

Session Start: Fri Mar 29 08:03:33 2024

[08:03.39] <levity> hi thomas!

[08:04.12] <seeker> heya victor :]

[08:04.14] <levity> dude, just when you thought i was done, i've got a nuke in my armory.  here's 1.0, i want you to help me image it!

[08:04.19] <seeker> I'm typing up my story

[08:04.22] <seeker> per your suggestion

[08:04.23] <levity> +

[08:04.54] <levity> yay, back burner this then, dont let me stop your flow

[08:05.17] <seeker> okey! any deadline?

[08:06.25] <levity> no way!  i've been begging tita to type up her story for five years now.  i am patient

[08:06.32] <levity> hehe

[08:06.40] <seeker> =D

[08:07.00] <seeker> check out this awesome song my friend from the DR sent me today

[08:07.01] <seeker> +

[08:07.30] <levity> okay, see if you can squeeze watching my fuck religion video though

[08:07.41] <levity> had you heard that propagandhi song b4?

[08:08.03] <seeker> I don't think so, is it the one where they mention that somebody found out that knowledge tends to democratize societies?

[08:08.03] <levity> the first 50 seconds will have images

[08:08.04] <seeker> if so, then yes

[08:08.06] <levity> the whole thing eventually

[08:08.16] <levity> no, thats not the same song

[08:08.20] <seeker> gotcha

[08:08.30] <levity> but if the rabble heard the truth

[08:08.34] <levity> theyd organize against

[08:08.45] <levity> power priveledged wealth

[08:08.51] <levity> for them and no one else

[08:09.01] <levity> has it occurred to you, its exactly the same today

[08:09.10] <levity> sorry, just going off on the lyrics

[08:09.11] <levity> hehe

[08:09.31] <seeker> so wait, you're going to put images before the lyrics?

[08:09.45] <levity> the first 50 secs is instrumental

[08:09.50] <levity> aka boring

[08:10.10] <seeker> how many do you think you'll use? 5 seconds apiece?

[08:10.17] <levity> whateva

[08:10.18] <seeker> 10?

[08:10.21] <seeker> hm

[08:10.56] <seeker> and you don't need me for images with the lyrical section

[08:11.54] <levity> no, there will be some throughout hopefully

[08:12.00] <levity> too early to know for sure

[08:12.11] <levity> lets see what happens

[08:12.51] <levity> im going to make it badass regardless, contribute what you can or want to

[08:13.02] <levity> or not at all, its all good

[08:13.09] <levity> no pressure

[08:27.35] <levity> so if our schools wont teach us we'll teach ourselves to analyze and understand these systems of thought control

[08:27.53] <levity> and share it with each other, never swayed by class rings or by penalties

[08:28.17] <levity> i promise you, you promise me not to sell each other out to murderers, to thieves

[08:28.28] <levity> who manufacture our delusion

[08:28.42] <levity> that you and me participate

[08:29.01] <levity> meaningfully in the process or running our own lives

[08:29.39] <levity> you can vote however the fuck you want, but power's what calls all the shots and believe it or not

[08:29.59] <levity> eevn if democracy broke loose, it'll just make the economy scream

[08:30.10] <levity> so we vote responsibly

[08:30.27] <levity> sorry, that shits ingrained in my membrane

[08:30.32] <levity> hehe

[08:34.13] <seeker> lyrics worth having memorized!

[11:11.07] <levity> tita found the filler for the first 50 secs

[11:11.09] <levity> +

[14:40.58] <levity> i finished it!

[14:41.04] <levity> tell me if you can tell the diff

[14:41.13] <levity> +

[15:46.01] <seeker> wow

[15:46.21] <seeker> I think this is the best one you've done so far

[16:44.51] <levity> ty!  did you like how i slipped jism in there, hehe

[17:17.13] <seeker> lol I didn't catch that, I was surprised by the images you picked, though

[17:17.19] <seeker> they were really good

[17:18.16] <levity> it was cool, after i finished 1.0 i showed tita and in a futile attempt to downplay my stuff she was all, "I'm sure there's already a vid with lyrics.  the first one she found had all that extra text!  you know my pirate ass was pleased

[17:18.19] <levity> hehe

[17:18.41] <seeker> XD nice!

