

 * Now talking in #sanantonio

* Topic is '* DejaKing scratches head'

* Set by TxChik on Wed Aug 28 21:38:54

<dammit> HEY

* DaRkWiTcH has joined #sanantonio

* DaRkWiTcH has left #sanantonio

* kaysoh has joined #sanantonio

* SLMB sets mode: +o kaysoh

<dammit> hi cheese

<kaysoh> hi

<dammit> ¿how are you and your fine rack this morning?

<dammit> :P

<dammit> you at work?

<kaysoh> you are a dork

<dammit> lets not state the obvious now..

<kaysoh> yes, I'm at work

<dammit> hmm

<dammit> let me download an ftp server program..put my documents on it, and then give you the address

<dammit> so you can look at it without excepting any files

<dammit> ok?

<kaysoh> not ok

<dammit> pussy

<dammit> why not

<dammit> ¿whats your excuse this time?

<kaysoh> i don't need an excuse

<dammit> im downloading the server now, ill have it in 2½ min

<dammit> oh, so youre refusing just out of spite?

<kaysoh> yes

<dammit> teehee

<dammit> i love your honesty cheese

<dammit> gives me a hard-on

<kaysoh> if you were a little more respectful and didn't call me a 'pussy' maybe then i'd consider reading your little file

<dammit> well fuck you then

<dammit> fuck you and the nigger whore that bore you

<dammit> bitch

<dammit> :]

<dammit> what makes you think you have earned my respect?

<kaysoh> lol

<dammit> dont flatter yourself..

<kaysoh> lol

<kaysoh> you make me laugh

<dammit> i love having that affect on people..

<dammit> :]

<kaysoh> hopefully they are not all laughing at you , but with you

<dammit> ftp://kaysoh:kaysoh@

<dammit> read mouhon.txt first

<kaysoh> no

<dammit> then return.txt afterwards

<dammit> do it, you know you want to

<dammit> what are you afraid of cheese

<Alex81> lol

<kaysoh> i'm not afraid

<dammit> please dont prove yourself to be ignorant 

<kaysoh> just to lazy to go read it

<dammit> whatever

<kaysoh> i don't have to prove anything to you

<dammit> youre a big wet pussy

<kaysoh> you can think what ever you like of me

<kaysoh> i don't care

<dammit> if that were true, and you really didnt

<dammit> wouldnt you just shut the fuck up 

<dammit> and ignore me?

<dammit> disregard what i say?

<dammit> i mean

<kaysoh> that would be boring

<dammit> fucking duh queso

<dammit> so you care at least a little bit

<kaysoh> no

<dammit> enough to entertain yourself right

<kaysoh> can't say that i do care

<dammit> come on

<dammit> dont be a liar

<dammit> ¿am i right or am i right alex?

<kaysoh> lol

<dammit> ¿kaysoh, how old you be?

<kaysoh> old enough

<dammit> haha i got you to answer me

<dammit> sucker

<kaysoh> ..if you call that an answer, then yes, i answered

<kaysoh> trying to get me to ignore you or what?

<dammit> ha

<dammit> again!

<kaysoh> yes

<dammit> come on cheese, keep acknowledging me

<dammit> feed me

<dammit> give me that attention i sooo desire

<kaysoh> why would i not acknowlegde you?

<dammit> because i wont let you

<dammit> not acknowledge me

<dammit> come on cheese

<kaysoh> ah

<dammit> give me some more of your valuable time

<kaysoh> are you on crack?

<dammit> sucker

<dammit> no

<dammit> im high on life

<kaysoh> are you sure?

* maximus28 has joined #sanantonio

<dammit> cuz i walk and drink water

<kaysoh> lol

* maximus28 has left #sanantonio

<dammit> ive found the secret to life

<kaysoh> yeah, thast living alright

<dammit> go ahead, work, waste your life away

<dammit> fuck that world

<dammit> dont fuck that heirchy

<kaysoh> i like working

<dammit> no you dont

<kaysoh> yes i do

<dammit> couldnt you be doing something better with your time?

