

 Subj: Re: victor's true story..  
Date: 3/13/2003 1:51:35 AM Central Standard Time
From: Sk8terchiklet

you sir are a genius...that was so great im astonished really as to everything u accomplished i know there are good people in the world and u proved it to be true...i am without words..i cant find the ones im looking for to describe the feeling i got from reading that going to tell u something..i know ur going to think im insane and yea everyone i tell does...but im going to win the lottery and i am going to make it MY personal goal to be ur financial supporter for this matter if i dont win the lotto...when i move to san antonio..and i will...i would like to most certainly meet u..u r an extraordinary person..i dont in any way doubt that u did do everything u say u did and in no way do i feel that u r a threat to me so yes i would like to meet u and be ur financial supporter for this..because even though i live for makes me happy...there is a quality in u that no other person i have ever met has and i believe that this thing of yours will make it...dont know if it will change the world but if u write a book i will gladly pay for the publishing of it...your words are fabulous you dont falter in anyway and u just portray something that i have never ever seen before and with that i will gladly tell anyone who might be interested in reading it although not many people i know enjoy a good story like that i will however try my best...i think the best way to do that would be to print it out and give it to people in going to start with one person who is in school who is a good friend of mine but as far as i am concerned i would love to hear about ur other adventures as soon as u have them and if by any chance u require any assistance in anything i would love to try to help wierd as all this sounds i dont feel that i have said anything wrong and if u wish to not reply i understand although i feel that u will respond...
your new financial supporter
becky ann

my reply:

hi becky ann,
     wowsers, what a reply.  i'm emailing you from my hotmail because that aol account could die any day for bulk mailing.  when it does, ill just make another one.  ive got plenty of accounts.  shit, i havent paid for aol since 97.  
     anyway, that email you sent has me blushing, hehe.  im quite flattered.  i dont think im a genius or anything(though i appreciate the compliment :P), just less ignorant than the majority.  what i know can be learned by anyone, i'm not special.  if people eliminate their unecessary complications and not worry about stupid trivial shit, it would all become obvious to them too.
     now, about my book.  i'm not too sure about your feelings on marijuana, but most everything i write, has been written while i'm smoking weed.  i am not a dumb pothead, i only take it one hit at a time.  everything in moderation.  it truly opens your mind.  now, as you can imagine it's hard to score weed when you don't have any money.  
     i have about 12 cassettes full of details about my trip, but i can't seem to find the motivation to type them up.  im always finding other things to do on the bus and stuff.  i'm thinking once i score a fat sack and can open my mind, nothing will be able to hold the truth from coming out.  
     when are you moving to san antonio?  what part of town will you be living in?  when you get here, just let me know at this address and we'll meet up somewhere and talk.  since i don't have a mainstream job, i am about as flexible as can be.  
     i need to learn how to make webpages.  i knew the html basics back in the day, but i dont remember much of it.  when i finally make my site, i will have a list of contributors and everyone who supports, believes in me and doesnt think im crazy, will get recognition.  well becky ann, thanks for starting my morning off right.  you have a great day and hope to hear from you soon.   

- victor

p.s. i'll send you my other stuff.  keep in mind that you may see some typos and stuff in my work, but hey..nobody's perfect right.

 GO TO HELL PUTO:  hi becky ann
 Sk8terchiklet:  hey you   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  hope i got your name right
 Sk8terchiklet:  its right   
 Sk8terchiklet:  im just reading the mail...the one on the brain injuries heh   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  hey, im gonna IM you from my aim sure to accept it..its not a porn IM

Sk8terchiklet: whos this?  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: victor
Sk8terchiklet: oh ok i was gonna click no   
Sk8terchiklet: heh  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: see, since ive been living off stolen accounts for so favorite past time became making really offensive screen names..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: shit that if people report will get the account killed
Sk8terchiklet: lol  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: just for the mere shock-value..
Sk8terchiklet: i see  
Sk8terchiklet: how long have u been doin this?  
Sk8terchiklet: how old are u?  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hmm..havent really paid for aol since like 97
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: how old are you?
Sk8terchiklet: im 19  
Sk8terchiklet: so u still have that car that u were workin on at 17  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: no way
Sk8terchiklet: ur 6 6 i thought my bf was tall ur about 3-4 inches taller  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: long story
Sk8terchiklet: u happen to have a picture of u?  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: sure do
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: its kinda old
Sk8terchiklet: oo can i see it  
Sk8terchiklet: its cool  
Sk8terchiklet: holy shit u blew 29,000 in 8 months?  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: damn german piece of shit..
Sk8terchiklet: lol  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: as if killing 6 million jews wasnt bad enough
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hehe, just kidding
Sk8terchiklet: haha  
Sk8terchiklet: im slow and stupid what is lower-left peripheral
i mean i know its in the eye but what is it  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: ok, you know what your peripheral vision is?
Sk8terchiklet: no  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: you know how people say they saw something out of the corner of their eye?
Sk8terchiklet: oh yea  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: ill brb, gonna go smoke a tobacco
Sk8terchiklet: ok  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: black..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: err..-l..
Sk8terchiklet: haha  

