
sa channel

 <dammit> i tore it up in the christian rooms
<dammit> i had MAY GOD DAMN YOU also
<dammit> and BIG VEINY COCK
<steffy03> heh
<arpos> i bet you could sell one of those in a few years for a lot of money
<dammit> lol yeah on ebay or something
<arpos> i was being sarcastic..
<dammit> hey, anythings possible
<arpos> that is true...
<dammit> steffy, wanna read my true story
<steffy03> sure
<arpos> if you put effort in it
<dammit> about how i left walking for california
<dammit> from sa
<arpos> what were you on that night
<dammit> umm, a mission
<steffy03> hmm
<arpos> i remember walking home one night, but i was just drunk
<steffy03> is it emailable?
<dammit> sure
<arpos> how far did you get?
<arpos> if your serious
<dammit> well, i wasnt gonna hitch hike at all
<dammit> i didnt
<dammit> i didnt have my thumb out
<dammit> my friends dropped me off 40 miles west
<arpos> but someone picked you up?
<dammit> i walked for 2 days, 45 miles
<dammit> some guy just stopped and said, "hey, im going to california.  where are you going?"
<dammit> bam
<arpos> 1300 more and you would have made it
<dammit> free ride from west texas to LA
<dammit> i went to SF, berkeley, arcata in humboldt county
<arpos> i've done that drive quite a few times
<dammit> hell, i even went to this medicine camp in oregon
<dammit> and lived there for a week
<arpos> my brother lives in berkeley, how did you like it?
<dammit> then they sent me to go live with the hippies in williams, or
<dammit> berkeley is the coolest place in the country
<dammit> telegraph avenue area though
<dammit> only
<arpos> lol
<dammit> over by UC
<arpos> well its a student town
<arpos> only students and old people live there
<arpos> roughly said
<dammit> if you wanna go live somewhere without money, berkeley is the place to go
<dammit> breakfast at 8am at trinity church
<dammit> dinner at 4
<dammit> people just gave you shit on the sidewalk
<arpos> well i wouldnt want to go anywhere without money
<arpos> even heaven
<arpos> or hell
<dammit> its the root of all evil..
<dammit> i had a blast
<dammit> all
<dammit> for
<dammit> free
<dammit> i wasnt homeless, i was traveling
<arpos> free dope doesnt count
<dammit> and actually, i found a way to make money
<dammit> free everything
<dammit> steffy, arpos, gimme your email
<dammit> and ill send you the story
<arpos> yeah yeah, money is evil, but who are you without it?
<dammit> i am happy
<dammit> i have made myself as independant from money as possible..
<dammit> i get shit anyway
<arpos> independant?
<dammit> happiness can be bought for a little more than free
<dammit> thats right, i barely use it
<dammit> i barely need it
<arpos> i think you are trying to make terms with lazines
<dammit> the last thing i am, is lazy
<arpos> so you work for free?
<dammit> i get out there and walk my ass off every day learning more and more each day
<dammit> yes, i have a job
<dammit> it is my job to make humans elite..
<dammit> this species aint your fucking industry
<comp23`> but you leech off of other people...
<dammit> not at all
<arpos> no he makes them elite comp
<dammit> when i give people the choice to tell me now, helping me out becomes their decision
<dammit> im not twisting anyones arm
<dammit> i give people the chance to feel good about themselves
<dammit> its human-nature to be generous
<dammit> if it were only a one-sided transaction, no one would give me shit
<arpos> i think you are in the wrong country for that
<dammit> i am on the right planet
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<arpos> there is a difference, cant argue if you havent been out of us
<arpos> different planet could be a different state
<arpos> unless you frequently fly out to different planets, i dont know
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<steffy03> rick?
<dammit> read my story, it tells about my mission objectives..
<Rickkk> yeah??
<Rickkk> im here.
<dammit> oh yeah, i also sent you guys detailed instructions on downloading free shit off the web
<steffy03> haven't seem you here in like forever
<dammit> you dont have to pay for stuff if you dont want to
<dammit> money is just a game
<steffy03> no wait
<steffy03> i dunno
<dammit> now, if you like my stuff, i got plenty more good free reading
<steffy03> i'm lost
<dammit> very interesting stuff
<dammit> hey, doesnt the nobel peace prize winner get a million bucks?
