


Austin, TX

Thursday January 2, 2004

     10:37am  Me and Amanda stayed at her grandma's house last night. Last night was kind of weird. Her grandma was all talking on the phone with someone, like in her car as we drove, with us right next to her she tells the person, "Oh yeah, Amanda found a friend and she's real attracted to him. He's a real cool guy." I thought, "Damn, I wonder how uncomfortable Amanda feels right now." How untacful(if that's a word) of this senile old lady. Amanda cut in and told her grandma, "We're just friends."
                     I slept in the same bed with Amanda last night. In this big bed upstairs. Her grandma slept in the recliner downstairs. It was weird. We slept there on our corresponding side. I thought to myself, "Man, it would be really cool if I could cuddle with Amanda." No strings, no sex, just cuddling. This morning I woke up and was really fighting with the urge to just come out and ask her, "I don't suppose you would want to safely cuddle?" I didn't have the balls to ask, though.
                     Her grandma just took off. I don't know what we are going to do. Oh yeah, I lost my CD's and tapes and my microcassettes. I thought maybe I took them out at Louis' last night when I emptied out my bag to show the pictures of the barn in Arcata. I woke up at like 7:45am this morning. I told Amanda's grandma about it and she called Louis. He said they weren't there. Damnit, if I lost my microcassettes and CD case I'd be taking such a huge hit. Not only would I be losing all my text files, but I would also be losing all my recent loggings. So much wasted history. I hadn't backed up the CD's, like I should have right when I got to Sam's. That's all my files. I'm screwed. I am really hoping that I just left the cassettes and CD spool at Sam's.

     11:47am  I'm walking around in grandma's condo. There's a quote here on a table that says, "People may doubt what you say, but they will always believe what you do." That's damn good.

     12: 50pm  Dee, Amanda's grandma came home. She brought home presents. She gave us these two pre-paid Visa card with twenty bucks on them each. That's cool. That's very generous of her.

     2:57pm  Remember to add into my whole pirated software script, "Pirated software is there for the taking."

                    Be sure to remember, "I'm a designer. I design my own reality."

     4:16pm  Grandma just hooked me up with fifty dollars! Amanda too. Spending cash for when Amanda and I go out to 6th Street tonight.

     6:55pm  Amanda and I had a big, long boring day at her grandma's house. We spent the whole day packing. We went over to the house she's moving in, like two blocks away from her condo. We helped these people that lived on the opposite side of the nice duplex. We helped them rake leaves and stuff. Then we ate. We ate some microwave meals, and now we're going to go hang out at the bars. 6th Street. She's going to show me Austin.

                   Oww! My tooth hurts.

     7:15pm  We just got off the 333 bus. We're going to the house Amanda lives at.

                    Okay, I didn't record for the rest of the day. Amanda and I ended up driving over to the house where she crashes at. She lives there for free. It's this big family with all these kids. The house is upside down and real trashy. They have tons of pets. The place kind of stunk. We ended up back at her grandma's condo again. We didn't even go to 6th Street.

Next day..

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