26pm  About to pass Hog Pass Road.

                   I changed my mind. I'm going to walk North a little bit. Right where Tom dropped me off I looked back and remembered seeing blue signs pointing to a gas station.

4:31pm  I am thirty one miles South of Celina.

4:58pm  I had a great presentation with a sheriff that pulled over. D. Werling. I had given him the peace sign, so he came back around and asked me where I was going. I told him I was walking to the gas station to get a ride.

5:44pm  I got tired of thumbing it. I'm going to walk to Greenville. Two miles the cop told me. Oh yeah, I was looking at my map. I'm right here on 49 which goes to Dayton. Dayton is closer to Middletown than Cincinnati. 127 South goes to Cincinnati. So I'm going to Dayton. I'm thinking about going back to Middletown and seeing if I can type my update up at Doreen's again.

5:51pm  Walking by the Darke County Sherrifs Office and Criminal Justice Center. It looks like a military compound with barbwire and shit.

5:54pm  Passing sign that says Welcome to the City of Greenville

                   First Brick School in Darke County.

6:02pm  Right after the corporation limit sign there's a Reiki massage center cleverly named We Knead You. What a clever little pun.

6:06pm  I'm going to walk to the Speedway.

                   I offered my website to this old guy walking out. He laughed and said, "I've probably smoked more than you have." I told him, "Yeah, you are probably older than me too." Everybody smokes, see!

6:39pm  The idiots at the Speedway called the cops on me. They're all scared of me. That's right, be afraid you good little slaves, MUHAHAHA. NOBODY wants world peace!

7:09pm  I walked back up to 127. I am thumbing it on 49.

                   Oh yeah, before we left Sean did some magic on this rock and gave it to me. He told me I had to hold it in my left hand whenever there's trouble.

7:29pm  Bobby-Jewel and Scott pulled over for me in no-time at all. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.  Bobby and me.

7:38pm  Just got dropped off at the Marathon gas station in Arcanum.

8:21pm  Another Christian being ignorant. He agreed to listen at first but then he went into the whole, "Have you ever stolen? Have you ever looked a woman lustfully bullshit. I told him to tell me something new. Argh, listen motherfucker. I've got something new to say.

                   When Christians jump in with their Jesus bullshit I should tell them, "If you're not going to listen to me I don't have to listen to you. I thought I had your permission. You said yes when I asked you if you were willing to listen.

8:25pm  In no-time, the third person I ask, Randy is giving me a ride a little South. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

8:55pm  Randy dropped me off in Englewood. I am already on the city bus going all the way to Dayton. I paid the fare.

9:36pm  I am in Downtown Dayton. Whoa, I just found a sandwich Ziploc with chocale chip cookies! Sweet.

9:49pm  I forgot to tell you. I jumped on the 17 bus because I don't want to waste a transfer. I don't know where I am going. I'll find out.

10:28pm  I just got dropped off at the hub. I'm walking towards Miamisburg. This other guy who had heard me on the bus talking told me he was going the same way, if I wanted to walk with him.

10:37pm  I'm going to stop in the Steak and Shake and buy some food.

10:43pm  Dude, I just got hooked up with a burger! I just walked in, set my bags down to expose my shirt and asked for a menu, that I would get it to-go. I don't know if they did it on purpose, but I didn't pay. I heard, "Carry out for Victor. Here you go." Sweet, that's awesome. There's a guy with dreadlocks in there. I want to talk to him. See if he'll give me a ride or something.

11:00pm  I came back in to buy a milkshake. Nobody's mentioned anything about me not paying for the burger.

                     Whoa, they even hooked me up with the shake! This is such a magic shirt.

