

 Session Start: Thu Dec 21 04:02:19 2023

Session Ident: #vietnamese

[16:02.19] * You have joined #vietnamese

[16:02.19] Channel modes for #vietnamese are :+tnRl 69

[16:02.19] Channel Created on: 7:06 PM 12/17/2011

[16:02.23] <levity> hi

[16:04.36] * eViLc|0Wn sets mode +vvvv frauf_ levity sickprodigy ultrak0w for #vietnamese

[16:04.39] <@eViLc|0Wn> hello levity

[16:04.56] <levity> hi evil

[16:05.02] <@eViLc|0Wn> dougwiser meet levity :D they are american as well

[16:05.06] <levity> whats the story on this channel?

[16:05.16] <@eViLc|0Wn> :/ none of us are asian

[16:05.27] <@eViLc|0Wn> the girl who was left us years ago

[16:05.28] <levity> dougweiser.  that nick seems familiar

[16:05.31] <@eViLc|0Wn> :)))

[16:05.47] <levity> i used to be dammit and wptmj

[16:06.03] <@eViLc|0Wn> now frauf_.... ugggh. hes mad at the life he cant have because he refuses to work for anything he wants

[16:06.13] <levity> i used to hang in #ufos and ftpwarez back in the day

[16:06.18] <@eViLc|0Wn> so its like explaining quantum phsics to a goldfish

[16:06.56] <@eViLc|0Wn> btw dougwiser, got a new pipe today. i figured for $5 its not worth cleaning the other

[16:07.08] <levity> well, if anyone else in here wants world peace please check out my ad-free non-religious contribution

[16:07.21] <levity> +,

[16:07.32] <@eViLc|0Wn> +

[16:07.49] <levity> nice

[16:07.58] <levity> i like those with the cap

[16:07.59] <@eViLc|0Wn> :/ you do know the ufo's wont let us have world peice

[16:08.02] <levity> smokeless

[16:08.09] <@eViLc|0Wn> if we dont control our population they will

[16:08.13] <levity> PUT THE FIRE IN THE HOLE!

[16:09.02] <@eViLc|0Wn> i like to put thc diamonds on my weed

[16:09.20] <levity> gettin' fancy

[16:09.31] <levity> i am all about the dabs

[16:10.57] <levity> its weird how in my random channel hopping whoising i meet a dude who lives real close

[16:11.06] <levity> who lives in this shithole area with me

[16:11.31] <levity> youre the only one to chat back

[16:11.43] <levity> at least you WERE

[16:11.44] <@eViLc|0Wn> so far

[16:11.45] <levity> :P

[16:12.12] <@eViLc|0Wn> dont click on links from Alan_Fudge, he likes to take pictures of his poop

[16:12.21] <@eViLc|0Wn> i keep telling him he should see a doctor about it

[16:12.31] <levity> i am all about the shock value.  ill post them on my blog

[16:12.33] <levity> hehe

[16:13.07] <@dougwiser> hey levity

[16:13.16] <levity> hi dougwiser :)

[16:13.49] <@eViLc|0Wn> Hahaha 

[16:14.10] <@eViLc|0Wn> Blog with a public restroom! 

[16:14.26] <levity> and glory hole!

[16:14.29] <levity> :P

[16:15.01] <@eViLc|0Wn> Practice safe sex! Only cyber sex! 

[16:15.43] <levity> Don't ever join dangerous cults.  

[16:15.47] <levity> Practice safe sects.

[16:15.51] <levity> :]

[16:15.56] <@eViLc|0Wn> 🐮🐮🐮🐮

[16:15.59] <@eViLc|0Wn> Mooooooooo

[16:16.10] <levity> tough crowd

[16:16.16] <levity> is this thing on??

