


 The Gap and Why

        Perhaps the most elusive space for human beings to enter is the gap between our thoughts.  Usually we stay on one thought until another one takes over, leaving very little unused space.  The spaces between our thoughts are brief, and seldom does anyone wonder what it would be like to have fewer thoughts, or what we would find in the void between them.  But the paradox is obvious.  Thinking about what it would be like to be in the gap between our just another thought.  Rather than expanding that space


between, we move onto more thoughts.  So why would we concern ourselves with entering the elusive gap?  Because everyting emerges fro the void.  

        We get an inkling of why the gap between our thoughts is sucha vital concept to grasp, and yes, to enter regularly, when we consider the following: The place of "no thing" is where all that is "some thing" comes from.  We need the void of nothing in order to create something.  As an example, consider any sound that you might make.  Where does it come from?  The void, the silence, the emptiness.  Without the void, there would be noise all the time.

        "It's the silence between the notes that make the music" is an ancient Zen observation, which clarifies this idea.  Imagine, if you can, music without pauses or silent spaces.  Without the pauses for silence, the music would be one infinitely long note of noise.  What we call music would be impossible.  This is true for all of creation, including the world that you wish to create for yourself.  Creativity itself is a function of the gap.  The evidence for this is right in front of you.

    For instance, when I look out the window, I see a tall palm tree that wasn't there ten years ago.  Where did it 


come from?  A seed.  And where did the seed come from?  An electron, or a subatomic quark.  And where did the quark begin?  The gap.  The void.  The silence.  I observe a building that once was empty space.  Its origin?  In the mind of a human being.  In the silence of a gap between contemplative, creative thoughts.  I watch a little girl playing outside.  What is her beginning?  The seed, the egg.  Yes, but ultimately it is the pure energy that is the creative force inside the tiniest of particles, from which all that is observable if capable of being observed.  

        St. Paul said, "...that which is seen, hath not come from that which doth appear."  No, indeed, it comes from the emptiness, the void, the space in between.  In the silence between our thoughts, we find the possibilities of creative genius and spiritual awareness that elude us when we remain attentive only to our run-on thoughts.

        The Gap and Our Busy Mind

        Think of thoughts as things, which need silence between them to attract and manifest new forms into life.  Two bricks can't be fastened together to form a wall without a space 


for mortar.  The mortar itself is comprised of particles, which require spaces to allow them to become mortar.  Our thoughts are the same.  They require a pauses between them to give life to what they represent separetly. This is the gap, and it's a space that allows us to build, create, imagine, and manifest all that we're capable of creating with those thoughts.  It's a place of ecstatic peace and serenity.  It's a place that the ancient ones of the Far East called the Tao, and they were careful to elucidate that the Tao that can be described is not the Tao.

        I can't describe the gap.  Why?  Because to do so is to leave the gap and revert to what is either in back of it or in front of it.  I know the bliss I feel when I'm in the gap, but the moment I contemplate that bliss, I'm out of the gap.  I think of the gap as God's house, since God is the omnipresent, invisible force that is in all creation.

        In every drop of human protoplasm, there's a "future pull" that allows the physical journey to progress.  The entire material world journey is all in that microscopic drop of a seedling called our conception.  It came from the no-where, shows up in now-here, and is heading back to no-where.  It's 


all a question of spacing.  There's something analogous with our thoughts as well.  Within us is the almost unfathaomable power to enter the gap between our thoughts, where we can commune silently with God and bring to life the same creativity that we see in the world of nature - of which we are integral component.

        That's right.  We're just as much a part of the miraculously creative panorama of nature as the flowers, the sunsets, the seedlings turning into palm trees, the changing of the seasons, and everything else.  It's being outside of the gap, and listening only to the ego, that keeps us from living at the level of being able to manifest.


The Gap and Manifesting

        One of the most ego-free divine beings on this planet is a woman from India named Mother Meera.  She has an ashram in Germany where she receives visitors from all over the world.  As a child she possessed exceptionally high spiritual qualities.  By the age of three she would report going to various lights.  This divine avatar attracts people from all over who come to receive her darshan, her silent bestowal of grace and light.

(Tita:  By the way, honey.  That's what Amma does.  Darshan is when she gives you a hug.  And again, the proximity is intended to transfer some of her power to you.  Like I said, I felt it, like when I was in the room!  Back when I was living the life of a celibate monk.  

Victor:  Ahhhh.  She's controlled-op. :P

 It's Time for Guillotines

Tita:  Anyway, where we are reading he's talking about another woman who is like that, humanitarian who goes and teaches, right?  So that's who Mother Meera is.  In Germany.)

        Through her grace and touch, Mother Meera is worshipped as a divine mother in India.  I've spent time with her and have received her immaculate grace and touch.  Mother Meera was instrumental in helping me formulate and write a book titled Manifest Your Destiny: The Nine Spritual Principles for Getting Everything You Want.   You will find the summary of these nine principles in a later chapter.   

        The nine principles emphasize that manifesting and attracting into our lives all that we desire is based upon first becoming aware of our highest self and taming our ego.  We all have to trust in the widsom that created us, honor our worthiness to receive, embrace our own divinity and meditate in order to make conscious contact with Love.  Manifesting into life all that we desire through the principles I've elaborated in Manifest Your Destiny is a direct result of bring able to enter the gap with ease and regularity.  The gap, or space between our thoughts, is where all creation and manifestation originate.  Another way of saying this comes from the words of Jesus, from the gospel of John 6.63 "The spirit gives life.  The flesh profits nothing.  To give life we must enter the void, the silence between our thoughts.  Here in the unboundless, the formless, the gap, is the source of all manifestation, all creation.  This is the place where synchronicity begins to unfold and where the seemingly impossible takes place.  Manifesting doesn't come from entering a religious building or prescribing to a particular organized faith.  Mother Meera described this principle when asked if she wanted to begin a religion.  Her response was, "No, the divine is the sea.  All religions are rivers leading to the sea.  Some rivers wind a great deal.   Why not go to the sea directly?"  

        When Mother Meera held my head in her hands and gazed into my eyes I felt Love in her human form without the presence of an interfering ego.  She showed me what it was like to let go of my own ego and enter the world of spirit where the flesh actually means nothing.  In a later chapter I will describe what Mother Meera and other divine souls of times gone by have taught me about staying in that blissful gap.  For now, why not heed the words of this blessed soul who touched me and thousands of others and go to the sea directly?   Because we tend to stress limitations over potential our culture doesn't readily encourage our potential for attracting anything we desire.  So it may sound unbelievable that going within and entering the gap and simultaneously practicing ancient methods for staying there, we have greater potential than we realized.  We can negotiate the presence of what's missing by having the simple awareness of that silent, creative, organizing force that allows everything to manifest.  

        There is no place that Love is not.  If this Love force is everywhere then it must be in you.  And if it is everywhere, then it must be in all that you perceive to be missing from your life as well, so manifesting is nothing more than a realignment of your inner intention in which you reconnect to that which is missing via the Love force that you share with everyone and everything.  

        And as strange as it may sound, this is accomplished by entering and staying in that gap between your thoughts, that silence between the notes.  Mother Meera is correct.  You can go to the sea directly.  Let me help you now with a method for getting into that gap.  


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