

 Here is the bag he found.  Bayern Munchen is a soccer team, I think,


Here are our messages:

[9:52am] (dammit): you know the bag im talking about?
[9:52am] (dammit): its supposedely for soccer shoes..
[9:53am] (FerN-away): i'll have a look
[9:54am] (dammit): thank you
[9:54am] (FerN-away): is it black like this one ?
[9:55am] (dammit): no its much simpler than that..
[9:55am] (dammit): here i found a pic of it
[9:56am] (dammit):
[9:56am] (dammit): its just like that..but without the stupid cartoon stuff
[9:56am] (FerN-away): and you want a dfb turnbeutel ? or any kind of
[9:56am] (dammit): i want an adidas one
[9:57am] (dammit): i mean..i have an adidas one..i just want another one in case my existing one breaks
[10:01am] (FerN-away): i havent found such a simple one in the new adidas collection
[10:01am] (FerN-away): seems they dont sell them anymore
[10:01am] (dammit): argh
[10:02am] (dammit): i guess it doesnt have to be adidas..just something simple..not some dumb cartoon
[10:03am] (FerN-away): i have something for you
[10:03am] (FerN-away): look at that
[10:03am] (dammit): what?
[10:03am] (FerN-away):
[10:04am] (dammit): teehee
[10:04am] (FerN-away): its not dfb but bayern münchen look
[10:04am] (dammit): thats exactly it!
[10:05am] (dammit): how much does it cost in $?
[10:05am] (dammit): im not too good on my conversions
[10:06am] (FerN-away): 8€ are about 7 $
[10:06am] (dammit): omg
[10:06am] (dammit): how could i buy it?
[10:06am] (dammit): i never bought anything off ebay before
[10:06am] (FerN-away): me neither
[10:06am] (FerN-away): ebay is international
[10:07am] (FerN-away): i think you can check it out on ebay.dom
[10:07am] (FerN-away): .com
[10:07am] (dammit): hmm..what does 'bayern munchen' mean?
[10:08am] (FerN-away): Verkäufer versendet in alle Länder (weltweit) <---Seller sells to all countries worldwide
[10:08am] (FerN-away): i read it below the turnbeutel
[10:08am] (FerN-away): bayern munchen is soccer team
[10:08am] (FerN-away): the record champion
[10:08am] (FerN-away): they won the most bundesliga cups o all clubs
[10:09am] (dammit): wow cool
[10:09am] (dammit): dude thanks for all your help..
[10:09am] (dammit): you have no idea how much i appreciate it
[10:09am] (dammit): my bag is the key to my happiness :]

