

  HAHA I MADE IT:  wanna do it?
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  what   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  yeah, i know i sound desperate...but i havent scored in like a year..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ive been supposedely holding out for a relationship, but everyone thinks im crazy..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  hey, im only human
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  and u want me to do it with you   
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  no fucking way   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  just an experiment, its all a numbers game..just playing the odds..
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  no thats okay  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  hey, if i send you my story about how i took off walking to the west coast from sa with no money, would you read it?
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  i dont know
 HAHA I MADE IT:  its really interesting, so ive been told..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  just harmless text.
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  ok fine   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, let me know..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  honesty is the best policy, right
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  yeah   
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  so be honest with me   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  im an open book
 HAHA I MADE IT:  literally, im writing a book about my odyssey..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i had my mini cassette recorder with me the whole time..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i logged the whole experience..
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  are u really desperate or is that just a way to meet people
 HAHA I MADE IT:  easiest book in the world to write, i just had to let shit happen
 HAHA I MADE IT:  like i said, its one of my experiments...just trying to prove that it doesnt hurt to ask..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ya never know..i might find a chick whos in the mood too and doestn wanna hassle with a relationship..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  hey, we're only human right
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  right   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  now, im not saying i would fuck just anyone..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  im just setting the pretense for the meeting, in the end, i would still have to be attracted to the person somewhat
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  in what way
 HAHA I MADE IT:  just overall..
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  in the physical and personality sense   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  personality can shape physical attraction..
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  so what r u saying looks dont matter to u   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  like, i might not think a girl is that physically attractive..but if shes got an attractive mind, it makes a huge difference..
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  oh   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  dont get me wrong, if i meet up with a girl and i really dig her, ill pursue something more than sex..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and itd be kinda cool to know first-hand we are compatible sexually
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  ok dude
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i was in a 4 year relationship..i know for a fact theres a difference between just fucking and making love..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  as cheesy as that sounds..
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  ok so wich one do u prefer   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  if i had the choice, the latter..but you have to have a certain synchronicity with someone..that you cant find just anywhere..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and its even more rare to come across someone you click with like that on aol
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  whose that   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  whos who?
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  the part when you said that it is even more rare to find a person on aol that you click with   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i didnt have any particular person in mind when i said that..
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  oh okay make me feel like a dumb ass you could have atleast made something up so i wont feel so fucking stupid
 HAHA I MADE IT:  please dont get offended.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i didnt mean anything by that..
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  its okay   
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  so how old r u   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  im 25..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and ive gotten in the habit of not making stuff up, ever
 HAHA I MADE IT:  like i said, honesty is the best policy
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  thats good to hear   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  if you dont lie, you dont have to remember shit
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  that is true   
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  so victor   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  yes?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  lori
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  what other adventures have u been on   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ill show you
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  how   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  gotmail
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  dude that is not showing me that is telling me   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  well, its kinda hard to show anyone anything on aol..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  if i wouldve had a camera, then maybe
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  well u see u just lied to me   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  but, i like drawing pictures with words..
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  just kidding dude
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  take a joke please
 HAHA I MADE IT:  if you want a challenge, try to offend me
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  i will read it later if u dont mind   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  sure, at your discretion..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i got lots more stuff
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  alright i love people that put up a fight
 HAHA I MADE IT:  really, i hate fighting
 HAHA I MADE IT:  im pretty passive, unless it means a lot to me..
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  i did not mean it that way   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  how old are you anyway lori?
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  i am only 18   
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  but u kept writing to me so i had to talk to u   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  hey, i didnt twist your arm..
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  no but you kept pushing the send button   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  so do you
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  okay  fine bye   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  sorry if i pissed you off..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  or are you joking again?
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  dude take a joke  you need to calm down alittle
 HAHA I MADE IT:  well, its hard to note sarcasm on aol..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  hehe
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  well that is me i am nothing but sarcasm so deal with it   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ok, i love a sense of humor
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  ok   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  people always take shit way too seriously
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and worry about stupid shit
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  yeah your one of them
 HAHA I MADE IT:  how do you know im not being sarcastic when you think im being serious?
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  because    
 HAHA I MADE IT:  hey, do you burn?
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  what   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ok, let me be politically-correct..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  do you smoke marijuana?
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  no i dont smoke    
 HAHA I MADE IT:  come on, everyone else is doing it..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  dont you wanna be cool??
 HAHA I MADE IT:  well damn, i was gonna go score a blunt and i dont like to toke by myself..ill find somebody though
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  and if everyone else was jumping off a fucking bridge you want me to go fucking stand in line well sorry i am a leader not a follower   
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  well go ahead and findsombody i aint fucking stoping you   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  lol and you think i take things seriously
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  shutup that wasnt funny   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  hahaha
 HAHA I MADE IT:  haha you should be a canadian!
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  what   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ta tung ching
 HAHA I MADE IT:  get it? canadian, comedian
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  okay whatever   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  see, now youve left me wondering about your attitude now..
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  what do u mean
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i think, "she just told me she's always sarcastic, but she doesnt put a hehe or a smiley face after what she says, so hmm, i just dont know"
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  dude you dont need to know because it just is not important   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  yeah youre right..fuck it
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  so ur mad at me now   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  argh
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i hate you
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  okay bye that is all i wanted to know   
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  were u serious when u said that   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  no, i wouldnt give you that honor..
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  oky so what is ur answer yes or no   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  no, i wasnt being serious..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i was just kidding
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  okay   
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  well dude i will talk to u laterz hopefully i am going to sign off now   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ok lori, have a great sunday
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and drive carefully, if you do
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  okay  u to victor   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  peace sister
 WlDrOcKaNgEl69:  bye

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