12:22am  After much arduous work I have made my camp. I had to clear all these branches and cut all this stuff with the saw on my Leatherman. I burrowed into the patch of woods behind the Office Max here. I'll take pictures in the morning when there's light. I'm all sweaty and tired. I took off my shorts. I'm going to sleep in my sleeping bag. I don't even know what direction is what. I don't know what I'm aiming for in the morning. I thought I was aiming for Miamisburg, but the kids at the Steak and Shake told me I was already here. I'm going to crash out pretty soon. I got hooked up like crazy at the Steak and Shake. I didn't even give them my line or nothing. They made me a burger and handed it to me. I got tons of compliments on my shirt. I even went outside to smoke a cigarette. Then one of the kids who works there came outside and I asked him, "Hey, did you guys hook me up on purpose?" He told me, "I don't know, but if they hooked you up they hooked you up." I smiled and told him, "I'm going to go back inside and buy a shake. That's the least I could do." I went inside and ordered a shake. I figured I'd want to smoke when I got my shake so I started rolling a cigarette. They asked me if I wanted the shake in a to-go cup and I told them no, that I would eat it there inside(and show off my shirt some more). I started rolling a cigarette and a girl told me, "You can't do that inside." I started walking outside with the glass of shake and the girl told me I couldn't take the glass outside either. I handed it to her and she said she would transfer it to a to-go cup for me and bring it outside. I was out there for like five minutes waiting for my shake. I finally went inside and saw it on the table, still in a glass. I asked a girl for a to-go cup and she brought one over. I plopped the shake into it and splashed some on her, hehe. When I said, "I still need to pay for it," she told me not to worry about it. Everybody was so nice to me at the Steak and Shake. I got a huge double meat bacon cheeseburger and a shake for free! Everybody was cool as hell. Right now I'm going to crash in the bed I made after lots of hard work. I'm tired, man. I'm beat.

Miamisburg to Cincinnati, OH and riding bus

Wednesday July 23, 2008

6:50am  I got about five hours of sleep. My watch says six, but it took me a long time to fall asleep last night because it's really noisy here and uncomfortable. I'll take pictures right now.

7:39am  Up and at 'em. I just got out of my hole. I'll take pictures of the patch of woods I crashed in.

7:42am  It's the woods behind the Hobby Lobby. There was an open fence and I went in.
8:17am  I am leaving from McDonald's. I used the restroom and bought a bacon, egg and cheese McGriddle which I am going to eat later on when I'm really hungry. I'm going to walk to 75 and thumb it.

                   There's a big water tower that says Montgomery County.

8:35am  I just walked up to 75. I'm aiming for Cincinnati now. I don't think I'm going to Middletown anymore. I'm going to thumb it here.

9:15am  Harry Stewart just pulled over for me. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

9:41am  I just got dropped off at the Speedway in Westchester by Harry. He's a minister, I think. He was on his way to preach at somebody's funeral. He let me talk, he actually gave me a big turn. When I asked him if he would listen to me he said if I listened to him too. I said sure, I take turns, but can I go first? When it was his turn he was all Jesus-this, God-that. I told him it's not a person and he said, "He is a person." He prayed over me and everything. Thanks for mobilizing me, Harry. I appreciate it. Praise Love. It's all we need.

                   Back on the onramp. Harry said he admired me. People may doubt what you say but they always believe what you do!

10:30am  I got tired of thumbing it. I'm going to walk back to the Speedway and buy a snack and ask people for rides.

                     Pictures of my gear.

10:37am  I just found out the Cincinnati bus comes out here. That's awesome. At the Meijer across the street.

10:44am  I am at the bus stop in the Meijer parking lot. It's like a big Home Depot kind of place.
11:01am  This guy walking by, I asked him if this bus goes to Cincinnati. He told me yeah, but that it doesn't come until around four o' clock. I'm going to go inside of Meijer's and see if they have a schedule I can look at. Then I'll go back to the onramp and thumb it until four.

                     It's more like a Walmart than Home Depot.

11:12am  4:44pm I have to wait until. Like five hours away.

11:34am  I came to the Speedway. I'm going to ask for rides. I'll go to the onramp if they run me off.

                     Some guy who works at the Speedway came outside to smoke a cigarette. I talked to him and got clearance for asking for rides. He told me as long as they didn't get any complaints. I told them I would only ask them as they're leaving.

