

Session Start: Sat Feb 10 12:02:07 2024

[12:02.39] <levity> been extremely busy!  are you ready for your victor smiles of the day? 

[12:02.44] <levity> :]

[12:06.11] <seeker> ready! :P

[12:10.52] <levity> this is what im doing now

[12:11.04] <levity> +

[12:11.29] <levity> are you a fan of MST3K?

[12:11.37] <seeker> sheeeit that's cool as heck

[12:11.42] <seeker> also I don't think I've heard of them

[12:11.54] <seeker> OH

[12:12.17] <seeker> yes! my dad told me about mystery science theater when I was a kid I love it XD

[12:17.33] <levity> +

[12:19.51] <levity> +,

[12:20.06] <levity> i put that badass quote at the top!

[12:20.31] <seeker> I'm pretty sure I was paraphrasing

[12:20.35] <seeker> let me see if I can find the exact quote

[12:20.43] <levity> oh shit, and i cant forget full metal jacket!

[12:21.13] <levity> no matter, its worded perfectly by you

[12:21.14] <seeker> "The easiest way to stop piracy is not by putting antipiracy technology to work. It’s by giving those people a service that’s better than what they’re receiving from the pirates."

[12:21.48] <seeker> +

[12:21.56] <seeker> I had no idea about the russia thing

[12:22.10] <seeker> For example, Newell noted that Valve was warned against the Russian market due to its massive pirate community. In actuality, Steam offered easier access to games, more options, and higher quality downloads than its underground competitors, thereby turning Russia into the studio's most lucrative continental European market outside of Germany.

[12:22.32] <seeker> steam was so convenient that the russians just used it instead of pirating games XD

[12:22.40] <levity> there, refresh, it's more honest now(I changed it to say "- Paraphrased by seeker" before the quote.)

[12:23.14] <seeker> I don't know how I feel about being quoted like that while I'm still alive XD

[12:23.24] <seeker> I'll accept the honor humbly :P

[12:23.29] <levity> ok ill change it to tweaker

[12:23.31] <levity> :P

[12:23.33] <seeker> lmao

[12:24.00] <levity> nah, ill put it back with just him

[12:24.05] <levity> if he has qualms....

[12:24.06] <seeker> I am glad that I captured the essence of the quote though

[12:24.08] <levity> tough shit!

[12:24.13] <levity> i do what i want!

[12:24.15] <levity> :P

[12:24.16] <seeker> lol!

[12:24.28] <seeker> it basically says the same thing as his two-sentence long quote :P

[12:24.52] <levity> right, it's his truth, evolved

[12:24.59] <levity> condensed

[12:25.02] <seeker> you could do "The easiest way to stop piracy is by giving those people a service that’s better than what they’re receiving from the pirates."

[12:25.04] <seeker> too

[12:25.07] <seeker> which just cuts out a few words

[12:25.13] <seeker> anyway, awesome page :)

[12:25.22] <seeker> do you have an index somewhere on your blog to all of your media pages?(3-7-24, I DO NOW)

[12:25.24] <levity> gawrsh, tysm :]

[12:25.28] <levity> not yet

[12:25.29] <seeker> that seems like it would be useful af

[12:25.36] <seeker> okey just curious :3

[12:25.41] <levity> coming soon!

[12:25.50] <seeker> to an IRC channel near you!

[12:26.08] <levity> yup, but starting in just one

[12:26.30] <seeker> why is #Gulag spooky?

[12:26.33] <seeker> you have any idea?

[12:26.48] <seeker> I mean, that's why I like it, but I can't figure it out

[12:27.14] <levity> i dont know, from the start ive tried to troll it

[12:27.20] <levity> and most of my shit hasnt stuck

[12:27.41] <levity> its been almost a year now

[12:28.01] <seeker> I've been there since july 22

[12:28.06] <levity> and i am well received nowadays

[12:28.17] <seeker> it would be a shame if you weren't :P

[12:28.28] <levity> and krit knows dis!

[12:28.33] <levity> :P

[12:28.39] <seeker> heh he's great

[12:28.58] <levity> damn skippy

[12:29.04] <seeker> he posted a song once that made me bawl

[12:29.18] <levity> gimme gimme

[12:29.20] <levity> :]

[12:29.33] <seeker> when I was talking about "a reverse pompei"

[12:29.41] <seeker> I think it's been scrubbed but let me check

[12:30.30] <seeker> +

[12:31.41] <seeker> I will never forget the day I learned about WTC 7

[12:31.43] <levity> bin laden didnt blow up the projects!

[12:31.49] <seeker> january 2021

[12:31.58] <levity> it was my first day at itt tech

[12:32.07] <seeker> I'm young enough that I didn't know it existed

[12:32.16] <seeker> I'm convinced that will be the undoing

[12:32.20] <levity> i was like, sheeyet!