[17:20.08] <levity> i used armoralls $25 he paypalled me for the shirt

[17:20.26] <levity> i might as well get too

[17:21.00] <levity> used payal to get, i meant to say

[17:21.21] <seeker> awww

[17:21.27] <seeker> I hope he'll be okay

[17:21.42] <levity> why wouldnt he be?

[17:21.55] <seeker> he says some concerning things in Gulag sometimes

[17:22.25] <levity> talk is talk.  you know how much people lie on irc

[17:22.36] <seeker> I mean he himself

[17:22.45] <levity> grain of salt

[17:22.52] <seeker> suicidal sounding

[17:23.21] <levity> yeah, has been like that ever since i first saw him online

[17:23.31] <seeker> okay, that's reassuring

[17:24.32] <levity> but he's friendly to me, mostly

[17:24.38] <seeker> same

[17:24.55] <levity> he really needs to vent, it seems

[17:25.53] <levity> i am sure he'd be a willing participant in our revolution

[17:26.01] <levity> once it gets off the ground

[17:26.06] <levity> soon

[17:26.07] <seeker> he absolutely would :)

[17:26.19] <seeker> my recording ended up being well over an hour

[17:26.26] <seeker> got through most of it this morning, though

[17:26.34] <levity> oh, your story you started?

[17:26.36] <seeker> I think I see why you do it, it's cathartic

[17:26.48] <levity> yeah, time flies

[17:27.14] <seeker> I dictated it yesterday and typed up about 65% of it today

[17:27.39] <seeker> things are different when you think about them out loud

[17:27.45] <levity> had to recheck definition of cathartic

[17:28.06] <levity> for sure it's very releasing

[17:28.38] <seeker> lmao I just searched it and the main result is a laxative XD

[17:28.48] <levity> lol


[17:29.08] <levity> lol!

[17:32.58] <levity> keep it up, bro.  i am real proud of you for your willingness

[17:33.36] <seeker> it feels good to share my thoughts like that, it makes me feel seen

[17:33.41] <seeker> I really appreciate your encouragement :)

[17:33.43] <levity> why don't more people want to dream big like us?

[17:34.11] <seeker> I think fear, despair, stress, or some combination

[17:34.24] <levity> if one risks nothing they are nothing!

[17:35.33] <seeker> well, committing yourself to trying to change the world is a bit bigger of a risk than I think most people are comfortable with :P

[17:35.39] <seeker> I think it also has to do with an appeal to authority

[17:35.53] <seeker> people think that the individuals in charge must be the most qualified to think about these things, to make these decisions

[17:36.02] <seeker> but thinking that is actually antithetical to democracy

[17:36.19] <seeker> I think it was jefferson or somebody who said "The price of liberty is eternal vigilance."

[17:36.24] <levity> for example, who knows when i would've found trevor, if it hadnt been for you

[17:36.49] <levity> yeah, and who said that it is our duty to disobey unjust laws?

[17:36.53] <seeker> lol I'm just passing him on, my own signposter gave him to me :)

[17:37.15] <levity> i am grateful regardless

[17:37.50] <seeker> well, it was really just sharing a video or two I thought was amusing/insightful, but you're welcome :P

[17:38.31] <seeker> sometimes I've run into videos (art really) that's been a wake-up signal for me

[17:38.32] <levity> thank you for sharing, you didnt have to.  like minds come together

[17:38.38] <seeker> I hope so :D

[17:39.31] <seeker> I still have no idea what's going on with me particularly, but at this point I've accepted that I'm not supposed to know some things

[17:39.59] <levity> at least not yet :)

[17:40.19] <seeker> yup, hopefully in time I'll get the answers when I'm ready for them :P

[17:40.28] <seeker> the truth is revealed to he whose mind is unclouded with longing or something like that

[17:40.39] <seeker> you have some awesome quotes :)

[17:40.51] <levity> welcome the flow

[17:41.05] <seeker> I love the time is nigh one, read through some of the state of the union that it's from

[17:41.44] <levity> wait, do i have that linked to the david attenborouh page?  i think i say that at the top

[17:42.01] <seeker> I don't remember where it's at on your blog, after I saw it the first time I've just had it memorized

[17:42.27] <seeker> because of what's happening right now with the UN

[17:45.49] <levity> i say the time is night on my main page, but i dont have it linked.  Chester A Arthur quote

[17:46.26] <seeker> ya it's from the 1882 state of the union iirc

[17:47.43] <seeker> yup

[17:47.48] <seeker> +

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