12:27pm  I got bored so I'm going to go thumb it on the onramp.

12:31pm  Remember how I told you that I was going to go to the onramp? Right when I walked up Beth pulls over for me. I appreciate it, Beth. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

12:50pm  I just got dropped off on Colerain. I am already in Cincannati. Hell yeah. Beth dropped me off at the bus stop in front of the TGi Fridays. I hope it doesn't come at four.

                     That was awesome. Right when I said screw it, I'm getting bored at the Speedway, right when I get on the onramp Beth pulls over for me.

                     I'm going to buy a dimebag in Washington Park when I get there.

                     I've got sixty three dollars left now.

1:16pm  The bus comes at 1:20. This black dude who walked up told me. I asked him if he had any weed and he said he didn't smoke.

1:21pm  I am on the bus going downtown.

2:14pm  I got off downtown. I kind of remember them feeding next to the park at one thirty. I hope they still have some food. I'm hungry.

                   They were closed. I need to get me change for a twenty and get a dimebag.

2:28pm  Just like clockwork. I went to the same black dudes on the benches in the middle and asked for a dimebag. I told them I only had a twenty, if they had change. This one dude tells me, "I'm going to throw the weed on the ground and you slap my hand with the money." I did that and bent down to pick up the weed and he threw me two five dollar bills and I actually caught them. I don't have a container. I've got a one-hitter I got from Jim when I left Celina. I'm going to find somewhere to smoke. It's so cool how I got weed for the bus trip.

2:53pm  I sat down in front of the dumpster in front of MONROS brakes and tires and smoked some weed. I'm back.

3:07pm  I came to the Greyhound station and had a good presentation with this guy outside. I'm trying to bum a cellphone so I can call my mom.

3:51pm  Keisha let me borrow her cellphone in Downtown Cincinnati. I appreciate it, Keisha. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

4:05pm  I called my mom. I'm going to be so glad to be home again.

4:12pm  I came to Donatos Pizza. I bought me a five dollar pizza. I'm going to treat myself. I'm happy. I'm going home.

4:19pm  I'm going to celebrate right on time in front of Donatos with my little fake cigarette.

4:54pm  Trina at Donatos hooked me up with some more pizza. I appreciate it, Trina. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot. I took her picture earlier.

                   Hell yeah, welcome back to Cincinatti. I got hooked up with a whole pizza! I told these two girls working there my story. I took their picture. I'm going to walk to the Greyhound station now.

                   Script change: "Don't you think that that would SIMPLY be the most interesting story in the world?"

                   I'm standing here in front of the Fifth Third Bank Theatre in the shade. Man, everybody is ignoring me up the ass downtown.

                   That was Megan and Jason I took a picture of earlier.  I went back to Donatos to fill up my CamelBak with ice.  As I was filling it up this couple behind me commented on all that I was hauling.  I told them it was weight-training and jumped right in with my story.  They listened great.

6:11pm  David, just out of the blue popped up and asked me if I wanted a ride to the Greyhound station. I told him it wasn't that far, but he said it was kind of awkward to walk over the overpass. So I said sure. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

                   VKN-9090 Ohio plates. That was some awesome magic that just happened! I just got delivered to the Greyhound station. I had asked this guy in a car at a red light if he knew where the Greyhound station was. David overheard me asking and he asked me if I wanted a ride. I didn't think he was talking to me at first then he tells me, "Do you want a ride to the Greyhound station?" Well, sure! At first I was a bit leery because some stranger just offered me a ride and I don't think it's that far away. I even thought maybe it's a fed kidnapping me. I didn't care though. My day has been too fortunate for something bad to happen. David ended up being a website developer. He didn't have time for my story, but I gave him my website. Sweet, just like that.

6:53pm  I am on the bus.

7:39pm  I had a great presentation with Sheila on the bus. I told her my whole Odyssey on the bus. She's that beautiful girl I took a picture of.