[16:16.18] <levity> :P

[16:16.28] <@eViLc|0Wn> Only cuz poe ain't here 

[16:17.25] <@eViLc|0Wn> dougwiser is probably high and laughing at iguanas as they fall from the trees

[16:18.24] <@eViLc|0Wn> Oddly iguanas are not cool and fun pets

[16:19.05] <@eViLc|0Wn> Moody as hell and swat you with the tail and it hurts like a wire coat hanger 

[16:20.31] <@eViLc|0Wn> Hahaha, wait till frauf_ starts up.. even the hippy in you will want to choke his neck 

[16:21.04] <@eViLc|0Wn> Hes why Alan_Fudge likes it here so bad to apologize for his bad behavior 

[16:21.47] <@eViLc|0Wn> Its c r a zy

[16:37.59] <@eViLc|0Wn> Not really but... I stand behind every car i sell, i know the breaks suck

[16:38.56] <@eViLc|0Wn> :/ jalapeno hasn't been hot to me at all lately 

[17:43.12] <+Alan_Fudge> what?

[18:06.30] * Alan_Fudge (~Fudge@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[18:06.30] * Allan_Fudge (~Fudge@ has joined channel #vietnamese

[18:11.31] <@eViLc|0Wn> What what? 

[18:11.31] * eViLc|0Wn sets mode +v Allan_Fudge for #vietnamese

[18:11.41] <@eViLc|0Wn> What did you do mannn

[18:11.54] <@eViLc|0Wn> !!? 

[18:13.29] <+Allan_Fudge> what do you mean "likes to take pictures of his poop"

[18:15.03] <+Allan_Fudge> hi levity

[18:15.29] <levity> hi poop guy :]

[18:15.54] <+Allan_Fudge> its not true!

[18:16.08] <@eViLc|0Wn> Lol he shit himself 

[18:16.12] <levity> haha

[18:16.38] <+Allan_Fudge> its not true

[18:17.13] <@eViLc|0Wn> I have more pictures of your turds than my penis 

[18:17.27] <+Allan_Fudge> uh

[18:17.29] <levity> Shitting your pants isn't just a shitty situation.  

[18:17.33] <levity> It's a fecal matter.

[18:17.37] <levity> :P

[18:17.47] <+Allan_Fudge> are you a fecaLOLogist?

[18:18.08] <@eViLc|0Wn> Man who fart in church sit in own pew

[18:18.10] <levity> i will be when i graduate the fecal academy

[18:18.30] <levity> and i am not shitting you

[18:19.23] <levity> Poop jokes aren't my favorite.  

[18:19.27] <levity> But they're a solid number two.

[18:19.31] <levity> :P

[18:20.02] <@eViLc|0Wn> yay... wait... my android is tird. it needs a nap

[18:20.10] <@eViLc|0Wn> and a charge

[18:20.13] <levity> there's a nap for that

[18:20.16] <@eViLc|0Wn> vroom vroom

[18:20.20] <@eViLc|0Wn> :P

[18:20.59] <levity> Farting is your ass referring to itself in the turd person.

[18:21.30] <levity> How can you tell if a woman is ticklish?

[18:21.34] <levity> Give her a couple of test tickles.

[18:21.38] <levity> :P

[18:22.20] <@eViLc|0Wn> farting is like living in california, just some asshole talking shit behind my back

[18:22.52] <+Allan_Fudge> levity, do NOT look at this. this is what evilclown warned you about. +

[18:23.10] <@eViLc|0Wn> im telling you, he should see a doc about it

[18:27.11] <+frauf_> yeah so

[18:27.12] <+frauf_> eViLc|0Wn

[18:27.15] <+frauf_> you have to read between the lines.

[18:27.56] <@eViLc|0Wn> and heres frauf to chime in

[18:28.41] <@eViLc|0Wn> so frauf_, tell me how in 2000's you hooked 7 stand alone dvd burners to one laptop and burned dvds

[18:29.24] <@eViLc|0Wn> frauf_ is a wanna be ... wanna be anything that dont take knoledge

[18:29.52] <@eViLc|0Wn> to actually learn shit about life is obsurd

[18:30.00] <@eViLc|0Wn> but expects it all

[18:30.03] <+frauf_> so eViLc|0Wn

[18:30.06] <+frauf_> if it was upto me

[18:30.06] <+frauf_> right

[18:30.09] <+frauf_> and i had a choice

[18:30.12] <+frauf_> right?