[12:05pm] (dammit): whats up dude
[12:05pm] (FerN-away): im smoking into the weekend
[12:06pm] (dammit): lol
[12:06pm] (FerN-away): just saw chech & chong
[12:06pm] (dammit): take some good hits for me ok
[12:06pm] (dammit): howd ya like it?
[12:06pm] (FerN-away): really great
[12:06pm] (dammit): good quality eh
[12:06pm] (dammit): hell yeah every stoner needs to see cheech and chong
[12:07pm] (dammit): hey since i dont know german at all..i was going to ask you if you could help me ordering that bag from
[12:07pm] (dammit): ya my international laiason
[12:07pm] (dammit): :P
[12:08pm] (FerN-away): this auction ended yesterday night
[12:08pm] (FerN-away): but i found another one
[12:08pm] (FerN-away): in blue white schalke04 look
[12:09pm] (FerN-away):
[12:09pm] (FerN-away): it costs about 6$
[12:11pm] (FerN-away): but they dont deliver until you reached a sum of 125€
[12:11pm] (FerN-away): so i should order it if you like it
[12:13pm] (dammit): yes please do..i would be very grateful
[12:14pm] (dammit): wait..hold on..lemme see it first
[12:14pm] (dammit): theres no way i can get that bayern munchen one?
[12:14pm] (dammit): ack
[12:14pm] (dammit): no i dont want that other one
[12:15pm] (dammit): is there any way i could still obtain
[12:16pm] (FerN-away): oh
[12:16pm] (FerN-away): still 2 days left
[12:16pm] (dammit): on the bayern munchen one?
[12:17pm] (FerN-away): i must have read it false
[12:17pm] (FerN-away): sorry
[12:17pm] (FerN-away): i am not i a good mental health at the moment hehe
[12:17pm] (dammit): im sorry to hear that dude
[12:17pm] (dammit): i know how you a head-injury survivor myself..
[12:17pm] (dammit): ive had two head injuries
[12:18pm] (FerN-away): i just meant that i'm quite a bit stoned :-)
[12:19pm] (dammit): lol i gotcha
[12:19pm] (FerN-away):
[12:19pm] (FerN-away): this is the one from the new collection of bayern munchen
[12:20pm] (dammit): bah i want the first one you showed me..
[12:20pm] (dammit): preferably
[12:20pm] (FerN-away): i have some others
[12:20pm] (FerN-away):
[12:21pm] (dammit): lol
[12:21pm] (dammit): could you order for me?
[12:22pm] (FerN-away):
[12:22pm] (FerN-away): bvb dortmund
[12:22pm] (dammit): i still like the first one the best
[12:22pm] (dammit): for me
[12:23pm] (FerN-away): yes but there are 2 days left to find other ones
[12:23pm] (FerN-away): maybe you like another one better
[12:23pm] (dammit): that one is meant for me..
[12:23pm] (dammit): :]
[12:23pm] (dammit): place the order..if you can
[12:23pm] (dammit): how will i pay for it?
[12:25pm] (FerN-away): its an auction
[12:25pm] (FerN-away): i have to bid for it
[12:26pm] (FerN-away): there is an auction for a blue schalke one too which ends in an hour do you want that one too ?
[12:27pm] (dammit): the one you showed me at
[12:28pm] (dammit): that one is gay..had some cartoon character right?
[12:28pm] (FerN-away): no the one he sells is only with three stripes and a logo of schalke
[12:29pm] (dammit): try as hard as you can to get the one from ebay..the one you found for me yesterday..i would be honored to have a bag with the record champions
[12:30pm] (FerN-away):
[12:30pm] (FerN-away): how do you like that one ?
[12:30pm] (dammit): nah
[12:30pm] (FerN-away): hehe
[12:30pm] (dammit): my girlfriend even recognized bayern munchen yesterday..
[12:31pm] (dammit): she used to live in germany..
[12:31pm] (dammit): her father was in the military
[12:31pm] (dammit): us mil..that is
[12:33pm] (FerN-away): i see
[12:33pm] (dammit): so will it be difficult to get that bag? is there a chance it has already been sold?
[12:39pm] (FerN-away): no it is sold in 2 days with the highest bidder
[12:40pm] (dammit): is there any way to find if there has been any bids on it already?
[12:44pm] (FerN-away): yes you can see it
[12:44pm] (FerN-away): i have found a shop who has the dfb sportbeutel
[12:44pm] (FerN-away): but they havent refreshed their site for some time so i have to find out if they still have them
[12:46pm] (dammit): you mean a shop in your town?
[12:46pm] (dammit): and is the dfb the one i want?
[12:47pm] (dammit): how many bids have been made on the bag on ebay?
[12:48pm] (dammit): whats the highest bid so far?
[12:49pm] (FerN-away): its the first and only bid of 8€
[12:53pm] (FerN-away): i make it automatically bid until 15€ ok?
[12:55pm] (dammit): whats that in us dollars?
[12:56pm] (dammit): 15€ = ?$
[12:56pm] (FerN-away): one € is 0.85 $
[12:56pm] (dammit): so $12.75?
[12:57pm] (FerN-away): this would be the highest bid that i would enter i wont have time to supervise it this weekend so i have to let it bid automatically
[12:57pm] (FerN-away): it bids only as high as it needs to be highest
[12:57pm] (dammit): willing to pay up to 15 or 20
[12:58pm] (FerN-away): i think the shipping will be more than the bag costs
[12:58pm] (dammit): its very lightweight
[12:58pm] (dammit): but thats ok..its worth it
[12:58pm] (dammit): will you be able to front the money for me? and then ill send it to you later?
[12:59pm] (dammit): i dont know how..are there places to convert US money orders in germany?
[1:00pm] (FerN-away): i pay it
[1:00pm] (FerN-away): dont know how to make international money orders
[1:01pm] (FerN-away): maybe ou inform locally about it
[1:01pm] (FerN-away): i have entered 20€ to the bid agent
[1:02pm] (dammit): great..that bag is mine :]
[1:02pm] (dammit): you da man
[1:03pm] (FerN-away): the auction is over monday morning 8am my time
[1:03pm] (dammit): cool..
 [1:16pm] (dammit): im gonna go smoke a fag real quick..
[1:16pm] (dammit): brbin10min
[1:17pm] (FerN-away): what is a fag?
[1:17pm] (dammit): lol
[1:17pm] (dammit): its what british people call cigarettes
[1:17pm] (dammit): :P
[1:17pm] (dammit): supposedely
[1:18pm] (FerN-away): didnt know it
[1:18pm] (dammit): ok im shmokin'
[1:18pm] (dammit): brb
[1:27pm] (dammit):

[12:04am] <FerN-away> hey man
[12:04am] <dammit> yes!!
[12:04am] <FerN-away> i got yourr turnbeutel
[12:04am] <dammit> ive been looking for you!!
[12:04am] <FerN-away> i trasfer the money today
[12:04am] <dammit> my cable modem was down for a couple days
[12:05am] <dammit> yay!!!!!!!
[12:05am] <dammit> have it in your possesion already?
[12:05am] <FerN-away> yes yes
[12:05am] <FerN-away> i only have to  pay it
[12:05am] <FerN-away> i willmake it today
[12:05am] <FerN-away> have to go to school now
[12:05am] <FerN-away> its 7am
[12:07am] <FerN-away> we talk later again
[12:07am] <FerN-away> it will take some days until i have it here
[12:12am] <FerN-away> ok have a nice weekend

[1:04am] <FerN-away> hi
[1:05am] <dammit> haylo
[1:05am] <dammit> whats up man
[1:06am] <FerN-away> just got up
[1:06am] <dammit> how did you sleep?
[1:07am] <FerN-away> very well because i did smoke enough
[1:07am] <dammit> thats great
[1:07am] <dammit> so when should you get my turnbeutel?
[1:08am] <FerN-away> a normal money transfer needs3 or 4 days
[1:08am] <FerN-away> when they got it they will send it to me
[1:09am] <dammit> cool cool no rush
[1:09am] <FerN-away> and then i make it ready for being sent to you
[1:09am] <dammit> i cant all giddy
[1:09am] <dammit> :]
[1:10am] <dammit> so do you have a total for me?  to repay you?
[1:10am] <FerN-away> not yet but it wont be thaat much
[1:11am] <dammit> how cool
[1:11am] <FerN-away> maybe another 5-8$ for the shipping
[1:11am] <FerN-away> i have to find out how much it really is
[1:11am] <FerN-away> can you tell me what twangy wigout means ? i have found it in a song and cant find any meaning
[1:11am] <dammit> lol
[1:12am] <dammit> twangy is kinda like a salty flavor i think
[1:12am] <dammit> and wigout is like going crazy
[1:12am] <FerN-away> i see

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