

 SalMonila> HOW

dammit> ok, what are some problems you run across when you have a new idea and you're trying to get it out?

SalMonila> nobody wants to listen

dammit> exactly

first off, if you're telling your ideas orally, by mouth, you sometimes run into the problem of not remembering the whole story, so you're not as effective as you want

dammit> because no one is perfect

SalMonila> right

dammit> second, mainly you have ignorance

SalMonila> yup

dammit> people are too set in their old-fashioned, lazy ways, deathly afraid of change(even if it's for the better)

dammit> they won't even listen to you

dammit> they think you're crazy

SalMonila> boy you got t hat right

SalMonila> yup

dammit> well, i have found a way to jump both of those hurdles

dammit> with the internet

dammit> what i will do is run an ftp server off my computer giving anyone in the world access to my hard drive

SalMonila> ok, that puts it in writing, but how does it get it past the ignorant?

dammit> only the files and directories i want them to access

dammit> on my hd i'll have a directory with all my ideas

dammit> just plain simple text files that anyone can read with any web browser

dammit> simple webpage

dammit> text, no graphics

SalMonila> ok

dammit> this way people can read my stuff uncensored, first off

dammit> at their discretion, they can finish it when they want to

SalMonila> how do you propose to get pot legalized?

dammit> but every single time the whole story will be told

dammit> hear me out

SalMonila> ok

dammit> it just seems like that's what the internet is for

dammit> it's a global medium, it's not part of the system

dammit> now, let me tell you what i am basing all this freedom on

dammit> the pirated software scene on the internet, where everything is free already and has been since the birth of the internet

dammit> you can download new movies still in theaters and watch them at home for free

dammit> any music you want, you dont have to pay for it

dammit> hell, i even had windows xp months before it was even released

dammit> (this is just what i tell everyone, i know you know about it)

SalMonila> ok

dammit> now, it's an accepted underworld

dammit> companies will spend more money tracing and litigating each person doing it, than they are already making from all the suckers paying for it anyway

dammit> it's not cost-effective to them

dammit> they just ignore it

dammit> so, what i'm gonna just tell everybody

dammit> ill massmail detailed instructions on how to get free shit off the web

dammit> so everyone stops paying for stuff

dammit> and we have to get rid of money

dammit> it's simple evolution

dammit> what bigger sign do we need?

dammit> there's a way to get shit, not pay for it AND get away with it

SalMonila> I see a couple problems with that

dammit> it's the next step

dammit> now, wouldn't you work for free if all your needs were taken care of and you didn't have any bills?

dammit> so you wouldn't be bored at home all day

dammit> provided you had a job you enjoyed

dammit> if everybody else was doing that, what would we need money for?

dammit> it's the root of all evil, like it's always been said

SalMonila> but it would require 100% cooperation from 100% of the people, and that's not going to happen.

dammit> and, if you don't want to contribute then be independent and don't rely on anyone else

dammit> that's only fair

SalMonila> money is not theroot of all evil....the LOVE of money is.

dammit> anythings possible and you gotta start somewhere

dammit> well, if money didn't exist, what would there be to love?

SalMonila> yes but I see a couple big problems with it

dammit> hear me out, then tell me

dammit> please

SalMonila> some form of exchange has always existed.....ok, go on

dammit> just think, if things didnt possess a monetary value, would people steal?

dammit> and if they did, the stuff stolen could be replaced easily if everything was free

dammit> i say everybody just keep their same job, as long as they like doing it

dammit> just do it for free

dammit> it all comes back to you

dammit> then people say, "well what about the jobs people dont like doing? like garbageman or sanitation worker?"

dammit> well, after eliminating money, when those jobs don't get done, the demand for them will increase and nice, generous people will do them

dammit> just because they need to be done

dammit> in the end, we would just stop doing things we don't need to be doing

dammit> who wants to do that?

SalMonila> no they wont

dammit> now, as far as marijuana goes

dammit> is it just a coincidence that two, naturally occurring things in this world, humans and marijuana

dammit> have a certain reaction when you put them together?

dammit> is it just a coincidence we have THC receptors in our brains?

dammit> it is here for us to use, in moderation and responsibly like everything else

dammit> i mean, how can alcohol be legal?

dammit> what do you think would happen if all the world leaders got together and smoked some weed?

dammit> hey, they didn't call them peace pipes for nothing

dammit> ok, now that you're aware of my platform i can continue with the story and it will make sense

SalMonila> they smoked tobacco, not weed, although raw unrefined tobacco has the same effect as weed so......

dammit> well, it's more of a legend and if you are still willing to listen

SalMonila> go ahead

dammit> if you are, mind if i take a smoke break real quick?

SalMonila> I'm going to have to get back to work momentarily

dammit> email

dammit> i'll send you some really interesting non-fiction

dammit> nothing but the truth

dammit> harmless text

SalMonila> ok, send it to

dammit> cool, see you on the other side

dammit> thanks for listening

SalMonila> ok

dammit> everybody needs to

SalMonila> np

dammit> have a good day at work

dammit> - victor antonio from san antonio

dammit> btwq

dammit> -q

SalMonila> ok victor. Do me a favor, put "Save the world" in the subject line so I know what to look for

SalMonila> do you mind my asking how old are you?

dammit> i'm 26

dammit> 26/m/puertorican/german/panamanian/italian

dammit> may i continue?