[18:30.21] <@eViLc|0Wn> :/ thats why i told my children "you will get nothing and love it!"

[18:30.26] <+frauf_> you know

[18:30.29] <+frauf_> literally expereine myself

[18:30.31] <+frauf_> fundamentally

[18:30.33] <+frauf_> and go off to go live

[18:30.35] <+frauf_> so you know you eViLc|0Wn?

[18:30.47] <@eViLc|0Wn> well frauf_, take the route levity did

[18:30.53] <+frauf_> so the thing is eViLc|0Wn

[18:30.55] <+frauf_> in the advent of life

[18:30.59] <+frauf_> you skip on all iof your euphemisms

[18:30.59] <@eViLc|0Wn> walk the usa proclaming pot should be legal

[18:31.03] <+frauf_> and go straight to having your face caved in

[18:31.04] <+frauf_> remember?

[18:31.08] <+frauf_> dude/

[18:31.10] <+frauf_> thats you

[18:31.16] <+frauf_> so before youre details

[18:31.18] <@eViLc|0Wn> no thats levity

[18:31.20] <+frauf_> you have your faced caved in

[18:31.21] <+frauf_> do you get that?

[18:31.23] <@eViLc|0Wn> im to lazy

[18:31.23] <+frauf_> the advent of life

[18:31.24] <+frauf_> not your

[18:31.26] <+frauf_> you

[18:31.27] <+frauf_> you know you?

[18:31.28] <@eViLc|0Wn> to even drive that far

[18:31.31] <+frauf_> so you see things differently

[18:31.33] <+frauf_> so

[18:31.39] <+frauf_> youre maintaining a concept

[18:31.40] <+frauf_> now

[18:31.42] <+frauf_> hale and pace is onto something

[18:31.43] <+frauf_> but

[18:31.44] <+frauf_> you dont get

[18:31.45] <+frauf_> you

[18:31.46] <@eViLc|0Wn> i am?

[18:31.47] <+frauf_> you get

[18:31.49] <+frauf_> death

[18:31.51] <+frauf_> you gotta let the penny drop!

[18:31.53] <+frauf_> dude!

[18:31.55] <+frauf_> youre commited to a social bag of shit

[18:31.57] <+frauf_> thats great

[18:31.58] <@eViLc|0Wn> so its me alone the cause of your self pitty party?

[18:31.59] <+frauf_> but

[18:32.01] <+frauf_> mick knows roachie!

[18:32.03] <+frauf_> i have personal problems

[18:32.08] <+frauf_> but

[18:32.08] <+frauf_> its because of you

[18:32.11] <+frauf_> its wratj

[18:32.13] <+frauf_> warth

[18:32.14] <+frauf_> wrath.

[18:32.17] <+frauf_> remember?

[18:32.17] <@eViLc|0Wn> i wish i could say thank you but free rent in your head aint worth a dime

[18:32.19] <+frauf_> you fucked life.

[18:32.24] <+frauf_> what?

[18:32.27] <+frauf_> i went to go live my life.

[18:32.30] <+frauf_> you get it?

[18:32.32] <+frauf_> so

[18:32.34] <+frauf_> you know you eViLc|0Wn?

[18:32.39] <@eViLc|0Wn> how did you go to live your life frauf_?

[18:32.40] <+frauf_> it changed its mind

[18:32.42] <+frauf_> or it fucked up

[18:32.44] <+frauf_> remember eViLc|0Wn

[18:32.45] <+frauf_> well 

[18:32.47] <@eViLc|0Wn> you expected daddy to give you a job

[18:32.48] <+frauf_> i told you my story night?

