

These are the items I currently carry in my bag:

1. Portable CD player with “ear-bud” headphones

2. Small CD case containing my music cd’s as well as burned cd’s containing useful documents, and a computer floppy disk

3. Kodak Advantix 35mm camera with extra film

4. Mini-cassette recorder with blank tapes

5. Two 3-ring binders containing reports and dissertations

6. 40 bus schedules with a rubber band

7. 1 bottle of ibuprofen(65 coated caplets)

8. Toothbrush

9. Toothpaste

10. Dental-floss

11. Package of tissues

12. Flashlight

13. Tube of lip balm

14. Pens and pencils

15. Fingernail clippers

16. Nail file

16. All-purpose utility-knife

17. My neuro-psychological evaluation

Total Weight: 5.1 lbs

Things which I plan to obtain for my bag:

  1. Cellular phone

  2. Small, collapsible raincoat

  3. First-aid kit

  4. Compass

  5. Pocket-binoculars

6. I’ll think of something else, I’m sure.

I also use a swiss-army knife keychain(see my keychain story). It’s always in my left pocket, with the keys hanging out and the folded knife acting as an anchor. When I have to walk through the ghetto, I always take out my knife, unfold the main blade, and then stick it back in the holder in my pocket.

I feel so sorry for the dude that jumps me at night, he’s getting his throat slit. I’ll use the good ‘ol element of surprise on his ass.

I would get away with it too. It wouldn’t be murder. It’s not like I wanna kill someone, but If someone jumped me with a gun or a knife, I would have all the right in the world to defend myself, even if I had to kill the dude, and I would if I had to. I just hope the perpetrator would be by himself that night.

Also on my keys I have a 3ft.measuring-tape keychain, folding scissors, and a little flashlight keychain.

If I got caught on a stranded-island, I would definitely survive.


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