

 Sk8terchiklet: psst  

Sk8terchiklet: psst hey  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: duh, i have your reply all typed out and i forgot to send it


SUCK A DOGS DlCK: you just reminded me when you imed me

Sk8terchiklet: lol  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: lemme send it

Sk8terchiklet: oks  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: do you have aim?

Sk8terchiklet: yea  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: sign it on please, i want to send you a song

Sk8terchiklet: moonbabe67  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: sign it on

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i gotta go to the bathroom, brb

Sk8terchiklet: brb gotta restart  

Sk8terchiklet signed off at 10:48:29 AM. 

Sk8terchiklet signed on at 10:56:13 AM. 

Sk8terchiklet: hey  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: sorry, i jumped in the chower

Sk8terchiklet: tis ok   

Sk8terchiklet: im helpin out my dad with the internet! hes so funny  

Sk8terchiklet: lol  


SUCK A DOGS DlCK: yeah, the kids now better now, dad..



Sk8terchiklet: lol haha  

Sk8terchiklet: silly boy  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: wacka wacka wacka

Sk8terchiklet: tha fawker is going to vegas!!  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: cool, i'm gonna go there too

Sk8terchiklet: liar  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i swear

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: one day

Sk8terchiklet: can i go with u  


SUCK A DOGS DlCK: right after i save the world

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: and hell, i'll bring a party with me

Sk8terchiklet: ohh yea  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: one big portable party

Sk8terchiklet: save the world and then destroy it again with party poopers!  

Sk8terchiklet: lol  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: no, i'll be getting rid of the party poopers

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: everyone will be a partier when i'm done with them

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: ::evil chuckle::


Sk8terchiklet: oh yea  

Sk8terchiklet: lol  

Sk8terchiklet: hehe  

Sk8terchiklet: ::goofy laugh::  




SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i'm gonna get dressed and go walk around and see what happens

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i've been having the most badddest ass days

Sk8terchiklet: why?  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: it's like i got to retire and didn't have to work for it..

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: like i won the lottery

Sk8terchiklet: shut up! if u won the lottery i wouldnt be sitting here talking to be out there walkin around like a goof ball too!  

Sk8terchiklet: besides IM gonna win the lottery NOT U!!!!  

Sk8terchiklet: *pouts* its just taking longer than expected thats all  

Sk8terchiklet: brb  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: that's the thing, i can afford to walk around and be a goofball all day

Auto response from Sk8terchiklet: I will be right back.

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: when you don't need money, you can afford to do ANYTHING

Sk8terchiklet:  i cannot afford to do that...i wish i sounds like fun  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: what's stopping you?

Sk8terchiklet: oh i dont know the fact that i have to live somewhere and i cant do it for free....things that i have to pay for that i find very usefull ie. my cell phone...  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: nobody's twisting your arm

Sk8terchiklet: well its more the fact that i want to live in san antonio and i dont know anyone i can bum off of   

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: you dont have to pay for any of it

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: you want to pay for it

Sk8terchiklet: well yea i wanna have it  

Sk8terchiklet: to have it i have to pay for it  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: work on not wanting to have it..

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: simplify you're life

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: don't complicate it

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: the less shit you have, the less shit you have to worry about

Sk8terchiklet: my life isnt simple already?  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: not if you have bills that ever bother you..

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: they just get in the way

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i steer clear of those

Sk8terchiklet: its a bit more difficult for me i think   

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: nah, i'm not special

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: anyone can do it

Sk8terchiklet: i might try it on my days off from work for starters...i will walk around town with u n be  a bum lol   

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: oh yeah

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i'll show you things you would never see

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: and you'll do the same..

Sk8terchiklet: that would be cool....and well we never have to worry about needing 50 cents for a fone cuase i have one   so u need for a fone can help u out too  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: do you have unlimited minutes or something?

Sk8terchiklet: no i have 500 daytime minutes but i have free nights and weekends  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i wouldn't want to waste your minutes that you pay for

Sk8terchiklet: but i will have no one to call so its cool  

Sk8terchiklet: no its ok   

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i will either walk into a place and borrow their phone, or I wouldn't use it at all.