[18:32.51] <+frauf_> well

[18:32.55] <+frauf_> maybe

[18:32.59] * frauf_ is now known as frauf

[18:33.00] <@eViLc|0Wn> you expected mommy to cook your meals and do your laundry

[18:33.04] <+frauf> i can explain it to you if you want eViLc|0Wn

[18:33.09] <+frauf> about your tragic comedy.

[18:33.10] <@eViLc|0Wn> you... dont deserve an opnion

[18:33.12] <+frauf> and what you like to see

[18:33.14] <+frauf> but eViLc|0Wn

[18:33.16] <+frauf> because of you

[18:33.19] <+frauf> dude

[18:33.21] <+frauf> remember?

[18:33.23] <+frauf> check mate

[18:33.24] <+frauf> you won

[18:33.24] <@eViLc|0Wn> because of me what?

[18:33.28] <+frauf> ill tell you

[18:33.30] <+frauf> you wanna hear my story

[18:33.37] <@eViLc|0Wn> ive went for a month only eating cabbage

[18:33.49] <+frauf> thats pretty impressibe

[18:33.49] <@eViLc|0Wn> after ex stole half the rent so she couold get more pills

[18:33.54] <+frauf> i dont have an ex eViLc|0Wn

[18:33.58] <+frauf> i had an attempt at living

[18:34.01] <+frauf> remember

[18:34.15] <@eViLc|0Wn> thats why ive given up women frauf....

[18:34.24] <@eViLc|0Wn> the ones i hook up with are... evil

[18:34.35] <+frauf> so eViLc|0Wn

[18:34.38] <+frauf> i went to go live

[18:34.40] <+frauf> my life instead.

[18:34.42] <+frauf> do you understand that?

[18:34.46] -Allan_Fudge:#vietnamese- hi

[18:34.49] <+frauf> so you know you?

[18:34.55] <@eViLc|0Wn> you think you can avoid evil women?

[18:34.57] <+frauf> you fucked life

[18:35.00] <+frauf> eViLc|0Wn

[18:35.01] <+frauf> you fucked them good

[18:35.04] <@eViLc|0Wn> how?

[18:35.05] <+frauf> youre a red flag

[18:35.05] <+frauf> to say

[18:35.09] <+frauf> life isnt happening

[18:35.10] <+frauf> ill explain it to you

[18:35.41] <+frauf> you ready?

[18:35.46] <+frauf> so eViLc|0Wn

[18:35.48] <+frauf> youre a genius

[18:36.24] <+frauf> do you get it?

[18:37.34] <+frauf> i got this hale nad pace skit

[18:37.37] <+frauf> about how you think life works eViLc|0Wn

[18:37.38] <+frauf> as a tosser.

[18:37.48] <@eViLc|0Wn> oh frauf frauf frauf... life is happning... just without you. because thats the choice you make

[18:37.59] <@eViLc|0Wn> you complain about not having choices in your life

[18:38.36] <@eViLc|0Wn> but, ultmately its you who dont make any choices, you just let others do it for you. no work that way

[18:38.58] <@eViLc|0Wn> you dont want to make choices on your life but you do

[18:39.03] <+frauf> so eViLc|0Wn

[18:39.05] <@eViLc|0Wn> are you 7 months pregant frauf?

[18:39.06] <+frauf> youre a fundamental

[18:39.07] <+frauf> atrocity

[18:39.09] <+frauf> remember?

[18:39.18] <+frauf> do you get it?

