

  Sandicats6:  excuse me? 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  just harmless text.. 

 Sandicats6:  i suppose 

 Sandicats6:  why me 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i searched the member directory for "bipolar" 

 Sandicats6:  oh 

 Sandicats6:  allright 

 Sandicats6:  yeah 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  there you go..if you like email me at

i got tons more good reading 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  this sn could die any day 

 Sandicats6:  allright, sure 

 Sandicats6:  a lot of doctors thought i was bipolar 

 Sandicats6:  i'm not 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  thanks for letting me share.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  no one is 

 Sandicats6:  yeah 

 Sandicats6:  well, i'm not by their standards either 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  it's a bullshit diagnosis.. 

 Sandicats6:  agreed 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  einstein was thought to be bipolar.. 

 Sandicats6:  i'm just depressed i guess 

 Sandicats6:  i don't take meds though 

 Sandicats6:  i can't for medical reasons, but i'm glad that i don't 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  nobody is always happy or always sad.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  good for you on refusing meds.. 

 Sandicats6:  yeah, exactly 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  say no to drugs 

 Sandicats6:  well, i didn't refuse them 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  good thing you couldn't 

 Sandicats6:  yeah, agreed 

 Sandicats6:  i tried them out for a while 

 Sandicats6:  but prozac gave me siezures.. essentially 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  then your mind went blank, right? 

 Sandicats6:  and effexor just made me a total zombie 

 Sandicats6:  yep 

 Sandicats6:  i wasn't sad, but i wasn't happy, i wasnt' anything 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  whoa...there's a brighter side to everything 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  yeah, i know exactly how it is.. 

 Sandicats6:  yeah 

 Sandicats6:  so i stopped 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  in the state hospital..they tried putting me on zyprexa.. 

 Sandicats6:  and i don't go to therapy that's covered by insurance any longer either 

 Sandicats6:  yeah, i was put on effexor while in a mental hospital 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  every night when we lined up for meds..i would just scoot them to the side, drink the water...and go spit em out in the bathroom 

 Sandicats6:  yeah, i took them while i was there 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i placed myself in the state hospital to get out of jail 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i was in jail for doing good 

 Sandicats6:  what'd you do? 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i'll send you the story 

 Sandicats6:  go for it 


 Sandicats6:  aol is about to die, i'll be back in a minute 


 Sandicats6:  hey, i'm back 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  welcome back 

 Sandicats6:  i read your bit about jail and the hospital 

 Sandicats6:  i'm wondering, have you ever read any work by camus? 

 Sandicats6:  your account of the jail experience sounds quite a lot like camus' the stranger 

 Sandicats6:  its his most famous work, and i bit cliche i suppose, but its good 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  no, i don't like to read for the most part 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i prefer to write.. 

 Sandicats6:  yeah, i dont' read much either 

 Sandicats6:  but definately try and read the stranger if you get a chance 

 Sandicats6:  its only about 150 pages 

 Sandicats6:  and its an easy read 

 Sandicats6:  i even think so, and i have the attention span of a goldfish 

 Sandicats6:  speaking of short attention spans, i have to get back to studying 

 Sandicats6:  big exam on thursday 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i'll write that down in my pocket calander 

 Sandicats6:  allright, excellent, its 

the stranger by albert camus 

 Sandicats6:  he won a nobel prize for it 

 Sandicats6:  in 1957 

 Sandicats6:  he was an existentialist, worked pretty closely with sartre 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  wowsers 

 Sandicats6:  i guess its more philosophical than anything else 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i want one of those.. 

 Sandicats6:  one of what 

 Sandicats6:  nobel prize? 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  yeah 

 Sandicats6:  yeah, dont' we all 

 Sandicats6:  well.. if i plan to graduate.. i should go study 

 Sandicats6:  thank you for sharing with me 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  doesn't the nobel prize winner get a million bucks? 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  thanks for letting me share 

 Sandicats6:  ten thousand, i believe 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  cool 

 Sandicats6:  yeah 

 Sandicats6:  allright, talk to you later 

 Sandicats6:  bye 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  peace 

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