Sk8terchiklet: and i have free sprint to sprint minutes so if my bf calls me its still free  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: and not really care either way

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i dont have enough things to worry about to want to pay for a cellphone

Sk8terchiklet: i dont either but when i need somethin its just more convinent for me to take that out than to ask for a fone...ive had too many a times where i neeed to desperatley get a hold of someone and i cant   

Sk8terchiklet: or that someone needs to get a hold of me and they cant  

Sk8terchiklet: another thing i would like to learn to live without (or at least stop trying to use it so freakin often) my car...  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: don't be so lazy, if you have to work and try to find a way to use the phone, won't the phone call mean a little more?

Sk8terchiklet: shut up....  

Sk8terchiklet: lol  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: wouldn't you feel accomplished, at least a little?

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: you set a goal and followed through

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: you think people should pat you on the back, hehe

Sk8terchiklet: well i feel acomplished now i mean i still pay for the fone its just less aggitating than asking for one  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: and hey, lookee here, you saved some money too

Sk8terchiklet: thats true BUT i dont see it like that   

Sk8terchiklet: i see it as a worthy spending    did that sound right?  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: in the back of everybody's minds...EVERYONE AGREES WITH ME.

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: they're just in denial


Sk8terchiklet: i agree with u totally im not gonna lie its just harder for me to let go than it is for u  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: practice makes perfect..

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: go ahead, work, waste your life away

Sk8terchiklet: i mean ive never really tried it so yea i see ur point  

Sk8terchiklet: i see it that way too but sometimes i see it different  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: you don't have to play the money game

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: if you don't want to

Sk8terchiklet: for the most part i agree with u on that  

Sk8terchiklet: i mean yea i agree u work ur whole life to accuire material things...if thats your main goal in life then your life sucks....i see it that you never really NEED anything everything is just a can make due without  99.9 percent of the crap u own  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: ding ding ding


Sk8terchiklet: ive always seen it that way tho and thats why i dont really have much its just i dont know   

Sk8terchiklet: something  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: all us kids see it that way

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: and the way i see it, there's more of us than their are of them

Sk8terchiklet: well not my bf hes a dumb ass he loves material crap  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: so let's start a global movement, the kids against the parents

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: let's make the world better for the future generations

Sk8terchiklet: but there are so many kids already who think like them   

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: because they'll be here when we are long dead

Sk8terchiklet: and the future generations are already all messed up   

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: so why is this shit still going on, right?

Sk8terchiklet: like my younger brothers generation...all they think about is accuring shit like cars to impress other people  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: there's nothing like a dream to create the future..

Sk8terchiklet: who cares what other people think    if ur happy then thats enough right/  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: right-on

Sk8terchiklet: but then happiness to some is just material stuff  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: they shouldn't believe the fairy-tales of million-dollar happiness

Sk8terchiklet: yea i glad that i havent won the lottery   

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i would love to win the lottery

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i'd be on the bus every day just giving money out all day long

Sk8terchiklet: i think i would do that too...just give it away  

Sk8terchiklet: frightning....i thought i was seriously going to win  

Sk8terchiklet: i gave away well over 3 million without blinking  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: the other day, i scored a free dozen donuts at HEB and gave em out

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: on the bus and the transfer center at university hospital

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: you know i run into people know on the street who say they've seen me before walking around with my walking stick

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: like all the time

Sk8terchiklet: yea i was talkin to diana last night  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i'm slowly making myself famous :]


Sk8terchiklet: lol yea  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i'm not doing it for the fortune

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: not doing it for the fame

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: it's a scheme

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: a dream

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: a bartering

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i want everyone to think the same(be happy)

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: because they know what they know is wrong

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: and they feel, but they can't ignore

Sk8terchiklet: if i was in school id write an article about u...i should write one as like an example article in case i apply at the newspaper one day  

Sk8terchiklet: yes i know  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: and they try so hard to point the blame?