<kaysoh> like what, sitting at home chatting? 

<dammit> i bet if you thought real hard, you could think of something

<kaysoh> like you?

<dammit> why not? youre doing it at work either way

<kaysoh> might as well chat and get paid for it

<dammit> are your managers aware of what youre doing on company time?

<kaysoh> yes

<dammit> well, you are lucky then queso

<dammit> but i am luckier

<kaysoh> yes

<kaysoh> sure

<dammit> i have made myself independant of money

<dammit> i seldom need it

<dammit> it needs me

<dammit> and when i do find myself needing it

<kaysoh> no, you just depend on others to get you what you need

<dammit> i go sell my life-saving plasma

<kaysoh> lol

<kaysoh> for money

<dammit> thats right

<kaysoh> thas not independent of money

<dammit> sure it is, because i dont have to work for it

<kaysoh> yes you do

<kaysoh> you have to lay there with a needle in your arem or something

<dammit> unfortunately..until i phase money out..i still have to use it

<kaysoh> thats working

<dammit> just as least as possible

<dammit> no its not

<dammit> its saving lives

<kaysoh> just like a hooker, they just lay there and get $

<dammit> which i will gladly do anytime im asked

<dammit> its ok cheese, youre just ignorant..

<dammit> you will see the light soon

<dammit> when i show the whole fucking world

<dammit> i want you to do me a favor though cheese

<dammit> i want you to doubt me..

<dammit> it will make my victory sooo much sweeter..

<dammit> haha i got you to ignore me

<dammit> good ol reverse-psychology at work

<dammit> sucker

<kaysoh> no, i'm not ignoring you

<kaysoh> just working on another window 

<dammit> suuuuure

<kaysoh> yes

<dammit> try and cover it up

<dammit> clever girl

<dammit> uh huh

<dammit> dont worry queso, i believe jew

<kaysoh> thanks

<dammit> its about time you thanked me

<dammit> hey queso, do you like it when guys go down on you?

<dammit> be honest now

<dammit> you shouldnt have to think of it so long now

<dammit> unless i got you to ignore me again

<dammit> ding ding ding, point for meeh

<kaysoh> that just depends on the guy

<kaysoh> if he's butt ugly then he can stay away

<dammit> if i went down on you i could guarantee you cum as many times as you want

<kaysoh> lol

<dammit> until you get tired of the licking and beg me to fuck you silly

<Alex81> and i'm the pervert?

<dammit> ya know what i would do?

<kaysoh> yes alex

<Alex81> alrighty then

<dammit> i would give you a hummer

<dammit> hummmmmmmmmm

<kaysoh> brb phone

<dammit> hehe yeah right

<Alex81> dammit, didn't you get kicked out of your apt?

<dammit> i got evicted

<dammit> on purpose

<dammit> so i wouldnt have a lease holding me down

<Alex81> you wanted to be evicted?

<dammit> alex, care to read about my adventures?

<dammit> thats right

<Alex81> naw it's alright man

<dammit> dont have time? or just ignorant like queso?

<Alex81> why then if you wanted to be evicted you were trying to sell your computer to get money to stay?

<dammit> i was gonna try and see if i could round up the money

<dammit> cuz if i could have, i wouldve stayed another month

<Alex81> ahh

<dammit> im glad it worked out the way it did though

<dammit> because of it, ive had some excellent learning-experiences

<dammit> and

<dammit> i got to keep my computer

<kaysoh> ugh, end users

<Alex81> where did you stay?

* DejaWork has joined #sanantonio

<kaysoh> slota!

<dammit> in the uhaul i rented

<dammit> greeting deja..

<dammit> +s

<Alex81> hey deja

* kaysoh sets mode: +o DejaWork

<Alex81>  for how long?

<dammit> until i got arrested in marathon tx

<kaysoh> how did you rent a uhaul if you are independent from money?