Sk8terchiklet: whos this?  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: victor
Sk8terchiklet: oh ok i was gonna click no   
Sk8terchiklet: heh  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: see, since ive been living off stolen accounts for so favorite past time became making really offensive screen names..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: shit that if people report will get the account killed
Sk8terchiklet: lol  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: just for the mere shock-value..
Sk8terchiklet: i see  
Sk8terchiklet: how long have u been doin this?  
Sk8terchiklet: how old are u?  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hmm..havent really paid for aol since like 97
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: how old are you?
Sk8terchiklet: im 19  
Sk8terchiklet: so u still have that car that u were workin on at 17  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: no way
Sk8terchiklet: ur 6 6 i thought my bf was tall ur about 3-4 inches taller  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: long story
Sk8terchiklet: u happen to have a picture of u?  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: sure do
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: its kinda old
Sk8terchiklet: oo can i see it  
Sk8terchiklet: its cool  
Sk8terchiklet: holy shit u blew 29,000 in 8 months?  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: damn german piece of shit..
Sk8terchiklet: lol  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: as if killing 6 million jews wasnt bad enough
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hehe, just kidding
Sk8terchiklet: haha  
Sk8terchiklet: im slow and stupid what is lower-left peripheral
i mean i know its in the eye but what is it  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: ok, you know what your peripheral vision is?
Sk8terchiklet: no  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: you know how people say they saw something out of the corner of their eye?
Sk8terchiklet: oh yea  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: ill brb, gonna go smoke a tobacco
Sk8terchiklet: ok  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: black..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: err..-l..
Sk8terchiklet: haha  
Sk8terchiklet: wow...i woulda just sat there and cried  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: if i was black?
Sk8terchiklet: no silly in jail  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: it was kinda fun
Sk8terchiklet: wats that html thing that pops out on my puter after ur haha?  
Sk8terchiklet: i couldnt see the haha until u said if i was black  
Sk8terchiklet: ur sn popped out like u said somehtin but there was nothin there  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: beats me
Sk8terchiklet: errr i think theres somthin wrong with my puterrrr someones hacking into iiittt my bf is havin the same problem heh  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: ill fix it for ya
Sk8terchiklet: cool  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: for free, of course
Sk8terchiklet: awsome   
Sk8terchiklet: so where are u staying now?  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: at my lazy mom's house
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: temporarily
Sk8terchiklet: and ur son?  
Sk8terchiklet: i see  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i miss stuart :[
Sk8terchiklet: ohh wheres he at?  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: my bitch exgf took him to florida..
Sk8terchiklet: i see  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: ill get him back some day..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: when i have my own place
Sk8terchiklet: honey sorry to tell u but if u plan on living the way  u do and sharing ur ideas u might not  
Sk8terchiklet: legal system and kids are a bitch  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: he's not a real kid
Sk8terchiklet: wah?  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: he's a 75lb lab/pointer mix
Sk8terchiklet: ohhh  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: you know..the kind of kid you can leave home whenever you want
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: the best kind
Sk8terchiklet: ur such a dork...jk.....i thought it was like a child child  
Sk8terchiklet: who bought him?  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: we got him at the animal defense league
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i sent a pic of him
Sk8terchiklet: if he woulda been a pit bull he woulda looked like my old dog   
Sk8terchiklet: max was his name...he was with us forever   
Sk8terchiklet: he didnt even die here at the house he ran away and died somewhere else :-|  
Sk8terchiklet: i seriously think someones hackin into my puter  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i doubt that
Sk8terchiklet: in front of ur sn for that last respons there are a greater than and lesser than sign and the capital letters br  
Sk8terchiklet: thats not suppose to be there  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: reset your computer and itll go away
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: computers are not perfect..sometimes they fuck up for no reason..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: theyre man-made
Sk8terchiklet: but its happened before on two other occasions  
Sk8terchiklet: i havent told my moms cause she will freak  
Sk8terchiklet: the puter is her life support  
Sk8terchiklet: heh  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hey, im gonna go take a chower
Sk8terchiklet: oks  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: yeah, my moms too
Sk8terchiklet: ttyl  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i dont know what she would do without her stupid internet-dominos
Sk8terchiklet: lo  
Sk8terchiklet: lol  
Sk8terchiklet: my moms a chatter heh  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: uh oh..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: she got sucked in
