

          I'm on page 431. This book is over at page 443.

     This section is damn good:


     Opening the system to more minority power and allowing citizens to play a more direct role in their own governance are both necessary, but carry us only part of the way. The third vital principle for the politics of tomorrow is aimed at breaking up the decisional logjam and putting decisions where they belong. This, not simply reshuffling leaders, is the antidote to political paralysis. I call it "decision division."
     Some problems cannot be solved on a local level. Others can not be solved on a national level. Some require action at many levels simultaneously. Moreover, the appropriate place to solve a problem doesn't stay put. It changes over time.
     To cure today's logjam resulting from insitutional overload, we need to divide up the decisions and reallocate them - sharing them more widely and switching the site of decision-making as the problems themselves require."

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