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<arpos> its entertaining
<arpos> consider writing a book
<arpos> as far as free goes, it doesnt go far dude, i would know i'm not an american
<arpos> i dont ever pay for software or music and videos, thats for sure
<dammit> well, nobody should have to
<dammit> why do they?
<dammit> everybodys talking all this stuff about me
<dammit> why dont they just let me live
<dammit> i dont need permission
<dammit> make my own decisions
<dammit> its my perogative..
<dammit> theres battle scars on all my guitars
<dammit> but still i come out here and play
* |LilSys| sets mode: -b *!*
* TxChik slaps comp23` around a bit with a large trout
<dammit> theres battle scars on my face and my arms
<dammit> but you still kiss me everyday
<steffy03> night all
<TxChik> gnight stef
<steffy03> lol you're there?
<TxChik> I am now
<steffy03> lol ok
<steffy03> well good night tek
<TxChik> gnight  :)
<arpos> so you like adventures, and you like to write
<arpos> write a book and sell it dude, who cares if someone photocopys it right? you dont seem to care
<arpos> but i dont think you can force america go bankrupt with your internet ideas
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<dammit> yeah, for the longest time i thought i would write the book and give it away on the web
<dammit> ya know, practice what i preach
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<dammit> but now, im thinking i can keep my minimal lifestyle and just use the bulk
 of the money from the book
<dammit> to help the cause
<dammit> and ill just take off traveling some more and spread the word
<dammit> so do you think my life is at all at risk for this shit?
<dammit> ive been through some pretty bad bouts of paranoia, but theyve subsided after a while
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<dammit> i just feel like somebodys gotta do it
<arpos> theres risk in any way of life
<TxChik> lol
<arpos> i read the whole thing
<arpos> hoping it would make me go to sleep
<dammit> and ive had a lifetime of fun..if me dying is what it takes, then so be it
<dammit> lol
<dammit> wow
<dammit> thanks
<dammit> hmm, i have some other stuff
<arpos> its good
<dammit> thank you
<TxChik> wouldn't selling the book be hypocritical of the whole getting rid of money thing?
<dammit> yeah, thats what i thought at first..
<dammit> then i thought, maybe ill just sell it really cheap
<dammit> unfortunately, until i phase money out i recognize i still have to use it
<TxChik> thats would still be hypocritical
<dammit> just as little as possible
<dammit> and if people knew the money was going to help fight the cause..i dont think it would be hypocritical
<dammit> more like realistic
<dammit> i wouldnt buy a fancy care
<dammit> or pamper myself
<dammit> we make ourselves rich by making our wants few..
<dammit> money hsa been talking long enough, so im gonna have to employ it wisely if i ever want to shut it up
<dammit> and, when you have money you didnt really work for, being generous with it is a lot easier
<TxChik> money makes the world go around
<TxChik> you'll never get rid of it
<dammit> just watch me
<TxChik> lol
<dammit> see, thats it..i want everyone to doubt me
<dammit> itll make my victory so much sweeter
<dammit> :]
<TxChik> LOL
<dammit> now, when i actually get my detailed book together, when i get off my lazy ass and listen to all my cassettes
<dammit> and the book gets done, it should serve as hard evidence, in black and white
<dammit> that we dont need money to live
<dammit> and that its human-nature to be generous
<TxChik> no you don't, you need food to live
<TxChik> and money to buy it
<dammit> not i :]
<TxChik> thats just a technicallity
<TxChik> someone else is buying it for you
<dammit> as long as its not me paying for it
<dammit> its free
<TxChik> its not free
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<TxChik> its still being paid for
<dammit> to me it sure as hell is
<dammit> not by me
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<TxChik> now THAT is ignorant
<dammit> thats all i care about, at the moment
<dammit> how so?
<dammit> elaborate
<TxChik> so  much for saving the world, when all you care about is what you think
<dammit> im going to lead by example..
