

Session Start: Sun Mar 10 09:37:47 2024

[09:38.00] <levity> my trek harvest has begun!

[09:38.16] <levity> +

[09:39.01] <seeker> dude, that's going to take a LONG time to get them all, but if you do...

[09:39.20] <seeker> lol your blog is going to end up being a practical resource if not just for the aggregation of media links

[09:39.43] <levity> "let's check Victor's List, honey.

[09:39.45] <levity> "

[09:39.47] <levity> hehe

[09:40.01] * seeker  kicks Craig out

[09:40.07] <levity> haha

[09:40.21] <levity> fuck craig and the whore that bore him!

[09:41.22] <seeker> you know, victor, I don't know what to do, but I always feel like I'm not doing enough

[09:41.34] <seeker> I'm not sure if I should try and be content or try and reach higher

[09:42.11] <seeker> every day feels like a battle inside my mind that's like a ball and chain I'm trying to learn to drag around with me

[09:42.18] <levity> shoot for the stars, bro

[09:42.22] <levity> break free!

[09:42.55] <levity> gather supplies and snacks, trust in your discernment, and go stick your thumb out and see where you end up

[09:43.01] <levity> LIFE IS TO ENJOY!

[09:44.04] <levity> my blog is a total collaboration of action that expresses what everyone KNOWS is true deep down inside

[09:44.32] <levity> sharing my blog benefits everybody!  it's OUR mission!

[09:44.45] <seeker> I actually have shared it some

[09:45.18] <levity> i knew you would

[09:46.21] <levity> you are a big part of it now

[09:46.41] <levity> you have no idea how much i appreciate your support

[09:47.21] <seeker> I'll share my secret identity with you today

[09:48.11] <seeker> +

[09:48.32] <levity> yay :]

[09:48.33] <seeker> that's my youtube channel, mostly just piano and typing videos right now

[09:48.56] <seeker> I uploaded some "gnosis" stuff but have it set to unlisted rn

[09:49.33] <levity> good deal, no rush

[09:49.44] <levity> whenever it feels right

[09:52.27] <seeker> is there really no rush, though

[10:08.38] <levity> for me and what i am doing, MOST definetly, but i am making up for lost time

[10:09.44] <seeker> I wonder where a good place to start would be

[10:10.10] <seeker> I think the nature of propaganda

[10:10.15] <levity> this my be interesting if you havent seen it yet.  a long time ago i found this random blogger's blog when i googled myself

[10:10.45] <levity> some random guy who ran into me on my walkabout

[10:11.06] <levity> it takes forever for archive to load so i copied it and put it on my blog

[10:11.12] <levity> +

[10:12.46] <levity> dude, once enough kids and parents who really care about them, catch wind about my rebellious, simple and inexpensive shortcuts anyone can take

[10:13.05] <levity> the system will be thoroughly fucked

[10:13.58] <seeker> I didn't know you had "legions" :P

[10:14.21] <levity> yeah, i love how candid that dude is

[10:15.01] <seeker> did you know kai the hitchhiker?

[10:15.21] <seeker> went on jimmy kimmel once

[10:16.02] <seeker> also, I read that germany just legalized recreational weed

[10:16.38] <seeker> +

[10:16.52] <seeker> good work, legions!

[10:17.58] <levity> i think i heard of kai b4

[10:26.07] <seeker> he's in prison now

[10:26.11] <seeker> killed a man

[10:26.24] <seeker> that was a really solid read

[10:26.43] <levity> fawk, doesnt bode good for hitchhiking

[10:27.06] <levity> yeah, that dude is verbose AF

[10:27.39] <levity> wait, what was a solid read?

[10:27.51] <seeker> found.hml

[10:27.56] <levity> coo

[10:28.02] <seeker> you know, marx was certain that socialism would emerge from the most developed capitalist countries

[10:28.19] <seeker> and that it would be global in nature

[10:28.33] <levity> what i am proposing has never been tried before. its not an ism

[10:28.39] <levity> its simply FREEDOM

[10:28.49] <seeker> you are 100% right

[10:28.52] <seeker> it has never been tried before

[10:28.54] <seeker> and should not be labeled

[10:29.22] <levity> it's collective-LOVE

[10:29.28] <levity> its not even spirituality

[10:30.03] <levity> it's a blossoming of our true selves!

[10:30.38] <seeker> you seem to be at the top of a staircase I've been climbing for a few years :)

[10:31.28] <seeker> there's reason behind our evolution, too, though

[10:31.40] <levity> lol i was trying to formulate a witty response and just thought of this joke

[10:31.47] <levity> I asked my grandmother how she’s enjoying her new stairlift. 

[10:31.55] <levity> She said, “It’s driving me up the wall!”

[10:32.01] <seeker> lol!

[10:32.01] <levity> :P

[10:32.07] <seeker> that's a good one

[10:32.39] <levity> but yes, there is a definite reason we are learning what we are learning right now

[10:32.54] <levity> it's unfolding right before us

[10:33.13] <seeker> I'm so grateful you understand

[10:33.25] * levity is drawing a line in the sand

[10:33.31] <levity> :P

[10:34.59] <seeker> "This union is helped on by the improved means of communication that are created by modern industry and that place the workers of different localities in contact with one another. It was just this contact that was needed to centralise the numerous local struggles, all of the same character, into one national struggle between classes. But every class struggle is a political struggle. And that union, to attain which the burghers of the 

[10:34.59] <seeker> Middle Ages, with their miserable highways, required centuries, the modern proletarians, thanks to railways, achieve in a few years."

