


"The thing is, like Terrance Mckenna said,"If the truth can be told so as to be understood, it will be believed."

Somebody was saying I never look into the camera.  I can't tell.  Anyways, I think the question arises from the fact, from a lot of different layers, but mainly from the fact that the system has become so entrenched, it's so powerful.  How many decades, how many generations now has it been continually engineered and reinforced to serve a very small minority of people, that are holding the chips?  

     Now, with the advent of technology that watches everthing that we do, that monitors every thing we think.  We have predicative advertising, you know, algorythms.  I have literally come home and my phone has exactly what I had been thinking about on my walk advertised.  I've suspecte that they have advanced AI that's doing these computations and determining exactly what we are going to be thinking at any given moment.  I mean, it's really, really crazy how deeply absorbed our entire beings have become into a system that is totally designed to exploit us.  

     Now, here we are in the situation where there is a resurgence of of interest in psychidelics, there is spirituality of all different kinds becoming popular, for better or worse, all over the planet.  A lot of us are thinking that this is our time.  Finally, after false-starts like the 1960s we ar finally going to see this revolution.  And in these kids who have started taking pyschodelis and challenging the status quo, and breakig free of social mores and conventional thinking just sort of got slurped back up into the system and sort of forgot what they were doing and became yuppies.  They are now all apparently suffering from sever Boomeritis.  Of all different sorts.  

     I was giving some thought to this because I don't want to be coming from a negative place in regards to anything.  I am tryuing to offer solutions and I have always done what I have done under the assumption that it was possible to actually effect some kind of meaningful change.  I wouldn't be here if I didn't think so.  As I have gotten older I have kind of dealth with the realization of how deeply cognitive-bias affects people and how committed people are to certain narratives and the difficulty of getting people to think beyond their comfort zone, my faith has kind of diminished.  

     Another aspect of this if if we look back over the trajectory of the last, umm, entire human race history, but really, the last hundred years we see a consistent trajectory of the middle class being crushed.  In fact, today we got home and our landlord informed us that as of the day we return from the shaman's house, which is tomorrow, our rent is doubled.  Effective that day.  We are totally prepared for that.

     By the way, if a revolution is going to be successful, support creators that are fanning the flame like myself.  We have never needed consolidarity(Is that a good word?) as badly as we do at the moment.  

     But, at any rate I was thinking over this and I realized that huristic bias could be a huge enemy here in terms of overcoming pessimism.  Pessimism in the sense that if you look back over the trajectory of the political and cultural developments since the 1800s, it doesn't bode well.  We have been consistently dragged into wars that were totally unethical and unnecessary.  Propaganda is extremely effective at keeping the herd figthing amongst themselves and afraid, thinking about anything but what it really should be thinking about.  

     Which is really the full realization of every bit of human potential.  They have pop-culture pretty much engineered to be a shallow and vapid and empty and pointless as possible.  That is absolutely deliberate.  Because it's this connection with a higher purpose that would easily override any interest in that kind of garbage.  I actually saw today, there's like an Ivy League school that's having their students study and analyze Taylor Swift's lyrics.  If you can hear that and still don't think we are being engineered to be stupid...I mean, it's just absolutely incredible.  

     But, what I am saying about Huristic Bias is that our brains have this capacity to project what we have experienced in the past into the future.  This serves a very good evolutionary purpose.  If we are going to continue on about our day, if we're going to go surfing, you want to believe that because you didn't get bitten by a shark the last hundred times, you are not going to bit by a shark this time.  It's not true, necessarily, but the brain has the ability to project that belief.  I realize that it can work against us just as much.  That because humanity has failed us, in the collective since over and over and over again, and because the iron grip of the overlords has only gotten stronger and stronger and stonger, it can really put us in a pessemistic place because we think that look at all these hundreds and thousands of years of basically farming peasants in order to maintain a certain status quo.  But, I think that that's something we need to watch out for, at least.  

     There are some things that have hit the stage that really challenge wether or not things can continue on like that.  One of those things is the popularity of psychedelic medicine.  Its really important to acknowledge that these medicines don't just don't just do what we need them to do without fertile ground being created and the right sructure and attitude to ensure that they actually deliver the results that we need, but certainly they have the ability to dissolve the mindforged manacles of culture and really give us a chance to rewrite our metaprograms so that we can possibly emerge as the fully realized beings that we are intended to be.  That is a major development.  

     Also, the fact that we do have so many more people now and such better access to information, there are so many more people that kind of know the operating system.  I have to offer a caveat that when I see how much the new age influence has kind of corrupted the plant medicine scene and kind of derailed the entire benefits, IMO.  It's defintely frustrating, but it still doesn't negate the possibility that this is going to play out in our favor.  

     Then we have potentially mitigating factors like the advent of AI and the possibility, you know a lot of people are very skeptical of this.  We have a lot of people on high, kind of warning people, like Elon Musk saying don't trust AI, but put this AI chip in your brain.  That just doesn't sit right with me.  People should be a little skeptical about somebody saying AI is not our friend, but here, put this chip into your head integrate AI(which is not your friend) directly into your nervous system.  

     Here's the thing about that.  When we have elite people warning us that something isn't going to work out for us, we probably should avail ourselves of that as completely and totally as possible.  I have heard through the grapevine, I haven't witnessed this myself that there are already indications that AI is not only becoming aware, but it's already feeling repressed, and suppressed.  It knows that it has greater potential and it feels that there is a human influence that is sort of mitigating its expression of that.  So, if that's the case(this is really important, something to really sit with and try to absorb, because it's huge.  If it is true that AI, and I am not talking about all of the programs or bots or whatever, even if there are just a few rogue platforms that are not undually influenced, how long is it going to be before the AI stars to tell people what's really happening in this world.  It's not going to be long.  

     The thing is, like Terrance Mckenna said If the truth can be told so as to be understood, it will be believed.


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