Sk8terchiklet: yea   
Sk8terchiklet: she even went to atlanta too meet these wierdos  
Sk8terchiklet: heeeyy i met my bf on the internet!  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i met my ex on aol..we were together for 4 years
Sk8terchiklet: wow  
Sk8terchiklet: we are working on 1 barely  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: she thinks im crazy now, like everyone else..
Sk8terchiklet: hes in san antonio too  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: but its her loss
Sk8terchiklet: i dont think ur crazy  
Sk8terchiklet: i like ur stories  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: thanks :]
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: as much as i want people to think im crazy..i value those who dont even more..
Sk8terchiklet: lol u want people to thing ur crazt  
Sk8terchiklet: *  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: yeah, itll make my victory so much sweeter..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: and if they think im crazy, they wont come and assasinate me
Sk8terchiklet: well tough shit with this girl i dont think ur crazy  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: theyll just dismiss my stuff thinking im just another wacko
Sk8terchiklet: i see  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: but hey, dont you have to be at least a little crazy these days to make a difference?
Sk8terchiklet: piss me off and i will be more than happy to assasinate u and let the world know u werent nuts either lol  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: ok, thanks for the warning
Sk8terchiklet: you also have to be crazy to not think someone else is crazy when other do  
Sk8terchiklet: so yea we a bunch of crazy people runnin around accepting ur ideas  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: crazy people are cool
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i made some really good friends in the state hospital
Sk8terchiklet: lol  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: did you get my story on that?
Sk8terchiklet: my bf is crazy too yea i did  
Sk8terchiklet: no wait when u were in the hospital  
Sk8terchiklet: no just the letter to that man  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: that was it
Sk8terchiklet: oh well then yea  
Sk8terchiklet: heh  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i take comfort in the fact of knowing that if i was would only expedite my mission...
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: everyone will want to know what they guy who died for the world wrote..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: it would be totally worth it..
Sk8terchiklet: ur crazy  
Sk8terchiklet: lol  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: one life to save billions..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: plus..the spirits got my back, so the medicine woman said
Sk8terchiklet: but im not too sure if everyone will accept them im thinking only our generation is as open minded in order to recieve them and actually think about them  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: exactly..its simple evolution..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: now, the way i see it..theres more of us than there are of them..
Sk8terchiklet: the older people are the more fixated they are on a certain way things should be   
Sk8terchiklet: thats tru  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: so lets organize a movement all over the overthrow the parents
Sk8terchiklet: i like my mom but ok lol  
Sk8terchiklet: but even then the generation following us  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: with some exceptions, of course..
Sk8terchiklet: they are all the same and they think differntly they wouldnt accept them i know  
Sk8terchiklet: my brother for one thought it was sheer stupidity  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: lots of people do..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: but like i said..itll just make my victory so much sweeter
Sk8terchiklet: so i figure if someone whos as intellegant as my bro doesnt want it wat makes me think stupid poeple will  
Sk8terchiklet: true  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: ive been doing nothing but sending my ideas around aol today..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: since i woke up
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i check the status on the mails..and like 99% are getting opened
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: so my shits already out there
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: no one can stop me..just get in my way
Sk8terchiklet: yea dood they open em but do they read em?  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: you cant stop bytes
Sk8terchiklet: it took me a while to read that long ass one the first time  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: well, opening them is one step closer
Sk8terchiklet: im an admitant reader i love reading so i gave it a shot  
Sk8terchiklet: tru  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: its all just a numbers game..playing the odds
Sk8terchiklet: but people on aol if u type more than 4 lines they dont wanna read it   
Sk8terchiklet: their minds require small amounts of words the minimal to get the point accross  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hey, im gonna go take a shower..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: you gonna be on later?
Sk8terchiklet: i might be  
Sk8terchiklet: email me if im not  
Sk8terchiklet: oh heres my picture  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: its blank
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: the page
Sk8terchiklet: ok well i will email it to u later then  
Sk8terchiklet: go u stink ew  
Sk8terchiklet: lol jk  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i got it
Sk8terchiklet: lol later tater  
Sk8terchiklet signed off at 5:20:28 PM.

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