[12:32.41] <seeker> it was like a key to unlocking a new consciousness

[12:32.56] <levity> i was like, fuck this slave training, i got real work to do

[12:34.39] <levity> i just realized how much fun was still left to be had, even if i wasnt a kid anymore

[12:35.35] <levity> yeah, 9-11 took fear porn to a whole new level

[12:35.43] <seeker> I think people don't know largely because they don't want to know

[12:35.50] <seeker> and I don't blame them

[12:36.00] <levity> all by design!

[12:36.09] <levity> even you not blaming them!

[12:36.39] <seeker> you clearly have more insights into this grand design than I do :P

[12:37.10] <levity> but you are purer, due to your age

[12:37.19] <levity> more innocent than i

[12:38.03] <levity> everybody needs to regress a little to progress a lot!

[12:38.04] <seeker> I've been making a strong effort to toss that innocence in the garbage

[12:38.08] <levity> what irony

[12:38.33] <levity> great, be daring

[12:38.48] <levity> you are righteous, you have much protection

[12:39.02] <levity> count on it

[12:39.24] <seeker> I realized that after the car crash I had a bit over a year ago

[12:39.43] <levity> sometimes you have to learn the hard way

[12:40.00] <levity> unless you read our blogs!

[12:40.02] <seeker> maybe why I survived cancer as a kid

[12:40.02] <levity> :P

[12:40.06] <seeker> lol!

[12:42.09] <seeker> this kind of appeared out of nowhere to me yesterday +

[12:42.16] <seeker> was a very impactful read for me

[12:42.34] <levity> ty for sharing

[12:42.46] <seeker> it's nice to have someone to share with :)

[12:42.55] <seeker> "There are two ways to transcend nature. You could wage an endless war. Or you could transcend in utter peace."

[12:42.55] <levity> :]

[12:43.24] <levity> please keep on mind i am sharing my megaphone with my friends...

[12:43.47] <levity> if there is something you genuinely want to express...let me channel it

[12:43.57] <levity> -o +i

[12:44.36] <levity> it will only embolden my efforts

[12:44.42] <seeker> nobody has ever offered me such a gift

[12:44.44] <seeker> thank you

[12:44.45] <levity> and show the normies i can be trusted

[12:44.56] <levity> you more than deserve it

[12:45.01] <levity> youve passed with flying colors :]

[12:45.11] <seeker> O(≧▽≦)O

[12:46.49] <levity> hehe, have to put this song in my daily thoughts now.

[12:46.50] <levity> +

[12:47.30] <seeker> lol I imagined it was a heavy metal rendition of the song from Toy Story

[12:48.26] <levity> me too!

[12:49.02] <levity> was meaning that song, "just call on my name and you know wherever i am ill come running to see you again, spring, winter, etc"

[12:49.25] <levity> but i have grown to accepting results as they land

[12:49.44] <seeker> surfing with the alien :P

[12:50.02] <seeker> the hardest thing for me has been learning how to ride the waves instead of trying to make my own

[12:50.58] <levity> this is my favorite example.  when i first brainstorming my daddy page last march, i searched urbdick for roast

[12:52.33] <levity> well, lo and hehold, it had the definition for "to go roast"

[12:55.22] <levity> at the bottom

[12:55.23] <levity> +

[12:55.38] <levity> "Roast - to go "roast" is to completely abandon a community or any responsibility that you have."

[12:55.51] <seeker> like ghosting

[12:55.57] <levity> i was like, thats totally frank!

[12:56.05] <seeker> oh shit you're right

[12:56.10] <levity> so i just used the example sentence!

[12:56.39] <levity> "Franklin Gruber Chiari went roast on his whole family - never turned up to help them, ignored everyone involved in it and it eventually broke down and failed."

[12:57.02] <levity> i was like, the internte gods have my back!

[12:57.14] <seeker> lol I think they probably do

[12:57.29] <seeker> I was in a spot yesterday and like magic a comment appeared in front of me

[12:57.36] <seeker> "when the beast shines I'll be the best person in the world"

[12:58.01] <seeker> at the same time my dogs barked at me, scared the crap out of me

[12:58.12] <seeker> felt like a sign and led to that article

[12:58.17] <seeker> which helped me out of my funk

[12:59.30] <levity>  "A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in our worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent before the change."

[12:59.31] <levity> - Earl Nightingale

[12:59.50] <seeker> “But you will meet it there, in the thick of its darkness. You will struggle to tame it, and it will challenge you. And so you will become yet stronger, stronger than you ever imagined you could be, until the very essence-powers of your soul shall emerge. And that is when the darkness of that beast will truly shine. “So that you, not I, will change the world.”

[13:00.37] <levity> only through ALL can this world be liberated!

[13:00.58] <seeker> we're gonna get there :)

[13:01.23] <seeker> an end to our probation :P

[13:01.46] <levity> it's right around the corner

[13:01.50] <levity> +

[13:01.53] <seeker> "Y'all might make it if we leave you a bit." - Anunnaki

[13:02.42] <levity> ha!

