

 Session Start: Sun Apr 14 09:01:38 2024

[09:01.47] <levity> good morning, thomas

[09:02.04] <levity> check out this long overdue section i just finished

[09:02.04] <seeker> morning, victor :)

[09:02.08] <levity> +

[09:02.12] <levity> teehee :]

[09:03.27] <seeker> okay, that's actually super cool

[09:03.35] <seeker> I'm surprised they let host those

[09:04.56] <levity> ME2

[09:05.12] <seeker> also I didn't know a bug's life was 1988 damn

[09:05.37] <seeker> oh your date is wrong

[09:05.39] <seeker> it's 1998

[09:05.45] <seeker> +

[09:06.04] <seeker> seemed a little weird that the promotional image was referencing a movie from the future XD

[09:06.42] <seeker> great page!! I have memories of a lot of these as a kid :)

[09:11.16] <levity> ty!

[09:13.11] <levity> fixed the order 

[09:14.58] <levity> hopefully that section will win some people over

[09:15.28] <seeker> bound to be a Victor's List classic no doubt

[09:15.48] <levity> cant wait for what i might think to do tomorrow :]

[09:16.16] <seeker> I like that your url points to your free media, you cut right to the shit you know will get people's attention :P

[09:17.36] <levity> ty, and i got going straight to the journal entry

[09:17.47] <levity> my fun day at church

[09:17.50] <seeker> oh cool, I never tried that one

[09:18.10] <levity> with all those great links!

[09:18.35] <levity> i need to get busy loading up tape dispensers

[09:18.39] <levity> hehe

[09:19.37] <levity> +,

[09:20.57] <levity> just ponder

[09:21.07] <seeker> I've been playing a game where you play as a robot person who's rebuilding civilization after humanity dies out from their own abuse of the planet

[09:21.19] <levity> imagine TONS of fuckreligion.blogs all over every church in town

[09:21.26] <levity> AND

[09:21.47] <levity> fuckmoney.blos all over every bank in town!

[09:21.50] <levity> +g

[09:21.54] <levity> hehe

[09:22.08] <seeker> this quote from the game stood out to me

[09:22.32] <seeker> lol

[09:25.35] <levity> what quote?

[09:26.44] <seeker> "Our species can no longer afford to believe in Mother Russia or Uncle Sam. Neither, however, can we afford to indulge in the adolescent rebel's misanthropy, rejecting the many gifts we have been lucky enough to receive - not from above, but from the history of our species."

[09:28.31] <seeker> it's about moving forward but not doing so recklessly

[09:30.53] <levity> hmm, interesting

[09:35.38] <levity> i believe that a lot of things we view as gifts, are just the opposite.  they make life too easy.  without any challenges we don't grow.  I think these gifts are keeping us in the old world, materialist mentality, that makes us want things, instead of wanting less things

[09:36.36] <levity> dude, i am brainstorming right now about making a DO ME THE ULTIMATE FAVOR page.  

[09:36.47] <levity> not asking you, but the whole world.  

[09:36.53] <levity> or at least all of the kids.  

[09:37.20] <levity> maybe i am giving it too much premature credit, but i think my blogtaping technique is a pretty novel concept.  

[09:37.34] <levity> I still have blogtapes sticking strong for months and months now.  

[09:38.01] <levity> Not that I am receiving that many more visits(as far as i know because I can't trust the stats), but random people are seeing the stickers, even if they don't visit my blog.  

[09:38.30] <levity> Just glancing at it will imprint a memory.  

[09:38.52] <levity> In due time when my shit flies around the world these random people will remember seeing the tape.

[09:41.02] <levity> So what i am thinking to do is make a page detailing the exact steps i take to making the text file full of blog urls, printing it out and cutting out the urls, how i unravel the whole dispenser of tape and space out papers and roll them back up

[09:41.19] <levity> like down to the nitty gritty, as if i am talking to kids

[09:42.27] <levity> something like, "if you want world peace and want to help bring it, use this technique and start taping up your town and everywhere you go"

[09:42.32] <levity> plant the seed

[09:42.56] <seeker> I actually have a method of doing this already

[09:43.16] <seeker> I have a label printer that can make these en masse that I grabbed when the ammo business was closing down

[09:44.07] <seeker> I think the trick to making something like this go viral is creating an aura of mystery

[09:44.16] <seeker> people love things like ARGs with puzzles to solve

[09:44.41] <levity> i just need to stick to my convictions that when enough people read my blog the world will balance itself out

[09:45.14] <levity> and will also inspire people to build their own blog like mine, but personally theirs

[09:45.19] <levity> evolution

[09:46.00] <levity> the time for this idea is upon us!

[09:46.24] <levity> awesome dabs, btw ::cough, cough::

[09:46.28] <levity> :P

[09:46.37] <seeker> nice! (☞゚∀゚)☞

[09:47.05] <levity> i can fit about 65 papers per dispenser

[09:47.49] <levity> i am thinking about sticking them at drive-through windows so each car that pulls up will see it

[09:48.21] <seeker> lol! you're gonna get sued one day

[09:49.24] <levity> what crime would i be committing?

[09:49.37] <levity> it's easily removable!

[09:50.02] <seeker> true, you're still advertising on somebody else's private property, though

[09:50.06] <seeker> might count as solicitation

[09:50.14] <levity> actually, i have a federal permit 

[09:50.16] <levity> :]

[09:51.03] <seeker> they have permits for stickers? cool

[09:51.20] <levity> the constitution, bro!

[09:51.22] <levity> :P

[09:52.02] <levity> if they sue me i'll have everybody SPRAYPAINT my blog at their drive-through, lol

[09:52.18] <seeker> XD

[09:52.24] <levity> all over the country!

[09:52.29] <levity> can't touch this!

[09:54.43] <seeker> to what extent do you think the ends justify the means?

[09:55.24] <levity> nobody has to die!

[09:55.31] <levity> just their egos and reputations!

[09:55.31] <seeker> :)

[09:55.53] <seeker> "time to eat all your words, swallow your pride, open your eyes" :P

[09:56.12] <levity> i hope they're hungry

[12:05.21] <levity> hmm, i dont know what has taken me so long, but my laptop has a cam on it.  i should dictate all of my stories

[12:05.41] <levity> for all you podcast listeners

[14:20.33] <levity> +

[14:21.44] <seeker> that's good

[14:21.51] <seeker> there is digital cash

[14:22.07] <seeker> but it's still not too widely used

[14:56.27] --X-- You're voiced by Lard (clowntown) on #Gulag

[17:29.54] <levity> any qualms with me updating our chats?

[17:30.14] <levity> i want to daringy keep things as current as possible

[17:30.29] <seeker> go for it! :)

[17:30.34] <levity> check my daily thoughts for some cool shit that transpired earlier

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