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your right  
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Sun, 6 Apr 2003 00:05:44 EST  
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I cant believe you found that! Do you really think they could help? let me know how things boyfriend is being a real dick with see sometime ago....I picked up a friend online similar to the way you and I speak...only the thing is this guy claims that he fell in love with me...he would hit on me and tell me that my boyfriend was a loser and stuff...well one day my boyfriend saw what he was saying and since I didnt defend his honor or whatever he told the guy off and got pissed at me for not defending him...oh I told that boy that I didnt want to speak with him anymore because he was going just too far with this deal you then everyonce in a while he IMs me and Id speak to him...well then he went ahead and decided that hacking into my boyfriends computer and messing with his account would be the way to either win me over or get even I guess....and well my boyfriend told me that I better stop talking to that boy I did...and today that boy IMed me....I was on my mobile unit...and I ignored the first IM because he used a s/n that i recognized...then he IMed me on a different s/n...when asked who it was he claimed it was my boyfriend...and then proceeded in asking me for my mobile stupid does he think I am?....So i just ignored him...later today I told my boyfriend about it and my boyfriend is under the impression that I did give him my phone number and he doesnt wish to speak to me...I dont think it to be fair that because of something that I cant control, something that I didnt make happen, something that I didnt even do he be angry with me for it...its not my fault I didnt do anything wrong...maybe the only thing I did do wrong would be the fact that I told him...I dont know all I know its not fair and I dont think he should be angry with ME for any reason...I was minding my own business and bam here comes that boy trying to get me to tell him things and I DID NOT so whats the big deal? I dont mean to throw it at you victor I just told you that I would talk to you about it later and well I keep my word :-)...Im a bit frustrated at this moment...I have to go...I will talk to you later.


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