8:42pm  We landed in Louisvile, KY. Thirty minute break.

8:50pm  Chad let me bum a cigarette off of him. Actually, he volunteered it. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

8:59pm  I've decided I'm getting off in Nashville. I'm going to take my time getting back. I asked someone at the bus station how long my bus ticket was good for. She told me a whole year. I asked her so could I get off anywhere and keep going later? She said I could at a transfer point, which Nashville is. I'm thinking I might stop in Nashville and stay a couple of days. I'll go spread my word there.

9:09pm  I just got on the bus and walked back to my seat. There was a Burger King bag in my seat. I asked everyone who's it was, and they told me it was mine! Weird. I guess somebody just left it for me. Sweet, the universe provides.

10:04pm  I am just sitting here organizing all the stuff in my backpack. I picked up this book called Your Life Is Your Creation this girl in North Star Ohio gave me. I read a couple pages and it uses really elementary speech. I hope I don't lose it.

11:36pm  I am in Memphis. Now, I was thinking about stopping in Nashville, but I've got to get back to San Antonio. I have to get my tooth fixed.

Riding bus San Antonio

Thursday July 24, 2008

7:02am  I got some sleep and we just got to North Little Rock, Arkansas.

7:24am  I've decided I'm going to stay in Little Rock for a day and spread the word here.  I just got off the bus.
7:38am  Man, this trip has been cool. At every single Greyhound station everybody has reacted to my shirt. I got so many compliments on it. I passed out my website like crazy. I've noticed that at every stop there's always been black people outside asking for money.

                   So I'm going to walk to Downtown Little Rock. I'll go look for a park. Go find somebody to tell my story to.  Picture I took on bridge.

                   Welcome to Little Rock.  Arkansas' Capital City.

7:46am  I'm walking around downtown on President Clinton Avenue.

                   I took a picture of the Saint Vincent Plaza. The Gateway to the Medical Mile.

8:18am  I sat down at a bench on Commerce and President Clinton Avenue. I switched out my socks and smoked. I ate the last of that vegetarian pizza I was given the day I left Cincinnati.

8:23am  I took a picture of the Songham Martian Arts Gate.

                   This River Trail sucks so far. I'm walking back over the bridge. I saw a sign that said River Trail. I want to go on a river trail. I don't see how to get down to the river below. Umm, I'm going to turn around and stay on the downtown side. This lady walked by and smiled at me and I offered her my website. She stopped and asked me what it was about. I got into my introduction and mission-objectives. She said she would rather read it, but she was all smiles. I don't know when the next bus comes.

8:32am  I just got to the Wellness Walk. I think I saw some Portopotties. Let me see if they're open.

                   I came to this big concrete gazebo they have here and I saw some dude listenin to his headphones. I just went over there and discreetly moved to the side and rolled a cigarette. After I had taken just a couple drags I approached him with my story. This borther listened to my whole Odyssey all the way through. He had a cellphone and I was able to call my mom. I told her I got a hair up my ass to get off in Little Rock. She didn't understand the expression. This brothers name is Loni. You'll be on there when I update it.

                   I'm walking over the river on the pedestrian bridge. I'm going up the elevator to the next level.  River Market.  Downtown.

9:17am  This couple walked by and I offered them my website. I asked them if they had time for a really interesting story and they said sure. I told them my intro and mission-objectives and the guy said they'd check out my website. His wife did a thumb's up when I said marijuana.

                   Pictures of this submarine.

                   I'm on the other side already. When I was walking by I saw come construction worker maneuvering this remote-controlled construction machine. I took a picture.

                   I am in love with my new camera. 8.0 megapixels.

                   Junction Bridge I just walked over.

