

 Superia2002:  cool!!!   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  badass, gimme a minute
 Superia2002:  so....who r u?   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  my name is victor
 Superia2002:  hi victor   
 Superia2002:  so, old r u?   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  im 25
 Superia2002:  oh ok   
 Superia2002:  and how did u get my screen n  ame?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i imed everyone in the room
 Superia2002:  oh ok   
 Superia2002:  how come?   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  im planting a seed
 Superia2002:  what seed?   
 Superia2002:  i want to plat a seed   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  the seed where true freedom will grow..
 Superia2002:  oh   
 Superia2002:  cool;   
 Superia2002:  and what is your definition of true freedom?   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  umm, where money doesnt exist..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  and the goveernment isnt in your business
 Superia2002:  cool, and how are we going to accomplish that??   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  with the internet
 Superia2002:  but money will always exist..   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  read and all questions will be answered
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  anything is possible..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  and you gotta start somewhere..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  its the root of all evil, just like they say
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  read my story, if you want to be enlightened
 Superia2002:  umm well can u send it again??   
 Superia2002:  thanx   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  thank you for reading it
 Superia2002:  well how bout i can help??   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  just read it
 Superia2002:  oh ok   
 Superia2002:  but i dont want money to be all gone cuz i like to go shopping and buy stuff   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  go ahead, work, waste your life away..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  and you'll still be able to get what you want
 Superia2002:  i dont work   
 Superia2002:  i just spend   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  who's money?
 Superia2002:  other peoples    
 Superia2002:  lol   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  so youre already living free..wouldnt it be cool if everyone could?
 Superia2002:  uh huh...but its impossible for everyone to spend someone elses money   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  thats why we got to get rid of money
 Superia2002:  but then theres no more malls   
 Superia2002:  :(   
 Superia2002:  then what am i gonna do?   
 Superia2002:  i know!!   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  yes there will be
 Superia2002:  how   
 Superia2002:  if theres no money how can there be malls?   
 Superia2002:  or anything else for that matter   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i say everybody keep their same job, as long as they enjoythem
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  just do it for free
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  wouldnt you work for free if all your needs were already taken care of?
 Superia2002:  then the economy would crash   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  it wouldnt be needed
 Superia2002:  if all my needs were taken care of then i wouldnt work at all   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  your lazy ass would pay for it in the end..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  be independant and dont rely on anyone else..
 Superia2002:  ok, dont call me u dont know me   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  if you dont work at all, then youre lazy
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  job or no job
 Superia2002:  no, cuz i dance and exercise and keep my body healthy therefore im not lazy   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i bet youre a stripper right
 Superia2002:  eww no   
 Superia2002:  i dance hip-hop and jazz   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  and where do you get your money?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  be honest now..
 Superia2002:  um, mostly my man, sometimes my mom   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  and what would you do if they didnt have money to give you?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  you dont see how youre dependant on other people?
 Superia2002:  its works for me   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  only because someone else is willing to, but will they be there forever?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  and if your sources were to go away, what would you do then?
 Superia2002:  find new ones   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  you will never be happy as a dependant your whole life..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  well, at least not as happy as me.
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  sucker
 Superia2002:  lol   
 Superia2002:  im extremely happy   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  im happier
 Superia2002:  u dont knw that   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  read my story and see how happy i am
 Superia2002:  how?? u still have government and money still exists   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  and will be
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  things change  

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