

Session Start: Thu Mar 21 03:48:39 2024

[15:48.51] <levity> hey bud, what's up?

[15:48.55] <levity> dude!

[15:49.36] <levity> i cant believe its taken me so long to stumble onto this massive source of profanity and disrespect that most definitely needs to be on my blog

[15:50.09] <levity> behold so far

[15:50.16] <levity> +

[15:50.24] <levity> :]

[15:52.18] <levity> look at the title for S08E01!

[15:52.25] <levity> MUHAHAHAHA!

[15:53.33] <levity> and if you havent hung out there yet, visit #la.  youll see a lot of familiar nicks

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