<TxChik> ignorant to the fact that you don't want to reconize that its still getting paid ofr
<TxChik> for
<dammit> now, if i just stayed quiet and didnt tell anyone i was doing it
<dammit> then maybe you could look down on me
<dammit> but, anyone can do it
<TxChik> i'm not looking down at you
<dammit> im not special
<TxChik> i just don't agree wtih your ideas
<dammit> youre called me ignorant
<TxChik> heh, sir, that does not mean i look down on you
<TxChik> i've never said i'm better than you
<TxChik> cuz i'm not
<TxChik> i just don't agree iwth your ideas
<dammit> i didnt say you did
<TxChik> yes you did
<TxChik> you just said i look down on you
<dammit> you dont agree with my idea that you can go your own way
<dammit> and that everyone is different
<TxChik> sure
<dammit> and that not everyone will agree on the same things
<dammit> just like youre not now
<TxChik> i don't see anyone else agreeing with your idea
<dammit> because thats really my idea
<TxChik> irght
<TxChik> right
<TxChik> exactly why i said i'm not looking down on you
<dammit> youre not everywhere i go though
<dammit> thats why you dont see people agree with me
<TxChik> thank god
<dammit> you should come ride the bus with me sometime
<dammit> youre welcome
<dammit> :]
<dammit> hehe
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<TxChik> right, how many volunteer to step up and help your cause?
* roli sets mode: +o |LilSys|
<TxChik> zilch?
<dammit> actually, today after i sent out my shit on aol, one person did
<dammit> hes gonna help me start my webpage
<TxChik> i'm surprised you don't have one already, thast the biggest way to get a message out
<dammit>  DisarmDubyuhBush:  yeah my plan was to get out of debt and then move out of the country once i do that
<dammit>  DisarmDubyuhBush:  but who knows i just might join your crusade
<TxChik> "might"
<dammit> youre so negative..
<TxChik> "might" is nto a positive term
<dammit> we had a lengthy conversation
<dammit> and it doesnt matter if he ends up not helping me, which im sure he will
<dammit> all i have to do is keep sending out my ideas on aol
<dammit> and its only a matter of time before i get the support i deserve
<dammit> its all a numbers game
<dammit> because people have been thinking these things in the back of their heads forever now
<dammit> and finally, with the technology today..its almost realized
<TxChik> thats probably reason why none of their ideas have taken affect
<dammit> you dont know that
<TxChik> i do
<dammit> how can you be so sure?
<TxChik> because of people like me
<TxChik> whol ike the money s ystem
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<dammit> well, its the people my age and younger
<dammit> the internet generation
<TxChik> your age?
<TxChik> heh
<dammit> that will be setting the rules in the future
<TxChik> what age is that?
<dammit> we know better than the elders..
<arpos> TxChik will you chill lol, anyone motivated as him can go far, maybe not with that particular idea lol
<dammit> we have learned from their mistakes
<dammit> now, the way i see it...theres more of us than there are of them
<TxChik> arpos, you stfu, i can speak my mind if i like
<dammit> so i want to start a global movement
<TxChik> its not like i'm stopping him arpos
<dammit> the kids need to rebel against the parents all over the world
<dammit> and reclaim our planet
<TxChik> so you chill
<dammit> before its too late
<dammit> and its been wasted away by ignorance
<TxChik> too late for?
<dammit> for life as we know it
<arpos> kids do take over, after they grow up
<dammit> well, thats enough for now...
<dammit> im going to sleep
<dammit> goodnight everyone
<arpos> night
<dammit> thanks for the good vibes arpos
<dammit> take care
<TxChik> you will lose out touching the lives of others while you sleep
<TxChik> ... wasting time
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<arpos> i really shouldnt be staying up this late
<TxChik> then don't  :p
<arpos> chronic sleep problems
<arpos> i allready tried reading
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<dammit> walking cures all
<dammit> and drinking water
<arpos> i wish i could just put away my unused energy in a box and use it when i need it
<arpos> not waste it
<dammit> isnt that what fat is for?
<dammit> ok, im gonna go smoke a cigarette and crash..
<arpos> i hope not
<TxChik> stop polluting the air i breathe with cigarette smoke!
<arpos> lol
<TxChik> I can't wait until they ban smoking in all indoor places
<arpos> you mean in texas
<dammit> the carbon monoxide coming off my cigarette is nothing compared to what comes out of your muffler
<arpos> in cali its banned
<TxChik> wehre ever i'm at arpos
<TxChik> california already has that law
<dammit> because i dont have a car, im allowed to hurt the earth a little
<dammit> it can take it
<dammit> but you guys with your cars are just being abusive
<TxChik> dammit, thats being a hypocrite
<dammit> and in the end, where does tobacco from from?