[13:02.55] <seeker> :3

[13:03.54] <levity> "Stay calm, little dreamer, and drift off into dreams.  The gentle kiss of night is better than it seems."

[13:06.17] <seeker> I guess you can never go to narnia if you don't dig around some in the back of the closet :P

[13:06.51] <seeker> they got some stinky jackets back there

[13:13.43] <levity> ha

[13:13.56] <levity> youve seen full metal jacket, right?


[13:14.14] <levity> haha yes!

[13:14.22] <seeker> yup I've seen it it was great

[13:14.27] <levity> +

[13:16.05] <levity> i need clockwork orange too!

[13:17.13] <seeker> oh shit I love that movie

[13:17.20] <seeker> I link to the ludovico technique all the time in #Gulag

[13:17.33] <seeker> "see this? this is you learning how to reject violence"

[13:18.00] <seeker> "becoming healthy" :P

[13:38.37] --X-- You're voiced by Lard (clowntown) on #Gulag

[14:03.49] <levity> 5:36am  I am sitting here proofreading and Tita wants me to pick a random page out of Meditations and Mantras.  What did I land on?  

[14:04.36] <seeker> marcus aurelius?

[14:04.40] <levity> Tita:  It landed on page 177 and the chapter is Raja Yoga Sutras and Practice.  Victor pointed to number 32.  This one is:  "The Niyamas consist of cleanliness, contentment, austerity, self-study and self-surrender.  The Niyamas(+, are of services which cultivates positive qualities.  They involve purificati

[14:04.40] <levity> on, stilling the mind, self-disclipline, inquiry into the nature if the Self and surrendering the personal will, or ego to the Supereme Will.  Aside from cleanliness one should cultivate indifference towards the body.  Cleanliness means internal as well as external purification.  A proper diet based on vegetarianism  and natural foods, specialized 

[14:04.40] <levity> Yogic cleansing techniques and the Yoga exercises keep the body internally-pure and free from obstructions.  

[14:05.20] <levity> Cleanliness also extends to the mind.  Only when it is puridied of all dross can it be a pure mirror for the reflection of the Self.  Laughter comes from stimulation, but a smile comes from inner peacefullness.  Satisfied with itself, the mind needs nothing else for its contentment, which grows in proportion to awareness of the Inner Self.  The mi

[14:05.20] <levity> nd should not be effected by external objects.  They may be possessed, but with detatchment .  Do not let them possess the mind.  

[14:05.51] <levity> Austerity means curtailing the insatiable demands of the senses.  Drink water instead of coffee.  Practice silence instead of talking(Tita!).  Control greed by eating bland food.  Counter-act sleep by getting up early.  When the mind learns that its demands for pleasure will not be met through the senses it stops its useless wandering and turns in

[14:05.51] <levity> ward.  

[14:06.30] <levity> Control of the senses clears the way for such powers as telepathy and clairvoyance.  Study of spiritual works and the scriptures helps to keep a person on the right path.  Books alome, however can only take one so far, and can lead to intellectual pride.  Surrender to the will of god is necessary for ultimately eveything depends upon his grace.  

[14:06.39] <seeker> damn it I love my coffee though

[14:06.45] <levity> i agree with all of that except for the last sentence

[14:06.51] <levity> and i am hooked on coffee too

[14:06.53] <levity> :[

[14:07.09] <seeker> lol I managed to get off of it for a couple of months last year

[14:07.17] <seeker> it was actually pretty awesome

[14:09.15] <levity> lol, my dad sent tita $300

[14:09.21] <levity> im going to go spend it all on weed!

[14:09.26] <levity> :P

[14:09.51] <levity> "but it's legal here, dad!"

[14:09.53] <levity> hahaha

[14:10.06] <levity> "thanks for getting me high!"

[14:10.23] <seeker> weeeeee!

[14:10.29] <seeker> I've never tried it

[14:10.37] <seeker> not legal in AR

[14:10.40] <levity> all in due time

[14:11.50] <levity> maybe someday you will get to the ayashuasca stage

[14:12.08] <seeker> there are a host of things I'd love to try, that's one of them :P

[14:12.11] <levity> dig around about that, if you havent

[14:12.26] <seeker> already know quite a bit about it

[14:12.33] <levity> kewl

[14:13.06] <levity> check out reefer madness if you want some laughs

[14:13.27] <levity> ooh!   i need to find They Live!

[14:13.33] <seeker> ooo that's a good one

[14:13.48] <seeker> oh wait I'm thinking of invasion of the body snatchers

[14:13.57] <seeker> the one from the 80s

[14:14.25] <seeker> OHHH yeah that one is classic

[14:14.33] <seeker> I'm here to chew ass and kick bubblegum

[14:14.35] <seeker> and I'm all outta ass

[14:19.23] <levity> i got body snatchers too, ty

[14:32.22] <levity> bbl

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