10:42am  I should make an update. I came back to the Greyhound station. I have to wait a whole hour for the next bus. I walked back here to this tree under the shade behind a dumpster and I loaded up my one-hitter and took a hit. All of a sudden I see this guy, he looked like he was playing with a dog. Then I realized it was a K9 Unit dog sniffing all the bags under the bus. I took my shirt off, hehe. I was thinking about hiding my weed somewhere secure in my backpack, but I don't care if the dog smells it. I have less than five dollar's worth. Like maybe like two or three hits left. It would make my story awesome if I got busted by the federales.

11:02am  Alicia gave me a cigarette at the Greyhound station in Little Rock.

11:49am  We stopped at a Pilot truckstop for a restroom break. The restrooms at the Greyhound station were out of order.

2:04pm  The bus stopped at Texarkana.

4:19pm  I am celebarting right on time. Driver stopped for a break.

4:26pm  Taking off.

5:05pm  Just entered Dallas City Limits.

5:52pm  I didn't tell you, I'm on the San Antonio bound bus, an Americanos bus.

6:02pm  Joey, I was hungry, I had a couple raw Ramens, he just volunteered me some crackers. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot. He's going to Austin.

                   Pamela and Joseph.

9:34pm  This Mexican guy on the bus asked me for a paper and rolled a joint and said he'd smoke me out in San Antonio. I fell asleep and we're in Austin already. Almost home.

                   Be sure to look up about the oil spill in New Orleans that just happened.

10:50pm  Just got to San Antonio.

11:15pm  I met Willie in a wheelchair in Travis Park.

11:37pm  I got on the 92 lineup bus. Let's see how close I can get to home tonight.

                     Cool, I didn't have to break my twenty. Right before I got on the 92, the bus driver in the bus in front of it hooked me up with a transfer. I hit him up and he tore one off real quick. I told him, "I'm still at it." Welcome back to San Antonio, Victor.

                     I'll probably get to the hospital at midnight. I already called my mom from Travis Park. She doesn't want to come and pick me up. I'm going to walk from the hospital.

12:09am  Just got dropped off at Univeristy Hospital. I'm going to walk to walk all the way home. It's like a good five miles. I'm hauling all my gear too. I don't care. It's seventy eight degrees right now.

                     It's so good to be back. It doesn't seem like anything has changed at all.

                     I was just disgusted at all the urban sprawl I saw coming into town. Car dealerships everywhere.

                     Hmm, I could crash at that little camp I know about at Wurzbach and Babcock. Ahh, I got enough sleep on the bus. I wish I had some weed. I'm going to hike it home.

12:20am  I walked up to the Shell station on Babcock and Wurzbach. Mike still works here. The same guy who worked here when I lived at the apartments across the street. Deer Oaks. With Raphael, Steve Long and fat-Tony.

12:40am  I smoked all my weed on the bus trip home, so I just scraped my one-hitter and got like three or four resin hits. I'm all resinated. I had stopped right in front of the Liberty Pawn Shop close to Wurzbach and Babcock. I didn't walk that much. I'm going to walk all the way home.

12:47am  I walked from the hospital to Oakdell Way. I'll walk up Eckhert. At Huebner I'll see if Josh is working. If he is I'll tell him, "Hey man, you stood me up last February, give me a ride home now."

12:58am  I just got to Eckhert, turning left.

1:05am  I just got to the Quick Stuff Shell station.

                   I went and stood behind the Jack in the Box drivethrough until there weren't any cars and I walked up to the window and asked the dude working if he could please let me buy a burger foor the walk home. He did and I'm standing in front eating it.

1:31am  I stopped on Eckhert Road and took a leak next to the barbwire fence of some new apartments they're building. I piss on the urban-sprawl.

1:47am  Taking the Woodchase shortcut over to Bandera.

1:56am  I just popped out on Bandera.

2:09am  Just walked to Guilbeau. I'm going to take the Wickersham shortcut home.

2:14am  I have been power-walking all the way from the Shell station on Eckhert/Huebner. I'm going to stop to rest and smoke a cigarette in front of the HEB. I'm going to sit under the stoplight on the sidewalk.

2:20am  I am up from my break.

2:25am  Turning right on Wickersham.