<dammit> -from +come
<TxChik> you're killing the earth! and you say you want to save it
<TxChik> tsk tsk
<dammit> not nearly as much as you are with your death machine
<arpos> arent you all just a buch of boyscoutas
<TxChik> it causes lung cancer, you'll die of cancer before you let the whole world know your ideas
<dammit> not me
<dammit> im special
<dammit> i compensate for my bad habits
<dammit> i walk and drink water
<TxChik> you just sadi earlier you weren't special
<TxChik> make up your mind
<dammit> if you take care of the body, it takes care of itself
<dammit> in the instance i am
<dammit> watch me live over 100
<dammit> oh wait, you wont be around
<TxChik> you'll be in a nursing home ties to a oxygen tank cuz your lungs have cancer
<dammit> and youll have died in a car accident
<TxChik> of course not
<TxChik> i'm an excellent driver
<arpos> oh please, no depressive shit
<dammit> ive been told by doctors that i am in better health than most nonsmokers
<dammit> i havent been sick since my car broke down and i had to walk and ride the bus
<dammit> over 3 years now
<dammit> not once
<TxChik> thats doesn't mean your lungs won't start seeing the effects of the smoke
<dammit> ive been a heavy smoker for 8 years now
<dammit> i take full breaths
<dammit> i dont have smokers cough
<TxChik> lol
<TxChik> not now
<dammit> im as fit as a fiddle
<TxChik> you will if you don't quit
<TxChik> in like 20 yrs
<dammit> since when have you been able to predict the future?
<TxChik> dude
<TxChik> lol
<TxChik> it does nto take a rocket scientist to knwo that
<dammit> yeah, it takes people like you who believe everything they hear
<TxChik> lol
<TxChik> you're so funny
<dammit> yeah, i should be a canadian eh
<dammit> ok, im gonna go indulge in my addiction
<dammit> and get away with it!
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<[-Ethan-]> anyone awake?
<TxChik> it's da pooolece
<[-Ethan-]> lol
* TxChik hides the underaged drinkers at her house
<[-Ethan-]> hows it going?
<TxChik> its going :)
* [-Ethan-] starts shooting people
<[-Ethan-]> so what do u do txchik?
<TxChik> i work and go to school
<TxChik> so i ahve no life at the moment
<[-Ethan-]> cool
<[-Ethan-]> where do u go?
<TxChik> utsa
<[-Ethan-]> awesoem
<[-Ethan-]> well, you get the idea
<[-Ethan-]> downtown or 1604?
<TxChik> 1604
<[-Ethan-]> major?
<TxChik> Information Systems
<[-Ethan-]> does this seem like an interrogation?
<[-Ethan-]> sorry...force of habit
<TxChik> no
<[-Ethan-]> where do u work?
<TxChik> at a nice big corporation
<[-Ethan-]> hmmmm...
<[-Ethan-]> i'll take that to mean usaa
<TxChik> not that big
<TxChik> next biggest
<[-Ethan-]> do i have to guess?
<TxChik> maybe 3rd biggest
<TxChik> lol
<TxChik> yes
<TxChik> ;)
<[-Ethan-]> how many do i get?
<TxChik> 3?
<[-Ethan-]> how about 8?
<TxChik> or 8
<[-Ethan-]>  cool
<[-Ethan-]> ummm....
<[-Ethan-]> corporation in the real sense, as in no single owner?
<TxChik> yeah, public company
<[-Ethan-]> hmmm....
<TxChik> i gave you a hint about the what kind of business it does
<[-Ethan-]> when?
<dammit> go ahead, work, waste your life away
<[-Ethan-]> ahhh,,,public
<TxChik> oh, lol
<TxChik> i gues i didn't
<TxChik> it refines oil
<TxChik> for like cars and planes
<[-Ethan-]> calero
<[-Ethan-]> valero
<TxChik> yup
<[-Ethan-]> sweet
<[-Ethan-]> i think everyone wants to land that job
<TxChik> yeah, on the list of fortunes 100 best companies to work for
<TxChik> dammit, you go waste your life away
<[-Ethan-]> some guy shot some chick in that parking lot 2 years ago
<TxChik> I like what I do
<TxChik> and even cooler that i get paid for it
<TxChik> hmmm
<[-Ethan-]> i think it was actually on utsa blvd
<[-Ethan-]> put pretty close
<TxChik> it wasn't valero 2  yrs ago
<[-Ethan-]> but
<TxChik> it was ultramar diamond shamrock 2 yrs ago
<[-Ethan-]> yes yes

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