[18:39.19] <+frauf> you are survived

[18:39.20] <+frauf> with paralysis

[18:39.23] <@eViLc|0Wn> you dont get it

[18:39.25] <+frauf> the things you do

[18:39.26] <+frauf> eViLc|0Wn

[18:39.29] <+frauf> cause everything thats wrong

[18:39.31] <@eViLc|0Wn> YOU DO NOT GET IT

[18:39.32] <+frauf> you won

[18:39.36] <+frauf> youre a genius

[18:39.40] <+frauf> youre pushing people out of their habitat

[18:39.40] <@eViLc|0Wn> you want to just ... you want to make you unhappy

[18:39.40] <+frauf> devices

[18:39.44] <+frauf> to make it happen

[18:39.48] <+frauf> in all that is a genius

[18:39.49] <@eViLc|0Wn> you presist to make you unhappy

[18:39.51] <+frauf> eViLc|0Wn

[18:39.53] <+frauf> youre breaking tooys

[18:39.55] <+frauf> over kids faces

[18:39.57] <+frauf> remember?

[18:39.58] <@eViLc|0Wn> you can change it all, just go get a job

[18:40.00] <+frauf> dude

[18:40.02] <+frauf> lets talk about this

[18:40.03] <+frauf> so

[18:40.04] <+frauf> you drop dead

[18:40.05] <+frauf> eViLc|0Wn

[18:40.07] <+frauf> do you get it/

[18:40.20] <@eViLc|0Wn> get a way to pay YOUR OWN bills and you have CONTROL of YOUR OWN LIFE

[18:41.12] <@eViLc|0Wn> but your all about ... pay my bills for me, feed me. mommy im hungry, let me suckle your tits.. and man. you make your mom hot. got any pictures?

[18:41.30] <+frauf> so eViLc|0Wn

[18:41.32] <+frauf> youre a troll

[18:41.36] <+frauf> do you get it?

[18:42.22] <+frauf> the marvellis

[18:42.27] <+frauf> and the kapirsis'

[18:42.28] <+frauf> dude

[18:42.32] <+frauf> what do you think eViLc|0Wn?

[18:42.45] <+frauf> you only do what you want to see

[18:42.48] <+frauf> youre a fucking atrocity eViLc|0Wn

[18:42.51] <+frauf> it requires more or less

[18:42.53] <+frauf> a complete fuck out

[18:42.54] <+frauf> and parlaysis

[18:42.56] <+frauf> to keep them busy long enough

[18:42.59] <+frauf> to try and sell your shit

[18:43.04] <+frauf> youre an orwellian fever dream

[18:43.09] <+frauf> i had to go drop dead instead

[18:43.13] <+frauf> because you cave in kids faces

[18:43.13] <+frauf> do you get it?

[18:43.17] <+frauf> its how it works

[18:43.19] <+frauf> fundamentally

[18:43.29] <+frauf> what you do to families

[18:43.31] <+frauf> and communities eViLc|0Wn

[18:43.34] <+frauf> until you think its getting serious

[18:45.12] <+frauf> it wasnt fun anymore eViLc|0Wn

[18:46.06] <+frauf> its al ot easier to just go live your life instead with normal things

[18:46.06] <+frauf> eViLc|0Wn

[18:46.10] <+frauf> not your mundane rhetoric

[18:46.12] <+frauf> that is self reliant

[18:46.15] <+frauf> youre an idiot eViLc|0Wn

[18:46.20] <+frauf> you fucked life

[18:46.23] <+frauf> youre a troll

[18:46.42] <+frauf> do you get it

[18:47.36] <@eViLc|0Wn> fraufs mom must have the best nipples ever

[18:47.36] <+frauf> can i go now eViLc|0Wn?

[18:47.39] <+frauf> please?

[18:47.42] <+frauf> dude?

[18:47.49] <+Allan_Fudge> do you think frauf still feeds?

[18:47.53] <@eViLc|0Wn> your like my stupid daughter frauf...

[18:47.55] <+frauf> you won eViLc|0Wn

[18:48.02] <+frauf> dude

[18:48.03] <+frauf> you know you?

[18:48.21] <@eViLc|0Wn> you had it all... you fucked it over, fucked it off. peed on it and then go complaing you want it back

[18:48.54] <+frauf> well

[18:48.57] <+frauf> i did tell you my story right

[18:48.58] <+frauf> eViLc|0Wn

[18:49.09] <+frauf> so you know you?

