


Austin to San Antonio, TX

Saturday January 3, 2004

     10:12am  I was helping Amanda packing and these two mover guys showed up. I told them about my plan, gave them my mission objectives. They just offered to smoke me out! They said they had enough for a blunt. I had given the dude a hit earlier. They said they needed a cigar. So I offered to walk to the store and buy it. Now we're smoking.

                     On the clock.

                     Cool, and they're hooking me up with a little weed. Hey, what were your names again? Scott and what?

                     Scott and his friend, hehe.

     9:07pm  Man, what a distressing time I've had. We had this big lazy day at her grandma's helping her move again. I didn't get anything done. I didn't get to see Austin at all. We just stayed at her grandma's house all day. So now I'm at the Greyhound station. They didn't ended up not going to Mexico. With the money grandma had given me at first, which I don't have that much of anymore, she gave me fifty dollars at first, I bought my $13.75 bus ticket back to San Antonio. Man, I am deathly afraid I left my CD's and tapes at that guy Louis' house, and he didn't give them back because I told him about my mission and he doesn't want me to succeed. I was so scared. I don't think I've backed up my files. All the time I've been working on this mission before this last time I took off. I mean, I had backed them up, but those were the backups. I am really hoping I left it at Sam's. Man, I'm just terrified.

                     It sucks. I didn't get to tell my stories to anyone in Austin. Well, I told the movers my stuff and they believed me. We smoked and everything. God-damn, I'm terrified.

                     Man, why is everybody in such a hurry to die???

     10:52pm  I just got back to San Antonio. Hopefully I didn't miss the last bus.

     11:37pm  Finally, the last 92 lineup bus.

     11:55pm  I just got dropped off in front of Sam's. I really, really hope my CD's and cassettes are there.

                     Kickass!! I went up to Sam's and knocked on the door. He had been sleeping, so he just lay back down. I whispered, "Hey Sam, did I leave my CD's and tapes here?" He said yes! Hooray!

Next day..

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