


Too Tasteless to Be Included in This Book



What do you have when you’ve got 10,000 blacks at the bottom of the ocean?

A good start.


Why don’t their mothers let little black kids play in the sandbox?

Because the cats bury them.


You know how fancy mail-order catalogs offer those ridiculously expensive, exclusive items for sale? In a recent one there was a full-page spread for a $25,000 pair of boots made of human skin.

In fine print, at the bottom, it said, “In black, $7.50.”


How do you baby-sit for a black kid?

Wet its lips and stick it to the wall.


How do you get it unstuck?

Teach it to say “motherfucker.”


What does a JAP do with her asshole in the morning?

Sends him out to work.


How do you stop five blacks from raping a white girl?

Throw ‘em a basketball.


Did you hear about Ronald Reagan’s new Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet?

It only serves right wings and assholes.


What do you do with a dead black?

Carve him out and use him for a wet suit.


What’s the difference between a mother-in-law and a bucket of shit?

The bucket.


What’s yellow on the outside, black on the inside, and goes screaming over a cliff?

A school bus full of black kids.


What’s the difference between a JAP and a toilet?

A toilet doesn’t follow you around for months after you use it.


Why do women have legs?

So they don’t leave tracks like snails.


How do you save a drowning Puerto Rican?

You say you don’t know? Good.


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