

          On page 387 there is even more stuff I want to include.

     "Instead of ranking people by what they own, as the market ethic does, the prosumer ethic places a high value on what they do. Having plenty of money still carries prestige. But other characterstics count, too. Among these are self-reliance, the ability to adapt and survive under difficult conditions, and the ability to do things with one's own hands - whether to build a fence, to cook a great meal, to make one's own clothes, or to restore an antique chest.
     Moreover, while the production of market ethic praises singlemindness, the prosumer ethic calls for roundedness instead. Versatility is "in". As the Third Wave bring production for exchange and production for use into a better balance in the economy, we begin to hear a crescendo of demands for a "balanced" way of life."

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