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: ashamed?

Sk8terchiklet: thats me...i think like u but i just cant dew it  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i'm just doing it for the cause


SUCK A DOGS DlCK: that was a nofx song, i can't take credit for the mastery


SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i'm such a cheater


Sk8terchiklet: i dont know i just think its awsome the way you live...i dont think id ever be able to do it.....yea well 

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: write one anyway, and send it in

Sk8terchiklet: i though about that just right now  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: why wouldn't you be able to do it?

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: what's your excuse?

Sk8terchiklet: im gonna write it and then just send it  

Sk8terchiklet: for what?  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: for not being as free as me

Sk8terchiklet: fear  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: how can worrying about less stuff scare you?

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: if you can't take it, you can always go back to your complicated life again

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: always have a fallback plan

Sk8terchiklet: u see my dad thinks very highly of me...and well i care what he thinks...hes my father....i had thought about that also if i couldnt do it i could always just go back  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: bawk bawk bawk



Sk8terchiklet: shut up! dorky  


SUCK A DOGS DlCK: yeah yeah yeah

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: if excuses were money, 

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: you'd be rich


Sk8terchiklet: yes and i were rich id be walkin around town with u  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: in the end you have to ask yourself one basic question..

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: wouldn't you rather be free than rich?

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i would


Sk8terchiklet: if i were rich then i would be free...i wouldnt have to worry about anyone cuase they could take my money and i could just walk personally i dont need money really...i can do what u do but others is what concerns me  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: see, that's the problem..everyone thinks you need to be rich to be free..

Sk8terchiklet: im a very very giving person...i look out for people too much... i have too kind of a heart to turn my back like that.....  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: come on..

Sk8terchiklet: im serious  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i dont mean that i don't believe youre a nice person

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i was saying come on after what i said about not needing to be rich to be free

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: "come on" like "yeah-right"

Sk8terchiklet: i am...i mean right walking around with 400 dollors in my pockets...i just paid my boyfriends loan...even though he asked me not to..only becuase i dont think he could live off of 100 for two weeks...i give my money away is what i do  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: be wary of doing that

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: people shouldn't be mothered is they are not doing everything in their power to solve their own problems..

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: -is +if

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: because after you do it more than once, they start getting used to it..

Sk8terchiklet: im the people girl get stuff the person girl go to to borrow the fone im the girl where u will always have a place to stay im ur support is what i am  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i'm all about hooking people up at random, but just to show them how happy generosity makes me feel

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: here, this reminds me of a ween song

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: that goes 

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: "so if i choose to help you, don't look like you expect it because it's a gift that god gave me at birth."

Sk8terchiklet: i think id have to hear it to understand it better  

Sk8terchiklet: but u know what i just realized...i could never do what u do and do u know why?  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: just that when you help people from free, they shouldn't be looking for it

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: -from +for

Sk8terchiklet: yea but they do and u know that  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: no, tell me


Sk8terchiklet: lots of ppl cant really appreciate so they take advantage  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: yup and that crosses the line

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i'm all about taking advantages of things

Sk8terchiklet: oh i cant do what u do for the simple reason that i am those people that u go to when u ask for food....fone...a cigarette...u know i am part of that group that helps u out  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i am an opportunist, i take advantage of every opportunity i get 

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: or make for myself

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: aren't advantages better than disadvantages?

Sk8terchiklet: i think like u i understand u and i know im cant do it myself so i support u the best way i cant  

Sk8terchiklet: yes they are  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: but, i know where to stop before it becomes abusive

Sk8terchiklet: u see and thats the thing that i wish everyone had  

Sk8terchiklet: i have that   

Sk8terchiklet: i know when to stop and thats even if i ever get started   

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: they can have it once they read me

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i am The Liberator becky..

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hehe, that sounds all cheesy

Sk8terchiklet: ohh good title for a book  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i was thinking more, "I'm gonna spill the beans."

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: for the title


SUCK A DOGS DlCK: "You can go your own way."