2:55am  At long last I got to Old Tezel. I don't see a sidewalk anywhere. Well, they just started building it over by the Citgo.

                   Home sweet home.

4:09am  I'm going to sleep. I checked my email and stuff and I'm crashing out now. Man, this house is trashed. My twin sister Laura got knocked up again and the father split, again. My sister's life is chaotic. She's working at West Telemarketing again too. She has a whole apartment's worth of shit piled into my mom's living room. This mess is all my sister's fault. I'm going to bed. I'm tired.

San Antonio, TX

Friday July 25, 2008

5:48am  I got 4.38 hours of sleep. That's not that much, but I can take a nap later. I want to get some weed today.

1:43pm  I am leaving for a walk. Earlier this morning I went to the Perry house and Joey was only there. I asked him if he knew where I could get any weed. I have money. I'm going to go back now and see if anybody else is there.
2:17pm  Whenever I get a chance on the computer, because my mom's on it all the time. The cord to her laptop broke and she's waiting for them to send her another one. Next time I get on look for the quote from Matt Damon from Dogma, that whole quote about God and religion.

                   210-815-9098, Erica

2:54pm  Hell yeah, Humplick was home and I got all stoned at the Perry house. Welcome back, Victor. He was playing Call of Duty 4 online. I saw Nemo again and I tried telling him my story, but his eyes were locked on the game Humplic was playing. He was actually able to listen some and had good reactions to key points I made. I didn't tell him my Odyssey though. I just gave him my website. I'm all stoned. I've got money too, so I'm going to get me some weed too. I'm going to walk to Church's and get something to eat and look at my sidewalk they're building. I'm going to walk to the Walmart and buy some batteries so I can take pictures of my new sidewalk.

                   Man, I shouldn't spend money on batteries. I should go back to my mom's and plug in my rechargeables. my moms computer is all messed up. It's because she's running that bad copy of Window's XP. The one that I found out was bad when I tried using it on Nat's computer in Montgomery. I need to format it and install a fresh copy.

4:03pm  I just walked up and they are indeed building a sidewalk! I can't wait to take pictures of it. I don't want to wait for my batteries to charge. I'm going to go to the Walmart and come back. I am so glad they're building this sidewalk. I am really happy.

                   Haha, somebody else has already tagged the sidewalk! Somebody wrote, "Thnx 4 The SIDEWALK, BITCH." How awesome is that?! That's hilarious. Oh yeah, they cleaned my tag on the fence. You can still see it kind of.

4:22pm  What a majestic feeling. My tag worked. They had to build it after that. It was just too blatantly obvious a sidewalk needed to be there. And to top it off somebody else wrote thanks for the sidewalk, bitch! Hell yeah, that's probably directed at me. My pleasure.

                   I'm fuckin' famous. People have already been honking at me. Right now some guy just drove by in a white van and yelled, "Victor! It's me, Mario. Remember?" I yelled, "Give me a ride!"

                   Mario just came back around and he picked me up. I had seen the bus coming in the other direction and I hopped across the street to try and get a courtesy ride to Ingram. It ended up heading towards my mom's, so I said forget it. Right when I get off the bus Mario had come back around for me. Courtesy ride either way. When I walked up he asked me what I was doing and I told him I was looking for some weed. He said he sold, but only chronic. I only wanted to spend like ten bucks.

5:57pm  Man, I am having the best welcome back to San Antonio. Mario and I went to his house and I told him my story. I've known Mario for years. He used to work with me at Albertstons and knows Carlos. We were all reminiscing about the old days.

6:10pm  Mario just dropped me off at University Hospital.

6:12pm  David is the security guard at the transfer center here again. That's awesome! I missed David.

6:19pm  I forgot to tell you. I jumped on the 92. Man, I got smoked out rowdy by Mario. We went to his house and I got to tell him my story. He had never heard it. After my great presentation I showed him the leaf blower video. We were all talking about life back in the Albertson's days. I am really happy right now. Oh yeah, and right when I got on the bus I found like five random transfers on the seat. All different letters. That's a great start to my transfer-stash, perfect. Welcome back to San Antonio, Victor. I never want to leave again.

