

Session Start: Mon Feb 05 05:48:06 2024

[17:48.06] <seeker> oh hey didn't see these notifications until now for some reason

[17:48.15] <seeker> happy belated birthday! :)

[18:16.27] <seeker> "I trust the time is nigh when, with the universal assent of civilized people, all international differences shall be determined without resort to arms by the benignant processes of civilization."

[18:16.33] <seeker> this quote is more relevant than ever

[19:14.35] <levity> hi, bro :]

[19:14.40] <levity> ty for getting back

[19:14.51] <levity> it means a lot to me you read my stuff


[19:17.54] <seeker> why is it so important to you that people read your blog?

[19:18.58] <seeker> it seems like if you're trying to save the entire world, then you would want to go for a larger scale than would allow for you to have one-on-one correspondence with your readers :P

[19:19.38] <levity> to realize the whole benevelont "worm" dream the founders of the internet had

[19:20.10] <levity> and idea so good that it will spread by word-of-keyboard to every corner of our plane

[19:20.13] <levity> and heal it

[19:20.31] <levity> and as cliche as it may sound

[19:20.35] <levity> educate the masses

[19:20.41] <seeker> no, I share your dream

[19:21.09] <levity> once i learned you cant stop bytes.....i sent my intent in that direction

[19:21.09] <seeker> I watched the illumignostic video you linked in one, where he talks about a (R)evolution, and I think that's accurate

[19:21.16] <levity> and have been "guided" ever since

[19:24.52] <levity> the whole narcissist, self-aggrandizing appearance my stuff has, is all part of my cover so the wrong people dont take me seriously

[19:25.03] <levity> its subversion, beating them at their own game

[19:25.13] <levity> "Everything in the world we want to do or get done, we must do with and through people."

[19:25.18] <levity> - Earl Nightingale

[19:27.29] <seeker> you remind me of diogenes and I love it

[19:28.59] <levity> i mean, does it make any sense that my blog which screams freedom and the true end to slavery, the example i am proposing that ANYONE can emulate...if this world wasn't right around the corner of improving for all, i would think they wouldnt let my blog be up for as long as it has been

[19:29.12] <levity> the town with the most views is stilll ashburn, va

[19:29.22] <levity> a suburb of dc

[19:29.52] <seeker> you have their attention :P

[19:30.01] <levity> i feel the reason my efforts are still permitted to because i am doing no wrong!

[19:30.34] <levity> i have come to realize that i am the one to be ignored

[19:30.39] <levity> but not impeded

[19:31.11] <levity> exactly, and i am going on the hunch that i have had divine protection since the start

[19:31.36] <levity> and that my elimination will only speed my process

[19:31.50] <seeker> well, underneath the rot they are the descendants of the mithraic cults

[19:31.56] <seeker> from what I know

[19:32.00] <levity> ?

[19:32.17] <seeker> I don't know the details of their prophecy

[19:32.24] <levity> ill dig around

[19:33.27] <seeker> you know that capitol hill is in the shape of an owl, right? :P

[19:33.32] <seeker> I always thought that was cool

[19:33.35] <levity> diogenes?  nick sounds familiar

[19:33.46] <levity> oh yeah

[19:33.49] <seeker> he's here on undernet, I know him from #deeppeace

[19:33.56] <seeker> but I meant the philosopher

[19:34.11] <seeker> diogenes was a roman philosopher that was known for being an ascetic during the time of plato

[19:34.25] <levity> here, lemme show you my massive Tekwiz page, i am still waiting for his approval but i doubt he will mind me showing you

[19:34.27] <seeker> he lived with the dogs and as the stories tell it, the only thing he had to his name was a bowl that he used to drink water

[19:34.35] <levity> i had an own thing happen with him too

[19:34.37] <seeker> until one day he saw a man drink water by cupping his hands, when he threw it out

[19:34.48] <levity> owl thing*

[19:35.16] <levity> +

[19:35.36] <levity> it's a lot to read, but ill tell you what to search for

[19:35.59] <seeker> +

[19:38.29] <levity> ctrl+F for screenshot.html

[19:38.48] <levity> <wptmj> im going to google earth around your town and invade your privacy :P

[19:38.59] <levity> <wptmj> im looking for cool geometry

[19:39.21] <seeker> [19:33.12] <wptmj> have you ever realized the masonic owl in your street grid?

[19:39.22] <seeker> yeah I'm on the page

[19:39.25] <seeker> +

[19:39.30] <levity>  <wptmj> do you see the owl?

[19:39.30] <levity> [20:00.06] <wptmj> wouldnt it be funny if you ended up living somewhere in that screenshot?

