

  LIVE lN PEACE:  hi kay :] 

 Rimrose11:  hey! 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  what's the haps homegirl? 

 Rimrose11:  nothin much 

 Rimrose11:  liked your story, though 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  geez, i can't believe i just called you homegirl 

 Rimrose11:  its awesome 

 Rimrose11:  lol 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  thank you 

 Rimrose11:  it happens 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i have lots more 

 Rimrose11:  really? 

 Rimrose11:  that's neat 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  yeah, i;ve been working on this project for a while now.. 

 Rimrose11:  wow 

 Rimrose11:  you wrote the stuff like it was just yesterday 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  yeah, i log everything 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  every im, every email, i type up my days as much as i can.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i'm an open book 

 Rimrose11:  cool 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i have never had a headache before..that's why i think..because i don't have to remember shit.. 

 Rimrose11:  good idea 

 Rimrose11:  have to try it sometime 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  yeah, anyone can do it.. 

 Rimrose11:  have you talked w/ a publisher? 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  hey, did i send you my quotes? 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  nope, i probably should.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  but you know me, i'm not in it for the money.. 

 Rimrose11:  yeah 

 Rimrose11:  just somone to get your words out more widespread 

 Rimrose11:  could you please? 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  yeah, publicity.. 

 Rimrose11:  what are the quotes about? 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  did i send em? 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  their just the truth, to me 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  they're 

 Rimrose11:  yeah, you did 

 Rimrose11:  neato 

 Rimrose11:  hey, just a sec, reading them real quick 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  it's a lot of reading 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i have a court date tomorrow..i'm kinda jittery 

 Rimrose11:  ouch 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  they're going to put me on probation and give me piss tests....i might just leave the country or something.. 

 Rimrose11:  they probably won't even pick you 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  hehe 

 Rimrose11:  lol 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  no, read the hays county jail one and you'll understand 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i'm gonna try and represent myself.. 

 Rimrose11:  hmm, good luck 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  thanks 

 Rimrose11:  think you'd be better off w/ a lawyer 

 Rimrose11:  but then, im no lawyer :-D 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  that'll cost me money, and with the court-appointed ones, you get what you pay for.. 

 Rimrose11:  true 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  thing is, i don't think they'll let me represent myself..i was supposed to have already lined up a court appointed lawyer.. 

 Rimrose11:  uh oh 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  they can't put me back in jail(i'm hoping) 

 Rimrose11:  maybe you'll get lucky 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  but, they kept my shit possessions had nothing to do with the marijuana charge...and they kept it all and investigated it.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  so i'll have that on my side... 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  read the story and you'll understand.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i'll shut up 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  :x 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  and you might actually think i'm crazy when you read the shit i did in jail 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i take the fun with me everywhere i go.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  wups, i said i would shut up, didnt i? 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  :x 

 Rimrose11:  woah 

 Rimrose11:  i go away for a minute and boom! 

 Rimrose11:  heheh 


 Rimrose11:  err to you too 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  to err is human.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  :] 

 Rimrose11:  hah, good one 

 Rimrose11:  didn't notice that  

 LIVE lN PEACE:  well..seeing as how you like peaceful walks in the you partake in that natural magic of ours any? 

 Rimrose11:  went way over my head, sorry, what? 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  ok, let me be politically-correct here.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  do you smoke marijuana? 

 Rimrose11:  nope 

 Rimrose11:  sorry 

 Rimrose11:  not that type 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  have you/would you ever? 

 Rimrose11:  nah ah 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  what type are you talking about? 

 Rimrose11:  never have felt inclined too/ never will 

 Rimrose11:  though I'm sure its a wonderful experience 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i'm not going to try and make you, but shouldn't we be enjoying everything life has to offer? 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  do you see it as a drug? 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i don't even know how old you are.. 

 Rimrose11:  nah 

 Rimrose11:  lol 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  11? 

 Rimrose11:  sorry 

 Rimrose11:  hah hah 

 Rimrose11:  i wish 

 Rimrose11:  the good ol days 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  12? 

 Rimrose11:  one could be a child 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  am i getting hot? 

 Rimrose11:  not even close 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  18? 

 Rimrose11:  might want to start in the 20s.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  43? 

 Rimrose11:  lol 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  25? 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  hehe 

 Rimrose11:  lower 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  22? 

 Rimrose11:  ding ding ding! 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  hooray, i knew it! 

 Rimrose11:  give the man a prize 

 Rimrose11:  funny 

 Rimrose11:  aren't we all fprtune tellers that way 

 Rimrose11:  *fortune 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  sure are.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  do you drink? 

 Rimrose11:  ahh...the drink question... 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  tsk, tsk, tsk 

 Rimrose11:  no, i'm one of the types that can get drunk on 1 beer 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  me too! 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  everything in moderation.. 

 Rimrose11:  the hangovers arent pretty either 

 Rimrose11:  thats neat 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  because i barely drink..i can afford to drink once in a while.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  but, i won't get drunk 

 Rimrose11:  good idea 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  drunk people do shit sober people wouldn' takes control of your mind.. 

 Rimrose11:  pople should at least be smart when to know to stop 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  how can alcohol be legal and not weed? 

 Rimrose11:  its scary 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  it's stupid 

 Rimrose11:  yeah 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  doesn't make any sense whatsoever.. 

 Rimrose11:  nope, but does the gov'ment have any 'method to their madness' 

 Rimrose11:  anyway? 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i say murder the government.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  we can govern ourselves.. 

 Rimrose11:  lol, yeah 

 Rimrose11:  anarchy 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  wups, my bad 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i had to go to the kitchen real quick.. 

 Rimrose11:  lol, ok, thats fine w/ moi 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  but hey, i'm gonna smoke a cigarette, will you be on in like 10 minutes? 

 Rimrose11:  maybe, maybe not 

 Rimrose11:  if im on we can talk though, okay? 

 Rimrose11:  bye for now Rimrose11: maybe, maybe not

Rimrose11: if im on we can talk though, okay?

LIVE lN PEACE: okie doke

Rimrose11: bye for now

LIVE lN PEACE: adios, sister

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