7:05pm  I was almost downtown on the 92, but I got off close to the Pizza Hut on San Pedro. I'm going to go hit them up for mistakes.

                   They told me no at Pizza Hut. I started walking down San Pedro and a bus pulled up at Euclid. I asked the driver if he could give me a courtesy-hop downtown and he told me, "No, you gotta pay fare." I told him I was just testing him. Good little slave.

                   I'm going to go to Jack in the Box. Cristan's Taco's isn't open. I'm going to go buy a burger.

                   I just found out today was Friday. My watch has been wrong all day.

8:11pm  The greedy ass at the Paloma Riverwalk wouldn't let me use the restroom. I had asked one of the downtown Centro people where the nearest restroom was and this guy directed me into the restaurant. I walked towards the bathroom door and this asshole who works there yells at me customers only. I told him the Centro guy had just directed me there. I called him a greedy ass to his face.

                   Man, I just realized I lost my sack of weed Mario had given me. That really sucks. It was some high-grade. All he had to put it in was a huge gallon-size Ziploc. I had taken a hit at Travis Park and I guess it came out of my pocket since it was in that big baggy.

                   Hmm, maybe that's a sign to go walk around on the Riverwalk. It's packed with tourists right now. Now if I get hassled by the cops I won't have any weed on me.

                   I've been passing out my website to tourists. I even went over by the Five and Dime and rolled a cigarette right in front of these two Park Policeman. I made sure they saw my shirt. Maybe I'll walk to Commerce and stand there.

10:01pm  Megan hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it.

10:38pm  I jumped on the 88 Lineup. It will only go as far as Bandera and 410. I'll walk home from there.

10:54pm  I just had a great presentation with this beautiful girl with a baby on the bus. I got on the bus and she smiled at me. So I eventually stood up and approached her with my story. I had to yell it over the bus noise, but she really enjoyed it. She wouldn't let me take her picture though.

                     I only have twenty bucks left. It sucks that I lost that badass weed that Mario gave me. Before I realized I lost it I was scurrying around looking for a drugstore to buy a mint container for my weed. I finally settled for a TicTac container. I dumped all the TicTacs in the trash. I gave this homeless guy a couple. Then I walked around looking for a restroom so I could put my weed in it. Oh yeah, the building the Walgreen's was in got demolished. It's not there anymore. I finally found a drugstore over by Rivercenter Mall. I bought some TicTacs and then I went to a restroom only to discover I had lost my weed. It got kind of boring downtown tonight. Not that many people reacted to my shirt.  Some dude I told my story to.

11:03pm  I just got off the bus at Bandera and 410. Oh yeah, I think I'm going to walk around 1604 soon. I shouldn't leave San Antonio for a while. I should start training for my 1604 walk. I'll walk with my pack.

11:17pm  I walked to Wurbach and Evers. I'm going to go hit up the Dominos for mistakes.

11:21pm  Chris at Dominos is hooking me up with a pizza.

                     Man, that was just perfect. I went to the Dominos only to find the door locked. Just then a delivery driver pulled up. When he got out of his car I asked him, "Hey, do you think you guys have any mistakes inside you could hook me up with?" He said he didn't know. I asked him, "Can you go in there and check for me?" He said sure. He went inside and shortly after came out with a pizza for me. I'm going to walk over to Planet K and share it. I want to see if they have acrylic one-hitters.

                      I went to Planet K and they didn't sell acrylic one-hitters.  I gave them half of my pizza and when I walked out I saw this young couple outside and hit them up for my story.  They listened great and let me use their phone to call Laura.

12:15am  Oh yeah, I forgot. I called Laura and she's going to come pick me up. I'm going to help her with her garage sale tomorrow.

1:19am  I am going to bed. I'm going to crash in the living room on top of these couch cushions.


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