[19:39.30] <levity> [20:00.11] <wptmj> :]

[19:39.30] <levity> [20:00.37] <wptmj> ill tell you the streets if you dont recognize it

[19:40.24] <levity> wow, what an awesome coincidence!

[19:40.35] <levity> our owl stuff

[19:41.01] <seeker> well if you recognized this you almost certainly knew about the one in DC, it's common knowledge in conspiracy land, I think

[19:41.15] <seeker> I don't really know what is and isn't conspiracy land at this point, though

[19:41.28] <levity> by design!

[19:41.43] <seeker> I just know I sure do love that madonna performance and the 2012 olympics opening :]

[19:42.03] <levity> by design too!

[19:42.06] <levity> :P

[19:42.23] <seeker> sometimes I really wonder what the heck I've gotten myself into, victor

[19:42.49] <levity> you have shown me it's nothing you can't handle

[19:42.57] <seeker> the more I try and figure out the less I feel like I understand

[19:43.18] <seeker> I was thinking today "it's like I'm in the dip of the dunning-kruger effect and it just keeps going down"

[19:43.48] <levity> empty your mind of all previous conceptions about EVERYTHING

[19:44.19] <seeker> I've been doing my best to try

[19:44.27] <seeker> I feel like I have one foot in one foot out

[19:44.45] <levity> when you do and truly know nothing again.  then true teachings will automatically come to you

[19:45.16] <levity> everyone needs to low-level format their brains

[19:45.24] <levity> and have a true brainwashing

[19:45.24] <seeker> lol

[19:45.39] <levity> the good kind

[19:45.39] <seeker> amen!

[19:45.43] <seeker> I just keep scrubbing

[19:45.51] <seeker> maybe sometimes a bit too hard

[19:46.04] <levity> i am going to wring the fuck out of franks!

[19:46.06] <levity> lol

[19:46.09] <levity> :P

[19:46.31] <seeker> lol from what I read your ire shifted more to your mother, which I think I remember you mentioning

[19:46.41] <levity> her too!

[19:47.07] <levity> i am not going to choose favorites.  i view them equally guilty

[19:47.18] <seeker> I don't know how true the story in there is, but if what tita recounts in those first couple chapters is true then you have had one hell of a life

[19:47.21] <levity> in fact, i have decided not to talk to my mom for a whole year

[19:47.38] <seeker> you think that will be long enough for her to reflect any?

[19:47.44] <levity> i didnt call for on my bday

[19:48.05] <levity> i am also not going to link her to her defaming page

[19:48.13] <levity> i want her to figure it out on her own

[19:48.33] <levity> and ignoring her for a year is nothing compared to how long she made us ignore our dad

[19:49.51] <levity> its not just loosely based on a true story

[19:49.59] <levity> it IS 

[19:50.40] <levity> am i presumptious in thinking i have the right to credit the term MACROBLOGGING?

[19:50.48] <levity> or is that already a thing?

[19:51.02] <seeker> I don't know, I know microblogging is a thing I forget what it means, though

[19:51.09] <seeker> snippets of experiences?

[19:51.12] <levity> just little entries

[19:51.16] <levity> is micro

[19:51.23] <levity> blurbs

[19:51.29] <levity> low-detail

[19:51.39] <seeker> so macro would be an all-encompassing documentation

[19:51.39] <levity> bullet points

[19:51.54] <levity> so i figure too

[19:52.20] <seeker> I hope that by changing myself I can help change the world

[19:52.32] <levity> reminds me of a ween song

[19:52.36] <levity> youll like it 

[19:52.41] <levity> one sec

[19:53.13] <levity> +

[19:53.31] <levity> i love that song

[19:57.43] <levity> the instrumentals

[19:58.14] <seeker> onto the kritkl songs playlist it goes :P

[19:58.30] <levity> yay

[19:59.09] <levity> if you like ween, here is their discography i put together

[19:59.12] <levity> +

[19:59.25] <levity> every single song is different

[19:59.47] <levity> 12 golden country greats is da bomb!

[20:00.24] <levity> they went to nashville and searche out bluegrass legends for all of the music

[20:00.57] <levity> if you dont like country music ween will convert you!

[20:01.47] <seeker> I type messages a lot that I don't send

[20:03.11] <seeker> I frequently wonder if I'm on the right path

[20:04.07] <seeker> some microblogging for ya :P

[20:08.26] <seeker> thank you for your blog and your friendship

[20:41.30] <levity> totally my pleasure.  the gratitude goes both ways  <l:o)

[21:13.16] <levity> g'night, bro

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