[18:49.16] <+frauf> so you make decisions

[18:49.16] <+frauf> eViLc|0Wn

[18:49.19] <+frauf> do you get this?

[18:49.28] <+frauf> ever felt like another

[18:49.30] <+frauf> face in the crowd

[18:49.31] <+frauf> eViLc|0Wn?

[18:49.41] <+frauf> i had it all in theory

[18:49.41] <+frauf> sure

[18:49.43] <+frauf> it looked good

[18:49.43] <+frauf> but

[18:49.45] <+frauf> you know you eViLc|0Wn?

[18:49.49] <+frauf> that sinking feeling

[18:49.52] <+frauf> that you know its just

[18:49.52] <+frauf> not happening?

[18:50.17] <+frauf> so thats you eViLc|0Wn

[18:50.19] <+frauf> do you get it?

[18:50.24] <+frauf> you make poeple retarded

[18:50.26] <+frauf> and call it free will

[18:50.28] <+frauf> and measure success

[18:50.33] <+frauf> you see an opportunity

[18:50.34] <+frauf> you won a long time ago

[18:50.41] <+frauf> 15 years ago

[18:50.42] <+frauf> dead set

[18:50.43] <+frauf> remember?

[18:50.50] <+frauf> wanna think about in theory

[18:50.56] <+frauf> what it might feel like to have a bedrock?

[18:50.56] <@eViLc|0Wn> and thats why i said to just ignore frauf levity

[18:51.00] <+frauf> why do you they call it a bedrock

[18:51.01] <+frauf> eViLc|0Wn?

[18:51.09] <@eViLc|0Wn> he cant form a paragraph or a single thought

[18:51.47] <@eViLc|0Wn> and thinks hes some leet hacker who can burn any dvd with a laptop and 5 hahahaha remote drives

[18:51.53] <+frauf> so you won!

[18:51.57] <+frauf> so i wanted space

[18:52.00] <+frauf> from my ucomfortable family

[18:52.04] <+frauf> id be the kind to go off and do my own thing

[18:52.05] <+frauf> instead

[18:52.05] <@eViLc|0Wn> i did not win, you let me with that picture

[18:52.09] <@eViLc|0Wn> omg!!!

[18:52.10] <+frauf> not sharing

[18:52.11] <+frauf> bullshit

[18:52.13] <+frauf> with extended family

[18:52.15] <+frauf> absolutely not

[18:52.17] <+frauf> i dont even wanna share

[18:52.32] <+frauf> wiht y immediate family

[18:52.32] <@eViLc|0Wn> you do prove others can be stupid

[18:52.32] <+frauf> id go do my own thing

[18:52.32] <+frauf> so you keep on going

[18:52.32] <+frauf> eViLc|0W

[18:52.32] <+frauf> i dont give a fuck

[18:52.32] <+frauf> id diffuse

[18:52.33] <+frauf> and go live my life instead

[18:52.35] <+frauf> adult life now eViLc|0Wn

[18:52.37] <+frauf> it should be a lot easier

[18:52.42] <+frauf> it looks like people are addicted to the ner ner

[18:52.43] <+frauf> you know the ner ner?

[18:52.45] <@eViLc|0Wn> id love to see you burn 5 dvds attched to usb via laptop

[18:52.47] <+frauf> you win

[18:52.48] <+Allan_Fudge> *fart*

[18:52.49] <+frauf> i want closure

[18:53.00] <+frauf> not a ner ner

[18:53.00] <+frauf> and be paralysed

[18:53.00] <+frauf> you fucked life

[18:53.00] <+frauf> eViLc|0Wn

[18:53.00] <+frauf> do you get it?

[18:53.09] <@eViLc|0Wn> oh now its my fault... your a fraud

[18:53.28] <@eViLc|0Wn> "fraud protection seminar cancled: no refunds"

[18:53.37] <@eViLc|0Wn> thank you levity. that came in handy

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