<dammit> dont worry about it kaysoh

<dammit> mind your own god damned business

<kaysoh> i'm not worried, just asking a questions

<dammit> hehe here comes the kick

<kaysoh> -s

<dammit> i know 

<dammit> im just kidding with ya sista

<Alex81> kick?

<dammit> i had borrowed 200 dollars by the time i took off in the uhaul

<dammit> not enough for rent

<dammit> so i got myself evicted

<dammit> and with that, i rented the uhaul

<dammit> and bought 80 dollars worth of supplies at the army-surplus store

<Alex81> ah

<dammit> let me send you my text files alex

<dammit> you will be enlighten

<dammit> ed

<Alex81> naw

<dammit> i guarantee it

<dammit> pussy

<Alex81> i'm kinda busy as it is

<dammit> cant read?

<dammit> busy talking to me

<kaysoh> just say no Alex

<Alex81> heh

<dammit> ha, got alex to ignore me too

<dammit> i rock the hizouse

<Alex81> your not on ignore

<kaysoh> we all love jew

<dammit> ha got alex to acknowledge me

<dammit> haha thats my word cheese

<kaysoh> so?

<dammit> i love how im rubbing off on jew

<kaysoh> you ain't rubbing nothing on me

* Alex81 sets mode: +v dammit

<dammit> not yet

<dammit> but soon

<kaysoh> or ever will

<dammit> you pick the flavors

<DejaWork> howdy

<DejaWork> sorry, at work

<DejaWork> hehe

<DejaWork> :-)

<dammit> go ahead, work, waste your life away

<DejaWork> where ya workin at now, dammit?

<kaysoh> lol

<dammit> fuck that world, dont fuck that heirchy

<dammit> im a designer

<Alex81> alright

<dammit> i design my own reality

<Alex81> go ahead and send me the text

<dammit> its america, im allowed to

<kaysoh> dude, just say no

<kaysoh> don't give in to peer pressure 

<kaysoh> lol

<Alex81> what peer pressure

<dammit> alex, there will be two parts

<Alex81> akright

<Alex81> alright

<Alex81> ok

<Alex81> goten

<dammit> the second part is unfinished

<Alex81> got em

<dammit> but its a lot

<kaysoh> exactly no such thing as peer pressure

<dammit> come on cheese, you know you want to look at my dick..err..i mean text files..

<dammit> come on

<dammit> everyones doing it

<dammit> dont you wanna be cool?

<kaysoh> i don't need yer files to be kewl

<dammit> yes you do

<dammit> alex did

<kaysoh> no

<dammit> :P

<kaysoh> thats his problem

<dammit> ftp://#sanantonio:#sanantonio@


<dammit> ftp://#sanantonio:#sanantonio@

<kaysoh> homework time

<dammit> hehe shes gonna read my shit

<dammit> thats what she means by homework

<dammit> watch, shes going to deny it now

<kaysoh> yes

<kaysoh> i wouldn't give you the pleasure of reading your file

<dammit> thats ok, youll read it 

<dammit> when the rest of our ignorant world will

<dammit> soon

<kaysoh> dream on

<dammit> my dreams come true

<dammit> just watch them

<dammit> im getting me a 17 year old girlfriend soon too

<dammit> well not girlfriend, i hate that word

<dammit> its way to casual

<dammit> im gonna start working on my lover-project 

<kaysoh> w/ a 17 yr old?

<kaysoh> oh, she'll know how to rock your world

<kaysoh> you must like them young and stupid

<dammit> ill teach her

<dammit> no, i like them young and free of diseases

<kaysoh> they won't be once they sleep w/ you

<dammit> i dont even know if shes fat or not, nor do i know that about you queso

<dammit> but if she is

<dammit> ill change her

<dammit> trim her down

<dammit> haha good one cheese

<dammit> alex, how far along are you?

<dammit> hmm, im gonna go eat some bread and peanut butter

<kaysoh> you probably put alex to sleep

<dammit> same way ill do to you..