SalMonila> yep

SalMonila> yep

darnit> wups, damn 56k

darnit> see, since i walk so much in san antonio i have made myself as independent from money as possible

darnit> anytime i get hungry i'll walk into any restaurant in town and ask to speak to the manager

darnit> i tell them, "hi, my name is victor and i am a long-distance walker. i don't suppose you would care to donate some gasoline for my stomach? hey, if it's a big problem, don't worry about it. i'm sure the next place i walk by will be generous and help me out."

darnit> dude, everybody hooks me up

darnit> which just goes to prove that not only is it human nature to be generous and we don't need money to live

darnit> but also that there is an accepted loss that every company figures into their finances that makes it ok not to always charge for it

darnit> money is just a game

SalMonila> yeah but you can only pull that so many times before they get wise

darnit> now, i am not a beggar, i am not a taker. when i give people the choice to tell me no, helping me out becomes THEIR decision

darnit> i am not twisting anyones arm

darnit> i am giving people the chance to feel good about themselves

darnit> how many people do you know who do something for nothing?

darnit> there is an exchange taking place

darnit> ask and thou shalt receive

darnit> the only thing i beg to differ

darnit> i am only practicing what i preach

darnit> it works daily for me

darnit> i got wise

darnit> :]

darnit> why pay?

SalMonila> so how do you propose to get pot legalized? I ask because I'm already working with state government to make medical marijuana a state sponsored activity

darnit> i will just give some really good suggestions

SalMonila> and what I've learned is that its always about money. The state is very interested in our program because it makes them money without having to spend anytyhing

darnit> not only will i get marijuana legalized...

darnit> i will get it recommended..

SalMonila> ok, but how

darnit> i am going to murder the government

darnit> we can govern ourselves

darnit> ok

darnit> let me tell you exactly what i am doing for world peace

SalMonila> you're talking about anarchy and social communism

darnit> all i have to call it is freedom

darnit> we need to stop labeling things

darnit> judge not

SalMonila> its not judgemental, its the name given to what you're talking about. You're not the first to come up with this you know

darnit> it's not that my ideas are new...just my delivery method

SalMonila> many years ago there was a plan to roll back all prices on everything worldwide by 100yrs to end everyones financial problems

SalMonila> ok, so how do you get everyone in goverment and medicine to change their minds about pot?

darnit> i am living proof we don't need money to live..

darnit> we don't need money to help

darnit> hear me out

darnit> ill tell you exactly how

SalMonila> ok

darnit> like i said, i've been logging my life for well over a year now

darnit> easiest book in the world to write

darnit> i just have to let shit happen

SalMonila> is your home free?

darnit> you see, every time i receive any generosity, like every cigarette i bum i pull out my tape recorder and say, "i am writing a book on generosity that the whole world is going to read...and you're in it."

darnit> i log it

darnit> everybody gets credit in my game

darnit> when my shit hits the internet, all these crazy rides i've had to the west coast and back for free, magical adventures, following signs..

SalMonila> but the guy that gave you the cigarette paid for it. You haven't eliminated money in that case, just your personal cost, but it was still paid for

darnit> it will serve as proof, in black and white, that we don't need money to live

darnit> nobody is going to believe one guy could have made up so much shit

darnit> i take pictures too

darnit> it will be evidence

SalMonila> I agree that if everybody, EVERYBODY offered services, product, etc for free, then it would work

darnit> it'll be..the better book

SalMonila> but you have to change everyones mind at the same time.

darnit> now don't you think the 100% true story about some guy walking around the country telling people he's gonna get marijuana legalized and bring world peace

darnit> and their reaction to that

darnit> places he goes

darnit> people who help him

darnit> don't you think that would be the most interesting story in the world?

darnit> don't you think that would be an accurate state of the union?

darnit> i am going to bring the truth out of hiding and educate the masses

SalMonila> I think most people are going to think you're being overly naive

darnit> time will tell

darnit> but so will i

SalMonila> and the first time someone in government hears that you plan to murder the government, they'll take you out

darnit> you see, in my possesion i have over 4000 email addresses

darnit> 4000 people who will listen to me!

darnit> i have 100% readership..every spammers dream

darnit> let me tell you about my army

SalMonila> ok lets say I own a restaurant and 4000 people all ask for free food. It might be frree to them but I still had to pay for it.

darnit> you see, it's my generation and's all the kids

SalMonila> it would only work if I could get the food for free, meaning the farmers have to offer it for free, meaning their gas, equipment, had to be free to them, and so on and so on

darnit> who don't think i'm crazy and might be on to something

darnit> with many exceptions

darnit> theres a lot of cool older people out there too

darnit> and the way i see it, there's more of us than there are of them

darnit> global revolution, kids against the parents

darnit> lets make shit right before its too late

darnit> its our world they're destroying

darnit> kids are the future

SalMonila> its already too late for what you want to do. Too many systems are in place to make sure that it can't happen. They "disappear" the people who try.

darnit> now, i am well-aware that i might even be assasinated for having these great ideas

SalMonila> I'm actually having great success with getting medical marijuana made a state sponsored facility that will be available throughout the USA

darnit> but i take great comfort in knowing that if i am killed, not only would i die a martyr because i'm not doing anything wrong

SalMonila> this will drive street prices to zero, eliminate crime (pot related), make it available to all who need it for pennies, etc...

darnit> but my mission will be accomplished even sooner

darnit> imagine the publicity my death or dissapearance would bring

darnit> EVERYBODY would want to know what the guy who died for the world wrote

SalMonila> well, good luck. I think you're being overly simplistic and naive and you don't have all the facts. Its a great idea and one that many have had, but its not realistic

darnit> it would just blow the lid off it

darnit> it would be totally worth it

darnit> one life to save billions

darnit> i would die one happy man

SalMonila> you have a messiah complex. buh-bye

darnit> i can't for the life of everybody find anything better to do

darnit> now, i want you to do me a couple favors
No such nick

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