[10:35.11] <seeker> and behold, the internet

[10:35.36] <seeker> modern industry has paved the road for your success, victor

[10:35.45] <seeker> our success, I guess :P

[10:35.58] <levity> right, beating them at their own game with their own tools

[10:36.02] <levity> teehee

[10:36.44] <seeker> that was written in 1848

[10:37.08] <levity> here is a very fitting propagandhi song

[10:37.12] <levity> +

[10:39.47] <levity> especially the last verse!

[10:40.20] <seeker> lol! that last one is me

[10:40.37] <seeker> except I don't really scream as much as whisper

[10:41.03] <levity> good tunes when you get the chance

[10:41.06] <levity> +

[10:41.11] <levity> hail canada!

[10:43.13] <levity> please consider letting me mail you a loaded tape dispenser :]

[10:50.07] <levity> tita is up, gotta do dishes

[10:51.24] <seeker> good conversation! thanks for the links, too

[15:32.50] <levity> painstaking, but slowly advancing

[15:32.55] <levity> +

[15:34.59] <seeker> WOO you're up to TNG

[15:35.13] <seeker> TNG and voyager are the ones I've seen the most of :P

[18:18.43] <levity> about half an hour ago i got back from spreading the word on the corner again

[18:18.47] <levity> it was a blast

[18:19.01] <levity> in an hour got lots 

[18:19.24] <levity> and passed out myblog plenty

[18:19.51] <levity> ok back to trekkin'

[18:38.24] <levity> lol

[18:38.25] <levity> +

[18:47.24] <seeker> lol that was hilarious

[18:47.34] <seeker> SNL used to be FUNNY?!

[19:44.00] <levity> sweet, just stumbled onto most of the movies!

[19:44.23] <levity> +

[21:14.03] <levity> if you dont already, learn your keyboard shortcuts!  that was my springboard into finding shortcuts in the rest of my life!

[21:15.01] <seeker> I don't know them all, but I know a lot of them

[21:15.25] <levity> good on you

[21:15.29] <seeker> I like it best when I can choose my own :P

[21:16.00] <levity> okay, let's race then

[21:16.02] <levity> :P

[21:16.14] <seeker> how do you race when it comes to keyboard shortcuts? XD

[21:16.27] <levity> just joshin'

[21:16.37] <seeker> if you wanna typing race, though... 👀

[21:16.39] <levity> ooh, dailymotion has tons of voyagers!

[21:16.45] <seeker> pretend you didn't see that youtube channel

[21:17.12] <levity> what youtube channel? :P

[21:17.16] <seeker> exactly!

[21:17.27] <levity> what's youtube?

[21:17.29] <levity> hehe

[21:17.32] <seeker> lol

[21:18.04] <seeker> star trek is unrealistic because people aren't constantly having crazy sex in the holoroom

[21:20.19] <levity> you know you always wanted to bend counselour troy over and go where the whole crew has probably gone before!

[21:20.46] <levity> i always had the hots for her when i was younger.. i think most punk kids did

[21:20.53] <levity> BY DESIGN

[21:21.00] <seeker> lol, I meant the hologram reality

[21:21.01] <seeker> holodeck

[21:21.03] <levity> it's all part of the program

[21:21.09] <seeker> whatever it's called :P

[21:21.30] <levity> she can suck my holodeck

[21:21.32] <seeker> I would not at all be surprised to find out that we're part of a simulation of creation that serves as our probation before we're introduced to the galactic population

[21:21.33] <levity> hehe

[21:21.37] <seeker> lel

[21:21.53] <levity> if there is a galactic population

[21:22.09] <seeker> you don't know?

[21:22.13] <seeker> there is

[21:22.14] <levity> humanity mght just be the top of creation

[21:22.21] <levity> anything is possible

[21:22.56] <levity> dont want to sound too flat earthy, but i have serious doubts about our supposed reality

[21:23.38] <seeker> well, if it's all  a big illusion, then I suppose that it's possible that the "aliens" are part of the simulation and we're in some kind of Matrix

[21:23.39] <levity> do you ever folllow that cobra stuff?

[21:23.50] <levity>

[21:24.24] <levity> compression-breakthrough

[21:24.39] <levity> "the event"

[21:24.42] <seeker> I didn't know there was a solar eclipse on 4/8

[21:24.45] <seeker> day after my birthday

[21:25.15] <levity> happy early bday

[21:25.59] <levity> "Despite a pleasing personality, an Aries born on April 8 has steel at their core and never misses a chance to learn from their mistakes or miscalculations. They don't see themselves as catalysts for change but will endeavor to right a wrong if an opportunity presents itself."

[21:26.10] <seeker> the total eclipse is going to pass literally DIRECTLY over me

[21:26.43] <seeker> +

[21:26.52] <seeker> that's approximately where I'm at

[21:27.20] <seeker> april 7 is my birthday, so close :P

[21:28.09] <levity> ever notice how the sun and the moon are pretty much the same diameter?

[21:28.11] <seeker> anyway, those are some weird coincidences

[21:28.48] <seeker> yeah, that's pretty neat :D

[21:28.49] <levity> maybe they are the same light source..same "stage lighting"

[21:28.57] <levity> i dunno

[21:29.43] <seeker> I think we're able to measure the distance based on shooting photons

[21:30.05] <seeker> so the idea that there's some spherical display surrounding the planet seems unlikely

[21:30.10] <seeker> a la truman show :P

[21:30.31] <seeker> no wait, that wouldn't work at all

[21:30.45] <levity> watch these when you have the time.  might same way out there, but its still good food for thought

[21:30.55] <levity> +

[21:31.05] <levity> - same + seem

[21:40.43] <levity> night, bro.  tita's going to massage me to sleep.  ill see you tomorrow!

[21:41.01] <seeker> nite!

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