<dammit> cuz my jimmy runs deep

<dammit> :P

<Alex81> i'm on teh second one

<dammit> i bet you ten bucks you laughed out loud at that one

<dammit> cool

<Alex81> about midway

<dammit> its unfinished..but ill finish it later

* JD99 has joined #sanantonio

<Alex81> he's a good writer

<JD99> hi

<dammit> why spank ya

<dammit> :]

<Alex81> has my full attention

<dammit> ok be right back

<JD99> hi from monterrey mexco

<dammit> gonna go eat

* kaysoh giggles

* kaysoh sings "peanut butter, jelly, peanut butter, jelly, peanut butter jelly!, peanut butter jelly!"

<dammit> ¿and im the one on crack?

<dammit> ¡ha!

<kaysoh> its a song

<DejaWork> HEHEH!!

<DejaWork> that song is coo

<kaysoh> =P

<kaysoh> i'll be singing that song in my head all day now

<kaysoh> better than that stupid kia song

<dammit> hey thats my face queso

<dammit> ha i own you girly

<dammit> get on your knees

<kaysoh> no thanks

<dammit> youll be begging me soon cheese

<kaysoh> i highly doubt that

<dammit> but youre not saying its impossible

<kaysoh> its impossible

<dammit> nothings impossible

<kaysoh> sure there are

<dammit> nothing at all

<dammit> we only know life, as we know it

<dammit> whos to say life hasnt or isnt existing somewhere else in our galaxy

<dammit> as we dont know it

<dammit> therefore

<dammit> NOTHING is impossible

<kaysoh> yes

<JD99> anybody been to platinum top less?


<DejaWork> where's ya living now man?

<dammit> temporarily at my moms

<dammit> i plan to get my apartment back at vj/huebner

<dammit> and live in it for free

<DejaWork> for free?

<dammit> i also plan to talk to the owners of 9807 fredericksburg, this empy office building that says MESA on it..fred/gus eckert

<dammit> and start a computer repair shop

<dammit> called "KEEPIN IT PHREE"

<dammit> and fix peoples computers

<dammit> and not charge them anything

<dammit> but

<dammit> ill have a big jar on the counter

<dammit> that says

<dammit> "i accept donations"

<dammit> dude, itll come rolling in

<dammit> wanna work there with me?

<dammit> ill download all this warez

<dammit> watch movies and shit

<dammit> hook people up 

<dammit> get on my ftp and read up

<dammit> ftp://#sanantonio:#sanantonio@

<DejaWork> hehe.. well, I know the MESA Building cause I drive by it all the time

<DejaWork> :-)

<dammit> yeah, im going to put some badass graffiti on it, a lot cooler than the existing stuff

<DejaWork> heheh

<DejaWork> yeah I saw the graffiti.. rofl 

<dammit> true american freedom starts in san antonio

<dammit> actually

<dammit> when 2004 rolls around

<dammit> unless i get president bush impeached before then

<dammit> i plan to run

<dammit> im going to eliminate money

<dammit> and save our dying planet

<dammit> if you were, by any chance, to see my name on the ballot

<dammit> can i count on your vote?

<dammit> read mouhon.txt first

<dammit> and return is unfinished, but i got a lot

<dammit> im going to get a book published..

<dammit> and give it away

<DejaWork> hey

<DejaWork> where you going to eat? 

<DejaWork> I work on fredericksburg and wurzbach

<dammit> to the kitchen

<dammit> at that computer shop in the same building as dominos?

<dammit> where do you work

<DejaWork> I work in a hospital

<dammit> name?

<dammit> oh i know which one

<dammit> the one across the street from big apple bagels right

<DejaWork> VA Hospital

<dammit> the one on merton minter?  by the busses?

<DejaWork> yup

<DejaWork> I read about how you caught the busses right next to my work

<DejaWork> heh

<DejaWork> and I went to thundercloud subs, up the road

<DejaWork> it was pretty good

<dammit> yeah, i know that area like the back of my hand?

<dammit> no shit? on my recommendation?