Sk8terchiklet: i like that one  

Sk8terchiklet: id buy ur book  

Sk8terchiklet: type it out for u  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i wouldn't sell it to you

Sk8terchiklet: id help u construct not as articulate as u but hey id love to help  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i'm not gonna sell it to anyone

Sk8terchiklet: interesting.....  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: oh hey, did i tell you i was thinking about going back west 

Sk8terchiklet: i see where ur going  

Sk8terchiklet: to do?  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: go meet with nofx

Sk8terchiklet: back west as in where tho?  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: and try to make august 8th, 2003 the most beautiful day..


Sk8terchiklet: ur gonna meet nofx?  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i don't know how, but yes

Sk8terchiklet: i wanna go!  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: you know nofx?

Sk8terchiklet: thats the band right?  


SUCK A DOGS DlCK: ever heard a song called August 8th?

Sk8terchiklet: i think ive heard some of their music i just cant place i dont think i have  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: IM me from aim and i'll send it to you

Sk8terchiklet: u see but i dont care about going to meet them...well in part yes cause of my bf...but the other part is cause i just want to do something different and well the way u go about things IS different  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: ever notice how the words "sane" and "same" are so similar?

Sk8terchiklet: no not till right now  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: people think i'm insane

Sk8terchiklet: durr wats ur aim sn?  

Sk8terchiklet: i dont think ur insane....ur just not THE SAME  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: but why would anyone want to be the same?

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: exactly



Sk8terchiklet: see i understand u  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: this is my aim sn

Sk8terchiklet: me n u think alike u just act it out   

Sk8terchiklet: it says ur not online  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: all the kids understand me

Sk8terchiklet: really?  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: yeah, it's simple evolution

Sk8terchiklet: do u know how big of a difference can be made??  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: it's all about independance, dude

Sk8terchiklet: i mean with ur stuff and my passion to tell ppl??  

Sk8terchiklet: o my god serious damage could come to play  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: our passion to tell people

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: yes, i have already planted the seed

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: for free

Sk8terchiklet: thats what i meant  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: no one can stop me, just get in my way

Sk8terchiklet: its just amazing i want to tell everyone but no one really wants to listen i have to find people who do   

Sk8terchiklet: u know what we could do?? place ur stories so far ina book type form.....people who read...bookstores...are more likely to listen and read   

Sk8terchiklet: spread them out all over!  

Sk8terchiklet: im sure we could get someone to print multiple copies for free too  

Sk8terchiklet: if we found someone at a copy store who thinks like us we could get it all for free  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i just hooked up printers at my friends house and a scanner too

Sk8terchiklet: supplies could come free as well  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i'm gonna work some magic

Sk8terchiklet: ohh i wanna help!   

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i'll get everything i need when it's the right time

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: just like i have been getting all my life

Sk8terchiklet: ohh did i tell u im gonna be visiting in s/a next week?  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: yeah, where are you again?

Sk8terchiklet: im in mcallen  


Sk8terchiklet: way way way south  

Sk8terchiklet: ::all i can do is brew some tea for two...and share my point of view but its not saaaanneeee:::  

Sk8terchiklet: tis a song  

Sk8terchiklet: i dont know who sings it tho  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hey, i'm gonna go jump on the bus and have another counting crows


Sk8terchiklet: counting crows? oks  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: typed up the sentence, walked away, forgot to hit enter and typed counting crows


SUCK A DOGS DlCK: lol have another counting crows

Sk8terchiklet: lol ur a goofy boy   

Sk8terchiklet: wats counting crows??  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: the band that sings that song

Sk8terchiklet: i dont like crows they are ugly  

Sk8terchiklet: ohh  

Sk8terchiklet: lol i thought the birds!  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: but hey, i'm gonna go jump on the bus and have another great free day

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: peace in the middle east sista


Sk8terchiklet: sure to tell me bout it  

Sk8terchiklet: later tater  

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: oh yeah, and welcome to my book

Sk8terchiklet: yay  

Sk8terchiklet: i feel so important   

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