<DejaWork> I know it like the palm of my hand ;-)

<dammit> thats badass

<DejaWork> :-)

<DejaWork> where's yor mom live in down?

<dammit> right inside 1604, in between sea world and fiesta tx

<DejaWork> cool

<DejaWork> bandera rd?

<DejaWork> potranco?

<DejaWork> I live off Hausman

<dammit> near braun/1604

<dammit> old tezel/guilbeau area

<DejaWork> heh youlive right near me

<DejaWork> we should chill some time

<dammit> where do you live?

<dammit> sure thing man

<dammit> hausman..near culebra right?

<DejaWork> near Bandera

<DejaWork> right past UTSA

<DejaWork> on 1604

<dammit> does a bus go by there?

<DejaWork> yeah a stop right next to my house

<dammit> badass

<dammit> 603?

<DejaWork> no idea

<DejaWork> never ridden the bus

<dammit> whats your address?

<dammit> or

<dammit> the nearest intersection

<DejaWork> Babcock/Hausman

<dammit> hmm

<DejaWork> or UTSA Blvd/Babcock

<dammit> im calling via and im gonna ask them

<dammit> im like 99% sure its the 603 that goes out there

<dammit> but let me confirm that

<dammit> im on hold right now

<DejaWork> coo well I could pick you up if we ever go hang out

<DejaWork> so youdon't have to ride the bus

<dammit> i prefer to ride the bus

<dammit> yup

<dammit> the 603

<dammit> wanna hang out today?

<DejaWork> well I have class from 12:30-2

<DejaWork> then after I'm free for another 2 hours

<DejaWork> then class again

<dammit> at your convenience, my friend

<dammit> excuse me, i just downloaded and installed direct cd, i need to reset

<dammit> brbin2min

<DejaWork> welcome back

<DejaWork>  so hey .. where do you want me to go pick you up after class? 

<DejaWork> say around 2

<DejaWork> ish

<DejaWork> like 2:15 or so 

<dammit> nowhere, ill meet you somewhere 

<dammit> at the VA?

<DejaWork> no, I'm not ocming back to work this afternoon

<dammit> at your house then?

<dammit> do you live in apartments?

<dammit> the oaks?

<DejaWork> no I have a house

<DejaWork> nah not at my house, Idon't evenknow you!.. hehe 

<dammit> wherever then

<DejaWork> can meet near campus somewhere

<dammit> by the buses

<DejaWork> what did you wanna do?.. I just wanna get out for like 30 mins

<dammit> well chill

<DejaWork> and just not worr yabout work or school :-)

<DejaWork> youshootpool?

<dammit> not very well

<dammit> but practice makes perfect

<DejaWork> true.. we can meet at Fox and Hound?

<DejaWork> know where that is?

<dammit> yup

<dammit> dezavala

<DejaWork> cool

<DejaWork> yeah

<dammit> ill try and be there around 2

<DejaWork> 2:15?

<DejaWork> ok .. I can pick you up man, I dunmind

<DejaWork> so F & H.. I'll bea wearing jeans, sandals, and a grey button up type shirt

<dammit> ill have to catch the bus to the guilbeau heb at 12:36, leave at 50, get to medical center, then transfer to the 603, to fox n hound

<dammit> i should be there on time

<DejaWork> ok .. see you at 2ish

<dammit> give me a 15 minute window of tardiness

<DejaWork> i'll play with myself until 2:30 in case you run late

<DejaWork> well not play with myself, but you know what I mean

<dammit> lol

<dammit> shyeah

<DejaWork> aight

<dammit> see ya

<DejaWork> you have an ID, right?

<DejaWork> it's 21+

<dammit> of course

<dammit> im 24

<DejaWork> well Iknow, byut didn'tknow ifyou had an ID

<DejaWork> asight

<DejaWork> I'm off to class

<DejaWork> see you there around 2ish

<DejaWork> lates bro

<dammit> have fun

<DejaWork> 274-4447 is my # if anything

<dammit> ok writing it down in my pocket calander

No such nick

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